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Summary Endogenous glucose uptake by the oocytes ofXenopus laevis consists of two distinct components: one that is independent of extracellular Na+, and the other one that represents Na+-glucose cotransport. The latter shows similar characteristics as 2 Na+-1 glucose cotransport of epithelial cells: The similarities include the dependencies on external concentrations of Na+, glucose, and phlorizin, and on pH. As in epithelial cells, the glucose uptake in oocytes can also be stimulated by lanthanides. Both the electrogenic cotransport and the inhibition by phlorizin are voltage-dependent; the data are compatible with the assumption that the membrane potential acts as a driving force for the reaction cycle of the transport process. In particular, hyperpolarization seems to stimulat transport by recruitment of substrate binding sites to the outer membrane surface. The results described pertain to oocytes arrested in the prophase of the first meiotic division; maturation of the oocytes leads to a downregulation of both the Na+-independent and the Na+-dependent transport systems. The effect on the Na+-dependent cotransport is the consequence of a change of driving force due to membrane depolarization associated with the maturation process.  相似文献   

Summary The yolk platelets ofXenopus laevis have been studied by thin-section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy to characterize the boundary membrane during yolk formation. Throughout vitellogenesis, large yolk platelets are in close contact with smaller nascent yolk organelles. Two types of primordial yolk platelets (I and II) have been discriminated. After membrane fusion these precursors can be completely incorporated into the main body of existing platelets, numerous yolk crystals then merge and form one uniformly stratified core. Lipid droplets are tightly attached to the membrane at all developmental stages of yolk platelets. A direct connection of endoplasmic reticulum to the membranes of yolk platelets was not observed. On freezeetching replicas, yolk-platelet membranes present fracture faces with intramembranous particles (IMP) of various sizes and a heterogeneous distribution of approximately 200–600 IMP/μm2 at the E face, and 1200–2100 IMP/μm2 at the P face. Again, this presentation of the membrane exhibits neither anastomoses to the endoplasmic reticulum, nor caveolae that exclude the uptake of yolk-containing vesicles into these yolk organelles. Proteinaceous yolk platelets tend to fracture along their periphery through the superficial layers.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure is described for the isolation and culture of large numbers of follicle cell-freeXenopus laevis oocytes in all stages of development. The isolation procedure involves the incubation of pieces of ovary in a calcium-free solution OR2 containing 0.2% collagenase. A defined nutrient medium for the maintenance of the oocytes in vitro is presented. It is shown that this medium, referred to as DNOM, can maintain certain morphological and functional characteristics of oocytes for periods up to 3 weeks. Research supported by grant BMS 74-18790 from the National Science Foundation to JJE. Operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U.S.E.R.D.A.  相似文献   

Summary During progesterone-stimulated maturation of defolliculated full-grownXenopus oocytes, the activities of the transport systems forl-alanine, thymidine, chloride, phosphate, and alkali ions decrease. Differences of the extent and time course of these changes suggest that they are controlled by at least partially independent mechanisms.A closer investigation of the Na-K ATPase has shown that in unstimulated oocytes, ouabain produces maximal inhibition when 8–12×109 molecules are bound per cell. This number is bound during the first phase of a diphasic uptake process. Since this phase can be suppressed by increasing the concentration of external K+ to 45 mmol/liter or more, it is concluded that it refers to binding to the Na–K pump in the plasma membrane. Ouabain bound prior to progesterone-induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) remains bound after the breakdown, although the Na–K pump loses the capacity to bind ouabain after GVBD in oocytes that had not been exposed to ouabain preceding GVBD. In the presence of Mg++ membranes isolated before regulatory inhibition of pumping and ouabain binding show a Na+-dependent incorporation of32P from -[32P]-ATP that can be reversed by the addition of K+. The phosphorylation site migrates on LiDS-polyacrylamide gel electropherograms at about 98,000 daltons and can be identified as a Commassie blue-stainable band.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated transport of the amino acid glutamine across the surface membranes of prophase-arrestedXenopus laevis oocytes. Glutamine accumulation was linear with time for 30 min; it was stereospecific with aK m of 0.12±0.02mm andV max of 0.92±0.17 pmol/oocyte · min forl-glutamine. Transport ofl-glutamine was Na+-dependent, the cation not being replaceable with Li+, K+, choline, tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane (Tris), tetramethylammonium (TMA) or N-methyld-glucamine NMDG); external Cl appeared to be necessary for full activation of Na+-dependent glutamine transport. Two external Na+ may be required for the transport of one glutamine molecule.l-glutamine transport (at 50 m glutamine) was inhibited by the presence of other amino acids:l-alanine,d-alanine,l-leucine,l-asparagine andl-arginine (about 60% inhibition at 1mm);l-histidine,l-valine and glycine (25 to 40% inhibition at 1mm);l-serine,l-lysine,l-phenylalanine andl-glutamate (45 to 55% inhibition at 10mm). N-methylaminoisobutyric acid (meAIB) had no effect at 10mm, but 2-aminobicyclo[2,2,1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH) inhibited Na+/glutamine transport by about 50% at 10mm.l-glutamine was a competitive inhibitor of the Na+-dependent transport ofl-alanine,d-alanine andl-arginine; this evidence is consistent with the existence of a single system transporting all four amino acids. Glutamine uptake in oocytes appears to be catalyzed by a transport system distinct from the cotransport Systems A, ASC, N and Gly, although it resembles System B0,+.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophysiological experiments were performed to analyze the Na+/K+-ATPase in full-grown prophase-arrested oocytes ofXenopus laevis. If the Na+/K+-ATPase is inhibited by dihydroouabain (DHO), the resting potential of the membrane of Na+-loaded oocytes may depolarize by nearly 50 mV. This hyperpolarizing contribution to the resting potential depends on the degree of activation of the Na+/K+-ATPase and varies with intra-cellular Na+ activity (a Na i ), and extracellular K+ (K 0 + ) It is concluded that variations ofa Na i among different oocytes are primarily responsible for the variations of resting potentials measured in oocytes ofX. laevis. Under voltage-clamp conditions, the DHO-sensitive current also exhibits dependence ona Na i that may be described by a Hill equation with a coefficient of 2. This current will be shown to be identical with the electrogenic current generated by the 3Na+/2K+ pump. The voltage dependence of the pump current was investigated at saturating values ofa Na i (33 mmol/liter) and of K 0 + (3 mmol/liter) in the range from –200 to +100 mV. The current was found to exhibit a characteristic maximum at about +20 mV. This is taken as evidence that in the physiological range at least two steps within the cycle of the pump are voltage dependent and are oppositely affected by the membrane potential.  相似文献   

Summary The changes in saline-soluble, 0.35 M NaCl-soluble and the residual fraction of nuclear proteins during early development ofXenopus were studied by analytical electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel. The fractions were obtained by consecutive extraction of nuclei from the blastula, neurula and tail-bud stage of development. No qualitative and only limited quantitative differences were found when the proteins of any of the three fractions isolated from the neurula stage were compared with the proteins of the corresponding fraction isolated from the tail-bud stage. But the electrophoretic pattern of each of the three fractions of the nuclear proteins from the blastula stage differs significantly from the electrophoretic pattern of the same fraction isolated from the neurula or tail-bud stage. Compared with the blastula stage, in the two later stages the relative amounts of chromosomal proteins with apparent molecular weights below 30,000 are decreased. Proteins which migrate in electrophoresis in the positions of the very lysine-rich histones and of the proteins of the nuclear ribonucleo-protein particles are indicated among the chromosomal proteins of the blastula stage, and are visible as strong bands in the electrophorogram of 0.35 M NaCl-soluble proteins extracted from neurula or tail-bud stage nuclei.  相似文献   

When nuclei of somatic cells are transplanted to enucleated eggs ofXenopus, a complete reprogramming of nuclear function can take place. To identify mechanisms of nuclear reprogramming, somatic nuclei can be transplanted to growing meiotic oocytes ofXenopus, and stem cell genes activated without DNA replication. The combination of somatic cell nuclear transfer with morphogen signalling and the community effect may lead towards the possibility of cell replacement therapy. When mechanisms of nuclear reprogramming are understood, it may eventually be possible to directly reprogramme human somatic cell nuclei without the use of eggs.  相似文献   

Summary We raised monoclonal antibodies against a membrane fraction ofXenopus neurulae in order to detect tissue-specific cell-surface markers. Here we describe a monoclonal antibody that recognizes an epithelial membrane-associated antigen (EMA) in immunohistological stainings. The tissue-specific and membrane-associated antigen detected in immunohistological stainings could serve as useful marker in epithelium differentiation and membrane organization of the early embryo. In tadpoles and adults EMA was found in specific epithelial tissues derived from different germ layers such as kidney, skin, gut, pancreas, epiphysis and choroid plexus. In the cleaving embryo this antibody stained newly formed membranes between blastomeres from the two-cell stage onwards. Cytoplasmic staining in large oocytes and early embryos was also observed. The possibility that the cytoplasmic signal represents a maternal store of membrane material is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Xenopus embryos held inverted from the one cell stage show a partial reversal of the pattern of cleavage: the blastocoel forms towards the new upper pole, and the non-pigmented cells forming the blastocoel roof are smaller than normal endoderm cells. Two properties of the cells from inverted embryos have been studied: their capacity to form cilia when cultured for 48 h, normally a property of ectoderm cells; and their scanning electron microscopical appearance when isolated and cultured for shorter periods, which differs for normal ectoderm and endoderm cells. Groups of the upper, non-pigmented cells from inverted embryos do not form cilia in a longerterm culture, whereas groups of the lower, pigmented cells do. In contrast, the scanning electron microscopical appearance of the upper, non-pigmented cells of inverted embryos is more like that of normal ectoderm cells; the appearance of lower, pigmented cells is more like that of normal endoderm. Thus the determination to form cilia is not reversed by inversion, whereas the control of cell morphology is.  相似文献   

Summary A method for the isolation of plasma membrane fractions fromXenopus oocytes has been developed, and the membranes have been characterized biochemically and morphologically. Plasma membrane complexes prepared by this procedure consisted of large sheets of the membrane, with associated vitelline envelope (a nonmembranous meshwork of fibers) and cortical (secretory) granules still attached. The morphology of cell surface microvilli and coated pits was well preserved. Cortical granules were removed by gentle homogenization in a low ionic strength medium, and integral and peripheral membrane proteins were then separated from vitelline envelopes by detergent extraction and phase separation in Triton-X-114. Biochemical characterization of the plasma membrane fractions indicated substantial levels of 5-nucleotidase and alkaline phosphodiesterase activity associated with the oocyte cell surface, with 44–66% recovery of these markers in the final membrane preparations. Lectin blotting and lectin affinity chromatography with Concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin were used to characterize the major glycoprotein species associated with the plasma membrane complexes. Plasma membrane fractions prepared by this procedure should be very useful in both biochemical and morphological studies of membrane protein sorting in theXenopus oocyte system.  相似文献   

The effects of microinjections of exogenous casein kinase 2 on the structural organization of the maturing oocytes and eggs were studied inXenopus laevis. Kinase inhibited the progesterone-stimulated oocyte maturation and induced dislocation of pigment granules. The morphological effect was shown to be dose-dependent. The results obtained are discussed in the light of the possible influence of casein kinase 2 on the organization of the cortical actin cytoskeleton through phosphorylation of actin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Carbon flux in Xenopus laevis oocyte is glycogenic and an endogenous monocarboxylate transporter is responsible for intracellular lactate uptake. The aim of the present study was to determine if direct activation of protein kinases C and A modulates the activity of lactate transporter, as well as to investigate the possible role of cytoskeleton in these regulatory phenomena. The modulation was studied in isolated Xenopus oocytes of stage V–VI by measuring 14C-lactate uptake, both in the absence and in the presence of cytoskeletal-perturbing toxins. We found that the basal lactate transporter activity depends on the integrity of the cytoskeleton since it is partially inhibited by cytoskeleton disorganisation. Both PKA and PKC activation caused a significant decrease in transport activity and this decrease could be blocked by specific protein kinase inhibitors. The evidenced effects were not additive. Transport inhibition was annulled by agents that destabilize actin filaments or microtubules. We conclude that both protein kinases A and C, whose effects are mediated by cytoskeleton, negatively regulate the endogenous lactate transporter of Xenopus oocyte, suggesting that these kinases may have a role in the control of cytosolic pyruvate/lactate pool in the oocyte. All the experiments in this study comply with the current laws of Italy.  相似文献   

Secretion of organic anions by the kidney plays a critical role in the elimination of toxic agents from the body. Recent findings in isolated membranes and intact tissue have demonstrated the participation of multiple transport proteins in this process. As a first step toward molecular characterization of these proteins through expression cloning, the studies reported below demonstrate functional expression of both fumarate- and lithium-sensitive glutarate and probenecid-sensitive p-aminohippurate transport in Xenopus oocytes injected with rat kidney poly(A)+RNA. Maximal increase in substrate uptake over buffer-injected controls was reached by 5 days after mRNA injection. Expression of size-fractionated mRNA indicated that the active species with respect to both transport activities were in the range of 1.8 to 3.5 kb.  相似文献   

During germination and early growth of the castor-bean (Ricinus communis L.), protein in the endosperm is hydrolyzed and the amino acids are transferred into the cotyledons and then via the translocation stream to the axis of the growing seedling. The cotyledons retain the ability to absorb amino acids after removal of the endosperm and hypocotyl, exhibiting rates of transport up to 70 mol g-1 h-1. The transport of L-glutamine was not altered by KCl or NaCl in low concentrations (0–20 mM). High concentrations of KCl (100 mM) inhibited transport, presumably by decreasing the membrane potential. An increase in the pH of the medium bathing the cotyledons was observed for 10 min following addition of L-glutamine but not with D-glutamine, which is not transported. The rate of proton uptake was dependent on the concentration of L-glutamine in the external solution. Inhibitors and uncouplers of respiration (azide, 2, 4-dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone and N-ethylmaleimide) inhibited both L-glutamine uptake and L-glutamine-induced proton uptake. Amino acids other than L-glutamine also caused a transient pH rise and the rate of proton uptake was proportional to the rate of amino-acid uptake. The stoichiometry was 0.3 protons per amino acid transported. Addition of sucrose also caused proton uptake but the alkalisation by sucrose and by amino acids were not additive. Nevertheless, when sucrose was added 60 min after providing L-glutamine at levels saturating its uptake system, a rise in pH was again observed. The results were consistent with amino-acid transport and sucrose transport in castor-bean cotyledons both occurring by a proton cotransport in the same membrane system but involving separate carriers.  相似文献   

In-cell NMR is an application of solution NMR that enables the investigation of protein conformations inside living cells. We have measured in-cell NMR spectra in oocytes from the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. 15N-labeled ubiquitin, its derivatives and calmodulin were injected into Xenopus oocytes and two-dimensional 1H–15N correlation spectra of the proteins were obtained. While the spectrum of wild-type ubiquitin in oocytes had rather fewer cross-peaks compared to its in vitro spectrum, ubiquitin derivatives that are presumably unable to bind to ubiquitin-interacting proteins gave a markedly larger number of cross-peaks. This observation suggests that protein–protein interactions between ubiquitin and ubiquitin-interacting proteins may cause NMR signal broadening, and hence spoil the quality of the in-cell HSQC spectra. In addition, we observed the maturation of ubiquitin precursor derivative in living oocytes using the in-cell NMR technique. This process was partly inhibited by pre-addition of ubiquitin aldehyde, a specific inhibitor for ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (UCH). Our work demonstrates the potential usefulness of in-cell NMR with Xenopus oocytes for the investigation of protein conformations and functions under intracellular environmental conditions.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorized users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Summary Nuclear poly(A)+ and polysomal poly(A)+ RNA were isolated from gastrula and early tadpole stages of the amphibianXenopus laevis. Complementary DNA was synthesized from all RNA preparations. Hybridization reactions revealed that at least all abundant and probably most of the less frequent nuclear and polysomal poly(A)+ RNA species present at the gastrula stage are also present at the early tadpole stage. On the other hand, there are nuclear RNA sequences at the latter stage which appear, if at all, only at lower concentrations at the gastrula stage. The polysomal poly(A)+ RNA hybridization reactions suggest the existence of polysomal poly(A)+ RNA sequences at early tadpole stages which are not present in the corresponding gastrula stage RNA.By cDNA hybridization with poly(A) RNA it could be shown that most of the poly(A)+ containing RNA sequences transcribed into cDNA were also present within the poly(A) RNA. It was estimated, that these sequences are 10 fold more abundant within the poly(A) polysomal RNA and 3–6 more abundant within the poly(A) nuclear RNA as compared to the poly(A)+ RNAs.  相似文献   

Modulation of the current generated by the Na+/K+ pump by membrane potential and protein kinases was investigated in oocytes of Xenopus laevis. In addition to a positive slope region in the current-voltage (I-V) relationship of the Na+/K+ pump, a negative slope region has been described in these cells (Lafaire & Schwarz, 1986) and has been attributed to a voltage-dependent apparent Km value for pump stimulation by external [K+] (Rakowski et al., 1991). To study this feature in more detail, Xenopus oocytes were used for comparative analysis of the negative slope of the I-V relationship of the endogenous Na+/K+ pump and of the Na+/K+ pump of the electric organ of Torpedo californica expressed in the oocytes. The effects of stimulation of protein kinases A and C on the negative slope were also analyzed. To investigate the negative slope over a wide potential range, experiments were performed in Na(+)-free solution and in the presence of high concentrations of Ba2+ and tetraethylammonium, to block all nonpump related K(+)-sensitive currents. Pump currents and pump-mediated fluxes were determined as differences of currents or fluxes in solutions with and without extracellular K+. The voltage dependence of the Km value for stimulation of the Na+/K+ pump by external [K+] shows significant species differences. Over the entire voltage range from -140 to +20 mV, the Km value for the Na+/K+ pump of Torpedo electroplax is substantially higher than for the endogenous pump and exhibits more pronounced voltage dependence. For the Xenopus pump, the voltage dependence can be described by voltage-dependent stimulation by external [K+] and can be interpreted by voltage-dependent K+ binding, assuming that an effective charge between 0.37 and 0.56 of an elementary charge is moved in the electrical field. An analogous evaluation of the voltage dependence of the Torpedo pump requires the assumption of movement of two effective charges of 0.16 and 1.0 of an elementary charge. Application of 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol (diC8, 10-50 microM), which is known to stimulate protein kinase C, reduces the maximum activity of the Xenopus pumps in the oocyte membrane by 40% and modulates the voltage dependence of K+ stimulation. For the endogenous Xenopus pump, the apparent effective charge increased from 0.37 to 0.51 of elementary charge and the apparent Km at 0 mV increased from 0.46 to 0.83 mM. For the Torpedo pump, one of the apparent effective charges increased from 1.0 to 2.5 of elementary charge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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