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Foury F  Szczepanowska K 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27847
Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are an important cause of disease and perhaps aging in human. DNA polymerase gamma (pol γ), the unique replicase inside mitochondria, plays a key role in the fidelity of mtDNA replication through selection of the correct nucleotide and 3'-5' exonuclease proofreading. For the first time, we have isolated and characterized antimutator alleles in the yeast pol γ (Mip1). These mip1 mutations, localised in the 3'-5' exonuclease and polymerase domains, elicit a 2-15 fold decrease in the frequency of mtDNA point mutations in an msh1-1 strain which is partially deficient in mtDNA mismatch-repair. In vitro experiments show that in all mutants the balance between DNA synthesis and exonucleolysis is shifted towards excision when compared to wild-type, suggesting that in vivo more opportunity is given to the editing function for removing the replicative errors. This results in partial compensation for the mismatch-repair defects and a decrease in mtDNA point mutation rate. However, in all mutants but one the antimutator trait is lost in the wild-type MSH1 background. Accordingly, the polymerases of selected mutants show reduced oligonucleotide primed M13 ssDNA synthesis and to a lesser extent DNA binding affinity, suggesting that in mismatch-repair proficient cells efficient DNA synthesis is required to reach optimal accuracy. In contrast, the Mip1-A256T polymerase, which displays wild-type like DNA synthesis activity, increases mtDNA replication fidelity in both MSH1 and msh1-1 backgrounds. Altogether, our data show that accuracy of wild-type Mip1 is probably not optimal and can be improved by specific (often conservative) amino acid substitutions that define a pol γ area including a loop of the palm subdomain, two residues near the ExoII motif and an exonuclease helix-coil-helix module in close vicinity to the polymerase domain. These elements modulate in a subtle manner the balance between DNA polymerization and excision.  相似文献   

Summary The expression and stability of Escherichia coli F-primes in Proteus mirabilis is examined. It is possible to consecutively introduce, and stably maintain, the DNA of several E. coli F-primes in P. mirabilis in the absence of selective pressure for all or some of the plasmids. Additionally, we can recover more than one F-prime from certain P. mirabilis recipient strains which carry DNA derived from several independent matings with E. coli F-prime donors.  相似文献   

Summary A single recessive nuclear gene mutation has been isolated from strain 123.1 C of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is conditionally deficient in mitochondrial DNA metabolism and has been termed tpi. Growth of this mutant strain in media containing galactose at 36°C causes a reduction of mitochondrial DNA synthesis as analyzed by incorporation of radioactive adenine into the mitochondrial DNA. These cells continue to grow and divide producing petite cells which are neutral and have been found to lack mitochondrial DNA as measured by radioactive incorporation of 3H-adenine into the mitochondrial DNA in the presence of cycloheximide at the permissive temperature. The rate of mitochondrial DNA synthesis of the mutant strain grown at the restrictive temperature in dextrose or glycerol containing media was found to be greatly reduced following two hours of exposure to the restrictive temperature. In addition, the action of this mutant gene has been found to be independent of the respiratory capacity of the mutant strain.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) functions in error-free replication of UV-damaged DNA, and in vitro it efficiently bypasses a cis-syn T-T dimer by incorporating two adenines opposite the lesion. Steady state kinetic studies have shown that both yeast and human Poleta are low-fidelity enzymes, and they misincorporate nucleotides with a frequency of 10(-2)-10(-3) on both undamaged and T-T dimer-containing DNA templates. To better understand the role of Poleta in error-free translesion DNA synthesis, here we examine the ability of Poleta to extend from base mismatches. We find that both yeast and human Poleta extend from mismatched base pairs with a frequency of approximately 10(-3) relative to matched base pairs. In the absence of efficient extension of mismatched primer termini, the ensuing dissociation of Poleta from DNA may favor the excision of mismatched nucleotides by a proofreading exonuclease. Thus, we expect DNA synthesis by Poleta to be more accurate than that predicted from the fidelity of nucleotide incorporation alone.  相似文献   

Long-lasting changes in synaptic strength are thought to play a pivotal role in activity-dependent plasticity and memory. There is ample evidence indicating that in hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) the synthesis of new proteins is crucial for enduring changes. However, whether protein degradation also plays a role in this process has only recently begun to receive attention. Here, we examine the effects of blocking protein degradation on LTP. We show that pharmacological inhibition of proteasome-dependent protein degradation, just like inhibition of protein synthesis, disrupts expression of late (L-)LTP. However, when protein degradation and protein synthesis are inhibited at the same time, LTP is restored to control levels, calling into question the commonly held hypothesis that synthesis of new proteins is indispensable for L-LTP. Instead, these findings point to a more facetted model, in which L-LTP is determined by the combined action of synthesis and degradation of plasticity proteins.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana leaf-variegated mutant yellow variegated2 (var2) results from loss of FtsH2, a major component of the chloroplast FtsH complex. FtsH is an ATP-dependent metalloprotease in thylakoid membranes and degrades several chloroplastic proteins. To understand the role of proteolysis by FtsH and mechanisms leading to leaf variegation, we characterized the second-site recessive mutation fu-gaeri1 (fug1) that suppressed leaf variegation of var2. Map-based cloning and subsequent characterization of the FUG1 locus demonstrated that it encodes a protein homologous to prokaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (cpIF2) located in chloroplasts. We show evidence that cpIF2 indeed functions in chloroplast protein synthesis in vivo. Suppression of leaf variegation by fug1 is observed not only in var2 but also in var1 (lacking FtsH5) and var1 var2. Thus, suppression of leaf variegation caused by loss of FtsHs is most likely attributed to reduced protein synthesis in chloroplasts. This hypothesis was further supported by the observation that another viable mutation in chloroplast translation elongation factor G also suppresses leaf variegation in var2. We propose that the balance between protein synthesis and degradation is one of the determining factors leading to the variegated phenotype in Arabidopsis leaves.  相似文献   

The immunopurified yeast DNA-polymerase-I--DNA-primase complex synthesizes oligo(rA) and oligo(rG) molecules that are used as primer for replication of poly(dT) and poly(dC). Neither initiation nor DNA synthesis is observed with poly(dA) and poly(dI). Nitrocellulose-filter binding shows that the enzyme complex binds to deoxypyrimidine polymers, but not to deoxypurine polymers. Although the yeast complex initiates DNA synthesis on deoxypyrimidine homopolymers, it prefers to elongate pre-existing primer molecules rather than to initiate de novo DNA replication. The size of the oligo(rA) and oligo(rG) primer molecules has been determined by urea/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: longer oligoribonucleotides are synthesized when their utilization is prevented by omitting dNTP. An oligodeoxythymidylate template with a chain length as short as five residues can support oligo(rA) synthesis catalyzed by the yeast DNA-polymerase--DNA-primase complex and the size of the oligoribonucleotide products synthesized with oligodeoxythymidylate of differing chain length has also been determined. The mechanistic properties of the DNA-polymerase--DNA-primase complexes, purified from different eukaryotic organisms, appear to be very similar. The possible biological implication of the studies on the mechanism and specificity of initiation of DNA synthesis in a well-defined model template system has been discussed.  相似文献   

In yeast, DNA polymerase zeta (Rev3 and Rev7) and Rev1, involved in the error-prone translesion synthesis during replication of nuclear DNA, localize also in mitochondria. We show that overexpression of Rev3 reduced the mtDNA extended mutability caused by a subclass of pathological mutations in Mip1, the yeast mitochondrial DNA polymerase orthologous to human Pol gamma. This beneficial effect was synergistic with the effect achieved by increasing the dNTPs pools. Since overexpression of Rev3 is detrimental for nuclear DNA mutability, we constructed a mutant Rev3 isoform unable to migrate into the nucleus: its overexpression reduced mtDNA mutability without increasing the nuclear one.  相似文献   

Abasic (apurinic/apyrimidinic) sites are among the most abundant DNA lesions in humans, and they present a strong block to replication. They are also highly mutagenic because when replicative DNA polymerases manage to insert a nucleotide opposite the lesion, they prefer to insert an A. Rev1, a member of Y-family DNA polymerases, does not obey the A-rule. This enzyme inserts a C opposite an abasic lesion with much greater catalytic efficiency than an A, G, or T. We present here the structure of yeast Rev1 in ternary complex with DNA containing an abasic lesion and with dCTP as the incoming nucleotide. The structure reveals a mechanism of synthesis across an abasic lesion that differs from that in other polymerases. The lesion is driven to an extrahelical position, and the incorporation of a C is mediated by an arginine (Arg324) that is conserved in all known orthologs of Rev1, including humans. The hydrophobic cavity that normally accommodates the unmodified G is instead filled with water molecules. Since Gs are especially prone to depurination through a spontaneous hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond, the ability of Rev1 to stabilize an abasic lesion in its active site and employ a surrogate arginine to incorporate a C provides a unique means for the “error-free” bypass of this noninstructional lesion.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit (alpha) of mitochondrial DNA polymerase (pol gamma) shares conserved DNA polymerase and 3'-5' exonuclease active site motifs with Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I and bacteriophage T7 DNA polymerase. A major difference between the prokaryotic and mitochondrial proteins is the size and sequence of the region between the exonuclease and DNA polymerase domains, referred to as the spacer in pol gamma-alpha. Four gamma-specific conserved sequence elements are located within the spacer region of the catalytic subunit in eukaryotic species from yeast to humans. To elucidate the functional roles of the spacer region, we pursued deletion and site-directed mutagenesis of Drosophila pol gamma. Mutant proteins were expressed from baculovirus constructs in insect cells, purified to near homogeneity, and analyzed biochemically. We find that mutations in three of the four conserved sequence elements within the spacer alter enzyme activity, processivity, and/or DNA binding affinity. In addition, several mutations affect differentially DNA polymerase and exonuclease activity and/or functional interactions with mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding protein. Based on these results and crystallographic evidence showing that the template-primer binds in a cleft between the exonuclease and DNA polymerase domains in family A DNA polymerases, we propose that conserved sequences within the spacer of pol gamma may position the substrate with respect to the enzyme catalytic domains.  相似文献   

The incorporation of thymidine into the DNA of eukaryotic cells is markedly depressed, but not completely inhibited, by aphidicolin, a highly specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha. An electron microscope autoradiographic analysis of the synthesis of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in vivo in Concanavalin A stimulated rabbit spleen lymphocytes and in Hamster cell cultures, in the absence and in the presence of aphidicolin, revealed that aphidicolin inhibits the nuclear but not the mitochondrial DNA replication. We therefore conclude that DNA polymerase alpha performs the synchronous bidirectional replication of nuclear DNA and that DNA polymerase gamma, the only DNA polymerase present in the mitochondria, performs the "strand displacement" DNA synthesis of these organelles.  相似文献   

α factor is a diffusible substance produced by S. cerevisiae cells of the α mating type which inhibits cell division (1) and the initiation of nuclear DNA synthesis (2) in cells of the a mating type. In this report, it is shown that mitochondrial DNA synthesis continues at a normal rate in a cells for at least 6 hours in the presence of α factor, resulting in a 5-fold increase in the amount of mitochondrial DNA per cell. The continued synthesis of mitochondrial DNA in the absence of nuclear DNA synthesis allows specific labeling of yeast mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Classical high-fidelity DNA polymerases discriminate between the correct and incorrect nucleotides by using geometric constraints imposed by the tight fit of the active site with the incipient base pair. Consequently, Watson-Crick (W-C) hydrogen bonding between the bases is not required for the efficiency and accuracy of DNA synthesis by these polymerases. DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) is a low-fidelity enzyme able to replicate through DNA lesions. Using difluorotoluene, a nonpolar isosteric analog of thymine unable to form W-C hydrogen bonds with adenine, we found that the efficiency and accuracy of nucleotide incorporation by Poleta are severely impaired. From these observations, we suggest that W-C hydrogen bonding is required for DNA synthesis by Poleta; in this regard, Poleta differs strikingly from classical high-fidelity DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

P Plevani  L M Chang 《Biochemistry》1978,17(13):2530-2536
In vitro DNA synthesis by yeast DNA polymerase I can be initiated by partially purified yeast RNA polymerases in the presence or absence of rNTPs. Homogeneous yeast RNA polymerase I initiates DNA synthesis by yeast DNA polymerase I on single-stranded DNA templates only in the presence of all four rNTPs. A protein capable of initiating enzymatic DNA synthesis on single-stranded DNA in the absence of rNTPs has also been separated from partially purified yeast RNA polymerase I fractions. Analysis of the RNA polymerase I initiated replication products of phage fd DNA on alkaline sucrose gradients showed noncovalent linkage between the newly synthesized DNA and the template. Isopycnic analyses of the ribonucleotide initiated fd DNA replication products demonstrated covalent linkage between the initiator RNA and newly synthesized DNA. Results from 32P-transfer experiments confirmed the covalent linkage between RNA and DNA chains and showed the presence of all four ribo- and deoxyribonucleotides at the RNA--DNA junctions. The ribonucleotide found most frequently at the RNA--DNA junction is uridylate and the purine deoxynucleotides occur more frequently than pyrimidine deoxynucleotides.  相似文献   

Acrolein is generated as the end product of lipid peroxidation and is also a ubiquitous environmental pollutant. Its reaction with the N2 of guanine leads to a cyclic gamma-HOPdG adduct that presents a block to normal replication. We show here that yeast Rev1 incorporates the correct nucleotide C opposite a permanently ring-closed form of gamma-HOPdG (PdG) with nearly the same efficiency as opposite an undamaged G. The structural basis of this action lies in the eviction of the PdG adduct from the Rev1 active site, and the pairing of incoming dCTP with a "surrogate" arginine residue. We also show that yeast Polzeta can carry out the subsequent extension reaction. Together, our studies reveal how the exocyclic PdG adduct is accommodated in a DNA polymerase active site, and they show that the combined action of Rev1 and Polzeta provides for accurate and efficient synthesis through this potentially carcinogenic DNA lesion.  相似文献   

Yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase was purified and resolved into 2 distinct fractions. Peak A was found to be nonspecific and exhibited characteristics of the core polymerase, whereas peak B exhibited characteristics of the holoenzyme.In vitro replication assays were carried out, using the peak B enzyme, the clonedori sequences and other DNA templates. It was found thatori 2 was the most efficient template for RNA polymerase primed DNA synthesis, as compared to all the other templates studied.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase zeta (pol ζ) participates in several DNA transactions in eukaryotic cells that increase spontaneous and damage-induced mutagenesis. To better understand this central role in mutagenesis in vivo, here we report the fidelity of DNA synthesis in vitro by yeast pol ζ alone and with RFC, PCNA and RPA. Overall, the accessory proteins have little effect on the fidelity of pol ζ. Pol ζ is relatively accurate for single base insertion/deletion errors. However, the average base substitution fidelity of pol ζ is substantially lower than that of homologous B family pols α, δ and . Pol ζ is particularly error prone for substitutions in specific sequence contexts and generates multiple single base errors clustered in short patches at a rate that is unprecedented in comparison with other polymerases. The unique error specificity of pol ζ in vitro is consistent with Pol ζ-dependent mutagenic specificity reported in vivo. This fact, combined with the high rate of single base substitution errors and complex mutations observed here, indicates that pol ζ contributes to mutagenesis in vivo not only by extending mismatches made by other polymerases, but also by directly generating its own mismatches and then extending them.  相似文献   



DNA polymerases α and δ play essential roles in the replication of chromosomal DNA in eukaryotic cells. DNA polymerase α (Pol α)-primase is required to prime synthesis of the leading strand and each Okazaki fragment on the lagging strand, whereas DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ) is required for the elongation stages of replication, a function it appears capable of performing on both leading and lagging strands, at least in the absence of DNA polymerase ε (Pol ε).  相似文献   

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