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A new species is here described: Scleria rubrostriata A. C. Araújo & N. A. Brummitt, a herb from the Atlantic forest of Espírito Santo State, south-eastern Brazil. A key to the sections of Scleria and to the American species of Scleria sect. Schizolepis is provided, and an illustration of the new species and comparison to similar taxa are given.  相似文献   

Bertolonia alternifolia and B. bullata, two new endemic species of Melastomataceae from the Atlantic Forest biome of the southern region of Bahia state, Brazil, are described and illustrated based on recent botanical explorations and literature records. The main diagnostic characteristics that distinguish B. alternifolia are alternate leaves with cordate bases, and anthers with terminal-dorsal pores and unappendaged connectives. B. bullata can be identified by having leaves bullate on the adaxial surface, foveolate on the abaxial surface and bases cordate to cordate-lobate, calyx lobes with entire to slightly undulate margins, and stamens dorsally appendaged. Both species are classified as Critically Endangered (CR) and Endangered (EN) respectively.  相似文献   

Two new species of Rutaceae, Conchocarpus hamadryadicus Pirani & Kallunki and C. minutiflorus Groppo & Pirani are described and illustrated. Both are known so far only from small remnants of forests, the former in the caatinga dominium in Bahia, the latter in moist forests near Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Their main diagnostic features are delineated, and their relationships to other species of Conchocarpus are discussed. Because Rauia racemosa Nees & Mart. can no longer be recognised as a synonym of Conchocarpus fontanesianus (A. St.-Hil.) Kallunki & Pirani, a new combination, C. racemosus (Nees & Mart.) Kallunki & Pirani, is provided, with comments.  相似文献   

Following a re-examination of the material treated under Barleria brevispina (Fiori) Hedrén in the recent Flora of Somalia account of the Acanthaceae, it is concluded that two distinct species are involved and Barleria compacta Malombe & I. Darbysh. is described here from north-eastern Somalia. Its affinities and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

Fourteen new species of palms (Arecaceae) from Madagascar are described and named, based on material collected over the last 15 years. Twelve species belong to the genus Dypsis, namely D. andilamenensis Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. anjae Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. betsimisarakae Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. culminis Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. dracaenoides Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. gautieri Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. gronophyllum Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. jeremiei Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. metallica Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. reflexa Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. sancta Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf. and D. vonitrandambo Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf. and two species belong to the genus Ravenea: R. beentjei Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf. and R. hypoleuca Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf. Despite the fact that most of these species have been recorded from protected areas that are difficult to access in the eastern region of Madagasacar, they are all threatened. Based on IUCN categories and criteria, seven are Critically Endangered and seven are Vulnerable.  相似文献   

A new species, endemic to the Flora Iranica area, Gagea robusta (Liliaceae) is described and illustrated. It differs from G. reticulata (Pall.) Schult. & Schult. f. in having a puberulent indumentum on the basal leaf and from G. setifolia Baker ex Aitch. in having a long neck (up to 12 cm long). Its ecology, distribution and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

Boletus kermesinus, a new species of Boletus section Luridi, is fully described and illustrated based on the materials collected in subalpine coniferous forests of central Honshu, Japan. It has distinctive features of dark-red basidiomata having distinct viscidity in the pileus surface, usually unchanging flesh, discolorous red pores, and an entirely reticulate stipe becoming coarsely lacerate-rimose with age.  相似文献   

Mentzelia hualapaiensis, a new species of Mentzelia sect. Bartonia, is described from the Grand Canyon region of Arizona. The new species is closely related to M. puberula, which is found west of M. hualapaiensis along the Colorado River, and to M. oreophila, M. polita, and M. tiehmii. It shares with these species a suffrutescent shoot system characterized by a subterranean, branching caudex, multiple annual branches, and similar leaves that have shallowly lobed or toothed to entire laminas. The flowers of M. hualapaiensis differ from those of its closest relatives in having cream-white, linear to narrowly spatulate petals and staminodes, characteristics that are convergent with those of the flowers of the Chihuahuan Desert species M. humilis.  相似文献   

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