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Pacific herring Clupea pallasi spawn in shallow and intertidal areas. Larval distributions and abundance of three major and several minor stocks were examined to determine if larvae mix among different spawning locations. The surveys were short, intensive, and occurred mainly within the first 30 days of larval life. Each major stock had a discrete larval distribution with continuous larval distributions within stock boundaries. Some overlap of distributions occurred among smaller stocks. Most larvae were found in inshore waters but there were no obvious oceanographic factors, such as fronts or eddies, to explain all the distributions. Estuarine circulation in inlets could promote larval retention in some areas. The results support the present geographic definitions for local herring stocks. The results are generally consistent with the concept of discrete larval distribution, including retention areas, as the basis for herring Stock Structure.  相似文献   

Processes occurring during early life-history stages influence the year-class abundance of marine fish. We found that the abundance of 1-year-old spring spawning herring is statistically significantly determined by the number of post-flexion herring larvae in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea). The abundance of consecutive developmental stages of larvae: yolk-sac, pre-flexion, flexion and post-flexion strongly correlated with each other, indicating that factors which already influence the yolk-sac stage are important in determining the abundance of post-flexion herring larvae. Winter air temperature before spawning determined the timing of maximum abundance of pre-flexion herring larvae, but not their main prey: copepod nauplii, implying that different mechanisms governing major preconditions for the formation of year-class strength. The abundance of post-flexion larvae displayed a potential dome-shaped relationship with sea surface temperature experienced after hatching. We suggest that increased summer temperatures, which exceed the physiological optimum negatively, affect the survival of post-flexion herring larvae. Overall, future climate warming poses an additional risk to larval herring survival and this may lead to a reduction in those herring stock which rely on recruitment from shallow coastal areas.  相似文献   

Variation in the survival of herring between the egg stage and the age of recruitment to the spawning population has been examined for seven Atlantic herring populations in northern European waters. The sources of the variation have been partitioned between density-dependent and density-independent factors. The magnitude of the density-independent component was found to be related to the scale of the processes controlling the dispersion and distribution of larvae from the various populations. We conclude that the spawning strategies of some populations are adapted to oceanographic conditions to maximize the probability of a particular larval transport pattern, although no single model could account for all spawning strategies.  相似文献   

The spawning areas of the Atlantic freshwater eels were discovered about a century ago by the Danish scientist Johannes Schmidt who after years of searching found newly hatched larvae of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, and the American eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the southern Sargasso Sea. The discovery showed that anguillid eels migrate thousands of kilometers to offshore spawning areas for reproduction, and that their larvae, called leptocephali, are transported equally long distances by ocean currents to their continental recruitment areas. The spawning sites were found to be related to oceanographic conditions several decades later by German and American surveys from 1979 to 1989 and by a Danish survey in 2007 and a German survey in 2011. All these later surveys showed that spawning occurred within a restricted latitudinal range, between temperature fronts within the Subtropical Convergence Zone of the Sargasso Sea. New data and re‐examinations of Schmidt's data confirmed his original conclusions about the two species having some overlap in spawning areas. Although there have been additional collections of leptocephali in various parts of the North Atlantic, and both otolith research and transport modelling studies have subsequently been carried out, there is still a range of unresolved questions about the routes of larval transport and durations of migration. This paper reviews the history and basic findings of surveys for anguillid leptocephali in the North Atlantic and analyses a new comprehensive database that includes 22612 A. anguilla and 9634 A. rostrata leptocephali, which provides a detailed view of the spatial and temporal distributions and size of the larvae across the Atlantic basin and in the Mediterranean Sea. The differences in distributions, maximum sizes, and growth rates of the two species of larvae are likely linked to the contrasting migration distances to their recruitment areas on each side of the basin. Anguilla rostrata leptocephali originate from a more western spawning area, grow faster, and metamorphose at smaller sizes of <70 mm than the larvae of A. anguilla, which mostly are spawned further east and can reach sizes of almost 90 mm. The larvae of A. rostrata spread west and northwest from the spawning area as they grow larger, with some being present in the western Caribbean and eastern Gulf of Mexico. Larvae of A. anguilla appear to be able to reach Europe by entering the Gulf Stream system or by being entrained into frontal countercurrents that transport them directly northeastward. The larval duration of A. anguilla is suggested to be quite variable, but gaps in sampling effort prevent firm conclusions. Although knowledge about larval behaviour is lacking, some influences of directional swimming are implicated by the temporal distributions of the largest larvae. Ocean–atmosphere changes have been hypothesized to affect the survival of the larvae and cause reduced recruitment, so even after about a century following the discovery of their spawning areas, mysteries still remain about the marine life histories of the Atlantic eels.  相似文献   

Data from two internationally co-ordinated survey programmes are used in an attempt to display the events in the early life that took place during the ‘recovery period’ of the North Sea herring Stock, 1979–1986. During the period, an increasing importance of the spawning grounds off Buchan and off Yorkshire is evident from distributions of newly hatched herring larvae. The dramatic changes in relative importance of spawning grounds are traced in the data on both late larvae (6 months old) and juveniles (18 months old). The onset of extended spawning off Buchan and off Yorkshire was followed by increase in distinct groups of late larvae of large mean length, and by enlargement of a group of medium-sized juveniles. It is hypothesized that the identified groups are interconnected. Thus, larvae spawned off Buchan and off Yorkshire are found to have growth rates superior to those attained by larvae from west of Scotland and around the Orkney/Shetland Isles, whereas the relationship is reversed in the juveniles. In the investigated period, larval drift routes exhibited the same trends from year to year, the drift of the northerly spawned larvae being the most variable. Thus, changes in the relative contributions from spawning grounds apparently influence the overall spatial distribution as well as size composition of larval and juvenile North Sea herring. The findings indicate that groups of larvae retain, to a large extent, separate distributions until metamorphosis, and point to larval drift pattern as a determinant of spawning group distinctness.  相似文献   

Changes in the spatial distribution of Baltic herring larvaethrough time were investigated in the waters off Helsinki, thenorthern Baltic Sea. The average larval densities were comparableto the relatively low levels (mean around 2 larvae m–2)found in other studies in the Gulf of Finland. In shallow baysvirtually no herring larvae were found in early June. In lateJune and early July the densities of larvae longer than 10 mmincreased to 1–4 larvae m–2 in shallow areas (depth<2 m), i.e. to levels higher than those recorded in deeperwaters. In combination with data on the size distributions ofthe larvae, these observations suggest that a significant proportionof the herring larvae are found in shallow water after the yolksac stage. We conclude that shallow coastal waters are potentiallyimportant nursery areas for herring larvae and that this featureof herring larval biology should be taken into account in planningsampling programs for larval herring.  相似文献   

Summary Ichthyoplankton was sampled from the Antarctic Peninsula area of the South Polar Ocean in early winter (May and June 1986). A total of 153 eggs from two species and 1368 larvae or juvenile stages from 12 species were obtained. These included pelagic species, and demersal species with a long pelagic larval or juvenile phase. Most abundant were larvae of Pleuragramma antarcticum and Notothenia kempi, and eggs of Notothenia neglecta. The distribution of notothenioid and paralepidid larvae was apparently unaffected by ice cover, whereas myctophid larvae were confined to ice-free waters. Areas where newly hatched Chionodraco hamatus occurred coincided with dense aggregations of Euphausia superba (Krill) furcilia larvae which is a potential food resource during winter. The hatching of icefish larvae during winter is apparently independent of the seasonal production cycle. Epipelagic eggs of Notothenia neglecta were found during the spawning season, which suggests that eggs ascend to the surface after demersal spawning and that development takes place near the sea surface during winter. Larvae of Notothenia kempi were chiefly confined to shelf and slope waters to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula, with larger larvae found in coastal shelf areas. Pleuragramma antarcticum occurred in the coastal waters off the Biscoe Islands, in the Gerlache Strait, and in the northern Bransfield Strait. The smallest larvae were found in the northern Bransfield Strait, whereas those at the Biscoe Islands and in Gerlache Strait waters were larger and of a similar size. A cyclonic gyre to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula observed in the austral summer was likely to have affected the larval drift of Pleuragramma antarcticum and Notothenia kempi. Differences in the timing of spawning and hatching and the vertical distribution of these larvae will lead to different transport and spatial distribution patterns. It is hypothesized that early winter conditions do not imply severe limitations on the year-class success of larval fish. Dispersal and increased mortality may occur during the second half of the winter.  相似文献   

For marine fish and invertebrates, larval dispersal plays a critical role in determining connections among source and sink habitats, and the lack of a predictive understanding of larval dispersal is a fundamental obstacle to the development of spatially explicit restoration plans for marine populations. We investigated larval dispersal patterns of eastern oyster in an estuary along the Northern Gulf of Mexico under different simulation scenarios of tidal amplitude and phase, river discharge, wind direction, and larval vertical migration, using a coupled biophysical transport model. We focused on the dispersal of larvae released from the commercially exploited (Cedar Point, CP) and non‐exploited (Bon Secour Bay, BSB) oyster populations. We found that high flushing rates through the dominant inlet prevented larval exchange between the commercially exploited and non‐exploited populations, resulting in negligible connectivity between them. Variations in tidal amplitude, river discharge and wind direction played a more important role in the amount of larvae retained in Mobile Bay when they are released from CP than from BSB. Under most of the scenarios, larvae from BSB were retained around the spawning area, while larvae from CP showed a predominant westward flow. Net sinking behavior of late‐stage larvae increased larval retention in the bay, but physical transport showed a higher impact in the amount of larvae retained. These findings have enhanced our understanding of larval dispersal of eastern oyster in a wide, shallow estuarine system, and been used to establish spatially explicit strategies for oyster restoration in the Mobile Bay system, Alabama.  相似文献   

Reproduction and recruitment are key processes that replenish marine populations. Here we use the Palau archipelago, in the western Pacific Ocean, as a case study to examine scales of connectivity and to determine whether an oceanographic model, incorporating the complex reef architecture, is a useful predictor of coral recruitment. We tested the hypothesis that the reefs with the highest retention also had the highest densities of juvenile coral density from 80 field sites. Field comparisons showed a significant correlation between the densities of juvenile Acropora colonies and total larval recruitment derived from the model (i.e., calculated as the sum of the densities of larvae that self-seeded and recruited from the other reefs in the archipelago). Long-distance larval imports may be too infrequent to sustain coral populations, but are critical for recovery in times of extreme local stress.  相似文献   


Studies of juvenile recruitment of the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis in the Gulf of Maine were conducted during the summer of 1995. These experiments confirmed 12 years of previous observations that settlement only occurs during the months of June and July. Settlement panels were placed at a series of sites along the Maine and New Hampshire coastline to compare recruitment in the northeastern and southwestern regions of the Gulf of Maine. The densities of urchins recruiting in Casco Bay and at the Isles of Shoals were two orders of magnitude higher than those from Eastport and Winter Harbor. There was a discontinuity in settlement densities at Penobscot Bay. Experiments conducted at the Isles of Shoals showed a positive relationship between water motion and larval supply, but neither parameter correlated with recruitment density over eight stations. Contrary to previous results, recuitment was greater within natural, as well as, artificial kelp beds compared to urchin barren areas and control panels outside the experimental kelp beds. The impact of changing community structure due to urchin harvesting was discussed as an factor influencing differences in juvenile urchin recruitment.  相似文献   

Ocean warming can drive poleward shifts of commercially important species with potentially significant economic impacts. Nowhere are those impacts greater than in the Gulf of Maine where North America's most valuable marine species, the American lobster (Homarus americanus Milne Edwards), has thrived for decades. However, there are growing concerns that regional maritime economies will suffer as monitored shallow water young‐of‐year lobsters decline and landings shift to the northeast. We examine how the interplay of ocean warming, tidal mixing, and larval behavior results in a brighter side of climate change. Since the 1980s lobster stocks have increased fivefold. We suggest that this increase resulted from a complex interplay between lobster larvae settlement behavior, climate change, and local oceanographic conditions. Specifically, postlarval sounding behavior is confined to a thermal envelope above 12°C and below 20°C. Summer thermally stratified surface waters in southwestern regions have historically been well within the settlement thermal envelope. Although surface layers are warming fastest in this region, the steep depth‐wise temperature gradient caused thermally suitable areas for larval settlement to expand only modestly. This contrasts with the northeast where strong tidal mixing prevents thermal stratification and recent ocean warming has made an expansive area of seabed more favorable for larval settlement. Recent declines in lobster settlement densities observed at shallow monitoring sites correlate with the expanded area of thermally suitable habitat associated with warmer summers. This leads us to hypothesize that the expanded area of suitable habitat may help explain strong lobster population increases in this region over the last decade and offset potential future declines. It also suggests that the fate of fisheries in a changing climate requires understanding local interaction between life stage‐specific biological thresholds and finer scale oceanographic processes.  相似文献   

Tunas show a wide variety of life history strategies, spatial distributions and migratory behaviors, yet they share a common trait of spawning only in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The warm-water tuna species generally show significant overlap between spawning and feeding grounds, and longer spawning seasons of several months to near year-round. In contrast, the cool-water bluefin tunas migrate long distances between feeding and spawning grounds, and may spawn over periods as short as 2 months. Here, we examine the spatial distributions of tuna larvae in the world’s oceans, and examine interspecific differences in the light of adult behaviors and larval ecology. We discuss the links between larval tuna and their oceanographic environments and relate these to current knowledge of larval growth, feeding and trophodynamics, with a focus on the better-studied bluefin tunas. We show that larval tunas have moderate to fast growth rates and selective feeding habits, and thus appear to be adapted for survival in warm, oligotrophic seas. We also examine the challenges of sustainably managing species which migrate across multiple management boundaries to reach spatio-temporally restricted spawning grounds and discuss the previous and future anthropogenic impacts on tuna spawning areas.  相似文献   

Successfully enforced marine protected areas (MPAs) have been widely demonstrated to allow, within their boundaries, the recovery of exploited species and beyond their boundaries, the spillover of juvenile and adult fish. Little evidence is available about the so-called ‘recruitment subsidy’, the augmented production of propagules (i.e. eggs and larvae) due to the increased abundance of large-sized spawners hosted within effective MPAs. Once emitted, propagules can be locally retained and/or exported elsewhere. Patterns of propagule retention and/or export from MPAs have been little investigated, especially in the Mediterranean. This study investigated the potential for propagule production and retention/export from a Mediterranean MPA (Torre Guaceto, SW Adriatic Sea) using the white sea bream, Diplodus sargus sargus, as a model species. A multidisciplinary approach was used combining 1) spatial distribution patterns of individuals (post-settlers and adults) assessed through visual census within Torre Guaceto MPA and in northern and southern unprotected areas, 2) Lagrangian simulations of dispersal based on an oceanographic model of the region and data on early life-history traits of the species (spawning date, pelagic larval duration) and 3) a preliminary genetic study using microsatellite loci. Results show that the MPA hosts higher densities of larger-sized spawners than outside areas, potentially guaranteeing higher propagule production. Model simulations and field observation suggest that larval retention within and long-distance dispersal across MPA boundaries allow the replenishment of the MPA and of exploited populations up to 100 km down-current (southward) from the MPA. This pattern partially agrees with the high genetic homogeneity found in the entire study area (no differences in genetic composition and diversity indices), suggesting a high gene flow. By contributing to a better understanding of propagule dispersal patterns, these findings provide crucial information for the design of MPAs and MPA networks effective to replenish fish stocks and enhance fisheries in unprotected areas.  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate the causes of variability in larval survival and juvenile abundance (recruitment) within and among cohorts of Japanese sea bass (JSB; Lateolabrax japonicus), a winter‐spawning temperate coastal marine fish. Larvae and settled individuals (settlers) belonging to four cohorts were collected from Tango Bay (the Sea of Japan coast) during eight sampling cruises in 2007 and 2008. Larvae were sampled in January and February each year using an ichthyoplankton net, and settlers were collected in February and March each year using a beam trawl. Age of individual larva and settlers was determined and growth history was back‐calculated from otolith microstructure, and the hatch date distribution was computed. Temperature, daily growth rate, size‐at‐age, hatch date, and density data of larvae and settlers allowed elucidating the effects of the timing of spawning and larval quantity and quality (growth rate and body size) on larval survival and recruitment within and among cohorts of JSB. Results showed that cohorts that hatched earlier in the season had higher quantity of larvae, experienced higher mean temperatures and survived better than cohorts hatched later. Recruitment variability among cohorts is determined largely by the initial quantity of larvae, as this explained >97% of the variability in recruitment among cohorts. Within cohorts, larger hatched larvae grew faster than their smaller conspecifics, and the bigger and faster growing larvae survived and settled. Results from this study suggest the following scenarios for recruitment of JSB: (i) earlier spawning in the season promotes larval survival since earlier cohorts are likely to encounter a better temperature and perhaps food conditions, and therefore recruit better than later cohorts; (ii) the initial quantity of larvae appears to be an important determinant of recruitment variability among cohorts; and (iii) the size‐ and growth‐related mechanisms operating during the larval phase appear to start at the time of the hatch.  相似文献   

Egg and larval abundance, obtained from annual summer cruises carried out in the Strait of Sicily during 6 years (1997 to 2002), was used to identify the spawning and retention areas of the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus . Larval amino acid composition was used to analyse the nutritional condition of the larvae collected during the 2002 survey. As the anchovy spawns along the south Sicilian coast, but mainly in the north‐west and middle parts of the coast, the higher number and larger size larvae in the south‐east end of the Sicilian coast indicated that larvae were transported by the main branch of the Atlantic‐Ionian Stream and retained in the south‐east end of the Sicilian coast (Cape Passero). This retention process, however, did not always favour the nutritional condition of the larvae, because the larvae were not transported to an area with a higher primary production or with a higher stability. In 2002 larval amino acid concentration was higher in the spawning areas than in those areas where the larvae were transported to, indicating a lower nutritional condition of the larvae in the nursery areas. The lack of enrichment and concentration processes, and low primary production in this area which limited body growth rate may explain the low locally reproducing anchovy population in the south coast of Sicily.  相似文献   

Considerable interannual variation in the abundance of larval and juvenile Pacific herring Clupea pallasii was detected in Miyako Bay, on the Pacific coast of northern Japan; abundances were high in 2001 and 2003 and low in 2000 and 2002. Hatch dates and growth rates for larval and juvenile survivors were estimated through otolith analysis. Water temperature and food availability were monitored on the spawning and nursery grounds in the inner part of the bay. The number of spawning females caught in nets set around the spawning ground was recorded during each spawning season (January to May) in 2000–2003. No correlation was found between the number of spawning females and the abundance of larvae and juveniles on the spawning and nursery grounds. The hatch dates of surviving larvae and juveniles were concentrated at the end of the spawning season in 2001 and in the middle of the season in 2003. The larvae experienced relatively high prey concentrations during the first-feeding period in 2001 but low concentrations in 2003. Survival of larvae during the first-feeding period may be a function of prey concentration as well as water temperature. In 2003, low water temperature would reduce starvation mortality during the first-feeding period. In contrast, unfavourable feeding conditions with higher temperatures during the first-feeding period seemed to result in low larval survival in 2000 and 2002. The 2001 larvae grew faster than those in 2003 because of the late hatch dates and the higher ambient temperatures that resulted. Temperature might be a major factor controlling growth rates of C. pallasii larvae in Miyako Bay.  相似文献   

Using data on ocean circulation with a Lagrangian larval transport model, we modeled the potential dispersal distances for seven species of bathyal invertebrates whose durations of larval life have been estimated from laboratory rearing, MOCNESS plankton sampling, spawning times, and recruitment. Species associated with methane seeps in the Gulf of Mexico and/or Barbados included the bivalve "Bathymodiolus" childressi, the gastropod Bathynerita naticoidea, the siboglinid polychaete tube worm Lamellibrachia luymesi, and the asteroid Sclerasterias tanneri. Non-seep species included the echinoids Cidaris blakei and Stylocidaris lineata from sedimented slopes in the Bahamas and the wood-dwelling sipunculan Phascolosoma turnerae, found in Barbados, the Bahamas, and the Gulf of Mexico. Durations of the planktonic larval stages ranged from 3 weeks in lecithotrophic tubeworms to more than 2 years in planktotrophic starfish. Planktotrophic sipunculan larvae from the northern Gulf of Mexico were capable of reaching the mid-Atlantic off Newfoundland, a distance of more than 3000?km, during a 7- to 14-month drifting period, but the proportion retained in the Gulf of Mexico varied significantly among years. Larvae drifting in the upper water column often had longer median dispersal distances than larvae drifting for the same amount of time below the permanent thermocline, although the shapes of the distance-frequency curves varied with depth only in the species with the longest larval trajectories. Even species drifting for >2 years did not cross the ocean in the North Atlantic Drift.  相似文献   

On the basis of ichthyoplankton surveys made in June 2004–2005 and 2007, June–July 2010, and July 2011 in these bays and beyond them (in open waters of the White Sea Basin and adjacent areas of the Gorlo) larvae of White Sea herring were absent. Principal aggregations of larvae are found in the Kandalaksha Bay in June 2004–2005 and 2007. In the Onega Bay and in the Dvina Bay surveyed in June 2007 abundance of larvae was ratter low and in June–July 2010 and July 2011 in these bays and beyond them (in open waters of the White Sea Basin and adjacent areas of the Gorlo) larvae of White Sea herring were absent. Within the Kandalasksha Bay, from year to year, there were two disconnected aggregations of larvae. The space between them was situated in the open part of the bay along the transect of the Chupa Estuary and the Umba Estuary. One of the aggregations of larvae occupied the tail of the bay, and the second aggregation occupied the ante-mouth and mouth areas of the Chupa Estuary. It is supposed that these aggregations result from spawning of two independent spawning groups of the White Sea herring spawning in isolated regions of the Kandalaksha Bay. Presence of the bulk of larvae of the White Sea herring within the limits of the Kandakaksha Bay and their almost complete absence at the boundary of the bay with the White Sea Basin and at the boundaries between the Onega Bay and the Dvina Bay and the Basin support the hypothesis on the absence of an exchange with larvae between stocks of the White Sea herring spawning in large bays of the White Sea. The larvae are retained within shallow waters of the Kandalaksha Bay by the system of two-layer water circulation in the areas of spawning of herring in bays and gulfs of the estuarine type. Their drift outside of the Onega Bay and the Dvina Bay may be delimited by frontal divides at their boundaries with the Basin.  相似文献   

The effects of a non-extractive marine reserve on the recruitment dynamics of haemulid fishes and their predators on Barbados coral reefs were studied using visual census and mark-recapture methods. Size and abundance of piscivores (including large adult grunts) known to prey on grunts were greater within the reserve than on adjacent reefs, whereas size and abundance of older juvenile grunts did not differ between protected and exploited reefs. Recruitment and early juvenile abundance were lower within the reserve and were inversely related to predator density (including adult conspecifics). Patterns in density of new recruits may also have been influenced by oceanographic patterns of supply of larvae. Thus, although protection has a significant positive effect on the size and abundance of large carnivorous fishes, higher predation pressure within a reserve may serve to reduce juvenile recruitment within the reserve. At some size/age, cumulative recruitment due to lower size-specific predation mortality results in higher density within the reserve. This increased density is maintained by the absence of fishing mortality within the reserve. Despite maintaining high spawning biomass of several large, commercially exploited species that may export larvae to downstream areas, the Barbados Marine Reserve appears to be a local sink for juvenile grunts.  相似文献   

The dispersal of Pectinaria koreni larvae released from theeastern Bay of Seine (English Channel) was studied using a two-dimensionalhydrodynamic model which integrates tides, wind-driven currentsand eddy diffusion, in order to examine the influence of environmentalforcing and mortality on larval population dynamics. A broadagreement between predicted larval dispersal for two spawningevents observed in 1987 and field data suggests that numericalmodelling may be useful to analyse processes involved in thetransport and the dynamics of larval populations. Larval mortalitymay be as important as hydrodynamic processes on larval lossesfor the adult population. Tides and eddy diffusion had someeffects on larval dispersal, but wind forcing and the timingof spawning in relation to the meteorological environment arepredicted to be the main source of variability in larval dispersalrates. Although wind-induced larval transport may produce interannualvariations in larval retention and recruitment, predicted retentionrates were always sufficient to ensure the maintenance of theadult population, regardless of hydrodynamic conditions. Thelong-range transport of larvae from the eastern Bay of Seineto distant populations was conditioned by constant strong winds,lasting 15 consecutive days, and should be considered an extremelyrare event.  相似文献   

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