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ABSTRACT The presence of recreational trails can impact breeding birds either indirectly by altering habitat or the movement patterns of predators or directly if the presence of humans disturbs birds. We examined the behavioral responses of nesting female Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) to human disturbance using both experimental and observational approaches. From April to August 2006 and 2007, we monitored Northern Cardinal nests in 18 riparian forests in Ohio, USA. Two experimental trials were conducted at each nest (N= 63), with Flight Initiation Distance (FID, the distance at which a bird flushed from the nest) recorded as we approached nests by walking directly toward them and by walking along trails located variable distances from nests. We also measured flight initiation distance (FID) when nests were approached during routine nest checks (N= 160). Cardinals were six times more likely to flush when nests were approached directly, and females on higher nests were less likely to flush regardless of distance to trail. FID was not significantly influenced by the distance of nests from trails. We found no association between nest survival and the tendency of birds to flush. Rather, nest survival was best explained by nest height. Thus, our findings suggest that the responses of birds to human use of recreational trails have only short‐term effects, with no apparent effects of on nest survival. Because the reaction of birds to humans in our study depended on how nests were approached, studies where FID is used as an indicator of sensitivity to human disturbance and is determined by direct approaches may overestimate the potential impact of trails on nesting birds.  相似文献   

Stone-curlews Burhinus oedicnemus have a vulnerable population status in the UK after a large population decline and range contraction since the 1930s. Much Stone-curlew breeding habitat is open-access land designated under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. In order to guide the conservation and habitat management for this species whilst allowing recreational access, a tool known as the Stone-Curlew Access Response Evaluator (SCARE) has been developed. SCARE offers a method to assess the effects of scenarios for future changes in disturbance type, routes and frequency and will be valuable in making informed decisions about the management of public access to Stone-curlew breeding sites and the deployment of habitat creation measures.  相似文献   

Approaches to measuring the effects of human disturbance on birds   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
JENNIFER A. GILL 《Ibis》2007,149(S1):9-14
Human recreational activities are often considered as potential threats to biodiversity, by restricting animals' access to resources that otherwise would be exploited. Because access to wildlife areas is one major means of increasing their public value, and hence the pressure to conserve them, it is clearly critical to be able to identify accurately when human presence is a threat to conservation and when it is not. A wide range of methods have been used to assess the impacts of human disturbance on wildlife and these methods are summarized here. The type of method used depends principally on whether the disturbance issue relates to a particular site, a particular group of individuals or whole populations. Within these categories, both comparative and experimental approaches have been used to assess behavioural, distributional, demographic and population responses to human presence. Examples of each approach are given here, together with an assessment of the information each method provides.  相似文献   

Predicting the effect of disturbance on coastal birds   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Assessments of whether disturbance is having a deleterious effect on populations have often measured behavioural responses to disturbance and assumed that populations with a larger behavioural response are more susceptible to disturbance. However, there is no guarantee that the behavioural response to disturbance is related to the population consequence, measured in terms of decreased reproduction or increased mortality. Individual-based models, consisting of fitness-maximizing individuals, are one means of linking the behavioural responses to disturbance to population consequences. This paper reviews how individual-based models have been used to predict the effect of disturbance on populations of shorebirds and wildfowl at several European sites, and shows how these models could be improved in the future by incorporating a range of alternative responses to disturbance.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria guarding chicks utilize heavily disturbed habitat at a lower rate than surrounding areas, but that such rates of avoidance are reduced when the movement of people is restricted to a surfaced footpath. However, there remained some unanswered questions, which are addressed in this paper. First, we examine to what extent habitat avoidance is dependent upon visitor numbers, and find no evidence that Golden Plovers avoided disturbed areas at a site where visitor pressure was half that previously studied. Secondly, we examine whether these relationships between habitat occupancy and disturbance apply to other upland waders and find that Dunlin Calidris alpina habitat utilization in disturbed areas showed a non-significant increase of approximately 50% following the provision of a surfaced footpath, in a manner similar to that observed for Golden Plover. Thirdly, we examine whether the large numbers of visitors (120 per weekend day) using the surfaced footpath impact on Golden Plover breeding success, despite the lack of habitat avoidance. There was no evidence that nest location, clutch survival or chick growth rates were reduced close to the footpath. Together, these results suggest that high levels of disturbance can impact upon habitat usage by upland waders, but only in limited circumstances where visitor pressure is very high (greater than at least 30 visitors per weekend day). However, access to such areas can be permitted for large numbers of visitors without impacting upon wader reproductive performance through the provision of a well-surfaced route.  相似文献   

Migrating birds require en route habitats to rest and refuel. Yet, habitat use has never been integrated with passage to understand the factors that determine where and when birds stopover during spring and autumn migration. Here, we introduce the stopover‐to‐passage ratio (SPR), the percentage of passage migrants that stop in an area, and use 8 years of data from 12 weather surveillance radars to estimate over 50% SPR during spring and autumn through the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts of the south‐eastern US, the most prominent corridor for North America’s migratory birds. During stopovers, birds concentrated close to the coast during spring and inland in forested landscapes during autumn, suggesting seasonal differences in habitat function and highlighting the vital role of stopover habitats in sustaining migratory communities. Beyond advancing understanding of migration ecology, SPR will facilitate conservation through identification of sites that are disproportionally selected for stopover by migrating birds.  相似文献   

Adult rats presented with a juvenile conspecific for 5 min on two occasions, separated by a 15-min inter-exposure interval (IEI), investigated the reintroduced juvenile significantly less in the second encounter. It is suggested that this was because the adult rats remembered the identity of the juvenile, because when a novel juvenile was introduced for the second encounter, no such reduction in investigation was observed. When the rats were either handled, placed in a smaller, novel, cage, or introduced to a new juvenile midway through the IEI, investigation of the reintroduced juvenile did not decrease. This indicated that memory of that juvenile had been disrupted. However, a simple change of cage during the IEI had no disruptive effect on memory. These results suggest that routine husbandry procedures can disrupt short-term social memory, which may lead to an increase in aggression due to a failure of recognition. This has implications for the welfare of captive social animals.  相似文献   

Chen SX  Woolcock JL 《Biometrics》1999,55(3):799-804
A theoretical framework for using bus-route surveys to estimate recreational fishing effort has been established by taking into account the arrival and departure distributions of the fishing parties. Properties of a fishing effort estimator proposed by Robson and Jones (1989) are investigated. It is found that the estimator is not automatically unbiased; rather, a condition on the survey design has to be satisfied in order to be unbiased. The condition is simple and can be easily implemented.  相似文献   

Yvon Le Maho 《Polar Biology》1994,14(5):315-318
New technology, that is based on miniaturization of electronic equipment and progress in computers, now enables us to get data on the foraging behavior of Antarctic birds and mammals. This technical revolution is of a major scientific importance because until recently it was considered impossible to study where animals feed and how much they consume. Accordingly, feeding strategies may now be studied in relation to breeding status or availability in marine resources. This, in turn, facilitates the use of antarctic animals as indicators of the changes in these resources. Automatic indentification and weighing of breeding seabirds has also become possible. This means changes in their body condition, i.e. body fuel reserves and food stores at sea, can be monitored. Thus a short-term indication of the changes in the availability of some marine resources may now be obtained. These new methods represent a major advance because they open new research possibilities, whereby antarctic animals can be individually monitored or at a population level, ashore and at sea, while minimizing human disturbance.Paper presented at the Symposium on Polar regions: the challenge for biological and ecological research organized by the Swiss Committee for Polar Research, Basel on 2 October 1992  相似文献   

Using indices as proxies, we observed that comparing a large number of common birds and mammals, the level of generalism peaks in species inhabiting habitats at intermediate disturbance levels. This pattern might be universal, at least in these homeothermic vertebrates. Birds show nonetheless some differences in pattern from mammals, where specialization at intermediate levels of disturbance is not present. Differences in ecological and evolutionary traits between birds and mammals might determine different adaptive responses to historical anthropogenic changes, explaining these taxa-specific hump-shaped patterns.  相似文献   

Human disturbance to wildlife is a growing topic of concern owing to increasing human access to the countryside. Here we use systematic review methodology to specifically synthesize available information on the impact of recreational activities on raptor breeding parameters. Presently there is insufficient information to quantitatively meta-analyze this topic. The most frequent effect turned out to be decreased time for nest attendance but information on effects on breeding parameters was inconclusive. The only outcome susceptible to quantitative meta-analysis was the influence on nest location of a number of anthropic structures. Out of these we chose distance to the closest paved road, because it was the metric recorded in the largest number of studies, and because it can be taken as a surrogate of recreational access to the countryside. We detected an overall statistically significant impact on the displacement of nests from roads from a total of 25 studies, compared to random points in unoccupied areas suitable for breeding. The magnitude of the displacement was probably a biologically relevant magnitude (back-transformed ln response ratio 1.28; 1.07–1.57 bootstrap 95% CI). Importantly, statistical modelling of effect sizes as a function of raptor body size and nesting site substrate (tree nesting vs. cliff nesting) identified an effect of both nesting habitat and body size on nest placement by raptors in relation to roads. Big raptors nesting in trees exhibited greater displacement distances from nests to roads than big raptors nesting in cliffs, and hence we suggest that conservation efforts should take special attention to this vulnerable raptor group which includes some threatened species.  相似文献   

Laboratory research recently has greatly enhanced the understanding of placebo and nocebo effects by identifying specific neuromodulators and brain areas associated with them. However, little progress has been made in translating this knowledge into improved patient care. Here, we discuss the limitations in our knowledge about placebo (and nocebo) effects and the need for translational research with the aim of guiding physicians in maximizing placebo effects and minimizing nocebo effects in their routine clinical practice. We suggest some strategies for how, when and why interventions to promote beneficial placebo responses might be administered in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Foraging strategies of dugongs in tropical areas are not yet well understood, and that is particularly true for grazing of fast-growing pioneer seagrass meadows in the intertidal...  相似文献   

The contributions from bird research to behavioral neuroendocrinology are enormous and wide ranging. I have selected examples that illustrate how through the twentieth century to the present day, birds as experimental models continue to play a major role. Investigations on birds were pivotal in the beginnings of endocrinology, and have laid the foundations for present day developments in neurobiology, physiological ecology and evolutionary biology of neuroendocrine systems. The extensive literature on avian behavior also provides a unique and broad base for the field in general and future progress on a broad front can be expected. Molecular genetics in avian systems is advanced providing us with phylogenetic perspective allowing the comparisons of different avian populations that provide valuable models for integrative research.  相似文献   

Changes in the frequency and severity of extreme weather may introduce new threats to species that are already under stress from gradual habitat loss and climate change. We provide a probabilistic framework that quantifies potential threats by applying concepts from ecological resilience to single populations. Our approach uses computation to compare disturbance–impacted projections to a population's normal range of variation, quantifying the full range of potential impacts. We illustrate this framework with projection models for coastal birds, which are commonly depicted as vulnerable to disturbances, especially hurricanes and oil spills. We found that populations of coastal specialists are resilient to extreme disturbances, with high resistance to the effects of short‐term reductions in vital rates and recovery within 20 years. Applying the general framework presented here across disturbance‐prone species and ecosystems would improve understanding of population resilience and generate specific projections of resilience that are needed for effective conservation planning.  相似文献   

Environmental differences influence the evolutionary divergence of mating signals through selection acting either directly on signal transmission (“sensory drive”) or because morphological adaptation to different foraging niches causes divergence in “magic traits” associated with signal production, thus indirectly driving signal evolution. Sensory drive and magic traits both contribute to variation in signal structure, yet we have limited understanding of the relative role of these direct and indirect processes during signal evolution. Using phylogenetic analyses across 276 species of ovenbirds (Aves: Furnariidae), we compared the extent to which song evolution was related to the direct influence of habitat characteristics and the indirect effect of body size and beak size, two potential magic traits in birds. We find that indirect ecological selection, via diversification in putative magic traits, explains variation in temporal, spectral, and performance features of song. Body size influences song frequency, whereas beak size limits temporal and performance components of song. In comparison, direct ecological selection has weaker and more limited effects on song structure. Our results illustrate the importance of considering multiple deterministic processes in the evolution of mating signals.  相似文献   

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