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The process of X-inactivation in mammals requires at least two events, the initiation of inactivation and the maintenance of the inactive state. One possible mechanism of control is by methylation of DNA at CpG dinucleotides to maintain the inactive state. Furthermore, the paternal X-chromosome is frequently inactivated in the extraembryonic membranes. The relationship between the parental origin of the chromosome, nonrandom inactivation and DNA methylation is not clear. In this paper, we report on the CpG methylation of an X-linked transgene, CAT-32. The levels of methylation in embryonic, extraembryonic and germline cells indicates that the modifications of the transgene are broadly similar to those reported for endogenous X-linked genes. Interestingly, the methylation of CAT-32 transgene in extraembryonic tissues displays patterns that could be linked to the germline origin of each allele. Hence, the maternally derived copy of CAT-32 was relatively undermethylated when compared to the paternal one. The changes in DNA methylation were attributed to de novo methylation occurring after fertilization, most probably during differentiation of extraembryonic tissues. In order to determine whether or not the patterns of DNA methylation reflected the germline origin of the X-chromosome, we constructed triploid embryos specifically to introduce two maternal X-chromosomes in the same embryo. In some of these triploid conceptuses, methylation patterns characteristic of the paternally derived transgene were observed. This observation indicates that the methylation patterns are not necessarily dependent on the parental origin of the X-chromosome, but could be changed by somatic events after fertilization. One of the more likely mechanisms is methylation of the transgene following inactivation of the X-chromosome in extraembryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Lysosomal degradation of ganglioside GM2 by hexosaminidase A requires the presence of a small, non-enzymatic cofactor, the GM2-activator protein (GM2AP). Lack of functional protein leads to the AB variant of GM2-gangliosidosis, a fatal lysosomal storage disease. Although its possible mode of action and functional domains have been discussed frequently in the past, no structural information about GM2AP is available so far. Here, we determine the complete disulfide bond pattern of the protein. Two of the four disulfide bonds present in the protein were open to classical determination by enzymatic cleavage and mass spectrometry. The direct localization of the remaining two bonds was impeded by the close vicinity of cysteines 136 and 138. We determined the arrangement of these disulfide bonds by MALDI-PSD analysis of disulfide linked peptides and by partial reduction, cyanylation and fragmentation in basic solution, as described recently (Wu F, Watson JT, 1997, Protein Sci 6:391-398).  相似文献   

Plant regeneration from encapsulated somatic embryos of Carica papaya L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Carica papaya L. (papaya) single somatic embryos (2.0 mm diameter) produced in a high-frequency liquid production system were encapsulated in two different synthetic encapsulation compounds. The frequency of regeneration from encapsulated embryos was significantly affected by (1) the concentration of sodium alginate, (2) the presence or absence of nutrient salts in the capsule, and (3) the duration of exposure to calcium chloride. A 2.5% sodium alginate concentration in a half-strength MS salts base resulted in significantly higher germination frequencies than other treatments. A relatively short (10 min) exposure to CaCl2 provided uniform encapsulation of embryos and the highest frequencies of successful germination (77.5%). Germinated artificial seeds produced normal plantlets. Received: 12 March 1997 / Revision recieved: 24 June 1997 / Accepted: 18 July 1997  相似文献   

A test system for growth regulators based on the time course of liver regeneration in male NMRI mice injected intraperitoneally (ip) with 50 nmol CCl4 at 12 is described. Regenerative DNA synthesis (labelling index) peaked at 36 h after CCl4 injury, and the Colcemid-assessed mitotic rate (MR) at 42 h, i.e., 6 h later. This response pattern was used to assess the effects of factors in liver extracts that regulate or modulate hepatocyte proliferation. The effect of one, two, four or eight ip injections of an aqueous mouse liver extract on MR was tested at 48 h. A 30-70% inhibition was seen only after single injections at 12 h, 29 h or 44 h after CCl4 treatment. A 30-80% stimulation was observed after a single injection of the liver extract at 0, 5 or 24 h, and after two or four injections. The assay system could thus detect the presence of growth modulators in the extract. The experiments also showed that the timing was crucial. We recently isolated and characterized a growth inhibitory pentapeptide from mouse liver extracts. Using a synthetic pentapeptide with the same structure we reassessed the timing for growth inhibition seen with the liver extract. The following test system for growth inhibitors seemed most expedient: inhibitor administration at 29 h to affect G1-S transition, measured as reduced DNA synthesis at 36 h, or inhibitor administration at 44 h to affect G2-M transition, measured as reduced MR at 48 h.  相似文献   

The use of purified piscine plasminogen in a chromogenic solution assay enabled us to detect plasminogen activator (PA) activity in crude homogenates of goldfish optic nerve following nerve injury. In contrast, no activity was detected in the homogenates of uninjured nerve. Under conditions allowing regeneration of the optic axons (optic nerve crush), PA activity peaked 8 days after crush, and decreased to undetectable levels by 60 days. Under conditions allowing only degeneration of the axons (enucleation), the activity peaked at 8 days but decreased more rapidly. Casein zymography of samples after fractionation in SDS-PAGE showed that PA activity migrated as a doublet at Mr = 60-65 kd. Using this assay, activity was also observed in uninjured control nerves. This plasminogen-dependent activity migrated as three bands of higher molecular weight (Mr = 75, 95 and 120 kd) and was undetectable in solution assays of unfractionated extracts, suggesting complex formation with an inhibitor(s). Fibrin overlay assay of retinal explants and isolated primary cells in culture suggest that the goldfish PA is associated with the glial cells of the goldfish visual pathway.  相似文献   

We induced somatic embryogenesis from the cotyledon segments ofOlea europaea (L) cvs. ‘Chetoui’, ‘Chemleli’, and ‘Arbequina’. Calli were established from all three cultvars on OMc media supplemented with IBA and 2i-R The greatest success was obtained with media that contained zero or low concentrations of growth regulators. High levels of hormones (i.e.,>0.5 mgL-1 IBA and 2i-P) inhibited embryogenesis. Embryos at different maturation stages were observed with continuously proliferating secondary embryogenesis. Abnormally shaped embryos and teratoma were also noted. Four weeks was the optimal incubation period for inducing embryogenesis on the auxin-containing medium. In addition, 30 to 40 gL-1 sucrose was more effective than glucose in stimulating the growth and maturation of somatic embryos. Embryogeic efficiency was also higher when multivariate combinations of nitrogen sources (inorganic and organic nitrogen forms) were used. The plantlets that were derived from our germinating somatic embryos were similar to those obtained from axillary buds.  相似文献   

Summary A method was developed for in vitro regeneration of plants via somatic embryogenesis in Chorispora bungeana, an alpine plant with freeze-tolerance, using cell suspensions initiated from leaf-derived callus. Primary calli were induced from leaves of C. bungeana grown on Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with 4.0 mg l−1 gibberellic acid (GA3), 0.2 mgl−1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 0.2 mgl−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Suspension culture was initiated by incubating the callus particulates in liquid MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mgl−1 kinetin (KT) and 0.2 mgl−1 NAA. Individual early cotyledonary-stage somatic embryos isolated from cell suspension developed into whole plants on medium containing high levels of sucrose (60 and 90 gl−1), whereas lower sucrose concentrations (0 and 30 gl−1) were inhibitory to main root development. On the MS medium with 90 gl−1 sucrose, one regenerated plant exhibited hetero-morphologic leaves, while other plants grown on different media showed a transformation from stem to root.  相似文献   

U H Weidle  P Buckel  R Mattes 《Gene》1988,73(2):439-447
We have constructed amplified Chinese hamster ovary cell lines constitutively synthesizing human tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) or a derivative in which the domains homologous to epidermal growth factor and kringle 1 have been removed [delta(G + K1)]. The properties of the secreted proteins were investigated when synthesized in the presence or absence of the serine protease inhibitor aprotinin in the medium. t-PA in the culture supernatants was either single-chain or two-chain protein. The protease activity of both forms was stimulated by fibrin. The biochemical properties of delta(G + K1) were significantly different when harvested from cells grown under different culturing conditions. Protease activity of delta(G + K1) was stimulated ten- to 20-fold by fibrin when harvested from medium with aprotinin, but was stimulated only two- to three-fold when aprotinin was absent from the serum. Characterization of the secreted proteins revealed that the heavy-chain equivalent of delta(G + K1) is degraded when serine protease inhibitor is absent in the culture medium. These results indicate that the functional and biochemical properties of restructured versions of t-PA may depend on the presence of protease(s) in the culture supernatants.  相似文献   

Although the translocation of metallothionein (MT) from cytoplasm to nucleus has been demonstrated in liver during times of high requirement for zinc (fetal development and the neonatal period), the role of MT in cellular growth is not well understood. In this study, a potential role of MT in liver regeneration was investigated in wild type (WT) and MT-I and MT-II gene knockout (MT-null) mice after 35% partial hepatectomy (PH) or sham laparotomy. Hepatic MT levels and proliferation index were measured at 0, 5, 15, 24, 36, 48, and 60 hrs after PH and 48 hrs after sham laparotomy (control). MT levels were increased in WT mice (peak at 24 hrs after PH) and declined to normal levels by 60 hrs after PH. Immunohistochemical staining for MT in WT mice indicated the presence of MT in both nucleus and cytoplasm of hepatocytes at 24 hrs after PH, whereas MT was present mainly in the cytoplasm at 36-60 hrs after PH and 48 hrs after sham laparotomy. Hepatic proliferation index in both WT and MT-null mice, as determined by argyrophilic nucleolar organizing region staining and proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunohistochemical staining, reached a peak at 48 hrs and declined by 60 hrs after PH. Cell proliferation was significantly less in MT-null mice as compared to WT mice during liver regeneration after PH. These results suggest that MT may play a positive role in hepatic regeneration after PH.  相似文献   

Anthers of Vitis latifolia L. (wild grape) cultured on Nitsch and Nitsch medium supplemented with 20 μM 2,4-D and 9 μM BAP produced callus after 4–6 weeks. Subculture of callus onto Nitsch and Nitsch medium containing 10 μM NAA produced somatic embryos within 6 weeks. On growth regulator-free Nitsch and Nitsch basal medium somatic embryos converted to plantlets in 6–8 weeks. One gram of callus produced more than 400 somatic embryos with 13.7% being converted to complete plantlets, which were subsequently established in soil. Regenerated plants were found to have mixoploid populations of cells, 2n = 38 and n = 19. Received: 23 May 1998 / Revision received: 21 September 1998 / Accepted: 10 October 1998  相似文献   

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