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Summary The distribution of immunoreactive -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH) within the brain of the frog, Rana esculenta, has been studied on adjacent serial sections using an indirect immunofluorescence technique. Immunoreactive cell bodies are found in the anterior part of the preoptic nucleus and in some ventral subependymal cerebrospinal fluid-contacting elements, and in the nucleus infundibularis ventralis. Numerous -MSH-like immunoreactive fibers are present in the preoptic area, in the pars ventralis of the tuber cinereum, and in the outer layer of the median eminence. This staining pattern is completely eliminated after preabsorbing the antiserum with the corresponding antigen, but blocking tests with -MSH-related peptides do not lead to any change in the immunoreaction. From these results it may be inferred that an -MSH-like system is present in the hypothalamic neurosecretory area of R. esculenta, and is probably related to its hypophysiotropic functions.The results are compared to the distribution of -MSH within the hypothalamus of reptiles and mammals.This work was supported by a grant from the M.P.I. (60%)  相似文献   


The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) contain the endogenous mammalian circadian pacemaker, which generates the circadian rhythm in locomotor activity. In Syrian hamsters with free‐running rhythms, the onset of running‐wheel activity is very precise and predictable while the end (offset) is more variable. From the thalamic intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (vLGN) a projection to the SCN originates. Animals with a lesion aimed at the IGL/vLGN and sham‐and unoperated controls were kept in continuous darkness. With linear regression, lines were fitted through 10 successive onsets and offsets of activity and the mean deviation of the onsets and offsets from the fitted lines was determined. Animals with a complete or partial lesion of the IGL/vLGN had a smaller mean deviation of the circadian activity offset from the fitted regression line (0.313 h) compared with the grouped control animals (0.678 h). To test the difference statistically, we compared the sum of the square residuals of the circadian offsets between the groups. This difference was highly significant (F(69,64)=4.16, p<0.0001), which indicates that animals with a lesion of the IGL/ vLGN have a less variable circadian offset of running‐wheel activity. No differences were observed in the variability in the circadian onset of locomotor activity between experimental and control animals. It is concluded that the IGL/vLGN influence the variability of the offset of the circadian running‐wheel activity.  相似文献   

The present study reports the results of a morpho-functional analysis of spleen pigmented cells from Rana esculenta L. and comparison with liver melanin-synthesizing cells, belonging to the macrophage cell lineage. Cytological and cytochemical analyses show that parenchymal pigmented cells of the spleen, like those of the liver, are positive to peroxidase and lipase reactions and have phagocytic properties. The observation of premelanosomes in various stages of differentiation, together with the demonstration of dopa oxidase activity in the melanosome proteins, indicate that spleen pigmented macrophages have endogenous melanogenic ability as do liver pigmented macrophages. Attempts to demonstrate tyrosinehydroxylase activity in melanosome protein extracts from frog spleen and liver, using the same protocol as for mammalian tyrosinases, gave negative results. As regards the dopa oxidase activity revealed, some of its properties differ from the typical behaviour observed for tyrosinases from different sources. Peroxidase activity is shown in spleen and liver melanosome proteins with p-phenylenediamine-pyrocatechol (PPD-PC), and not with typical peroxidase substrates. Suitable inhibition tests revealed that dopa oxidase and peroxidase activities might be supported by two different proteins. Liver melanosome extracts display a very strong laccase (dimethoxyphenoloxidase) activity but spleen extracts do not. Differences observed in the enzymatic properties of the spleen and liver melanosomes suggest that pigmented macrophages may undergo tissue-specific differentiation. These preliminary data show that the melanin pathway of pigmented macrophages is different from that of melanocytes and may pave the way to identification of a new melanogenic pathway in vertebrates.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. A circannual study of tyrosine aminotransferase and other metabolic enzymes in frog liver is reported. The subcellular distribution of all enzymatic activities under investigation was also studied.
  • 2.2. Results show significant oscillations of all enzymatic activities throughout the year; in particular tyrosine aminotransferase has a marked summer maximum.
  • 3.3. The subcellular distribution of tyrosine aminotransferase shows significant variations: the soluble activity of the enzyme presents a bimodal circannual distribution, which has its counterpart in an increased activity of heavier fractions.

Zusammenfassung Die Sauerstoffaffinität des Blutes (ausgedrückt im Sauerstoffhalbsättigungsdruck P 50) von an 5° C adaptierten Fröschen (Rana esculenta L.) ist bei gleicher Umgebungstemperatur geringer als bei an 20° C adaptierten Fröschen. P 50 bei pH 7,4 und 20° C Umgebungstemperatur betrug 42,4 mm Hg bei den kälte- und 39,1 mm Hg bei den wäremadaptierten Fröschen (Abb. 1). Die Sauerstoffkapazität der kälteangepaßten Frösche von 12,33 ml O2/100 ml Blut ist höher als die der wärmeangepaßten von 10,43 ml O2/100 ml Blut (Tabelle 1). Die Bedeutung und die Ursache der Sauerstoffkapazitäts- und Sauerstoffaffinitätsadaptation im Hinblick auf die Stoffwechseladaptation werden diskutiert.
Temperature adaptation of the oxygen affinity of the blood in Rana esculenta L.
Summary The oxygen affinity of blood (expressed by the oxygen half saturation pressure P 50) in frogs (Rana esculenta L.), adapted to 5° C is less as in frogs, adapted to 20° C at equal experimental temperature. P 50 in cold-adapted frogs related to pH 7.4 and 20° C is 42.4 mm Hg and in heat-adapted frogs 39.1 mm Hg (Fig. 1). The oxygen capacity of the cold-adapted frogs is with 12.33 ml O2/100 ml blood higher than of the heat-adapted frogs with 10.43 ml O2/100 ml blood (Table 1). The importance and the origin of the adaptation of the oxygen affinity and capacity in view to the adaptation of the metabolic rate are discussed.

Zusammenfassung Saisonabhängige Veränderungen in der Morphologie der Leydigzellen von Rana esculenta wurden über den Zeitraum eines Jahres in Licht- und Elektronenmikroskop untersucht.In den Monaten November bis Februar kommen im Zytoplasma der Leydigzellen kleine Mitochondrien des tubulären Typs, Vesikel des glatten endoplasmatischen Retikulum und freie Ribosomen vor, Fettvakuolen treten nur vereinzelt auf, der Golgikomplex ist gering entwickelt. In der Zeit von März bis Juni nimmt die Zahl der Zellorganellen zu. Es erscheinen in Gruppen angeordnete Lysosomen und außer den kleinen Mitochondrien Riesenmitochondrien, des Golgifeld ist größer, die Fettvakuolen sind vermehrt. Sowohl die kleinen als auch die Riesenmitochondrien enthalten Kristalle, die aus osmiophilen globulären Einschlußkörpern hervorzugehen scheinen. In den Monaten Juni/Juli ist fast der ganze Zelleib einer Leydigzelle von Fettvakuolen ausgefüllt. Die Zahl der Riesenmitochondrien und Lysosomen verringert sich, das Golgifeld ist wieder unauffällig.Eine Beziehung zwischen der Vermehrung und Entfaltung der Zellorganellen und der in der Literatur angegebenen Phase der gesteigerten Steroidproduktion konnte festgestellt werden. Das Auftreten der Riesenmitochondrien und Lysosomen und ihre Bedeutung für die saisonbedingte Entwicklung und Involution der Leydigzellen wird diskutiert.
Seasonal changes in the morphology of leydig cells in Rana esculenta
Summary Seasonal changes in the structure of the testicular interstitial cells in Rana esculenta were investigated.Throughout November–February, small mitochondria of the tubular type, visicles of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes predominate and the cytoplasm contains few lipid droplets and a poorly developed Golgi apparatus. During the period from March to June the cell organelles increase in number. There are numerous aggregated lysosomes and conspicuous accumulations of lipid droplets. Besides small mitochondria increasing numbers of giant mitochondria occur and the Golgi complex is enlarged. The small and giant mitochondria contain crystals which seem to originate from osmiophilic globular inclusion bodies. During June and July the whole cytoplasm may be filled with lipid droplets. Concomitantly there is a decrease in the number of lysosomes and giant mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus is in a state of involution.Possible correlations between the development of the cell organelles and the period of increased steroid production are pointed out. The appearance of giant mitochondria and lysosomes and their importance for seasonal Leydig cell development and involution are discussed.
Auszugsweise vorgetragen auf der 68. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Lausanne, April 1973. — Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. E. Horstmann danke ich für die Anregung zu dieser Arbeit und Herrn Prof. Dr. A. F. Holstein für die Durchsicht des Manuskriptes.  相似文献   

Summary The mature vesicle of the Hippophaë rhamnoides root nodule endophyte is spherical, approximately 3–4 m in diameter and exhibits a high degree of apparently random septation. Electron micrographs are presented which show that this vesicular form in the endophytic development within the host cell originates as a swelling of the hyphal tip. The young vesicle is non-septate and in general attains a minimum diameter of 3 m before septation becomes evident. The number of septa then increases with vesicle maturity.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the high levels of internal l-glutamic and l-aspartic acid in frog Rana esculenta red blood cells are due to the existence of a specific carrier for acidic amino acids of high affinity K m = 3 m and low capacity (Vmax) 0.4 mol l-Glu · Kg–1 dry cell mass · 10 min–1. It is Na+ dependent and the incorporation of l-glutamic acid can be inhibited by l and d-aspartate and l-cysteic acid, while d-glutamic does not inhibit. Moreover, this glutamic uptake shows a bell-shaped dependence on the external pH. All these properties show that this carrier belongs to the system X AG family. Besides the incorporation through this system, l-glutamic acid is also taken up through the ASC system, although, under physiological conditions, this transport is far less important, since it has relatively low affinity K m 39 m but high capacity (V max) 1.8 mol l-Glu · Kg–1 dry cell mass · 10 min–1.  相似文献   

The durations of the phases of the cell cycle were measured at different levels in the jejunal crypts of male Balb/c mice. A mean cell cycle time of 12.3 h was found for the whole crypt. In cell positions 1 and 2, the cell cycle time was 16.7 h, and this time steadily decreased to a value of between 10 and 11 h for cell positions above 11. It is concluded that basally situated crypt cells in the mouse are cycling relatively slowly, and that they form the functional stem cell pool for the crypt. These cells may also compose the potential stem cell pool which repopulates the crypt after death of proliferative cells.  相似文献   

When endosperms were isolated from fenugreek seeds 5 h after sowing and incubated in a small volume of water, the development of α-galactosidase activity and the breakdown of the galactomannan storage polysaccharide were both inhibited relative to control endosperms incubated in larger volumes. The inhibition could be relieved by pre-washing the endosperms, and reimposed by the wash-liquors. If the endosperms were isolated 24 h after sowing, no inhibition was observed. Removal of the embryonic axis from germinating fenugreek seeds and from germinated seedlings also inhibited the development of α-galactosidase activity and galactomannan breakdown in the endosperms; the inhibition was more pronounced the earlier the axis was removed. Axis excision 5 h after sowing caused a delay in the onset of galactomannan breakdown and of the appearance of α-galactosidase activity in the endosperms. It also led to a decrease in the rates of galactomannan breakdown and α-galactosidase production. Axis excision 24 h after sowing caused only a slowing of the rates of galactomannan breakdown and α-galactosidase increase. The inhibition caused by axis removal at 5 h could be relieved partially by gibberellin (10-4 M), benzyladenine (10-5 M), mixtures of these and by the herbicide SAN 9789 [4-chloro-5-(methylamine)-2-(α,α,α-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3-(2H)-pyridazinone]. These substances had no effect on the inhibition caused by axis-removal at 24 h. Excision of the cotyledons at 5 h-leaving the separated axis and the endosperm-also caused inhibition of galactomannan breakdown and α-galactosidase development. The results are consistent with the presence in the fenugreek seed endosperm of diffusible inhibitors of galactomannan mobilisation which are removed or inactivated during normal germination and early seedling development. They are also consistent with a role for the seedling axis in the control of galactomannan breakdown in the endosperm. Initially the axis appears to have a regulatory function (via gibberellins and/or cytokinins?) in determining the onset of α-galactosidase production in the endosperm. Thereafter its continued presence is necessary to ensure maximal rates of α-galactosidase production and galactomannan hydrolysis. The role of the axis may be initially to counteract the endogenous inhibitors in the endosperm and then to act as a sink for the galactomannan breakdown products released in the endosperm and taken up by the cotyledons.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on cats the cortical projection connections of one hemisphere were divided, and the principal characteristics of spontaneous unit activity were studied in the lateral geniculate bodies (LGB) and visual cortex (area 17). After the operation the same types of spontaneous activity were found in these structures as in the intact structures. However, the number of spontaneously active cells in the structures on the side of the operation was considerably reduced. In the isolated visual cortex there was a redistribution of the relative percentage of neurons with spontaneous activity in the various layers: these cells were most numerous in layers IV–V, whereas in the normal cortex they are more numerous in layers III–IV. The mean firing rate of all types of cells was reduced in the isolated cortex. In LGB on the side of the operation a relative decrease in the number of cells with a high firing rate was observed.Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 47–53, January–February, 1972.  相似文献   

Mutagenic activity of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) and of N-methyl-N’-nitro-N--nitrosoguanidine (MNG) in lentil was studied. The highest proportion of segregating progenies with chlorophyll mutants and chimeric plants was 34.8% from the total number of analysed offsprings, ENU being applied in this case in the concentration of 0.005% for 20 h at 18 to 19 °C. When MNG was applied in the concentration of 0.001 % for 10h at 22 to 23 °C the proportion was 5.1%. Progenies segregating two or more chlorophyll mutants originated with ENU only; their relative frequencies varied from 1.4% to 7.1%. The number of different types of mutants or of their combinations segregating at the same time in the same progeny was shown to be dependent with the two agent tested on the mutagenic activity of the concentration used. The most efficient concentration of ENU induced the total of 8 different mutants at the same time, together with a combination of two or three mutant types in the same progeny. With MNG no combination of chlorophyll mutants in the same progeny was ever found simultaneously. The greatest number of mutants corresponding to 1 progeny M1 was 0.53 when ENU was applied; with MNG the maximum values were approximately ten times lower. The maximum number M2 of chlorophyll mutants and chimeric plants was 3.58% with ENU and 0.23 with MNG.  相似文献   

The cyanogenic -glucosidase (linamarase) was purified from white clover leaf tissue. The enzyme is a homodimer with a molecular weight of 105 300–103 400 daltons estimated from molecular exclusion chromatography. The effect of buffer ions on the pH optimum and charge properties of the enzyme are presented. A combination of molecular exclusion chromatography and CM cellulose ion exchange chromatography purified linamarase 16 fold to a single 62 000 dalton polypeptide on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This polypeptide represented about 5% of the total soluble leaf protein and can be seen as a prominent band in SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of crude leaf extracts from Li Li plants. Screening backcross progeny showed that extracts from li li plants, which have no linamarase activity, lack this 62 000 dalton polypeptide. Linamarase is the major glycoprotein in white clover leaf extracts which binds to Concanavalin A-Sepharose.  相似文献   

Collective cell migration is critical for normal development, tissue repair and cancer metastasis. Migration of the posterior lateral line primordium (pLLP) generates the zebrafish sensory organs (neuromasts, NMs). This migration is promoted by the leader cells at the leading edge of the pLLP, which express the G protein-coupled chemokine receptor Cxcr4b and respond to the chemokine Cxcl12a. However, the mechanism by which Cxc112a/Cxcr4b signaling regulates pLLP migration remains unclear. Here we report that signal transduction by the heterotrimeric G protein subunit Gβ1 is essential for proper pLLP migration. Although both Gβ1 and Gβ4 are expressed in the pLLP and NMs, depletion of Gβ1 but not Gβ4 resulted in an arrest of pLLP migration. In embryos deficient for Gβ1, the pLLP cells migrated in an uncoordinated fashion and were unable to extend protrusions at the leading front, phenocopying those in embryos deficient for Cxcl12a or Cxcr4b. A transplantation assay showed that, like Cxcr4b, Gβ1 is required only in the leader cells of the pLLP. Analysis of F-actin dynamics in the pLLP revealed that whereas wild-type leader cells display extensive actin polymerization in the direction of pLLP migration, counterparts defective for Gβ1, Cxcr4b or Cxcl12a do not. Finally, synergy experiments revealed that Gβ1 and Cxcr4b interact genetically in regulating pLLP migration. Collectively, our data indicate that Gβ1 controls migration of the pLLP, likely by acting downstream of the Cxcl12a/Cxcr4b signaling. This study also provides compelling evidence for functional specificity among Gβ isoforms in vivo.  相似文献   

Lateral root (LR) elongation rate of 7–8-day maize seedlings depends on the availability of NO 3 ? , NO 2 ? , and abscisic acid (ABA) in an environment. Four-hour exposure to 0.01–1.5 mM NO 2 ? increases the relative LR elongation rate; in the case of NO 2 ? , the stimulation occurs only at an NO 2 ? concentration equal to 0.01 mM. Exogenous ABA (10?6 M) inhibits the LR elongation process. In the case of a combined influence of NO 3 ? and ABA or NO 2 ? and ABA, the character of the response elongation reaction is different. The NO role in the regulation of LR elongation is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Cerebral-cortex slices prelabelled with gamma-amino[1-(14)C]butyrate (GABA) were incubated in a glucose-saline medium. After the initial rapid uptake there was no appreciable re-entry of (14)C into the GABA pool, either from the medium or from labelled metabolites formed in the tissue. The kinetic constants of GABA metabolism were determined by computer simulation of the experimental results by using mathematical procedures. The GABA flux was estimated to be 0.03mumol per min/g, or about 8% of the total flux through the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It was found that the assumption of compartmentation did not greatly affect the estimates of the GABA flux. 2. The time-course of incorporation of (14)C into amino acids associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle was followed with [1-(14)C]GABA and [U-(14)C]-glucose as labelled substrates. The results were consistent with the utilization of GABA via succinate. This was confirmed by determining the position of (14)C in the carbon skeletons of aspartate and glutamate formed after the oxidation of [1-(14)C]GABA. These results also indicated that under the experimental conditions the reversal of reactions catalysed by alpha-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and glutamate decarboxylase respectively was negligible. The conversion of [(14)C]GABA into gamma-hydroxybutyrate was probably also of minor importance, but decarboxylation of oxaloacetate did occur at a relatively slow rate. 3. When [1-(14)C]GABA was the labelled substrate there was evidence of a metabolic compartmentation of glutamate since, even before the peak of the incorporation of (14)C into glutamate had been reached, the glutamine/glutamate specific-radioactivity ratio was greater than unity. When [U-(14)C]glucose was oxidized this ratio was less than unity. The heterogeneity of the glutamate pool was indicated also by the relatively high specific radioactivity of GABA, which was comparable with that of aspartate during the whole incubation time (40min). The rates of equilibration of labelled amino acids between slice and medium gave evidence that the permeability properties of the glutamate compartments labelled as a result of oxidation of [1-(14)C]GABA were different from those labelled by the metabolism of [(14)C]glucose. The results showed therefore that in brain tissue incubated under the conditions used, the organization underlying metabolic compartmentation was preserved. The observed concentration ratios of amino acids between tissue and medium were also similar to those obtaining in vivo. These ratios decreased in the order: GABA>acidic acids>neutral amino acids>glutamine. 4. The approximate pool sizes of the amino acids in the different metabolic compartments were calculated. The glutamate content of the pool responsible for most of the labelling of glutamine during oxidation of [1-(14)C]GABA was estimated to be not more than 30% of the total tissue glutamate. The GABA content of the ;transmitter pool' was estimated to be 25-30% of the total GABA in the tissue. The structural correlates of metabolic compartmentation were considered.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that inhibition of neurons within the rostral ventral medulla (RVM) would prolong the laryngeal chemoreflex (LCR), a putative stimulus in the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). We studied the LCR in 19 piglets, age 3-16 days, by injecting 0.05 ml of saline or water into the larynx during wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, and REM sleep, before and after 1 or 10 mM muscimol dialysis in the RVM. Muscimol prolonged the LCR (P < 0.05), and the prolongation was greater when the LCR was stimulated with water compared with saline (P < 0.02). The LCR was longer during NREM sleep than during wakefulness and longest during REM sleep (REM compared with wakefulness). Muscimol had no effect on the likelihood of arousal from sleep after LCR stimulation. We conclude that the RVM provides a tonic facilitatory drive to ventilation that limits the duration of the LCR, and loss of this drive may contribute to the SIDS when combined with stimuli that inhibit respiration.  相似文献   

Translational GTPases (trGTPases) regulate all phases of protein synthesis. An early event in the interaction of a trGTPase with the ribosome is the contact of the G-domain with the C-terminal domain (CTD) of ribosomal protein L12 (L12-CTD) and subsequently interacts with the N-terminal domain of L11 (L11-NTD). However, the structural and functional relationships between L12-CTD and L11-NTD remain unclear. Here, we performed mutagenesis, biochemical and structural studies to identify the interactions between L11-NTD and L12-CTD. Mutagenesis of conserved residues in the interaction site revealed their role in the docking of trGTPases. During docking, loop62 of L11-NTD protrudes into a cleft in L12-CTD, leading to an open conformation of this domain and exposure of hydrophobic core. This unfavorable situation for L12-CTD stability is resolved by a chaperone-like activity of the contacting G-domain. Our results suggest that all trGTPases—regardless of their different specific functions—use a common mechanism for stabilizing the L11-NTD•L12-CTD interactions.  相似文献   

Summary To date, it is still unknown whether the metabolism of purine nucleotides and nucleosides plays an important role in the pineal organ of lower vertebrates. We have therefore investigated the sites of 5-nucleotidase activity in the pineal organ of the pike (Esox lucius L.). Various ultracytochemical procedures were used. An intense ecto-5-nucleotidase activity was characteristic of the entire plasma membrane of the phototransducers (cone-like and modified photoreceptor elements) and the interstitial cells, with exception of the portions facing the basal lamina of the pericapillary spaces. Additionally, intracellular sites of activity were also visualized in the inner segment and the pedicle of the phototransducers. Most of the intracellular deposits were apparently cytosolic and only few seemed to be associated with the membrane of the clear synaptic vesicles of the pedicle. Phagocytotic cells in the pineal lumen also showed a strong enzymatic activity on the outer surface of their plasmalemma (in ectoposition). This was apparently not the case for the cell types of the tissues surrounding the pineal vesicle. The present study emphasizes the importance of the occurrence and metabolism of purine nucleotides and nucleosides in a photoreceptive pineal organ.  相似文献   

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