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Raman spectra of the DNA binding site for cro repressor protein were obtained in the presence and absence of bound cro protein. The 17 base pair fragment is a consensus sequence of the six cro binding sites in phage lambda, except that the second base to the right of the center of pseudosymmetry is altered. Analysis of the spectrum of the free DNA indicates that the molecule exists in a B-like conformation with deviations from the usual B form occurring mainly in the bands assigned to A-T vibrations. The spectrum of the bound DNA was obtained by subtracting the spectrum of free cro from the spectrum of the complex which was estimated to be 90% bound. The DNA undergoes significant structural changes upon binding to the protein; most notable of these changes is a destacking of the G-C bases reflected by increases in the 1240, 1262, and 1320 cm-1 bands. A decrease in the 1361 cm-1 band that occurs has also been assigned to a destacking in guanine bases. The appearance of a 705 cm-1 band and the decrease and downshift of the 670 cm-1 band are consistent with the appearance of A-like character in the A-T region of the binding site when the protein binds; however, the spectra indicate that the entire binding site remains in a distorted B-like conformation. We use the 705 cm-1 band to estimate A-like character because the 800-850 cm-1 region is obscured by interference from strong protein bands. Other shifts in both intensity and position cannot be assigned to characteristic changes in conformation and therefore must be attributed to the protein influencing the structure in a novel way.  相似文献   

Type II dehydroquinase (DHQ2) is the third enzyme of the shikimic acid pathway, and it has been the effective target for tuberculosis (TB). So far, developing multiple potent inhibitors of the DHQ2 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (DHQ2-Mt) has been considered to be the new therapy to TB. Molecular dynamics simulations followed by molecular mechanics-generalised Born surface area were carried out to calculate the free binding energy and to determine the affinity ability of the four chosen inhibitor molecules, L1, L2, L3 and L4. Energy decomposition analyses show the electrostatic interaction and van der Waals interaction of the ligands to every residue of the DHQ2-Mt. The results suggest that some important residues have different interactions with the four ligands, such as Arg19 and Tyr24. These interactions may have an effect on the ligand binding affinity. The binding affinity of monosubstituted inhibitor is higher than that of disubstituted inhibitor, due to some important interactions with the DHQ2-Mt residues. These computational works will be significant to the theoretical research in the future.  相似文献   

The aspartic protease renin (REN) catalyses the rate-limiting step in the Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System (RAAS), which regulates cardiovascular and renal homoeostasis in living organisms. Renin blockage is therefore an attractive therapeutic strategy for the treatment of hypertension. Herein, computational approaches were used to provide a structural characterization of the binding site, flap opening and dynamic rearrangements of REN in the key conserved residues and water molecules, with the binding of a dodecapeptide substrate or different inhibitors. All these structural insights during catalysis may assist future studies in developing novel strategies for REN inactivation. Our molecular dynamics simulations of several unbound-REN and bound-REN systems indicate similar flexible-segments plasticity with larger fluctuations in those belonging to the C-domain (exposed to the solvent). These segments are thought to assist the flap opening and closure to allow the binding of the substrate and catalytic water molecules. The unbound-REN simulation suggests that the flap can acquire three different conformations: closed, semi-open and open. Our results indicate that the semi-open conformation is already sufficient and appropriate for the binding of the angiotensinogen (Ang) tail, thus contributing to the high specificity of REN, and that both semi-open and open flap conformations are present in free and complexed enzymes. We additionally observed that the Tyr75–Trp39 H-bond has an important role in assisting flap movement, and we highlight several conserved water molecules and amino acids that are essential for the proper catalytic activity of REN.  相似文献   

The E1 helicase of papillomaviruses is required for replication of the viral double-stranded DNA genome, in conjunction with cellular factors. DNA replication is initiated at the viral origin by the assembly of E1 monomers into oligomeric complexes that have unwinding activity. In vivo, this process is catalyzed by the viral E2 protein, which recruits E1 specifically at the origin. For bovine papillomavirus (BPV) E1 a minimal DNA-binding domain (DBD) has been identified N-terminal to the enzymatic domain. In this study, we characterized the DBD of human papillomavirus 11 (HPV11), HPV18, and BPV E1 using a quantitative DNA binding assay based on fluorescence anisotropy. We found that the HPV11 DBD binds DNA with an affinity and sequence requirement comparable to those of the analogous domain of BPV but that the HPV18 DBD has a higher affinity for nonspecific DNA. By comparing the DNA-binding properties of a dimerization-defective protein to those of the wild type, we provide evidence that dimerization of the HPV11 DBD occurs only on two appropriately positioned E1 binding-sites and contributes approximately a 10-fold increase in binding affinity. In contrast, the HPV11 E1 helicase purified as preformed hexamers binds DNA with little sequence specificity, similarly to a dimerization-defective DBD. Finally, we show that the amino acid substitution that prevents dimerization reduces the ability of a longer E1 protein to bind to the origin in vitro and to support transient HPV DNA replication in vivo, but has little effect on its ATPase activity or ability to oligomerize into hexamers. These results are discussed in light of a model of the assembly of replication-competent double hexameric E1 complexes at the origin.  相似文献   

The continuous and rapid development of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus remains a health concern especially with the emergence of numerous variants and mutations worldwide. As with other RNA viruses, SARS-CoV-2 has a genetically high mutation rate. These mutations have an impact on the virus characteristics, including transmissibility, antigenicity and development of drug and vaccine resistance. This work was pursued to identify the differences that exist in the papain-like protease (PLPro) from 58 Saudi isolates in comparison to the first reported sequence from Wuhan, China and determine their implications on protein structure and the inhibitor binding. PLpro is a key protease enzyme for the host cells invasion and viral proteolytic cleavage, hence, it emerges as a valuable antiviral therapeutic target. Two mutations were identified including D108G and A249V and shown to increase the molecular flexibility of PLPro protein and alter the protein stability, particularly with D108G mutation. The effect of these mutations on the stability and dynamic behavior of PLPro structures as well as their effect on the binding of a known inhibitor; GRL0617 were further investigated by molecular docking and dynamic simulation.  相似文献   

A physical map was constructed for bovine papillomavirus type 2 DNA by the use of restriction endonucleases. A comparison between the genomes of bovine papillomavirus types I and 2 in regard to location and number of cleavage sites of seven enzymes is also presented. This comparison revealed similarities between the two genomes.  相似文献   

During the life cycle of human papillomaviruses (HPVs), the L1 capsid proteins seem to enter the nucleus twice: once after the virions infect the cells, and later during the productive phase when they assemble the replicated HPV genomic DNA into infectious virions. We established for the high-risk HPV45 that when digitonin-permeabilized HeLa cells were incubated with L1 homopentameric capsomers, the HPV45 L1 protein was imported into the nucleus in a receptor-mediated manner. In contrast, intact capsids were not able to enter the nucleus. Immunoisolation assays showed that HPV45 L1 capsomers interact with cytosolic karyopherin alpha 2 beta 1 heterodimers. HPV45 L1 bound strongly to karyopherin alpha 2, and weakly to karyopherin beta 1, as did its nuclear localization signal (NLS). Nuclear import of HPV45 L1, or of a GST-NLS(HPV45L1) fusion protein was efficiently mediated by karyopherin alpha 2 beta 1 heterodimers, and only weakly by karyopherin beta 1. Nuclear import required RanGDP, but was independent of GTP hydrolysis by Ran. Together, these data suggest that the major nuclear import pathway for HPV45 L1 major capsid protein in infected host cells is mediated by karyopherin alpha 2 beta 1 heterodimers and that GTP hydrolysis by Ran is not required for import. Remarkably, HPV45 L1 capsomers can interact nonspecifically with different types of HPV-DNA, and the DNA binding region of HPV45 L1 overlaps with its NLS sequence.  相似文献   

It was reported that buffalo is a low susceptibility species resisting to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) (same as rabbits, horses, and dogs). TSEs, also called prion diseases, are invariably fatal and highly infectious neurodegenerative diseases that affect a wide variety of species (except for rabbits, dogs, horses, and buffalo), manifesting as scrapie in sheep and goats; bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or “mad–cow” disease) in cattle; chronic wasting disease in deer and elk; and Creutzfeldt–Jakob diseases, Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker syndrome, fatal familial insomnia, and Kulu in humans etc. In molecular structures, these neurodegenerative diseases are caused by the conversion from a soluble normal cellular prion protein (PrPC), predominantly with α-helices, into insoluble abnormally folded infectious prions (PrPSc), rich in β-sheets. In this article, we studied the molecular structure and structural dynamics of buffalo PrPC (BufPrPC), in order to understand the reason why buffalo is resistant to prion diseases. We first did molecular modeling of a homology structure constructed by one mutation at residue 143 from the NMR structure of bovine and cattle PrP(124–227); immediately we found that for BufPrPC(124–227), there are five hydrogen bonds (HBs) at Asn143, but at this position, bovine/cattle do not have such HBs. Same as that of rabbits, dogs, or horses, our molecular dynamics studies also revealed there is a strong salt bridge (SB) ASP178–ARG164 (O–N) keeping the β2–α2 loop linked in buffalo. We also found there is a very strong HB SER170–TYR218 linking this loop with the C-terminal end of α-helix H3. Other information, such as (i) there is a very strong SB HIS187–ARG156 (N–O) linking α-helices H2 and H1 (if mutation H187R is made at position 187, then the hydrophobic core of PrPC will be exposed (L.H. Zhong (2010). Exposure of hydrophobic core in human prion protein pathogenic mutant H187R. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 28(3), 355–361)), (ii) at D178, there is a HB Y169–D178 and a polar contact R164–D178 for BufPrPC instead of a polar contact Q168–D178 for bovine PrPC (C.J. Cheng, & V. Daggett. (2014). Molecular dynamics simulations capture the misfolding of the bovine prion protein at acidic pH. Biomolecules 4(1), 181–201), (iii) BufPrPC owns three 310 helices at 125–127, 152–156, and in the β2–α2 loop, respectively, and (iv) in the β2–α2 loop, there is a strong π–π stacking and a strong π–cation F175–Y169–R164.(N)NH2, has been discovered.  相似文献   

Curcumin is a natural phytochemical that exhibits a wide range of pharmacological properties, including antitumor and anticancer activities. The similarity in the shape of curcumin to DNA minor groove binding drugs is the motivation for exploring its binding affinity in the minor grooves of DNA sequences. Interactions of curcumin with DNA have not been extensively examined, while its pharmacological activities have been studied and documented in depth. Curcumin was docked with two DNA duplexes, d(GTATATAC)2 and d(CGCGATATCGCG)2, and molecular dynamics simulations of the complexes were performed in explicit solvent to determine the stability of the binding. In all systems, the curcumin is positioned in the minor groove in the A·T region, and was stably bound throughout the simulation, causing only minor modifications to the structural parameters of DNA. Water molecules were found to contribute to the stability of the binding of the ligand. Free energy analyses of the complexes were performed with MM-PBSA, and the binding affinities that were calculated are comparable to the values reported for other similar nucleic acid–ligand systems, indicating that curcumin is a suitable natural molecule for the development of minor groove binding drugs.  相似文献   

The fragment molecular orbital (FMO) method has enabled electronic structure calculations and geometry optimizations of very large molecules with ab initio quality. We applied the method to four FK506 binding protein (FKBP) complexes (denoted by their PDB codes 1fkb, 1fkf, 1fkg, and 1fki) containing rapamycin, FK506, and two synthetic ligands. The geometries of reduced complex models were optimized at the restricted Hartree–Fock (FMO‐RHF) level using the 3‐21G basis set, and then for a better estimate of binding, the energetics were refined at a higher level of theory (2nd order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory FMO‐MP2 with the 6‐31G* basis set). Thus, obtained binding energies were ?103.9 (?82.0), ?102.2 (?69.2), ?70.1 (?57.7), and ?71.3 (?55.3) kcal/mol for 1fkb, 1fkf, 1fkg, and 1fki, respectively, where the correlation contribution is given in parentheses. The results show that the electron correlation contribution to binding is extremely important, and it accounts for 70–80% of the binding energy. The molecular recognition mechanism of FKBP was analyzed in detail based on the FMO‐pair interactions between protein residues and the ligands. Solvation effects on the protein–ligand binding were estimated using the Poisson–Boltzmann/surface area model. Proteins 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on netropsin in two different charge states and on distamycin binding to the minor groove of the DNA duplex d(CGCGAAAAACGCG)·d(CGCGTTTTTCGCG). The relative free energy of binding of the two non-covalently interacting ligands was calculated using the thermodynamic integration method and reflects the experimental result. From 2 ns simulations of the ligands free in solution and when bound to DNA, the mobility and the hydrogen-bonding patterns of the ligands were studied, as well as their hydration. It is shown that even though distamycin is less hydrated than netropsin, the loss of ligand–solvent interactions is very similar for both ligands. The relative mobilities of the ligands in their bound and free forms indicate a larger entropic penalty for distamycin when binding to the minor groove compared with netropsin, partially explaining the lower binding affinity of the distamycin molecule. The detailed structural and energetic insights obtained from the molecular dynamics simulations allow for a better understanding of the factors determining ligand–DNA binding.  相似文献   

A Thain  O Jenkins  A R Clarke    K Gaston 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):7233-7235
CpG methylation of the human papillomavirus upstream regulatory region has previously been shown to reduce virus promoter activity. Here, we demonstrate that methylation of the CpG dinucleotides contained within the binding site of the human papillomavirus type 16 E2 protein has a direct effect on the interaction of this protein with DNA. Methylation of both CpG dinucleotides within the E2 site abolishes the binding of E2.  相似文献   

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