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Understanding the evolution of multiple mating by females (polyandry) is an important question in behavioural ecology. Most leading explanations for polyandry by social insect queens are based upon a postulated fitness benefit from increased intracolonial genetic diversity, which also arises when colonies are headed by multiple queens (polygyny). An indirect test of the genetic diversity hypotheses is therefore provided by the relationship between polyandry and polygyny across species, which should be negative if the genetic diversity hypotheses are correct. Here, we conduct a powerful comparative investigation of the relationship between polyandry and polygyny for 241 species of eusocial Hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps). We find a clear and significant negative relationship between polyandry and polygyny after controlling for phylogeny. These results strongly suggest that fitness benefits resulting from increased intracolonial genetic diversity have played an important role in the evolution of polyandry, and possibly polygyny, in social insects.  相似文献   

Multiple mating (i.e., polyandry) by queens in social Hymenoptera is expected to weaken social cohesion since it lowers within-colony relatedness, and hence, indirect fitness benefits from kin selection. Yet, there are many species where queens mate multiply. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the evolution and maintenance of polyandry. Here,we investigated the ‘sperm limitation’ and the ‘diploid male load’ hypotheses in the ant Cataglyphis cursor. Genetic analyses of mother-offspring combinations showed that queens mate with up to 8 males, with an effective mating frequency of 3.79. Significant paternity skew (unequal contribution of the fathers) was detected in 1 out of 5 colonies. The amount of sperm stored in the spermatheca was not correlated with the queen mating frequency, and males carry on average enough sperm in their seminal vesicles to fill one queen’s spermatheca. Analyses of the nuclear DNA-content of males also revealed that all were haploid. These results suggest that the ‘sperm limitation’ and the ‘diploid male load’ hypotheses are unlikely to account for the queen mating frequency reported in this ant. In light of our results and the life-history traits of C. cursor, we discuss alternative hypotheses to account for the adaptive significance of multiple mating by queens in this species. Received 13 August 2008; revised 19 November 2008; accepted 21 November 2008.  相似文献   

Classic sex roles depict females as choosy, but polyandry is widespread. Empirical attempts to understand the evolution of polyandry have often focused on its adaptive value to females, whereas 'convenience polyandry' might simply decrease the costs of sexual harassment. We tested whether constraint-free female strategies favour promiscuity over mating selectivity through an original experimental design. We investigated variation in mating behaviour in response to a reversible alteration of sexual dimorphism in body mass in the grey mouse lemur, a small primate where female brief sexual receptivity allows quantifying polyandry. We manipulated body condition in captive females, predicting that convenience polyandry would increase when females are weaker than males, thus less likely to resist their solicitations. Our results rather support the alternative hypothesis of 'adaptive polyandry': females in better condition are more polyandrous. Furthermore, we reveal that multiple mating incurs significant energetic costs, which are strikingly symmetrical between the sexes. Our study shows that mouse lemur females exert tight control over mating and actively seek multiple mates. The benefits of remating are nevertheless not offset by its costs in low-condition females, suggesting that polyandry is a flexible strategy yielding moderate fitness benefits in this small mammal.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the adaptive significance of interspecific variation in mating frequencies by eusocial hymenopteran queens. Four of these hypotheses assert that polyandry is advantageous to queens because of the resultant increase in genetic variability within colonies (referred to as the “GV” hypotheses). Here we compare the frequency of polyandry between monogynous (single-queen) and polygynous (multiple-queen) ant species to test the hypotheses that (1) multiple mating functions primarily to increase intracolonial genetic variability, and (2) mating has costs (such as increased energetic losses or risk of predation or venereal disease). If one of the GV hypotheses is true and mating is costly, the frequency of polyandry should be lower in polygynous species (in which the presence of multiple queens results in low relatedness among workers) than in monogynous species. As predicted by the GV hypotheses, polyandry is less common among polygynous than among monogynous species. Furthermore, it seems that the causal relationship underlying this association is that the number of matings by queens depends on the number of queens present in the colony (rather than the number of queens being influenced by the number of matings), which also supports the GV hypotheses together with the assumption that mating has costs.  相似文献   

The theory that coevolving hosts and parasites create a fluctuating selective environment for one another (i.e., produce Red Queen dynamics) has deep roots in evolutionary biology; yet empirical evidence for Red Queen dynamics remains scarce. Fluctuating coevolutionary dynamics underpin the Red Queen hypothesis for the evolution of sex, as well as hypotheses explaining the persistence of genetic variation under sexual selection, local parasite adaptation, the evolution of mutation rate, and the evolution of nonrandom mating. Coevolutionary models that exhibit Red Queen dynamics typically assume that hosts and parasites encounter one another randomly. However, if related individuals aggregate into family groups or are clustered spatially, related hosts will be more likely to encounter parasites transmitted by genetically similar individuals. Using a model that incorporates familial parasite transmission, we show that a slight degree of familial parasite transmission is sufficient to halt coevolutionary fluctuations. Our results predict that evidence for Red Queen dynamics, and its evolutionary consequences, are most likely to be found in biological systems in which hosts and parasites mix mainly at random, and are less likely to be found in systems with familial aggregation. This presents a challenge to the Red Queen hypothesis and other hypotheses that depend on coevolutionary cycling.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by females (polyandry) is taxonomically widespread but the evolution of such behaviors is not clearly understood given potential costs of polyandry such as time, energy, or predation risk. The genetic variability versus parasites hypothesis predicts a reduction of parasitism due to increased genetic variability among offspring and an associated fitness gain. We tested this hypothesis with a field experiment in the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris L. Worker heterogeneity within the colony was experimentally altered by artificially inseminating queens with sperm from one male, four brothers, two males, or four unrelated males. We found genetic variability to be effective, because intensity and prevalence of the most common parasite, Crithidia bombi, a trypanosome, decreased with increasing levels of colony heterogeneity. Fitness differed between treatments but did not increase in a simple way, with increasing genetic heterogeneity among colony workers. Instead, fitness followed a U-shaped function with a minimum for small amounts of genetic heterogeneity. We therefore suggest that polyandry also induces a cost, perhaps as a result of the social structure within the colony. In evolutionary terms, singly mated females appear to be constrained by an adaptive valley that needs to be crossed before high degrees of mating frequency can be reached. This may help to explain why B. terrestris and most other social insects are often monandrous.  相似文献   

Genital morphology is informative phylogenetically and strongly selected sexually. We use a recent species-level phylogeny of nephilid spiders to synthesize phylogenetic patterns in nephilid genital evolution that document generalized conflict between male and female interests. Specifically, we test the intersexual coevolution hypothesis by defining gender-specific indices of genital complexity that summarize all relevant and phylogenetically informative traits. We then use independent contrasts to show that male and female genital complexity indices correlate significantly and positively across the phylogeny rather than among sympatric sister species, as predicted by reproductive character displacement. In effect, as females respond to selection for fecundity-driven fitness via giantism and polyandry (perhaps responding to male-biased effective sex ratios), male mechanisms evolve to monopolize females (male monogamy) via opportunistic mating, pre- and postcopulatory mate guarding, and/or plugging of female genitalia to exclude subsequent suitors. In males morphological symptoms of these phenomena range from self-mutilated genitalia to total castration. Although the results are compatible with both recently favored sexual selection hypotheses, sexually antagonistic coevolution, and cryptic female choice, the evidence of strong intersexual conflict and genitalic damage in both sexes is more easily explained as sexually antagonistic coevolution due to an evolutionary arms race.  相似文献   

Among anuran amphibians (frogs and toads), there are two types of polyandry: simultaneous polyandry, where sperm from multiple males compete to fertilize eggs, and sequential polyandry, where eggs from a single female are fertilized by multiple males in a series of temporally separate mating events, and sperm competition is absent. Here we review the occurrence of sequential polyandry in anuran amphibians, outline theoretical explanations for the evolution of this mating system and discuss potential evolutionary implications. Sequential polyandry has been reported in a limited number of anurans, but its widespread taxonomic and geographic distribution suggests it may be common. There have been no empirical studies that have explicitly investigated the evolutionary consequences of sequential polyandry in anurans, but species with this mating pattern share an array of behavioural, morphological and physiological characteristics, suggesting that there has been common sexual selection on their reproductive system. Sequential polyandry may have a number of adaptive benefits, including spreading the risk of brood failure in unpredictable environments, insuring against male infertility, or providing genetic benefits, either through good genes, intrinsic compatibility or genetic diversity effects. Anurans with sequential polyandry provide untapped opportunities for innovative research approaches that will contribute significantly to understanding anuran evolution and also, more broadly, to the development of sexual‐selection and life‐history theory.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of polyandry is an intensely debated subject in sexual selection. For species with male infanticidal behaviour, it has been hypothesized that polyandry evolved as female counterstrategy to offspring loss: by mating with multiple males, females may conceal paternity and so prevent males from killing putative offspring. Here we present, to our knowledge, the first empirical test of this hypothesis in a combined laboratory and field study, and show that multiple mating seems to reduce the risk of infanticide in female bank voles Myodes glareolus. Our findings thus indicate that females of species with non-resource based mating systems, in which males provide nothing but sperm, but commit infanticide, can gain non-genetic fitness benefits from polyandry.  相似文献   

The significance of multiple mating in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evolution of the complex societies displayed by social insects depended partly on high relatedness among interacting group members. Therefore, behaviors that depress group relatedness, such as multiple mating by reproductive females (polyandry), are unexpected in social insects. Nevertheless, the queens of several social insect species mate multiply, suggesting that polyandry provides some benefits that counteract the costs. However, few studies have obtained evidence for links between rates of polyandry and fitness in naturally occurring social insect populations. We investigated if polyandry was beneficial in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons. We used genetic markers to estimate queen mate number in V. maculifrons colonies and assessed colony fitness by counting the number of cells that colonies produced. Our results indicated that queen mate number was directly, strongly, and significantly correlated with the number of queen cells produced by colonies. Because V. maculifrons queens are necessarily reared in queen cells, our results demonstrate that high levels of polyandry are associated with colonies capable of producing many new queens. These data are consistent with the explanation that polyandry is adaptive in V. maculifrons because it provides a fitness advantage to queens. Our research may provide a rare example of an association between polyandry and fitness in a natural social insect population and help explain why queens in this taxon mate multiply.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of polyandry (mating with multiple males) is a major issue in the study of animal breeding systems. We examined the adaptive significance of polyandry in Drosophila melanogaster, a species with well-documented costs of mating in which males generally cannot force copulations. We found no direct fitness advantages of polyandry. Females that mated with multiple males had no greater mean fitness and no different variance in fitness than females that mated repeatedly with the same male. Subcomponents of reproductive success, including fecundity, egg hatch rate, larval viability, and larval development time, also did not differ between polyandrous and monogamous females. Polyandry had no affect on progeny sex ratios, suggesting that polyandry does not function against costly sex-ratio distorters. We also found no evidence that polyandry functions to favor the paternity of males successful in precopulatory sexual selection. Experimentally controlled opportunities for precopulatory sexual selection had no effect on postcopulatory sperm precedence. Although these results were generally negative, they are supported with substantial statistical power and they help narrow the list of evolutionary explanations for polyandry in an important model species.  相似文献   

Some social insects exhibit an exceptionally high degree of polyandry. Alternative hypotheses exist to explain the benefits of multiple mating through enhanced colony performance. This study critically extends theoretical analyses of the hypothesis that enhanced division of labour confers fitness benefits to the queen that are sufficient to explain the observed mating frequencies of social insects. The effects of widely varying numbers of tasks and matings were systematically investigated in two alternative computer simulation models. One model was based on tasks that have to be performed to maintain an optimal trait value, while the other model was based on tasks that only have to be sufficiently performed to exceed a minimum trait value to confer full fitness returns. Both model versions were evaluated assuming a broad and a narrow response threshold distribution. The results consistently suggest a beneficial effect of multiple mating on colony performance, albeit with quickly diminishing returns. An increasing number of tasks decreased performance of colonies with few patrilines but not of more genetically diverse colonies. Instead, a performance maximum was found for intermediate task numbers. The results from the two model versions and two response threshold distributions did not fundamentally differ, suggesting that the type of tasks and the breadth of response thresholds do not affect the benefit of multiple mating. In general, our results corroborate previous models that have evaluated simpler task/patriline scenarios. Furthermore, selection for an intermediate number of tasks is indicated that could constrain the degree of division of labour. We conclude that enhanced division of labour may have favoured the evolution of multiple mating but is insufficient to explain the extreme mating numbers observed in some social insects, even in complex task scenarios.  相似文献   

Abstract Sexual selection in the form of sperm competition is a major explanation for small size of male gametes. Can sexual selection in polyandrous species with reversed sex roles also lead to reduced female gamete size? Comparative studies show that egg size in birds tends to decrease as a lineage evolves social polyandry. Here, a quantitative genetic model predicts that female scrambles over mates lead to evolution of reduced female gamete size. Increased female mating success drives the evolution of smaller eggs, which take less time to produce, until balanced by lowered offspring survival. Mean egg size is usually reduced and polyandry increased by increasing sex ratio (male bias) and maximum possible number of mates. Polyandry also increases with the asynchrony (variance) in female breeding start. Opportunity for sexual selection increases with the maximum number of mates but decreases with increasing sex ratio. It is well known that parental investment can affect sexual selection. The model suggests that the influence is mutual: owing to a coevolutionary feedback loop, sexual selection in females also shapes initial parental investment by reducing egg size. Feedback between sexual selection and parental investment may be common.  相似文献   

Female multiple mating, known as polyandry, is ubiquitous and occurs in a wide variety of taxa. Polyandry varies greatly from species in which females mate with one or two males in their lifetime to species in which females may mate with several different males on the same day. As multiple mating by females is associated with costs, numerous hypotheses attempt to explain this phenomenon. One hypothesis not extensively explored is the possibility that polyandrous behavior is captured and “fixed” in populations via genetic processes that preserve the behavior independently of any adaptive benefit of polyandry. Here, we use female isolines derived from populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura from three locations in North America to examine whether different female remating levels are associated with patterns of chromosome inversions, which may explain patterns of polyandry across the geographic range. Populations differed with respect to the frequency of polyandry and the presence of inversion polymorphisms on the third chromosome. The population with the lowest level of female remating was the only one that was entirely comprised of homokaryotypic lines, but the small number of populations prevented us investigating this relationship further at a population level. However, we found no strong relationship between female remating levels and specific karyotypes of the various isolines.  相似文献   

Social Hymenoptera are ideal biological models for the study of the selective forces affecting the evolution of multiple mating (polyandry), because sister species can evolve different lifestyles and mating strategies. Single mating is predicted in workerless social parasites, because the key benefit of multiple mating in social insects, that is, the increase in genetic diversity among worker offspring, does not hold for workerless species. We compared the queen mating frequency between the ant Plagiolepis pygmaea and its derived social parasite P. xene. Previous studies showed that queens of the host P. pygmaea are obligately polyandrous. Here, pedigree analyses of mother–offspring combinations indicate that queens of the parasite P. xene did not revert to single mating; more than 50% of queens mated multiply, with 2–4 males. This result shows that reversal from multiple to single mating may be not selected in polyandrous social insect workerless parasites. We propose that such reversion does not occur when multiple mating is virtually cost free.  相似文献   

Although mating is costly, multiple mating by females is a taxonomically widespread phenomenon. Theory has suggested that polyandry may allow females to gain genetic benefits for their offspring, and thus offset the costs associated with this mating strategy. For example, the good sperm hypothesis posits that females benefit from mating multiply when genetically superior males have increased success in sperm competition and produce high quality offspring. We applied the powerful approach of experimental evolution to explore the potential for polyandry to drive evolutionary increases in female fitness in house mice, Mus domesticus. We maintained polygamously mated and monogamously mated selection lines of house mice for 14 generations, before determining whether selection history could account for divergence in embryo viability. We found that males from lineages evolving with post-copulatory sexual selection sire offspring with increased viability, suggesting that polyandry results in the production of higher quality offspring and thus provides long-term fitness benefits to females.  相似文献   

Explaining the evolution and maintenance of polyandry remains a key challenge in evolutionary ecology. One appealing explanation is the sexually selected sperm (SSS) hypothesis, which proposes that polyandry evolves due to indirect selection stemming from positive genetic covariance with male fertilization efficiency, and hence with a male's success in postcopulatory competition for paternity. However, the SSS hypothesis relies on verbal analogy with “sexy-son” models explaining coevolution of female preferences for male displays, and explicit models that validate the basic SSS principle are surprisingly lacking. We developed analogous genetically explicit individual-based models describing the SSS and “sexy-son” processes. We show that the analogy between the two is only partly valid, such that the genetic correlation arising between polyandry and fertilization efficiency is generally smaller than that arising between preference and display, resulting in less reliable coevolution. Importantly, indirect selection was too weak to cause polyandry to evolve in the presence of negative direct selection. Negatively biased mutations on fertilization efficiency did not generally rescue runaway evolution of polyandry unless realized fertilization was highly skewed toward a single male, and coevolution was even weaker given random mating order effects on fertilization. Our models suggest that the SSS process is, on its own, unlikely to generally explain the evolution of polyandry.  相似文献   

Several genetic and nongenetic benefits have been proposed toexplain multiple mating (polyandry) in animals, to compensatefor costs associated with obtaining additional mates. The mostprominent hypotheses stress the benefits of increased geneticdiversity. In social insects, queens of most species mate onlyonce or have effective mating frequencies close to one. Yet,in a few species of ants, bees, and wasps, polyandry is therule. In these species, colonies are usually headed by a singlequeen, whereas multiple queening adds diversity in several ofthe remaining species, especially in ants. Here we investigatedmating frequency, inbreeding and relatedness between the queensand their mates in the polygynous ant Plagiolepis pygmaea, andthe effect of polyandry on the genetic diversity as a functionof the effective population size of individual colonies. Ourresults show that polyandry occurs frequently in the species.However, queens are frequently inseminated by close relatives,and additional sires add little genetic diversity among offspringof individual queens. In addition, the increase in diversityat the colony level is only marginal. Hence, contrary to establishednotions, polyandry in P. pygmaea seems not to be driven by substantialbenefits of genetic diversity. Nonetheless, very small or asyet unidentified genetic benefits to one party (males, workers,queens) in conjunction with low costs of mating may favor polyandry.Alternatively, nongenetic factors, such as convenience polyandry,may be more important than genetic factors in promoting polyandryin P. pygmaea.  相似文献   

Evans JP  Simmons LW 《Genetica》2008,134(1):5-19
The good-sperm and sexy-sperm (GS-SS) hypotheses predict that female multiple mating (polyandry) can fuel sexual selection for heritable male traits that promote success in sperm competition. A major prediction generated by these models, therefore, is that polyandry will benefit females indirectly via their sons' enhanced fertilization success. Furthermore, like classic 'good genes' and 'sexy son' models for the evolution of female preferences, GS-SS processes predict a genetic correlation between genes for female mating frequency (analogous to the female preference) and those for traits influencing fertilization success (the sexually selected traits). We examine the premise for these predictions by exploring the genetic basis of traits thought to influence fertilization success and female mating frequency. We also highlight recent debates that stress the possible genetic constraints to evolution of traits influencing fertilization success via GS-SS processes, including sex-linked inheritance, nonadditive effects, interacting parental genotypes, and trade-offs between integrated ejaculate components. Despite these possible constraints, the available data suggest that male traits involved in sperm competition typically exhibit substantial additive genetic variance and rapid evolutionary responses to selection. Nevertheless, the limited data on the genetic variation in female mating frequency implicate strong genetic maternal effects, including X-linkage, which is inconsistent with GS-SS processes. Although the relative paucity of studies on the genetic basis of polyandry does not allow us to draw firm conclusions about the evolutionary origins of this trait, the emerging pattern of sex linkage in genes for polyandry is more consistent with an evolutionary history of antagonistic selection over mating frequency. We advocate further development of GS-SS theory to take account of the complex evolutionary dynamics imposed by sexual conflict over mating frequency.  相似文献   

The evolution of immune defense and song complexity in birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract There are three main hypotheses that explain how the evolution of parasite virulence could be linked to the evolution of secondary sexual traits, such as bird song. First, as Hamilton and Zuk proposed a role for parasites in sexual selection, female preference for healthy males in heavily parasitized species may result in extravagant trait expression. Second, a reverse causal mechanism may act, if sexual selection affects the coevolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions per se by selecting for increased virulence. Third, the immuno-suppressive effects of ornamentation by testosterone or limited resources may lead to increased susceptibility to parasites in species with elaborate songs. Assuming a coevolutionary relationship between parasite virulence and host investment in immune defense we used measures of immune function and song complexity to test these hypotheses in a comparative study of passerine birds. Under the first two hypotheses we predicted avian song complexity to be positively related to immune defense among species, whereas this relationship was expected to be negative if immuno-suppression was at work. We found that adult T-cell mediated immune response and the relative size of the bursa of Fabricius were independently positively correlated with a measure of song complexity, even when potentially confounding variables were held constant. Nestling T-cell response was not related to song complexity, probably reflecting age-dependent selective pressures on host immune defense. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that predict a positive relationship between song complexity and immune function, thus indicating a role for parasites in sexual selection. Different components of the immune system may have been independently involved in this process.  相似文献   

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