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Summary Six deletion mutants of temperate Bacillus subtilis phage 105 have been isolated on the basis of their increased resistance to chelating agents. The size and position of the deletions was determined by electronmicroscopy of DNA heteroduplexes. All deletions are located in a region about 55–70% from one end of the DNA molecule, in the right half of the known genetic map of the phage. The segment 55–65% does not contain any genes essential for lytic growth or lysogenization. A gene(s) for immunity is located in a segment 65–70% from the left end.By electronmicroscopy of partially denatured 105 DNA two A-T rich regions have been localized in the right half of the molecule. One of these regions falls within the non-essential 55–65% DNA segment.  相似文献   

AmpC beta-lactamase is a bacterial enzyme with great clinical impact as it mediates beta-lactam antibiotic resistance in many Gram-negative bacteria. To facilitate the structure-function relationship studies on this clinically important enzyme, we developed new strategies for production of recombinant Enterobacter cloacae P99 AmpC beta-lactamase in Bacillus subtilis. With the utilization of a special thermo-inducible phi105 phage system, functionally active AmpC beta-lactamase was expressed in B. subtilis, either in an extracellular native form or an intracellular N-terminal (His)(6)-tagged form. A higher expression level was achieved when expressing the enzyme as the intracellular (His)(6)-tagged protein rather than as the extracellular native protein. In addition, from the approach of producing intracellular tagged protein, highly pure (>95%) (His)(6)-tagged beta-lactamase wild-type and mutants (Y150C and K315C) were obtained after a one-step nickel affinity chromatography with a yield of 28.5, 66, and 0.85 mg/L of culture, respectively. Furthermore, the Y150C and K315C mutants were characterized so as to investigate the roles of the conserved residues, Tyr150 and Lys315, in the AmpC beta-lactamase. Severe impairment in hydrolytic abilities and restored secondary structures of the Y150C and K315C mutants suggested the major contribution of these two residues in the catalytic reaction rather than the structural framework in the AmpC enzyme.  相似文献   

Analysis of DNA extracted from Bacillus subtilis lysogenic for bacteriophage phi 105 was performed by restriction endonuclease digestion and Southern hybridization using mature phi 105 DNA as a probe. The data revealed that the phi 105 prophage is circularly permuted. Digests using the enzymes EcoRI, SmaI, PstI, and HindIII localized the bacteriophage attachment site (att) to a region 63.4 to 65.7% from the left end of the mature bacteriophage genome. The phi 105 att site-containing SmaI C, PstI J, and HindIII L fragments were not present in digests of phi 105 prophage DNA. phi 105-homologous "junction" fragments were visualized by probing digests of prophage DNA with the purified PstI J fragment isolated from the mature bacteriophage genome. The excision of the phi 105 prophage was detected by observing the appearance of the mature PstI J fragment and the concomitant disappearance of a junction fragment during the course of prophage induction.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis spo0H gene.   总被引:16,自引:15,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

A HindIII fragment harboring the intact spo0C gene of Bacillus subtilis was cloned with rho 11 temperate bacteriophage as a vector. Transformation experiments with the DNA from rho 11 dspo0C+ specialized transducing phage showed that the spo0C gene resides on a 5.3-megadalton fragment generated by HindIII digestion. The 5.3-megadalton fragment also contains the intact spo0A gene, but not spoIIIA, spoIIIB, or spoIVB.  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme analysis of Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi 105 DNA   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The recognition sites on phi 105 DNA for the restriction endonucleases EcoRI, Bg/II, SmaI, KpnI, SstI, SalI, XhoI, NcoI, PstI, HindIII, ClaI, EcoRV and MluI have been mapped. The sites for EcoRI are shown to be different from those published earlier. The DNA from phi 105 contains no recognition sites for the endonucleases BamHI and XbaI.  相似文献   

Growth conditions established to optimize vegetative alkaline phosphatase production and stability in Bacillus subtilis were used to compare alkaline phosphatase synthesis and secretion in isogenic strains JH646 (spo0A12) and JH646MS (spo0A12 abrB15). A mutation in spo0A blocked vegetative alkaline phosphatase production, and a second mutation at the abrB locus resulted in hyperinduction of vegetative alkaline phosphatase. Phosphate regulation of vegetative alkaline phosphatase synthesis was unaffected in the double mutant. spo0H, on a multicopy plasmid, partially overcame the spo0A effect.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis phage phi 105 repressor specifically recognizes a 14-bp operator sequence which does not exhibit 2-fold rotational symmetry. To facilitate a genetic analysis of this sequence-dependent DNA binding a B. subtilis strain was constructed in which mutations affecting the phi 105 repressor-operator interaction cause a selectable phenotype, chloramphenicol resistance. After in vivo mutagenesis, we isolated and mapped 22 different mutations in the repressor coding sequence, 15 of which are missense substitutions. These are exclusively located in the N-terminal part (positions 1-43) of the 144 residue long polypeptide. Two nonsense mutants, at positions 70 and 89, respectively, still show partial repressor activity. These data suggest that the phi 105 repressor consists of at least two independently folding structural domains, of which the N-terminal is involved in operator binding. Twelve missense mutations are clustered in a region extending from Gln-18 to Arg-37, which we propose to be the DNA-binding alpha-helix--beta-turn--alpha-helix motif, common to all lambda Cro-like repressors. The second ('recognition') helix shows significant homology with the corresponding sequence in Tn3 resolvase, and there is also a striking similarity between the phi 105 operator and the consensus sequence for a Tn3 res half-site. Based on these observations, and on the previously isolated phi 105 0c mutants, we tentatively assign some specific contacts between base pairs from the first half of a phi 105 operator site and amino acids from the repressor's 'recognition helix'.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of Bacillus subtilis temperate phage phi 105 DNA was carried out by using restriction endonucleases EcoRI, SmaI, and KpnI, and a new revised EcoRI cleavage map is presented. In addition, the EcoRI cleavage maps of six specialized transducing phages carrying sporulation genes of B. subtilis were revised.  相似文献   

Spontaneous rifampin-resistant mutants (9V Rifr) were isolated from a mutant strain of Bacillus subtilis, 9V, which has a spo0C mutation. Whereas 90% of the 9V Rifr double mutants maintained the Spo0C phenotype (Spo- Abs +/-), the remaining 10% had the Spo0A phenotype (Spo- Abs-). The latter mutants, termed 9V Rifr Spo- Abs-, were revealed to have other Spo0A characters, such as reduced transformability, higher sensitivity to phage phi 2, and reduced frequency of lysogenization by phage phi 105. The rif mutation of these 9V Rifr Spo- Abs- strains was mapped near the cysA locus. The phenotype of the Rifr transformants of strain 9V by deoxyribonucleic acid derived from these 9V Rifr Spo- Abs- strains was Spo0A, and that of the Rifr transformants of strain 168 was Spo+ Abs+. The ribonucleic acid polymerase of the 9V Rifr Spo- Abs- strains was shown to be resistant to rifampin.  相似文献   

Three mutants with an autolysin-deficient and flagellaless phenotype (lyt) were genetically analyzed and compared with three thermosensitive flagellaless mutants. In view of the near indistinguishability of their phenotypes, all six mutations were assigned to fla loci. They were distributed into four linkage groups, designated flaA through flaD. flaA and flaB map between pyrD and thyA, flaD maps between aroD and lys, and, in agreement with a previous report, flaC maps near hisA. A locus associated with hypermotility, ifm-3, maps near the latter marker. Introduction of ifm-3 into lyt-1- and flaA4-containing strains led to partial suppression of the nonmotile phenotype. We discuss the possibility that the cellular concentration of autolysins is regulated by the expression of fla genes. Discrepancies with respect to previous mapping of flaA and flaB are accounted for.  相似文献   

Reference mutants of Bacillus subtilis phage phi 29 of the Madrid and Minneapolis collections were employed to construct a genetic map. Suppressor-sensitive and temperature-sensitive mutants were assigned to 17 cistrons by quantitative complementation. Three-factor crosses were used to assign an unambiguous order for the 17 cistrons. Recombination frequencies determined by two-factor crosses were used to construct a linear genetic map of 24.4 recombination units. The genes were numbered sequentially from left to right (1 to 17) according to their relative map position.  相似文献   

Two extragenic suppressor mutations, sur0B20 and sur0F1, which restore the sporulation of spo0B or spo0F mutants of Bacillus subtilis to the wild-type level, were obtained. These suppressor mutations were located in the spo0A gene. Their location is close to that of the sof-1 mutation, which suppresses spo0B, spo0E and spo0F mutations. However, spo0 strains bearing the sur0B20 mutation differed in several phenotypic characteristics from spo0 mutants bearing the sof-1 suppressor. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the sur0B20 and sur0F1 mutations resulted in Glu14 to Val and Asn12 to Lys conversion, respectively, in the spo0A gene. This result indicates that sur0B20 is a new suppressor of spo0b and spo0F mutations, whereas sur0F1 is identical to sof-1.  相似文献   

Virus assembly mutants of asporogenous Bacillus subtilis defective in bacteriophage phi 29 head assembly were detected by the use of antibodies that reacted strongly with the free dodecameric phi 29 portal vertex composed of gene product 10 (gp10) but weakly with the portal vertex assembled into proheads or phage. Phage adsorption and the synthesis of phage proteins, DNA-gene product 3, and prohead RNA were normal in these mutants, but prohead and phage production was greatly reduced. The assembly defect was transferred to competent B. subtilis by transformation and transduction. PBS1 transduction showed that the vam locus was linked to Tn917 located at 317 degrees on the B. subtilis chromosome.  相似文献   

A mutation in Bacillus subtilis spo0A codon 97 suppressed the sporulation defect caused by the spo0A9V mutation. The suppressor activity of the codon 97 mutation was evident only in the presence of a novel spo0H allele. Our results suggest that the spo0A gene product interacts with the sigma factor subunit of RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

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