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A. Yokota  S. Kitaoka  K. Miura  A. Wadano 《Planta》1985,165(1):59-67
The nonenzymatic reaction of glyoxylate and H2O2 was measured under physiological conditions of the pH and concentrations of reactants. The reaction of glyoxylate and H2O2 was secondorder, with a rate constant of 2.27 l mol-1 s-1 at pH 8.0 and 25° C. The rate constant increased by 4.4 times in the presence of Zn2+ and doubled at 35°C. We propose a mechanism for the reaction between glyoxylate and H2O2. From a comparison of the rates of H2O2 decomposition by catalase and the reaction with glyoxylate, we conclude that H2O2 produced during glycolate oxidation in peroxisomes is decomposed by catalase but not by the reaction with glyoxylate, and that photorespiratory CO2 originates from glycine, but not from glyoxylate, in C3 plants. Simulation using the above rate constant and reported kinetic parameters leads to the same conclusion, and also makes it clear that alanine is a satisfactory amino donor in the conversion of glyoxylate to glycine. Some serine might be decomposed to give glycine and methylene-tetrahydrofolate; the latter is ultimately oxidized to CO2. In the simulation of the glycolate pathway of Euglena, the rate constant was high enough to ensure the decarboxylation of glyoxylate by H2O2 to produce photorespiratory CO2 during the glycolate metabolism of this organism.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - GGT glutamate: glyoxylate aminotransferase (EC - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - SGT serine: glyoxylate aminotransferase (EC This is the ninth in a series on the metabolism of glycolate in Euglena gracilis. The eighth is Yokota et al. (1982)  相似文献   

Special culture conditions for Euglena gracilis Z and ZR are described. They induce interactions between the chloroplast and mitochondrial metabolisms leading to paramylon synthesis. When grown in continuous light under pure nitrogen and in the presence of lactate as the sole carbon source, sugar synthesis occurs during the first 24 h of culture with the participation of both mitochondria (using lactate) and of chloroplasts (fixing CO2 from lactate decarboxylation). The activities of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase are very high and mitochondria and chloroplasts develop then a common network of vesicles in which paramylon grains can be seen. Electron micrographs demonstrate membrane continuity between the two types of organelles. Occasionally the mitochondrial matrix and the chloroplast stroma are separated by only a unit membrane.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - OAA oxaloacetic acid - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - RuBP ribulose bisphosphate - DTT 1,4-dithiothreitol - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone  相似文献   

K.-J. Dietz 《Planta》1986,167(2):260-263
Numerical values which define the relative limitation of photosynthesis by light and CO2 were computed from the slopes of light-and CO2-response curves of photosynthesis. This method offers an easy approach for the characterization of photosynthesis of leaves.  相似文献   

The formation and metabolism of glycolate in the cyanobacterium Coccochloris peniocystis was investigated and the activities of enzymes of glycolate metabolism assayed. Photosynthetic 14CO2 incorporation was O2 insensitive and no labelled glycolate could be detected in cells incubated at 2 and 21% O2. Under conditions of 100% O2 glycolate comprised less than 1% of the acid-stable products indicating ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate (RuBP) oxidation only occurs under conditions of extreme O2 stress. Metabolism of [1-14C] glycolate indicated that as much as 62% of 14C metabolized was released as 14CO2 in the dark. Metabolism of labelled glycolate, particularly incorporation of 14C into glycine, was inhibited by the amino-transferase inhibitor amino-oxyacetate. Metabolism of [2-14C] glycine was not inhibited by the serine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitor isonicotinic acid hydrazide and little or no labelled serine was detected as a result of 14C-glycolate metabolism. These findings indicate that a significant amount of metabolized glycolate is totally oxidized to CO2 via formate. The remainder is converted to glycine or metabolized via a glyoxylate cycle. The conversion of glycine to serine contributes little to glycolate metabolism and the absence of hydroxypyruvate reductase confirms that the glycolate pathway is incomplete in this cyanobacterium.Abbreviations AAN aminoacetonitrile - AOA aminooxyacetate - DIC dissolved inorganic carbon - INH isonicotinic acid hydrazide - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - PEPcase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase - PG phosphoglycolate - PGA phosphoglyceric acid - PGPase phosphoglycolate phosphatase - PR photorespiration - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase - TCA trichloroacetic acid - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

Functional chloroplasts from photoheterotrophic Euglena gracilis can be isolated in isoosmotic gradients of 10–80% Percoll. The chloroplasts display rates of CO2 dependent O2 evolution and CO2 fixation of 30–50 mol mg-1 chlorophyll h-1 or 25–35% of the net O2 evolution by the whole cells and appear to be strikingly different from spinach chloroplasts in several respects: 1. tolerance to high concentration of orthophosphate in the assay medium; 2. inability to support oxaloacetate-dependent O2 evolution; 3. ability to support only low to moderate rates of 3-phosphoglycerate-dependent O2 evolution; 4. an apparent absence of a phosphate translocator in the terms described by Heldt and Rapley ([1970] FEBS Lett. 10, 143–148).University of California, Dept. of Plant and Soil Biology, 108 Hilgard Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA  相似文献   

Chloroplasts with high rates of photosynthetic O2 evolution (up to 120 mol O2· (mg Chl)-1·h-1 compared with 130 mol O2· (mg Chl)-1·h-1 of whole cells) were isolated from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells grown in high and low CO2 concentrations using autolysine-digitonin treatment. At 25° C and pH=7.8, no O2 uptake could be observed in the dark by high- and low-CO2 adapted chloroplasts. Light saturation of photosynthetic net oxygen evolution was reached at 800 mol photons·m-2·s-1 for high- and low-CO2 adapted chloroplasts, a value which was almost identical to that observed for whole cells. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) saturation of photosynthesis was reached between 200–300 M for low-CO2 adapted chloroplasts, whereas high-CO2 adapted chloroplasts were not saturated even at 700 M DIC. The concentrations of DIC required to reach half-saturated rates of net O2 evolution (Km(DIC)) was 31.1 and 156 M DIC for low- and high-CO2 adapted chloroplasts, respectively. These results demonstrate that the CO2 concentration provided during growth influenced the photosynthetic characteristics at the whole cell as well as at the chloroplast level.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DIC dissolved inorganic carbon - Km(DIC) coneentration of dissolved inorganic carbon required for the rate of half maximal net O2 evolution - PFR photon fluence rate - SPGM silicasol-PVP-gradient medium  相似文献   

Photosystem II chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf net gas exchanges (CO2 and H2O) were measured simultaneously on bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) submitted either to different ambient CO2 concentrations or to a drought stress. When leaves are under photorespiratory conditions, a simple fluorescence parameter F/ Fm (B. Genty et al. 1989, Biochem. Biophys. Acta 990, 87–92; F = difference between maximum, Fm, and steady-state fluorescence emissions) allows the calculation of the total rate of photosynthetic electron-transport and the rate of electron transport to O2. These rates are in agreement with the measurements of leaf O2 absorption using 18O2 and the kinetic properties of ribulose-1,5bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The fluorescence parameter, F/Fm, showed that the allocation of photosynthetic electrons to O2 was increased during the desiccation of a leaf. Decreasing leaf net CO2 uptake, either by decreasing the ambient CO2 concentration or by dehydrating a leaf, had the same effect on the partitioning of photosynthetic electrons between CO2 and O2 reduction. It is concluded that the decline of net CO2 uptake of a leaf under drought stress is only due, at least for a mild reversible stress (causing at most a leaf water deficit of 35%), to stomatal closure which leads to a decrease in leaf internal CO2 concentration. Since, during the dehydration of a leaf, the calculated internal CO2 concentration remained constant or even increased we conclude that this calculation is misleading under such conditions.Abbreviations Ca, Ci ambient, leaf internal CO2 concentrations - Fm, Fo, Fs maximum, minimal, steady-state fluorescence emission - Fv variable fluorescence emission - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - qp, qN photochemical, non-photochemical fluorescence quenching - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase  相似文献   

Abutilon theophrasti (C3) and Amaranthus retroflexus (C4), were grown from seed at four partial pressures of CO2: 15 Pa (below Pleistocene minimum), 27 Pa (pre-industrial), 35 Pa (current), and 70 Pa (future) in the Duke Phytotron under high light, high nutrient, and wellwatered conditions to evaluate their photosynthetic response to historic and future levels of CO2. Net photosynthesis at growth CO2 partial pressures increased with increasing CO2 for C3 plants, but not C4 plants. Net photosynthesis of Abutilon at 15 Pa CO2 was 70% less than that of plants grown at 35 Pa CO2, due to greater stomatal and biochemical limitations at 15 Pa CO2. Relative stomatal limitation (RSL) of Abutilon at 15 Pa CO2 was nearly 3 times greater than at 35 Pa CO2. A photosynthesis model was used to estimate ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) activity (Vcmax), electron transport mediated RuBP regeneration capacity (J max), and phosphate regeneration capacity (PiRC) in Abutilon from net photosynthesis versus intercellular CO2 (AC i) curves. All three component processes decreased by approximately 25% in Abutilon grown at 15 Pa compared with 35 Pa CO2. Abutilon grown at 15 Pa CO2 had significant reductions in total rubisco activity (25%), rubisco content (30%), activation state (29%), chlorophyll content (39%), N content (32%), and starch content (68%) compared with plants grown at 35 Pa CO2. Greater allocation to rubisco relative to light reaction components and concomitant decreases in J max and PiRC suggest co-regulation of biochemical processes occurred in Abutilon grown at 15 Pa CO2. There were no significant differences in photosynthesis or leaf properties in Abutilon grown at 27 Pa CO2 compared with 35 Pa CO2, suggesting that the rise in CO2 since the beginning of the industrial age has had little effect on the photosynthetic performance of Abutilon. For Amaranthus, limitations of photosynthesis were balanced between stomatal and biochemical factors such that net photosynthesis was similar in all CO2 treatments. Differences in photosynthetic response to growth over a wide range of CO2 partial pressures suggest changes in the relative performance of C3 and C4 annuals as atmospheric CO2 has fluctuated over geologic time.  相似文献   

In the green marine alga Dunaliella tertiolecta, a CO2-concentrating mechanism is induced when the cells are grown under low-CO2 conditions (0.03% CO2). To identify proteins induced under low-CO2 conditions the cells were labelled with 35SO4 2–, and seven polypeptides with molecular weights of 45, 47, 49, 55, 60, 68 and 100 kDa were detected. The induction of these polypeptides was observed when cells grown in high CO2 (5% CO2 in air) were switched to low CO2, but only while the cultures were growing in light. Immunoblot analysis of total cell protein against pea chloroplastic carbonic anhydrase polyclonal antibodies showed immunoreactive 30-kDa bands in both high- and low-CO2-grown cells and an aditional 49-kDa band exclusively in low-CO2-grown cells. The 30-kDa protein was shown to be located in the chloroplast. Western blot analysis of the plasmamembrane fraction against corn plasma-membrane AT-Pase polyclonal antibodies showed 60-kDa bands in both high- and low-CO2 cell types as well as an immunoreactive 100-kDa band occurring only in low-CO2-grown cells. These results suggest that there are two distinct forms of both carbonic anhydrase and plasma-membrane ATPase, and that one form of each of them can be regulated by the CO2 concentration.Abbreviations CA carbonic anhydrase - DIC dissolved inorganic carbon (CO2+ HCO3 ) - CCM CO2-concentrating mechanism - low CO2 air containing 0.03% CO2 - high CO2 air supplemented with 5% CO2 (v/v) We thank Prof. John Coleman for providing antibodies raised against pea chloroplast CA, Dr. James V. Moroney for providing antibodies raised against the 37-kDa periplasmic carbonic anhydrase of CO2 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Prof. Leonard T. Robert for a gift of corn plasma-membrane 100-kDa ATPase antibodies. We thank Dr. Jeanine Olsen (University of Groningen, the Netherlands) for style comments. This work was supported by the Institute Tecnológico de Canarias (Spain).  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria and some chemoautotrophic bacteria are able to grow in environments with limiting CO2 concentrations by employing a CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) that allows them to accumulate inorganic carbon in their cytoplasm to concentrations several orders of magnitude higher than that on the outside. The final step of this process takes place in polyhedral protein microcompartments known as carboxysomes, which contain the majority of the CO2-fixing enzyme, RubisCO. The efficiency of CO2 fixation by the sequestered RubisCO is enhanced by co-localization with a specialized carbonic anhydrase that catalyzes dehydration of the cytoplasmic bicarbonate and ensures saturation of RubisCO with its substrate, CO2. There are two genetically distinct carboxysome types that differ in their protein composition and in the carbonic anhydrase(s) they employ. Here we review the existing information concerning the genomics, structure and enzymology of these uniquely adapted carbonic anhydrases, which are of fundamental importance in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

When cells of Chlorococcum littorale that had been grown in air (air-grown cells) were transferred to extremely high CO2 concentrations (>20%), active photosynthesis resumed after a lag period which lasted for 1–4 days. In contrast, C. littorale cells which had been grown in 5% CO2 (5% CO2-grown cells) could grow in 40% CO2 without any lag period. When air-grown cells were transferred to 40% CO2, the quantum efficiency of PS II (ΦII) decreased greatly, while no decrease in ΦII was apparent when the 5% CO2-grown cells were transferred to 40% CO2. In contrast to air-grown cells, 5% CO2-grown cells showed neither extracellular nor intracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity. Upon the acclimation of 5% CO2-grown cells to air, photosynthetic susceptibility to 40% CO2 was induced. This change was associated with the induction of CA. In addition, neither suppression of photosynthesis nor arrest of growth was apparent when ethoxyzolamide (EZA), a membrane-permeable inhibitor of CA, had been added before transferring air-grown cells of C. littorale to 40% CO2. The intracellular pH value (pHi) decreased from 7.0 to 6.4 when air-grown C. littorale cells were exposed to 40% CO2 for 1–2 h, but no such decrease in pHi was apparent in the presence of EZA. Both air- and 5% CO2-grown cells of Chlorella sp. UK001, which was also resistant to extremely high CO2 concentrations, grew in 40% CO2 without any lag period. The activity of CA was much lower in air-grown cells of this alga than those in air-grown C. littorale cells. These results prompt us to conclude that intracellular CA caused intracellular acidification and hence inhibition of photosynthetic carbon fixation when air-grown C. littorale cells were exposed to excess concentrations of CO2. No such harmful effect of intracellular CA was observed in Chlorella sp. UK001 cells. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Thomas  S. M.  Long  S. P. 《Planta》1978,142(2):171-174
The metabolism of 14CO2 in the cool temperate saltmarsh grass Spartina townsendii was investigated in plants grown in their natural habitats at two temperatures. Both in the spring at 10°C and in the late summer at 25°C radioactivity was initially incorporated into the organic acids malate and aspartate and then transferred to 3-phosphoglycerate in the manner characteristic of the C4 pathway of photosynthesis. Metabolism was not disrupted at the lower temperature as in some C4 plants. Radioactivity was transferred more slowly from malate into alanine, glycine and serine at 10°C, but sugars were labelled equally at both temperatures.  相似文献   

J.-M. Michel 《Planta》1978,141(1):45-50
Protochlorophyll(ide) disappearance and chlorophyll(ide) accumulation, in dark-grown Euglena, promoted by series of actinic light flashes, have been followed by in vivo fluorescence measurements. The data show that chlorophyll(ide) accumulation is biphasic, i.e., there is an initial rapid phase followed by a slower linear phase. The linear phase is highly dependent on flash frequency and on cell respiration whereas the initial phase is much less affected by these factors. It is concluded that dark-grown cells contain a limited pool of phototransformable protochlorophyll(ide); once this pool is exhausted, its reformation and/or the synthesis of some unknown metabolite necessary for the photoreduction appears to be dependent on respiration.  相似文献   

Unicellular algae grow well under limiting CO2 conditions, aided by a carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM). In C. reinhardtii, this mechanism is inducible and is present only in cells grown under low CO2 conditions. We constructed a cDNA library from cells adapting to low CO2, and screened the library for cDNAs specific to low CO2-adapting cells. Six classes of low CO2-inducible clones were identified. One class of clone, reported here, represents a novel gene associated with adaptation of cells to air. A second class of clones corresponds to the air-inducible periplasmic carbonic anhydrase I (CAH1). These clones represent genes that respond to the level of CO2 in the environment.  相似文献   

Stomatal opening on Vicia faba can be induced by high CO2 partial pressures (10.2%) in dark as well as in light. Stomatal aperture was measured in both cases with a hydrogen porometer. The distribution of 14C among early products of photosynthesis was studied. Comparisons are made with carboxylations occurring when stomata were open in the dark with CO2-free air and in light with 0.034% CO2. Results showed that in high CO2 partial pressure in light, less radioactivity was incorporated in Calvin cycle intermediates and more in sucrose. carboxylations and photorespiration seemed to be inhibited. In the dark in both CO2 conditions, 14C incorporation was found in malate and aspartate but also in serine and glycerate in high CO2 conditions. In light these changes in metabolic pathways may be related with the deleterious effects recorded on leaves after long-term expositions to high partial pressure of CO2.Abbreviations DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate - PEP phosphonenolpyruvate - PEPCK phosphonenolpyruvatecarboxykinase - PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid - RUBPc ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   

The interaction of extreme temperature events with future atmospheric CO2 concentrations may have strong impacts on physiological performance of desert shrub seedlings, which during the critical establishment phase often endure temperature extremes in conjunction with pronounced drought. To evaluate the interaction of drought and CO2 on photosynthesis during heat stress, one-year-old Larrea tridentata[DC] Cov. seedlings were exposed to nine days of heat with midday air temperature maxima reaching 53 °C under three atmospheric CO2 concentrations (360, 550 and 700 mol mol–1) and two water regimes (well-watered and droughted). Photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and water potential responses were measured prior to, during and one week following the high temperature stress event. Heat stress markedly decreased net photosynthetic rate (A net), stomatal conductance (g s), and the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (F v/F m) in all plants except for well-watered L. tridentata grown in 700 mol mol–1 CO2. A net and g s remained similar to pre-stress levels in these plants. In droughted L. tridentata, A net was ca. 2× (in 550 mol mol–1 CO2) to 3× (in 700 mol mol–1 CO2) higher than in ambient-CO2-grown plants, while g s and F v/F m were similar and low in all CO2 treatments. Following heat stress, g s in all well-watered plants rose dramatically, exceeding pre-stress levels by up to 100%. In droughted plants, g s and A net rose only in plants grown at elevated CO2 following release from heat. This recovery response was strongest at 700 mol mol–1 CO2, which returned to A net and g s values similar to pre-heat following several days of recovery. Extreme heat diminished the photosynthetic down-regulation response to growth at elevated CO2 under well-watered conditions, similar to the action of drought. Ambient-CO2-grown L. tridentata did not show significant recovery of photosynthetic capacity (A \max and CE) after alleviation of temperature stress, especially when exposed to drought, while plants exposed to elevated CO2 appeared to be unaffected. These findings suggest that elevated CO2 could promote photosynthetic activity during critical periods of seedling establishment, and enhance the potential for L. tridentata to survive extreme high temperature events.  相似文献   

The effect of pH and of Mg2+ concentration on the light activated form of stromal fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) was studied using the enzyme rapidly extracted from illuminated spinach chloroplasts. The (fructose-1,6-bisphosphate4-)(Mg2+) complex has been identified as the substrate of the enzyme. Therefore, changes of pH and Mg2+ concentrations have an immediate effect on the activity of FBPase by shifting the pH and Mg2+ dependent equilibrium concentration of the substrate. In addition, changes of pH and Mg2+ concentration in the assay medium have a delayed effect on FBPase activity. A correlation of the activities observed using different pH and Mg2+ concentrations indicates, that the effect is not a consequence of the pH and Mg2+ concentration as such, but is caused by a shift in the equilibrium concentration of a hypothetical inhibitor fructose-1,6-bisphosphate3- (uncomplexed), resulting in a change of the activation state of the enzyme. The interplay between a rapid effect on the concentration of the substrate and a delayed effect on the activation state enables a rigid control of stromal FBPase by stromal Mg2+ concentrations and pH. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase is allosterically inhibited by fructose-6-phosphate in a sigmoidal fashion, allowing a fine control of the enzyme by its product.Abbreviations Fru1,6 bis P fructose-1,6-bisphosphate - Fru6P fructose-6-phosphate - FBPase fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase Some of these results have been included in a preliminary report (Heldt et al. 1984)  相似文献   

The lichen Peltigera aphthosa consists of a fungus and green alga (Coccomyxa) in the main thallus and of a Nostoc located in superficial packets, intermixed with fungus, called cephalodia. Dark nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) of lichen discs (of alga, fungus and Nostoc) and of excised cephalodia was sustained at higher rates and for longer than was the dark nitrogenase activity of the isolated Nostoc growing exponentially. Dark nitrogenase activity of the symbiotic Nostoc was supported by the catabolism of polyglucose accumulated in the ligh and which in darkness served to supply ATP and reductant. The decrease in glucose content of the cephalodia paralleled the decline in dark nitrogenase activity in the presence of CO2; in the absence of CO2 dark nitrogenase activity declined faster although the rate of glucose loss was similar in the presence and absence of CO2. Dark CO2 fixation, which after 30 min in darkness represented 17 and 20% of the light rates of discs and cephalodia, respectively, also facilitated dark nitrogenase activity. The isolated Nostoc, the Coccomyxa and the excised fungus all fixed CO2 in the dark; in the lichen most dark CO2 fixation was probably due to the fungus. Kinetic studies using discs or cephalodia showed highest initial incorporation of 14CO2 in the dark in to oxaloacetate, aspartate, malate and fumarate; incorporation in to alanine and citrulline was low; incorporation in to sugar phosphates, phosphoglyceric acid and sugar alcohols was not significant. Substantial activities of the enzymes phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase (EC and carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (EC and were detected but the activities of PEP carboxykinase (EC and PEP carboxyphosphotransferase (EC were negligible. In the dark nitrogenase activity by the cephalodia, but not by the free-living Nostoc, declined more rapidly in the absence than in the presence of CO2 in the gas phase. Exogenous NH 4 + inhibited nitrogenase activity by cephalodia in the dark especially in the absence of CO2 but had no effect in the light. The overall data suggest that in the lichen dark CO2 fixation by the fungus may provide carbon skeletons which accept NH 4 + released by the cyanobacterium and that in the absence of CO2, NH 4 + directly, or indirectly via a mechanism which involves glutamine synthetase, inhibits nitrogenase activity.Abbreviations CP carbamoyl phosphate - EDTA ethylenedi-amine tetraacetic acid - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - RuBP ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate  相似文献   

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