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We examined the stomach contents of 27 short‐finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) that mass stranded on the North Carolina coast on 15 January 2005. Eleven whales had prey parts in their forestomachs. We used frequency of occurrence and numerical abundance to assess the relative importance of prey. Brachioteuthis riisei (numerical abundance 28%), an oceanic species, was the most important cephalopod prey, but Taonius pavo (12%) and Histioteuthis reversa (9%) also represented a substantial part of the diet. A large number of otoliths belonging to the fish Scopelogadus beanii were present (25%). These results differ from reports of the stomach contents of short‐finned pilot whales from the Pacific coast in which neritic species dominate the diet. Our findings also suggest that there is a considerable difference between the diet of short‐ and long‐finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the western North Atlantic. The latter feed predominantly on the long‐finned squid (Loligo pealei) whereas the former feed on deep‐water species. Our results indicate the whales fed primarily off the continental shelf prior to stranding.  相似文献   

acta ethologica - Long-finned pilot whales and killer whales are widely distributed across the North Atlantic, but few studies have reported their occurrence in Icelandic coastal waters. Here, we...  相似文献   

The primary bone pathology diagnoses recognized in cetacea are osteomyelitis and spondylosis deformans. In this study, we determined the prevalence, type, and severity of vertebral pathology in 52 pilot whales, a mass stranding species that stranded on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, between 1982 and 2000. Eleven whales (21%) had hyperostosis and ossification of tendon insertion points on and between vertebrae, chevron bones, and costovertebral joints, with multiple fused blocks of vertebrae. These lesions are typical of a group of interrelated diseases described in humans as spondyloarthropathies, specifically ankylosing spondylitis, which has not been fully described in cetacea. In severe cases, ankylosing spondylitis in humans can inhibit mobility. If the lesions described here negatively affect the overall health of the whale, these lesions may be a contributing factor in stranding of this highly sociable species.  相似文献   

Determining how intra-specific genetic diversity is apportioned among natural populations is essential for detecting local adaptation and identifying populations with inherently low levels of extant diversity which may become a conservation concern. Sequence polymorphism at two adaptive loci (MHC DRA and DQB) was investigated in long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) from four regions in the North Atlantic and compared with previous data from New Zealand (South Pacific). Three alleles were resolved at each locus, with trans-species allele sharing and higher levels of non-synonymous to synonymous substitution, especially in the DQB locus. Overall nucleotide diversities of 0.49?±?0.38% and 4.60?±?2.39% were identified for the DRA and DQB loci, respectively, which are relatively low for MHC loci in the North Atlantic, but comparable to levels previously described in New Zealand (South Pacific). There were significant differences in allele frequencies within the North Atlantic and between the North Atlantic and New Zealand. Patterns of diversity and divergence are consistent with the long-term effects of balancing selection operating on the MHC loci, potentially mediated through the effects of host-parasite coevolution. Differences in allele frequency may reflect variation in pathogen communities, coupled with the effects of differential drift and gene flow.  相似文献   

There is little previous information on feeding habits of long‐finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the northeast Atlantic. The present study analyzed stomach contents of pilot whales stranded in Portugal (= 6), Galicia (northwest Spain) (= 32), and Scotland (United Kingdom) (= 10), from 1990 to 2011. These animals ranged from 213 to 555 cm in length (24 females, 19 males and 5 of unknown sex). The main prey identified were cephalopods of the families Octopodidae and Ommastrephidae, the former being numerically more important in Iberia (Portugal and Galicia) and the latter more important in Scotland, with Iberian whales also showing a more diverse diet. Multivariate analysis revealed evidence of geographical and seasonal variation in diet. Generalized Additive Modeling results indicated that more octopus (Eledone cirrhosa) were eaten in Iberia than in Scotland, more in the first half of the year, and more in larger whales. Numbers of ommastrephid squids in the stomach decreased over the study period and varied with season and whale length. This study confirms cephalopods as the main prey of pilot whales, as previously reported, although our results also suggest that, in the northeast Atlantic, ommastrephid squid are largely replaced as the main prey by octopods at lower latitudes.  相似文献   


We report data on the stomach contents of the long‐finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas, recovered from a group of whales stranded on Ruakaka Beach, northeastern New Zealand, in November 2006. In nine whales for which identifiable stomach contents were recovered (three that stranded on 10 November and six that stranded on 11 November) prey remains comprised exclusively cephalopod beaks attributed to five squid species. The stomachs of a further two whales contained unidentifiable upper beaks only, while the stomachs of five whales were completely empty. No whale appeared to have been satiated immediately before stranding, given that the maximum biomass of prey recently consumed by any one whale was calculated to be <5 kg. All squids ingested represented oceanic species, found from 50 to 1000 m but more common towards the deeper end of this range. These data both complement and contrast with the only other dietary information available for this species in New Zealand waters, reported from stomach contents of whales stranded on Farewell Spit, South Island in December 2005.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of the stratum corneum of the pilot whale (Globicephala melas) were investigated with emphasis on their significance to the self-cleaning abilities of the skin surface smoothed by a jelly material enriched with various hydrolytic enzymes. The gel formation of the collected fluid was monitored by applying periodic-harmonic oscillating loads using a stress-controlled rheometer. In the mechanical spectrum of the gel, the plateau region of the storage modulus G' (<1200 Pa) and the loss modulus G" (>120 Pa) were independent of frequency (omega = 43.98 to 0.13 rad x s(-1), tau = 15 Pa, T = 20 degrees C), indicating high elastic performance of a covalently cross-linked viscoelastic solid. In addition, multi-angle laser light scattering experiments (MALLS) were performed to analyse the potential time-dependent changes in the weight-average molar mass of the samples. The observed increase showed that the gel formation is based on the assembly of covalently cross-linked aggregates. The viscoelastic properties and the shear resistance of the gel assure that the enzyme-containing jelly material smoothing the skin surface is not removed from the stratum corneum by shear regimes during dolphin jumping. The even skin surface is considered to be most important for the self-cleaning abilities of the dolphin skin against biofouling.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of marine species of the genus Diphyllobothrium, particularly those parasitic in cetaceans, is rather confused. During parasitological investigations of long-finned pilot whales Globicephala melas from waters off the Faroe Islands, five diphyllobothriid species were detected: Diphyllobothrium sp. (possibly D. polyrugosum), D. stemmacephalum, Diphyllobothrium sp. A, Diphyllobothrium sp. B and Diphyllobothriidae sp. D. stemmacephalum is reported for the first time from G. melas. The stituation regarding the taxonomy of Diphylobothrium species from cetaceans is briefly reviewed. It is concluded that the recent development of genetic techniques may be of great value in relation to clarifying the taxonomy of this group.  相似文献   

This study's objective was to investigate mandibular fractures in 50 short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, from two mass strandings. Based on current theories that this species is sexually dimorphic and polygynous, hypotheses were: (1) males should suffer more frequent or more substantial mandibular fractures than should females, and (2) fracture occurrence should increase with male reproductive maturity and potential correlates of maturity, such as age and length. Fractures were described and correlated with physical characteristics to infer possible explanations for injuries. Mandibular fractures were surprisingly common in males and females, being found in more than half of the animals examined (27/50, or 54% overall; 17/36 or 47% of females and 10/14 or 71% of males). Length was the only correlate of fracture presence; the proportion of animals showing evidence of fracture increased with length. These results offer some support to initial hypotheses, but there must be another set of consequences that contribute to mandibular fractures in females. A combination of intra- and interspecific interactions and life history characteristics may be responsible for fractures. Further research from a larger sample of this and other cetacean species are suggested to help elucidate both the causes and implications of mandibular fractures.  相似文献   

The Strait of Gibraltar is inhabited by around 216 pilot whales, which are present all year round, and nothing is known about their social structure. The aim of this study is to analyse the inter-individual association patterns within this pilot whales community to (1) provide an insight on their long-term social system and (2) to assess the relationship between sexes within this social system. Between 1999 and 2006, 23,004 km was sampled in the Strait of Gibraltar, and 4,887 images of dorsal fins of pilot whales were taken from 226 groups. The sex of 56 of the individuals could be determined genetically. The strength of the behavioural relationships between dyads of individuals was calculated, and the temporal aspects of the social structure were evaluated, showing in a non-random social structure made by constant companions. The preferred associations between individuals consisted in associations of males–females. Eight long-term units could be found with different degrees of association rates. Consequently, we propose that, in the Strait, the pilot whales exhibit a hierarchical social system composed of a population encompassing several clans of pilot whales each containing several pods. Pods will then be formed by several line units, similar to killer whale matrilineal units.  相似文献   

Pilot whales (Globicephala spp.) provide an interesting example of recently diverged oceanic species with a complex evolutionary history. The two species have wide but largely non‐overlapping ranges. Globicephala melas (long‐finned pilot whale; LFPW) has an antitropical distribution and is found in the cold‐temperate waters of the North Atlantic and Southern Hemisphere, whereas Globicephala macrorhynchus (short‐finned pilot whale; SFPW) has a circumglobal distribution and is found mainly in the tropics and subtropics. To investigate pilot whale evolution and biogeography, we analysed worldwide population structure using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences (up to 620 bp) from a variety of sources (LFPW = 643; SFPW = 150), including strandings in New Zealand and Tasmania, and whale‐meat products purchased on the markets of Japan and Korea. Phylogenetic reconstructions failed to support a reciprocal monophyly of the two species, despite six diagnostic substitutions, possibly because of incomplete lineage sorting or inadequate phylogenetic information. Both species had low haplotype and nucleotide diversity compared to other abundant widespread cetaceans (LFPW, π = 0.35%; SFPW, π = 0.87%) but showed strong mtDNA differentiation between oceanic basins. Strong levels of structuring were also found at the regional level. In LFPW, phylogeographic patterns were suggestive either of a recent demographic expansion or selective sweep acting on the mtDNA. For SFPW, the waters around Japan appear to represent a centre of diversity, with two genetically‐distinct forms, as well as a third population of unknown origin. The presence of multiple unique haplotypes among SFPW from South Japan, together with previously documented morphological and ecological differences, suggests that the southern form represents a distinct subspecies and/or evolutionary significant unit. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 729–744.  相似文献   

Short‐finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) have complex vocal repertoires that include calls with two time‐frequency contours known as two‐component calls. We attached digital acoustic recording tags (DTAGs) to 23 short‐finned pilot whales off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and assessed the similarity of two‐component calls within and among tags. Two‐component calls made up <3% of the total number of calls on 19 of the 23 tag records. For the remaining four tags, two‐component calls comprised 9%, 23%, 24%, and 57% of the total calls recorded. Measurements of six acoustic parameters for both the low and high frequency components of all two‐component calls from the five tags were compared using a generalized linear model. There were significant differences in the acoustic parameters of two‐component calls between tags, verifying that acoustic parameters were more similar for two‐component calls recorded on the same tag than for calls between tags. Spectrograms of all two‐component calls from the five tags were visually graded and independently categorized by five observers. A test of inter‐rater reliability showed substantial agreement, suggesting that each tag contained a predominant two‐component call type that was not shared across tags.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of four bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) harvested between 1994 and 2008 from the Canadian Arctic were examined to assess diet composition. Three samples were collected from bowhead whales of the Eastern Canada–West Greenland (EC–WG) population and represent, according to our knowledge, the first diet analysis from this bowhead whale stock. We also examined the stomach content of one bowhead whale from the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort (BCB) population hunted in 1996. All four whales had food in their stomachs and their diet varied from exclusively pelagic (BCB whale), with Limnocalanus macrurus being the main prey, to epibenthic and benthic (EC–WG) with Mysis oculata playing an important role. These results indicate broad foraging spectrum of the bowhead whales and add to a basic knowledge of their diet.  相似文献   

Synchronized swimming in cetaceans has been hypothesized to play a role in affiliative processes as well as anti-predatory responses. We compared observed variation in synchronized swimming at two research sites in relation to disturbance exposure to test these two hypotheses. This study describes and quantifies pair synchronization in long-finned pilot whales at the Strait of Gibraltar, Spain and Cape Breton, Canada. Synchronization differed depending on the behavioral state and the response is different in the two sites leading to the conclusion that environment can shape the occurrence and magnitude of certain behaviors. We also analyzed intra-population variations in synchronization among 4 social units of Pilot whales in the Strait of Gibraltar and the results of this study confirmed the affiliative role of synchronization and highlighted an influence of disturbance on synchronization. We can conclude that synchronization is a common behavior in long-finned pilot whales that allow for close proximity and rapid coordinated response of individuals, with the multiple functions of showing affiliation and reacting to disturbance.  相似文献   

Four short‐finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, were tagged with digital acoustic recording tags (DTAGs) for a total of 30 h in the Bahamas during 2007. Spectrograms were made of all audible sounds, which were independently categorized by three observers. Of 4,098 calls, 1,737 (42%) were placed into 173 call types, which were defined as calls that occurred more than once. Of the 173 call types, 51 contained at least 10 calls (= 24), and were termed predominant call types (PCTs), which comprised 1,219 (70%) of categorized calls. PCTs tended to occur in sequences of the same call, which appeared to be produced by a single animal. However, matching interactions consisting of adjacent or overlapping calls of the same type were also observed, and some call types were recorded on more than one tag, suggesting that at least some calls are shared by members of a group or subgroup. These results emphasize the importance of categorizing calls before attempting to draw conclusions about call usage and possible effects of noise on vocal behavior.  相似文献   

Alloparental care happens when a calf is cared for by an adult that is not their parent. Although alloparental care is common in social mammals, its prevalence is difficult to assess in cetaceans, and has not been studied in Globicephala melas. A population off Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, has been studied from whale‐watching vessels since 1998, during July and August each year. From 2009 to 2011, we collected photo identifications of calves and the adults accompanying them. Alloparental care was considered to be occurring when a calf was identified with more than one companion. We found that 85.7% of calves in 2009, 80.6% of calves in 2010 and 63% of calves in 2011 had alloparents. Mothers were difficult to identify. Nevertheless, none of the other companions of calves were assigned to the same unit as the mother. Five carers were sexed, four of them males. There were no cases of within‐ or between‐year alloparental care reciprocity. It is possible that delayed reciprocity is happening on a larger time scale in this population, but the most likely explanation is that alloparental care is a byproduct of this species’ social structure, with a very small cost to the alloparent's fitness.  相似文献   

Toothed whales use a pneumatic sound generator to produce echolocation and communication sounds. Increasing hydrostatic pressure at depth influences the amplitude and duration of calls but not of echolocation clicks. Here we test the hypothesis that information transfer at depth might be facilitated by click‐based communication signals. Wild short‐finned pilot whales (27) instrumented with multisensor DTAGs produced four main types of communication signals: low‐ and medium‐frequency calls (median fundamental frequency: 1.7 and 2.9 kHz), two‐component calls (median frequency of the low and high frequency components: 2 and 9 kHz), and rasps (burst‐pulses with median interclick interval of 21 ms). Rasps can be confused with foraging buzzes, but rasps are shorter and slower, and are not associated with fast changes in body acceleration nor reduced acoustic output of buzzes, characteristic of prey capture attempts. Contrary to calls, the energy flux density of rasps was not significantly affected by depth. This, and a different information content, may explain the observed increase in the relative occurrence of rasps with respect to calls at depth, and supports the hypothesis that click‐based communication signals may facilitate communication under high hydrostatic pressure. However, calls are produced at depth also, indicating that they may carry additional information relevant for deep‐diving animals, including potential communication among whales diving at the same time in this highly social deep‐diving species.  相似文献   

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