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We have recently reported the isolation and purification of the Treponema pallidum outer membrane and the identification of its rare protein constituents, including a 31-kDa protein markedly enriched in the outer membrane preparation (D.R. Blanco, K. Reimann, J. Skare, C.I. Champion, D. Foley, M. M. Exner, R. E. W. Hancock, J. N. Miller, and M. A. Lovett, J. Bacteriol. 176:6088-6099, 1994). In this study, we report the cloning, sequencing, and expression of the structural gene which encodes the 31-kDa outer membrane protein, designated Tromp1. The deduced amino acid sequence from the tromp1 gene sequence encodes a 318-amino-acid polypeptide with a putative 40-amino-acid signal peptide. Processing of Tromp1 results in a mature protein with a predicted molecular mass of 30,415 Da and a calculated pI of 6.6. Secondary-structure predictions identified repeated stretches of amphipathic beta-sheets typical of outer membrane protein membrane-spanning sequences. A topological model of Tromp1 containing 14 transmembrane segments is proposed. Specific antiserum against a recombinant Tromp1 fusion protein was generated and was used to identify native Tromp1 in cellular fractionation. Upon Triton X-114 extraction and phase separation of T. pallidum, the 31-kDa Tromp1 protein was detected in the detergent-phase fraction but not in the protoplasmic cylinder or aqueousphase fractions, consistent with a hydrophobic outer membrane protein. Anti-Tromp1 antiserum was also used to identify native Tromp1 purified from whole T. pallidum by Triton X-100 solubilization followed by nondenaturing isoelectric focusing. Reconstitution of purified Tromp1 into planar lipid bilayers showed porin activity based on the measured single channel conductanes of 0.15 and 0.7 nS in 1 M KCl. These findings demonstrate that Tromp1 is a transmembrane outer membrane porin protein of T. pallidum.  相似文献   

The surface of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum (T. pallidum), the etiologic agent of syphilis, appears antigenically inert and lacks detectable protein, as judged by immunocytochemical and biochemical techniques commonly used to identify the outer membrane (OM) constituents of gram-negative bacteria. We examined T. pallidum by freeze-fracture electron microscopy to visualize the architecture of its OM. Treponema phagedenis biotype Reiter (T. phagedenis Reiter), a nonpathogenic host-associated treponeme, and Spirochaeta aurantia, a free-living spirochete, were studied similarly. Few intramembranous particles interrupted the smooth convex and concave fracture faces of the OM of T. pallidum, demonstrating that the OM of this organism is an unusual, nearly naked lipid bilayer. In contrast, the concave fracture face of the OM of S. aurantia was densely covered with particles, indicating the presence of abundant integral membrane proteins, a feature shared by typical gram-negative organisms. The concentration of particles in the OM concave fracture face of T. phagedenis Reiter was intermediate between those of T. pallidum and S. aurantia. Similar to typical gram-negative bacteria, the OM convex fracture faces of the three spirochetes contained relatively few particles. The unique molecular architecture of the OM of T. pallidum can explain the puzzling in vitro properties of the surface of the organism and may reflect a specific adaptation by which treponemes evade the host immune response.  相似文献   

We recently reported the cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding a 31-kDa Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum rare outer membrane porin protein, designated Tromp1 (D. R. Blanco, C. I. Champion, M. M. Exner, H. Erdjument-Bromage, R. E. W. Hancock, P. Tempst, J. N. Miller, and M. A. Lovett, J. Bacteriol. 177:3556-3562, 1995). Here, we report the stable expression of recombinant Tromp1 (rTromp1) in Escherichia coli. rTromp1 expressed without its signal peptide and containing a 22-residue N-terminal fusion resulted in high-level accumulation of a nonexported soluble protein that was purified to homogeneity by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). Specific antiserum generated to the FPLC-purified rTromp1 fusion identified on immunoblots of T. pallidum the native 31-kDa Tromp1 protein and two higher-molecular-mass oligomeric forms of Tromp1 at 55 and 80 kDa. rTromp1 was also expressed with its native signal peptide by using an inducible T7 promoter. Under these conditions, rTromp1 fractionated predominantly with the E. coli soluble and outer membrane fractions, but not with the inner membrane fraction. rTromp1 isolated from the E. coli outer membrane and reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers showed porin activity based on average single-channel conductances of 0.4 and 0.8 nS in 1 M KCl. Whole-mount immunoelectron microscopy using infection-derived immune serum against T. pallidum indicated that rTromp1 was surface exposed when expressed in E. coli. These findings demonstrate that rTromp1 can be targeted to the E. coli outer membrane, where it has both porin activity and surface antigenic exposure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether immunization with purified outer membrane vesicles (OMV) from Treponema pallidum (T.p. ) could elicit Abs capable of killing this organism. It is well established that the immunization of rabbits or mice with killed T.p. or with recombinant T.p. Ags has failed to generate serum killing activity comparable with that of infection-derived immunity. Because of the small amount of T.p. OMV obtainable, a single mouse was immunized with purified OMV. The mouse anti-OMV serum and infection-derived immune rabbit serum (IRS) were compared by reactivities on two-dimensional T.p. immunoblots and by the T.p. immobilization test, a complement-dependent killing assay. Whereas IRS detected >40 Ags, the anti-OMV serum identified only 6 Ags corresponding to proteins identified previously in the outer membrane. T.p. immobilization testing showed that IRS had a 100% killing titer of 1:44 and a 50% killing titer of 1:662. By comparison, the mouse anti-OMV serum had a significantly greater 100% killing titer of 1:1,408 and a 50% killing titer of 1:16,896. Absorption of the anti-OMV serum to remove Ab against outer membrane-associated lipoproteins did not change the 100% killing titer. Freeze-fracture analysis of T.p. incubated in IRS or anti-OMV serum showed that T.p. rare membrane-spanning outer membrane proteins were aggregated. This is the first demonstration of high-titer killing Abs resulting from immunization with defined T.p. molecules; our study indicates that the targets for these Abs are T. p. rare outer membrane proteins.  相似文献   

We have previously observed that while native Treponema pallidum rare outer membrane protein 1 (Tromp1) is hydrophobic and has porin activity, recombinant forms of Tromp1 do not possess these properties. In this study we show that these properties are determined by conformation and can be replicated by proper renaturation of recombinant Tromp1. Native Tromp1, but not the 47-kDa lipoprotein, extracted from whole organisms by using Triton X-114, was found to lose hydrophobicity after treatment in 8 M urea, indicating that Tromp1's hydrophobicity is conformation dependent. Native Tromp1 was purified from 0.1% Triton X-100 extracts of whole organisms by fast-performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) and shown to have porin activity in planar lipid bilayers. Cross-linking studies of purified native Tromp1 with an 11 A cross-linking agent showed oligomeric forms consistent with dimers and trimers. For renaturation studies of recombinant Tromp1 (rTromp1), a 31,109-Da signal-less construct was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by FPLC. FPLC-purified rTromp1 was denatured in 8 M urea and then renatured in the presence of 0.5% Zwittergent 3,14 during dialysis to remove the urea. Renatured rTromp1 was passed through a Sephacryl S-300 gel exclusion column previously calibrated with known molecular weight standards. While all nonrenatured rTromp1 eluted from the column at approximately the position of the carbonic anhydrase protein standard (29 kDa), all renatured rTromp1 eluted at the position of the phosphorylase b protein standard (97 kDa), suggesting a trimeric conformation. Trimerization was confirmed by using an 11 A cross-linking agent which showed both dimers and trimers similar to that of native Tromp1. Triton X-114 phase separations showed that all of renatured rTromp1, but none of nonrenatured rTromp1, phase separated exclusively into the hydrophobic detergent phase, similar to native Tromp1. Circular dichroism of nonrenatured and renatured rTromp1 showed a marked loss in alpha-helical secondary structure of renatured rTromp1 compared to the nonrenatured form. Finally, renatured rTromp1, but not the nonrenatured form, showed porin activity in planar liquid bilayers. These results demonstrate that proper folding of rTromp1 results in a trimeric, hydrophobic, and porin-active conformation similar to that of the native protein.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture and deep-etch electron microscopy were used to investigate the molecular architecture of the Treponema pallidum outer membrane (OM). Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of treponemes freshly harvested from rabbit testes revealed that the intramembranous particles (IMPs) in both the concave and convex OM leaflets were distributed into alternating areas of relatively high and low particle density; in many OM fractures, IMPs formed rows that ran either parallel to or obliquely across the fracture faces. Statistical analysis (runs test) confirmed that the IMPs were nonrandomly distributed in both OM leaflets. Examination of deep-etched specimens revealed that the particles observed in freeze-fractured OMs also were surface exposed. Combined analysis of deep-etched and cross-fractured treponemes revealed that the OM particles were located in regions of the OM away from the endoflagella and closely apposed to the cytoplasmic membrane-peptidoglycan complex. When treponemes were incubated for extended periods with heat-inactivated immune rabbit syphilitic serum, no alteration in the distribution of OM IMPs was detected. In further experiments, approximately 1:1 mixtures of T. pallidum and Escherichia coli or separate suspensions of the nonpathogenic Treponema phagedenis biotype Reiter were fixed at 34 degrees C or after cooling to 0 degree C (to induce lateral phase separations that would aggregate IMPs). Only particles in the T. pallidum OM failed to aggregate in cells fixed at the lower temperature. The combined data suggest that the mobility of T. pallidum rare OM proteins is limited, perhaps as a result of interactions between their periplasmic domains and components of the peptidoglycan-cytoplasmic membrane complex.  相似文献   

A physical map of the chromosome of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum (Nichols), the causative agent of syphilis, was constructed from restriction fragments produced by NotI, SfiI, and SrfI. These rare-cutting restriction endonucleases cleaved the T. pallidum genome into 16, 8, and 15 fragments, respectively. Summation of the physical lengths of the fragments indicates that the chromosome of T. pallidum subsp. pallidum is approximately 1,030 to 1,080 kbp in size. The physical map was constructed by hybridizing a variety of probes to Southern blots of single and double digests of T. pallidum genomic DNA separated by contour-clamped homogeneous electric field electrophoresis. Probes included cosmid clones constructed from T. pallidum subsp. pallidum genomic DNA, restriction fragments excised from gels, and selected genes. Physical mapping confirmed that the chromosome of T. pallidum subsp. pallidum is circular, as the SfiI and SrfI maps formed complete circles. A total of 13 genes, including those encoding five membrane lipoproteins (tpn47, tpn41, tpn29-35, tpn17, and tpn15), a putative outer membrane porin (tpn50), the flagellar sheath and hook proteins (flaA and flgE), the cytoplasmic filament protein (cfpA), 16S rRNA (rrnA), a major sigma factor (rpoD), and a homolog of cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (cysS), have been localized in the physical map as a first step toward studying the genetic organization of this noncultivable pathogen.  相似文献   

The outer membrane of Treponema pallidum, the non-cultivable agent of venereal syphilis, contains a paucity of protein(s) which has yet to be definitively identified. In contrast, the outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria contain abundant immunogenic membrane-spanning beta-barrel proteins mainly involved in nutrient transport. The absence of orthologs of gram-negative porins and outer membrane nutrient-specific transporters in the T. pallidum genome predicts that nutrient transport across the outer membrane must differ fundamentally in T. pallidum and gram-negative bacteria. Here we describe a T. pallidum outer membrane protein (TP0453) that, in contrast to all integral outer membrane proteins of known structure, lacks extensive beta-sheet structure and does not traverse the outer membrane to become surface exposed. TP0453 is a lipoprotein with an amphiphilic polypeptide containing multiple membrane-inserting, amphipathic alpha-helices. Insertion of the recombinant, non-lipidated protein into artificial membranes results in bilayer destabilization and enhanced permeability. Our findings lead us to hypothesize that TP0453 is a novel type of bacterial outer membrane protein which may render the T. pallidum outer membrane permeable to nutrients while remaining inaccessible to antibody.  相似文献   

The tprK gene of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, the causative agent of venereal syphilis, belongs to a 12-member gene family and encodes a protein with a predicted cleavable signal sequence and predicted transmembrane domains. Except for the Nichols type strain, all rabbit-propagated isolates of T. pallidum examined thus far are comprised of mixed populations of organisms with heterogeneous tprK sequences. We show that tprK sequences in treponemes obtained directly from syphilis patients are also heterogeneous. Clustering analysis demonstrates that primary chancre tprK sequences are more likely to cluster within a sample than among samples and that tighter clustering is seen within chancre samples than within rabbit-propagated isolates. Closer analysis of tprK sequences from a rabbit-propagated isolate reveals that individual variable regions have different levels of diversity, suggesting that variable regions may have different intrinsic rates of sequence change or may be under different levels of selection. Most variable regions show increased sequence diversity upon passage. We speculate that the diversification of tprK during infection allows organisms to evade the host immune response, contributing to reinfection and persistent infection.  相似文献   

Treponema pallidum and other members of the genera Treponema, Spirochaeta, and Leptonema contain multiple cytoplasmic filaments that run the length of the organism just underneath the cytoplasmic membrane. These cytoplasmic filaments have a ribbon-like profile and consist of a major cytoplasmic filament protein subunit (CfpA, formerly called TpN83) with a relative molecular weight of approximately 80,000. Degenerate DNA primers based on N-terminal and CNBr cleavage fragment amino acid sequences of T. pallidum subsp. pallidum (Nichols) CfpA were utilized to amplify a fragment of the encoding gene (cfpA). A 6.8-kb EcoRI fragment containing all but the 5' end of cfpA was identified by hybridization with the resulting PCR product and cloned into Lambda ZAP II. The 5' region was obtained by inverse PCR, and the complete gene sequence was determined. The cfpA sequence contained a 2,034-nucleotide coding region, a putative promoter with consensus sequences (5'-TTTACA-3' for -35 and 5'-TACAAT-3' for -10) similar to the sigma70 recognition sequence of Escherichia coli and other organisms, and a putative ribosome-binding site (5'-AGGAG-3'). The deduced amino acid sequence of CfpA indicated a protein of 678 residues with a calculated molecular mass of 78.5 kDa and an estimated pI of 6.15. No significant homology to known proteins or structural motifs was found among known prokaryotic or eukaryotic sequences. Expression of a LacZ-CfpA fusion protein in E. coli was detrimental to survival and growth of the host strain and resulted in the formation of short, irregular filaments suggestive of partial self-assembly of CfpA. The cytoplasmic filaments of T. pallidum and other spirochetes appear to represent a unique form of prokaryotic intracytoplasmic inclusions.  相似文献   

【目的】预测和鉴定梅毒螺旋体(Tp)Tp92蛋白的B细胞表位,为深入探讨这些表位在梅毒表位疫苗中的作用奠定基础。【方法】采用Mobyle、ABCpred和IEDB在线软件综合分析预测Tp92蛋白的B细胞表位,人工合成6条表位多肽,以梅毒患者/感染兔血清(同时设健康人/兔血清对照)为标本,用间接ELISA法鉴定预测Tp92蛋白B细胞表位的免疫反应性。【结果】软件预测显示,Tp92蛋白的P1(24-39AA)、P2(332-347AA)、P3(520-536AA)、P4(575-588AA)、P5(103-118AA)、P6(694-712AA)氨基酸序列可能为其B细胞表位。间接ELISA分析表明,预测的P1、P3、P5和P6均与梅毒患者/感染兔血清呈阳性反应,而与健康人/兔血清不反应。【结论】本研究初步得出以下结论:P1、P3、P5和P6均为Tp92蛋白潜在的特异性B细胞表位,尤其是P3和P6免疫反应性最强。  相似文献   

梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体(Tp)引起的一种严重危害人类健康的慢性感染性疾病,由于Tp目前尚不能体外人工培养,从而限制了对Tp致病机制的深入研究。Tp对宿主靶细胞的早期黏附定植是其后续病程发展的关键,而最早与宿主细胞直接接触的Tp外膜及外膜蛋白就成了关注的焦点。随着Tp全基因组序列的解析和分子生物学技术的发展,Tp外膜蛋白的筛选、鉴定及功能研究取得了一定进展。Tp92是首个在感染了梅毒的兔调理素抗毒血清中通过差示免疫筛选方法筛选出来的Tp外膜蛋白,序列高度保守,具有较强的抗原性,与其他螺旋体属及许多革兰阴性菌的外膜蛋白均具有较高的同源性,其在Tp的致病过程及机体的免疫应答中可能发挥着重要作用。就目前Tp外膜蛋白Tp92及其同源蛋白的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Identification of Treponema pallidum rare outer membrane proteins (OMPs) has been a longstanding objective of syphilis researchers. We recently developed a consensus computational framework that employs a battery of cellular localization and topological prediction tools to generate ranked clusters of candidate rare OMPs (D. L. Cox et al., Infect. Immun. 78:5178-5194, 2010). TP0117/TP0131 (TprC/D), a member of the T. pallidum repeat (Tpr) family, was a highly ranked candidate. Circular dichroism, heat modifiability by SDS-PAGE, Triton X-114 phase partitioning, and liposome incorporation confirmed that full-length, recombinant TprC (TprC(Fl)) forms a β-barrel capable of integrating into lipid bilayers. Moreover, TprC(Fl) increased efflux of terbium-dipicolinic acid complex from large unilamellar vesicles and migrated as a trimer by blue-native PAGE. We found that in T. pallidum, TprC is heat modifiable, trimeric, expressed in low abundance, and, based on proteinase K accessibility and opsonophagocytosis assays, surface exposed. From these collective data, we conclude that TprC is a bona fide rare OMP as well as a functional ortholog of Escherichia coli OmpF. We also discovered that TprC has a bipartite architecture consisting of a soluble N-terminal portion (TprC(N)), presumably periplasmic and bound directly or indirectly to peptidoglycan, and a C-terminal β-barrel (TprC(C)). Syphilitic rabbits generate antibodies exclusively against TprC(C), while secondary syphilis patients fail to mount a detectable antibody response against either domain. The syphilis spirochete appears to have resolved a fundamental dilemma arising from its extracellular lifestyle, namely, how to enhance OM permeability without increasing its vulnerability to the antibody-mediated defenses of its natural human host.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术从Tp Nichols株基因组模板中扩增梅毒螺旋体(Treponema pallidum,Tp)外膜蛋白Gpd基因,定向克隆构建真核表达重组体pcDNA3.1( )-Gpd,免疫印迹和免疫组化技术检测pcDNA3.1( )-Gpd在HeLa细胞中的表达;同时将真核表达重组体pcDNA3.1( )-Gpd免疫新西兰兔,检测其在兔体内的免疫应答效果。免疫印迹和免疫组化鉴定均显示重组体在HeLa细胞中能有效表达一个41kD的Gpd融合蛋白。新西兰兔接种核酸疫苗后,能产生特异性抗体,第3次免疫后2周抗体最高滴度可达1∶1024,免疫后兔脾细胞受Gpd蛋白刺激有明显增殖反应。所诱导的抗体水平和脾淋巴细胞增殖情况均显著高于空质粒对照组和空白对照组(p<0.05)。Tp真核表达重组体pcDNA3.1( )-Gpd的成功构建及能刺激新西兰兔产生较强特异的免疫应答,为Gpd蛋白生物学功能及梅毒DNA疫苗的深入研究奠定了一定的实验基础。  相似文献   

The outer membranes from Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum and Treponema vincentii were isolated by a novel method. Purified outer membranes from T. pallidum and T. vincentii following sucrose gradient centrifugation banded at 7 and 31% (wt/wt) sucrose, respectively. Freeze fracture electron microscopy of purified membrane vesicles from T. pallidum and T. vincentii revealed an extremely low density of protein particles; the particle density of T. pallidum was approximately six times less than that of T. vincentii. The great majority of T. vincentii lipopolysaccharide was found in the outer membrane preparation. The T. vincentii outer membrane also contained proteins of 55 and 65 kDa. 125I-penicillin V labeling demonstrated that t. pallidum penicillin-binding proteins were found exclusively with the protoplasmic cylinders and were not detectable with purified outer membrane material, indicating the absence of inner membrane contamination. Isolated T. pallidum outer membrane was devoid of the 19-kDa 4D protein and the normally abundant 47-kDa lipoprotein known to be associated with the cytoplasmic membrane; only trace amounts of the periplasmic endoflagella were detected. Proteins associated with the T. pallidum outer membrane were identified by one- and two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis using gold staining and immunoblotting. Small amounts of strongly antigenic 17- and 45-kDa proteins were detected and shown to correspond to previously identified lipoproteins which are found principally with the cytoplasmic membrane. Less antigenic proteins of 65, 31 (acidic pI), 31 (basic pI), and 28 kDa were identified. Compared with whole-organism preparations, the 65- and the more basic 31-kDa proteins were found to be highly enriched in the outer membrane preparation, indicating that they may represent the T. pallidum rare outer membrane proteins. Reconstitution of solubilized T. pallidum outer membrane into lipid bilayer membranes revealed porin activity with two estimated channel diameters of 0.35 and 0.68 nm based on the measured single-channel conductances in 1 M KCl of 0.40 and 0.76 nS, respectively.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a DNA adenine methyltransferase gene (dam) from Treponema pallidum has been determined. Southern blot analysis of T. pallidum chromosomal DNA indicated that this gene is present as a single copy. The dam gene encodes a 303 amino acid protein whose deduced sequence has significant homology with DNA (N6-adenine) methyltransferases. T. pallidum Dam can be assigned to group α DNA amino methyltransferases based on the order of nine conserved motifs that are present in the protein. Digests of T. pallidum chromosomal DNA performed with isoschizomer restriction endonucleases (Sau3AI, DpnI, and MboI) confirmed the presence of methylated adenine residues in GATC sequences (Dam+ phenotype).  相似文献   

A modification of the in vitro immobilization assay together with freeze-fracture analysis was used to determine the factors responsible for the prolonged time required in vitro to achieve killing of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum. The modified immobilization assay permitted separate determination of the time required for binding of antibody to the surface of T. pallidum and for C activation. Treponemes were preincubated in heat-inactivated immune rabbit serum (IRS) followed by washing the organisms in 2.5% BSA/PBS to remove unbound IRS antibody before the addition of C. The results showed that a comparable degree of C-dependent killing occurred when treponemes were preincubated in heat-inactivated IRS for either 30 min or 16 h, indicating that treponemicidal antibody rapidly binds to the surface of T. pallidum. Preincubation of treponemes for 17 h in heat-inactivated IRS followed by a 1-h incubation in C resulted in the loss of 80% treponemal motility, indicating that C activation results in rapid killing of T. pallidum. Treponemes preincubated in IRS for 1 h, then incubated for 8 h and 16 h in heat-inactivated normal serum also lost a significant level of motility after the addition of C; in contrast, motility was unaffected after 30 min and 4 h of incubation in heat-inactivated normal serum under similar conditions. These results demonstrate that, whereas antibody binding to and C-mediated killing of treponemes can proceed rapidly, the prolonged time to C activation limits the rate at which treponemicidal activity occurs in vitro. In addition, treponemicidal activity using the modified immobilization assay could not be demonstrated with antiserum against T. pallidum endoflagella, antiserum against proteins solubilized from T. pallidum using the detergent Triton X-114, and a mAb to the T. pallidum r190-kDa "4D" protein, suggesting that these molecules are not accessible to surface binding antibody. Freeze-fracture analysis, recently used in our laboratory to demonstrate that the outer membrane of T. pallidum has rare constituent protein, was utilized to demonstrate outer membrane target Ag of IRS antibody. T. pallidum rare outer membrane protein (TROMP) molecules were shown in freeze-fracture electron micrographs to be consistently aggregated following a 16-h incubation of treponemes in IRS. In contrast, no aggregation of TROMP was present in treponemes incubated in normal rabbit serum for 16 h or in treponemes incubated in IRS for 2 h. These findings suggest that the rate of C activation leading to in vitro treponemicidal activity is limited by the time required for aggregation of antibody-bound TROMP molecules.  相似文献   

A native structure containing the major 60-kilodalton common antigen polypeptide (designated TpN60) was isolated from Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum (Nichols strain) through a combination of differential centrifugation and sucrose density gradient sedimentation. Gel filtration chromatography indicated that this structure is a high-molecular-weight homo-oligomer of TpN60. Antisera to TpN60 reacted with the groEL polypeptide of Escherichia coli, as determined by immunoperoxidase staining of two-dimensional electroblots. Electron microscopy of the isolated complex revealed a ringlike structure with a diameter of approximately 16 nm which was very similar in appearance to the groEL protein. Comparison of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of TpN60 with the deduced sequences of the E. coli groEL protein, related chaperonin proteins from mycobacteria and Coxiella burnetti, the hsp60 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the wheat ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase-subunit-binding protein (alpha subunit), and the human P1 mitochondrial protein indicated sequence identity at 8 of 22 to 10 of 22 residues (36 to 45% identity). We conclude that the oligomer of TpN60 is homologous to the groEL protein and related chaperonins found in a wide variety of procaryotes and eucaryotes and thus may represent a heat shock protein involved in protein folding and assembly.  相似文献   

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