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【目的】利用扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscopy, SEM)观察屋尘螨Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus颚体、 躯体、 外生殖器及足等的形态结构。【方法】从床尘、 枕尘中采集屋尘螨, 分离出雌雄成螨, 在体视显微镜下清洗处理活螨后, 用SEM观察其外部形态特征。【结果】SEM照片显示, 屋尘螨螯肢钳状, 须肢扁平; 体表具细密皮纹, 似指纹状, 纹间距小于2 μm。外生殖器位于腹面正中, 雌螨为产卵孔, 雄螨生殖孔具1对叶状生殖盖。肛门呈纵行裂孔, 雄螨具2个肛吸盘。雌螨足跗节末端各具爪垫1个, 雄螨跗节Ⅳ具2个吸盘。【结论】本研究观察结果为尘螨鉴定提供了更多依据。  相似文献   

The European and American house dust mites, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and D. farinae, have a huge impact upon human health worldwide due to being the most important indoor trigger of atopic diseases such as asthma, rhinitis and atopic dermatitis. Preceding studies have shown that the behavioural response of house dust mites towards volatile chemicals from food sources can be assessed using a Y-tube olfactometer assay. In the current study, we used this assay to investigate, for the first time, the ability of the essential oil of the catmint plant, Nepeta cataria (Lamiaceae), known to repel other ectoparasites affecting human and animal health, to interfere with the attraction of D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae towards a standard food source (fish flakes). Two distinct chemotypes (A and B), enriched in the iridoid compounds (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactone and (4aS,7S,7aS)-nepetalactone, and the sesquiterpene (E)-(1R,9S)-caryophyllene, were used. Initial assays with a hexane extract of fish flakes (FF extract) confirmed attraction of mites to this positive control (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05 for D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae respectively), but when presented in combination with either N. cataria chemotype, tested across a range of doses (10, 1, 0.1 and 0.01 μg), decreasing attraction of mites to their food source was observed as the dose augmented. Our study shows that N. cataria, enriched in iridoid nepetalactones and (E)-(1R,9S)-caryophyllene, exhibits potent repellent activity for house dust mites, and has the potential for deployment in control programmes based on interference with normal house dust mite behaviour.  相似文献   

A simple mite population index (MPI) model is presented which predicts the effect on house dust mite populations of any combination of temperature and relative humidity (RH). For each combination, the output is an index, or multiplication factor, such that 1.1 indicates 10% population growth and 0.9 indicates 10% population decline. To provide data for the model, laboratory experiments have been carried out using lab cultures of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. The population change was observed for mites held in steady-state conditions at different combinations of temperature and RH over 21 days. From the results, a best-fit equation has been derived which forms the basis of the MPI model. The results also enable a new term to be defined: the Population Equilibrium Humidity, PEH, the RH for a given temperature at which house dust mite populations neither grow nor decline. It is similar to Critical Equilibrium Humidity, the RH below which house dust mites are unable to maintain water balance, but relates to a population of mites (rather than a physiological phenomenon) and is more able to take account of the observed effects of extremes of temperature and RH. Compared with previous population models, the MPI model is potentially more accurate and comprehensive. It can be combined with other simple models (described in previous papers), such as BED, which simulates the average hygrothermal conditions in a bed, given room␣conditions, and Condensation Targeter II, which simulates room conditions given a range of easily obtainable inputs for climate, house type and occupant characteristics. In this way it is now possible, for any individual dwelling, to assess the most effective means of controlling mite populations by environmental means, such as by improving standards of ventilation and insulation, or by modifying the occupant behaviour that affects the hygrothermal environment within a dwelling. Although the MPI model requires further development and validation, it has already proved useful for understanding more clearly how the different hygrothermal conditions found in beds and bedrooms can affect mite populations. It has also demonstrated that there is considerable scope for controlling mites by environmental means in cold winter climates such as the UK.  相似文献   

Passenger trains were surveyed for contamination with Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouesart) mites in Japan. A total of 492 dust samples were collected from upholstered seats in six commuter trains, one long-distance express train and three night trains in October, 1996 and January, April, and July, 1997. Mite antigen levels contained in fine dust fractions of these samples were measured by an enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay. Most samples obtained from commuter trains showed relatively high mite antigen levels of >10gm–2 (corresponding to >100 mites). Express and night trains showed lower antigen levels per square meter, but higher mite antigen levels per gram of fine dust than commuter trains, indicating relatively high mite antigen densities. Seasonal comparisons indicated that commuter trains showed the highest mean antigen level per square meter in winter (January), whereas the highest antigen level per gram of fine dust was observed in summer (July) in express and night trains.  相似文献   

We investigated male clustering behaviour in large bulk cultures of the American house dust mite, Dermatophagoides farinae. Aggregation in the colony was restricted to males only. The water loss rates for individual males in isolation and as a group of six were determined. Males in a group of six retained water nearly twice as effectively (they had lower rates of net water loss) than individuals. Clustering is thus an adaptive behaviour to help reduce water loss. Because the clustering response was observed exclusively by males, this behaviour may serve an additional purpose that involves a pheromone system.  相似文献   

Both leica microscopic camera system and scanning electron microscopy was used to observe and characterize the feet, back, abdomen, antennae and mouthparts of the Pseudoregma bambucicola from the bamboo, Bambusa multiplex. The possible functions of all the external morphological characteristics of the P. bambucicola were described and discussed in detail, which offers a basis for further enriching the biology, phylogeny and ecological niche of the P. bambucicola. Moreover, the morphological results should contribute to morphological identification and differentiation of the P. bambucicola from other aphids in the same family.  相似文献   

吴桂华  刘志刚  孙新 《昆虫学报》2008,51(8):810-816
粉尘螨Dermatophagoides farinae是一种重要的医学螨类。本文用光镜和扫描电镜研究了粉尘螨雌雄生殖系统的形态和结构。结果表明:雄性生殖系统由睾丸、输精管、 附腺、射精管、阳茎及附属交配器官组成。睾丸位于血腔末端,不成对,精原细胞、精母细胞和精子依照精子发育的顺序有规则地分布在其内部。雌性生殖系统包括交配孔、囊导管、储精囊、囊导管、卵巢、输卵管、子宫、产卵管及产卵孔,其中卵巢由一个中央营养细胞和围绕其周围的卵母细胞组成。  相似文献   

This experiment was undertaken to screen the acaricidal effects of herb essential oils (pennyroyal, ylang ylang, citronella, lemon grass, tea tree, and rosemary) at different doses (0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.0125, and 0.00625 microliter/cm(2)) and exposure times (5, 10, 20, 20, 30 and 60 min) on house dust mites Dermatophgoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus. The most effective acaricidal components of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) were analyzed using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Of these essential oils, the most effective was pennyroyal, which is composed essentially of pulegone (> 99%), at a dose of 0.025 microliter/cm(2), which at an exposure time of 5 min killed more than 98% of house dust mites. In the pennyroyal fumigation test, the closed method was more effective than the open method and maximum acaricidal effect was 100% at 0.025 microliter/cm(2), 60 min. The results show that herb essential oils, in particular, pennyroyal was proved to have potent acaricidal activity.  相似文献   

Dust samples collected in 61 homes of patients with mite allergies and 11 homes of non-allergic people as controls were examined for antigen levels of Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart) to reveal the current distribution of allergenic mites in homes in Japan. Patient homes had higher antigen levels than control homes in comforters and pillows but not in futons, earpets, tatamis and wooden floors. Samples with antigen levels of 10 g m-2 were more frequent in and around summer (approximately April-October) than other seasons of the year in most materials and the differences between patient and control homes in comforters and pillows observed in yearly totals was also observed during this period. Wooden structures showed higher antigen levels than concrete structures in comforters, futons, pillows, carpets and tatamis in patient homes. Mite contamination in patient homes in relation to environmental factors was discussed.  相似文献   

本研究主要采用透射电镜观察粉尘螨Dermatophagoides farinae (Hughes)生殖系统超微结构。粉尘螨雄性生殖系统是由精巢、 输 精管、 附腺、 射精管、 交配器官及附属交配器官组成。精巢内可同时有精子发育各阶段的细胞。精子无核膜、 核染色质聚集成束、 线 粒体缺乏典型的嵴、 胞质内有平行排列的电子致密薄片等为其特征性结构。雌性生殖系统由交合囊、 交合囊管、 储精囊、 囊导管、 卵 巢、 输卵管、 子宫及产卵管构成。卵巢内可见含多个细胞核的中央细胞, 其周为卵母细胞等生殖细胞。该研究丰富了对粉尘螨生殖系统 结构的认识。  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇成虫超微感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用扫描电镜观察了柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax成虫触角、下颚须、平衡棒、前足跗节和产卵器的感器。共发现5种感受器,包括毛形感受器、微毛感受器、刺形感受器、锥形感受器和腔锥形感受器,其中,柑橘大实蝇的触角分布有毛形感受器、微毛感受器、刺形感受器和锥形感受器,下颚须有微毛感受器、刺形感受器和锥形感受器分布,平衡棒分布有微毛感受器和刺形感受器,足跗节有毛形感受器和刺形感受器分布。产卵管针突缩入产卵器基节中,其上有毛形感受器和腔锥形感受器分布,产卵管基节有较多毛形感受器。  相似文献   

A generalised model of the life cycle of a house dust mite, which can be tailored to any particular species of domestic mite, is presented. The model takes into account the effects of hygrothermal conditions on each life cycle phase. It is used in a computer simulation program, called POPMITE, which, by incorporating a population age structure, is able to predict population dynamics. The POPMITE simulation is adapted to the Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Acari: Pyroglyphidae) (DP) mite using published data on the egg development period, total development period, adult longevity, mortality during egg development, mortality during juvenile development, and fecundity of individual DP mites held at a range of constant hygrothermal conditions. An example is given which illustrates how the model functions under constant hygrothermal conditions. A preliminary validation of POPMITE is made by a comparison of the POPMITE predictions with published measurements of population growth of DP mites held at a range constant hygrothermal conditions for 21 days. The POPMITE simulation is used to provide predictions of population growth or decline for a wide range of constant relative humidity and temperature combinations for 30 and 60 days. The adaptation of the model to correctly take account of fluctuating hygrothermal conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

The behaviour and survival of the house-dust mitesDermatophagoides pteronyssinus andD. farinae were studied under laboratory conditions in a mattress-like polyurethane foam block that was heated by an electric blanket. Mites obtained from a laboratory culture were introduced into the foam block which was sliced into seven horizontal layers and covered with an electric blanket. Measurements of temperature and relative humidity were taken between the layers and the number of living mites was established using the heat-escape method.  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对二纹蕈甲Dacnepicta Crotch的触角感器进行了观察。发现该虫的触角感器有6种类型,分别为毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、栓锥形感器、钟形感器和B曲m氏鬃毛。其中,锥形感器有4种形态,刺形感器具有3种形态,毛形感器、栓锥形感器和钟形感器各有1种形态。感器的数量和分布在触角的每一节上差异较大。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对二纹蕈甲Dacne picta Crotch的触角感器进行了观察.发现该虫的触角感器有6种类型,分别为毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、栓锥形感器、钟形感器和B(o)hm氏鬃毛.其中,锥形感器有4种形态,刺形感器具有3种形态,毛形感器、栓锥形感器和钟形感器各有1种形态.感器的数量和分布在触角的每一节上差异较大.  相似文献   

光滑足距小蠹成虫触角感受器的电镜扫描观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨群芳  韩菊兰  李庆 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):520-524
利用扫描电镜对光滑足距小蠹Xylosandrus germanus(Blandford)雌雄成虫触角进行了观察,发现尽管雄成虫触角长度仅为雌成虫的2/3,但是雌雄成虫之间感受器类型和分布形式却相似。成虫触角具有5种类型的感受器:毛型感受器、锯齿型感受器、锥型感受器、芽型感受器和刺型感受器,其中毛型感受器最多,占总感受器的80%以上,刺型感受器最少,仅1根。在触角各节中,以锤状部感受器分布最多,约占总感受器的85%,其中约73%的感受器密集散生在锤状部的末2节,柄节和鞭节的各节均较少,分别约占总感受器的6%和9%。  相似文献   

Several parts of the reproductive system of both sexes ofDermatophagoides farinae andD. pteronyssinus are investigated and compared by light-, scanning electron-, and transmission electron microscopy. New techniques have been employed for scanning of the internal structures of these mites. The male reproductive system consists of unpaired testis, paired vasa deferentia, an accessory gland, ejaculatory duct, and copulatory organ. The female reproductive system consists of bursa copulatrix, ductus bursae, receptaculum seminis, paired ducti receptaculi, ovaries, oviducts, one chorion gland, ovipositor, and oviporus. Testis as well as ovaries are characterized by syncytia of nutritional function. The specifics of spermatogenesis are discussed in connection with sperm transfer. Similarities between the construction of the ovaries and oogenesis in astigmatic mites and telotrophic meroistic ovaries in insects are discussed.  相似文献   

The dominance of the Pyroglyphidae in house dust has been influenced by a number of factors. The humidity in houses dropped recently to such an extent that only Pyroglyphidae can survive. When temperature and relative humidity are favorable for Acarus siro and Glycyphagus destructor as well as Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides diminished in numbers by competition. Introduction of the predator Cheyletus eruditus into this mixed breeds causes the extermination of Dermatophagoides. The vacuum cleaner trapped mites, but Dermatophagoides was protected by its habit to hide in cracks and crevices. The use of insecticides has a more killing effect on Acarus and Glycyphagus than on Dermatophagoides.  相似文献   

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