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SYNOPSIS. The American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, has somemetabolic traits typical of marine bivalve molluscs, andsomethat are apparently unique. Cvconsumption is rapid when thevalves are open, but may become and remain zero for days onclosure. Rates of nitrogen-excretion are similar to those ofother marine bivalves; the chief end-products are ammonia (65–70%) and amino acids (5–21 %), but small amountsof urea and uric acid are regularly found. Deoxyribonucleicacid (DNA) of marine molluscs has a low content of the base-pair,guanine-cytosine (GC); oyster DN'A has thelowest GC (about 28%) of nine species studied. There are six sterols, the majorone cholesterol, and there is evidence of changes in steroidmetabolism with the gonadal cycle. Aminotransferase activitiesof marine bivalves are proportional to rates of loss of aminoacids, suggesting that the enzymes function to assure continuousreplenishment. The oyster isunique in its extraordinarily lowrate of conversion of alanine to pyruvate. Most of the intermediatesand enzymes requiredfor complete oxidation of glucose have beenfound in some species of Crassostrea, but anaerobic glycolysisproduces more succinic than lactic acid. A partial explanationlies in ready reversibility of succinate and laclate oxidoreductases.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Minchinia nelsoni disease was studied in 3 populations of oysters from Marumsco Bar, Pocomoke Sound, Maryland. The native population was sampled regularly beginning in 1961 shortly after the disease invaded this area. Two populations of healthy year-old oysters were introduced (one in 1965 and one in 1966) into Pocomoke Sound and studied concurrently with the native population to determine the course of development of the disease and epizootic differences in populations. Gross and microscopic examination of oysters showed progressive stages of infection. Initial infection occurred in epithelia of the filtering organs (gill, palp, water tubes) and spread into connective tissue where hyaline hemocytes infiltrated. Intermediate infection was characterized by local infection and infiltration of connective tissue in and adjacent to epithelia of gill, palp, esophagus, stomach, gut, diverticula, and gonadal alveoli. Advanced infection was recognized by the general invasion and infiltration of connective tissue and the circulatory system by hyaline hemocytes. Terminal infections showed histologically massive pyknosis of nuclei and necrosis of tissues before outward signs of death were apparent. Remission of the disease was recognized by diminution of infection intensity and infiltration; localization of parasites near external epithelia; increased pigment cell formation; and diapedesis and deposition of necrotic parasites and tissue against the shell, followed by external conchiolinous encapsulation. Death from M. nelsoni disease may be attributed in part to seasonal environmental or physiologic stresses, which infected oysters, weakened and in poor condition due to the pathologic manifestations of the disease, are unable to tolerate. The gross pathologic signs of disease were: pale digestive gland, poor condition, mantle recession, weakness, and conchiolinous shell depositions. The microscopic signs were: diapedesis, relative decrease in numbers of phagocytes; relative increase in numbers of hyaline hemocytes; phagocytosis, fibrosis, cellular infiltration, abscess, ulceration, excessive pigment cell formation, mechanical disruption, pyknosis, and necrosis.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A developmental sequence is proposed for the haplosporidan Minchinia nelsoni Haskin, Stauber and Mackin, 1966, based on study of oyster infections over the past 5 years in Chesapeake Bay. Uninucleate stages develop by nuclear division into multinucleate plasmodia which proliferate in the tissues by plasmotomy. Relatively small plasmodia containing what are considered to be gametic nuclei originate by unequal plasmotomy of large plasmodia. These have been interpreted to aggregate and fuse to form large plasmodia which contain prozygotes. Pairing and fusion of nuclei occur within each plasmodium to produce zygote nuclei (synkaryons) which undergo division, possibly meiotic, to form sporonts. Sporoblasts differentiate into spores with the development of spore walls and opercula. Cystoid plasmodia develop during times of unfavorable conditions. An anomalous but common sequence involving sexuality and mitosis is described, and the occurrence of various life cycle stages within the host thruout the year is discussed.  相似文献   

Certain indigenous estuarine bacteria, such as Vibrio vulnificus, may cause opportunistic human infections after consumption of raw oysters or exposure of tissues to seawater. V. vulnificus is known to be closely associated with oyster (Crassostrea virginica) tissues and is not removed by controlled purification methods, such as UV light-assisted depuration. In fact, when live shellfish are subjected to controlled purification, the number of V. vulnificus cells can markedly increase. A review of previous studies showed that few workers have examined mechanisms in oysters which may influence the persistence of V. vulnificus in shellfish, such as the fate of V. vulnificus following phagocytosis by molluscan hemocytes. The objectives of this study were to define the intracellular viability and extracellular viability of V. vulnificus during the phagocytic process and to study the release of specific lysosomal enzymes. The viability of a virulent estuarine V. vulnificus isolate with opaque morphology was compared with the viability of a translucent, nonvirulent form, the viability of Vibrio cholerae, and the viability of Escherichia coli in phagocytosis experiments. Our results showed that the levels of phagocytosis and bactericidal degradation of the opaque V. vulnificus isolate were less than the levels of phagocytosis and bactericial degradation of the translucent morphotype. These findings indicate that encapsulation may contribute to resistance to ingestion and degradation by hemocytes. The rates of intracellular death of V. cholerae and E. coli exceeded the rate of intracellular death of the opaque V. vulnificus isolate, even though the ingestion or uptake rates did not differ significantly. The levels of lysozyme activity and acid phosphatase activity were not significantly different in hemocyte monolayers inoculated with V. vulnificus.  相似文献   


Trochophore larvae were exposed to monosodium orthophosphate (MSOP), sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP), and tetrasodium pyrophosphate (TSPP) at concentrations of 15 ppm and 150 ppm phosphate for 24, 48, and 72 hr. All four compounds caused morphological developmental changes, increased mortality, and inhibition of shell growth at both 15 ppm and 150 ppm. The rank order of effectiveness of the compounds was determined from percentage abnormal larvae, percentage survival, and from shell measurements. The order was MSOP>SHMP>STPP≥TSPP for abnormality and mortality and TSPP>STPP>MSOP>SHMP for shell growth inhibition. The relative effect of the individual compounds in causing mortality varied with the time of exposure. Orthophosphate retarded growth rates of the two valves to different degrees.  相似文献   

A gram-negative bacterium found to be closely associated with oysters has been isolated and characterized. The organism, designated LST, has a generation time of 106 min in Marine broth under optimal growth conditions at 25°C. During the decline phase of growth, it exhibits a morphological transition from a motile rod (ca. 1 μm in length) to an elongated, 3- to 40-μm, nonmotile, tightly coiled helix. LST synthesizes and releases a pigment in the stationary and decline phases of growth. Identified as melanin on the basis of chemical properties and UV absorbance maxima, the pigment comprises polymers of heterogeneous molecular weights, ranging from 12,000 to 120,000. The guanosine-plus-cytosine content of the LST DNA is 46%, and results of phenetic analysis and DNA-DNA hybridization indicate that this bacterium represents a new species. LST adheres to a variety of surfaces, including glass, plastics, and oyster shell, and has been shown to promote the settlement of oyster larvae.  相似文献   

An antimicrobial peptide was purified from acidified gill extract of a bivalve mollusk, the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica), by preparative acid-urea--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The 4265.0 Da peptide had 38 amino acids, including 6 cysteines. It showed strongest activity against Gram-positive bacteria (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Staphylococcus aureus; minimum effective concentrations [MECs] 2.4 and 3.0 microg/ml, respectively) but also had significant activity against Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli D31 and Vibrio parahemolyticus; MECs 7.6 and 15.0 microg/ml, respectively). Comparison of the amino acid sequence with those of other known antimicrobial peptides revealed that the novel peptide had high sequence homology to arthropod defensins, including those from other bivalves, the mussels Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis. This is the first antimicrobial peptide to be isolated from any oyster species and we have named it American oyster defensin (AOD).  相似文献   

S R Zell  M H Bamford  H Hidu 《Cryobiology》1979,16(5):448-460
Spermatozoa of the American oyster Crassostrea virginica were frozen to ?196 °C in concentrated Hanks' salt solution (2.6×) containing 8% dimethyl sulfoxide. About 0.2 ml of spermatozoa that were stored in liquid nitrogen for 68 days fertilized 91% of 65,600 eggs compared to fresh spermatozoa, which fertilized 92% of approximately the same number of eggs from the same females. Larvae resulting from fertilization of fresh eggs with 39-day-old cryopreserved spermatozoa appeared normal after 11 days.  相似文献   

Oysters were placed in an aquarium containing artificial seawater, and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts were added. Oocysts were later found in the gill washings, hemocytes, and gut contents of the oysters. Hemocytes containing oocysts were intubated into four mice. C. parvum stages developed in the ileal epithelia of all of the mice, indicating that the oocysts in the hemocytes remained infective.  相似文献   

Pericardial hemolymph was obtained from American Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and the hemocytes characterized by flow cytometry. The cells were found to have a broad unimodal size distribution with a median diameter of 7 micrometers. Total protein measured by flow cytometric fluorescence of dansylated cells also revealed a broad unimodal distribution similar to that obtained for size. The proportion of hemocytes in each stage of the cell cycle was measured using DNA-specific DAPI fluorescence. Histograms showed a single peak representing the G(0)/G(1) population. There was no evidence of S or G(2)+M phases of the cell cycle, nor was polyploidy seen. The forward and orthogonal light scatter of fixed hemocytes showed no evidence of sub-populations on the basis of cytoplasmic granularity. Thus, in terms of these parameters, oyster hemocytes appear to represent a single population exhibiting graded cellular differences.  相似文献   

A pilot program was initiated to identify genes from the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, that are potentially involved in the stress response for use as bioindicators of exposure to environmental pollutants and to toxic and infectious agents. A PCR-based method was used to construct cDNA libraries from pooled embryos and the hemocytes of a single individual. A total of 998 randomly selected clones (expressed sequence tags, ESTs) were sequenced. Approximately 40% of the ESTs are novel sequences. Several potential biomarkers identified include an antimicrobial peptide, recognition molecules (lectin receptors), proteinases and proteinase inhibitors, and a novel metallothionein. Diversity analysis shows that 363 and 286 unique genes were identified from the hemocyte and embryo libraries, respectively, indicating that full-scale EST collection is a valuable approach for the discovery of new genes of potential significance in the molluscan stress response. Received May 11, 2001; accepted July 16, 2001  相似文献   

The spore stage of Haplosporidium nelsoni , the ascetosporan parasite causing multinucleated sphere unknown (MSX) disease in oysters, Crassostrea virginica , has been reported so rarely (≥0.01% of infected oysters) that a second host has been postulated. However, recent intensive sampling of young (≥1 year) oysters in Delaware Bay, U.S. suggests that spore formation occurs regularly in this group and that spores are produced in at least 75–85% of all infections reaching the advanced stage. Sporulation was seasonal, occurring over two to three weeks in late June/early July and again in late summer/early fall. Our data indicate that sporulation by H. nelsoni in oysters is more common than previously suspected, occurring in a segment of the host population that may not have been sufficiently sampled in the past, and that a direct life cycle should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

We used high throughput pyrosequencing to characterize stomach and gut content microbiomes of Crassostrea virginica, the Easter oyster, obtained from two sites, one in Barataria Bay (Hackberry Bay) and the other in Terrebonne Bay (Lake Caillou), Louisiana, USA. Stomach microbiomes in oysters from Hackberry Bay were overwhelmingly dominated by Mollicutes most closely related to Mycoplasma; a more rich community dominated by Planctomyctes occurred in Lake Caillou oyster stomachs. Gut communities for oysters from both sites differed from stomach communities, and harbored a relatively diverse assemblage of phylotypes. Phylotypes most closely related to Shewanella and a Chloroflexi strain dominated the Lake Caillou and Hackberry Bay gut microbiota, respectively. While many members of the stomach and gut microbiomes appeared to be transients or opportunists, a putative core microbiome was identified based on phylotypes that occurred in all stomach or gut samples only. The putative core stomach microbiome comprised 5 OTUs in 3 phyla, while the putative core gut microbiome contained 44 OTUs in 12 phyla. These results collectively revealed novel microbial communities within the oyster digestive system, the functions of the oyster microbiome are largely unknown. A comparison of microbiomes from Louisiana oysters with bacterial communities reported for other marine invertebrates and fish indicated that molluscan microbiomes were more similar to each other than to microbiomes of polychaetes, decapods and fish.  相似文献   

J B Hughes 《Cryobiology》1973,10(4):342-344
Reliable procedures for cryopreservation of the gametes of marine fish and invertebrates are urgently needed for developing aquaculture of specially bred strains. Availability of the eggs by the millions and external fertilization offer special methodologic advantages. The seawater medium and the acrosome reaction of the invertebrates pose new problems. A cytogenetic study was made of the eggs of the commercial American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, after being challenged with its cryopreserved sperm.  相似文献   

Comparing geographic variation of noncoding nuclear DNA polymorphisms, which presumably are neutral to natural selection, with geographic variation of allozymes is potentially a good way to detect the effects of selection on allozyme polymorphisms. A previous study of four anonymous nuclear markers in the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, found dramatic differences in allele frequency between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. In contrast, 14 allozyme polymorphisms were fairly uniform in frequency between the two areas. This led to the conclusion that all of the allozyme polymorphisms were kept uniform in frequency by balancing selection. To test the robustness of this pattern, six additional anonymous nuclear DNA polymorphisms were surveyed in oysters from Panacea, Fla, and Charleston, S.C. on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, respectively. Unlike the previously studied DNA markers, the six DNA polymorphisms examined here show geographic variation that is not significantly greater than that of allozymes. The reason for the discrepancy between the two sets of DNA polymorphisms is unclear.   相似文献   

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