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Tumor metastasis is not only a sign of disease severity but also a major factor causing treatment failure and cancer-related death. Therefore, studies on the molecular mechanisms of tumor metastasis are critical for the development of treatments and for the improvement of survival. The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an orderly, polygenic biological process that plays an important role in tumor cell invasion, metastasis and chemoresistance. The complex, multi-step process of EMT involves multiple regulatory mechanisms. Specifically, the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway can affect the EMT in a variety of ways to influence tumor aggressiveness. A better understanding of the regulatory mechanisms related to the EMT can provide a theoretical basis for the early prediction of tumor progression as well as targeted therapy.  相似文献   

Recent studies have identified a family of DNA-binding proteins that share a common DNA-binding and dimerization domain with the potential to form a helix-loop-helix (HLH) structure. Various HLH proteins can form heterodimers that bind to a common DNA sequence, termed the E2-box. We demonstrate here that E2-box-binding B-cell- and myocyte-specific nuclear factors contain subunits which are identical or closely related to ubiquitously expressed (E12/E47) HLH proteins. These biochemical function for E12/E47-like molecules in mammalian differentiation, similar to the genetically defined function of daughterless in Drosophila development.  相似文献   

Epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation (EMT) is a critical morphogenic event that occurs during embryonic development and during the progression of various epithelial tumors. EMT can be induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta in mouse NMuMG mammary epithelial cells. Here, we demonstrate a central role of helix-loop-helix factors, E2A and inhibitor of differentiation (Id) proteins, in TGF-beta-induced EMT. Epithelial cells ectopically expressing E2A adopt a fibroblastic phenotype and acquire migratory/invasive properties, concomitant with the suppression of E-cadherin expression. Id proteins interacted with E2A proteins and antagonized E2A-dependent suppression of the E-cadherin promoter. Levels of Id proteins were dramatically decreased by TGF-beta. Moreover, NMuMG cells overexpressed Id2 showed partial resistance to TGF-beta-induced EMT. Id proteins thus inhibit the action of E2A proteins on the expression of E-cadherin, but after TGF-beta stimulation, E2A proteins are present in molar excess of the Id proteins, thus over-riding their inhibitory function and leading to EMT.  相似文献   

Cell-cell contacts play a vital role in intracellular signaling, although the molecular mechanisms of these signaling pathways are not fully understood. E-cadherin, an important mediator of cell-cell adhesions, has been shown to be cleaved by gamma-secretase. This cleavage releases a fragment of E-cadherin, E-cadherin C-terminal fragment 2 (E-cad/CTF2), into the cytosol. Here, we study the fate and function of this fragment. First, we show that coexpression of the cadherin-binding protein, p120 catenin (p120), enhances the nuclear translocation of E-cad/CTF2. By knocking down p120 with short interfering RNA, we also demonstrate that p120 is necessary for the nuclear localization of E-cad/CTF2. Furthermore, p120 enhances and is required for the specific binding of E-cad/CTF2 to DNA. Finally, we show that E-cad/CTF2 can regulate the p120-Kaiso-mediated signaling pathway in the nucleus. These data indicate a novel role for cleaved E-cadherin in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Paraoxonase-1 (PON1), an enzyme that metabolizes organophosphate insecticides, is secreted by the liver and transported in the blood complexed to HDL. In humans and mice, low plasma levels of PON1 have also been linked to the development of atherosclerosis. We previously reported that hepatic Pon1 expression was decreased when C57BL/6J mice were fed a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet supplemented with cholic acid (CA). In the current study, we used wild-type and farnesoid X receptor (FXR) null mice to demonstrate that this repression is dependent upon CA and FXR. PON1 mRNA levels were also repressed when HepG2 cells, derived from a human hepatoma, were incubated with natural or highly specific synthetic FXR agonists. In contrast, fibroblast growth factor-19 (FGF-19) mRNA levels were greatly induced by these same FXR agonists. Furthermore, treatment of HepG2 cells with recombinant human FGF-19 significantly decreased PON1 mRNA levels. Finally, deletion studies revealed that the proximal -230 to -96 bp region of the PON1 promoter contains regulatory element(s) necessary for promoter activity and bile acid repression. These data demonstrate that human PON1 expression is repressed by bile acids through the actions of FXR and FGF-19.  相似文献   

In response to DNA damage, E2F-1 is induced and phosphorylated. Phosphorylated E2F-1 can reside in discrete nuclear structures and induce apoptosis, suggesting a unique role for E2F-1 in DNA repair and checkpoint functions.  相似文献   

A new regulatory region (-108 to -86), named CE, containing potential CRE- and Ets-binding sites has been identified in the murine E-cadherin promoter. The Ets-binding site (at -97 position) negatively modulates the activity of the E-cadherin promoter in expressing keratinocyte cell lines and was responsible for the specific retarded complexes obtained with the CE region. Analysis of the methylation status of the endogenous E-cadherin promoter indicated that silencing of E-cadherin expression in malignant keratinocytes cannot be explained by hypermethylation mechanisms. Furthermore, treatment with 5'-aza-2'-deoxycytidine was unable to induce the expression of E-cadherin in deficient keratinocytes. However, in vivo footprinting analysis of the endogenous E-cadherin promoter showed a very distinct pattern in expressing and nonexpressing keratinocytes. Extensive interactions in the previously postulated proximal regulatory elements and in the CE region were detected in expressing cells, while only some nucleotides of the E-pal element and of the CE region were protected in nonexpressing keratinocytes. These results indicate a complex regulation of the mouse E-cadherin promoter and support a model where the combination of positive (CCAAT-box and GC-rich region) and negative (E-pal element and CE region) cis-acting elements contribute to the final level of E-cadherin gene expression. In addition, our results show that downregulation of E-cadherin expression in transformed epidermal keratinocytes is mainly exerted through the interaction of repressor factor(s) with the E-pal element and to the lack of interaction of positive acting factors with the proximal regions.  相似文献   

A novel role for p120 catenin in E-cadherin function   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Indirect evidence suggests that p120-catenin (p120) can both positively and negatively affect cadherin adhesiveness. Here we show that the p120 gene is mutated in SW48 cells, and that the cadherin adhesion system is impaired as a direct consequence of p120 insufficiency. Restoring normal levels of p120 caused a striking reversion from poorly differentiated to cobblestone-like epithelial morphology, indicating a crucial role for p120 in reactivation of E-cadherin function. The rescue efficiency was enhanced by increased levels of p120, and reduced by the presence of the phosphorylation domain, a region previously postulated to confer negative regulation. Surprisingly, the rescue was associated with substantially increased levels of E-cadherin. E-cadherin mRNA levels were unaffected by p120 expression, but E-cadherin half-life was more than doubled. Direct p120-E-cadherin interaction was crucial, as p120 deletion analysis revealed a perfect correlation between E-cadherin binding and rescue of epithelial morphology. Interestingly, the epithelial morphology could also be rescued by forced expression of either WT E-cadherin or a p120-uncoupled mutant. Thus, the effects of uncoupling p120 from E-cadherin can be at least partially overcome by artificially maintaining high levels of cadherin expression. These data reveal a cooperative interaction between p120 and E-cadherin and a novel role for p120 that is likely indispensable in normal cells.  相似文献   

In this study we show that mouse primordial germ cells and fetal germ cells at certain stages of differentiation express E-cadherin and alpha and beta catenins. Moreover, we demonstrate that the formation of germ cell aggregates that rapidly occurs when monodispersed germ cell populations are released from embryonic gonads in culture is E-cadherin mediated, developmentally regulated, and dependent on the sex of the germ cells. Immunoblotting analyses indicate that the lower ability to form aggregates of primordial germ cells in comparison to fetal germ cells is not due to gross changes in E-cadherin expression, altered association with beta catenin, or changes in beta catenin phosphorylation. Investigating possible functions of E-cadherin-mediated adhesion in primordial germ cell development, we found that E-cadherin-mediated adhesion may stimulate the motility of primordial germ cells. Moreover, treatment of primordial germ cells cultured on STO cell monolayers with an anti-E-cadherin antibody caused a significant decrease in their number and markedly reduced their ability to form colonies in vitro. The same in vitro treatment of explanted undifferentiated gonadal ridges cultured for 4 days results in decreased numbers and altered localization of the germ cell inside the gonads. Taken together these results suggest that E-cadherin plays an important role in primordial germ cell migration and homing and may act as a modulator of primordial germ cell development.  相似文献   

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