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Temperature is a major climatic factor that limits geographical distribution of plant species, and the reproductive phase has proven to be one of the most temperature-vulnerable stages. Here, we have used peach to evaluate the effect of temperature on some processes of the progamic phase, from pollination to the arrival of pollen tubes in the ovary. Within the range of temperatures studied, 20 degrees C in the laboratory and, on average, 5.7 degrees C in the field, the results show an accelerating effect of increasing temperature on pollen germination and pollen tube growth kinetics, as well as an increase in the number of pollen tubes that reach the style base. For the last two parameters, although the range of temperature registered in the field was much lower, the results obtained in the laboratory paralleled those obtained in the field. Increasing temperatures drastically reduced stigmatic receptivity. Reduction was sequential, with stigmas first losing the capacity to sustain pollen tube penetration to the transmitting tissue, then their capacity to offer support for pollen germination and, finally, their capacity to support pollen grain adhesion. Within a species-specific range of temperature, this apparent opposite effect of temperature on the male and female side could provide plants with the plasticity to withstand changing environmental effects, ensuring a good level of fertilization.  相似文献   

Increasing costs and decreasing labor availability for sweet cherry harvest in Washington State, USA, has reinvigorated commercial and research interest of mechanized harvest. Ethephon (2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid) can be used to improve fruit abscission for mechanical harvest. Our previous work shows that 3.5 l ha−1 ethephon enhances red color and reduces firmness of the cultivar ‘Bing’. In the current study, we used metabolic profiling of cultivars ‘Bing’, Chelan’, and ‘Skeena’ fruit meso and exocarp tissue to better understand underlying quality-related metabolism associated with ethephon application. Trees were treated using air-blast sprayer 13–14 days prior to harvest and fruit samples were harvested every 7–10 days starting at least 17 days prior to commercial harvest. Nearly 200 identified and partially characterized metabolites from mesocarp and exocarp tissue were characterized and evaluated. Principal component analysis models revealed changes in the metabolome associated with both natural ripening and ethephon-induced changes, including associations to key color, acid, and sugar components, such as cyanidin 3-glucoside, malic acid and sugar metabolism.  相似文献   

Eight polymorphic isozyme loci, 6PGD, G6PD, MDH, PGM, SKDH, FDP, GOT and IDH, in sweet cherry where found to be in one linkage group, with a ninth isozyme locus, GPI, being in another linkage group on a different chromosome. Isozymes were also linked to the incompatibility S locus and this explained the disturbed segregation ratios observed in the first generation from controlled hybridisations between different sweet cherry cultivars. Analysis revealed close linkage between the isozyme and S loci. The results supported a pre-existing theory that the S gene in cherry consists of three linked segments each coding for a different function. Progeny derived from selfing of Stella, the self-fertile cherry cultivar, also showed disturbed segregation ratios and an absence of homozygotes for the isozyme loci assayed. This demonstrated that codominant inheritance of the S alleles had not been effected by the self-fertile mutation.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA fragments containing the S(3)-, S(4)-, and S(6)-RNase genes were isolated from the sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) and sequenced. Comparison of the 5'-flanking sequences of these three S-RNases indicated that a highly conserved region (designated CR) existed just upstream from the putative TATA boxes. We postulate that CR contains cis-regulatory element(s) involved in pistil expression. To examine the activity of the isolated S-RNase promoters of sweet cherry in the pistil, we transiently introduced approximately 650-bp fragments of the S(4)- and S(6)-RNase promoters fused to beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene into the pistil of the petunia using a particle bombardment technique. Histochemical analysis showed that the 5'-flanking region of each S-RNase was active in the pistil. This suggests that cis-regulatory element(s) for pistil-specific expression may exist(s) within the 650-bp region upstream from the TATA box in the sweet cherry S-RNase promoter.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility in Prunus (Rosaceae) species, such as sweet cherry, is controlled by a multiallelic locus (S), in which two tightly linked genes, S-RNase and SFB (S haplotype-specific F-box), determine the specificity of the pollen and the style. Fertilization in these species occurs only if the S-specificities expressed in the pollen and the pistils are different. However, modifier genes have been proposed to be necessary for a full manifestation of the self-incompatibility response. 'Cristobalina' is a spontaneous self-compatible sweet cherry cultivar that originated in Eastern Spain. Previous studies with this genotype suggested that pollen modifier gene(s), not linked to the S-locus, may be the cause of self-incompatibility breakdown. In this work, an F(1) population from 'Cristobalina' that segregates for this trait was used to identify molecular markers linked to self-compatibility by bulked segregant analysis. One simple sequence repeat (SSR) locus (EMPaS02) was found to be linked to self-compatibility in this population at 3.2?cM. Two additional populations derived from 'Cristobalina' were used to confirm the linkage of this marker to self-compatibility. Since EMPaS02 has been mapped to the sweet cherry linkage group 3, other markers located on the same linkage group were analysed in these populations to confirm the location of the self-compatibility locus.  相似文献   

Homomorphic self‐incompatibility is a well‐studied example of a physiological process that is thought to increase population diversity and reduce the expression of inbreeding depression. Whereas theoretical models predict the presence of a large number of S‐haplotypes with equal frequencies at equilibrium, unequal allele frequencies have been repeatedly reported and attributed to sampling effects, population structure, demographic perturbation, sheltered deleterious mutations or selection pressure on linked genes. However, it is unclear to what extent unequal segregations are the results of gametophytic or sexual selection. Although these two forces are difficult to disentangle, testing S‐alleles in the offspring of controlled crosses provides an opportunity to separate these two phenomena. In this work, segregation and transmission of S‐alleles have been characterized in progenies of mixed donors and fully compatible pollinations under field conditions in Prunus avium. Seed set patterns and pollen performance have also been characterized. The results reveal paternal‐specific distorted transmission of S‐alleles in most of the crosses. Interestingly, S‐allele segregation within any given paternal or maternal S‐locus was random. Observations on pollen germination, pollen tube growth rate, pollen tube cohort size, seed set dynamics and transmission patterns strongly suggest post‐pollination, prezygotic sexual selection, with male–male competition as the most likely mechanism. According to these results, post‐pollination sexual selection takes precedence over frequency‐dependent selection in explaining unequal S‐haplotype frequencies.  相似文献   

J. I. Hormaza  M. Herrero 《Protoplasma》1999,208(1-4):129-135
Summary Differences in pollen performance in higher plants can result in significant selective advantages for some particular genotypes leading to both gametophytic and sexual selection. However, the possibility of selection among male gametophytes has been questioned since natural selection could lead to the fixation of alleles for the best competing male genotypes. These two apparently conflicting hypotheses could be reconciled if pollen performance, rather than operating in absolute terms, could be modulated by the pistilar genotype. Thus, pollen performance in vivo and in vitro has been compared in four sweet cherry (Primus avium L.) cultivars. Differences among the cultivars studied have been recorded in the speed and final pollen germination percentages both in vivo and in vitro. The results obtained show that the female genotype also modulates the final result of pollen performance. These two factors are not merely additive but, on the contrary, the interaction between them affects pollen behavior in vivo. This fact has clear implications for gametophytic and sexual selection since the best male-female combinations can be favored and this could explain the variability observed for pollen performance in nature.  相似文献   

Wünsch A  Hormaza JI 《Heredity》2002,89(1):56-63
A total of 76 sweet cherry genotypes were screened with 34 microsatellite primer pairs previously developed in peach. Amplification of SSR loci was obtained for 24 of the microsatellite primer pairs, and 14 of them produced polymorphic amplification patterns. On the basis of polymorphism and quality of amplification, a set of nine primer pairs and the resulting 27 informative alleles were used to identify 72 genotype profiles. Of these, 68 correspond to unique cultivar genotypes, and the remaining four correspond to three cultivars that could not be differentiated from the two original genotypes of which they are mutants, and two very closely related cultivars. The mean number of alleles per locus was 3.7 while the mean heterozygosity over the nine polymorphic loci averaged 0.49. The results demonstrate the usefulness of cross-species transferability of microsatellite sequences allowing the discrimination of different genotypes of a fruit tree species with sequences developed in other species of the same genus. UPGMA cluster analysis of the similarity data divided the ancient genotypes studied into two fairly well-defined groups that reflect their geographic origin, one with genotypes originating in southern Europe and the other with the genotypes from northern Europe and North America.  相似文献   

Characterisation of novel S-alleles from cherry (Prunus avium L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In plant populations exhibiting gametophytic self-incompatibility, individuals harbouring rare S alleles are likely to have a reproductive advantage over individuals having more common alleles. Consequently, determination of the self-incompatibility haplotype of individuals is essential for genetic studies and the development of informed management strategies. This study characterises six new S alleles identified in wild cherry (Prunus avium L.). Investigations to determine the S genotype of individuals in recently planted woodland through length polymorphisms of introns associated with the stylar S-RNase gene and the pollen SFB gene revealed six S intron profiles which did not correspond to those of known S alleles. These are now attributed to S 27 to S 32 . Consensus primers, annealing in the S-RNase sequence coding for the signal peptide and C5 regions, were used to isolate the S-RNase alleles associated with the novel S intron profiles. The proteins corresponding to the new alleles were separated by isoelectric focusing from stylar extracts and their pI values determined. Similarities between the deduced amino acid sequence for the new alleles isolated and other cherry S-RNase sequences available on the databases ranged from 40% to 86%. Amplification products for SFB introns ranged from 172 to 208bp. New sequence regions exposed to positive selection were identified and the significance of the PS3 region reinforced. A phylogenetic relationship between P. avium S-RNases for S 10 and S 13 and between corresponding SFB alleles may indicate co-evolution of allele specificities of these two genes. The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL/GenBank database under the following accession numbers: S 27 (DQ266439), S 28 (DQ266440), S 29 (DQ266441), S 30 (DQ266442), S 31 (DQ266443), S 32 (DQ266444).  相似文献   

In this study the abundance and location of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) was determined in the flesh and skin of the sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivar Durone Nero II during development. PEPCK was not present in young fruit but appeared in both tissues as the fruit increased in size. In these there was no net dissimilation of malic acid, which accounts for the bulk of their organic acid contents when PEPCK was present. To assist in understanding the function of PEPCK, the abundance of a number of other enzymes was determined. These enzymes were aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT), glutamine synthetase (GS), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK), and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco). A potential role for PEPCK in the regulation of pH and the utilization of malate in gluconeogenesis in the flesh and skin of cherries is presented.  相似文献   

Reduction of crop yield from high water stress is a serious agricultural problem worldwide, which is expected to intensify under future global change scenarios. Efforts are underway worldwide to improve crops resistance to drought. One possible way is the careful choice of rootstock-scion combination. It is well known that water stress symptoms of grafted cherry trees to a large extent depend on the rootstock variety. Scions grafted on dwarf rootstocks show more serious stress symptoms, so it is reasonable to hypothesize that these symptoms and the tissue structure of the rootstock stem are connected. This paper examines this connection for 1-year-old seedlings of eight cherry rootstocks with different degree of vigor. Tissue structure was observed via scanning electron microscope images. Investigations were focused on number, size, and distribution of vessels, because they are principally responsible for water transport. Stem porosity (i.e., the total vessel area relative to the stem area, in cross-sectional view) of the dwarfing rootstocks was found to be significantly smaller than that of the others, supporting the notion that stem anatomical characteristics might contribute to water stress sensitivity.  相似文献   

Regeneration of adventitious shoots from leaves and, for the first time, from internode sections were compared and optimized for five economically important sweet cherry cultivars, i.e. Schneiders, Sweetheart, Starking Hardy Giant, Kordia and Regina (Prunus avium L.). The influence of basal media, carbon source, combination and dosage of phytohormones, ethylene inhibitor such as silver thiosulfate and a 16 h:8 h light:dark photoperiod versus complete darkness were evaluated. Both, DKW/WPM (1:1) and Quoirin/Lepoivre (QL) basal media stimulated organogenesis more than QL/WPM (1:1), Chee and Pool (CP), Murashige Skoog (MS), Driver and Kuniyuki (DKW) or woody plant (WPM) media did. An induction phase in darkness resulted in lower or zero regeneration rates. The best regeneration efficiencies were generally obtained with thidiazuron in combination with indole-3-butyric-acid. The addition of silver thiosulfate resulted in a similar or reduced regeneration efficiency. Significant genotypic variability in adventitious bud formation was evident for both explant sources, leaf and internode section. Adventitious shoots were obtained from 11% of leaf explants and 50% of internode sections indicating that shoot regeneration from internodes was significantly more efficient than from leaves.  相似文献   

The effect of competition between incompatible and compatible pollen grains on the seed production of white clover was studied. Stigmatic receptivity was also studied. A selection line of white clover that has red leaves was used as a pollen donor and as a genetic marker to allow determination of the pollen donor responsible for ovule fertilisation. Results show that incompatible pollen did not inhibit compatible pollen grains from fertilising ovules and producing seeds, although it did slightly impair seed yield. At temperatures of 20/10°C (day/night) stigmas of white clover remained receptive to additional pollination up to 32 h after an initial compatible pollination and 40 h after an incompatible pollination. The results imply that factors other than inadequate pollination and the self-incompatibility system are responsible for failure of white clover to attain its potential seed yield. Received: 31 August 1999 / Revision accepted: 28 February 2000  相似文献   

Insights into the within-population spatial-genetic structure (SGS) of forest tree species, where little is known regarding seed and pollen dispersal patterns, enhance understanding of their ecology and provide information of value in conservation and breeding. This study utilised 13 polymorphic simple sequence repeat loci to investigate the impact of asexual recruitment, management regime and tree size on the development of SGS in wild cherry (Prunus avium L). Only 246 genotypes were identified in the 551 trees sampled, reflecting significant levels of clonal reproduction in both managed and unmanaged populations. Naturally regenerated wild cherry was spatially aggregated under both management regimes. However, in the managed population, sexually derived trees accounted for a greater proportion of the smaller size classes, whereas vegetatively produced trees dominated the smaller size classes in the unmanaged population. High overall SGS values (Sp 0.030-Sp 0.045) were observed when considering only sexually derived genets and kinship coefficients were significant up to the 120 m distance class for both populations. The inclusion of clonal ramets in the analysis significantly increased the overall SGS (Sp 0.089-Sp 0.119) as well as kinship coefficients in the 40-80 m distance classes, illustrating the dramatic impact of vegetative propagation on SGS in this species. Increased spatial aggregation and regeneration appeared to be concomitant with increased SGS in the 40 m distance class in the unmanaged population. Neighbourhood size estimates were relatively small for both populations and kinship coefficients were found to decline with distance under both management regimes, suggesting that common mechanisms may restrict gene dispersal in wild cherry.  相似文献   

We report the sequence of 41 primer pairs of microsatellites from a CT-enriched genomic library of the peach cultivar 'Merrill O'Henry'. Ten microsatellite-containing clones had sequences similar to plant coding sequences in databases and could be used as markers for known functions. For microsatellites segregating at least in one of the two Prunus F(2) progenies analyzed, it was possible to demonstrate Mendelian inheritance. Microsatellite polymorphism was evaluated in 27 peach and 21 sweet cherry cultivars. All primer pairs gave PCR-amplification products on peach and 33 on cherry (80.5%). Six PCR-amplifications revealed several loci (14.6%) in peach and eight (19.5%) in sweet cherry. Among the 33 single-locus microsatellites amplified in peach and sweet cherry, 13 revealed polymorphism both in peach and cherry, 19 were polymorphic only on peach and one was polymorphic only on cherry. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 9 for peach and from 1 to 6 on sweet cherry with an average of 4.2 and 2.8 in peach and sweet cherry, respectively. Cross-species amplification was tested within the Prunus species: Prunus avium L. (sweet cherry and mazzard), Prunus cerasus L. (sour cherry), Prunus domestica L. (European plum), Prunus amygdalus Batsch. (almond), Prunus armeniaca L. (apricot), Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. (Myrobalan plum). Plants from other genera of the Rosaceae were also tested: Malus (apple) and Fragaria (strawberry), as well as species not belonging to the Rosaceae: Castanea (chestnut tree), Juglans (walnut tree) and Vitis (grapevine). Six microsatellites gave amplification on all the tested species. Among them, one had an amplified region homologous to sequences encoding a MADS-box protein in Malus x domestica. Twelve microsatellites (29.3%) were amplified in all the Rosaceae species tested and 31 (75.6%) were amplified in all the six Prunus species tested. Thirty three (80.5%), 18 (43.9%) and 13 (31.7%) gave amplification on chestnut tree, grapevine and walnut tree, respectively.  相似文献   

Prevailing ambient temperature during the reproductive phase is one of several important factors for seed and fruit set in different plant species, and its consequences on reproductive success may increase with global warming. The effect of temperature on pollen performance was evaluated in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.), comparing as pollen donors two cultivars that differ in their adaptation to temperature. 'Sunburst' is a cultivar that originated in Canada with a pedigree of cultivars from Northern Europe, while 'Cristobalina' is a cultivar native to southeast Spain, adapted to warmer conditions. Temperature effects were tested either in controlled-temperature chambers or in the field in a plastic cage. In both genotypes, an increase in temperature reduced pollen germination, but accelerated pollen tube growth. However, a different genotypic response, which reflected the overall adaptation of the pollen donor, was obtained for pollen tube dynamics, expressed as the census of the microgametophyte population that successfully reached the base of the style. While both cultivars performed similarly at 20°C, the microgametophyte population was reduced at 30°C for Sunburst and at 10°C for Cristobalina. These results indicate a differential genotypic response to temperature during the reproductive phase, which could be important in terms of the time needed for a plant species to adapt to rapid temperature changes.  相似文献   

Nuclear microsatellites were characterized in Prunus avium and validated as markers for individual and cultivar identification, as well as for studies of pollen- and seed-mediated gene flow. We used 20 primer pairs from a simple sequence repeat (SSR) library of Prunus persica and identified 7 loci harboring polymorphic microsatellite sequences in P. avium. In a natural population of 75 wild cherry trees, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 9 and expected heterozygosity from 0.39 to 0.77. The variability of the SSR markers allowed an unambiguous identification of individual trees and potential root suckers. Additionally, we analyzed 13 sweet cherry cultivars and differentiated 12 of them. An exclusion probability of 0.984 was calculated, which indicates that the seven loci are suitable markers for paternity analysis. The woody endocarp was successfully used for resolution of all microsatellite loci and exhibited the same multilocus genotype as the mother tree, as shown in a single seed progeny. Hence, SSR fingerprinting of the purely maternal endocarp was also successful in this Prunus species, allowing the identification of the mother tree of the dispersed seeds. The linkage of microsatellite loci with PCR-amplified alleles of the self-incompatibility locus was tested in two full-sib families of sweet cherry cultivars. From low recombination frequencies, we inferred that two loci are linked with the S locus. The present study provides markers that will significantly facilitate studies of spatial genetic variation and gene flow in wild cherry, as well as breeding programs in sweet cherry.  相似文献   

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