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Stands of pearl millet were grown in glasshouses in which meanair temperature was controlled to 19, 22, 25, 28 and 31 ?C withan amplitude of ?5 ?C. During the main growth period, leaf areaindex increased at a constant rate which was proportional tomean temperature above a base of 10 ?C. The warmest stand, therefore,intercepted more radiation before anthesis but the transmissioncoefficient was independent of temperature (K 0.3). Based ondry weight at final harvest, the efficiency of conversion forintercepted radiation ranged from about 2.1–2.4 g MJ–1consistent with field experience. Combining this informationwith figures for the duration of growth in relation to temperaturesuggests that growth rate should be maximal at 25–27 ?Cand total dry weight at 20–22 ?C. Key words: Temperature, Pearl millet, Growth rate, Light  相似文献   

Macduff, J. H., Hopper, M. J. and Wild, A. 1987. The effectof root temperature on growth and uptake of ammonium and nitrateby Brassica napus L. in flowing solution culture. I. Growth.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 42–52 Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Bien venu) was grown for49 d in flowing nutrient solution at pH 6?0 with root temperaturedecrementally reduced from 20?C to 5?C; and then exposed todifferent root temperatures (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,17 or 25?C)held constant for 14 d. The air temperature was 20/15?C day/nightand nitrogen was supplied automatically to maintain 10 mmolm–3 NH4NO3 in solution. Total dry matter production wasexponential with time and similar at all root temperatures givinga specific growth rate of 0?0784 g g–1 d–1. Partitioningof dry matter was influenced by root temperature; shoot: rootratios increased during treatment at 17?C and 25?C but decreasedafter 5 d at 3?C and 5?C. The ratio of shoot specific growthrate: root specific growth rate increased with the ratio ofwater soluble carbohydrates (shoot: root). Concentrations ofwater soluble carbohydrates in shoot and root were inverselyrelated to root temperature; at 3, 5 and 7?C they increasedin stem + petioles throughout treatment, coinciding with a decreasein the weight of tissue water per unit dry matter. These resultssuggest that the accumulation of soluble carbohydrates at lowtemperature is the result of metabolic imbalance and of osmoticadjustment to water stress. Key words: Brassica napus, oilseed rape, root temperature, specific growth rate  相似文献   

Macduff, J. H., Hopper, M. J. and Wild, A. 1987. The effectof root temperature on growth and uptake of ammonium and nitrateby Brassica napus L. CV. Bien venu in flowing solution culture.II. Uptake from solutions containing NH4NO3.—J. exp. Bot.38: 53–66 The effects of root temperature on uptake and assimilation ofNH4+ and NO3 by oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. CV. Bienvenu) were examined. Plants were grown for 49 d in flowing nutrientsolution at pH 6?0 with root temperature decrementally reducedfrom 20?C to 5?C; and then exposed to different root temperatures(3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17 or 25?C) held constant for 14 d. Theair temperature was 20/15?C day/night and nitrogen was suppliedautomatically to maintain 10 mmol m–3 NH4NO3 in solution.Total uptake of nitrogen over 14 d increased threefold between3–13?C but was constant above 13?C. Net uptake of NH4+exceeded that of NO3 at all temperatures except 17?C,and represented 47–65% of the total uptake of nitrogen.Unit absorption rates of NH4+ and of 1?5–2?7 for NO3suggested that NO3 absorption was more sensitive thanNH4+ absorption to temperature. Rates of absorption were relativelystable at 3?C and 5?C compared with those at 17?C and 25?C whichincreased sharply after 10 d. Tissue concentration of N in theshoot, expressed on a fresh weight basis, was independent ofroot temperature throughout, but doubled between 3–25?Cwhen expressed on a dry weight basis. The apparent proportionof net uptake of NO3 that was assimilated was inverselyrelated to root temperature. The results are used to examinethe relation between unit absorption rate adn shoot:root ratioin the context of short and long term responses to change ofroot temperature Key words: Brassica napus, oilseed rape, root temperature, nitrogen uptake  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rates per unit ground area for plant standsof Solanum melongena L. var. esculentum (aubergine) and Amaranthuscaudatus L. var. edulis (grain amaranth) were measured over10 min intervals in an airtight, glass, controlled-environmentcabinet for a range of light flux densities provided by thediurnal variation in daylight. Light response curves for photosynthesisof stands, grown at ambient CO2 concentration, were definedat 400, 800 and 1200 vpm CO2. Light compensation points for these stands were around 20-30J m-2 s-1 and decreased slightly at higher CO2 concentrations.For aubergine, a C3 species, the short-term effects of CO2 enrichmentwere to increase the initial slope as well as the asymptoteof the light response curve, reducing light saturation at moderateto high light flux densities; but for amaranthus, a C4 species,saturation was less apparent and CO2 enrichment scarcely increasedphotosynthesis except at light flux densities above 150 J m-2s-1. The canopies intercepted 93-98% of incident light. The efficiencyof utilization of intercepted light in photosynthesis (µgCO2 J-1) increased from zero at the light compensation pointto a maximum at an optimum light flux density of about 100 Jm-2 s-1 (the optimum rose a little with CO2 enrichment) anddecreased slightly with further increase in light. Maximum utilizationefficiencies at 400 vpm CO2 were 8-9 µg CO2 J-1. Enrichmentto 1200 vpm did not affect the peak utilization efficiency ofthe C4 amaranthus, but increased that aubergine to 12·2µg CO2 J-1 (equivalent to some 14% when using the heatof combustion of plant dry matter to convert to the dimensionlessform). This is among the highest recorded efficiencies of lightutilization for stands, and relates to the exceptionally favourableenvironment, with optimal control of CO2 concentration, humidity,temperature, water supply and mineral nutrition.Copyright 1993,1999 Academic Press Amaranthus caudatus L. var. edulis, Solanum melongena L. var. esculentum, canopy photosynthesis, CO2 enrichment, light interception, light utilization, photosynthetic efficiency  相似文献   

Mohamed, H. A., Clark, J. A. and Ong, C. K. 1988. Genotypicdifferences in the temperature responses of tropical crops.I. Germination characteristics of groundnut (Arachis hypogaeaL.) and pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides S. & H.).—J.exp. Bot. 39: 1121–1128. The germination at constant temperature of several genotypesof groundnut and pearl millet was investigated between 0?C and50?C on a thermal gradient plate. Large differences in bothgermination rate and percentage germination were observed inboth species. Base temperatures vary from 8–11.5?C and 8–13.5?Cin groundnut and millet, respectively and optimum temperaturesfrom about 29–36.5?C in both. Maximum temperatures forgermination ranged from 41–47?C. The results are discussedin terms of adaptation to high soil temperature and crop establishmentin the semi-arid tropics. Key words: Temperature, germination, millet, groundnut  相似文献   

Mohamed, H. A., Clark, J. A. and Ong, C. K. 1988. Genotypicdifferences in the temperature responses of tropical crops.II. Seedling emergence and leaf growth of groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.) and pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides S. &H.).—J. exp. Bot. 39: 1129-1135. Measurements of seedling emergence and leaf growth of five milletand seven groundnut genotypes were made at soil temperaturesranging from 7 to 27?C. The rate of seedling emergence (Re)varied greatly between millet genotypes but Re was remarkablysimilar in groundnut genotypes. In pearl millet there is a strongcorrelation between the rate of germination and the rate ofleaf production, hourly leaf extension and seedling emergence.The results are discussed in terms of the thermal time requirementsof various processes. Key words: Temperature, emergence, groundnut, millet  相似文献   

Ritchie, R. J. 1987. The permeability of ammonia, methylamineand ethylamine in the charophyte Chara corallina (C. australis).—J.exp. Bot. 38: 67–76 The permeabilities of the amines, ammonia (NH3), methylamine(CH3NH2) and ethylamine (CH3CH2NH2) in the giant-celled charophyteChara corallina (C. australis) R.Br. have been measured andcompared. The permeabilities were corrected for uptake fluxesof the amine cations. Based on net uptake rates, the permeabilityof ammonia was 6?4?0?93 µm s–1 (n = 38). The permeabilitiesof methylamine and ethylamine were measured in net and exchangeflux experiments. The permeabilities of methylamine were notsignificantly different in net and exchange experiments, norto that of ammonia (Pmethylamine = 6?0?0?49 µm s–1(n = 44)). In net flux experiments the apparent permeabilityof ethylamine was slightly greater than that of ammonia andmethylamine (Pethylamine, net = 8?4?1?2 µm s–1 (n= 40)) but the permeability of ethylamine based on exchangeflux data was significantly higher (Pethylamine, exchange =14?1?2 µm s–1 (n = 20)). Methylamine can be validlyused as an ammonium analogue in permeability studies in Chara. The plasmalemma of Chara has acid and alkaline bands; littlediffusion of uncharged amines would occur across the acid bands.The actual permeability of amines across the alkaline bandsis probably about twice the values quoted above on a whole cellbasis i.e. the permeability of ammonia across the permeablepart of the plasmalemma is probably about 12 µm s–1. Key words: Chara, permeability, ammonia, methylamine  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on partition of assimilate between leaves,stems and panicles of pearl millet are analysed in terms ofa duration (tw) over which a structure increased in weight,and a partition factor (p)—the fraction of new dry matterallocated to the structure during tw. The value of tw was, forall structures, inversely proportional to temperature abovea base of 10 °C and below an optimum of 28 to 30 °C.For stems and panicles, the value of p was, with one exception,little affected by temperature. The dry weight of these structureswas, therefore, proportional to tw, and decreased with risein temperature. (The exception was panicles at the lowest temperature,19 °C, for which p was reduced by 40% because few grainswere set.) For leaves, however, p increased with rise in temperature,counteracting the effect on tw, such that dry weight changedlittle with temperature. The optimum temperature for reproductiveyield was 22 °C, but the proportion of the total dry matterallocated to reproductive structures changed little between22 °C and 31 °C. Key words: Pearl millet, temperature, thermal time, partitioning  相似文献   

Treatment of S-sufficient or S-deficient Chlorella pyrenoidosacells with NaHSO3, during an 8-h period in the light, significantlydecreased their chlorophyll and dry matter contents when thecells were incubated in the presence or absence of SO42+. Incontrols lacking HSO3, when the starting pH was 7.5,dry matter and chlorophyll contents increased slightly, whereasno significant changes in either occurred at a starting pH of3.0 when the cells and medium contained SO4. In the dark,at both pH 3.0 and 7.5, dry matter and chlorophyll contentsdecreased slightly. Bisulphite treatment in the dark causedlittle decrease of either dry matter or chlorophyll when cellsand medium contained SO42–. However, in its absence, drymatter decreased markedly, but there was little change of chlorophyllcontent in the dark. The interactions between HSO3 asa source of S and as an inhibitor of growth and chlorophyllformation are discussed in the context of the changes inducedby light and alternative sources of S. Overall, the harmfuleffects of HSO3 outweigh any role it has as a sourceof S, since its effects are ameliorated by SO42–.  相似文献   

Light Interception and Photosynthetic Efficiency in Some Glasshouse Crops   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Productivity of glasshouse crops is strongly limited by lightreceipt, and efficient interception and use of light in photosynthesisis correspondingly important. Mature row crop canopies of cucumberand tomato intercepted about 76% of the light incident on theirupper surfaces; about 18% was lost through gaps between therows. Light transmitted through the entire depth of the canopywas reflected back by white plastic on the ground, so that thelower surface of the canopy received approximately 13% of thelight incident on the upper surface. The light flux incidenton the sides of these canopies (c. 2m tall and 6m x 16m in area)amounted to some 20–30% of that incident on the uppersurface. About 32% of daylight falling on the glasshouse (c.9m x 18m in area) was intercepted by the glasshouse structureand glazing; of the 68% entering the house, some fell on headlandsoccupying 35% of the glasshouse area. The loss of light to headlands,and the gain from canopy side-lighting, would be relativelysmaller for larger glasshouses. At near-ambient CO2 concentrations, net photosynthetic ratesof the cucumber canopy were comparable to those of closed canopiesof other glasshouse and field crops which have maximum lightconversion efficiencies of 5–8µg CO2 J–1 at50–200 W m–2 incident light flux density. Efficiencydecreases only slightly with stronger light. Glasshouse cropswith CO2 enrichment to 1200 vpm achieve conversion efficienciesof 7–10µg CO2 J–1. Efficiencies of utilizationof intercepted light, on an energy basis, reach 6–10%in various field and glasshouse crops with near-ambient CO2,and reached an exceptional 11% for the cucumber canopy. Glasshousecrops with CO2 enrichment achieve maximum efficiency of lightenergy utilization between 12% and 13%. Key words: Glasshouse cucumber and tomato, light interception and utilization, photosynthetic efficiency, row crops  相似文献   

The Uptake of Gaseous Ammonia by the Leaves of Italian Ryegrass   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Lockyer, D. R. and Whitehead, D. C. 1986. The uptake of gaseousammonia by the leaves of Italian ryegrass.—J. exp. Bot.37: 919–927. Plants of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) grown insoil with two rates of added 15N-labelled nitrate were exposed,in chambers, for 40 d to NH3 in the air at concentrations of16, 118 and 520 µg m–3. At the highest concentrationof NH3, this source provided 47?3% of the total nitrogen inplants grown with the lower rate of nitrate addition (100mgN kg–1 dry soil) and 35?2% with the higher rate (200mgN kg–1 dry soil) At the intermediate concentration ofNH3, the contributions to total plant N were 19?6% and 10?8%,respectively, at low and high nitrate while, at the lowest concentrationof NH3, they were 5?1% and 32%. Most of the N derived from theNH3 remained in the leaves, but some was transported to theroots. The amount of N derived from the NH3 that was presentin the leaves was not reduced by washing the leaves in waterat pH 5?0 before harvesting, indicating that the N was assimilatedby the plant and not adsorbed superficially. Rates of uptakeof NH3 per unit leaf area ranged from 1?7 µg dm–2h–1 at a concentration of 16 µg m–3 to 29?0µg dm–2 h–1 at a concentration of 520 µgm–3 and with the lower rate of nitrate addition. Increasingthe supply of nitrate to the roots slightly reduced the rateof uptake of NH3 per unit leaf area. Uptake of N from the higherrate of nitrate was reduced at the highest concentration ofNH3 in the air. Key words: Ammonia, nitrogen, leaf sorption, Lolium multiflorum  相似文献   

Marques, I. A., Oberholzer, M. J. and Erismann, K. H. 1985.Metabolism of glycollate by Lemna minor L. grown on nitrateor ammonium as nitrogen source.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1685–1697. Duckweed, Lemna minor L., grown on inorganic nutrient solutionscontaining either NH4+ or NO3 as nitrogen source wasallowed to assimilate [1-14C]- or [2-14C]glycollate during a20 min period in darkness or in light. The incorporation ofradioactivity into water-soluble metabolites, the insolublefraction, and into the CO2 released was measured. In additionthe extractable activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylasewas determined. During the metabolism of [2-14C]glycollate in darkness, as wellas in the light, NH4+ grown plants evolved more 14CO2 than NO3grown plants. Formate was labelled only from [2-14C]glycollateand in NH4+ grown plants it was significantly less labelledin light than in darkness. In NO3 grown plants formateshowed similar radioactivity after dark and light labelling.The radioactivity in glycine was little influenced by the nitrogensource. Amounts of radioactivity in serine implied that thefurther metabolism of serine was reduced in darkness comparedwith its metabolism in the light under both nitrogen regimes.In illuminated NH4+ plants, serine was labelled through a pathwaystarting from phosphoglycerate. After [1-14C]glycollate feedingNH4+ grown plants contained markedly more radioactive aspartateand malate than NO3 plants indicating a stimulated phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylation in plants grown on NH4+. Key words: Photorespiration, glycollate, nitrogen, Lemna  相似文献   

Wheat, Triticwn aestivum L., the winter cultivars Hobbit andCappelle-Desprez, and the spring cultivars Sicco and KJeiber,were grown in normal air or air enriched with CO2 either outdoorsin a glass-roofed cage or in controlled environment rooms. Inneither the winter nor the spring wheat was growth increaseddue to enrichment with CO2 before anthesis. Enrichment of thetwo winter wheat cultivars increased shoot dry weight significantlyat 15 d after anthesis but produced no significant increasein grain yield. With the spring cultivars there was a significantincrease in shoot dry weight by 18 d after anthesis and thegrain yield was also larger due to an increase in grain size.Shoot weight increased because the stems were larger, and therewas a diversion of assimilate from grain growth to late tillerproduction. Root tissue comprised less than 20% of the totaldry matter at anthesis (for all cultivars); effects of CO2 enrichmenton root growth appeared to be less important than effects onshoot and ear growth. Growth and yield responses to CO2 enrichmentwere observed (for the spring cultivars) at irradiances of both250 and 635 µE m–2 s–1, but the effects weregreater at the lower irradiance. Key words: CO2 enrichment, Wheat, Cultivar  相似文献   

The Carbon Economy of Rubus chamaemorus L. I. Photosynthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MARKS  T. C.; TAYLOR  K. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(1):165-179
Studies on the photosynthetic activity of Rubus chamaemorusL. in controlled environment conditions are reported. Theseshow that material collected from Moor House National NatureReserve, England has a photosynthetic light saturation pointof 100 J m–2s–1 (380–720 nm) and a temperatureoptimum for photosynthesis between 10 and 15 °C. A markeddecline in net CO2 uptake is evident at temperatures in excessof 18 ° C; this persists for some time after return to anoptimum temperature regime. Leaves show rapid responses to changesin both light intensity and temperature, and show no evidenceof an endogenous rhythm in photosynthetic rate.  相似文献   

The distribution and partitioning of dry matter and photoassimilateof Lolium perenne was investigated under two light regimes providingphotosynthetically active radiation of 350 µmol m–2s–1 (low light treatment) or 1000 µmol m–2s–1 (high light treatment). Plants were grown at specificgrowth conditions in either soil or sand microcosm units tofollow the subsequent release of carbon into the rhizosphereand its consequent incorporation into the microbial biomass(soil system) or recovery as exudates (sand system). The distributionof recent assimilate between the plant and root released carbonpools was determined using 14CO2 pulse-chase methodology atboth light treatments and for both sand- and soil-grown seedlings.A significant (P  相似文献   

Lee, H. S. J. and Griffiths, H. 1987. Induction and repressionof CAM in Sedurn relephluni L. in response to photopcnod andwater stress.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 834–841. The introduction and repression of CAM in Sedurn telephiunmL, a temperate succulent, was investigated in watered, progressivelydrouglited and rewatered plants in growth chambers. Measurementswere made of water vapour and CO2 exchange, titratable acidity(TA) and xylem sap tension. Effects of photoperiod were alsostudied. CAM was induced by drought under long or short days,although when watered no CAM activity was expressed. C3-CAM intermediate plants were used for the investigation ofwater supply. Those which had received water and those drought-stressedboth displayed a similar nocturnal increase in TA, with a day-nightmaximum (H+) of 69 µmol g–1 fr. wt. The wateredplants took up CO2 at a maximum rate of 2?2 µmol m–2s–1 only in the light period, while the droughted plantsshowed a maximum nocturnal CO2 uptake rate of 0?69 µmolm–2 s–1. Subsequently, as CAM was repressed, thewatered S. telephiwn displayed little variation in TA, withconstant levels at 42 µmol g–1 fr. wt. (day 10).After 10 d of drought stress, the CAM characteristics of S.telephiurn were aLso affected, with reduced net CO2 uptake andH+. The transition between C3 and CAM in S. telephium can be describedas a progression in terms of the proportion of respiratory CO2which is recycled and refixed at night as malic acid, in comparisonwith net CO2 uptake. Recycling increased from 20% (day 1) to44% (day 10) as a result of the drought stress and was highin both the CAM-C3 stage (no net CO2 uptake at night) and alsoin the drought-stressed CAM stage (reduced net CO2 uptake atnight). The complete C3-CAM transition occurred in less than8 d, and the stages could be characterized by xylem sap tensionmeasurements: CAM = 0?50 MPa C3-CAM = 0?36 MPa C3 = 0?29 MPa. Key words: CAM, Sedum telephium L., recycling  相似文献   

A study was made of the incorporation of 14C by intact leavesof Coffea arabica (cultivars Mundo Novo, Catuai, 1130–13,and H 6586–2) and Coffea canephora (cultivar Guarini)supplied with gas mixtures containing 14CO2 under controlledconditions. Samples of the leaves were combusted and the 14Cin the CO2 produced measured using a liquid scintillation counter.The results were used to estimate photosynthetic rates. Theeffects of changing the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 on thephotosynthetic rate were studied and estimates made of the CO2compensation point and photorespiration. The data obtained show differences between the mean net photosyntheticrates of the C. arabica cultivars (6·14 mg CO2 dm–2h–1) and the mean rate for the C. canephora cultivar (3·96mg CO2 dm–2 h–1). The cultivar of the latter speciesphotorespired more rapidly than the cultivar Catuai of C. arabica.Rates of photosynthesis in coffee measured using the 14CO2 methodwere similar to rates obtained by others using an infrared gasanalyser. The 14CO2 method proved to be reliable for photosyntheticmeasurements and the apparatus is suitable for use in fieldconditions.  相似文献   

The theory and practice of applying the thermodynamics of irreversibleprocesses to mass-flow theories is presented. Onsager coefficientswere measured on cut and uncut phloem and cut xylem strandsof Heracleum muntegazzimum. In 0.3 N sucrose + 1 mN KC1 theyare as follows. In phloem, LEE = 5 ? 10–4 mho cm–1,LpE = 9 ? 10–6 cm3 s–1 cm–2 volt–1 cm,and LPP = 0.16 cm3 s–1 cm–2 (J cm–3)–1cm. In uncut phloem strands LEE is about 1 ? 10–3 mhocm–1. In xylem in 2 x 10–3 N KCI, Lpp = 50 to 225,LPE = 2 ? 10–4, and LEE = 4 ? 10–3. The measurementsare tentative since the blockage of the sieve plates is an interferingfactor, but if they are valid they lead to the conclusion thatneither a pressure-flow nor an electro-kinetic mechanism envisaginga ‘long distance’ current pathway can be the majormotive ‘force’ for transport in mature phloem. Measurementsof biopotentials along conducting but laterally detached phloembundles of Heracleum suggest, nevertheless, that there may bea small electro-osmotic component of at least 0.1 mV cm–1endogenous in the phloem.  相似文献   

Both predicted (incubator) and measured (in situ) 14C-assimilationrates were studied from February to November 1981 at three stationsin Boknafjorden, a deep silled fjord of western Norway. Sampleswere taken from different light depths within the euphotic zone.A high degree of conformity was found between the two approaches.Daily values of carbon assimilation integrated over the euphoticzone varied between 0.05 and 1.4 g C m–2. Yearly primaryproduction varied between stations from 82 to 112 g C m–2(120–148 g C m–2 when based on average light conditions).The light-saturation curve parameters B and PBmax ranged from0.0056 to 0.0537 mg C mg Chla–1 h–1 µE–1m2 and from 0.7 to 8.5 mg C mg Chla–1 h–2 (in situassimilation numbers ranged from 0.9 to 9.3 mg C mg Chla–1h–1) respectively, which compare well with those publishedfrom the northwestern side of the Atlantic. The overall importanceof light in controlling photosynthesis throughout the year wasrevealed by the light utilization index , estimated to be 0.43mg C mg Chla–1 E–1 m2. The maximum quantum yieldwas encountered on August 17, with 0.089 mol CE–1. Chla/Cratios above and below 0.010 were found to be typical for shade-and light-adapted cells respectively. Assimilation numbers andgrowth rates were linearly related only when considering light-adaptedcells. Consistent with the findings of this study, the applicabilityof IK, B and PBmax as indicators of light-shade adaptation propertiesshould be questioned. Maximum growth rates were encounteredduring an autumn bloom of the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium aureolum(1.0 doublings day–1), while 0.7–0.8 doublings day–1were found for a winter bloom (water temperature of 2°C)of the diatom Skeletonema costatum. No unambiguous temperatureeffect on assimilation number and growth of phytoplankton couldbe recognized in Boknafjorden. A tendency towards increasedassimilation numbers coinciding with increased water columnstability was revealed. The highest PBmax values were oftenencountered at almost undetectable nutrient concentrations.At least during summer this could be attributed to recyclingof nutrients by macro- and/or microzooplankton, responsiblefor a greater part of the primary production now being grazeddown. This study supports the convention that the depth of theeuphotic zone may extend considerably below the 1% light depth.  相似文献   

Hansen, A. P., Pate, J. S., Hansen, A. and Bell, D. T. 1987.Nitrogen economy of post-fire stands of shrub legumes in jarrah(Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest of S.W. Australia.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 26–41. Growth, demography and N economy of 1–6-year-old standsof Acacia pulchella, A. alata, A. extensa and Bossiaea aquifoliumwere examined using population sampling to assess annual incrementsof N as living biomass, and returns of N as litter, seed anddead plants. Dependence on nitrogen fixation was assessed fromseasonal profiles of acetylene reduction, employing data fromprevious calibrations to convert C2H2 reduced to N2 fixed. After2 years of slow growth and minimal reproduction all speciesgrew rapidly to achieve maximum or near maximum size and seedproduction. Intense self-thinning of stands occurred in thesecond and third years, especially in the highly dense standsof the smallest species, A. alata. Annual turnover in standsranged from 0?3 to 127 kg N ha–1 year–1, dependingon species current age and density of a stand. Returns of Nas litter and shed seed comprised small proportions of the annualbudgets, but returns due to plant death equalled or exceededincrements of living biomass in years when stands were thinningrapidly. Proportional dependencies of the species on fixed N2were relatively high (13–61%) in first year seedlings,and then declined markedly to 1?1–3?4percnt; in the second,0?3–1?6% in the third, and, with one exception, to wellbelow 1% in the fourth and sixth year stands. Mean annual ratesof N2 fixation over the 6-year post-fire period were 1?6 kgN ha–1 year–1 for A. alata, 0–49 for A. pulchella,0?19 for B. aquifolium and 0-10 for A. extensa Key words: Shrub legumes, post-fire N economy  相似文献   

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