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刘丽萍 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(2):115-128,T001
描述了广西百色及永乐盆地发现的中始新世最晚期-晚始新世的猪类化石,这批已知最早的猪超科化石,大大丰富了亚洲地区的早期猪类,对了解全球猪类的早期演化有着重要价值。广西的材料被确定为两个新属新种:萨氏始新猪Eocenchoerus savagei和广西华夏猪Huaxiachoerus guangxiensis,一个新种:粗壮暹罗猪Siamochoerus viriosus和一个未定属种:Tayassuidae gen.et sp.indet.加上已发表的单尖旅游Odiochoerus uniconus。百色,永乐盆地共计发现了5种始新世猪粉化石。新属Eocenchoerus虽然臼齿结构简单,与原始的古猪类(Palaeochoerid)接近,但因其M3具有一个明显的跟座而被归人猪科,早期猪科动物非常原始的臼齿形式证明,猪科动物 起源并不晚于古猪科(Palaeochoeridae)和西瑞科(Tayassuidae)。旧大陆的古猪类长期以来被认为与新大陆的西瑞类(tayassuid)更为接近,多数学者钭其归入西瑞科。笔者认为两者共有的近祖特征,并不能支持它们更摈 亲缘关系,而且古猪类缺乏典型西瑞类的近裔特征。因而支持将Palaeochoerinae亚科作为一个独立的Palaeochoeridae科,并将发现的两个新属种Huaxiachoerus guangxiensis和Siamochoerus viriosus归入该科,西瑞类材料的发现,再次肯定了东南亚地区确实存在与新大陆典型西湍类如Perchoerus,相似的古老猪类,另外新属Huaxiachoerus在臼齿结构上也显得比其他古猪类更接近新大陆的Cynorca,如果Perchoerus和Cynorca确属新大陆西湍类两个演化支系的祖选类型,那么新大陆的猪类动物很可能源于旧大陆,鉴于百色,永乐盆地的猪类已发生了较大分异,猪类动物的分化似应不晚于中始新世。  相似文献   

为鉴定广西百色、永乐两盆地新采集的始新世反刍类,重新研究了中科院古脊椎动物 与古人类研究所以往发现于该地的全部有关标本,将原订的右江印度鼷鹿(Indomeryx youjiangensis)并入百色南方鼷鹿(Notomeryx besensis Qiu, 1978),记述了大南方鼷鹿(新种) (Notomeryx major sp. nov.)和戈壁原驰鹿(未订种)(Gobiomeryx sp.),将印度鼷鹿属 (Indomeryx)、南方鼷鹿属(Notomeryx)、戈壁原驰鹿属(Gobiomeryx)和原驰鹿属 (Prodremotherium)从Gelocidae科中分出并归为一个新科:原驰鹿科(新科) (Prodremotheridas Fam.nov.)。  相似文献   

为鉴定广西百色,永乐两盆地新采集的始新世反刍类,重新研究了中科院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所以往发现于该地的全部有关标本,将原订的右江印度鼷鹿(Indomeryxyoujjangensis)并入百色南方鼷鹿(NotomeryxbesensisQiu,1978),记述屯大南方鼷鹿(新种)(Notomeryxmajorsp.nov.)和戈原驰鹿(未订种)(Gobiomeryxsp.)将印度鼷鹿属(Indo  相似文献   

记广西Anthracokeryx属新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1973年和1974年冬,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所和广西石油普查勘探队、广西博物馆组成的调查队在广西百色、永乐盆地考察期间,发现了大量的石炭兽类化石。本文仅描述Anthracokeryx和Anthracothema属,它们是石炭兽类比较原始的两个属,其种类乃是晚始新世地层中的典型分子。一般古生物工作者认为,它们共同起源于Cha-eropotamidae科中的某一属,并分别是渐新世和后期一些较进步属的祖先。广西百色盆地这两类石炭兽化石早有零星发现,1956年,周明镇记述过田东竹林屯(却(四林))等地的化石,  相似文献   

广西百色盆地那读组孢粉组合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1973年至1974年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所广西队在百色盆地进行新生代古生物地层调查时,找到不少新的脊椎动物化石。为了配合脊椎动物化石研究,探讨当时古气候和古植被,在田东那楼附近,采集了部分层位的孢粉样品。经分析后,仅在那读组获得丰富的孢粉化石。现将这部分孢粉研究结果作一简单报道,供有关同志参考。百色盆地下第三系,根据我所和广西石油队的研究可划分为:早、中始新世六吜组,晚始新世早期洞均组,晚始新世晚期那读组和早渐新世公康组。关于孢粉命名,文中基本上采用自然分类,一般鉴定到属,并适当地采用器官属、形态属。工作过程中,  相似文献   

记述山西垣曲盆地河堤组任村至寨组里段轮藻化石,计11属,14种,2未定种,建立了一个地区性轮藻化石组合:Raskyellasinensis-Linyiecharadecorosa-Stephanocharaglobula组合,该组合位于中国早第三纪轮藻植物群序列中Obtusocharajianglingensis-Gyrogonaqianjiangica植物群的上部,轮藻植物群反映的地质时代始新世  相似文献   

本文记述了采自山东平邑盆地卞桥组中段的介形类化石15属21种,其中1新属,10新种,并依据Sinodarwinula属建立Sinodarwinulidae新科。根据化石的分析对比,确认含化石地层的时代为始新世早期。介形类化石组合中发现Cypridea(Cypridea)pingyiensisGuansp.nov.,这是已知该属在我国出现的最高层位,为研究Cypridea的演化提供了重要的材料。  相似文献   

世界猪的种类、分布和现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张劲硕 《动物学杂志》2007,42(1):7-7,19
猪年伊始,让我们了解一下猪家族。Pavlinov(2003)将世界猪类归入偶蹄目(Artiodactyla)、猪形亚目(Suiformes),包括猪科(Suidae)和西貒科(Tayassuidae)2个现代科及15个化石科。依Wilson和Reeder(2005),猪科包括5属19种,西貒科包括3属3种,共计8属22种,其中不乏一些受到威胁的濒危  相似文献   

本文记述的踝节类新材料是广西石油勘探普查大队和我所于1973和1974年在广西百色、永乐两盆地进行第三纪古生物地层调查时,相继采自巴(艹卜)、塘烧、花茶和东红等四个地点。这些材料经研究分别属于伪齿兽科和中兽科的四个种,其中包括两个新属。中兽科过去在北美发现的材料较多,欧亚记载甚少;近年来,我国在古新世-渐新世不同层位中有不少新的发现,其分布地区之广(至少有8省区)以及种类之多不亚于北美。所以中兽科是区分早第三纪地层和进行对比的一种相当重要的化石类群。至于与奇蹄类起源上可能密切有关的伪齿兽科,以往较多见于北美和欧洲的古新世一中始新世地层,而我国只在古新统中可能有发现。因此广西始新世伪齿兽科化石的发现不仅扩大了它的地理分布,并有助于了解它在亚洲的发展及其系统关系。  相似文献   

记述了云南广南盆地古近纪砚山组紧齿犀科(Eggysodontidae)一新属种:杨氏广南犀Guangnanodon youngi gen.et sp.nov.,标本为一破损的带p3-m3的左下颌骨。新属种的特征为下前臼齿的臼齿化程度低,p3-p4的下内脊弱,向内收缩呈尖叶状,p4和m2的下次脊略偏向内侧倾斜,m3的下跟座与m2的相近,接近V形,p4-m3外齿带在下原尖和下次尖基部消失。这些特征表明广南犀明显比晚始新世的Proeggysodon进步,而比渐新世的其他紧齿犀类原始,其时代很可能为晚始新世最晚期。新标本的发现结合以前报道过的哺乳动物化石材料表明,广南盆地砚山组包含了中始新世晚期至晚始新世晚期的沉积。  相似文献   

本文记述了广西田阳三雷林场附近发现的一块西猯类下颌 (GXM. F0844), 订名为单尖旅猪 (Odoichoerus uniconus gen. et sp. nov.) 文中列举了旧大陆西猯类各属与新大陆西猯类之间差异,并认为原始猪类在牙齿形态上与旧大陆西猯类更加接近,或许猪类和新大陆西猯类是从旧大陆西猯类中派生出的两支.  相似文献   

Tayassuidae is a family of pig-like Artiodactyla restricted to the New World. Despite its rich fossil history, they have received less attention from a taxonomic and phylogenetic perspective when compared to the Old World pigs, Suidae. In this study, we performed a computer assisted phylogenetic analysis using morphological and molecular data including fossil and extant Tayassuidae, using parsimony and Bayesian approaches. We recovered the monophyly of the family Tayassuidae, confirming previous proposals, as well as the monophyly of the subfamilies Hesperhyinae and Tayassuinae, and the genus Platygonus, which we placed in a new taxon of tribe level. The three living peccaries and a number of fossil species belong to a new, tribe level, monophyletic group. The genus Catagonus comes out as paraphyletic, leading us to propose to restrict the generic name to the type species, C. metropolitanus, and a new taxonomic arrangement for the remaining species previously included in it, revalidating the genera Brasiliochoerus and Parachoerus, and describing a new genus, Protherohyus, gen. nov.  相似文献   

Orliac, M. J., Antoine, P. ‐O., Ducrocq, S. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships of the Suidae (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla): new insights on the relationships within Suoidea. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 315–330. In most analyses, both molecular and morphological phylogenies of the Cetartiodactyla support the monophyly of Suoidea. However, the evolutionary history of this superfamily remains poorly known primarily due to long‐lasting debates about the taxonomic content and relationships of the suoid families and subfamilies. Despite their crucial position in the reconstruction of the phylogeny of Cetartiodactyla, Suoidea themselves have received little attention in those phylogenies, and no extensive analysis of the group has been performed so far. We therefore examine the phylogeny of the Suidae through the first phylogenetic analysis of Suoidea, including recent and fossil representatives of all four putative families. The results support the monophyly of the traditional suid subfamilies and indicate the Sanitheriidae as sister taxon to the Suidae clade. The evolutionary history within Suidae reveals its complexity, with major convergences involving important morphological structures such as the auditory region or the upper male canine. Divergent signals gathered from either dental or cranio‐mandibular features are responsible for two long‐lasting unresolved issues within Suoidea: the question of the relationships between ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ peccaries remaining unsolved, as well as the position and familial status of the mid‐Tertiary tayassuid Perchoerus.  相似文献   

Sanitheres are enigmatic small suoids with bunoselenodont cheek teeth and a tendency for complication of the premolars by polycuspy and polycristy. Until a few years ago virtually nothing was known about their anterior dentition, but recent discoveries in Greece, Kenya and Namibia have thrown light on their incisor and canine morphology, and reveals among other things that the canines are highly sexually dimorphic, and the dm/1 is replaced by a p/1. Material from Kipsaraman, Kenya, collected between 1997 and 2003, consists of parts of mandibles and many isolated teeth, including elements of the deciduous dentition, a significant proportion of which are unworn. These new finds confirm the aberrant nature of the sanithere dentition within a suoid framework, and support their classification as a family separate from Suidae and Palaeochoeridae (= Old World Tayassuidae).


Les sanithères sont de petits Suoïdes aux dents jugales bunosélénodontes avec des prémolaires qui présentent une tendance à la multiplication des cuspides et des crêtes (“polycuspidie” et la “polycristie”). Jusqu’à récemment, on ne connaissait rien sur la morphologie de leur dentition antérieure, mais des découvertes récentes réalisées en Grèce, au Kenya et en Namibie, lèvent le voile sur la morphologie de leurs incisives et de leur canine. Ainsi, il apparaît que les canines sont très dimorphes et que la dm/1 inférieure est remplacée par une p/1. Le matériel de Kipsaraman au Kenya, récolté entre 1997 et 2003, consiste en des fragments de mandibules et de nombreuses dents isolées, dont des dents déciduales, qui pour la plus grande part ne sont pas usées. Ces nouveaux fossiles confirment la nature aberrante de la dentition des sanithères au sein des Suoidea, et supporte leur classification dans une famille distincte des Suidae, et des Palaeochoeridae (= Tayassuidae de l’Ancien Monde).  相似文献   

The mammalian family Tayassuidae (peccaries) is confined to the New World and comprises three recognized extant species, white-lipped (Tayassu pecari), collared (Pecari tajacu) and chacoan (Catagonus wagneri) peccaries, which exhibit distinct morphological and chromosomal features. The phylogenetic relationships among the tayassuids are unclear and have instigated debate over the palaeontological, cytogenetic and molecular aspects. Constitutive heterochromatin analysis can be used in understanding the phylogenetic relationships between related species. Here we describe, for the first time, the constitutive heterochromatin (C-positive heterochromatin) of two tayassuid species, Tayassu pecari and Pecari tajacu. We demonstrate that in situ restriction endonuclease digestion with sequential C-banding could be a complementary tool in the study of constitutive heterochromatin heterogeneity in chromosomes of the Tayassuidae. Our characterization of peccary chromosomes suggests that the Pecari tajacu autosomal karyotype is more primitive and has accumulated great diversity in its constitutive heterochromatin. This idea is supported by several other studies that analysed nuclear and mitochondrial sequences of the living peccary species. Finally, the tayassuid X chromosome primitive form seems to be the one of Tayassu pecari.  相似文献   

Twenty-one members of the Laurasian group of Therevinae (Diptera: Therevidae) are compared using 65 adult morphological characters. Cladistic analysis using parsimony on the 17 ingroup and 4 outgroup taxa provides a well-supported hypothesis of relationships among taxa within the Gyclotelini, tribe nov. The Cyclotelini is a monophyletic assemblage of mostly New World genera, including Anolinga , gen. nov. , Breviperna Irwin, Coleiana , gen. nov. , Crebraseta , gen. nov. , Cyclotelus Walker, Mesonana , gen.nov. , and Ozodiceromyia Bigot. In addition, three Old World genera, Ammothereva Lyneborg, Bugulaverpa , gen. nov. , and Procyclotelus Nagatomi & Lyneborg, are included in the tribe. These ten genera are divided into two monophyletic genus-groups, the Brevipema-group and the Cyclotelus-group. Keys are provided for the genera of Cyclotelini. The tribe, the two informal genus-groups, and all genera are diagnosed; five new genera and six new species are proposed. The biogeographical histories of the genera are discussed in terms of their cladistic relationships using methods of cladistic biogeography. Two major vicariant events account for the current distribution of the tribe. The first relates to the Beringian land bridge connecting western North America and eastern Asia. Second, New World cyclotelines were profoundly affected by the Early Eocene breakup of the archipelagic bridge between North and South America, and the distributions support the hypotheses favouring the continental origin of the Greater Antilles.  相似文献   

描述了湖北省丹江口市均县镇一始新世化石点的3种哺乳动物化石,其中包括梳趾鼠类一新属种:林氏汉南鼠(新属、新种)Hannanomys lini gen. et sp. nov.。根据林氏汉南鼠与其他梳趾鼠类性状对比及该地点动物群组合特点推测其时代为早始新世晚期,与产于玉皇顶组中段的王家营大尖地方动物群的时代相当。该化石点是李官桥盆地中汉江南岸早始新世化石地点的首次发现,它的认定对在此地区寻找古新统/始新统界线有重要意义。  相似文献   

禄丰古猿化石地点偶蹄目化石初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
云南,禄丰古猿化石地点经9次发掘,偶蹄目化石与哺乳类其他目一样,不仅材料增多,而且发现了新的属、种。经初步研究,由已记述的12种增加到22个种类,其中一部分是与华北时代相当于保德期的动物群有密切关系的属、种,另一部分是与南亚印、巴次大陆中西瓦立克动物群有亲缘关系的类型,其地质时代为中新世晚期,相当于欧洲陆相地层哺乳动物分期的土洛里。  相似文献   

The fossil remains of two species of Suoidea (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Early/Middle Miocene locality of Sandelzhausen (MN5; Bavaria, Germany) are described. A skull and some isolated teeth and bones reveal hitherto unknown features of Schizoporcus muenzenbergensis, Schizoporcini, Taucanaminae, Palaeochoeridae (Old World peccaries), Suoidea. The phylogeny of the Taucanaminae is discussed and an updated classification of the Palaeochoeridae is presented. The new names Schizoporcus and Schizoporcini replace the junior homonyms Schizochoerus Crusafont and Lavocat (1954) and Schizochoerini Golpe-Posse (1974). Remains of several skulls and mandibles, over 50 associated tooth rows, over 300 isolated teeth, and over 200 bones, constitute one of the largest collections of a Miocene suid known, and are assigned to Hyotherium soemmeringi wylensis, Hyotheriini, Hyotheriinae, Suidae (pigs), Suoidea. Hyotherium is the oldest certain suid genus known and many assumed it to be one of the most primitive. While the postcranial bones of the Suidae and Palaeochoeridae differ in many ways, the bones of Hyotherium are already very similar in morphology to those of living pigs, although they are much more slender, suggesting that the genus was more fleet-footed. Features related to rooting behaviour indicate that Hyotherium was a more efficient rooter than Palaeochoeridae and living Dicotylidae, but not as efficient as living suids. The phylogeny of the Hyotheriinae is discussed. The subfamily is divided into Hyotheriini and Aureliachoerini, new tribe, and an updated classification is presented.  相似文献   

In view of the concern over potential infection hazards in the use of porcine tissues and organs for xenotransplantation to humans, we investigated the diversity of porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV) genomes in the DNA of domestic pigs and related species. In addition to the three known envelope subgroups of infectious gamma retroviruses (PERV-A, -B, and -C), classed together here as PERV group gamma 1, four novel groups of gamma retrovirus (gamma 2 to gamma 5) and four novel groups of beta retrovirus (beta 1 to beta 4) genomes were detected in pig DNA using generic and specific PCR primers. PCR quantification indicated that the retroviral genome copy number in the Landrace x Duroc F(1) hybrid pig ranged from 2 (beta 2 and gamma 5) to approximately 50 (gamma 1). The gamma 1, gamma 2, and beta 4 genomes were transcribed into RNA in adult kidney tissue. Apart from gamma 1, the retroviral genomes are not known to be infectious, and sequencing of a small number of amplified genome fragments revealed stop codons in putative open reading frames in several cases. Analysis of DNA from wild boar and other species of Old World pigs (Suidae) and New World peccaries (Tayassuidae) showed that one retrovirus group, beta 2, was common to all species tested, while the others were present among all Old World species but absent from New World species. The PERV-C subgroup of gamma1 genomes segregated among domestic pigs and were absent from two African species (red river hog and warthog). Thus domestic swine and their phylogenetic relatives harbor multiple groups of hitherto undescribed PERV genomes.  相似文献   

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