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错配修复蛋白是DNA错配修复系统中主要功能蛋白质,主要参与DNA复制过程中对错配碱基的识别和修复.近年来研究表明错配修复蛋白还参与DNA损伤信号的传递、细胞周期的调控、减数分裂和有丝分裂等.错配修复蛋白缺陷会增加患肿瘤的危险性或者直接导致肿瘤;由于错配修复蛋白参与了DNA损伤信号传递、周期调控,错配修复蛋白缺陷还会导致细胞对相关抗癌药物产生耐受.  相似文献   

DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is an important pathway which helps to maintain genomic stability. Mutations in DNA MMR genes are found to promote cancer initiation and foster tumor progression. Deficiency or inactivation of MMR results in microsatellite instability (MSI) which triggers neoantigen generation and impairs tumor growth. Immunotherapies targeting MMR can increase the burden of neoantigens in tumor cells. While MSI has been regarded as an important predictor of sensitivity and drug resistance for immunotherapy-based strategies. Different approaches targeting genomic instability have been demonstrated to be promising in malignancies derived from different tissues. Underlying MMR deficiency-associated immunogenicity is important for improving the therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapies. In this review we provide an overview of the MMR systems, their role in tumorigenesis, drug resistance, prognostic significance and potential targets for therapeutic treatment in human cancers, especially in hematological malignancies.  相似文献   

Germline mutations in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes are the cause of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer/Lynch syndrome (HNPCC/LS) one of the most common cancer predisposition syndromes, and defects in MMR are also prevalent in sporadic colorectal cancers. In the past, the generation and analysis of mouse lines with knockout mutations in all of the known MMR genes has provided insight into how loss of individual MMR genes affects genome stability and contributes to cancer susceptibility. These studies also revealed essential functions for some of the MMR genes in B cell maturation and fertility. In this review, we will provide a brief overview of the cancer predisposition phenotypes of recently developed mouse models with targeted mutations in MutS and MutL homologs (Msh and Mlh, respectively) and their utility as preclinical models. The focus will be on mouse lines with conditional MMR mutations that have allowed more accurate modeling of human cancer syndromes in mice and that together with new technologies in gene targeting, hold great promise for the analysis of MMR-deficient intestinal tumors and other cancers which will drive the development of preventive and therapeutic treatment strategies.  相似文献   

The mismatch repair proteins, MutS and MutL, interact in a DNA mismatch and ATP-dependent manner to activate downstream events in repair. Here, we assess the role of ATP binding and hydrolysis in mismatch recognition by MutS and the formation of a ternary complex involving MutS and MutL bound to a mismatched DNA. We show that ATP reduces the affinity of MutS for mismatched DNA and that the modulation of DNA binding affinity by nucleotide is even more pronounced for MutS E694A, a protein that binds ATP but is defective for ATP hydrolysis. Despite the ATP hydrolysis defect, E694A, like WT MutS, undergoes rapid, ATP-dependent dissociation from a DNA mismatch. Furthermore, MutS E694A retains the ability to interact with MutL on mismatched DNA. The recruitment of MutL to a mismatched DNA by MutS is also observed for two mutant MutL proteins, E29A, defective for ATP hydrolysis, and R266A, defective for DNA binding. These results suggest that ATP binding in the absence of hydrolysis is sufficient to trigger formation of a MutS sliding clamp. However, recruitment of MutL results in the formation of a dynamic ternary complex that we propose is the intermediate that signals subsequent repair steps requiring ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Jiang Y  Marszalek PE 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(14):2881-2893
In spite of extensive research, the mechanism by which MutS initiates DNA mismatch repair (MMR) remains controversial. We use atomic force microscopy (AFM) to capture how MutS orchestrates the first step of E. coli MMR. AFM images captured two types of MutS/DNA complexes: single-site binding and loop binding. In most of the DNA loops imaged, two closely associated MutS dimers formed a tetrameric complex in which one of the MutS dimers was located at or near the mismatch. Surprisingly, in the presence of ATP, one MutS dimer remained at or near the mismatch site and the other, while maintaining contact with the first dimer, relocated on the DNA by reeling in DNA, thereby producing expanding DNA loops. Our results indicate that MutS tetramers composed of two non-equivalent MutS dimers drive E. coli MMR, and these new observations now reconcile the apparent contradictions of previous 'sliding' and 'bending/looping' models of interaction between mismatch and strand signal.  相似文献   

Functional DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is essential for maintaining the fidelity of DNA replication and genetic stability. In hematopoiesis, loss of MMR results in methylating agent resistance and a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) repopulation defect. Additionally MMR failure is associated with a variety of human malignancies, notably Lynch syndrome. We focus on the 5′  3′ exonuclease Exo1, the primary enzyme excising the nicked strand during MMR, preceding polymerase synthesis. We found that nuclease dead Exo1 mutant cells are sensitive to the O6-methylguanine alkylating agent temozolomide when given with the MGMT inactivator, O6benzylguanine (BG). Additionally we used an MMR reporter plasmid to verify that Exo1mut MEFs were able to repair G:T base mismatches in vitro. We showed that unlike other MMR deficient mouse models, Exo1mut mouse HSC did not gain a competitive survival advantage post temozolomide/BG treatment in vivo. To determine potential nucleases implicated in MMR in the absence of Exo1 nuclease activity, but in the presence of the inactive protein, we performed gene expression analyses of several mammalian nucleases in WT and Exo1mut MEFs before and after temozolomide treatment and identified upregulation of Artemis, Fan1, and Mre11. Partial shRNA mediated silencing of each of these in Exo1mut cells resulted in decreased MMR capacity and increased resistance to temozolomide/BG. We propose that nuclease function is required for fully functional MMR, but a portfolio of nucleases is able to compensate for loss of Exo1 nuclease activity to maintain proficiency.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, errors in newly-replicated DNA, such as the incorporation of a nucleotide with a mis-paired base or an accidental insertion or deletion of nucleotides, are corrected by a methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) pathway. While the enzymology of MMR has long been established, many fundamental aspects of its mechanisms remain elusive, such as the structures, compositions, and orientations of complexes of MutS, MutL, and MutH as they initiate repair. Using atomic force microscopy, we—for the first time—record the structures and locations of individual complexes of MutS, MutL and MutH bound to DNA molecules during the initial stages of mismatch repair. This technique reveals a number of striking and unexpected structures, such as the growth and disassembly of large multimeric complexes at mismatched sites, complexes of MutS and MutL anchoring latent MutH onto hemi-methylated d(GATC) sites or bound themselves at nicks in the DNA, and complexes directly bridging mismatched and hemi-methylated d(GATC) sites by looping the DNA. The observations from these single-molecule studies provide new opportunities to resolve some of the long-standing controversies in the field and underscore the dynamic heterogeneity and versatility of MutSLH complexes in the repair process.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of substrate divergence and DNA mismatch repair (MMR) on recombination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Relative to the frequency observed in plants with a homologous construct (0% divergence), recombination was decreased 4.1-, 9.6-, 11.7- or 20.3-fold, respectively, in lines with constructs containing 0.5%, 2%, 4% or 9% divergence between the recombination substrates. To evaluate the contribution of the MMR system in this decrease, 12 independent reporter lines (two or three lines per reporter construct) were crossed to an AtMSH2 T-DNA insertional mutant. We examined the recombination frequency in progeny homozygous for a reporter T-DNA and homozygous either for the wild type or the mutant allele of AtMSH2. The loss of MMR activity led to a two- to ninefold increase in homeologous recombination and the size of the increase did not seem to correlate with the amount of divergence. Inversely, complementation of the insertional mutant with a wild-type cDNA of AtMSH2 reduced recombination. Our results demonstrate clearly that sequence divergence can dramatically reduce the recombination frequency in plants and that the MMR system plays a part in this decrease.  相似文献   

采用半定量反转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)技术,以18S rRNA为内参基因,研究了Cu胁迫对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)幼苗错配修复相关基因(MLH1、MSH2、MSH3、MSH6、MSH7)表达的影响,并结合幼苗的形态和生理指标,选取Cu胁迫敏感的生物标记物.结果表明,Cu处理10 d后,对拟南芥种子发芽率、地上部鲜重及叶绿素含量的影响不大;根的长度明显受到抑制;拟南芥幼苗地上部可溶性蛋白质含量随着Cu浓度增加明显降低;5个错配修复相关基因的表达均受到不同程度的抑制,Cu浓度与拟南芥幼苗上述指标之间存在明显的剂量-效应关系.以上结果表明,地上部可溶性蛋白含量变化与上述错配修复相关基因表达量的改变趋势一致,且均对Cu胁迫较敏感,可以作为检测Cu污染对植物遗传毒性效应的生物标记物.  相似文献   

Discrimination and versatility in mismatch repair   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hays JB  Hoffman PD  Wang H 《DNA Repair》2005,4(12):51-1474
Evolutionarily-conserved mismatch-repair (MMR) systems correct all or almost all base-mismatch errors from DNA replication via excision-resynthesis pathways, and respond to many different DNA lesions. Consideration of DNA polymerase error rates and possible consequences of excess gratuitous excision of perfectly paired (homoduplex) DNA in vivo suggests that MMR needs to discriminate against homoduplex DNA by three to six orders of magnitude. However, numerous binding studies using MMR base-mispair-recognition proteins, bacterial MutS or eukaryotic MSH2.MSH6 (MutSalpha), have typically shown discrimination factors between mismatched and homoduplex DNA to be 5-30, depending on the binding conditions, the particular mismatches, and the DNA-sequence contexts. Thus, downstream post-binding steps must increase MMR discrimination without interfering with the versatility needed to recognize a large variety of base-mismatches and lesions. We use a complex but highly MMR-active model system, human nuclear extracts mixed with plasmid substrates containing specific mismatches and defined nicks 0.15 kbp away, to measure the earliest quantifiable committed step in mismatch correction, initiation of mismatch-provoked 3'-5' excision at the nicks. We compared these results to binding of purified MutSalpha to synthetic oligoduplexes containing the same mismatches in the same sequence contexts, under conditions very similar to those prevailing in the nuclear extracts. Discrimination against homoduplex DNA, only two-to five-fold in the binding studies, increased to 60- to 230-fold or more for excision initiation, depending on the particular mismatches. Remarkably, the mismatch-preference order for excision initiation was substantially altered from the order for hMutSalpha binding. This suggests that post-binding steps not only strongly discriminate against homoduplex DNA, but do so by mechanisms not tightly constrained by initial binding preferences. Pairs of homoduplexes (40, 50, and 70 bp) prepared from synthetic oligomers or cut out of plasmids showed virtually identical hMutSalpha binding affinities, suggesting that high hMutSalpha binding to homoduplex DNA is not the result of misincorporations or lesions introduced during chemical synthesis. Intrinsic affinities of MutS homologs for perfectly paired DNA may help these proteins efficiently position themselves to carry out subsequent mismatch-specific steps in MMR pathways.  相似文献   

MutS protein recognizes mispaired bases in DNA and targets them for mismatch repair. Little is known about the transient conformations of MutS as it signals initiation of repair. We have used single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements to report the conformational dynamics of MutS during this process. We find that the DNA-binding domains of MutS dynamically interconvert among multiple conformations when the protein is free and while it scans homoduplex DNA. Mismatch recognition restricts MutS conformation to a single state. Steady-state measurements in the presence of nucleotides suggest that both ATP and ADP must be bound to MutS during its conversion to a sliding clamp form that signals repair. The transition from mismatch recognition to the sliding clamp occurs via two sequential conformational changes. These intermediate conformations of the MutS:DNA complex persist for seconds, providing ample opportunity for interaction with downstream proteins required for repair.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Helicobacer pylori infection is a major gastric cancer risk factor. Deficient DNA mismatch repair (MMR) caused by H. pylori may underlie microsatellite instability (MSI) in the gastric epithelium and may represent a major mechanism of mutation accumulation in the gastric mucosa during the early stages of H. pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis. In this study, we examined the expression of DNA MMR protein (hMLH1 and hMSH2) in patients with chronic H. pylori infection before and after eradication of the infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gastric tissue samples were collected from 60 patients with H. pylori gastritis and peptic ulcer disease before and after eradication of the infection. The DNA MMR protein expression (hMLH1 and hMSH2) was determined by immunohistochemical staining in 60 patients before and after H. pylori eradication. The percentage of epithelial cell nuclei and intensity of staining were then compared in gastric biopsies before and after eradication. RESULTS: The percentage of hMLH1 (76.60 +/- 20.27, 84.82 +/- 12.73, p=.01) and hMSH2 (82.36 +/- 12.86, 88.11 +/- 9.27, p<.05) positive epithelial cells significantly increased in 53 patients who became H. pylori-negative after eradication therapy. However, the intensity of hMLH1 and hMSH2 staining was not significantly different. In those 7 patients, who did not respond to the eradication therapy and were still H. pylori-positive, the percent positivity and intensity of hMLH1 and hMSH2 staining did not change. CONCLUSIONS: The expression of DNA MMR proteins increased in the gastric mucosa after H. pylori eradication, indicating that H. pylori gastritis may be associated with a reduced DNA MMR system during infection. The effect of H. pylori infection on MMR protein expression appears to be at least partially reversible after H. pylori eradication. These data suggest that H. pylori gastritis might lead to a deficiency of DNA MMR in gastric epithelium that may increase the risk of mutation accumulation in the gastric mucosa cells during chronic H. pylori infection.  相似文献   

We have analysed the correction of defined mismatches in wild-type and msh2, msh3, msh6 and msh3 msh6 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in two different yeast strain backgrounds by transformation with plasmid heteroduplex DNA constructs. Ten different base/base mismatches, two single-nucleotide loops and a 38-nucleotide loop were tested. Repair of all types of mismatches was severely impaired in msh2 and msh3 msh6 mutants. In msh6 mutants, repair efficiency of most base/base mismatches was reduced to a similar extent as in msh3 msh6 double mutants. G/T and A/C mismatches, however, displayed residual repair in msh6 mutants in one strain background, implying a role for Msh3p in recognition of base/base mismatches. Furthermore, the efficiency of repair of base/base mismatches was considerably reduced in msh3 mutants in one strain background, indicating a requirement for MSH3 for fully efficient mismatch correction. Also the efficiency of repair of the 38-nucleotide loop was reduced in msh3 mutants, and to a lesser extent in msh6 mutants. The single-nucleotide loop with an unpaired A was less efficiently repaired in msh3 mutants and that with an unpaired T was less efficiently corrected in msh6 mutants, indicating non-redundant functions for the two proteins in the recognition of single-nucleotide loops. Received: 7 August 1997 / Accepted: 24 September 1997  相似文献   

The ability to monitor and characterize DNA mismatch repair activity in various mammalian cells is important for understanding mechanisms involved in mutagenesis and tumorigenesis. Since mismatch repair proteins recognize mismatches containing both normal and chemically altered or damaged bases, in vitro assays must accommodate a variety of mismatches in different sequence contexts. Here we describe the construction of DNA mismatch substrates containing G:T or O6meG:T mismatches, the purification of recombinant native human MutSα (MSH2–MSH6) and MutLα (MLH1–PMS2) proteins, and in vitro mismatch repair and excision assays that can be adapted to study mismatch repair in nuclear extracts from mismatch repair proficient and deficient cells.  相似文献   

Bertin G  Averbeck D 《Biochimie》2006,88(11):1549-1559
Cadmium is an important toxic environmental heavy metal. Occupational and environmental pollution with cadmium results mainly from mining, metallurgy industry and manufactures of nickel-cadmium batteries, pigments and plastic stabilizers. Important sources of human intoxication are cigarette smoke as well as food, water and air contaminations. In humans, cadmium exposures have been associated with cancers of the prostate, lungs and testes. Acute exposures are responsible for damage to these organs. Chronic intoxication is associated with obstructive airway disease, emphysema, irreversible renal failure, bone disorders and immuno-suppression. At the cellular level, cadmium affects proliferation, differentiation and causes apoptosis. It has been classified as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). However, it is weakly genotoxic. Indirect effects of cadmium provoke generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and DNA damage. Cadmium modulates also gene expression and signal transduction, reduces activities of proteins involved in antioxidant defenses. Several studies have shown that it interferes with DNA repair. The present review focuses on the effects of cadmium in mammalian cells with special emphasis on the induction of damage to DNA, membranes and proteins, the inhibition of different types of DNA repair and the induction of apoptosis. Current data and hypotheses on the mechanisms involved in cadmium genotoxicity and carcinogenesis are outlined.  相似文献   

The reversible inhibition of DNA repair is a novel approach to maximize genetic diversity within a plant's genome in order to generate offspring exhibiting important de novo output traits. This process is based on the inhibition of the evolutionarily conserved mismatch repair (MMR) system. In this process, a human dominant negative MMR gene allele is introduced into the germline of a target plant, yielding progeny that can be screened to identify variants with commercially important agronomic output traits. Using this novel strategy, we generated MMR-deficient Arabidopsis thaliana plants that showed genome-wide instability of nucleotide repeats associated with chromosomal microsatellites, in addition to base substitution mutations. Functional screenings of the MMR-deficient Arabidopsis offspring identified variants expressing selectable traits (ethylene insensitivity and salt tolerance), as well as plants exhibiting altered morphologic traits (albinos and dwarfs). We determined by segregation analyses of variant plants that the de novo phenotypes were due to both recessive and dominant genetic mutations. Mutations caused by MMR deficiency showed a different spectrum compared with those derived using ethylmethane sulphonate (EMS) mutagenesis. Our finding demonstrates the feasibility of using reversible MMR deficiency via transient expression of a single human gene product to enhance genetic diversity in plants.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes the MSH2-MSH3 and MSH2-MSH6 heterodimers initiate mismatch repair (MMR) by recognizing and binding to DNA mismatches. The MLH1-PMS1 heterodimer then interacts with the MSH proteins at or near the mismatch site and is thought to act as a mediator to recruit downstream repair proteins. Here we analyzed five msh2 mutants that are functional in removing 3' non-homologous tails during double-strand break repair but are completely defective in MMR. Because non-homologous tail removal does not require MSH6, MLH1, or PMS1 functions, a characterization of the msh2 separation of function alleles should provide insights into early steps in MMR. Using the Taq MutS crystal structure as a model, three of the msh2 mutations, msh2-S561P, msh2-K564E, msh2-G566D, were found to map to a domain in MutS involved in stabilizing mismatch binding. Gel mobility shift and DNase I footprinting assays showed that two of these mutations conferred strong defects on MSH2-MSH6 mismatch binding. The other two mutations, msh2-S656P and msh2-R730W, mapped to the ATPase domain. DNase I footprinting, ATP hydrolysis, ATP binding, and MLH1-PMS1 interaction assays indicated that the msh2-S656P mutation caused defects in ATP-dependent dissociation of MSH2-MSH6 from mismatch DNA and in interactions between MSH2-MSH6 and MLH1-PMS1. In contrast, the msh2-R730W mutation disrupted MSH2-MSH6 ATPase activity but did not strongly affect ATP binding or interactions with MLH1-PMS1. These results support a model in which MMR can be dissected into discrete steps: stable mismatch binding and sensing, MLH1-PMS1 recruitment, and recycling of MMR components.  相似文献   

The evolutionary conserved mismatch repair proteins correct a wide range of DNA replication errors. Their importance as guardians of genetic integrity is reflected by the tremendous decrease of replication fidelity (two to three orders of magnitude) conferred by their loss. Germline mutations in mismatch repair genes, predominantly MSH2 and MLH1, have been found to underlie the Lynch syndrome (also called hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC), a hereditary predisposition for cancer. Lynch syndrome affects predominantly the colon and accounts for 2–5% of all colon cancer cases. During more than 30 years of biochemical, crystallographic and clinical research, deep insight has been achieved in the function of mismatch repair and the diseases that are associated with its loss. We review the biochemistry of mismatch repair and also introduce the clinical, diagnostic and genetic aspects of Lynch syndrome.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the DNA replication factor PCNA is loaded onto primer-template junctions to act as a processivity factor for DNA polymerases. Genetic and biochemical studies suggest that PCNA also functions in early steps in mismatch repair (MMR) to facilitate the repair of misincorporation errors generated during DNA replication. These studies have shown that PCNA interacts directly with several MMR components, including MSH3, MSH6, MLH1, and EXO1. At present, little is known about how these interactions contribute to the mismatch repair mechanism. The interaction between MLH1 and PCNA is of particular interest because MLH1-PMS1 is thought to act as a matchmaker to signal mismatch recognition to downstream repair events; in addition, PCNA has been hypothesized to act in strand discrimination steps in MMR. Here, we utilized both genetic and surface plasmon resonance techniques to characterize the MLH1-PMS1-PCNA interaction. These analyses enabled us to determine the stability of the complex (K(D) = 300 nM) and to identify residues (572-579) in MLH1 and PCNA (126,128) that appear important to maintain this stability. We favor a model in which PCNA acts as a scaffold for consecutive protein-protein interactions that allow for the coordination of MMR steps.  相似文献   

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