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Dispersed pair-living primates provide a unique model for illuminating the evolution of mechanisms regulating spacing and cohesiveness in permanently cohesive groups. We present for the first time data on the spatiotemporal distribution and loud-calling behavior of the Milne Edwards' sportive lemur, known to forage solitarily during the night, but to form stable male-female sleeping groups during the day. Data include radio-tracking observations of sleeping associations, and focal follows of pair partners during dispersal in the evenings and reunions in the mornings. Male-female pairs forming stable sleeping associations during the day were pair-bonded. They used sleeping sites and home ranges exclusively, and exchanged loud calls at potentially restricted resources during dispersal in the evenings and during reunion in the mornings. Direct agonistic conflicts between pairs and others were rare. The acoustic analysis of loud calls revealed nine major call types. They carry signatures for sex and pair identity, and provide the substrate for signaling and the potential for recognizing pair ownership. Thus, pairs use loud call exchanges as a vocal display for signaling territory ownership, thus limiting direct aggressive encounters between neighbors and strangers. Altogether, our findings provide the first empirical evidence for the hypothesis that loud calling has evolved as a key mechanism for regulating space use and cohesiveness in dispersed pair-living primates.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation between natural populations is best understood as a result of both natural and anthropogenic factors. Genetic studies on large populations still living under relatively undisturbed conditions are extremely valuable to disentangle these influences. The effect of three natural (geographic distance, landscape, dispersal) factors and two anthropogenic factors (road, savannah) on gene flow was analyzed in the largest remaining forest region in the range of the endangered golden-brown mouse lemur in Madagascar. A total of 187 individuals from 12 sites were sampled and genotyped at eight polymorphic microsatellite loci. All sites exhibited similar levels of genetic variation. The level of genetic differentiation was low to moderate with pairwise F(ST) values ranging from -0.002 to 0.12, but most were significant and all sites exhibited high self-assignment rates. A spatial autocorrelation analysis was performed at two geographic scales revealing a pattern of isolation-by-distance and suggesting that no clear differences exist between male and female local dispersal. Two Bayesian approaches revealed that a stretch of savannah represented a significant barrier to movement, whereas the influence of the road on gene flow was less clear. Finally, we found that landscape characteristics, in particular altitude, play a role in the functional connectivity of the sites. The study underlines the importance of studies in relatively undisturbed conditions for the interpretation of population genetics data in fragmented environments. The results are discussed in terms of their conservation relevance for forest-dwelling animals such as most primate species.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation, energetics and patterns of torpor in the pygmy mouse lemur, Microcebus myoxinus, were investigated under natural conditions of photoperiod and temperature in the Kirindy/CFPF Forest in western Madagascar. M. myoxinus entered torpor spontaneously during the cool dry season. Torpor only occurred on a daily basis and torpor bout duration was on average 9.6 h, and ranged from 4.6 h to 19.2 h. Metabolic rates during torpor were reduced to about 86% of the normothermic value. Minimum body temperature during daily torpor was 6.8 °C at an ambient temperature of 6.3 °C. Entry into torpor occurred randomly between 2000 and 0620 hours, whereas arousals from torpor were clustered around 1300 hours within a narrow time window of less than 4 h. Arousal from torpor was a two-step process with a first passive climb of body temperature to a mean of 27 °C, carried by the daily increase of ambient temperature when oxygen consumption remained more or less constant, followed by a second active increase of oxygen consumption to further raise the body temperature to normothermic values. In conclusion, daily body temperature rhythms in M. myoxinus further reduce the energetic costs of daily torpor seen in other species: they extend to unusually low body temperatures and consequently low metabolic rates in torpor, and they employ passive warming to reduce the energetic costs of arousal. Thus, these energy-conserving adaptations may represent an important energetic aid to the pygmy mouse lemur and help to promote their individual fitness. Accepted: 2 November 1999  相似文献   

Safe sleeping sites may be a limited resource crucial for survival. In order to investigate their potential significance for social organization in nocturnal primates, we analyzed the spatial distribution of daily sleeping sites, their characteristics, their usage, and sleeping group compositions in the nocturnal Milne Edwards' sportive lemur during a 6-month field study in the dry deciduous forest of northwestern Madagascar. Sexes did not differ either in body size or in body mass. Sleeping sites were used almost exclusively by adult male-female pairs. Individuals showed a high sleeping-site fidelity limited to 2-3 different sleeping sites in close vicinity during the whole study period. Most females showed a higher fidelity to one distinct sleeping site than their male partners. Sleeping groups consisted of one adult male and one adult female and remained stable in composition over the whole study period. Exclusive pair-specific usage of sleeping sites suggests sleeping site related territoriality of male-female pairs, perhaps influenced by inter- and intrasexual resource competition. Results give first insights into the distribution patterns and social organization of this species. They imply dispersed monogamy for the Milne Edwards' sportive lemur, with sleeping sites as a potentially restricted and defendable resource.  相似文献   

The lesser mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) is one of six sympatric nocturnal primates found in the Kirindy forest, west-Madagascar. Each of these species is reported to consume a secretion produced during the austral winter by the Homopteran insect Flatidia coccinea. In July and August 1993 a study was conducted to determine the importance of this food resource in the ecology of female M. murinus. At this study site, animals were distributed only along the forest edge where insect secretions are significantly more abundant than in the forest interior. Abundances of arboreal and nocturnal flying insects do not differ between the forest edge and interior. Experimental resource removal from a 25 × 25 m plot in one female's home range caused a significant shift in the animals' pattern of habitat use while no change occurred in a control plot. Thus, at this study site and time of year, the ranging behavior of a female M. murinus was strongly influenced by the presence of Homopteran secretions. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Advertisement calls are often important noninvasive tools for discriminating cryptic species and for assessing specific diversity and speciation patterns in nature. We investigated the contribution of these calls to uncover specific diversity in nocturnal Malagasy lemurs. We compared sexual advertisement and predator advertisement calls of two mouse lemur species, western gray and eastern rufous mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus and M. rufus, respectively) living in two contrasting habitats (dry deciduous vs. rain forest), and analyzed them statistically. Both species emitted several highly variable whistle calls in the context of predator-avoidance. Intrapopulation variation was high and overlapped interspecific variation. Sexual advertisement calls, given in the mating context, displayed a totally distinct, species-specific acoustic structure. Whereas gray mouse lemurs produced rapidly multifrequency modulated, long trill calls, rufous mouse lemurs gave slowly frequency-modulated short chirp calls. Our results suggest specific status for gray and rufous mouse lemurs and indicate the importance of predation and social needs in shaping vocal communication.  相似文献   

Acoustic phenotypic variation is of major importance for speciation and the evolution of species diversity. Whereas selective and stochastic forces shaping the acoustic divergence of signaling systems are well studied in insects, frogs, and birds, knowledge on the processes driving acoustic phenotypic evolution in mammals is limited. We quantified the acoustic variation of a call type exchanged during agonistic encounters across eight distinct species of the smallest‐bodied nocturnal primate radiation, the Malagasy mouse lemurs. The species live in two different habitats (dry forest vs. humid forest), differ in geographic distance to each other, and belong to four distinct phylogenetic clades within the genus. Genetically defined species were discriminated reliably on the phenotypic level based on their acoustic distinctiveness in a discriminant function analysis. Acoustic variation was explained by genetic distance, whereas differences in morphology, forest type, or geographic distance had no effect. The strong impact of genetics was supported by a correlation between acoustic and genetic distance and the high agreement in branching pattern between the acoustic and molecular phylogenetic trees. In sum, stochastic factors such as genetic drift best explained acoustic diversification in a social communication call of mouse lemurs.  相似文献   

Nocturnal primate species are often difficult to discriminate by gross visual bodily characteristics. This is also true for the world's smallest primate taxon, the Malagasy mouse lemurs. Recent findings imply that this taxon contains sibling species that can be diagnosed noninvasively by their species-specific advertisement call. We used comparative bioacoustics in order to explore variation of this call type and to assess species status of three European colonies. Acoustic variation was compared within and between colonies as well as with known species-specific differences. It was further related to morphological and genetic variations to investigate in how far it covaries with them. Results show that acoustic and genetic differences revealed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting separated colonies reliably, but were on a different level than known species-specific differences. A Mantel test showed that acoustic differences were weakly correlated to genetic, but not to morphological differences. Our study is the first to reveal that both acoustic signaling and genetics clearly establish the species status for nocturnal primate populations. It also suggests that acoustic traits change at a more obvious and rapid pace than morphology in isolated populations, and may be used as an indication of conditions that may favor the evolution of subspecies.  相似文献   

The coexistence of closely related species is not easily understood on the basis of ecological theories. This study investigates the extent of coexistence of two congeneric species of Microcebus murinus (MUR) and M. ravelobensis (RAV) in northwestern Madagascar. Their presence and local relative population densities were determined by capturing and nocturnal transect counts and compared at 22 study sites in the Ankarafantsika National Park. All sites were characterized with regard to their altitude, access to surface water, and 19 structural vegetation characteristics. RAV and MUR were not equally distributed over this regional scale. RAV occurred in more sites and at higher maximum densities than MUR. The relative population densities of both species were significantly and negatively correlated with each other. Whereas the relative population densities of MUR increased with altitude and were highest in dry habitats far from surface water, the relative population densities of RAV generally decreased with altitude and were highest in low altitude habitats close to surface water. The results of the vegetation characteristics also reflect these general trends. The divergent pattern of local and regional coexistence of these two species is discussed and can be best explained either by the existence of a spatially heterogeneous competitive environment or by independent evolutionary pathways in different historic environments. Am. J. Primatol. 71:928–938, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

J. Schmid 《Oecologia》2000,123(2):175-183
Patterns and energetic consequences of spontaneous daily torpor were measured in the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) under natural conditions of ambient temperature and photoperiod in a dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar. Over a period of two consecutive dry seasons, oxygen consumption (VO2) and body temperature (T b) were measured on ten individuals kept in outdoor enclosures. In all animals, spontaneous daily torpor occurred on a daily basis with torpor bouts lasting from 3.6 to 17.6 h, with a mean torpor bout duration of 9.3 h. On average, body temperatures in torpor were 17.3±4.9°C with a recorded minimum value of 7.8°C. Torpor was not restricted to the mouse lemurs’ diurnal resting phase: entries occurred throughout the night and arousals mainly around midday, coinciding with the daily ambient temperature maximum. Arousal from torpor was a two-phase process with a first passive, exogenous heating where the T b of animals increased from the torpor T b minimum to a mean value of 27.1°C before the second, endogenous heat production commenced to further raise T b to normothermic values. Metabolic rate during torpor (28.6±13.2 ml O2 h–1) was significantly reduced by about 76% compared to resting metabolic rate (132.6±50.5 ml O2 h–1). On average, for all M. murinus individuals measured, hypometabolism during daily torpor reduced daily energy expenditure by about 38%. In conclusion, all these energy-conserving mechanisms of the nocturnal mouse lemurs, with passive exogenous heating during arousal from torpor, low minimum torpor T bs, and extended torpor bouts into the activity phase, comprise an important and highly adapted mechanism to minimize energetic costs in response to unfavorable environmental conditions and may play a crucial role for individual fitness. Received: 8 July 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

Affiliation/agonism and social dominance are central factors determining social organization in primates. The aim of our study is to investigate and describe, for the first time, the intersexual relations in a nocturnal and cohesive pair‐living prosimian primate, the western woolly lemur (Avahi occidentalis), and to determine to what extent phylogeny, activity mode, or the cohesiveness of pair partners shape the quality of social interactions. Six pairs of western woolly lemurs were radio‐collared in the dry deciduous forest of northwestern Madagascar. More than 874 hr of focal animal sampling were conducted. All occurrences of social interactions involving a focal animal were recorded. The rate of affiliation between pair partners was significantly higher than the rate of agonism. Western woolly lemur pairs' interactions were extremely peaceful. All decided agonistic conflicts (N = 15) were exclusively initiated and won by the female. No female showed spontaneous submission toward her male partner. These results are in line with those of diurnal cohesive pair‐living anthropoid primates. Findings support the hypothesis that social relations in pair‐living primates are linked to the cohesiveness of pair partners in time and space irrespective of phylogeny and activity mode. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1261–1268, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the pattern of utilisation of torpor and its impact on energy budgets in free-living grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), a small nocturnal primate endemic to Madagascar. We measured daily energy expenditure (DEE) and water turnover using doubly labelled water, and we used temperature-sensitive radio collars to measure skin temperature (T sk) and home range. Our results showed that male and female mouse lemurs in the wild enter torpor spontaneously over a wide range of ambient temperatures (T a) during the dry season, but not during the rainy season. Mouse lemurs remained torpid between 1.7–8.9 h with a daily mean of 3.4 h, and their T sk s fell to a minimum of 18.8 °C. Mean home ranges of mouse lemurs which remained normothermic were similar in the rainy and dry season. During the dry season, the mean home range of mouse lemurs showing daily torpor was significantly smaller than that of animals remaining normothermic. The DEE of M. murinus remaining normothermic in the rainy season (122 ± 65.4 kJ day−1) was about the same of that of normothermic mouse lemurs in the dry season (115.5 ± 27.3 kJ day−1). During the dry season, the mean DEE of M. murinus that utilised daily torpor was 103.4 ± 32.7 kJ day−1 which is not significantly different from the mean DEE of animals remaining normothermic. We found that the DEE of mouse lemurs using daily torpor was significantly correlated with the mean temperature difference between T sk and T a (r 2=0.37) and with torpor bout length (r 2 =0.46), while none of these factors explained significant amounts of variation in the DEE of the mouse lemurs remaining normothermic. The mean water flux rate of mouse lemurs using daily torpor (13.0 ± 4.1 ml day−1) was significantly lower than that of mouse lemurs remaining normothermic (19.4 ± 3.8 ml day−1), suggesting the lemurs conserve water by entering torpor. Thus, this first study on the energy budget of free-ranging M. murinus demonstrates that torpor may not only reflect its impact on the daily energy demands, but involve wider adaptive implications such as water requirements. Accepted: 29 August 2000  相似文献   

Lemurs are among the world's most threatened mammals. The critically endangered black‐and‐white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata), in particular, has recently experienced rapid population declines due to habitat loss, ecological sensitivities to habitat degradation, and extensive human hunting pressure. Despite this, a recent study indicates that ruffed lemurs retain among the highest levels of genetic diversity for primates. Identifying how this diversity is apportioned and whether gene flow is maintained among remnant populations will help to diagnose and target conservation priorities. We sampled 209 individuals from 19 sites throughout the remaining V. variegata range. We used 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci and ~550 bp of mtDNA sequence data to evaluate genetic structure and population dynamics, including dispersal patterns and recent population declines. Bayesian cluster analyses identified two distinct genetic clusters, which optimally partitioned data into populations occurring on either side of the Mangoro River. Localities north of the Mangoro were characterized by greater genetic diversity, greater gene flow (lower genetic differentiation) and higher mtDNA haplotype and nucleotide diversity than those in the south. Despite this, genetic differentiation across all sites was high, as indicated by high average FST (0.247) and ΦST (0.544), and followed a pattern of isolation‐by‐distance. We use these results to suggest future conservation strategies that include an effort to maintain genetic diversity in the north and restore connectivity in the south. We also note the discordance between patterns of genetic differentiation and current subspecies taxonomy, and encourage a re‐evaluation of conservation management units moving forward.  相似文献   

To investigate for the first time the relationship between contrasting patterns of seasonal changes of the environment and activity, body mass and reproduction for small nocturnal primates in nature, we compared a population of golden brown mouse lemur (Microcebus ravelobensis) in a dry deciduous forest of northwestern Madagascar and of the brown mouse lemur (Microcebus rufus) in an evergreen rain forest of eastern Madagascar. Both species live under similar photoperiodic conditions. Golden brown mouse lemurs (GBML) were active during the whole period (May to December) irrespective of changing environmental conditions. In contrast, a part of the population of brown mouse lemurs (BML) showed prolonged seasonal torpor, related to body mass during periods of short day length and low ambient temperatures. Differences between species might be due to differences in ambient temperature and food supply. Body weight and tail thickness (adipose tissue reserve) did not show prominent differences between short and long photoperiods in GBML, whereas both differ significantly in BML, suggesting species-specific differences in the photoperiodically driven control of metabolism. Both species showed a seasonal reproduction. The rate of growth and size of the testes were similar and preceded estrous onset in both species suggesting a photoperiodic control of reproduction in males. The estrous onset in females occurred earlier in GBML than in BML. Estrous females were observed over at least 4 months in the former, but in only 1 month in the latter species. Intraspecific variation of estrous onset in GBML may be explained by body mass. Interspecific variation of female reproduction indicates species-specific differences in the control of reproduction. Thus, environmentally related differences in annual rhythms between closely related small nocturnal lemurs emerged that allow them to cope with contrasting patterns of seasonal changes in their habitats.  相似文献   

Converging evidence shows that the non-human primate gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) is ideal for the study of the aging process and for testing the effects of new therapies and dietary interventions on age-associated pathologies. One such dietary supplement is resveratrol (RSV), a dietary polyphenolic compound with several positive effects on metabolic functions and longevity. However, little is known about the effect of RSV on the lemur sleep-wake cycle, which reflects mammalian brain function and health. In the present study, the authors investigated this effect by comparing sleep-wake cycles in adult lemurs based on electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythms. The effect of short-term RSV supplementation on the sleep-wake cycle of mouse lemurs was evaluated in entrained conditions (long-day photoperiods, light:dark 14:10). After 3 wks of RSV supplementation, the animals exhibited a significantly increased proportion of active-wake time, occurring mainly during the resting phase of the sleep-wake cycle (+163%). The increase in active-wake time with RSV supplementation was accompanied by a significant reduction of both paradoxical sleep (-95%) and slow-wave sleep (-38%). These changes mainly occurred during the resting phase of the sleep-wake cycle (RSV supplementation induced negligible changes in active-wake time during the active phase of the sleep-wake cycle). The present data suggest that RSV may be a potent regulator of sleep-wake rhythms and could be of major interest in the study of sleep perturbations associated with aging and neuropathology.  相似文献   

We examined predictions on the proportion of dispersing natal males and females, dispersal distances, the age at dispersal and the potential for inbreeding over a 6-year period in a free-living population of grey mouse lemurs. We used monthly mark-recapture procedures to determine individual locations and interindividual distances. The analysis of seven polymorphic microsatellite markers for 213 (130 males, 83 females) individuals allowed us to estimate relatedness coefficients and kinship relationships. Closely related males ranged further from each other than closely related females and natal males were found further from their potential mothers than were females. Natal males were more likely to disperse from their birth sites than females, although male dispersal was not universal. Male breeding dispersal was detected in half of the long-term observations. Males therefore seem to be the predominant vectors for gene flow between populations and social units. Females usually stayed within one to two home range diameters of their potential mother, facilitating the evolution of cooperative behaviour by kin selection among females. Most dispersal took place before the mating season, indicating an age of less than 7 months for natal dispersal. The analysis of spatiotemporal coexistence revealed the potential for inbreeding in only 3.8% of the potential mother-son dyads, but in 21.9% of the potential father-daughter dyads and in 41.7% of other closely related male-female dyads. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour   相似文献   

Information about species distribution is important for conservation but the monitoring of populations can demand a high sampling effort with traditional methods (e.g., line transects, sound playback) that are poorly efficient for cryptic primates, such as the black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus). Here we investigated the effectiveness of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) as an alternative method to identify the presence of vocalizing lion tamarins in the wild. We aimed to: (1) determine the maximum distance at which autonomous recorders (Song Meter 3) and Raven Pro acoustic software can respectively detect and identify lion tamarin long calls emitted by two captive subjects (ex situ study); and (2) determine the sampling effort required to confirm the presence of the species in the wild (in situ study). In captive settings, we recorded lion tamarin long calls with one to two autonomous recorders operating at increasing distances from the animals' enclosure (8−202 m). In a 515 ha forest fragment, we deployed 12 recorders in a grid, 300 m apart from each other, within the estimated 100 ha home range of one group, and let them record for 10 consecutive days, totaling 985 h. In the ex situ study, hand-browsing of spectrograms yielded 298 long calls emitted from 8 to 194 m, and Raven's Template Detector identified 54.6% of them, also emitted from 8 to 194 m. In the in situ study, we manually counted 1115 long calls, and the Raven's Template Detector identified 44.75% of them. Furthermore, the presence of lion tamarins was confirmed within 1 day using four randomly sorted recorders, whereas 5 days on average were necessary with only one device. While specific protocols still need to be developed to determine primate population size using this technology, we concluded that PAM is a promising tool when considering long term costs and benefits.  相似文献   

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