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The three-dimensional structure of the native unliganded form of the Leu/Ile/Val-binding protein (Mr = 36,700), an essential component of the high-affinity active transport system for the branched aliphatic amino acids in Escherichia coli, has been determined and further refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.17 at 2.4 A resolution. The entire structure consists of 2710 non-hydrogen atoms from the complete sequence of 344 residues and 121 ordered water molecules. Bond lengths and angle distances in the refined model have root-mean-square deviations from ideal values of 0.05 A and 0.10 A, respectively. The overall shape of the protein is a prolate ellipsoid with dimensions of 35 A x 40 A x 70 A. The protein consists of two distinct globular domains linked by three short peptide segments which, though widely separated in the sequence, are proximal in the tertiary structure and form the base of the deep cleft between the two domains. Although each domain is built from polypeptide segments located in both the amino (N) and the carboxy (C) terminal halves, both domains exhibit very similar supersecondary structures, consisting of a central beta-sheet of seven strands flanked on either side by two or three helices. The two domains are far apart from each other, leaving the cleft wide open by about 18 A. The cleft has a depth of about 15 A and a base of about 14 A x 16 A. Refining independently the structure of native Leu/Ile/Val-binding protein crystals soaked in a solution containing L-leucine at 2.8 A resolution (R-factor = 0.15), we have been able to locate and characterize an initial, major portion of the substrate-binding site of the Leu/Ile/Val-binding protein. The binding of the L-leucine substrate does not alter the native crystal structure, and the L-leucine is lodged in a crevice on the wall of the N-domain, which is in the inter-domain cleft. The L-leucine is held in place primarily by hydrogen-bonding of its alpha-ammonium and alpha-carboxylate groups with main-chain peptide units and hydroxyl side-chain groups; there are no salt-linkages. The charges on the leucine zwitterion are stabilized by hydrogen-bond dipoles. The side-chain of the L-leucine substrate lies in a depression lined with non-polar residues, including Leu77, which confers specificity to the site by stacking with the side-chain of the leucine substrate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two leucine-binding proteins with overlapping specificities for the branched-chain amino acids are present in Escherichia coli. In order to study the basis of specificity for the very similar hydrophobic ligands, we have constructed a series of site-directed mutants of both proteins based on inspection of the leucine-isoleucine-valine-binding protein crystal structure reported by Sack et al. (Sack, J. S., Saper, M. A., and Quiocho, F. A. (1989) J. Mol. Biol. 206, 171-191). Each of the mutant proteins was overexpressed and purified, and their binding activity for a wide variety of potential ligands was measured. By introducing a common restriction endonuclease cleavage site in the two proteins, two hybrid binding proteins consisting of the amino-terminal third of one binding protein fused to the carboxyl-terminal two-thirds of the other were created. The results of these studies indicated that the binding site of the leucine-isoleucine-valine binding protein can accommodate a branch at the beta-carbon of the ligand and that hydrophilic groups on the ligand can be accommodated only in certain orientations. None of the single amino acid substitutions resulted in complete switches in specificity between the two proteins, suggesting that additional residues are involved in leucine binding and discrimination among the branched-chain amino acid substrates.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic threonine deaminase (TD) is a key enzyme for the synthesis of isoleucine which is allosterically inhibited and activated by Ile and Val, respectively. The binding sites of Ile and Val and the mechanism of their regulations in TD are not clear, but essential for a rational design of efficient productive strain(s) for Ile and related amino acids. In this study, structure-based computational approach and site-directed mutagenesis were combined to identify the potential binding sites of Ile and Val in Escherichia coli TD. Our results demonstrated that each regulatory domain of the TD monomer possesses two nonequivalent effector-binding sites. The residues R362, E442, G445, A446, Y369, I460, and S461 only interact with Ile while E347, G350, and F352 are involved not only in the Ile binding but also in the Val binding. By further considering enzyme kinetic data, we propose a concentration-dependent mechanism of the allosteric regulation of TD by Ile and Val. For the construction of Ile overproducing strain, a novel TD mutant with double mutation of F352A/R362F was also created, which showed both higher activity and much stronger resistance to Ile inhibition comparing to those of wild-type enzyme. Overexpression of this mutant TD in E. coli JW3591 significantly increased the production of ketobutyrate and Ile in comparison to the reference strains overexpressing wild-type TD or the catabolic threonine deaminase (TdcB). This work builds a solid basis for the reengineering of TD and related microorganisms for Ile production.  相似文献   

The HisJ protein from Escherichia coli and related Gram negative bacteria is the periplasmic component of a bacterial ATP‐cassette (ABC) transporter system. Together these proteins form a transmembrane complex that can take up L‐histidine from the environment and translocate it into the cytosol. We have studied the specificity of HisJ for binding L‐His and many related naturally occurring compounds. Our data confirm that L‐His is the preferred ligand, but that 1‐methyl‐L‐His and 3‐methyl‐L‐His can also bind, while the dipeptide carnosine binds weakly and D‐histidine and the histidine degradation products, histamine, urocanic acid and imidazole do not bind. L‐Arg, homo‐L‐Arg, and post‐translationally modified methylated Arg‐analogs also bind with reasonable avidity, with the exception of symmetric dimethylated‐L‐Arg. In contrast, L‐Lys and L‐Orn have considerably weaker interactions with HisJ and methylated and acetylated Lys variants show relatively poor binding. It was also observed that the carboxylate group of these amino acids and their variants was very important for proper recognition of the ligand. Taken together our results are a key step towards designing HisJ as a specific protein‐based reagentless biosensor.  相似文献   

Several analogues of valine, leucine, and isoleucine carrying hydroxyl groups in the gamma- or delta-position have been tested in the aminoacylation of tRNA by valyl-tRNA synthetases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli. Results of the ATP/PPi exchange and of the aminoacylation reactions indicate that the amino acid analogues not only can form the aminoacyl adenylate intermediate but are also transferred to tRNA. However, the fact that the reaction consumes an excess of ATP indicates that the misactivated amino acid analogue is hydrolytically removed. Thus, valyl-tRNA synthetase from S. cerevisiae shows a high fidelity in forming valyl-tRNA. Although the much bulkier amino acid analogues allo- and iso-gamma-hydroxyvaline and allo- and iso-gamma-hydroxyisoleucine are initially charged to tRNA, the misaminoacylated tRNA(Val) is enzymatically deacylated. This cleavage reaction is mediated by the hydroxyl groups of the amino acid analogues which are converted into the corresponding lactones.  相似文献   

Maltooligosaccharides up to maltoheptaose are transported by the maltodextrin transport system of Escherichia coli. The overall substrate specificity of the transport system was investigated by using 15 maltodextrin analogues with various modifications at the reducing end of the oligosaccharides as competing substrates. The binding interaction of the analogues with maltoporin in the outer membrane and the periplasmic maltose-binding protein, the two protein components of the transport system with known specificity for maltodextrins, was also investigated. All analogues containing several α,1 → 4-glucosyl linkages were bound with high affinity by maltoporin and maltose-binding protein, regardless of O-methyl, O-nitrophenyl, β-glucosyl or β-fructosyl substitutions at the reducing end of the dextrins. Introduction of a negative charge or lack of a ring structure at the reducing end were also ineffective in abolishing binding by these two proteins. These results suggest that the structure of the reducing glucose is not important in the binding specificity of maltoporin or maltose-binding protein. However, the high affinity of these proteins for analogues was not in itself sufficient for recognition by the transport system overall. Maltohexaitol, 4-nitrophenyl α-maltotetraoside and 4-β-d-maltopentaosyl-d-glucopyranose were bound with the same affinity as comparable maltodextrins by both maltoporin and maltose-binding protein but were poorly recognized by the transport system. These results suggest that another, yet uninvestigated component of the transport system has a more restricted specificity towards changes at the reducing end of the maltodextrin molecule.  相似文献   

Due to its extreme insolubility, Fe3+ is not transported as a monoatomic ion. In microbes, iron is bound to low molecular weight carriers, designated siderophores. For uptake into cells of Escherichia coli Fe3+ siderophores have to be translocated across two membranes. Transport across the outer membrane is receptor-dependent and energy-coupled; transport across the cytoplasmic membrane seems to follow a periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport mechanism. In support of this notion we demonstrate specific binding of the Fe3+ hydroxamate compounds ferrichrome, aerobactin, and coprogen, which are transported via the Fhu system, to the periplasmic FhuD protein, and no binding of the transport inactive ferrichrome A, ferric citrate, and iron sulfate. About 10(4) ferrichrome molecules were bound to the FhuD protein of cells which overproduced plasmid-encoded FhuD. Binding depended on transport across the outer membrane mediated by the FhuA receptor and the TonB protein. Binding to FhuD was supported by the exclusive resistance of FhuD to proteinase K in the presence of the transport active hydroxamates. The overproduced precursor form of the FhuD protein was not protected by the Fe3+ hydroxamates indicating a conformation different to the mature form. The FhuD protein apparently serves as a periplasmic carrier for Fe3+ hydroxamates with widely different structures.  相似文献   

FepA is the Escherichia coli outer membrane receptor for ferric enterobactin, colicin D and colicin B. The transport processes through FepA are energy-dependent, relying on the periplasmic protein TonB to interact with FepA. Through this interaction, TonB tranduces energy derived from the cytoplasmic membrane across the periplasmic space to FepA. In this study, random mutagenesis strategies were used to define residues of FepA important for its function. Both polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-generated random mutations in the N-terminal 180 amino acids of FepA and spontaneous chromosomal fepA mutations were selected by resistance to colicin B. The PCR mutagenesis strategy targeted the N-terminus because it forms a plug inside the FepA barrel that is expected to be involved in ligand binding, ligand transport, and interaction with TonB. We report the characterization of 15 fepA missense mutations that were localized to three regions of the FepA receptor. The first region was a stretch of eight amino acids referred to as the TonB box. The second region included extracellular loops of both the barrel and the plug. A third region formed a cluster near the barrel wall around positions 75 and 126 of the plug. These mutations provide initial insight into the mechanisms of ligand binding and transport through the FepA receptor.  相似文献   

Expression of the modABCD operon in Escherichia coli, which codes for a molybdate-specific transporter, is repressed by ModE in vivo in a molybdate-dependent fashion. In vitro DNase I-footprinting experiments identified three distinct regions of protection by ModE-molybdate on the modA operator/promoter DNA, GTTATATT (-15 to -8; region 1), GCCTACAT (-4 to +4; region 2), and GTTACAT (+8 to +14; region 3). Within the three regions of the protected DNA, a pentamer sequence, TAYAT (Y = C or T), can be identified. DNA-electrophoretic mobility experiments showed that the protected regions 1 and 2 are essential for binding of ModE-molybdate to DNA, whereas the protected region 3 increases the affinity of the DNA to the repressor. The stoichiometry of this interaction was found to be two ModE-molybdate per modA operator DNA. ModE-molybdate at 5 nM completely protected the modABCD operator/promoter DNA from DNase I-catalyzed hydrolysis, whereas ModE alone failed to protect the DNA even at 100 nM. The apparent K(d) for the interaction between the modA operator DNA and ModE-molybdate was 0.3 nM, and the K(d) increased to 8 nM in the absence of molybdate. Among the various oxyanions tested, only tungstate replaced molybdate in the repression of modA by ModE, but the affinity of ModE-tungstate for modABCD operator DNA was 6 times lower than with ModE-molybdate. A mutant ModE(T125I) protein, which repressed modA-lac even in the absence of molybdate, protected the same region of modA operator DNA in the absence of molybdate. The apparent K(d) for the interaction between modA operator DNA and ModE(T125I) was 3 nM in the presence of molybdate and 4 nM without molybdate. The binding of molybdate to ModE resulted in a decrease in fluorescence emission, indicating a conformational change of the protein upon molybdate binding. The fluorescence emission spectra of mutant ModE proteins, ModE(T125I) and ModE(Q216*), were unaffected by molybdate. The molybdate-independent mutant ModE proteins apparently mimic in its conformation the native ModE-molybdate complex, which binds to a DNA sequence motif of TATAT-7bp-TAYAT.  相似文献   

A mutant of the Escherichia coli lactose carrier has been selected (in an invertase-positive strain) based on its ability to grow on 6 mM sucrose in a manner dependent upon lactose carrier induction by isopropyl-1-thio-beta-D-galactopyranoside. The mutant was cloned, and DNA sequencing revealed a point mutation in lacY which changed alanine 177 to valine. The valine 177 mutation increased the transport rate for both [14C]sucrose and the maltose analog 4-nitrophenyl-alpha-maltoside. The potency for inhibition of beta-ONPG transport by several sugars containing the glucopyranosyl moiety (maltose, cellobiose, or palatinose) was increased significantly relative to the parental carrier. Similar experiments showed that the mutation did not affect the affinity for such commonly studied substrates as 4-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-galactopyranoside and beta-D-galactopyranosyl-1-thio-beta-D-galactopyranoside. These data indicate that gross structural alteration of the galactoside binding site cannot account for increased transport of sucrose and maltose by the valine 177 mutant. We conclude that effects of the valine 177 mutation are not limited strictly to changes in observed sugar affinity and that sugar-specific changes in turnover number may be an important determinant of the altered spectrum of sugar specificities exhibited by the Val-177 carrier. These phenomena may be related to the effect of this mutation on proton recognition (described in King, S.C., and Wilson, T.H. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 9645-9651).  相似文献   

The structure of the C-terminal region of the third cytoplasmic loop (IC3) of the cannabinoid receptor one (CB1) bound to G(alphai1) has been determined using transferred nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs). The wild-type IC3 sequence is helical when associated with G(alphai1). In contrast, a peptide containing the amino-acid inversion, Ala(341)-Leu(342) adopts a single turn. These findings correlate with the attenuated G(i) association of CB1 with the Ala(341)-Leu(342) mutation previously observed in vivo and the diminished stimulation of G(alphai1) GTPase activity by the corresponding peptide demonstrated in vitro here. These results, the first to report the structure of a GPCR domain while associated with G protein, imply the C-terminus of CB1 IC3, a region with high-sequence conservation among G-protein coupled receptors, must be helical for efficient coupling and activation of the G(i) protein.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the leucine binding proteins in E coli have been cloned and their DNA sequences have been determined. One of the binding proteins (LIV-BP) binds leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, and alanine, whereas the other (LS-BP) binds only the D- and L-isomers of leucine. These proteins bind their solutes as they enter the periplasm, then interact with three membrane components, livH, livG, and livM, to achieve the translocation of the solute across the bacterial cell membrane. Another feature of the binding proteins is that they must be secreted into the periplasmic space where they carry out their function. The amino acid sequence of the two binding proteins is 80% homologous, indicating that they are the products of an ancestral gene duplication. Because of these characteristics of the leucine binding proteins, we are using them as models for studying the relationships between protein structure and function.  相似文献   

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