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泛素化是目前广受关注的一种翻译后修饰过程,对蛋白质降解、DNA修复等多种细胞过程都具有重要的调控作用。本文根据国内外蛋白质泛素化位点预测的研究,分析了预测泛素化位点的特征属性,总结了对这些特征进行优化的特征选择方法,并对预测过程中所使用的各种机器学习分类器进行了概述。  相似文献   

蛋白质的亚细胞定位是进行蛋白质功能研究的重要信息.蛋白质合成后被转运到特定的细胞器中,只有转运到正确的部位才能参与细胞的各种生命活动,有效地发挥功能.尝试了将保守序列及蛋白质相互作用数据的编码信息结合传统的氨基酸组成编码,采用支持向量机进行蛋白质亚细胞定位预测,在真核生物中5轮交叉验证精度达到91.8%,得到了显著的提高.  相似文献   

The specificity of protein-protein interactions is encoded in those parts of the sequence that compose the binding interface. Therefore, understanding how changes in protein sequence influence interaction specificity, and possibly the phenotype, requires knowing the location of binding sites in those sequences. However, large-scale detection of protein interfaces remains a challenge. Here, we present a sequence- and interactome-based approach to mine interaction motifs from the recently published Arabidopsis thaliana interactome. The resultant proteome-wide predictions are available via www.ab.wur.nl/sliderbio and set the stage for further investigations of protein-protein binding sites. To assess our method, we first show that, by using a priori information calculated from protein sequences, such as evolutionary conservation and residue surface accessibility, we improve the performance of interface prediction compared to using only interactome data. Next, we present evidence for the functional importance of the predicted sites, which are under stronger selective pressure than the rest of protein sequence. We also observe a tendency for compensatory mutations in the binding sites of interacting proteins. Subsequently, we interrogated the interactome data to formulate testable hypotheses for the molecular mechanisms underlying effects of protein sequence mutations. Examples include proteins relevant for various developmental processes. Finally, we observed, by analysing pairs of paralogs, a correlation between functional divergence and sequence divergence in interaction sites. This analysis suggests that large-scale prediction of binding sites can cast light on evolutionary processes that shape protein-protein interaction networks.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(7):1494-1505
WIPI proteins are mammalian PROPPIN family members that bind to phosphoinositides and play prominent roles in autophagosome biogenesis. Two phosphoinositide-binding sites were previously described in yeast PROPPIN Hsv2 but remain to be determined in mammalian WIPI proteins. Here, we characterized four human WIPI proteins (WIPI1–4) and solved the structure of WIPI3. WIPI proteins can bind to PI(3)P and PI(3,5)P2 and adopt a conventional seven-bladed β-propeller fold. The structure of WIPI3 revealed that WIPI proteins also contain two sites embedded in blades 5 and 6 for recognizing phosphoinositides, resembling that in Hsv2. Structural comparison further demonstrated that the two conserved phosphoinositide-binding sites in PROPPIN proteins are not identical but intrinsically tend to recognize different types of phosphoinositides. This work provides the structural evidence to support the conservation of the two phosphoinositide-binding sites in WIPI proteins and also uncovers the potential phosphoinositide-binding selectivity for each site.  相似文献   

It is known that the conservation of protein-coding genes is associated with their sequences both various species, such as animals and plants. However, the association between microRNA (miRNA) conservation and their sequences in various species remains unexplored. Here we report the association of miRNA conservation with its sequence features, such as base content and cleavage sites, suggesting that miRNA sequences contain the fingerprints for miRNA conservation. More interestingly, different species show different and even opposite patterns between miRNA conservation and sequence features. For example, mammalian miRNAs show a positive/negative correlation between conservation and AU/GC content, whereas plant miRNAs show a negative/positive correlation between conservation and AU/GC content. Further analysis puts forward the hypothesis that the introns of protein-coding genes may be a main driving force for the origin and evolution of mammalian miRNAs. At the 5′ end, conserved miRNAs have a preference for base U, while less-conserved miRNAs have a preference for a non-U base in mammals. This difference does not exist in insects and plants, in which both conserved miRNAs and less-conserved miRNAs have a preference for base U at the 5′ end. We further revealed that the non-U preference at the 5′ end of less-conserved mammalian miRNAs is associated with miRNA function diversity, which may have evolved from the pressure of a highly sophisticated environmental stimulus the mammals encountered during evolution. These results indicated that miRNA sequences contain the fingerprints for conservation, and these fingerprints vary according to species. More importantly, the results suggest that although species share common mechanisms by which miRNAs originate and evolve, mammals may develop a novel mechanism for miRNA origin and evolution. In addition, the fingerprint found in this study can be predictor of miRNA conservation, and the findings are helpful in achieving a clearer understanding of miRNA function and evolution.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(19):3860-3870
Enzymes exhibit a strong long-range evolutionary constraint that extends from their catalytic site and affects even distant sites, where site-specific evolutionary rate increases monotonically with distance. While protein–protein sites in enzymes were previously shown to induce only a weak conservation gradient, a comprehensive relationship between different types of functional sites in proteins and the magnitude of evolutionary rate gradients they induce has yet to be established. Here, we systematically calculate the evolutionary rate (dN/dS) of sites as a function of distance from different types of binding sites in enzymes and other proteins: catalytic sites, non-catalytic ligand binding sites, allosteric binding sites, and protein–protein interaction sites. We show that catalytic sites indeed induce significantly stronger evolutionary rate gradient than all other types of non-catalytic binding sites. In addition, catalytic sites in enzymes with no known allosteric function still induce strong long-range conservation gradients. Notably, the weak long-range conservation gradients induced by non-catalytic binding sites in enzymes is nearly identical in magnitude to those induced by ligand binding sites in non-enzymes. Finally, we show that structural determinants such as local solvent exposure of sites cannot explain the observed difference between catalytic and non-catalytic functional sites. Our results suggest that enzymes and non-enzymes share similar evolutionary constraints only when examined from the perspective of non-catalytic functional sites. Hence, the unique evolutionary rate gradient from catalytic sites in enzymes is likely driven by the optimization of catalysis rather than ligand binding and allosteric functions.  相似文献   

Conservation and Periodicity of DNA Bend Sites in Eukaryotic Genomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA bend sites appear every 680 bp on average in the human -and ß-globin gene regions. Although most of theirmolecular nature has not been unraveled, a potential bend coresequence A2N8A2N8A2 (A/A/A) and its complementary T2N8T2N8T2(T/T/T) appeared preferentially either in or very close to mostof the bend sites, whereas other combinations of A2 and T2 dinucleotides,A/T/T + A/A/T, T/T/A + T/A/A and A/T/A + T/A/T, did not. Thedistances between any two of the core sequences in the entireß-globin locus showed a strong bias to a length of701–800 bp and multiples thereof, suggesting that thereis periodicity throughout the locus. This bias was not foundfor other combinations of A2 and T2. Again, this periodicitywas identified in many eukaryotic genes, whereas the tendencywas absent in mRNAs and prokaryotic as well as viral genomes.  相似文献   

We previously showed that B16 melanoma cells produce ecotropic melanoma-associated retrovirus (MelARV) which encodes a melanoma-associated antigen recognized by MM2-9B6 monoclonal antibody. The biological significance of MelARV in melanoma formation remains unknown. We found that infection of normal melanocytes with MelARV resulted in malignant transformation. It is likely that MelARV emerged from the defective Emv-2 provirus, a single copy of ecotropic provirus existing in the genome of C57BL/6 mice. In the present study, we cloned and sequenced the full-length MelARV genome and its insertion sites and we completed sequencing of the Emv-2 provirus. Our data show that MelARV has a typical full-length retroviral genome with high homology (98.54%) to Emv-2, indicating a close relationship between both viruses. MelARV probably emerged as a result of recombination between Emv-2 and an endogenous nonecotropic provirus. Some observed differences in the gag and pol regions of MelARV might account for the restoration of productivity and infectivity of a novel retrovirus that somatically emerged during melanoma formation. MelARV does not contain any oncogene and therefore might induce transformation by insertional mutagenesis. We sequenced two insertion sites of MelARV. The first insertion site represents the 3' coding region of the c-maf proto-oncogene at 67.0 centimorgans (cM) on chromosome 8. The c-maf proto-oncogene encodes a basic leucine zipper protein homologous to c-fos and c-jun. Insertion of MelARV in BL6 melanoma cells resulted in the up-regulation of c-maf. It is noteworthy that the Emv-2 provirus is also inserted into a noncoding region at 61.0 cM on the same chromosome 8. The second insertion site is the 3' noncoding region of the DNA polymerase gamma (PolG) gene on chromosome 7. The expression of PolG was not affected by the MelARV insertion. Further investigation of the biological significance of MelARV in melanoma formation is being undertaken.  相似文献   

Protein kinase-mediated phosphorylation is among the most important post-translational modifications. However, few phosphorylation sites have been experimentally identified for most species, making it difficult to determine the degree to which phosphorylation sites are conserved. The goal of this study was to use computational methods to characterize the conservation of human phosphorylation sites in a wide variety of eukaryotes. Using experimentally-determined human sites as input, homologous phosphorylation sites were predicted in all 432 eukaryotes for which complete proteomes were available. For each pair of species, we calculated phosphorylation site conservation as the number of phosphorylation sites found in both species divided by the number found in at least one of the two species. A clustering of the species based on this conservation measure was concordant with phylogenies based on traditional genomic measures. For a subset of the 432 species, phosphorylation site conservation was compared to conservation of both protein kinases and proteins in general. Protein kinases exhibited the highest degree of conservation, while general proteins were less conserved and phosphorylation sites were least conserved. Although preliminary, these data tentatively suggest that variation in phosphorylation sites may play a larger role in explaining phenotypic differences among organisms than differences in the complements of protein kinases or general proteins.  相似文献   

目的:计算识别果蝇中新的非经典剪接位点,以探索未知的剪接机制。方法:基于黑腹果蝇表达序列标签(EST)与其基因组序列比对数据重构基因结构,从中发现非经典的剪接位点,并采用Weblogo软件分析非经典剪接位点上下游序列,以期发现剪接相关的特异性元件。结果:共得到265个非经典的剪接位点,这些剪接位点落在195个蛋白编码基因上。结论:应用生物信息学方法在果蝇中发现了上百个非经典剪接位点,为研究非经典剪接机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   


To study the specificity of the FIS protein binding to DNA, we have isolated new binding sites by in vitro selection, analyzed their binding and bending by gel electro-phoresis and compared the results to predictions based on sequence analysis of the known natural sites.  相似文献   

S-glutathionylation, the reversible formation of mixed disulfides between glutathione(GSH) and cysteine residues in proteins, is a specific form of post-translational modification that plays important roles in various biological processes, including signal transduction, redox homeostasis, and metabolism inside cells. Experimentally identifying S-glutathionylation sites is labor-intensive and time consuming, whereas bioinformatics methods provide an alternative way to this problem by predicting S-glutathionylation sites in silico. The bioinformatics approaches give not only candidate sites for further experimental verification but also bio-chemical insights into the mechanism of S-glutathionylation. In this paper, we firstly collect experimentally determined S-glutathionylated proteins and their corresponding modification sites from the literature, and then propose a new method for predicting S-glutathionylation sites by employing machine learning methods based on protein sequence data. Promising results are obtained by our method with an AUC (area under ROC curve) score of 0.879 in 5-fold cross-validation, which demonstrates the predictive power of our proposed method. The datasets used in this work are available at http://csb.shu.edu.cn/SGDB.  相似文献   


The novel method allowing identification of protein structure elements responsible for catalytic activity manifestation is proposed. Structural organization of various hydrolases was studied using the ANIS (ANalysis of Informational Structure) method. ANIS allows to reveal a hierarchy of the ELements of Information Structure (ELIS) using protein amino acid sequence. The ELIS corresponds to the variable length sites with an increased density of structural information. The amino acid residues forming the enzyme catalytic site were shown to belong to the different top-ranking ELIS located in the contact area of the corresponding spatial structure clusters. In the protein spatial structure catalytic sites are located in the area of contact between fragments of polypeptide chain (structural blocs) allocation to the different top-ranking ELIS. According to our results we concluded that structural blocks corresponding to top-ranking ELIS are crucial for protein functioning. Such regions are structurally independent, and their determinate mobility relative to each other is vital for an efficient enzymatic reaction to occur.  相似文献   

Many important protein–protein interactions are mediated by the binding of a short peptide stretch in one protein to a large globular segment in another. Recent efforts have provided hundreds of examples of new peptides binding to proteins for which a three-dimensional structure is available (either known experimentally or readily modeled) but where no structure of the protein–peptide complex is known. To address this gap, we present an approach that can accurately predict peptide binding sites on protein surfaces. For peptides known to bind a particular protein, the method predicts binding sites with great accuracy, and the specificity of the approach means that it can also be used to predict whether or not a putative or predicted peptide partner will bind. We used known protein–peptide complexes to derive preferences, in the form of spatial position specific scoring matrices, which describe the binding-site environment in globular proteins for each type of amino acid in bound peptides. We then scan the surface of a putative binding protein for sites for each of the amino acids present in a peptide partner and search for combinations of high-scoring amino acid sites that satisfy constraints deduced from the peptide sequence. The method performed well in a benchmark and largely agreed with experimental data mapping binding sites for several recently discovered interactions mediated by peptides, including RG-rich proteins with SMN domains, Epstein-Barr virus LMP1 with TRADD domains, DBC1 with Sir2, and the Ago hook with Argonaute PIWI domain. The method, and associated statistics, is an excellent tool for predicting and studying binding sites for newly discovered peptides mediating critical events in biology.  相似文献   

转录因子结合位点的计算预测是研究基因转录调控的重要环节,但现有算法的预测特异性偏低.在深入分析转录因子结合位点生物特征的基础上,对当前基于保守模体和基于比较基因组学的两类计算预测方法进行了综述,指出了方法各自的优点和不足,并探讨了可能的改进方向.  相似文献   

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