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1. Climatic variation outside the breeding season affects fluctuations in population numbers of seabirds and marine mammals. A challenge in identifying the underlying biological mechanisms is the lack of information on their foraging strategies during winter, when individuals migrate far from their breeding grounds. 2. We investigated the temporal variability in resource partitioning within the guild of five sympatric Subantarctic penguins and fur seals from Crozet Islands. The stable isotopic ratios of carbon (delta(13)C) and nitrogen (delta(15)N) for whole blood were measured for penguins and fur seals, as were the isotopic ratios for penguin nails and food. Animals were sampled at two periods, during breeding in summer and at their arrival in the colonies in spring (hereafter winter, since the temporal integration of blood amounting to several months). 3. In summer, delta(13)C and delta(15)N for blood samples defined three foraging areas and two trophic levels, respectively, characterizing four nonoverlapping trophic niches. King penguins and female Antarctic and Subantarctic fur seals are myctophid eaters foraging in distinct water masses, while both macaroni and rockhopper penguins had identical isotopic signatures indicating feeding on crustaceans near the archipelago. 4. Isotopic ratios were almost identical in summer and winter suggesting no major changes in the species niches, and hence, in the trophic structure of the guild during the nonbreeding period. A seasonal difference, however, was the larger variances in delta(13)C (and also to a lesser extent in delta(15)N) values in winter, thus verifying our hypothesis that trophic niches widen when individuals are no longer central place foragers. 5. Winter isotopic ratios of macaroni penguins and male Antarctic fur seals had large variances, indicating individual foraging specializations. The range of delta(13)C and delta(15)N values of male fur seals showed, respectively, that they dispersed over a wide latitudinal gradient (from Antarctica to north of the archipelago) and fed on different prey (crustaceans and fish). 6. By comparing summer and winter isotopic ratios and examining the summer diet, we highlight the feeding habits of marine predators that were not previously addressed. The findings have a number of implications for understanding the functioning of the pelagic ecosystem and on the demography of these species.  相似文献   

Inter-individual variation in diet within generalist animal populations is thought to be a widespread phenomenon but its potential causes are poorly known. Inter-individual variation can be amplified by the availability and use of allochthonous resources, i.e., resources coming from spatially distinct ecosystems. Using a wild population of arctic fox as a study model, we tested hypotheses that could explain variation in both population and individual isotopic niches, used here as proxy for the trophic niche. The arctic fox is an opportunistic forager, dwelling in terrestrial and marine environments characterized by strong spatial (arctic-nesting birds) and temporal (cyclic lemmings) fluctuations in resource abundance. First, we tested the hypothesis that generalist foraging habits, in association with temporal variation in prey accessibility, should induce temporal changes in isotopic niche width and diet. Second, we investigated whether within-population variation in the isotopic niche could be explained by individual characteristics (sex and breeding status) and environmental factors (spatiotemporal variation in prey availability). We addressed these questions using isotopic analysis and Bayesian mixing models in conjunction with linear mixed-effects models. We found that: i) arctic fox populations can simultaneously undergo short-term (i.e., within a few months) reduction in both isotopic niche width and inter-individual variability in isotopic ratios, ii) individual isotopic ratios were higher and more representative of a marine-based diet for non-breeding than breeding foxes early in spring, and iii) lemming population cycles did not appear to directly influence the diet of individual foxes after taking their breeding status into account. However, lemming abundance was correlated to proportion of breeding foxes, and could thus indirectly affect the diet at the population scale.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether existing assumptions regarding the trophic ecology of a poorly‐studied predator guild, northwest (NW) Atlantic skates (family: Rajidae), were supported across broad geographic scales. Four hypotheses were tested using carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope values as a proxy for foraging behavior: 1) species exhibit ontogenetic shifts in habitat and thus display a shift in 13C with differential use of the continental shelf; 2) species exhibit ontogenetic prey shifts (i.e. from smaller to larger prey items) and become enriched in 15N; 3) individuals acquire energy from spatially confined local resource pools and exhibit limited displacement; and 4) species exhibit similarly sized and highly overlapping trophic niches. We found some evidence for ontogenetic shifts in habitat‐use (δ13C) for thorny and little skate and diet (δ15N) of thorny and winter skate and hypothesize that individuals exhibit gradual trophic niche transition, especially in δ15N space, rather than a clear and distinct shift in diet throughout ontogeny. Spatial isoscapes generated for little, thorny, and winter skate highlighted distinct spatial patterns in isotopic composition across the coastal shelf. For little and thorny skate, patterns mimicked expected spatial variability in the isotopic composition of phytoplankton/POM, suggesting limited displacement and utilization of spatially confined resource pools. Winter skate, however, exhibited a much narrower range of δ13C and δ15N values, suggesting individuals may use resources from a more confined latitudinal range. Although high total trophic niche overlap was observed between some species (e.g. little and thorny skate), sympatric species (e.g. little and winter skate) exhibited a degree of trophic niche separation. These findings offer new insight into the trophic dynamics of a poorly‐studied, vulnerable group of predators, and highlight a need to re‐examine assumptions pertaining to aspects of their ecology.  相似文献   

(1) Habitat influences on trout distribution and diet at a reach scale were analysed over a single winter in a conifer-afforested catchment in Ireland, in an area subject to very low levels of atmospheric pollution. (2) A total of 234 salmonids were sampled from which 1194 individual prey items were recovered. Salmonids were sampled at eleven sites over a 2 km stretch of the river Douglas, a third order stream of the river Araglin in the Munster Blackwater, Co. Cork, Ireland. (3) In this winter study, water depth and flow primarily influenced trout distribution. (4) Stepwise multiple regression was used to identify the most influential environmental factors on trout metrics. Trout biomass was positively correlated to maximum depth and the percentage of pool area within sites, but density and condition were not significantly influenced by habitat variation at the reach scale. (5) The results from diet analysis suggest that trout are heterogeneous generalist feeders in winter, preying mainly on Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera species. Prey diversity in the diet of individuals throughout the study was positively correlated to the percentage of deciduous vegetation, undercut banks and coniferous vegetation, whilst the prey sub-population diversity at site scale was not related to any of the habitat variables measured.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour of planktivorous pikeperch Sander lucioperca during their first growing season was analysed. Field data showed that S. lucioperca feed on extremely rare prey at the end of the summer, suggesting the presence of a bottleneck. In experiments, foraging ability of planktivorous S. lucioperca was determined when fish were feeding on different prey types (Daphnia magna or Chaoborus spp.) and sizes (D. magna of lengths 1 or 2·5 mm) when they occurred alone. From these results, the minimum density requirement of each prey type was analysed. The energy gain for three different foraging strategies was estimated; a specialized diet based on either large D. magna or Chaoborus spp. or a generalist diet combining both prey types. Prey value estimates showed that Chaoborus spp. should be the preferred prey, assuming an energy maximizing principle. In prey choice experiments, S. lucioperca largely followed this principle, including D. magna in the diet only when the density of the Chaoborus spp. was below a threshold value. Splitting the foraging bout into different sequences, however, resulted in a somewhat different pattern. During an initial phase, S. lucioperca captured both prey as encountered and then switched to Chaoborus spp. if prey density was above the threshold level. The prey selection observed was mainly explained by sampling behaviour and incomplete information about environmental quality, whereas satiation only had marginal effects. It was concluded that the observed diet based on rare prey items was in accordance with an optimal foraging strategy and may generate positive growth in the absence of prey fish in suitable sizes.  相似文献   

Long‐term dietary monitoring of seabirds can be used to relate population fluctuations to at‐sea events. Stomach flushing is a conventional dietary monitoring technique, but has a number of disadvantages. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) is a less invasive method that provides unbiased dietary information over a longer period. We evaluated stable isotope analysis as a potential tool for monitoring long‐term little penguin Eudyptula minor diet. We determined diet composition during the chick feeding stage using stomach flushing and SIA at three separate colonies, using spatial variation in diet as a surrogate for potential temporal variation. Bayesian isotopic mixing models were generated for blood and feathers to evaluate their ability to discriminate broad‐scale (fish, squid, crustaceans) and fine‐scale (individual prey species) diet composition. Differences in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were found between colonies: broad‐scale isotopic mixing models predicted different proportional contributions of broad taxa (fish, cephalopod, crustacean) to diet than was indicated by stomach samples, reflecting the bias incurred by one‐off stomach contents analysis. Fine‐scale isotopic mixing models predicted proportional contributions of prey items with less certainty. Blood isotopic mixing models had narrower confidence intervals than models for feathers, but trends in δ15N for feathers mirrored those for blood. Our results suggest that relying on stomach contents analysis to detect shifts in prey consumption in little penguins could be very misleading, resulting in a less‐than‐complete idea of total prey consumption. SIA of little penguin tissues could be used to monitor dietary shifts across dissimilar taxa that may affect population numbers, but would fail to detect shifts between fish species.  相似文献   

Southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) have experienced severe population declines across their distribution area, potentially in response to bottom-up effects following elevated sea surface temperatures, changes in the food web and prey availability. We conducted stable isotope analysis to compare trophic levels and distribution patterns in the non-breeding period over three consecutive years, and between males and females, using egg membranes, blood cells and feathers of parent birds. Tissues representing the non-breeding season had lower ??13C values than prey sampled around the Falklands and red blood cells from breeding rockhopper penguins. In contrast, ??15N values were higher in red blood cells from the end of winter compared to those from the breeding season and compared to feathers. This indicated that rockhopper penguins left the Falkland Island area in the non-breeding season and foraged either around Burdwood Bank further south, or over the Patagonian Shelf. In winter, only males took more prey of higher trophic level than females. Inter-annual differences in isotopic values partly correlated with sea surface temperatures. However, as prey isotope samples were collected only in 1?year, inter-annual differences in penguin isotopic values may result from different foraging sites, different prey choice or different isotopic baseline values. Our study highlights the potential for stable isotope analyses to detect seasonal and gender-specific differences in foraging areas and trophic levels, while stressing the need for more sampling of isotopic baseline data.  相似文献   

Summary We examined variation in diet choice by marten (Martes americana) among seasons and between sexes and ages from 1980–1985. During this period prey populations crashed simultaneously, except for ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) which was common at the beginning and end of the study, and masked shrews (Sorex cinereus) which were abundant in 1983. Marten were catholic in selection of prey and made use of most available mammalian prey, ruffed grouse, passerine birds, berries, and insects. Diet niche was widest during the latter three years when prey was scare, particularly in late winter. Diet niche breadth was negatively correlated with abundance of all common prey species. Proportion of small prey species in the diet was correlated with absolute abundance of those species, but proportion of some large prey was related to their relative abundance. Diet choice varied among years and among seasons. Berries and insects were common in summer diets while large prey, particularly varying hare (Lepus americanus), were more frequent in winter diet than in summer diet. We found little evidence that any small mammal species was a preferred prey. Sexual size dimorphism between the sexes did not affect prey choice, nor did age. Reduced foraging effort in winter resulted in a wider diet niche only when prey was scarce. The only prediction of optimal foraging models fully supported by our data was a wider diet niche with reduced prey abundance. However, among the three most profitable prey species choice was dependent on the absolute abundance of the most profitable type (varying hare). We suggest that marten primarily forage for large prey but employ a strategy which results in encounters with small prey as well. These small prey are eaten as they provide energy at minimal cost, between captures of large prey.  相似文献   

Using measurements of naturally occurring stable isotopes to reconstruct diets or source of feeding requires quantifying isotopic discrimination factors or the relationships between isotope ratios in food and in consumer tissues. Diet-tissue discrimination factors of carbon ((13)C/(12)C, or delta (13)C) and nitrogen ((15)N/(14)N, or delta (15)N) isotopes in whole blood and feathers, representing noninvasive sampling techniques, were examined using three species of captive penguins (king Aptenodytes patagonicus, gentoo Pygoscelis papua, and rockhopper Eudyptes chrysocome penguins) fed known diets. King and rockhopper penguins raised on a constant diet of herring and capelin, respectively, had tissues enriched in (15)N compared to fish, with discrimination factors being higher in feathers than in blood. These data, together with previous works, allowed us to calculate average discrimination factors for (15)N between whole lipid-free prey and blood and feathers of piscivorous birds; they amount to +2.7 per thousand and +4.2 per thousand, respectively. Both fish species were segregated by their delta (13)C and delta (15)N values, and importantly, lipid-free fish muscle tissue was consistently depleted in (13)C and enriched in (15)N compared to whole lipid-free fish. This finding has important implications because previous studies usually base dietary reconstructions on muscle of prey rather than on whole prey items consumed by the predator. We tested the effect of these differences using mass balance calculations to the quantification of food sources of gentoo penguins that had a mixed diet. Modeling indicated correct estimates when using the isotopic signature of whole fish (muscle) and the discrimination factors between whole fish (muscle) and penguin blood. Conversely, the use of isotopic signatures of muscle together with discrimination factors between whole fish and blood (or the reverse) leads to spurious estimates in food proportions. Consequently, great care must be taken in the choice of isotopic discrimination factors to apply to wild species for which no controlled experiments on captive individuals have been done. Finally, our results also indicate that there is no need to remove lipids before isotopic analysis of avian blood.  相似文献   

In the temperate climate zone in Europe the composition of the diet of predatory vertebrates shows evident variability between the warm and cold season. However, the recently observed climate warming can mitigate the effect of snow cover and low temperatures on the winter foraging ecology of raptors, thus affecting trophic webs in ecosystems. We analysed diet variability in the tawny owl Strix aluco, between the warm and cold seasons of four unusually warm years (as compared to reference years of 1950–2000) in two habitats (forest vs. farmland) in Central Poland. The most important prey group in the tawny owl’s diet were mammals, constituting over 80% of prey items. There were distinct diet differences between the two seasons: insectivorous mammals, birds and amphibians were caught more often during the warm season, and Muridae and Arvicolidae during the cold season. The proportion of insectivorous mammals, voles and amphibians was significantly higher in forest than in farmland. Diet diversity, analysed with rarefaction methods and expressed as the expected cumulative mammal species number for a given number of randomly sampled preyed mammals, was independent of season and higher in forest than in the agricultural habitat. We conclude that even during unusually warm years tawny owls change significantly their feeding habits between the warm and cold season. The effect of season, habitat and weather factors on diet variability in raptors are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the feeding habits of Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus along the continental Portuguese coast, a total of 619 individuals were sampled of which 60% contained food in their stomach and 35% had more than one prey item. Among the 81 prey items that were identified in the stomachs, benthic and benthopelagic prey prevail on this species diet. Acantephyra sp, Pasiphaea sp, mysidacea, and teleostei n.i. were the prey with the higher percent index of relative importance (%IRI) value. Three length groups (5?C20?cm, 21?C27?cm, and 28?C48?cm) were defined through cluster analysis of the mean abundance of prey items. A permutational MANOVA detected significant differences in the diet and stomach fullness index for TLG, season, and maturation stage. Smaller fishes had a generalized diet, feeding mainly on mysidacea changing their diet above 20?cm TL, where a major consumption of natantia was found. The larger individuals, >28?cm TL, present a less generalized diet with pisces as dominant prey group. Seasonally, natantia and pisces were the principal prey groups during spring and winter, respectively, while mysidacea and other crustaceans were predominant during the rest of the year. Mysidacea were also the main prey group for immature individuals while natantia and pisces were the principal prey groups to the other maturity stages. The results of this study indicate that H. d. dactylopterus has a diverse diet focused on small crustaceans such as misyds and as specimens grow shrimps and fishes become more consumed, with larger specimens having a more specialized diet. The different nutritional needs during spawning season also seemed to influence the feeding habits of H. d. dactylopterus.  相似文献   

Abstract The diet of juveniles of Pelates sexlineatus was examined at six estuaries, separated by tens to hundreds of kilometres, and two sites within each estuary, separated by hundreds of metres to kilometres. Fish were collected in Zostera capricorni seagrass meadows along the coast of New South Wales (Australia). Spatial variability in diet was compared with the abundance of prey. Pelates sexlineatus had a broad diet (27 different prey) but generally preferred crustaceans (harpacticoid copepods, gammarid amphipods, ostracods and tanaids), although at some sites other prey items were important (e.g. polychaetes, nematodes and foraminiferans). Composition of the diet varied among estuaries and between sites. Proportional representation of the different size of prey eaten by the three sizes of juveniles (40‐ 54 , 55–74 and 75–94 mm standard length) was similar. Fish generally preferred prey smaller than 1 mm. Abundance of prey also varied at both spatial scales. At five of the 12 sites, there was a significant correlation between abundance of prey in the seagrass meadows and abundance of prey in the diet. Variation in the composition of the diet was partly explained by spatial variation in abundance of prey. When crustaceans were not abundant in the seagrass, P. sexlineatus had a broad diet, taking both benthic and planktonic prey items. It is concluded therefore that trophic linkages between P. sexlineatus and benthic invertebrates may vary greatly with spatial scales from hundreds of metres to hundreds of kilometres, and are strongly related to availability of prey in seagrass habitats.  相似文献   

Population connectivity is driven by individual dispersal potential and modulated by natal philopatry. In seabirds, high vagility facilitates dispersal yet philopatry is also common, with foraging area overlap often correlated with population connectivity. We assess the interplay between these processes by studying past and current connectivity and foraging niche overlap among southern rockhopper penguin colonies of the coast of southern South America using genomic and stable isotope analyses. We found two distinct genetic clusters and detected low admixture between northern and southern colonies. Stable isotope analysis indicated niche variability between colonies, with Malvinas/Falklands colonies encompassing the species entire isotopic foraging niche, while the remaining colonies had smaller, nonoverlapping niches. A recently founded colony in continental Patagonia differed in isotopic niche width and position with Malvinas/Falklands colonies, its genetically identified founder population, suggesting the exploitation of novel foraging areas and/or prey items. Additionally, dispersing individuals found dead across the Patagonian shore in an unusual mortality event were also assigned to the northern cluster, suggesting northern individuals reach southern localities, but do not breed in these colonies. Facilitated by variability in foraging strategies, and especially during unfavorable conditions, the number of dispersing individuals may increase and enhance the probability of founding new colonies. Metapopulation demographic dynamics in seabirds should account for interannual variability in dispersal behavior and pay special attention to extreme climatic events, classically related to negative effects on population trends.  相似文献   

The snowy owl is an elusive arctic predator known for its nomadic behaviour. Satellite tracking has revealed that some adult snowy owls could make an extensive use of the marine environment during the non‐breeding season. However, the relative contribution of marine resources to their diet is unknown. Stable isotope analyses can be useful to document the diet of mobile animals during periods of the year when individuals are less accessible. This study aimed to assess variation in isotopic values (δ13C and δ15N) of various feather types, and the usefulness of feathers to determine the contribution of the marine environment to the winter diet of snowy owls captured in summer. We sampled feathers coming from 6 body regions of 18 breeding females at two sites in the eastern Canadian Arctic in 2013 and 2014. Prior to analyses, diet‐tissue discrimination factors of snowy owl feathers were established in captivity. Variability in isotopic values among feather types was relatively low and pairwise correlations in isotopic values between feathers on the same individual were variable and often low, which suggests differences in the diet at the time when various feathers were synthesized. Diet reconstruction models detected a contribution of marine sources to snowy owl feathers ranging from 4 to 19% among feather types. However, the marine contribution was highly variable when single feathers were examined within individuals, ranging from 3 to 71%. This indicated that no single feather type could be used alone to reliably infer the contribution of marine resources to the winter diet of owls, possibly due to a high variability in the timing and sequence of molt. For asynchronous molters like snowy owls, we recommend sampling multiple feathers from various body regions, excluding wing feathers, to investigate winter diet or habitat use.  相似文献   

Among the stomach contents of 609 individuals of Solea solea and 1104 of S. senegalensis the main food items of S. solea were Corophium spp. and Hediste diversicolor, and of S. senegalensis were Corophium spp., H. diversicolor and Scrobicularia plana. For both species, the importance of larger prey items in the diet, namely H. diversicolor and Crangon crangon, increased with fish size. Feeding activity of S. solea and S. senegalensis increased in spring and summer. Short-term variations were particularly related to the tidal cycle and the two species fed in intertidal areas. Dietary dierences between the two nursery areas reflected prey availability mainly. Although intra- and interspecific length classes overlapped in diet, potential interspecific competition was probably minimized by a dierential habitat use pattern.  相似文献   

Down feathers and regurgitant were collected from nestling wood storks (Mycteria americana) from two inland and two coastal breeding colonies in Georgia. The stable isotopic ratios of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) in these materials were analyzed to gain insights into the natal origins of juvenile storks and the foraging activities of adults. Down feathers differed in '13C between inland and coastal colonies, having average isotopic values that reflected the sources of carbon fixed in biomass at the base of the food web. Feathers from the inland colonies differed between colonies in '15N, while those from the coastal colonies did not. These patterns primarily reflected the foraging activities of parent storks, with individuals capturing differing percentages of prey of distinct trophic status at each colony. Collectively, the carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of feather keratin were used to distinguish nestlings from each colony, except for instances where storks from different colonies foraged in common wetlands. The stable isotopic composition of food items in regurgitant was used to reconstruct the trophic structure of the ecosystems in which wood storks foraged. Predicted foraging activities based on the isotopic composition of keratin were generally consistent with the percentage of prey types (freshwater vs. saltwater and lower trophic level vs. upper trophic level consumer) observed in regurgitant, except for the coastal colony at St. Simons Island, where the '13C of feathers strongly suggested that freshwater prey were a significant component of the diet. This inconsistency was resolved by aerial tracking of adults during foraging excursions using a fixed-wing aircraft. Observed foraging activities supported interpretations based on the stable isotope content of feathers, suggesting that the latter provided a better record of overall foraging activity than regurgitant analysis alone. Observed foraging patterns were compared to the predictions of a statistical model that determined habitat utilization based on habitat availability using a geographic information system (GIS) database. Observed foraging activities and those predicted from feathers both suggested that some adult storks preferred to feed their young freshwater prey, even when saltwater resources were more accessible in the local environment. This conclusion supports the contention that wood stork populations are sensitive to changes in the distribution of freshwater habitats along the southeastern coastal plain of the United States.  相似文献   

Winter diet composition of brown trout Salmo trutta was quantified from November to March in 35 temperate groundwater‐dominated streams in south‐eastern Minnesota, U.S.A., in relation to stream physical characteristics including drainage area, channel slope and influence of groundwater on stream thermal regime. Aquatic invertebrates made up the majority of S. trutta diet in all streams and sampling periods and individual S. trutta typically had consumed 30 or more prey items at each sampling event. Differences in diet composition were greater among streams than between sampling periods within a stream, with Gammarus spp., Brachycentrus spp., Glossosoma spp., Chironomidae and Physella spp. the most common taxa. Landscape‐scale stream characteristics were not significantly associated with S. trutta consumption or diet composition. Winter was period of significant activity in groundwater‐dominated streams, as S. trutta fed on a variety of aquatic prey taxa highlighting the importance of winter base‐flow in moderating S. trutta populations in seasonally cold catchments.  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory predicts that predators are selective when faced with abundant prey, but become less picky when prey gets sparse. Insectivorous bats in temperate regions are faced with the challenge of building up fat reserves vital for hibernation during a period of decreasing arthropod abundances. According to optimal foraging theory, prehibernating bats should adopt a less selective feeding behaviour – yet empirical studies have revealed many apparently generalized species to be composed of specialist individuals. Targeting the diet of the bat Myotis daubentonii, we used a combination of molecular techniques to test for seasonal changes in prey selectivity and individual‐level variation in prey preferences. DNA metabarcoding was used to characterize both the prey contents of bat droppings and the insect community available as prey. To test for dietary differences among M. daubentonii individuals, we used ten microsatellite loci to assign droppings to individual bats. The comparison between consumed and available prey revealed a preference for certain prey items regardless of availability. Nonbiting midges (Chironomidae) remained the most highly consumed prey at all times, despite a significant increase in the availability of black flies (Simuliidae) towards the end of the season. The bats sampled showed no evidence of individual specialization in dietary preferences. Overall, our approach offers little support for optimal foraging theory. Thus, it shows how novel combinations of genetic markers can be used to test general theory, targeting patterns at both the level of prey communities and individual predators.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent dynamics have considerable effects in many ecological processes and patterns that characterize natural populations. In the present study, we aim at evaluating the effect of density on the diet width and between‐individual variability in nine different pike cichlid Crenicichla lepidota populations dwelling in floodplain lagoons. Our results indicated that low‐density populations exhibit small diet breadth as well as small between‐individual variability in their diet. In addition, these populations were characterized by a nested diet pattern, where the diet of specialist individuals represented a subset of the food items consumed by generalist individuals. Populations with intermediate densities had a larger populational diet breadth while the individual diet breadth remained unchanged. This pattern was due to an increase in between‐individual variability in diet, which consequently decreases the diet overlap among individuals and thus lower diet nestedness. Finally, under high densities, the niche width at the population level decreased because of lower between‐individual variability and higher diet overlap. Together, these results showed that niche width exhibits a non‐linear function with density. At first, an increase in density increased the niche width because of greater between‐individual diet variability. However, after a threshold density value, the effect was reversed, and the niche width decreased because of a higher diet overlap among individuals.  相似文献   

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