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How do I choose a mentor? How do I decide what field of neuroscience to work in? Should I consider doing research in industry? Most students and postdoctoral researchers aiming for a successful career in neuroscience ask themselves these questions. In this article, Nature Reviews Neuroscience asks four successful neuroscientists for their thoughts on the factors one should consider when making these decisions. We hope that this Viewpoint will serve as a useful resource for junior neuroscientists who have to make important and sometimes difficult decisions that might have long-lasting consequences for their careers.  相似文献   

The Porter Physiology Development Program Fellowships have supported the predoctoral and postdoctoral studies of numerous minority students. All of the Fellows responding to the current survey continue to be involved in life sciences-related work, primarily as physiologists-in-training or as physiologists working in academia, government, or industry. Following receipt of their degree, the large majority of Fellows completed a single postdoctoral fellowship and entered their first professional position. Most employed past-Fellows spent at least part of their time engaged in research and were also involved in teaching, management, and administration. Respondents felt strongly that the Porter Fellowship had contributed to the quality of their pre/postdoctoral training. They felt it gave them intellectual freedom to select research advisors and topics or postdoctoral positions. They also felt the financial freedom provided by the Fellowship allowed them to concentrate on their research, contributing both to the quality of their work and to their overall career commitment. Fellows strongly recommended continuation of the program and offered suggestions for expansion and increased communication. Finally, one of the most powerful benefits of the program is in its longitudinal impact. Past Fellows now serve as role models for a new generation of minority students aspiring to careers in biomedical research. Some have their own graduate students who have received the Porter Fellowship. One such Fellow emphasized the importance of this aspect of the program: I was always told by my colleagues that I would be a good role model to minority students. Having Fellowships like the Porter Development Fellowship insures the training of minority professionals. Young minority students have hope of becoming scientists when they see those of us who have made it. I have graduate students who tell me that they want a laboratory and to do research like I am doing which makes me feel that I have accomplished something [important]. As stated earlier, the goal of the Porter Physiology Fellowship Program is to encourage diversity among students pursuing full-time studies toward the PhD (or DSc) in the physiological sciences, and to encourage their participation in the APS. The findings of this retrospective study suggest that the program has been highly successful in both of these aspects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the career paths of alumni from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program (CPFP), a structured in-house postdoctoral training program of 3–4 years duration, and specifically what proportion of the alumni were currently performing cancer prevention-related activities. The analyses here included 119 CPFP alumni and 85 unsuccessful CPFP applicants, all of whom completed postdoctoral training between 1987–2011 and are currently employed. Postdoctoral training experiences and current career outcomes data were collected via online surveys. Differences between groups were assessed using chi-square and Fisher’s exact test p-values and subsequent regression analyses adjusted for differences between the groups. Compared to 15.3% of unsuccessful CPFP applicants, 52.1% of CPFP alumni (odds ratio [OR] = 4.99, 95% confidence interval [95% CI): 1.91–13.0) were currently spending the majority of their time working in cancer prevention. Among those doing any cancer prevention-focused work, 54.3% of CPFP alumni spent the majority of their time performing cancer prevention research activities when compared to 25.5% of unsuccessful applicants (OR = 4.26, 95% CI: 1.38–13.2). In addition to the independent effect of the NCI CPFP, scientific discipline, and employment sector were also associated with currently working in cancer prevention and involvement in cancer prevention research-related activities. These results from a structured postdoctoral training program are relevant not only to the cancer prevention community but also to those interested in evaluating alignment of postdoctoral training programs with available and desired career paths more broadly.  相似文献   

Many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students travel through the academic career pipeline without ever learning how to teach effectively, an oversight that negatively affects the quality of undergraduate science education and cheats trainees of valuable professional development. This article argues that all STEM graduate students and postdoctoral fellows should undergo training in teaching to strengthen their resumes, polish their oral presentation skills, and improve STEM teaching at the undergraduate level. Though this may seem like a large undertaking, the author outlines a three-step process that allows busy scientists to fit pedagogical training into their research schedules in order to make a significant investment both in their academic career and in the continuing improvement of science education.  相似文献   

Silverman J 《Lab animal》2008,37(10):465-467
When animals are used in a biomedical research activity that may result in more than mild or momentary pain or distress, humanity, federal regulations and common sense direct us to use the least sentient species that can fulfill the aims of the research. The use of a less-sentient species is in line with the concept of Replacement, one of the well-known 3Rs of laboratory animal use. But what is a less-sentient species? Is a chimpanzee less sentient than a human; is a dog less sentient than a chimpanzee; and is a mouse less sentient than a dog? Does 'less sentient' imply that a species is less able to experience pain, is less intelligent or has less self-awareness? This essay will explore some of the relationships between sentience, pain and vertebrate phylogeny.  相似文献   

A faculty position at a primarily undergraduate institution requires working with undergraduates in both the classroom and the research lab. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who are interested in such a career should understand that faculty at these institutions need to teach broadly and devise research questions that can be addressed safely and with limited resources compared to a research I university. Aspects of, and ways to prepare for, this career will be reviewed herein.  相似文献   

This essay is written to honor Dr Art Pardee's 85th birthday (July 13, 2006). In this essay, I have summarized the lessons I learned from Art and the cell-cycle research I performed in Art's laboratory during my postdoctoral training period. I have also summarized some research from my own laboratory that has been inspired by the lessons I learned from Art, including the interactions between cell cycle and cell death regulators and discovery of novel polyphenol- and copper-based proteasome inhibitors. Finally, I have discussed the potential use of these proteasome inhibitors in cancer prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

Postdoctoral training is a typical step in the course of an academic career, but very little is known about postdoctoral researchers (PDRs) working in the UK. This study used an online survey to explore, for the first time, relevant environmental factors which may be linked to the research output of PDRs in terms of the number of peer-reviewed articles per year of PDR employment. The findings showed reliable links between the research output and research institutions, time spent as PDR, and parental education, whereas no clear links were observed between PDRs'' output and research area, nationality, gender, number of siblings, or work environment. PDRs based in universities tended to publish, on average, more than the ones based in research centres. PDRs with children tended to stay longer in postdoctoral employment than PDRs without children. Moreover, research output tended to be higher in PDRs with fathers educated at secondary or higher level. The work environment did not affect output directly, but about 1/5 of PDRs were not satisfied with their job or institutional support and about 2/3 of them perceived their job prospects as “difficult”. The results from this exploratory study raise important questions, which need to be addressed in large-scale studies in order to understand (and monitor) how PDRs'' family and work environment interact with their research output—an essential step given the crucial role of PDRs in research and development in the country.  相似文献   

Ecklund EH  Lincoln AE 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e22590
Scholars partly attribute the low number of women in academic science to the impact of the science career on family life. Yet, the picture of how men and women in science--at different points in the career trajectory--compare in their perceptions of this impact is incomplete. In particular, we know little about the perceptions and experiences of junior and senior scientists at top universities, institutions that have a disproportionate influence on science, science policy, and the next generation of scientists. Here we show that having fewer children than wished as a result of the science career affects the life satisfaction of science faculty and indirectly affects career satisfaction, and that young scientists (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) who have had fewer children than wished are more likely to plan to exit science entirely. We also show that the impact of science on family life is not just a woman's problem; the effect on life satisfaction of having fewer children than desired is more pronounced for male than female faculty, with life satisfaction strongly related to career satisfaction. And, in contrast to other research, gender differences among graduate students and postdoctoral fellows disappear. Family factors impede talented young scientists of both sexes from persisting to research positions in academic science. In an era when the global competitiveness of US science is at risk, it is concerning that a significant proportion of men and women trained in the select few spots available at top US research universities are considering leaving science and that such desires to leave are related to the impact of the science career on family life. Results from our study may inform university family leave policies for science departments as well as mentoring programs in the sciences.  相似文献   

Learning to lead     
Aschwanden C 《Cell》2006,125(3):407-409
A successful research career requires not only an aptitude for science but also the mastering of other skills including communication, management, and grant writing. A growing number of programs at universities and research institutes aim to teach these crucial skills to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty.  相似文献   

The growth of Brazilian scientific production in recent years is remarkable, which motivates an investigation on the factors, inside and outside the country, that helped shape this wealthy research environment. This article provides a thorough analysis of the education of researchers that constitute the main Brazilian research groups, using data on about 6,000 researchers involved in the country’s National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCT) initiative. Data on the steps taken by each researcher in her education, from the bachelor’s degree to doctorate, including a possible postdoctoral experience, and employment, are extracted from an official curriculum vitae repository. The location and the time at which each career step occurred define spatiotemporal career trajectories. We then analyze such trajectories considering additional data, including the area of knowledge of the INCTs to which each researcher is associated. We found an increasing prevalence of Brazilian institutions in the education of Brazilian scientists, as the number of doctorates earned abroad is decreasing over time. Postdoctoral stages, on the other hand, often take place in Europe or in the United States. Taking an international postdoctoral position after a full education in Brazil suggests a drive towards seeking higher-level exchange and cooperation with foreign groups in a more advanced career stage. Results also show that Brazilian researchers tend to seek employment in regions that are close to the institutions at which they received their bachelor’s degrees, suggesting low mobility within the country. This study can be instrumental in defining public policies for correcting distortions, and can help other developing countries that aim to improve their national science systems.  相似文献   

《Lab animal》2001,30(6):30-35
What attracts individuals to laboratory animal research? Why do they stay? What do they enjoy about dealing with rodents and other small animals on a day-to-day basis? And why do they think it's a career others will enjoy, too? Here, we profile several lab animal professionals.  相似文献   

Perry Molinoff recognizes the distinctions between basic and applied science, between academic and industrial research, and between the preclinical and clinical realities of drug development. But he generally discusses these categories in fluid, practical terms, having throughout his career crossed the lines of distinction that have sometimes been rather heavily drawn among pharmacologists. As a third-year medical student at Harvard, he decided "to take a year off" to conduct laboratory research. After receiving his MD and pursuing further clinical and postdoctoral work, he enjoyed an academic career that included fourteen years as the A.N. Richards Professor and Chair of Pharmacology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He has just completed six years as Vice President of Neuroscience and Genitourinary Drug Discovery for Bristol-Myers Squibb and will soon return to teaching, in the Departments of Psychiatry and Pharmacology at Yale University. Referring to himself as either pharmacologist or neuroscientist, depending on context, he has made fundamental discoveries in receptor biology, has overseen the discovery and development of drugs and their subsequent clinical trials, and has mentored a host of pharmacologists and neuroscientists who themselves have established careers in industry and academia. The pursuit of discovery as its own reward emerges as a theme that has marked his professional life (and is perhaps reflected also in the images displayed in his office of the Himalayan mountains, photographed by Molinoff himself from the Everest base camp last year).  相似文献   

Mentors will play important roles in the careers of most successful scientists. Mentors are trusted advisors that give constructive criticism and provide information in many areas of a scientific life. Mentors will likely change throughout your career as your position changes and thus the areas of advice needed changes. Despite the fact that you gain new mentors, the relationships with the old mentors likely will continue and often grow into strong friendships. The American Physiological Society is a member of MentorNet, which is an award-winning, free, one-on-one electronic mentoring program for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career scientists who are APS members. Mentees and mentors are matched based on their responses to several questionnaires regarding research interests, mentoring needs, time needed, etc. Once assigned, mentors and mentees are allowed to approve their matches, and once done, contact information is given to each pair. A new mentor can be assigned every eight months. These electronic mentoring relationships are especially helpful if you are not comfortable discussing certain things with your thesis or postdoctoral advisor. APS encourages all members to participate either as a mentee or mentor in this valuable program. To comment on this article, go to http://www.the-aps.org/careers/ careers 1/mentor/mentoring.htm.  相似文献   

As the first recipient of both the Women in Cell Biology Junior and Senior Awards, I look back to identify key components that have provided the foundation for my successful research career. In retrospect, the three most important building blocks have been: identifying and pursing important problems; attracting and mentoring talented postdoctoral fellows and students; and establishing and nurturing strong collaborations.  相似文献   

The period as a postdoctoral fellow is crucial for the establishment of one's scientific research career. I illustrate here its importance based on my own experience. Although luck played a part, moving to the right place at the right time and having generous leaders who allowed me freedom to express unconventional views were most valuable in my venture into two scientific territories that were previously unfamiliar to me. My first encounter with an unknown field led to me challenging the well-established dogma of uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation as the explanation for hormone action; the second, led to the demonstration of the multiplicity of eukaryotic RNA polymerase. I hope that the events described here will provide some encouragement to young scientists embarking on a research career and also be of interest to others.  相似文献   

This article reviews a lecture I was honored to present at the Leon Wolfe Symposium in Montreal on March 25, 2004. The lecture described my research career, which started with my interaction with Wolfe at the Montreal Neurological Institute as a postdoctoral fellow and research associate and was followed by additional research discoveries after I left Montreal for my first academic position at the Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto. The article consists of two parts. The first part involves the discovery (in Wolfe’s laboratory) of a new pathway of arachidonic acid, in which a bicyclic prostanoid structure (later called prostacyclin by John Vane and his group) was described, and its further development in Toronto, which led to the discovery of the conversion of the bicyclic prostanoid into 6-keto prostaglandin F. The second part deals with the hepoxilin pathway, a pathway I discovered during a sabbatical leave in Japan with Professor Shozo Yamamoto, which was followed by a stay of several months in the laboratory of Professor Bengt Samuelsson in Sweden. I deal with the historical aspects of both pathways and end with interesting novel aspects of hepoxilin stable antagonist analogs in the treatment of solid tumors in experimental animals.  相似文献   

S Shaw  G Goplen  D S Houston 《CMAJ》1996,154(7):1035-1038
OBJECTIVE: To determine how often Saskatchewan physicians changed career paths during medical training and practice. DESIGN: Population survey (mailed questionnaire). SETTING: Saskatchewan. PARTICIPANTS: All 1077 active members of the Saskatchewan Medical Association were sent a questionnaire; 493 (45.8%) responded. OUTCOME MEASURES: Long-term career goal or plan in next-to-last year of undergraduate medical school, probable choice of career if forced to choose at that time, and number of physicians who changed their field of training or practice at any time since graduation. RESULTS: In all, 57.8% (237/410) of the respondents were currently practising in a field different from that planned in their next-to-last year of medical school, 63.5% (275/436) were not practising in the field they would have chosen if forced to at that time, and 42.9% (211/492) had changed their field of training or practice at some time since graduation. Older physicians, those who graduated outside of Canada and specialists were the most likely to have changed career paths, family physicians, and those who graduated in Saskatchewan were the least likely to have changed. CONCLUSION: The current system of postgraduate training in Canada does not permit career changes of the sort made by most of the practising Saskatchewan physicians in the survey sample. The implications of this new system are as yet unknown but require careful monitoring.  相似文献   

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