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To understand the radiation of any higher taxon, it is important to establish the degree to which global diversification may have been associated with, and possibly dependent on, local paleoenvironmental transitions. In this paper, paleoenvironmental changes accompanying the Paleozoic radiation of the Class Bivalvia are evaluated using a literature‐derived, genus‐level data base of 505 Paleozoic benthic marine fossil assemblages, mainly from North America. A series of contoured time‐environment diagrams, constructed to evaluate spatio‐temporal patterns in the Class as a whole and in constituent life habit groupings, reveals that the Paleozoic spatio‐temporal history of bivalves was dynamic. During their initial Ordovician radiation, bivalves quickly became established in both nearshore and offshore settings, although their highest diversities were generally nearshore. As the Paleozoic progressed, their importance in deepwater and carbonate‐rich environments, where they had previously not been of major significance, increased noticeably; elements of these patterns can be recognized in all four major Paleozoic life habit groups. Processes responsible for these spatio‐temporal transitions probably include a complex set of interacting mechanisms not all of which are related to innate biological characteristics of the group.  相似文献   


Because of the uncertain relationship between relative abundance and taxonomic richness, abundance data are potentially critical components in any analysis of faunal dominance within fossil assemblages. However, such data are often not available in the literature. In this paper, relative abundance data collected during field work at 25 Upper Ordovician and 22 Upper Pennsylvanian to mid‐Permian localities are used to evaluate Paleozoic transitions in the environmental distributions of bivalve molluscs. On the basis of multivariate analyses of these data, it is shown that even early in their history, during the Ordovician, bivalves were generally not restricted in abundance to just marginal environments. They apparently thrived in terrigenous—dominated regions, both nearshore and offshore, but were less abundant in carbonate settings. However, by the late Paleozoic, bivalve abundances had increased in some carbonate environments, in part because of the growing abundances of free‐burrowing suspension‐feeders, which had been substantially less abundant even in terrigenous environments earlier in the Paleozoic. The results of this study corroborate those of a companion analysis, using literature‐derived data, of paleoenvironmental diversity transitions exhibited by Paleozoic Bivalvia.  相似文献   

From the earliest observations of deep-sea animals, it was obvious that they differed in many ways from shallower-living relatives. Over the years, there has been speculation that deep-sea animals have unusually low rates of biological activity; numerous adaptive scenarios explaining this have ben offered. However, these speculations and scenarios have rarely been tested due to the difficulty of data collection and the inevitable confounding of a number of major variables which covary with depth. In recent years, study of the metabolic properties of animals of several phyla from widely differing deep-sea habitats, including the hydrthermal vents, has made it possible, using comparative approaches, to test hypotheses concerning the metabolic adaptations of deep-sea animals.  相似文献   

β-Alanine, though producing a deficiency of taurine in the tissues, had a similar effect on cholesterol metabolism as taurine. Both caused increased activity of hepatic hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and increased incorporation of 1, 2 of [14C]-acetate into liver cholesterol. Both caused increased concentration of biliary cholesterol and bile acids. There was increased activity of lipoprotein lipase in heart, but decreased activity in the adipose tissue in both cases. Release of lipoproteins into circulation was decreased in both cases.  相似文献   

Fructose1,6diphosphate (FDP) is a glycolytic intermediate which has been theorized to increase the metabolic activity of ischemic tissues. Here we examine the effects of externally applied FDP on cardiomyocyte uptake and metabolism. Adult rat cardiomyocytes were isolated and exposed to varying concentrations (0, 5, 25 and 50 mM) of FDP for either 1, 16 or 24 h of hypoxia (95% N2/5% CO2), each time period followed by a 1 h reoxygenation (95% air/5% CO2). The uptake of FDP by rat cardiomyocytes was more concentrationdependent than timedependent. Furthermore, the uptake of FDP by the cardiomyocytes was similar in the hypoxia and normoxia treated cells. Alamar Blue, a redox indicator that is sensitive to metabolic activity, was used to monitor the effects of the FDP on cardiomyocyte metabolism. In the 1 h hypoxia or normoxia group, the 5, 10 and 25 mM FDP showed a significant increase in metabolism compared to the control cells. When the length of hypoxia was extended to 16 h, all doses of FDP were greater than control. And at the 24 h hypoxia or normoxia time period, only the 10, 25 and 50 mM FDP groups were greater than control. The results indicate a non-linear trend between the external concentration of FDP and the changes noted in metabolism. The findings from this study indicate that a narrow concentration range between 5–10 mM augments cardiomyocyte metabolism, but higher or lower doses may have little additional affect.  相似文献   

Dystrophin is a cytosolic protein belonging to a membrane-spanning glycoprotein complex, called dystrophin–glycoprotein complex (DGC) that is expressed in many tissues, especially in skeletal muscle and in the nervous system. The DGC connects the cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix and, although none of the proteins of the DGC displays kinase or phosphatase activity, it is involved in many signal transduction pathways. Mutations in some components of the DGC are linked to many forms of inherited muscular dystrophies. In particular, a mutation in the dystrophin gene, leading to a complete loss of the protein, provokes one of the most prominent muscular dystrophies, the Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which affects 1 out of 3500 newborn males. What is observed in these circumstances, is a dramatic alteration of the expression levels of a multitude of metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of extracellular Zn2+-dependent endopeptidases, in particular of MMP-2 and MMP-9, also called gelatinases. Indeed, the enzymatic activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 on dystroglycan, an important member of the DGC, plays a significant role also in physiological processes taking place in the central and peripheral nervous system. This mini-review discusses the role of MMP-2 and MMP-9, in physiological as well as pathological processes involving members of the DGC.  相似文献   


Adenovirus has been used in vivo and in vitro as a vector to carry a foreign gene for gene transfer. Two kinds of replication defective human recombinant adenovirus vectors were used in this study, the first containing β‐galactosidase reporter gene (AdCMVLac‐Z) and the second carrying a gene for porcine leptin gene (AdCMVpLeptin). AdCMVLac‐Z was tested for its ability to transfer DNA into pig kidney and pituitary cells. These cells expressed Lac‐Z transiently 48 hours after the infection. In addition, when the pig kidney cells expressing the Lac‐Z were replated with low density for the formation of colonies from each cell, colonies of blue cells expressing Lac‐Z were observed. These results demonstrate that human recombinant adenovirus can be used as a transducing viral vector for inducing long‐term expression in pig kidney cells. We also constructed a recombinant adenovirus (AdCMVpLeptin) which contained a pig leptin gene for the expression of pig leptin in vitro in the 293 human kidney cell line. 293 cells transfected with AdCMVpLeptin produced both a 15 KDa of a secretory form of porcine leptin and an 18 KDa long form containing signal peptide. Our study demonstrated that the recombinant adenovirus system offers a method for gene transfer and expression in pig cells.  相似文献   

Short‐chain fatty acids (SCFA), viz. acetate, propionate and butyrate are quantitatively important substrates in ruminant energy metabolism. In the reviewed literature, 16–44% of ME intake was recovered as portal appearance of SCFA. This is considerably lower than expected when related to the estimated intra‐gastric flux of SCFA. The discrepancy is caused by portal drained viscera metabolism of arterially abundant metabolites e.g., acetate and the metabolism of acetate and butyrate to acetoacetate and D‐3‐hydroxybu‐tyrate in the absorptive epithelia. Even though considerable variations between experiments on acetate and propionate appearance are found, there seems to be a great deal of evidence that the proportion of gastroin‐testinally produced acetate and propionate absorbed to the portal blood is 50–75%. The portal recovery of butyrate has been found to be between 10 and 36% dependent on intraruminal infusion rate.

It is concluded that major parts of acetate and propionate are directly absorbed to the portal vein. The true absorption rate of acetate can only be estimated by taking the portal drained viscera metabolism of arterial actetate into account. Butyrate is generally found to have a low recovery in the portal vein, but the production of D‐3‐hydroxybutyrate seems to be underestimated in major parts of the literature. It is therefore necessary to measure portal appearance as well as portal drained viscera metabolism to assess the quantitative as well as the qualitative contribution of SCFA and SCFA metabolites to whole animal metabolism.  相似文献   


The effects of narcosis and of telemetry transmitter implantation on core temperature and locomotor activity were investigated in female laboratory mice of various age (3, 15 and 52 weeks old). Following surgery a transient hypothermia was observed. The body temperatures measured 30 min after beginning of narcosis were lower in juvenile and in presenile mice (29.6° ±0.8°C resp. 30.0° ±0.2°C) than in adult animals (31.9° ±0.3°C). The following temperature increase was fastest in juvenile mice. Normal body temperature was reached after 6h 20’ already. Adult and presenile mice needed 8h 30’ resp. 7h 30’. The temperature increase seemed to be independent from activity behaviour of the animals. No substantial differences could be obtained whether the transmitters had room or body temperature before implantation and whether the animals were warmed after surgery by an infrared bulb or not. Probably, the temperature increase depended mainly on the elimination rate of the drug.

Normal circadian core temperature and activity rhythms reappeared on average within 5–6 days in juvenile mice and a little faster in adult (4–5 days) as well as in presenile ones (3–4 days). However, interindividual differences in recovery time were more pronounced than age‐dependent variations.

Circadian core temperature and activity patterns were quite similar in all three age classes investigated. Ontogenetic differences concern, besides changes in daily mean values, mainly a temperature amplitude increasing with age, as well as a high percentage of ultradian components in the activity pattern of juvenile mice compared to older ones.

Telemetry systems are widely used for long‐term measurements of core temperature in laboratory animals (Clement et al., 1989; Refinetti and Menaker, 1992). In our investigations of ontogenetic changes of the circadian temperature and activity rhythms in mice we used an integrated telemetry and data acquisition system (Dataquest, Data Sciences Inc., USA). It comprises implantable wireless transmitters, telemetry receivers, a consolidation matrix and a data acquisition system. The aim of a preliminary study was to analyse the effects of narcosis and transmitter implantation. The time required to recover normal values of body temperature and of locomotor activity as well as normal circadian rhythms was determined, considering also ontogenetic variations.  相似文献   

Summary The present study addresses the controversy of whether the reduction in energy metabolism during torpor in endotherms is strictly a physical effect of temperature (Q10) or whether it involves an additional metabolic inhibition. Basal metabolic rates (BMR; measured as oxygen consumption, ), metabolic rates during torpor, and the corresponding body temperatures (T b) in 68 mammalian and avian species were assembled from the literature (n=58) or determined in the present study (n=10). The Q10 for change in between normothermia and torpor decreased from a mean of 4.1 to 2.8 with decreasingT b from 30 to <10°C in hibernators (species that show prolonged torpor). In daily heterotherms (species that show shallow, daily torpor) the Q10 remained at a constant value of 2.2 asT b decreased. In hibernators with aT b<10°C, the Q10 was inversely related to body mass. The increase of mass-specific metabolic rate with decreasing body mass, observed during normothermia (BMR), was not observed during torpor in hibernators and the slope relating metabolic rate and mass was almost zero. In daily heterotherms, which had a smaller Q10 than the hibernators, no inverse relationship between the Q10 and body mass was observed, and consequently the metabolic rate during torpor at the sameT b was greater than that of hibernators. These findings show that the reduction in metabolism during torpor of daily heterotherms and large hibernators can be explained largely by temperature effects, whereas a metabolic inhibition in addition to temperature effects may be used by small hibernators to reduce energy expenditure during torpor.Abbreviation BMR basal metabolic rate  相似文献   

Gas exchange in K. blossfeldiana shows a circadian rhythm in net CO2 uptake and transpiration when measured under low and medium irradiances. The period length varies between 21.4 h at 60 W m-2 and 24.0 h at 10 W m-2. In bright light (80 W m-2) or darkness there are no rhythms. High leaf temperatures result in a fast dampening of the CO2-uptake rhythm at moderate irradiances, but low leaf temperatures can not overcome the dampening in bright light. The rhythm in CO2 uptake is accompanied by a less pronounced and more rapidly damped rhythm in transpiration and by oscillations in malate levels with the amplitude being highly reduced. The oscillations in starch content, usually observed to oscillate inversely to the acidification in light-dark cycles, disappear after the first cycle in continuous light. The balance between starch and malate levels depends in continuous light on the irradiance applied. Leaves show high malate and low starch content at low irradiance and high starch and low malate in bright light. During the first 12 h in continuous light replacing the usual dark period, malate synthesis decreases with the increasing irradiance. Up to 50 W m-2 starch content decreases; at higher irradiances it increases above the values usually measured at the end of the light period of the 12:12 h light-dark cycle.Abbreviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - FW fresh weight - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate  相似文献   

The discovery of the human homologue of the thermogenic protein UCP1, named uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3), boosted research on the role of this skeletal muscle protein in energy metabolism and body weight regulation. Nowadays, 9 years after its discovery emerging data indicate that the primary physiological role of UCP3 may be the mitochondrial handling of fatty acids rather than regulating energy expenditure via thermogenesis. UCP3 has been proposed to export fatty acid anions or fatty acid peroxides away from the matrix-side of the mitochondrial inner membrane to prevent their deleterious accumulation. In this way, UCP3 could protect mitochondria against lipid-induced oxidative mitochondrial damage, a function especially important under conditions of high fatty acid supply to skeletal muscle mitochondria. Such function may be clinically relevant in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, a condition characterized by muscular fat accumulation, mitochondrial damage and low levels of UCP3.  相似文献   

Inositol pyrophosphates have emerged as important regulators of many critical cellular processes from vesicle trafficking and cytoskeletal rearrangement to telomere length regulation and apoptosis. We have previously demonstrated that 5-di-phosphoinositol pentakisphosphate, IP7, is at a high level in pancreatic β-cells and is important for insulin exocytosis. To better understand IP7 regulation in β-cells, we used an insulin secreting cell line, HIT-T15, to screen a number of different pharmacological inhibitors of inositide metabolism for their impact on cellular IP7. Although the inhibitors have diverse targets, they all perturbed IP7 levels. This made us suspicious that indirect, off-target effects of the inhibitors could be involved. It is known that IP7 levels are decreased by metabolic poisons. The fact that the inositol hexakisphosphate kinases (IP6Ks) have a high Km for ATP makes IP7 synthesis potentially vulnerable to ATP depletion. Furthermore, many kinase inhibitors are targeted to the ATP binding site of kinases, but given the similarity of such sites, high specificity is difficult to achieve. Here, we show that IP7 concentrations in HIT-T15 cells were reduced by inhibitors of PI3K (wortmannin, LY294002), PI4K (Phenylarsine Oxide, PAO), PLC (U73122) and the insulin receptor (HNMPA). Each of these inhibitors also decreased the ATP/ADP ratio. Thus reagents that compromise energy metabolism reduce IP7 indirectly. Additionally, PAO, U73122 and LY294002 also directly inhibited the activity of purified IP6K. These data are of particular concern for those studying signal transduction in pancreatic β-cells, but also highlight the fact that employment of these inhibitors could have erroneously suggested the involvement of key signal transduction pathways in various cellular processes. Conversely, IP7’s role in cellular signal transduction is likely to have been underestimated.  相似文献   

Kim JH  Cho HT  Kende H 《Planta》2000,212(1):85-92
To investigate the evolutionary history of expansins and their role in cell elongation in early land plants, we isolated two α-expansin genes, Mq-EXP1 and Rd-EXP1, respectively, from the semiaquatic ferns Marsilea quadrifolia L. and Regnellidium diphyllum Lindm. The deduced amino acid sequences of the fern expansins exhibit a high degree of identity to those of seed plants, showing that expansin genes were conserved during the evolution of vascular plants. Gel-blot analysis of M. quadrifolia and R. diphyllum genomic DNA indicated that, in both ferns, α-expansins are encoded by multigene families. Expression of α-expansin genes probed with Mq-EXP1 was confined to the elongating region of the Marsilea rachis. Cell-wall proteins of M.␣quadrifolia induced in-vitro extension of acidified cucumber cell walls. In R. diphyllum, expression of Rd-EXP1 increased when elongation of the rachis was enhanced by submergence or ethylene. These results indicate that α-expansins act as wall-loosening proteins in ferns, as has been proposed for angiosperms. In addition, Rd-EXP1 may play a role in mediating elongation of the rachis in submerged plants. Received: 7 March 2000 / Accepted: 29 April 2000  相似文献   


The circadian rhythms of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were documented in 30 patients for a 24‐hour period before and during the 24 hours that included unilateral surgery for senile cataract or retinal detachment. The patients were premedicated with diazepam. Anaesthesia was induced at a fixed time (09.00) in all patients with thiopentone, and muscle relaxation was with pancuronium. Maintenance was with enflurane in 15 patients and with fentanyl and droperidol in the rest. Though the intraoperative changes in haemodynamic parameters were dissimilar with the two types of maintenance agents, but both types had a similar effect on the circadian rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate. Whereas preoperatively the BP and HR circadian rhythms were nearly in phase, with their peaks in the late morning to early afternoon, the postoperative rhythms underwent a dissociation to a phase shift in the BP 24‐h pattern. The phase effect may be hypothetically attributed to direct pharmacological actions or to masking effects.  相似文献   

Huang J  Hao D  Chen Y  Xu Y  Tan J  Huang Y  Li F  Chen Y 《Peptides》2011,32(7):1488-1495
Enantiomeric amphipathic α-helical antibacterial peptides were synthesized and their biophysical and biological properties under different physiological conditions were studied. In the absence of physiological factors, the l- and d-peptides exhibited similar antimicrobial activities against a broad spectrum of bacteria, even against clinical isolates with resistance to traditional antibiotics. However, in the presence of NaCl, CaCl2 or human serum albumin (HSA) at physiological concentrations, the enantiomers revealed bacterium-species dependent attenuations in antibacterial activity. In the presence of salts the electrostatic interaction between the peptides and the biomembrane was inhibited. Salts, especially CaCl2, weakened the ability of the peptides to permeabilize the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, as determined by a 1-N-phenylnaphthylamine uptake assay. HSA exhibited variable inhibitory effects on the activity of the peptides when incubated with different bacterial strains. The peptides showed different binding association abilities to HSA at different molar ratios, regardless of their chirality, resulting in reduced peptide biological activity. The d-peptide performed better than its l-enantiomer in all conditions tested because of its resistance to proteolysis, and may therefore represent a promising candidate for development as a therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

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