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The functionality of the sexual cycle in the heterothallic pathogen Phytophthora ramorum, causal agent of Sudden Oak Death, has recently been demonstrated. Sexual reproduction could create genotypic variation and increase the pathogen's ability to adapt to other host plants or changing environments. Genetic characterization using co-dominant microsatellite markers and flow cytometry of single-oospore progeny of crosses between a European A1 isolate and North American or European A2 isolates revealed a considerable number of non-Mendelian inheritance events. This includes inheritance of more than two alleles at a locus and non-inheritance of alleles from one parent at another locus. The progenies were mitotically unstable: zoospore and hyphal tip derivatives of the progenies showed genotypic rearrangements and phenotypic variation. Flow cytometry confirmed variation and instability in DNA content of the single-oospore progenies. This indicates that single-oospore progenies not only display aberrant genomic and phenotypic variation due to meiotic irregularities, but also extra variation as a result of post-meiotic genomic rearrangements.  相似文献   

Kazazian HH  Goodier JL 《Cell》2002,110(3):277-280
The LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposon, the most important human mobile element, shapes the genome in many ways. Now two groups provide evidence that L1 retrotransposition is associated with large genomic deletions and inversions in transformed cells. If these events occur at a similar frequency in vivo, they have had a substantial effect on human genome evolution.  相似文献   

The WEE1 and ATM AND RAD3-RELATED (ATR) kinases are important regulators of the plant intra-S-phase checkpoint; consequently, WEE1KO and ATRKO roots are hypersensitive to replication-inhibitory drugs. Here, we report on a loss-of-function mutant allele of the FASCIATA1 (FAS1) subunit of the chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF-1) complex that suppresses the phenotype of WEE1- or ATR-deficient Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants. We demonstrate that lack of FAS1 activity results in the activation of an ATAXIA TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED (ATM)- and SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA-RESPONSE 1 (SOG1)-mediated G2/M-arrest that renders the ATR and WEE1 checkpoint regulators redundant. This ATM activation accounts for the telomere erosion and loss of ribosomal DNA that are described for fas1 plants. Knocking out SOG1 in the fas1 wee1 background restores replication stress sensitivity, demonstrating that SOG1 is an important secondary checkpoint regulator in plants that fail to activate the intra-S-phase checkpoint.  相似文献   

Estimates of nuclear genome size for 9 Selaginella species were obtained using flow cytometry, and measurements for 7 of these species are reported for the first time. Estimates range from 0.086 to 0.112 pg per holoploid genome (84-110 Mb). The data presented here agree with the previously published flow cytometric results for S. moellendorffii. Within the 9 species sampled here, chromosome number varies from 2n = 16 to 2n = 27. Nuclear genome size appears to be strongly correlated with chromosome number (Spearman's rank correlation; p = 0.00003725). Cultivated S. moellendorffii lacks sexual reproduction--manifest by the production of abortive megasporangia. Flow cytometric data generated from a herbarium specimen of a fertile wild-collected S. moellendorffii are virtually indistinguishable from the data generated from fresh material (0.088 vs. 0.089 pg/1C). Therefore, the limited fertility observed in cultivated plants is probably not the result of abnormal chromosome number (e.g., induced by interspecific hybridization).  相似文献   

Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) retrotransposons are ubiquitous components of plant genomes. Because of their copy-and-paste mode of transposition, these elements tend to increase their copy number while they are active. In addition, it is now well established that the differences in genome size observed in the plant kingdom are accompanied by variations in LTR retrotransposon content, suggesting that LTR retrotransposons might be important players in the evolution of plant genome size, along with polyploidy. The recent availability of large genomic sequences for many crop species has made it possible to examine in detail how LTR retrotransposons actually drive genomic changes in plants. In the present paper, we provide a review of the recent publications that have contributed to the knowledge of plant LTR retrotransposons, as structural components of the genomes, as well as from an evolutionary genomic perspective. These studies have shown that plant genomes undergo genome size increases through bursts of retrotransposition, while there is a counteracting process that tends to eliminate the transposed copies from the genomes. This process involves recombination mechanisms that occur either between the LTRs of the elements, leading to the formation of solo-LTRs, or between direct repeats anywhere in the sequence of the element, leading to internal deletions. All these studies have led to the emergence of a new model for plant genome evolution that takes into account both genome size increases (through retrotransposition) and decreases (through solo-LTR and deletion formation). In the conclusion, we discuss this new model and present the future prospects in the study of plant genome evolution in relation to the activity of transposable elements.  相似文献   

Summary Within complements the chiasma frequency per chromosome, which directly reflects the amount of recombination, is generally closely correlated with chromosome length, i.e. the chromosomal DNA content. The correlation does not apply when comparisons are made between the complements of different species. Analyses of results from three Angiosperm genera show a progressive decrease in the chiasma frequency per picogram of DNA with increase in nuclear DNA amount.  相似文献   

In silico comparative analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of vertebrates and yeast revealed the distribution of nucleotide sequences that are predisposed to the formation of noncanonical DNA structures, G-quadruplexes, which are closely related to the regulation of expression of a number of genes and are abundant within the hot-spots of double-strand DNA breaks. The obtained data indicate the preferred localization of potential quadruplexes in the noncoding DNA sequences, their evolutionary conservation, and the existence of homology between them in the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The relationship between quadruplexes, Pif1 helicase, and genomic instability is discussed.  相似文献   

Population size and genome size in fishes: a closer look.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The several thousand-fold range in genome size among animals has remained a subject of active research and debate for more than half a century, but no satisfactory explanation has yet been provided. Many one-dimensional models have been postulated, but so far none has been successful in accounting for observed patterns in genome size diversity. The recent model based on differences in effective population size appeared to gain empirical support with a study of genome size and inferred effective population size in fishes, but there were several questionable aspects of the analysis. First, it was based on an assumption that microsatellite heterozygosity indicates long-term effective population size, whereas in actuality these markers evolve quickly and are sensitive to demographic events. Second, it included both ancient polyploids and non-polyploids, the former of which did not gain their current genome sizes through the accumulation of slightly deleterious mutations as required in the model. Third, the analysis neglected the tremendous influence that Pleistocene glaciation bottlenecks had on heterozygosities in freshwater (and far less so, marine) fishes. In sum, it is apparent that genomes reached their current sizes in most fishes long before contemporary microsatellite heterozygosities were shaped, and that ancient polyploidy rather than the accumulation of mildly deleterious transposon insertions in small populations is the dominant factor that has influenced the large end of the range of genome sizes among fishes.  相似文献   

Although the evolutionary drivers of genome size change are known, the general patterns and mechanisms of plant genome size evolution are yet to be established. Here we aim to assess the relative importance of proliferation of repetitive DNA, chromosomal variation (including polyploidy), and the type of endoreplication for genome size evolution of the Pleurothallidinae, the most species-rich orchid lineage. Phylogenetic relationships between 341 Pleurothallidinae representatives were refined using a target enrichment hybrid capture combined with high-throughput sequencing approach. Genome size and the type of endoreplication were assessed using flow cytometry supplemented with karyological analysis and low-coverage Illumina sequencing for repeatome analysis on a subset of samples. Data were analyzed using phylogeny-based models. Genome size diversity (0.2–5.1 Gbp) was mostly independent of profound chromosome count variation (2n = 12–90) but tightly linked with the overall content of repetitive DNA elements. Species with partial endoreplication (PE) had significantly greater genome sizes, and genomic repeat content was tightly correlated with the size of the non-endoreplicated part of the genome. In PE species, repetitive DNA is preferentially accumulated in the non-endoreplicated parts of their genomes. Our results demonstrate that proliferation of repetitive DNA elements and PE together shape the patterns of genome size diversity in orchids.  相似文献   

Amplifications of two oncogenes, c-K-ras-2 and c-myc, were found in a human lung giant cell carcinoma (LGCC) Lu-65, which is maintained in nude mice. The extent of c-K-ras-2 and myc amplifications were estimated to be 10- and 8-fold, respectively, by means of the Southern hybridization procedure. In addition, NIH3T3 cells were transformed by transfection of Lu-65 DNA and the transforming gene was identified as c-K-ras-2. c-K-ras-2 genes were cloned from a gene library of Lu-65 and a single point mutation causing a substitution of cysteine for glycine in codon 12 was found by DNA sequencing. It was concluded that the amplification of the c-myc and c-K-ras-2 genes are accompanied by point mutational activation of c-K-ras-2 in the human LGCC Lu-65. This is the first report of multiple gene amplification accompanied by a point mutation of oncogenes in human cancer cells, providing further support for the idea that co-operation of at least two activated cellular oncogenes is required for carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

B chromosomes and genome size in flowering plants.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B chromosomes are extra chromosomes found in some, but not all, individuals within a species, often maintained by giving themselves an advantage in transmission, i.e. they drive. Here we show that the presence of B chromosomes correlates to and varies strongly and positively with total genome size (excluding the Bs and corrected for ploidy) both at a global level and via a comparison of independent taxonomic contrasts. B chromosomes are largely absent from species with small genomes; however, species with large genomes are studied more frequently than species with small genomes and Bs are more likely to be reported in well-studied species. We controlled for intensity of study using logistic regression. This regression analysis also included effects of degree of outbreeding, which is positively associated with Bs and genome size, and chromosome number, which is negatively associated with Bs and genome size, as well as variable ploidy (more than one ploidy level in a species). Genome size, breeding system and chromosome number all contribute independently to the distribution of B chromosomes, while variable ploidy does not have a significant effect. The genome size correlates are consistent with reduced selection against extra DNA in species with large genomes and with increased generation of B sequences from large A genomes.  相似文献   

Defects in the mismatch repair protein MSH2 cause tolerance to DNA damage. We report how cancer-derived and polymorphic MSH2 missense mutations affect cisplatin cytotoxicity. The chemotolerance phenotype was compared with the mutator phenotype in a yeast model system. MSH2 missense mutations display a strikingly different effect on cell death and genome instability. A mutator phenotype does not predict chemotolerance or vice versa. MSH2 mutations that were identified in tumors (Y109C) or as genetic variations (L402F) promote tolerance to cisplatin, but leave the initial mutation rate of cells unaltered. A secondary increase in the mutation rate is observed after cisplatin exposure in these strains. The mutation spectrum of cisplatin-resistant mutators identifies persistent cisplatin adduction as the cause for this acquired genome instability. Our results demonstrate that MSH2 missense mutations that were identified in tumors or as polymorphic variations can cause increased cisplatin tolerance independent of an initial mutator phenotype. Cisplatin exposure promotes drug-induced genome instability. From a mechanistical standpoint, these data demonstrate functional separation between MSH2-dependent cisplatin cytotoxicity and repair. From a clinical standpoint, these data provide valuable information on the consequences of point mutations for the success of chemotherapy and the risk for secondary carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

T R Gregory 《Génome》2000,43(5):895-901
Previously reported haploid genome sizes (C-values) and erythrocyte sizes (measured as mean dry diameters) were compared for 67 species of mammals representing 31 families and 16 orders. Measurements on erythrocytes of four species of bats were also included in the study. Erythrocyte size was significantly positively correlated with genome size at each of the specific, generic, familial, and ordinal levels, with the relationship becoming much stronger following the exclusion of the order Artiodactyla, a group unique among mammals in terms of red blood cell morphology. Physiologically, these results are relevant in light of the known relationship between C-value and mass-corrected metabolic rate in homeotherms. In evolutionary terms, they provide insights into the constraints on genome expansion among mammals and are therefore of interest in attempts to solve the long-standing C-value enigma (also known as the C-value paradox).  相似文献   

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