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M proteins of group A streptococci.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文

M proteins of group A streptococci   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  

The gene for the trypsin-resistant surface T6 protein of Streptococcus pyogenes D471 (M type 6) was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The complete nucleotide sequence of the gene (tee6) and its flanking regions was determined and found to include only one major open reading frame coding for a protein of 537 amino acids (Mr, 57,675). The N terminus of the deduced protein sequence exhibits features of a typical signal sequence, and the C-terminal segment was found to have a high degree of homology with the membrane anchor region of other gram-positive surface proteins, such as streptococcal M protein, wapA protein from Streptococcus mutans and staphylococcal protein A. A hexapeptide having the consensus sequence LPSTGE and located immediately upstream of the C-terminal hydrophobic segment showed the highest degree of conservation at both the protein and DNA levels, with nearly all reported surface proteins from gram-positive cocci. The amino acid composition of the T6 protein revealed 21% serine and threonine residues distributed nearly regularly throughout the molecule, and analysis of the secondary structure predicted a conformation composed of greater than 70% beta-sheet potential interrupted by beta-turns or random coils. Localization experiments in E. coli show very little T6 protein in the periplasmic space. When found here, however, this T6 protein had a molecular mass of 55 kilodaltons, similar to that extracted from the streptococci by nonionic detergent. Most of the T6 protein was found localized in the membrane fraction, where it was composed of a triple band of 60, 58, and 57 kilodaltons. The coexistence of streptococcal surface proteins which are either resistant (T protein) or sensitive (M protein) to proteolytic enzymes may offer a new dimension to the modulation of these antigens under specific biological conditions.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) generated by immunization of mice with membranes of Streptococcus pyogenes Manfredo (M type 5) were tested for their reactivity with sodium dodecyl sulfate extracts of Streptococcus mutans GS5, Streptococcus rattus BHT (formerly S. mutans, serotype b), and S. mutans Ingbritt 175 in the Western blot. The reaction of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-extracted proteins of whole S. mutans, serotype b), and S. rattus with the mAb revealed that the shared cross-reactive antigens were near m.w. 62,000 to 67,000. Several higher m.w. proteins in S. mutans Ingbritt 175 reacted with the mAb but were not observed in the other two strains of streptococci. Cytoplasmic membranes of S. rattus BHT reacted with these mAb in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blot. The most reactive BHT membrane component detected by these mAb was a 62-kDa polypeptide that was similar in m.w. to the membrane component recognized by these antibodies in purified S. pyogenes membranes. The reactivity of the mAb with BHT membranes in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was absorbed by rabbit skeletal muscle myosin. The patterns of reactivity observed in the BHT membrane immunoblots in this study closely resemble those previously obtained using polyclonal rabbit anti-human heart sera.  相似文献   

An opsonophagocytic assay has been developed which requires human polymorphonuclear leukocytes, immune serum, and complement for optimal killing of Group B streptococci. Only with all three of these components was killing of greater than 1.0 log10 of the initial inoculum achieved, using rabbit antisera directed to homologous strains of each of the five known serotypes of Group B streptococci. Titers of specific antisera which opsonized the strains and resulted in greater than 1 log 10 reduction of colony-forming units, ranged from 1:100 (serotype Ib) to 1:3200 (serotype Ia). Cross-reactions between serotype-specific sera and heterologous strains were seen in certain instances. Type Ic strain and serotype Ic antiserum demonstrated cross-reactions with types Ia and Ib which were explainable by known shared antigens among these types. The only other cross-reaction which resulted in greater than 1 log 10 reduction in colony-forming units was when unabsorbed antiserum to strain Ia was used to opsonize a strain of serotype III. Opsonization of 10 serotype III strains was demonstrated with a single type III antiserum. Killing of nine of these strains required polymorphonuclear leukocytes, complement, and antiserum, but one strain, D136C, the reference strain, could be killed (greater than 1 log 10 reduction in colony-forming units) without either complement or specific antiserum. Inhibition studies were performed utilizing large m.w. polysaccharide antigens extracted from each serotype. These antigens inhibited opsonization of homologous strains by homologous antisera with 50% inhibition points ranging between 0.5 and 4 mug.  相似文献   

Group A streptococci have traditionally been categorized into two broad groups based on the presence or absence of serum opacity factor (OF). Recent studies show that these two groups vary in a number of properties in addition to the OF phenotype, including sequence variations in the constant region of the antiphagocytic M protein genes, the presence or absence of immunoglobulin G Fc receptor proteins, and the presence or absence of multiple M protein-like genes situated in a tandem array. The M protein genes (emm) in OF- streptococcal strains are known to be part of a regulon of virulence-related genes controlled by the trans-acting positive regulatory gene, virR, situated just upstream of emm. In OF+ strains, however, the region adjacent to virR is occupied by an M protein-related, type IIa immunoglobulin G Fc receptor gene (fcrA), and the relative position of emm has not been determined. To further define the vir regulon in OF+ streptococci, we used the polymerase chain reaction to show that fcrA49 is situated immediately upstream of emm49 in the OF+ type 49 strain CS101. This result shows for the first time the separate identity and genetic linkage of these two genes in the vir regulon of an OF+ group A streptococcal strain and confirms our previous hypothesis that emm49 exists as the central gene in a trio of emm-like genes. Additionally, using DNA hybridizations, we found considerable sequence divergence between OF- and OF+ group A streptococci in virR and in the noncoding sequences between virR and the emm or fcrA expression site. We found, however, a high degree of sequence conservation in this region within each of the two groups of strains.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies (mAb) recognizing the CD3 (T3) surface complex each induced B cell differentiation (as measured by PFC generation) in cultures containing T + non-T cells. Irradiation of the T cells before culture usually augmented the PFC response. An IgG2a mAb (454) induced PFC in all donors tested, whereas two IgG1 mAb (147 and 446) induced PFC in only 80% of the donors tested. This heterogeneity in PFC response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb strictly paralleled the heterogeneity in proliferative response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb and was governed by cells within the non-T population. In IgG1 anti-CD3 high responders (HR), all anti-CD3 mAb tested induced Tac expression. In IgG1 anti-CD3 low responders (LR), mAb 454 induced Tac expression, but mAb 147 did not. However, when the cultures were supplemented with exogenous interleukin 2, Tac expression and PFC generation in response to mAb 147 was similar to the response to mAb 454 in both HR and LR. The addition of anti-Tac to the cultures partially inhibited anti-CD3-induced PFC generation. These studies indicate that anti-CD3 mAb can lead to B cell differentiation under appropriate experimental conditions and may be valuable in studying polyclonal T cell-dependent B cell differentiation in normal and disease states.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen is known to bind to group A streptococci and precipitate with extracts containing streptococcal M protein. We have previously shown that the binding of fibrinogen to M-positive streptococci prevents opsonization by complement and protects that organism from phagocytosis in nonimmune blood. In the present study, we used 3H-labeled fibrinogen, a highly purified peptide fragment of type 24 M protein (pep M24), and anti-pep M sera to show that fibrinogen binds to M-positive streptococci with high affinity (dissociation constants, 1 to 5 nM); occupation of the high-affinity binding sites suffices to protect the organism from phagocytosis; proteolytic treatments that remove M protein from streptococcal cells abolish binding; binding is competitively inhibited by anti-pep M sera; pep M24 precipitates fibrinogen; and binding to type 24 cells is inhibited by pep M24. We conclude that M protein is the cell surface structure principally responsible for binding fibrinogen on the surface of M-positive streptococci and that this binding contributes to the known antiopsonic property of M proteins.  相似文献   

In order to identify T cell epitopes recognized by human in the Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite protein, 28 overlapping synthetic peptides spanning the entire circumsporozoite protein were tested for their ability to stimulate proliferation of PBMC from 22 adults living in a malaria-endemic area of the Colombian Pacific Coast and from four individuals who never had a history of malaria infection. In addition, BALB/c mice were immunized with pools of peptides, and their lymph node cells were stimulated in vitro with individual peptides. Four epitopes were recognized by human lymphocytes but not all of them by mice. One of the epitopes was located inside the central repetitive B cell immunodominant domain. Several of the variants of the repeats were recognized by about one-third of the studied individuals. Another T cell epitope was located in the amino terminus and the other two in the carboxyl region. Peptides were recognized by both immune and nonimmune donors. Some of them were frequently recognized suggesting a lack of genetic restriction, whereas some others were recognized by only a few individuals but induced strong proliferation. These epitopes may be of potential value for a malaria subunit vaccine.  相似文献   

The acquisition of group B streptococci by babies in a special-care baby unit and two postnatal wards was investigated over a six-month period using serology and phage typing. Sixty-three culture-positive babies were identified in the postnatal wards, one-third of whom had been born to mothers who were not carrying the organism in the genital tract or anorectal area during labour. A non-maternal source was identified for 14 of these 21 infants: either colonised mothers and babies in the same ward or, on one occasion, a member of the hospital staff. In the special-care baby unit, however, only one instance of nosocomial acquisition of group B streptococci was recorded despite a high prevalence of colonisation in the staff on the unit and the presence of heavily colonised babies. The results of this survey suggest that although sepsis caused by group B streptococci may be the result of nosocomial transmission, this may be prevented by careful attention to hygiene.  相似文献   

Antibody responses to the 18-kDa protein of Mycobacterium leprae have been analyzed in different strains of mice. High, intermediate, and low responder strains have been identified and these response patterns show clear linkage to genes encoded in the H-2 complex. Three peptides, residues 1-50, 51-100, and 101-148 have been synthesized, as well as a series of 20-mer peptides, which span the entire 18-kDa protein. Repeated immunization of different strains of mice with the 18-kDa protein resulted in IgG responses to epitopes found on all three synthetic peptides. Immunization of BALB/cJ and B10.BR mice, two high responder strains, with 18-kDa protein resulted in high levels of IgG antibody to epitopes found on peptides 1-20, 16-35, 31-50, 46-65, and 76-95. B10.BR mice also contained IgG that bound peptide 61-80 and BALB/cJ mice produced IgG that bound peptide 91-110. Although B10.BR mice produced IgG that bound the 50-mer peptide 101-148, this IgG was not detected by binding to peptides 91-110, 106-125, 121-140, and 131-148. Immunization of B10.BR mice with individual overlapping 20-mer peptides as Ag revealed that peptides 1-20, 16-35, 31-50, and 76-95 elicited high titers of IgG that bound both the immunizing peptide as well as 18-kDa protein. As these peptides induce antibody synthesis they must contain both B cell and T cell epitopes. By contrast, immunization of BALB/cJ mice with the same 20-mer peptides, all of which contain B cell epitopes for this strain, failed to elicit IgG responses with one exception. Peptide 91-110 induced IgG that bound peptide 91-110, but not the intact 18-kDa protein. We conclude that peptides 1-20, 16-35, 31-50, and 76-95 either lack T cell epitopes for BALB/cJ mice, or activate different T cell subpopulations in the two strains. We suggest that the induction of IgG responses to small peptide Ag is an in vivo assay of the activity of Th2 cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

The initiation of autoimmune B cell and T cell responses by self Ag or by foreign pathogens (molecular mimics) is not well understood. In the present study, cytochrome c (cyt c) was used as a model autoantigen to investigate how self-proteins are involved in the priming of autoimmune T cell responses. Immunization with foreign cyt c has been extensively analyzed in previous studies as a model for both humoral and cellular immune responses. Mice do not, however, make antibody or T cell responses to immunization with self (mouse) cyt c. In addition, T cell tolerance can be broken by autoreactive B cells that are readily elicited by immunization with cross-reactive foreign cyt c. These immune B cells presumably bind self cyt c and process and present the self Ag to stimulate an autoreactive T cell response. Autoreactive T cell clones derived by this mechanism are all specific for determinants within amino acids 1-80 of the cyt c protein presented by I-Ek. No T cell responses were observed to the carboxyl terminal 81-104 fragment that dominates the response to foreign cyt c. All clones derived in this study are stimulated by a polypeptide encompassing amino acids 54-68 and utilized the V beta 8.2 TCR gene. In contrast, T cells stimulated by foreign cyt c did indeed respond to fragment 81-104 and appear to utilize alternate TCR genes. Our data demonstrate that B cells specific for linear determinants distributed along the entire length of the foreign cyt c molecule can provide the stimulus required for breaking T cell tolerance to self cyt c. The applications of this work to understanding the mechanisms of autoimmune disease are discussed.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (MenB) is a leading cause of sepsis and meningitis in children. No vaccine is available for the prevention of these infections because the group B capsular polysaccharide (CP) (MenB CP) is unable to stimulate an immune response, due to its similarity with human polysialic acid. Because the MenB CP bears both human cross-reactive and non-cross-reactive determinants, we developed immunogenic peptide mimics of the latter epitopes. Peptides were selected from phage display libraries for their ability to bind to a protective anti-MenB CP mAb. One of these peptides (designated 9M) induced marked elevations in serum bactericidal activity, but not polysialic acid cross-reacting Abs, after gene priming followed by carrier-conjugate boosting. Moreover, the occurrence of bacteremia was prevented in infant rats by administration of immune sera before MenB challenge. 9M is a promising lead candidate for the development of an effective and affordable anti-MenB vaccine.  相似文献   

We have examined the exposure and conservation of antigenic epitopes on the surface envelope glycoproteins (gp120 and gp41) of 26 intact, native, primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) group M virions of clades A to H. For this, 47 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) derived from HIV-1-infected patients were used which were directed at epitopes of gp120 (specifically V2, C2, V3, the CD4-binding domain [CD4bd], and C5) and epitopes of gp41 (clusters I and II). Of the five regions within gp120 examined, MAbs bound best to epitopes in the V3 and C5 regions. Only moderate to weak binding was observed by most MAbs to epitopes in the V2, C2, and CD4bd regions. Two anti-gp41 cluster I MAbs targeted to a region near the tip of the hydrophilic immunodominant domain bound strongly to >90% of isolates tested. On the other hand, binding of anti-gp41 cluster II MAbs was poor to moderate at best. Binding was dependent on conformational as well as linear structures on the envelope proteins of the virions. Further studies of neutralization demonstrated that MAbs that bound to virions did not always neutralize but all MAbs that neutralized bound to the homologous virus. This study demonstrates that epitopes in the V3 and C5 regions of gp120 and in the cluster I region of gp41 are well exposed on the surface of intact, native, primary HIV-1 isolates and that cross-reactive epitopes in these regions are shared by many viruses from clades A to H. However, only a limited number of MAbs to these epitopes on the surface of HIV-1 isolates can neutralize primary isolates.  相似文献   

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