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Bacterial Plasmids in Antarctic Natural Microbial Assemblages   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Samples of psychrophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria were collected from sea ice, seawater, sediments, and benthic or ice-associated animals in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. A total of 155 strains were isolated and tested for the presence of plasmids by DNA agarose gel electrophoresis. Thirty-one percent of the isolates carried at least one kind of plasmid. Bacterial isolates taken from sediments showed the highest plasmid incidence (42%), and isolates from seawater showed the lowest plasmid incidence (20%). Plasmids were significantly more frequent in the strains which had been first isolated from low-nutrient media (46%) than in the strains which had been isolated from high-nutrient media (25%). Multiple forms of plasmids were observed in two-thirds of the plasmid-carrying strains. A majority of the plasmids detected were estimated to have a mass of 10 megadaltons or less. Among 48 plasmid-carrying strains, 7 showed antibiotic resistance. It is concluded that bacterial plasmids are ubiquitous in natural microbial assemblages of the pristine marine ecosystem of Antarctica.  相似文献   

Biofouling communities contribute significantly to aquatic ecosystem productivity and biogeochemical cycling. Our knowledge of the distribution, composition, and activities of these microbially dominated communities is limited compared to other components of estuarine ecosystems. This study investigated the temporal stability and change of the dominant phylogenetic groups of the domain Bacteria in estuarine biofilm communities. Glass slides were deployed monthly over 1 year for 7-day incubations during peak tidal periods in East Sabine Bay, Fla. Community profiling was achieved by using 16S rRNA genes and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of 16S rRNA genes in combination with ribotyping, cloning, and sequencing to evaluate diversity and to identify dominant microorganisms. Bacterial community profiles from biofilms grown near the benthos showed distinct periods of constancy within winter and summer sampling periods. Similar periods of stability were also seen in T-RFLP patterns from floating biofilms. Alternating dominance of phylogenetic groups between seasons appeared to be associated with seasonal changes in temperature, nutrient availability, and light. The community structure appeared to be stable during these periods despite changes in salinity and in dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

The role of disturbance in structuring natural microbial communities has been largely unexplored. Disturbance associated with invertebrate ingestion can reduce bacterial biomass and alter metabolic activities and compositions of bacterial assemblages in marine sediments. The primary objectives of the research presented here were to test whether ingestion by a taxonomically diverse group of deposit feeders constituted a disturbance, and to determine the mechanisms by which bacterial assemblages recover following deposit-feeder ingestion. To test the question of disturbance, we compared fresh egesta vs surficial sediments with respect to bacterial assemblage structure. In emersed intertidal sediments, microbial recovery could be due to regrowth of bacterial populations surviving gut passage or to immigration from adjacent sediments. To differentiate between these modes of recolonization we used field manipulative experiments to exclude migration by isolating freshly extruded fecal coils of three deposit-feeding species from surrounding sediments. We then followed the quantitative and qualitative recovery in egesta and sediments through time using epifluorescence microscopy and PCR-DGGE analysis of 16S rDNA. Our findings indicate that (1) the degree and nature of the disturbance to bacterial assemblages from deposit feeding varies among invertebrate taxa, (2) recovery was significant but incomplete over 3 h, and (3) recolonization of biotically disturbed sediments is dominated by immigration.This revised version was published online in November 2004 with corrections to Volume 48.  相似文献   

To optimize the rate of bio-oxidation to recover gold from sulfide minerals, it is important to understand the dynamic change of acidophilic bacteria involved in this process. In this study, a batch bio-oxidation experiment was set up to bioleach Au from refractory pyrite and arsenopyrite using a mixed acidophilic culture over the duration of eight days. The 16S rRNA gene clone library and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis approaches (DGGE) were used to monitor the dynamic succession of the acidophilic bacterial population. The results showed that there were five bacteria in the bio-oxidation reactor: Leptospirillum ferriphilum, Acidithiobacillus caldus, Sulfobacillus thermotolerans, Alicyclobacillus sp. and a heterotrophic iron-oxidizing bacterium. The overall succession pattern was that Acidithiobacillus caldus, a sulfur oxidizer, and Sulfobacillus thermotolerans, a sulfur-iron oxidizer, were predominant at the beginning of the bio-oxidation process, but they were replaced by iron oxidizer L. ferriphilum at a later stage. The competitive advantage of At. caldus and Sb. thermotolerans over L. ferriphilum at the early stage was availability of abundant inorganic sulfur compounds, but lower pH, higher redox potential, and ferrous iron favored L. ferriphilum growth at a later stage. These results have important implications for understanding the role of acidophilic bacterial population in bio-oxidation of refractory gold-containing sulfides.  相似文献   

In order to better estimate bacterial biomass in marine environments, we developed a novel technique for direct measurement of carbon and nitrogen contents of natural bacterial assemblages. Bacterial cells were separated from phytoplankton and detritus with glass fiber and membrane filters (pore size, 0.8 μm) and then concentrated by tangential flow filtration. The concentrate was used for the determination of amounts of organic carbon and nitrogen by a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method, and after it was stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, cell abundance was determined by epifluorescence microscopy. We found that the average contents of carbon and nitrogen for oceanic bacterial assemblages were 12.4 ± 6.3 and 2.1 ± 1.1 fg cell−1 (mean ± standard deviation; n = 6), respectively. Corresponding values for coastal bacterial assemblages were 30.2 ± 12.3 fg of C cell−1 and 5.8 ± 1.5 fg of N cell−1 (n = 5), significantly higher than those for oceanic bacteria (two-tailed Student’s t test; P < 0.03). There was no significant difference (P > 0.2) in the bacterial C:N ratio (atom atom−1) between oceanic (6.8 ± 1.2) and coastal (5.9 ± 1.1) assemblages. Our estimates support the previous proposition that bacteria contribute substantially to total biomass in marine environments, but they also suggest that the use of a single conversion factor for diverse marine environments can lead to large errors in assessing the role of bacteria in food webs and biogeochemical cycles. The use of a factor, 20 fg of C cell−1, which has been widely adopted in recent studies may result in the overestimation (by as much as 330%) of bacterial biomass in open oceans and in the underestimation (by as much as 40%) of bacterial biomass in coastal environments.  相似文献   

Bacterial community dynamics were followed in a 19-day period during an induced diatom bloom in two freshwater mesocosms. The main goal was to compare diversity and succession among free-living (<10 MM) AND PARTICLE-ASSOCIATED (>10 mm) bacteria. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR amplified 16S rDNA showed the highest number of bands among free-living bacteria, but with a significant phylogenetic overlap in the two size fractions indicating that free-living bacteria were also important members of the particle-associated bacterial assemblage. Whereas the number of bands in the free-living fraction decreased during the course of the bloom, several phylotypes unique to particles appeared towards the end of the experiment. Besides the primer set targeting Bacteria, a primer set targeting most members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium (CF)-cluster of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group and a primer set mainly targeting a-Proteobacteria were applied. PCR-DGGE analyses revealed that a number of phylotypes targeted by those primer sets were found solely on particles. Almost all sequenced bands from the bacterial DGGE gel were related to phylogenetic groups commonly found in freshwater: a-Proteobacteria, CF, and Firmicutes. Despite the use of primers intended to be specific mainly for a-Proteobacteria most bands sequenced from the a-proteobacterial DGGE gel formed a cluster within the Verrucomicrobiales subdivision of the Verrucomicrobia division and were not related to a-Proteobacteria. Bands sequenced from the CF DGGE gel were related to members of the CF cluster. From the present study, we suggest that free-living and particle-associated bacterial communities should not be perceived as separate entities, but rather as interacting assemblages, where the extent of phylogenetic overlap is dependent on the nature of the particulate matter.  相似文献   

We investigated the response of bacterial communities inhabiting two deglaciated soils (10 and 100 years post-deglaciation) to two stimuli: (i) physical disruption (mixing), and (ii) disruption plus nutrient addition. PCR/DGGE analysis of 16S rRNA genes extracted from soil during a 168-h incubation period following the stimuli revealed that more bacterial phylotypes were stimulated in the 10-y soil than in the 100-y soil. In addition to 10-y and 100-y soils, two additional soils (46 and 70 y) were further differentiated using colony-forming curve (CFC) analysis during a 168-h incubation period, which revealed that younger soils contained a higher proportion of rapidly colonizing bacteria than successively older soils. Eco-collections of CFC isolates that represented colonies that formed fast (during the first 24 h) and slow (final 36 h) were harvested from 10-y and 100-y soils and differentiated according to response to three stress parameters: (i) tolerance to nutrient limitation, (ii) tolerance to temperature change, and (iii) resistance to antibiotics. The tested parameters distinguished fast from slow bacteria regardless of the age of the soil from which they were isolated. Specifically, eco-collections of fast bacteria exhibited greater nutrient- and temperature-stress tolerance as well as more frequent antibiotic resistance than slow bacteria. Further DGGE analysis showed that several eco-collection phylotype bands matched (electrophoretically) those of soil phylotypes enriched by mixing and nutrient stimulus. Overall, the results of this study indicated that the succession of colony-forming bacteria was differentiated by bacterial opportunism and temporal response to stimuli. Furthermore, although stress tolerance strategies are associated with opportunistic bacteria regardless of successional age, it appears that the proportion of opportunistic bacteria distinguishes early vs late succession forefield bacterial populations.  相似文献   

Bacterial community structure along the Changjiang River (which is more than 2,500 km long) was studied by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone library analysis of PCR-amplified 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) with universal bacterial primer sets. DGGE profiles and principal-component analysis (PCA) demonstrated that the bacterial community gradually changed from upstream to downstream in both 1998 and 1999. Bacterial diversity, as determined by the Shannon index (H′), gradually decreased from upstream to downstream. The PCA plots revealed that the differences in the bacterial communities among riverine stations were not appreciable compared with the differences in two adjacent lakes, Lake Dongting and Lake Poyang. The relative stability of the bacterial communities at the riverine stations was probably due to the buffering action of the large amount of water flowing down the river. Clone library analysis of 16S rDNA revealed that the dominant bacterial groups changed from β-proteobacteria and the Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides group upstream to high-G+C-content gram-positive bacteria downstream and also that the bacterial community structure differed among the stations in the river and the lakes. The results obtained in this study should provide a reference for future changes caused by construction of the Three Gorges Dam.  相似文献   

We have developed a bioluminescent whole-cell biosensor that can be incorporated into biofilm ecosystems. RM4440 is a Pseudomonas aeruginosa FRD1 derivative that carries a plasmid-based recA-luxCDABE fusion. We immobilized RM4440 in an alginate matrix to simulate a biofilm, and we studied its response to UV radiation damage. The biofilm showed a protective property by physical shielding against UV C, UV B, and UV A. Absorption of UV light by the alginate matrix translated into a higher survival rate than observed with planktonic cells at similar input fluences. UV A was shown to be effectively blocked by the biofilm matrix and to have no detectable effects on cells contained in the biofilm. However, in the presence of photosensitizers (i.e., psoralen), UV A was effective in inducing light production and cell death. RM4440 has proved to be a useful tool to study microbial communities in a noninvasive manner.  相似文献   

The diversity of bacterial floras in the ilea and ceca of chickens that were fed a vegetarian corn-soy broiler diet devoid of feed additives was examined by analysis of 1,230 partial 16S rRNA gene sequences. Nearly 70% of sequences from the ileum were related to those of Lactobacillus, with the majority of the rest being related to Clostridiaceae (11%), Streptococcus (6.5%), and Enterococcus (6.5%). In contrast, Clostridiaceae-related sequences (65%) were the most abundant group detected in the cecum, with the other most abundant sequences being related to Fusobacterium (14%), Lactobacillus (8%), and Bacteroides (5%). Statistical analysis comparing the compositions of the different 16S rRNA libraries revealed that population succession occurred during some sampling periods. The significant differences among cecal libraries at 3 and 7 days of age, at 14 to 28 days of age, and at 49 days of age indicated that successions occurred from a transient community to one of increasing complexity as the birds aged. Similarly, the ileum had a stable bacterial community structure for birds at 7 to 21 days of age and between 21 to 28 days of age, but there was a very unique community structure at 3 and 49 days of age. It was also revealed that the composition of the ileal and cecal libraries did not significantly differ when the birds were 3 days old, and in fact during the first 14 days of age, the cecal microflora was a subset of the ileal microflora. After this time, the ileum and cecum had significantly different library compositions, suggesting that each region developed its own unique bacterial community as the bird matured.  相似文献   

The succession of bacterial communities inhabiting the forefield of the Dammaglacier (Switzerland) was investigated in soils ranging in successional age from 0 to 100 years since deglaciation. Overall activity per bacterial cell was estimated by the amount of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolyzed per DAPI-stained cell, and an index of "opportunism" was determined from the ratio of culturable to total cells (C:T ratio). Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) was used to estimate the richness of dominant phylotypes and to construct rank-abundance plots of the dominant populations. We observed a biphasic trend in specific cellular activity, which exhibited minima in the 0- and 100-year-old soils while a maximum activity per cell was reached in the 70-y soil. On average, the C:T ratio showed the same trend as the specific activity, although we observed some differences between the two sampling transects. RISA revealed a decrease in dominant phylotype richness as successional age increased, and rank-abundance plots indicated that the evenness of the dominant bacterial phylotypes significantly decreased with successional age. The combination of specific cellular activity and C:T ratio results suggested the presence of an r-K continuum of bacteria while RISA showed that richness and evenness of dominant phylotypes decreased with successional age. We conclude that bacterial succession in the glacier forefield was a dynamic process with adaptation to the differing stages of succession occurring on both the individual and community levels.  相似文献   

水生植物是河流生态系统的重要组成部分, 研究河流水生植物群落组成及演替对于河流生态系统健康诊断具有重要意义。该研究采用野外生态学研究方法, 于2013年9月和2014年6月2次对汉江中下游12个典型代表性江段的水生植物群落的组成、分布和生物量等进行调查。调查结果表明, 现阶段汉江中下游的主要水生植物共有69种, 隶属28科49属, 其中优势种主要是穿叶眼子菜(Potamogeton perfoliatus)、竹叶眼子菜(P. malaianus)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)和喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)等。结合早期的研究表明, 汉江中游江段沉水植物优势群落变化明显; 下游则呈现出由沉水植物群落向挺水植物群落演替的格局。挖沙和污染等人类干扰以及水位波动、河流底质和植物繁殖策略等自然因素可能是导致汉江中下游水生植物优势种变化和群落演替的主要因素。该研究结果可为汉江中下游的水生植物多样性保护和生态修复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

植物群落的演替与稳定性   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
演替是生物界最常见的自然现象之一。早在 2 0世纪2 0年代 ,Clements就开始了系统的演替研究 ,他提出的演替经典模式对生态学的影响一直延续至今。数十年来 ,尽管生态学家相继提出了各种各样的演替理论或假说[1,15,16,2 4 ,2 5] ,但由于地域的限制和生态学家有限的经验 ,迄今为止还没有一个统一的演替理论或模式 ,甚至连演替一词的涵义各说不一[16] 。近年来 ,邬建国等[16] 学者对百年来各种演替理论和假说作了较全面的总结和评述 ,他把尺度 等级系统理论视为现代生态学范式 ,并认为是演替研究现在和将来的发展方向。遗憾的是 ,有关…  相似文献   

Studying on the community structure, species composition and species diversities of the secondary succession of lower subtropical forest in Heishiding Natural Reserve, Guangdong Province, the following results were obtained. In 2 ~4 years of restored stage the seedlings of pioneer species, heliophytes and mesophytes occur simultaneously. In 10 years of restored stage pioneer species are superior as heliophytes maintain stable and mesophytes are being decreased. In the stage of mixed forest pioneer species are on the decreasing and heliopytes are on the increasing trend. In the stage of evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by heliophytes pioneer species are being declined, heliophytes are dominant and mesophytes are being increased. In the stage of evergTeen broad-leaved forest dominated by mesophytes heliophytes are being declined and mesophytes are superior. The vertical structure, horizontal structure, the structure of species composition determine stability of communities in secondary succession process. The vertical structure of community is building up in the stage of restoration. The community is composed of the stands under the third class. The forest canopy is not stratified. The individual density is stable. From restored stage to mixed forest the vertical structure of community is diversified. There are the third and forth class stands in community. The tree layer is divided into three sub-layers. The individual density declines rapidly because of self-thinning. In the mixed forest the vertical stmcture is relatively stable. The abundance of the fifth class stands and area of breast height reach the first peak in the succession serial. The individual density increases rapidly. In stage of evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by heliophytes, the vertical structure changes largely. The abundance of the fifth class and area of breast height decline rapidly, but the individual density changes slowly. In the stage of evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by mesophytes, the vertical structure of community is stable and the composition of every stand class becomes more stable. The area of breast height is the biggest in the succession serial. When succession develops, the coverage of communities increases gradually but the turnover rate of species declines. The species composition tends to be stabilized. The diversity of species and community evenness increase gradually thus, the ecological dominance declines gradually.  相似文献   

A range of fluorescent viability dyes were used in conjunction with flow cytometry to rapidly enumerate viable bacteria from freshwater environments. Optimal labelling was achieved by using carboxyfluorescein diacetate or chemchrome B with a detergent-mediated permeabilization step. The viable bacterial count under optimal conditions was 7% in oligotrophic lake water and 75% in polluted river water.  相似文献   

Glass plates are frequently used as the substratum in flow cell experiments to allow continuous non-destructive observations of biofilm development via microscopy. The aim of this study was to evaluate hydroxyapatite-coated glass as a substratum for flow cell experiments, in comparison to plain glass, for modelling primary colonization of the tooth surface by Streptococcus sanguis. Glass plates were magnetron sputter coated with hydroxyapatite, producing a thin transparent layer. Biofilm development in the flow cell was recorded using image capture from a microscope, and images were analyzed to determine percentage coverage of the substratum over 24 h. Removal of biofilm by increasing the flow rate was also assessed. No statistically significant differences were detected between S. sanguis biofilms grown on the two different substratum materials. Hence, this work supports the proposal that the conditioning film reduces the influence of substratum surface properties.  相似文献   

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