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The determination of protein-protein interactions is becoming more and more important in the molecular analysis of signal transduction chains. To this purpose the application of a manageable and simple assay in an appropriate biological system is of major concern. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) is a novel method to analyze protein-protein interactions in vivo. The assay is based on the observation that N- and C-terminal subfragments of the yellow-fluorescent protein (YFP) can only reconstitute a functional fluorophore when they are brought into tight contact. Thus, proteins can be fused to the YFP subfragments and the interaction of the fusion proteins can be monitored by epifluorescence microscopy. Pairs of interacting proteins were tested after transient cotransfection in etiolated mustard seedlings, which is a well characterized plant model system for light signal transduction. BiFC could be demonstrated with the F-box protein EID1 (empfindlicher im dunkelroten Licht 1) and the Arabidopsis S-phase kinase-related protein 1 (ASK1). The interaction of both proteins was specific and strictly dependent on the presence of an intact F-box domain. Our studies also demonstrate that etiolated mustard seedlings provide a versatile transient assay system to study light-induced subcellular localization events.  相似文献   


Protein–protein interactions play fundamental roles in most biological processes. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) is a promising method for its simplicity and direct visualization of protein–protein interactions in cells. This method, however, is limited by background fluorescence that appears without specific interaction between the proteins. We report here a point mutation (V150L) in one Venus BiFC fragment that efficiently decreases background fluorescence of BiFC assay. Furthermore, by combining this modified BiFC and linear expression cassette (LEC), we develop a simple and rapid method (LEC–BiFC) for protein interaction analysis that is demonstrated by a case study of the interaction between Bcl–XL and Bak BH3 peptide. The total analysis procedure can be completed in two days for screening tens of mutants. LEC–BiFC can be applied easily in any lab equipped with a fluorescence microscope.  相似文献   

NSC 333003 has been identified from the NCI Diversity Set as an inhibitor of the MDM2-p53 protein–protein interaction by in silico docking (virtual screening). Its potency and chemical characteristics render it well suited for lead optimization studies that can result in more potent analogs with improved drug-like properties. Its synthesis was achieved using an acid catalyzed condensation reaction from commercially available benzothiazole hydrazine and pyridyl phenyl ketone in refluxing methanol. Stereochemical implications for this compound are described.  相似文献   

Identification of inhibitors for protein–protein interactions (PPIs) from high-throughput screening (HTS) is challenging due to the weak affinity of primary hits. We present a hit validation strategy of PPI inhibitors using quantitative ligand displacement assay. From an HTS for Bcl-xL/Mcl-1 inhibitors, we obtained a hit candidate, I1, which potentially forms a reactive Michael acceptor, I2, inhibiting Bcl-xL/Mcl-1 through covalent modification. We confirmed rapid reversible and competitive binding of I1 with a probe peptide, suggesting non-covalent binding. The advantages of our approach over biophysical assays include; simplicity, higher throughput, low protein consumption and universal application to PPIs including insoluble membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Under stressful conditions, the non-model marine microalga Tetraselmis subcordiformis can accumulate a substantial amount of starch, making it a potential feedstock for the production of fuel ethanol. Investigating the interactions of the enzymes and the regulatory factors involved in starch metabolism will provide potential genetic manipulation targets for optimising the starch productivity of T. subcordiformis. For this reason, the proteome of T. subcordiformis was utilised to predict the first protein–protein interaction (PPI) network for this marine alga based on orthologous interactions, mainly from the general PPI repositories. Different methods were introduced to evaluate the credibility of the predicted interactome, including the confidence value of each PPI pair and Pfam-based and subcellular location-based enrichment analysis. Functional subnetworks analysis suggested that the two enzymes involved in starch metabolism, starch phosphorylase and trehalose-phosphate synthase may be the potential ideal genetic engineering targets.  相似文献   

Methods to determine periodicity in protein sequences are useful for inferring function. Fourier transformation is one approach but care is required to ensure the periodicity is genuine. Here we have shown that empirically-derived statistical tables can be used as a measure of significance. Genuine protein sequences data rather than randomly generated sequences were used as the statistical backdrop. The method has been applied to G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) sequences, by Fourier transformation of hydrophobicity values, codon frequencies and the extent of over-representation of codon pairs; the latter being related to translational step times. Genuine periodicity was observed in the hydrophobicity whereas the apparent periodicity (as inferred from previously reported measures) in the translation step times was not validated statistically. GCR2 has recently been proposed as the plant GPCR receptor for the hormone abscisic acid. It has homology to the Lanthionine synthetase C-like family of proteins, an observation confirmed by fold recognition. Application of the Fourier transform algorithm to the GCR2 family revealed strongly predicted seven fold periodicity in hydrophobicity, suggesting why GCR2 has been reported to be a GPCR, despite negative indications in most transmembrane prediction algorithms. The underlying multiple sequence alignment, also required for the Fourier transform analysis of periodicity, indicated that the hydrophobic regions around the 7 GXXG motifs commence near the C-terminal end of each of the 7 inner helices of the alpha-toroid and continue to the N-terminal region of the helix. The results clearly explain why GCR2 has been understandably but erroneously predicted to be a GPCR.  相似文献   

Pseudo contact shifts (PCSs) induced by paramagnetic lanthanide ions fixed in a protein frame provide long-range distance and angular information, and are valuable for the structure determination of protein-protein and protein-ligand complexes. We have been developing a lanthanide-binding peptide tag (hereafter LBT) anchored at two points via a peptide bond and a disulfide bond to the target proteins. However, the magnetic susceptibility tensor displays symmetry, which can cause multiple degenerated solutions in a structure calculation based solely on PCSs. Here we show a convenient method for resolving this degeneracy by changing the spacer length between the LBT and target protein. We applied this approach to PCS-based rigid body docking between the FKBP12-rapamycin complex and the mTOR FRB domain, and demonstrated that degeneracy could be resolved using the PCS restraints obtained from two-point anchored LBT with two different spacer lengths. The present strategy will markedly increase the usefulness of two-point anchored LBT for protein complex structure determination.  相似文献   

Residues in a protein–protein interface that are important for forming and stabilizing the interaction can usually be identified by looking at patterns of evolutionary conservation in groups of homologous proteins and also by the computational identification of binding hotspots. The PRICE (PRotein Interface Conservation and Energetics) server takes the coordinates of a protein–protein complex, dissects the interface into core and rim regions, and calculates (1) the degree of conservation (measured as the sequence entropy), as well as (2) the change in free energy of binding (∆∆G, due to alanine scanning mutagenesis) of interface residues. Results are displayed as color-coded plots and also made available for download. This enables the computational identification of binding hot spots, based on which further experiments can be designed. The method will aid in protein functional prediction by correct assignment of hot regions involved in binding. Consideration of sequence entropies for residues with large ∆∆G values may provide an indication of the biological relevance of the interface. Finally, the results obtained on a test set of alanine mutants has been compared to those obtained using other servers/methods. The PRICE server is a web application available at .  相似文献   

A gene coding for a barley CMd protein was isolated from a genomic library using a cDNA probe encoding the wheat CM3 protein. Promoter sequence analysis reveals motifs found in genes specifically expressed in endosperm and aleurone cells, as well as TATA and other putative functional boxes. 720 bp of the Hv85.1 CMd protein gene promoter, when fused to a gus coding region, were unable to direct GUS activity in the seeds of transgenic tobacco plants. In contrast, the same construction delivered into immature maize kernels by microprojectile bombardment was able to direct expression of GUS in the outermost cell layers of maize endosperm in both a tissue-specific and a developmentally determined manner.  相似文献   

A citric acid-producing strain of Aspergillus niger, grown on olive cake-based medium, was able to solubilize rock phosphate. Solubilization of insoluble phosphate increased during the solid-state fermentation process, reaching a maximum of 164μg/ml. Various combinations of olive cake and rock phosphate, previously treated or untreated by the fungus, were introduced into a calcareous, phosphorus (P)-deficient soil to improve the growth of Trifolium repens in a greenhouse experiment. Synergistic action of both the filamentous and arbuscular fungi caused considerable improvement of growth and plant P uptake. Greater growth and P uptake of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants were achieved when microbe-treated olive cake and rock phosphate were applied to soil compared with all other treatments.  相似文献   

A citric acid-producing strain of Aspergillus niger, grown on olive cake-based medium, was able to solubilize rock phosphate. Solubilization of insoluble phosphate increased during the solid-state fermentation process, reaching a maximum of 164g/ml. Various combinations of olive cake and rock phosphate, previously treated or untreated by the fungus, were introduced into a calcareous, phosphorus (P)-deficient soil to improve the growth of Trifolium repens in a greenhouse experiment. Synergistic action of both the filamentous and arbuscular fungi caused considerable improvement of growth and plant P uptake. Greater growth and P uptake of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants were achieved when microbe-treated olive cake and rock phosphate were applied to soil compared with all other treatments.  相似文献   

Emergent hydrophytes Acorus calamus, Typha latifolia, and Phragmites karka and epiphytic root bacteria isolated from their rhizoplanes were exposed to atrazine (5 and 10 mg l?1) individually and in plant-bacterium combination for 15 days hydroponically. It was observed that A. calamus-Pseudomonas sp. strain, the ACB combination, was best in decontamination, showing 91% and 87% removal of 5 and 10 mg l?1 atrazine. Plant-bacterium association led to significant increase in atrazine decontamination as compared to decontamination by either plant or bacterium alone, indicating a synergistic action of the hydrophytes and isolates which led to enhanced atrazine removal. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on the potential of plant–bacterium combinations for atrazine decontamination. The isolates showed augmented growth in the presence of plants and were able to alleviate atrazine stress in them. These isolates exhibited plant growth-promoting traits such as auxin, siderophore, Poly(3–hydroxybutyric acid)/succinogycan, ammonia, catalase production and solubilization of inorganic phosphate in vitro. The use of plant-bacterium mutualistic symbiosis for atrazine mitigation is a relatively simple, inexpensive, and clean technique and this phytoremediation-rhizoremediation combination is suggested to be tried on field to establish their potential for clean-up of contaminated sites.  相似文献   

We present the oldest report of Mariusia andegavensis Pons and Boureau that also constitutes the first evidence of this taxon from the Albian deposits of the Iberian Peninsula (Escucha locality, northeastern Spain). The examined fossil fungi consist of four in situ aligned stromata on the stem of a cheirolepidiacean Frenelopsis sp. cf. F. turolensis Gómez from the late-middle Albian Escucha Formation. Another occurrence of this taxon in this area consists of dispersed fungi from the latest Albian Transitional Marls Unit above the Utrillas Formation at Fuente del Vaso. This study documents the oldest known occurrence of these fungi, that in our case, is aligned on stems rather than a randomly distribution on leaves, as previously reported in Cenomanian deposits of France. This arrangement of fruiting bodies in the studied specimens is best explained by a plant–arthropod interaction involving subsequent invasion by a fungus.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and accurate liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method has been developed and validated for the determination of mildronate in human plasma. Following a simple protein precipitation with methanol, the analyte was separated on a C18 column by isocratic elution with methanol and 10 mM ammonium acetate (55:45; v/v), and then analyzed by mass spectrometry in the positive ion MRM mode. Good linearity was achieved over a wide range of 0.01–20 μg/mL. The intra- and inter-batch precisions (as RSD, %) were less than 7.1%. The average extraction recovery was 87.5%. The method described above has been used, for the first time, to reveal the pharmacokinetics of mildronate injection in healthy subjects. After single intravenously administration of 250, 500 and 1000 mg mildronate, the elimination half-life (t1/2) were (5.56 ± 1.55), (6.46 ± 1.07) and (6.55 ± 1.17) h, respectively. The Student–Newman–Keuls test results showed that peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve from time 0 to 24 h (AUC0–24) were both linearly related to dose. The pharmacokinetics of mildronate fitted the linear dynamic feature over the dose range studied. The essential pharmacokinetic parameters of multidoses administration intravenously (500 mg, b.i.d) were as follows: t1/2 was (15.34 ± 3.14) h; Cmax was (25.50 ± 3.63) μg/mL; AUC0–24 was (58.56 ± 5.57) mg h/L. The t1/2 and AUC of multidoses administration intravenously were different from those of single-dose administration significantly. These findings suggested that accumulation of mildronate in plasma occurred.  相似文献   

In natural forests, hundreds of fungal species colonize plant roots. The preference or specificity for partners in these symbiotic relationships is a key to understanding how the community structures of root‐associated fungi and their host plants influence each other. In an oak‐dominated forest in Japan, we investigated the root‐associated fungal community based on a pyrosequencing analysis of the roots of 33 plant species. Of the 387 fungal taxa observed, 153 (39.5%) were identified on at least two plant species. Although many mycorrhizal and root‐endophytic fungi are shared between the plant species, the five most common plant species in the community had specificity in their association with fungal taxa. Likewise, fungi displayed remarkable variation in their association specificity for plants even within the same phylogenetic or ecological groups. For example, some fungi in the ectomycorrhizal family Russulaceae were detected almost exclusively on specific oak (Quercus) species, whereas other Russulaceae fungi were found even on “non‐ectomycorrhizal” plants (e.g., Lyonia and Ilex). Putatively endophytic ascomycetes in the orders Helotiales and Chaetothyriales also displayed variation in their association specificity and many of them were shared among plant species as major symbionts. These results suggest that the entire structure of belowground plant–fungal associations is described neither by the random sharing of hosts/symbionts nor by complete compartmentalization by mycorrhizal type. Rather, the colonization of multiple types of mycorrhizal fungi on the same plant species and the prevalence of diverse root‐endophytic fungi may be important features of belowground linkage between plant and fungal communities.  相似文献   

Otilonium bromide (OB) degrades rapidly in plasma and readily undergoes hydrolysis by the plasma esterase. In this paper, an LC–ESI-MS method has been developed for the determination of OB in human plasma. The rapid degradation of OB in plasma was well prevented by immediate addition of potassium fluoride (KF, an inhibitor of plasma esterase) to the freshly collected plasma before prompt treatment with acetonitrile. The method was validated over the concentration range of 0.1–20 ng/ml. The data of intra-run and inter-run precision and accuracy were within ±15%. The mean extraction recoveries for OB and the internal standard were higher than 93.0% and the matrix effects were negligible. The method has been successfully used in a pharmacokinetic study.  相似文献   

In a previous paper [Bedoussac L, Justes E (2009) Plant Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-009-0082-2], we showed that intercropping of durum wheat and winter pea increased the yield and protein concentration of durum wheat when early N availability was less than 120 kg N ha?1. The aim of the present work was to understand these results by analysing intercrop species dynamics for growth, light and N acquisition. A 2-year field experiment was carried out in southwest France with different fertilizer-N levels in order to compare wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) grown as sole crops and as an intercrop in a row substitutive design. The advantages of intercropping in low N conditions were due mainly to: (1) better light use (up to 10%), thanks to species dynamic complementarity for leaf area index and height; (2) growth complementarity over time (higher growth rate of wheat until pea flowering and then of pea until wheat flowering); and (3) dynamic complementary N acquisition associated with better wheat N status throughout growth. Disadvantages, underlining poorer complementarity within the intercrop stand, were observed with ample available N in early growth. This induced higher cereal growth during winter, which led to increase interspecies competition by reducing pea light absorption and, consequently, its biomass production.  相似文献   

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