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Effects of destabilise, bdellin, bdellin A, eglin were investigated in organotypic tissue culture of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of 10-11-day old chick embryos. Native destabilase and bdellin A, bdellin B and eglin are more active inducing a more intensive neurite growth in DRG as compared with the control. A neurite-stimulating effect of the drug "pyjavit" seems to be associated with destabilase, bdellins and eglin neurite-stimulating activity.  相似文献   

During intracellular polarization of identified sensory neurons of the leech by square pulses of hyperpolarizing current electrical parameters of the cell membranes were determined: input resistance of the neuron Rn, time constant of the membrane , the ratio between conductance of the cell processes and conductance of the soma , the resistance of the soma membrane rs, the input resistance of the axon r a , capacitance of the membrane Cs, and resistivity of the soma membrane Rs. The results obtained by the study of various types of neurons were subjected to statistical analysis and compared with each other. Significant differences for neurons of N- and T-types were found only between the values of , Cs, and Rs (P<0.01). These parameters also had the lowest coefficients of variation. The surface area of the soma of the neurons, calculated from the capacitance of the membrane (the specific capacitance of the membrane was taken as 1 µF/cm2) was 7–10 times (N-neurons) or 4–6 times (T-neurons) greater than the surface area of a sphere of the same diameter. The resistivity of the soma membrane Rs was 35.00 k·cm2 for cells of the N-type and 19.50 k·cm2 for T-neurons. The reasons for the relative stability of this parameter compared with the input resistance of the cell (coefficient of variation 22–7 and 53–31% respectively) are discussed. The possible effects of electrical characteristics on the properties of repeated discharges in neurons of different types also are discussed.A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol.7, No.3, pp.295–301, May–June, 1975.  相似文献   

It has been shown for the first time that the salivary gland secretion of the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) contains a human blood plasma kallikrein inhibitor which is capable of blocking the amidolytic activity of the enzyme in an irreversible manner (with D-Pro-Phe-Arg-pNA as substrate) and which also suppresses the kininogenase activity of kallikrein. The inhibition of the amidolytic activity of highly purified kallikrein preparations from human blood plasma obeys the pseudo-first order kinetics. The experimental results suggest that in the salivary-gland secretion of H. medicinalis the inhibitor concentration exceeds by one order of magnitude that in whole leech homogenate extracts, which indicates that the inhibitor biosynthesis may be localized in leech salivary glands.  相似文献   

The mechanism of inhibition of the vascular-platelet stage of hemostasis by medicinal leech salivary gland secretion was studied. It was shown that the secretion blocks platelet adhesion on the surface of collagens belonging to different genetic classes, inhibits the primary attachment of platelets and completely suppresses their spreading on collagen surface. Whatever its antithrombin activity, the leech secretion inhibits platelet aggregation stimulated by various inductors, e. g., ADP, prostaglandin endoperoxide analog U-46619, Ca2+ ionophore A23187, arachidonic acid. The secretion possessing the antithrombin activity causes a greater inhibition of the thrombin-stimulated aggregation than that devoid of this activity. Leech secretion stimulates adenylate cyclase of platelet membranes in a receptor-mediated fashion and increases the level of cAMP. The active substance is a low molecular weight, thermostable trypsin-resistant fraction of the secretion. Stimulation of adenylate cyclase is not mediated by adenosine receptors. It is supposed that the mechanism of this activating effect involves platelet prostaglandin receptors.  相似文献   

The effect of destabilase, a component of Hirudo medicinalis salivary gland secret, was investigated in organotypic tissue culture of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of 10-11-day old chick embryos. Native destabilase in concentrations 0.01 and 0.05 ng/ml was active, inducing a more intensive neurite growth in DRG that in the control. The stabilizing activity of destabilase was lost following reverse-phase chromatography. Neurite-stimulating effects of the drug "pyjavit" is due presumably to neurite-stimulating activity of destabilase.  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitors from the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis produces various types of proteinase inhibitors: bdellins (inhibitors of trypsin, plasmin, and acrosin), hirustasin (inhibitor of tissue kallikrein, trypsin, -chymotrypsin, and granulocyte cathepsin G), tryptase inhibitor, eglins (inhibitors of -chymotrypsin, subtilisin, and chymasin and the granulocyte proteinases elastase and cathepsin G), inhibitor of factor Xa, hirudin (thrombin inhibitor), inhibitor of carboxypeptidase, and inhibitor of complement component C1s. This review summarizes data on their primary and tertiary structures, action mechanisms, and biological activities.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of certain catecholamines and indoleamines in the ventral nerve cord and the body segments of the medical leech, Hirudo medicinalis, was studied with the fluorescence microscope technique of Falck and Hillarp, with microspectrofluorometry, and with chemical determinations of the amines. The six cells of the segmental ganglia previously shown to be chromaffin were found to contain an amine, most probably 5-hydroxytryptamine. In the two giant cells, the amine was found on the surface of coarse intracellular granules, lying mainly at the cell membrane, and at the nucleus. The two giant cells send their axons to the body muscles, which thus seem to have a 5-hydroxytryptaminergic innervation. The four smaller amine-containing cells of the segmental ganglia send their axons to the neuropil of the ganglion.The only cell type found to contain a catecholamine (probably noradrenaline) was situated in the anterior segmental nerve in the cell cluster anterior of the nephridial duct, one cell in each nerve. The axon of this cell terminates in two or more segmental ganglia; thus these neurons seem to be afferent.This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (project no. 99-35) and the Swedish Medical Research Council (projects no. B 68-12 X-712-03 B and B 68-14 X-56-04 B).  相似文献   

The apparent intracellular Mg2+ buffering, or muffling (sum of processes that damp changes in the free intracellular Mg2+ concentration, [Mg2+](i), e.g., buffering, extrusion, and sequestration), was investigated in Retzius neurons of the leech Hirudo medicinalis by iontophoretic injection of H+, OH-, or Mg2+. Simultaneously, changes in intracellular pH and the intracellular Mg2+, Na+, or K+ concentration were recorded with triple-barreled ion-selective microelectrodes. Cell volume changes were monitored measuring the tetramethylammonium (TMA) concentration in TMA-loaded neurons. Control measurements were carried out in electrolyte droplets (diameter 100-200 microm) placed on a silver wire under paraffin oil. Droplets with or without ATP, the presumed major intracellular Mg2+ buffer, were used to quantify the pH dependence of Mg2+ buffering and to determine the transport index of Mg2+ during iontophoretic injection. The observed pH dependence of [Mg2+](i) corresponded to what would be expected from Mg2+ buffering through ATP. The quantity of Mg2+ muffling, however, was considerably larger than what would be expected if ATP were the sole Mg2+ buffer. From the decrease in Mg2+ muffling in the nominal absence of extracellular Na+ it was estimated that almost 50% of the ATP-independent muffling is due to the action of Na+/Mg2+ antiport.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of neurons which contain or take up dopamine was studied with glyoxylic acid histofluorescence in Hirudo medicinalis. Beginning at the time of the formation of the tail ganglion, one pair of dopamine-containing neurons was stained per segmental ganglion. The normal outgrowth of the cell bodies into the anterior roots was prevented in isolated and cultured chains of embryonic ganglia. Preincubation of intact embryos in dopamine led to the staining of additional neurons at certain developmental stages. These neurons presumably are the precursors of serotonin-containing cells, which have a temporary capability of taking up and storing dopamine.  相似文献   

Antithrombotic effect of leech salivary gland secretion was maximal after intravenous administration into rats and was slightly decreased in cases of peroral administration. Blood from leech intestinal tract and leech homogenate exhibited less distinct antithrombotic action. Effect of these preparations was maintained after peroral administration. The antithrombotic effect of the leech preparations did not depend on their antithrombic activity caused by hirudin. These leech preparations appear to elongate a period of blood plasma recalcification caused by kallikrein inhibitor as well as apparently due to their capacity to inhibit aggregation of the thrombocytes.  相似文献   

The protein and peptide composition of medicinal leech salivary gland secretion (SGS) was analyzed in preparations obtained in July from three species--Hirudo verbana, H. medicinalis, and H. orientalis. Two-dimensional electrophoresis (molecular mass 10-150 kD and pI 3-10) revealed no distinctions in the distribution of over 100 silver-stained proteins. Differences were noted only in intensity of 10 protein spots at 30-90 kD and pI 4.7-7.5. Mass spectrometric profiling of SGS of the three leech species using the Zip-Tip/golden chip scheme and cation-exchanging chips CM-10 revealed over 50 components in SGS of each of the three leech species. It was noted that 30-40% of the individual masses of the SGS of each leech species fall within the masses present in SGS of at least one of the two other species. This rather small part of the total mass may be indicative of a high polymorphism of amino acid sequences or a high frequency of posttranslational modifications of the SGS proteins and peptides. Calculation of Jacquard's coefficient showed that H. medicinalis and H. orientalis are closest to each other in SGS composition, which is consistent with data in the literature on the phylogenetic relationship between these two species of medicinal leech. Comparison of detected molecular masses with those of six known biologically active compounds produced by medicinal leeches revealed their uneven distribution in SGS of each of the three medicinal leech species. This opens prospects for using certain species of medicinal leech for targeted therapy of various pathologies.  相似文献   

Summary The rhythmic constriction of the heart tubes in the leech Hirudo medicinalis is controlled by an identified set of motor neurons (HE cells) and interneurons (HN cells) (reviewed by Calabrese and Peterson 1983). Electrophysiological recordings have indicated particular synaptic relationships among HE and HN cells. In the present study, the synaptic framework mediating the interactions among HE cells and HN cells was examined anatomically. Using light and electron microscopy of physiologically identified, HRP-injected cells, we have examined the zones of interaction and types of contacts between specific cells. HE cells, which have very fine, threadlike processes, interact with their contralateral homologues throughout most of the middle third of the ganglionic neuropil. When HE-cell neuntes come together, the apposed plasma membranes are rigidly parallel, separated by an intercellular gap of 6 nm, for up to 6 m. These specializations must form the structural basis for the strong electrical coupling observed (Peterson 1983) between HE-cell pairs. HE cells also emit from the main neurite a series of extremely fine processes that extend dorsally. These appear in the light microscope to contact processes of the ipsilateral HN cell of the same ganglion, and are also in a position to make contact with the axons of more anterior HN cells. The intraganglionic processes of HN cells, which are studded with large varicosities, ramify in part of the region of neuropil occupied by HE-cell processes, as well as more posteriorly. Contacts between HE and HN cells, which are known to be mostly inhibitory synaptic contacts, are seen in the electron microscope to be formed between medium-diameter HN processes, which are filled with clear round synaptic vesicles, and multiple fine tendrils of the HE cell that surround the HN process. Certain HN cells form reciprocal inhibitory synapses with their contralateral homologues. These contacts occur near the midline, sometimes in the major mass of neuropil and sometimes embedded in the extracellular material that ensheathes the neuropil. The contacts are between medium-and small-diameter profiles that are both filled with synaptic vesicles. Our findings indicate that various classes of physiological interactions among HE and HN cells are mediated by anatomically distinct types of contacts and, at least in some cases, are segregated from each other on the neuritic trees of the cells.  相似文献   

RFamide peptides have been localized to a number of neuronsof the CNS of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis, using immunocytochemicaltechniques. The majority of this immunoreactivity appears tobe due to the peptide FMRFamide. Most of the identified RFamideimmunoreactive cells are cholinergic motor neurons, though someare interneurons. Superfused FMRFamide is active on the targetsof these identified neurons; in a few well studied cases, ithas been possible to show that FMRFamide mimics a specific physiologicalaction of an identified neuron on its target. In the leech as in other phyla where they occur, RFamide peptidesare widely distributed in neurons, and are neuromodulators withdiverse physiological effects.  相似文献   

An adenylate cyclase activity stimulated by serotonin and calmodulin is present in the segmental ganglia of the leech Hirudo medicinalis. Removal of the endogenous calcium binding protein does not alter the responsiveness of the enzyme to serotonin. The calmodulin antagonist, trifluoperazine, drastically reduces the amine stimulatory effect on both intact and calmodulin-depleted membranes. We suggest that calmodulin-sensitive and serotonin-stimulated adenylate cyclase are, at least functionally, independent.  相似文献   

In adult Hirudo medicinalis, the segmental ganglia (SG) of the fifth and sixth body segments contain a few hundred more cells than the other segmental ganglia of the body (Macagno, 1980). These ganglia innervate the sex organs and are known as the sex SG. As shown here, these cells are stained by neuron-specific antibodies. Cell counts at several developmental stages reveal that the extra cells are added exclusively to the sex SG, and that this addition occurs gradually and almost entirely postembryonically (embryogenesis ends at 30 days of development). Hence, we refer to them as PE cells. Until 16 days of development, deleting the male genitalia or disconnecting them from the sex ganglia results in a complete absence of the PE cells. From 16 days onward, the generation of the PE cells is independent of the male genitalia. No PE cells appear in non-sex SG that innervate male genitalia transplanted to ectopic locations at 10 days or later, indicating that as early as about 10 days of development sex SG are different from other SG in their ability to acquire PE cells. These data suggest that the PE cells are generated within the sex SG, in a process that is triggered by an interaction with the male genitalia and mediated through the innervation of the organs by these ganglia.  相似文献   

We report on factors affecting the spontaneous firing pattern of the identified serotonin-containing Retzius neurons of the medicinal leech. Increased firing activity induced by intracellular current injection is followed by a ‘post-stimulus-depression’ (PSD) without spiking for up to 23 s. PSD duration depends both on the duration and the amplitude of the injected current and correlates inversely with the spontaneous spiking activity. In contrast to serotonin-containing neurons in mammals, serotonin release from the Retzius cells presumably does not mediate the observed spike suppression in a self-inhibitory manner since robust PSD persists after synaptic isolation. Moreover, single additional spikes elicited at specific delays after spontaneously occurring action potentials are sufficient to significantly alter the firing pattern. Since sub-threshold current injections do not affect the ongoing spiking pattern and PSD persists in synaptically isolated preparations our data suggest that PSD reflects an endogenous and ‘spike-dependent’ mechanism controlling the spiking activity of Retzius cells in a use-dependent way.  相似文献   

Summary The larval salivary gland secretions ofBombus atratus were studied with cytochemical and cytophysical methods. In the young feeding larvae a proteic filamentous secretion depicting striations perpendicular to the long axis of its fibrillary threads and exhibiting a wellordered macromolecular array was found. It appears not to differ from the silk secretion described for the fully grown larvae of an europeanBombus species. However, in the fully grown larvae ofB. atratus changes which have not yet been reported for other bees occur involving the salivary gland secretion. Two secretion types are then distinguishable. One is composed of carboxylated and sulfated acid glycosaminoglycans and glycoprotein(s) (mucous secretion), and the other has the same composition as that of the filamentous secretion of the young larvae, although differing morphologically and in terms of macromolecular alignment (flocculent secretion). The filamentous secretion is assumed to be involved inB. atratus with the spinning of the silken partitions which at a relatively early stage separate the larvae reared within a common cell from one another. The mucous and flocculent secretions will participate in the cocoons which will cover the pupating larvae. The filamentous and flocculent secretions appear to contain an -helical fibroin, glycoprotein(s) and lipoprotein(s), but not collagen-type proteins.  相似文献   

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