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Various auditory interneurons of the duetting bush cricket Ancistrura nigrovittata with axons ascending to the brain are presented. In this species, more intersegmental sound-activated neurons have been identified than in any other bush cricket so far, among them a new type of ascending neuron with posterior soma in the prothoracic ganglion (AN4). These interneurons show not only morphological differences in the prothoracic ganglion and the brain, but also respond differently to carrier frequencies, intensity and direction. As a set of neurons, they show graded differences for all of these parameters. A response type not described among intersegmental neurons of crickets and other bush crickets so far is found in the AN3 neuron with a tonic response, broad frequency tuning and little directional dependence. All neurons, with the exception of AN3, respond in a relatively similar manner to the temporal patterns of the male song: phasically to high syllable repetitions and rhythmically to low syllable repetitions. The strongest coupling to the temporal pattern is found in TN1. In contrast to behavior the neuronal responses depend little on syllable duration. AN4, AN5 and TN1 respond well to the female song. AN4 (at higher intensities) and TN1 respond well to a complete duet.  相似文献   

The location within the prothoracic ganglion of neurone somata with axons in identified peripheral nerves is examined by the cobalt iontophoresis technique. Axons are filled with cobalt by diffusion through their cut ends and the cobalt is then precipitated as the black sulphide inside the neurone. It is assumed that neurones with axons in peripheral nerves and somata in central ganglia are either motor or neuro-secretory. Fifteen nerves are examined and maps of the location of somata with axons in each nerve are presented. The axon distribution in peripheral nerves of three common inhibitory neurones is described. Dendritic morphology of one common inhibitory neurone and two coxal depressor motoneurones is illustrated. It is proposed that some individual neurones can be reliably identified from their soma dimensions and location within the ganglion. The number of motoneurones with somata in the prothoracic ganglion and their homology with cells in the other thoracic ganglia are discussed.  相似文献   

Sound processing properties for calling song (CS) models, as described for the prothoracic L3 auditory neurone in Acheta domesticus, are investigated for the homologous auditory neurone 2 (AN2) in female Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer. AN2 of G. bimaculatus responds selectively to the syllable period (SP) of models of a male CS. The selectiveness of this response parallels the selectivity of phonotaxis females perform in response to the same SPs. Both, the responses of AN2 and female behaviour show clear interindividual variability. The SP‐selective responses of AN2 result from an SP‐dependent reduction in the spiking to subsequent syllables of the model CSs, measured as the percentage decrement. This SP‐dependent response does not primarily result from inbuilt properties of the AN2 membrane. Rather, it is dependent on inhibitory input to the AN2. However, clear inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in dendritic recordings of the AN2 are not encountered. This immediate response of AN2 to CSs is followed by an increased rate of tonic firing between stimulus CSs, which is termed the prolonged response, and is dependent on the carrier frequencies that make up the male CSs. With stimulation on the contralateral side of the soma of AN2s, more than 50% of AN2s exhibit a prolonged response. However, with stimulation from the ipsilateral side of the soma, most AN2s exhibit a prolonged response. The prolonged response of AN2 at 5 kHz may be even more sensitive than the immediate response. Thus, the AN2 neurone could provide a basis for phonotaxis that is selective for both the SPs and the carrier frequencies of potentially attractive calling songs.  相似文献   

Auditory/vibratory interneurones of the bushcricket species Decticus albifrons and Decticus verrucivorus were studied with intracellular dye injection and electrophysiology. The morphologies of five physiologically characterised auditory/vibratory interneurones are shown in the brain, subesophageal and prothoracic ganglia. Based on their physiology, these five interneurones fall into three groups, the purely auditory or sound neurones: S-neurones, the purely vibratory V-neurones, and the bimodal vibrosensitive VS-neurones. The S1-neurones respond phasically to airborne sound whereas the S4-neurones exhibit a tonic spike pattern. Their somata are located in the prothoracic ganglion and they show an ascending axon with dendrites located in the prothoracic, subesophageal ganglia, and the brain. The VS3-neurone, responding to both auditory and vibratory stimuli in a tonic manner, has its axon traversing the brain, the suboesophageal ganglion and the prothoracic ganglion although with dendrites only in the brain. The V1- and V2-neurones respond to vibratory stimulation of the fore- and midlegs with a tonic discharge pattern, and our data show that they receive inhibitory input suppressing their spontaneous activity. Their axon transverses the prothoracic ganglion, subesophageal ganglion and terminate in the brain with dendritic branching. Thus the auditory S-neurones have dendritic arborizations in all three ganglia (prothoracic, subesophageal, and brain) compared to the vibratory (V) and vibrosensitive (VS) neurones, which have dendrites almost only in the brain. The dendrites of the S-neurones are also more extensive than those of the V-, VS-neurones. V- and VS-neurones terminate more laterally in the brain. Due to an interspecific comparison of the identified auditory interneurones the S1-neurone is found to be homologous to the TN1 of crickets and other bushcrickets, and the S4-neurone also can be called AN2. J. Exp. Zool. 286:219-230, 2000.  相似文献   

Abstract In response to model calling songs (CSs), the phonotaxis of female Acheta domesticus ranges from being very selective to unselective. Within 15 min of nanoinjecting juvenile hormone III (JHIII) or picrotoxin (PTX) into the prothoracic ganglion, females become more selective for syllable period (SP) than in pre‐tests. Controls for JHIII experiments, including nanoinjection of acetone into the prothoracic ganglion or nanoinjection of JHIII into the metathoracic ganglion, do not influence selectivity. Similarly, nanoinjection of saline into the prothoracic ganglion and nanoinjection of PTX outside of the prothoracic ganglion does not change the overall selectivity of the female’s phonotaxis. These results indicate that circuits in the prothoracic ganglion modulate the SP‐selectivity of phonotaxis. Photoinactivating both of the ON1 prothoracic auditory interneurones in old females that were previously unselective for SP also results in greater SP‐selectivity during phonotaxis. Evidence suggesting that ON1 has this effect via its inhibitory input to L3 (another prothoracic auditory neurone) includes: photoinactivation of one ON1 neurone causes angular errors in the female’s orientation to CSs at 85 dB (above the threshold of the L3), stimulation with 60 dB CSs (above the threshold of ON1 but below the threshold of L3) does not induce errors in angular orientation, inactivation of ON1 in old crickets results in greater angular errors (85 dB stimulus) than it does when ON1 is inactivated in young females, and photoinactivation of ON1 increases the firing rate of the L3 neurone.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made in the brain of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus from an ascending auditory interneuron (AN1). Acoustic stimuli with calling song temporal pattern were delivered via earphones in a preparation with the acoustic trachea cut (attenuation of crossing sound > 30 dB). The input-output function of this cell was then determined by recording its responses to stimulation of the ipsilateral ear alone, of the contralateral ear alone and to stimulation of both ears simultaneously with the same or different carrier frequencies and intensities.This interneuron was excited by the ear ipsilateral to its axon and dendritic field and unresponsive to stimuli presented to the axon-contralateral ear alone. However, in binaural stimulation experiments, the response to a constant ipsilateral stimulus was progressively reduced as the intensity of a simultaneous contralateral stimulus was increased, above a threshold intensity.Tuning curves for threshold of this inhibition, determined in binaural stimulation experiments, indicated significant inhibition in the range 3–20 kHz with lowest threshold at 4–5 kHz. The inhibition was unaffected by sectioning of the contralateral circumoesophageal or neck connective, indicating that the inhibitory influence crosses the midline at the level of the prothoracic ganglion. Intracellular recordings from AN1 in the prothoracic ganglion confirmed that it was indeed neurally inhibited by inputs from the contralateral ear.Tuning curves for excitation of an omega neuron (ON1) by the ear ipsilateral to its soma and also the tuning of inhibition of ON1 by its contralateral ON1 partner, closely match the tuning of inhibition of AN1 and to a lesser extent, of AN2. This was taken as evidence that each AN1 is inhibited by the contralateral ON1. The significance of this interaction for directional hearing and phonotaxis is discussed.Abbreviations AP/CHP action potentials per chirp - AN1, AN2 ascending auditory interneurons 1, 2 - ON1 omega neuron 1 - ipsi ipsilateral contra contralateral - PTG prothoracic ganglion loc lateral ocellar nerve - On optic nerve an antennal nerve - coc circum-oesophageal connective so sound off  相似文献   

The anatomy of the adult nervous system of the haematophagous bug Triatoma infestans has been studied by means of dissections and histology. The central nervous system comprises three nervous masses: the brain + suboesophageal ganglion, the prothoracic ganglion, and the posterior fused ganglion (meso + metathoracic + abdominal ganglia). The form of the brain is determined by the tubular head and the highly developed muscles of the pharyngeal pump. The prothoracic. ganglion is located near the posternum, the posterior ganglionic mass near the mesosternum. A significative variation of the branching pattern of abdominal nerves is reported. The innervations of mouth parts, salivary glands, muscles, retrocerebral complex, spiracles, rectum, reproductive organs, alary muscles, and peripheral nerves are described. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of proctolin in the central nervous system of the hemipteran bug, Triatoma infestans, was studied by immunohistochemistry using the sensitive avidin‐biotin technique combined with nickel salt intensification of the reaction product. Proctolin was present in cells and fibers of the brain and ganglia. In the brain, protocerebral proctolin‐immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the pars intercerebralis, the optic lobes, and the lateral soma rind. The deutocerebrum showed positive somata in relation to the antennal motor center and the tritocerebrum had intense immunoreactive fibers but few positive cells. Proctolin‐immunoreactive cell bodies of different sizes were observed in the subesophageal ganglion. Large cell bodies were found mainly rostrally and beaded positive processes were present around the ventral border of the esophageal foramen and in the rostrolateral neuropil of this ganglion. Small‐ to medium‐sized positive somata were found in the posterior part of the prothoracic ganglion; some of these cells were sending immunoreactive processes to the central neuropil. The meso‐metathoracic‐abdominal ganglionic mass showed positive cells in all the neuromeres, where some of them were large and had thick immunoreactive granules. The results show that the labeling pattern of proctolin‐like immunoreactivity in Triatoma i. appears to be widespread and unique for its central nervous system. It is suggested that proctolin may serve neuroendocrine, integrative, and motor functions in the brain of T. infestans. J. Morphol. 240:39–47, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two types of auditory interneurone which ascend from the prothoracic ganglion to the brain in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (De Geer) are described. Intracellular recordings were made from the axons of the neurones in the brain under closed-field stimulus conditions and the recorded cells then stained with either cobalt or Lucifer Yellow. Both neurone types—the Plurisegmental ascending low frequency neurone 1 (PALF1), and the Plurisegmental ascending high frequency neurone 1 (PAHF1)—show response characteristics which would make them well suited to encoding the conspecific calling and courtship songs respectively. Further, the projection areas of both neurone types in the brain overlap those of previously identified intraganglionic interneurones, particularly in the anterior-ventral protocerebrum, and it is suggested that an auditory neuropile may exist in this region.  相似文献   

Transmembrane ion currents were studied on limited (pore diameter 6-15 mcm) areas of isolated neurone's soma membrane. The significant differences of the amplitude and correlation of input and output currents of various areas of the cell membrane were observed. The different directions of transmembrane ion currents' local changes were recorded only in the site of action stimulus during the formation of plastic changes of neurone responses. Natural heterogeneity of total ion current of cell membrane, rapid changes of current components values at local influences probably testify to the possibility of selective plasticity of separate neurone areas.  相似文献   

The role of non-spiking local interneurones in the synaptic interactions between abdominal extension-evoking descending interneurones and uropod motor neurones in the terminal abdominal ganglion of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard) was investigated electrophysiologically. Continuous electrical stimulation of the lateral region of the 3rd-4th abdominal connective that included abdominal extension evoking interneurones excited the opener motor neurones and inhibited the closer, reductor motor neurone. Spikes from a single descending interneurone evoked consistent and short latency (0.8–0.9 ms) excitatory postsynaptic potentials (e.p.s.ps) in the opener motor neurones, and evoked rather long-latency (1.5–2.7 ms) inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (i.p.s.ps) in the reductor motor neurone. Many non-spiking interneurones also received depolarizing p.s.ps (0.8–2.5 ms in latency) that were usually faster than i.p.s.ps of the reductor motor neurone if both neurones were recorded sequentially in the same preparation. Non-spiking interneurones received convergent inputs from several descending interneurones and made inverting connection with the reductor motor neurone. Elimination of descending inputs to a particular non-spiking interneurone could reduce the inhibitory response of the reductor motor neurone. These observations strongly suggested that descending inhibitory inputs to the closer, reductor motor neurone were mediated by non-spiking interneurones. Furthermore, some non-spiking interneurones made output connections with the opener motor neurones. The disynaptic pathway through non-spiking interneurones is significant to control and modulate the opening pattern of the uropod during abdominal extension. Accepted: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

Summary The thoracic homologue of the abdominal segmental giant neurone of crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus is identified and described. It has a small cell body located in the anterior ventro-lateral quadrant of the ganglion and a large neuropil arborization, with dendrites aligned along the tracts of the giant fibres. The SG axon exits the ganglion within the major root which innervates the leg, usually in the anterior region of this root. Within 1–2 mm of the ganglion the axon terminates in a mass of fine branches, apparently randomly located within the base of the root.The SG receives suprathreshold input from the ipsilateral MG and LG fibres through rectifying electrical synapses. It makes output to FF motor neurones, also through electrical synapses. The SG also makes output to at least one corollary discharge interneurone. The SG receives depolarizing inhibitory synaptic potentials which can prevent its activation by the GFs. Some but not all of these synaptic potentials are common to similar potentials occurring in a large leg promotor motor neurone.Abbreviations AC anterior connective - GF giant fibre - IPSP inhibitory post-synaptic potential - LG lateral giant fibre - MG medial giant fibre - MoG motor giant neurone - PC posterior connective - PMM promotor motor neurone - r1 first root - r3 third root - rAD anterior distal root - rPD posterior distal root - rPM promotor muscle root - SG segmental giant neurone  相似文献   

Syllable period (SP) selective calling song processing has been demonstrated for the prothoracic, AN2 auditory neurone that correlates very well with SP‐selective phonotaxis by female cricket Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer. Both SP‐selective processing by the AN2 and the phonotactic behaviour of the female exhibit substantial plasticity. Thus, the question remains as to whether the selective responses of the AN2 neurone and the selective behaviour of the female match in an individual female. The present study is designed to answer that question. The SP‐selective phonotactic behaviour of individual females is evaluated, followed immediately by measuring the SP‐selective responses of the same female's AN2 neurone. Very significant correlations are found between the selective responses of the AN2 neurone and the same female's selective behaviour. In 208 possible comparisons (26 females, eight behavioural and neuronal tests each), 186 resulted in matches between behaviour and neuronal processing. Dividing the SP‐selective females into two groups (one group that responded phonotactically to the shortest SP tested and a second group that did not respond to this SP) resulted in significantly more selective responses to this shortest SP by the AN2 neurone in the females that responded phonotactically to the SP than for the females who did not respond to the shortest SP. The behavioural responses by these two groups to the other SPs tested are shown to be essentially identical.  相似文献   

Golgi silver impregnation of sensory neurons arising from labellar taste sensilla of Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera : Drosophilidae) revealed 7 distinct types I-VII of primary (sensory) fibres projecting to the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) of the brain. Each fibre was classified on the bases of the neuropil volume occupied by its terminal arborisation, the shape of neuropil region receiving the arborisations and the detailed morphology of the arborisations. The primary sensory fibre projections from the labella are confined to the SOG where they project mainly in the anterior and central neuropils. No labellar sensory fibres project to posterior SOG. Of these 7 types of sensory fibres, three (III, IV and VII) show ipsilateral projections, while others have both ipsi-, and contralateral branches.Four types of interneurons are suggested to be associated with taste perception. Type A interneurons are local interneurons with arborisations confined only to the taste sensory neuropil of the SOG. The types B - D interneurons are interganglionic/output neurons with axons projecting to various brain regions-SOG, calyces of the mushroom bodies, tritocerebrum and thoracic ganglia. These projections suggest that more than one centre (SOG, tritocerebrum, calyces of the mushroom bodies and thoracic ganglia) are involved in processing gustatory information.  相似文献   

Summary In Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria, the projection areas and branching patterns of the tympanal receptor cells in the thoracic ganglia were revealed. Four auditory neuropiles can be distinguished on each side of the ventral cord, always located in the anterior part of the ring tract in each neuromere (two in the meta-, one in the meso-, and one in the prothoracic ganglion). Some of the receptor fibres ascend to the suboesophageal ganglion. There are distinct subdivisions within the auditory, frontal metathoracic and mesothoracic neuropiles. The arrangement of the terminal arborisations of the four types of tympanal receptor cells according to their different frequency-intensity responses is somatotopic and similar in the two ganglia. Here the receptor cells of type-1 form a restricted lateroventral arborisation. Cells of type-4 occupy the caudal part with a dorsorostral extension. Cells of type-2 and -3 arborise in a subdivision between both. Most of the stained low-frequency receptors (type-1, -2, and -3) terminate either in the metathoracic or, predominantly, in the mesothoracic ganglion. In contrast, the high-frequency cells (type-4) ascend to the prothoracic ganglion. The receptor fibres of the different types of receptor cells differ in diameter.Abbreviations aRT anterior part of the ring tract - cf characteristic frequency - MVT median ventral tract - SEG suboesophageal ganglion - SMC supramedian commissure - VMT ventral median tract - VIT ventral intermediate tract Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; part of program A7 in Sonderforschungsbereich 305 (Ecophysiology)  相似文献   

A distinctive group of neurons having cell bodies located along the midline of the dorsal surface of the sixth abdominal (A6) ganglion of the adult cockroach Periplaneta americana has been characterized by direct anterogradc cobalt chloride staining. These neurons identified as dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons, present a T-shaped morphology. The soma gives rise to a single primary neurite running anteriorly in the ganglion before dividing into two lateral neurites which run into the left and the right side of the ganglion. A characteristic dendritic arborization arises from the lateral neurites within the ganglion. This major branching pattern is mainly located at the periphery of the A6 ganglion and forms a symmetrical complicated network. A new culture procedure of these same adult DUM neurons has been developed from the dissociation of the median parts of the A6 ganglia. In our experimental conditions, we show that cultured adult DUM neurons can survive for several weeks, and regenerate a single primary neuritc dividing into two symmetrical lateral neurites with a number of fine processes radiating from the endings. This corresponds to the typical DUM neuron morphology revealed in situ on the same preparation using the cobalt chloride staining technique. This culture system developed for the first time on A6 ganglia adult DUM neurons will allow a better understanding of the physiological intracellular mechanisms involved in the neurosecretory functions of DUM neurons, which are currently unknown.  相似文献   

The cellular localization of the biogenic amines dopamine and serotonin was investigated in the ventral nerve cord of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, using antisera raised against dopamine, -tyrosine hydroxylase and serotonin. Dopamine-(n<-70) and serotonin-immunoreactive (n<-120) neurones showed a segmental arrangement in the ventral nerve cord. Some neuromeres, however, did not contain dopamine-immunoreactive cell bodies. The small number of stained cells allowed complete identification of brain and thoracic cells, including intersegmentally projecting axons and terminal arborizations. Dopamine-like immunostaining was found primarily in plurisegmental interneurones with axons descending to the soma-ipsilateral hemispheres of the thoracic and abdominal ganglia. In contrast, serotonin-immunostaining occurred predominantly in interneurones projecting via soma-contralaterally ascending axons to the thorax and brain. In addition, serotonin-immunoreactivity was also present in efferent cells and afferent elements. Serotonin-immunoreactive, but no dopamine-immunoreactive, varicose fibres were observed on the surface of some peripheral nerves. Varicose endings of both dopamine-and serotonin-immunoreactive neurones occurred in each neuromere and showed overlapping neuropilar projections in dorsal and medial regions of the thoracic ganglia. Ventral associative neuropiles lacked dopamine-like immunostaining but were innervated by serotonin-immunoreactive elements. A colocalization of the two amines was not observed. The topographic representation of neurone types immunoreactive for serotonin and dopamine is discussed with respect to possible modulatory functions of these biogenic amines in the central nervous system of the cricket.  相似文献   

Summary Cobalt filling into spider legs reveals plurisegmental receptor endings and the plurisegmental origin of motor neurons. Motor neuron dendrites are organized into two domains, one interacting with plurisegmental receptors, the other arborizing within the lateral neuropil of the leg neuromere. The intersegmental organization of both motor and sensory elements supports behavioural studies demonstrating inhibitory connections between legs.  相似文献   

Pigment‐dispersing factor (PDF) is a neuropeptide that has been indicated as a likely output signal from the circadian clock neurons in the brain of Drosophila. In addition to these brain neurons, there are PDF‐immunoreactive (PDFI) neurons in the abdominal ganglia of Drosophila and other insects; the function of these neurons is not known. We have analyzed PDFI neurons in the abdominal ganglia of the locust Locusta migratoria. These PDFI neurons can first be detected at about 45% embryonic development and have an adult appearance at about 80%. In each of the abdominal ganglia (A3–A7) there is one pair of lateral PDFI neurons and in each of the A5–A7 ganglia there is additionally a pair of median neurons. The lateral neurons supply varicose branches to neurohemal areas of the lateral heart nerves and perisympathetic organs, whereas the median cells form processes in the terminal abdominal ganglion and supply terminals on the hindgut. Because PDF does not influence hindgut contractility, it is possible that also these median neurons release PDF into the circulation. Release from one or both the PDFI neuron types was confirmed by measurements of PDF‐immunoreactivity in hemolymph by enzyme immunoassay. PDF applied to the terminal abdominal ganglion triggers firing of action potentials in motoneurons with axons in the genital nerves of males and the 8th ventral nerve of females. Because this action is blocked in calcium‐free saline, it is likely that PDF acts via interneurons. Thus, PDF seems to have a modulatory role in central neuronal circuits of the terminal abdominal ganglion that control muscles of genital organs. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 48: 19–41, 2001  相似文献   

Gill motor neuron L7-induced longitudinal shortening of the gill in Aplysia kurodai and A. juliana was suppressed when extracellular stimuli were applied to a restricted dorsal central region of the abdominal ganglion. We found a neuron there which antagonized the L7-driven contraction. Since the contraction was suppressed when the identified neuron was activated simultaneously with L7, we refer to the newly found neuron as “Anti-L7”. Anti-L7 did not change the L7 impulse generation in the abdominal ganglion. No direct synaptic connection from L7 to Anti-L7 was detected. A fluorescent dye injected into the soma of Anti-L7 revealed that the neuron sent axonal branches to the branchial nerve. These results may show that Anti-L7 antagonizes L7 at the periphery inside the gill, rather than in the abdominal ganglion. EJPs induced by L7 were unaffected by Anti-L7. Activation of Anti-L7 alone did not induce any change in tone or membrane potential of the gill musculature. The suppressive effect of Anti-L7 lasts many seconds after the cessation of a train of Anti-L7 impulses. The results may suggest that the suppression is mediated through an inhibitory neuromodulatory mechanism without inhibition of L7 itself. Accepted: 1 April 1999  相似文献   

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