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Normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) express several in vitro cytotoxic functions, among which are natural killer (NK), antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), and lectin-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (LDCC). The relationship of these various cytotoxic functions and the identity of cells involved has been a subject of controversy. Recently it was reported that NK and K for ADCC can be mediated by the same cell, suggesting that they constitute in large part a single subpopulation with multiple cytotoxic functions. The ability of this NK/K effector cell to mediate LDCC was examined here using the two target conjugate assay. The effector cells were Ficoll-Hypaque PBL or LGL-enriched fractions. The targets used were K562 or MOLT for NK, RAJI coated with antibody for ADCC, and RAJI coated with PHA or Con A or modified by NaIO4 for LDCC. In the two-target conjugate assay, one of the targets is fluorescein labeled for identification. The results show that (a) LDCC copurifies with NK/K and is enriched in the LGL fraction, as measured in both the 51Cr-release assay and the single-cell assay for cytotoxicity; (b) single effector cells simultaneously bind to NK or ADCC and LDCC targets, revealing that single cells bear binding receptors for all targets; and (c) single lymphocytes were not able to kill both bound NK/K and LDCC targets. However, significant two-target killing was obtained when both targets were NK targets, ADCC targets, LDCC targets, or one NK and one ADCC target. These results demonstrate that the NK and LDCC effector cells are distinct subpopulations copurified in the LGL fraction. In addition, the results show that lectin is unable to trigger globally an NK effector cell to mediate cytotoxicity against a bound NK insensitive target. Thus, although both NK and LDCC effector cells are present in the LGL fraction and can bind to both types of targets, the trigger of the lethal hit event is the function of specialized effector cells.  相似文献   

A method is described for obtaining plasma ultrafiltrates from which the concentrations of all amino acids, including tryptophan and ammonia, are obtained. A split-stream methodology is described for obtaining, in addition to the concentrations, the radioactivities of amino acids, glucose, and plasma water.  相似文献   

Addition of primary organic amines, such as n-butylamine, to the mobile phase altered the capacity factors and selectivity of benzo[a]pyrene metabolites obtained with reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography on an ODS column. Separation of benzo[a]pyrene phenols in particular was improved with 8 of the 10 available metabolites resolved, including those known to be biologically produced. The method offers sufficiently improved resolution or convenience that it should prove useful in comparative studies of metabolism of benzo[a]-pyrene and other polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. Applying the method to analysis of benzo[a]pyrene metabolites produced in vitro by hepatic microsomes from the marine fish Stenotomus versicolor indicated the principal phenolic derivatives produced by this fish were 1-hydroxy-, 3-hydroxy-, 7-hydroxy-, and 9-hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene.  相似文献   

Conformational transitions of nitroxide labeled and unlabeled nucleic acids were analyzed by esr and uv spectroscopy to evaluate potential perturbation effects caused by chemical modifications of nucleic acids with spin labels. The melting temperature (Tm) determined by uv or esr melting profiles of 2 → 1 or 3 → 1 transitions is similar for labeled and unlabeled polyadenylic acid [(A)n] and polyuridylic acid [(U)n] complexes provided spin-labeled (A)n with a nitroxide to nucleotide ratio of 0.002 is used. Complexes formed with spin-labeled (A)n of greater spin-labeling extent display a noticeable perturbation of their thermal melting profiles. The studies reconfirm the existence of a low temperature esr transition at about 20 °C with calf thymus and T4 DNA duplexes spin-labeled with a nitroxide to nucleotide ratio of about 0.006. The uv melting profiles of the spin-labeled duplexes reveal no low-temperature discontinuity, but the Tm values reflecting the 2 → 1 transitions were reduced by several degrees versus those of the unlabeled duplexes. Thus, these studies suggest that with homopolymers, chemically modified to a low extent with nitroxides, the monitoring of local conformational transitions of duplexes or triplexes reflect the overall 2 → 1 or 3 → 1 transitions. In the case of the heteropolymers the possibility that the chemical modification is responsible for the low-temperature phenomenon cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The smallest of the three molecular weight forms of acid phosphatase from bovine liver was purified to a specific activity of 100 μmol min?1 mg?1 (measured at pH 5.5 and 37 °C with p-nitrophenyl phosphate). Using several chromatographie and electrophoretic methods, no evidence of heterogeneity was detected. The enzyme was characterized with respect to its stability as a function of pH, molecular weight, amino acid composition, steady-state kinetic parameters in the pH range 4–7 and inhibition by common acid phosphatase inhibitors at pH 5.5. The amino acid composition differed somewhat from a previous literature report. The enzyme was stoichiometrically inactivated upon incubation with Hg2+, Ag+, and iodoacetate. Inactivation also occurred upon photoinactivation in the presence of Rose Bengal but no inactivation occurred with diethyl pyrocarbonate. The alkylation of one of five cysteine residues by iodoacetate was shown to cause complete inactivation of the enzyme. This alkylation was prevented by the presence of phosphate ion. A tryptic dipeptide containing this essential cysteine was isolated following inactivation with iodo[2-14C]acetate.  相似文献   

A simple method and apparatus are described for the efficient recovery of proteins from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel systems after electrophoretic resolution. This procedure provides for high yields of proteins which are free of sodium dodecyl sulfate and in certain cases, exhibit significant levels of biological activity.  相似文献   

A method is described for assaying chemotaxis in the acellular slime mold Physarum polycephalum. It consists of measuring the amount of plasmodium that moves on a strip of nitrocellulose membrane filter Millipore in response to a gradient of an attractant. Time course of chemotactic response of the slime mold is described. Different factors that affect chemotaxis in the slime mold such as: culture care and stage of growth of microplasmodia, substratum used for cell movement, nature of the gradient, effect of salts, pH and temperature are described. From concentration-response curves for different attractants several parameters of the chemotactic effect, such as threshold concentration, half maximal concentration, and maximal effective concentration can be determined. As a group, sugars are more effective chemotactic agents than amino acids. Glucose and galactose, which support the growth of the slime mold, are shown to have high positive chemotactic effect. 3-O-Methyl- -glucose and 2-deoxy- -glucose are two sugars that do not support growth but are very effective attractants. Conversely, fructose which supports slime mold growth is at best a weak attractant. The results support the view that the chemotactic effects of different sugars are not dependent on their growth-supporting value.  相似文献   

During starvation and in streptozotocin-induced diabetes, the total activities of rat lung acetyl CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase are reduced to one-third of the normal values. Refeeding of the starved animals or administration of insulin to diabetic animals restores the levels to the original values. The insulin effect is dose and time dependent. These data contrast with those in the liver, where a 30- to 50-fold depression of these enzymes is observed in the diabetic state and administration of insulin is actually followed by doubling of the activity over normal controls. Fat-free high-fructose diet (containing 60% fructose by weight) enhances the activities of liver enzymes 3- to 6-fold over the values of controls on laboratory diet but has no effect on the lung enzymes. Long-term feeding of fructose diet also increases the activities of liver enzymes from diabetic animals to twice the value of normal controls on laboratory diet. Insulin administration to fructose-fed diabetic animals restores the enzyme activities to those obtained with fructose-fed normal controls. However, the stimulation of lung enzymes of diabetic animals can be effected either by fructose or by insulin. Antigen-antibody titrations and measurements of the rate of protein synthesis show that the increased activity of the lung and liver fatty acid synthetase is due to enhanced content rather than increased specific activity. These data suggest that insulin or fructose effects on fatty acid-synthesizing enzymes are mediated through intermediate(s) whose concentration is affected in the experimental diabetes. Furthermore, all tissues may not have stringent insulin requirements since the lung enzymes can be stimulated by fructose alone.  相似文献   

J Kasten-Jolly  F Taketa 《Life sciences》1984,35(16):1623-1632
Cat blood contains two major hemoglobins, HbA and HbB, both of which are synthesized within the same red cell. They contain identical alpha chains but different beta chains. HbB is somewhat unusual in that it contains beta chains that are modified by N alpha-acetylation. Although the selective amino terminal acetylation of the beta chain of cat HbB occurs during nascent peptide chain growth, it can also occur after completion of globin chain synthesis and its assembly into hemoglobin. However, the latter process is not as efficient as the former, and it occurs non-enzymatically. Two peptides in a mixture of tryptic peptides from cat HbA and non-acetylated cat HbB contain serine at their amino terminus. One is the octapeptide, non-acetylated B- beta T-1, and the other is the tetrapeptide, alpha T-2, derived from both HbA and HbB. We provide evidence here that in a mixture of soluble tryptic peptides, acetylation of alpha T-2 takes place in the presence of acetyl-CoA and ribosomal acetyltransferase at pH 7.0. The amino terminal acetylation requires the presence of an acetyltransferase.  相似文献   

The formation of phase-separated microparticles following the mixing of solutions of homopolyribonucleotides with solutions of several basic thermal proteinoids, each rich in an individual amino acid, has been studied. Three of the 4 proteinoids studied yielded results consistent with a matrix of anticodonicity; the fourth did not. The meaning of these results, and others, relative to a postulated matrix for the genetic coding mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

The probability distribution in the (?,ψ)-plane obtained for each amino acid residue from cyrstal structure data of globular proteins is compared. This has shown amino acid residues. Pro and Gly to be conformationally unique. Conformational similarity in the (?,ψ)-plane of amino acid reced does not necessarily mean that they will have the same chemical or biochemical properties or similar secondary structures. A set of amino acid residues are given which can adopt the conformations of other amino acid residues without much difficulty either in the whole (?,ψ)-plane or in regions, where the observed conformations are maximum.  相似文献   

In order to ascertain some of the structural requirements for substrate activity in the oxidative demethylation at C4 of steroids by rat liver enzymes, several steroids have been synthesized, labeled with tritium, and incubated with rat liver enzyme preparations. These include 4α-formyl-4β-methylcholestan-3β-ol (4), 4-methylcholest-3-ene (14), 3β,4β-epoxy-4α-methylcholestane (20), 3α,4α-epoxy-4β-methylcholestane (18), 4α-ethyl-4β-methylcholestan-3β-ol (21), and 4β-ethyl-4α-methylcholestan-3β-ol (22). Enzymic incubation demethylates 4 with an efficiency consistent with its being an intermediate in the biological demethylation of 4,4-dimethyl sterols, but all of the other substrates are recovered unchanged.  相似文献   

A method for the rapid and sensitive fluorometric analysis of porphyrin carboxylic acids by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography is described. Separation of free porphyrin carboxylic acids was carried out with a microparticulate octadecylsilane column with elution by a gradient of methanol in phosphate buffer containing tetrabutylammonium hydroxide. Separation and quantitation of di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octacar-boxylic porphyrins was achieved within 25 min at picomolar concentrations. The method is also capable of separating the type I and type III isomers of tetracarboxylic through hexacarboxylic porphyrins. By using a stopped flow technique, one can record fluorescence excitation and emission spectra of porphyrin carboxylic acids. This method is directly applicable to biological fluids such as urine, plasma, red cell lysates, or medium or extracts from cell culture.  相似文献   

Generalized material and energy balances are presented for biological systems that experience negligible kinetic, elastic, and potential energy changes. The balances are used to characterize the mass changes and energy transformations that occur in the developing avian embryo, using as an example a consistent set of data for the chicken egg. It is shown that the rate of total chemical energy turnover by the embryo is a quantity of interest and that this rate is not necessarily equivalent to the metabolic rate that is predicted from heat transfer measurements or oxygen consumption rates. The energy required for evaporative water loss is accounted for in the overall energy balance. Using the results of the energy calculations and a generalized expression for the rates of internal and total entropy production, the Prigogine-Wiame hypothesis is examined for the developing embryo with two different assumptions regarding the efficiency of biomass conversion. An order of magnitude analysis of the internal heat-conduction term is performed to show that the chemical reaction term dominates the entropy production relation. The constant efficiency case is shown to be in agreement with the Prigogine-Wiame hypothesis for the data used in the analysis.  相似文献   

The adoptive transfer system has been used extensively to study the ability of antigen triggered memory cells to become antibody forming cells and/or to proliferate and expand the memory cell population. Selective antigen triggering of the memory cells for low and high affinity antibody formation has also been studied in this way. One of the main counter-arguments to the interpretation of these data is that the presence of antigen in the adoptive host may lead to recruitment of new memory cells from either a host or donor precursor population. In this paper we examined the contribution of both host and donor precursor cells to the total antibody response in adoptive secondary recipients. The following donor-host combinations were used in which the recipients were given 1 mg fluid antigen intravenously: (A) normal (non-immune) donors to normal irradiated recipients; (B) normal donors to carrier primed irradiated recipients; (C) carrier primed donors to normal irradiated recipients; (D) normal donors to carrier primed recipients with challenge and subsequent transfer to additional carrier primed recipients; (E) carrier primed donor to normal recipients to carrier primed recipients; (F) repeat of B and C above with multiple antigen administration; (G) purified immune (DNP-BGG) donor T cells mixed with normal B cells transferred to normal irradiated recipients. In most cases recruitment was seen but this represented less than 4% of the responses seen with immune cells. Thus we conclude that this level of recruitment does not compromise the use of the adoptive transfer system for studying selective antigen triggering of memory cells.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa conidia have multiple and constitutive amino acid transport systems. Extraction by KCl releases amino acid-binding glycoproteins which have been purified by arginine affinity chromatography. Disappearance of certain fractions is coordinate with genetic lesions which reduce amino acid transport. Two such affinity fractions contain radioactivity when cells are grown on l-[14C]phenylalanine or on [14C]uridine, but not when cells are grown on [14C ]glucosamine. One purified arginine-binding fraction (B) contains 113 amino acid residues per minimum molecular weight. This glycoprotein also contains eight types of neutral sugar residues. No amino sugars were detected. Electrophoresis of crude extracts reveals five major Coomassie blue-staining species. The number of species is reduced, and the electrophoretic pattern is altered in extracts from transport-deficient strains. Tryptic “fingerprints” of these extracts indicate that mutations that reduce transport result in amino acid substitutions in the extractable glycoproteins. Nondialyzable material which absorbs light in the 260-nm region becomes dialyzable after digestion with RNase. Digestion of conidia with RNase reduces the amount of l-phenylalanine accumulated by the cells after 10 min of incubation with the amino acid.  相似文献   

A number of octahedral chromium complexes with amino acids are ligands have been prepared and their structures assigned on the basis of their chromatographic and spectral properties. These include complexes with the general structure Cr(AA)2(H2O)2 where the amino acids glycine, glutamic acid and glutamine act as bidentate ligands. The analogous compound with cysteine as ligand is stable at low pH, but at high pH a terdentate cysteine complex, Cr(cysteine)2?, is formed. These complexes, as well as a solution of monodentate glycine aquo complexes, and Cr-nicotinic acid-glycine and Cr-nicotinic acid-cysteine complexes of undetermined structure, have been assayed for glucose tolerance factor activity using a yeast assay. Only Cr(glutamine)2- (H2O)2+, Cr-nicotinic acid-glycine and the mixture of complexes Cr(glycine)n(H2O)6-n+3 showed significant activity. It is proposed that a trans arrangement of the non-coordinated nitrogen atoms in the ligands of these complexes can mimic the structural features of the glucose tolerance factor which are essential for biological activity.  相似文献   

Calcitroic acid: biological activity and tissue distribution studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcitroic acid was recently identified as a major metabolite of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (Esvelt, Schnoes, and DeLuca, Biochemistry 18, 3977, 1979). The metabolite was found to have little, although significant, activity in healing rickets, and causing bone mineral mobilization but elicited no significant elevation in intestinal calcium transport. The compound showed little affinity for either the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D binding protein or the intestinal cytosol receptor for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Various tissues of the rat were examined for the presence of calcitroic acid following a 120-ng dose of 1,25-dihydroxy-[3α-3H]vitamin D3. The metabolite was detected in liver, intestinal mucosa, kidneys, and blood with livers and mucosa containing the highest concentrations. In each of these tissues the calcitroic acid content increased during the period between 4 and 12 h after the dose. The presence of calcitroic acid in femurs was indicated but could not be confirmed. Bile duct cannulation reduced but did not abolish the intestinal calcitroic acid content. In addition to calcitroic acid, other polar metabolites of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were detected in these experiments.  相似文献   

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