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Ferula loscosii (Lange) Willk (Apiaceae) is a threatened endemic species native to the Iberian Peninsula. The plant has a narrow and disjunct distribution in three regions, NE, C and SE Spain. Genetic variability within and among 11 populations from its natural distribution was assessed using allozymes. Intermediate levels of genetic diversity were detected in F. loscosii (P(99%) = 36.83; H(E) = 0.125; H(T) = 0.152). However, the highest genetic diversity (58%) corresponded to the threatened populations from SE and C Spain (H(T) = 0.169) rather than the more abundant and larger populations from NE Spain (Ebro valley) (H(T) = 0.122). Low to moderate levels of genetic structure were found among regional ranges (G(ST) = 0.134), and several statistical spatial correlation analyses corroborated substantial genetic differentiation among the three main regional ranges. However, no significant genetic differentiation was found among the NE Spain populations, except for a northernmost population that is geographically isolated. Outcrossing mating and other biological traits of the species could account for the maintenance of the present values of genetic diversity within populations. The existence of an ancestral late Tertiary wider distribution of the species in SE and C Spain, followed by the maintenance of different Quaternary refugia in these warmer areas, together with a more recent and rapid post-glacial expansion towards NE Spain, are arguments that could explain the low genetic variability and structure found in the Ebro valley and the higher levels of diversity in the southern Iberian populations.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can lead to a decline of genetic diversity, a potential risk for the survival of natural populations. Fragmented populations can become highly differentiated due to reduced gene flow and genetic drift. A decline in number of individuals can result in lower reproductive fitness due to inbreeding effects. We investigated genetic variation within and between 11 populations of the rare and endangered plant Silene chlorantha in northeastern Germany to support conservation strategies. Genetic diversity was evaluated using AFLP techniques and the results were correlated to fitness traits. Fitness evaluation in nature and in a common garden approach was conducted. Our analysis revealed population differentiation was high and within population genetic diversity was intermediate. A clear population structure was supported by a Bayesian approach, AMOVA and neighbour-joining analysis. No correlation between genetic and geographic distance was found. Our results indicate that patterns of population differentiation were mainly caused by temporal and/or spatial isolation and genetic drift. The fitness evaluation revealed that pollinator limitation and habitat quality seem, at present, to be more important to reproductive fitness than genetic diversity by itself. Populations of S. chlorantha with low genetic diversity have the potential to increase in individual number if habitat conditions improve. This was detected in a single large population in the investigation area, which was formerly affected by bottleneck effects.  相似文献   

不同地区甜菜夜蛾种群的遗传多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)是一种重要的农业害虫,曾给我国农牧业生产造成过重大的经济损失。为了阐明甜菜夜蛾的种群动态规律,改善和提高其预测、防治水平,我们应用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)技术对我国7个甜菜夜蛾种群的42头雄蛾的遗传多样性进行了研究分析。结果表明,不同种群个体间遗传相似性指数分布在0.143~0.824之间,同一种群内不同个体间的遗传相似性指数分布在0.250~0.786之间,同一种群内个体间的遗传相似性指数有许多小于不同种群个体间的。江西种群的多态性条带比例最低,为80.7%; 山东种群的多态性条带比例最高,达88.6%。总体而言,北方种群内的遗传多样性高于南方种群。聚类分析结果表明,同一种群的个体并不总能聚在一起,即种群间不存在明显的遗传分化。这些结果为明确我国甜菜夜蛾的迁飞规律及各发生危害区的虫源关系提供了进一步的实验依据。  相似文献   

Ni X  Huang Y  Wu L  Zhou R  Deng S  Wu D  Wang B  Su G  Tang T  Shi S 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):177-183
Primulina tabacum Hance, is a critically endangered perennial endemic to limestone area in South China. Genetic variability within and among four extant populations of this species was assessed using AFLP markers. We expected a low genetic diversity level of this narrowly distributed species, but our results revealed that a high level of genetic diversity remains, both at population level (55.5% of markers polymorphic, H E = 0.220, I S = 0.321), and at species level (P = 85.6% of markers polymorphic, H E = 0.339, I S = 0.495), probably resulting from its refugial history and/or breeding system. High levels of genetic differentiation among populations was apparent based on Nei’s genetic diversity analysis (G st=0.350). The restricted gene flow between populations is a potential reason for the high genetic differentiation. The population genetic diversity of P. tabacum revealed here has clear implications for conservation and management. To maintain present levels of genetic diversity, in situ conservation of all populations is necessary.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vella pseudocytisus subsp. paui (Cruciferae) is a narrow endemic plant to the Teruel province (eastern Spain), which is listed in the National Catalogue of Endangered Species. Two distinct ploidy levels (diploid, 2n = 34, and tetraploid, 2n = 68) have been reported for this taxon that belongs to the core subtribe Vellinae, a western Mediterranean group of shrubby taxa with a chromosome base number of x = 17. Allozyme and AFLP analyses were conducted (a) to test for the ploidy and putative palaeo-allopolyploid origin of this taxon, (b) to explore levels of genetic diversity and spatial structure of its populations, and (c) to address in-situ and ex-situ strategies for its conservation. METHODS: Six populations that covered the entire geographical range of this taxon were sampled and examined for 19 allozyme loci and three AFLP primer pair combinations. In addition, the gametic progenies of five individuals were analysed for two allozyme loci that showed fixed heterozygosity. KEY RESULTS: Multiple banded allozyme profiles for most of the surveyed loci indicated the polyploidy of this taxon. Co-inherited fixed heterozygous patterns were exhibited by the gametophytic tissues of the mother plants. Both allozyme and AFLP markers detected high levels of genetic diversity, and a strong micro-spatial genetic structure was recovered from AFLP phenetic analyses and Mantel correlograms. CONCLUSIONS: Allozyme data support the hypothesis of an allotetraploid origin of Vella pseudocytisus subsp. paui that could be representative of other taxa of the core Vellinae group. AFLP data distinguished three geographically distinct groups with no genetic interaction among them. Allotetraploidy and outcrossing reproduction have probably contributed to maintenance of high levels of genetic variability of the populations, whereas habitat fragmentation may have enhanced the high genetic isolation observed among groups. In-situ microgenetic reserves and a selective sampling of germplasm stocks for ex-situ conservation of this taxon are proposed.  相似文献   

A multivariate analysis of four prehistoric and nine historic populations from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands with large sample sizes (n > 30 individuals for the neurocranium and n > 15 for the facial skeleton) is presented, considering 874 male and 557 female skulls and using 20 craniometric measurements. Cluster analyses have been undertaken using the squared Euclidean distance as a measure of proximity and the average linkage between groups (UPGMA), and neighbor-joining algorithms as a branching method, and a bootstrap analysis was used to assess the robustness of the clustering topology. The study was complemented with a principal coordinate analysis and with the application of the Mantel test to measure the degree of correspondence between the information furnished by the female and the male samples. The analyses show that the main source of morphometric variability in the Iberian Peninsula is the Basque population. The second source of variation is provided by two populations (Muslims and Jews), different from the rest from an archaeological and cultural point of view, and can probably be attributed to influences from sub-Saharan Africa. The massive deportations of the Jews in 1492 and of the Moors between the 15th and 17th centuries may have erased this source of variability from the present population of the Iberian Peninsula. The remaining studied populations, including samples from Castile, Cantabria, Andalusia, Catalonia and Balearic Islands, are grouped together, showing a notable morphological homogeneity, despite their temporal and geographic heterogeneity. These results are in general agreement with those obtained in synthetic maps, by analyzing multiple genetic markers. In such studies, the Basque population is described as the main source of genetic variability, not only in the Iberian Peninsula, but also in Western Europe. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A plant species' genetic population structure is the result of a complex combination of its life history, ecological preferences, position in the ecosystem and historical factors. As a result, many different statistical methods exist that measure different aspects of species' genetic structure. However, little is known about how these methods are interrelated and how they are related to a species' ecology and life history. In this study, we used the IntraBioDiv amplified fragment length polymorphisms data set from 27 high-alpine species to calculate eight genetic summary statistics that we jointly correlate to a set of six ecological and life-history traits. We found that there is a large amount of redundancy among the calculated summary statistics and that there is a significant association with the matrix of species traits. In a multivariate analysis, two main aspects of population structure were visible among the 27 species. The first aspect is related to the species' dispersal capacities and the second is most likely related to the species' postglacial recolonization of the Alps. Furthermore, we found that some summary statistics, most importantly Mantel's r and Jost's D, show different behaviour than expected based on theory. We therefore advise caution in drawing too strong conclusions from these statistics.  相似文献   

阴环  李晓晨 《昆虫学报》2013,56(7):807-815
赤胸梳爪步Dolichus halensis (Schaller)(鞘翅目:步甲科)是重要的捕食性天敌昆虫,在我国分布广泛。为揭示其种群遗传多样性和扩张机制, 本研究以秦岭地区为中心,以线粒体Cox1 tRNALeu Cox2基因片段为分子标记,对来自于24个采集点共191个个体进行了检测分析。在长度为1 601 bp的碱基中共检测到45个变异位点,定义了53个单倍型,单倍型多样性高(Hd=0.796),而核苷酸多样性较低(Pi=0.0033)。系统发育分析结果表明该地区该物种存在两大进化枝。分子变异分析(AMOVA)表明86.61%的变异来源于种群内。SAMOVA和PERMUT分析结果一致,表明秦岭地区分布的赤胸梳爪步甲种群不存在明显的谱系地理结构。中性检验和错配分布分析的结果一致,表明该物种在秦岭地区曾经发生过种群扩张。综上,认为赤胸疏爪步甲种群经历过冰期后的扩散。  相似文献   

Pelliciera rhizophorae is a Neotropical mangrove species whose distribution is mostly restricted to the Pacific Coast, between the Gulf of Nicoya (Costa Rica) and the Esmeraldas River (Ecuador). In the Caribbean, patches of Pelliciera have been found in Nicaragua, Panama, and Colombia. The genetic variation and the population structure of P. rhizophorae were evaluated in six zones of the Colombian Pacific, using AFLP molecular markers. Of the 225 amplified fragments produced, 155 (69%) were polymorphic in 57 individuals of P. rhizophorae collected in the localities of Virudó, Charambirá, La Plata Island, Tumaco, Milagros, and Chontal. Genetic diversity within populations varied significantly, with the lowest levels of within‐population variation (Hep= 0.081 and 0.090, respectively) in La Plata Island and Tumaco; and the highest level of variation (Hep= 0.187) in Chontal. In the Colombian Pacific, P. rhizophorae was significantly structured, with 26.5 percent of the variation found among populations, which was an evidence of substructure within populations. Genetic differentiation was not related to the geographic distance between zones. This suggests that the population dynamics of P. rhizophorae could be associated with historic processes influenced by ecological and environmental factors such as the movement of pollen by birds, the displacement of propagules by marine currents, and the spatial distribution of favorable habitats.  相似文献   

Kang M  Ye Q  Huang H 《Annals of botany》2005,96(7):1265-1274
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Isoetes sinensis (Isoeteaceae) is a critically endangered aquatic quillwort in eastern China. Rapid decline of extant population size and local population extinction have occurred in recent years and have raised great concerns among conservationists. METHODS: Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) were used to investigate the genetic variation and population structure of seven extant populations of the species. KEY RESULTS: Eight primer combinations produced a total of 343 unambiguous bands of which 210 (61.2 %) were polymorphic. Isoetes sinensis exhibited a high level of intra-population genetic diversity (H(E) = 0.118; hs = 0.147; I = 0.192; P = 35.2 %). The genetic variation within each of the populations was not positively correlated with their size, suggesting recent population decline, which is well in accordance with field data of demographic surveys. Moreover, a high degree of genetic differentiation (F(ST) = 0.535; G(ST) = 0.608; theta(B) = 0.607) was detected among populations and no correlation was found between geographical and genetic distance, suggesting that populations were in disequilibrium of migration-drift. Genetic drift played a more important role than gene flow in the current population genetic structure of I. sinensis because migration of I. sinensis is predominantly water-mediated and habitat range was highly influenced by environment changes. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic information obtained in the present study provides useful baseline data for formulating conservation strategies. Conservation management, including both reinforcement for in situ populations and ex situ conservation programmes should be carefully designed to avoid the potential risk of outbreeding depression by admixture of individuals from different regions. However, translocation within the same regional population should be considered as a measure of genetic enhancement to rehabilitate local populations. An ex situ conservation strategy for conserving all extant populations to maximize genomic representation of the species is also recommended.  相似文献   

本研究采用AFLP分子标记技术对资源昆虫角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis 6个种群共102个个体的样本进行遗传多样性分析, 探讨角倍蚜主要分布区不同种群之间的遗传分化及其变异程度, 为合理利用和保护该经济昆虫提供分子方面的证据。结果表明: 经过摸索实验筛选出的4对选择性扩增引物共扩增条带126条, 多态性条带比例为100%, 种群多态性位点比例介于23.81%~66.67%之间; Nei's基因多样性指数介于0.0942~0.1980之间; Shannon's多样性数介于0.1381~0.3027之间; AMOVA分析显示57.99%的变异来源于种群内, 42.41%的变异来源于种群间(P<0.01); 总群体的Fst值为0.4242; NJ聚类树显示角倍蚜6个种群共形成两个大的聚类簇, 阳雀、丹寨和汉中种群聚为一支, 安县、竹山和龙胜3个种群聚为另一支。总体上, 角倍蚜种内的遗传多样性较低, 而种群间的遗传分化较大, 遗传距离与地理距离之间没有显著的相关关系(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

Recent phylogeographic studies have elucidated the effects of Pleistocene glaciations and of Pre-Pleistocene events on populations from glacial refuge areas. This study investigates those effects in riparian trees (Populus spp.), whose particular features may convey enhanced resistance to climate fluctuations. We analysed the phylogeographic structure of 44 white (Populus alba), 13 black (Populus nigra) and two grey (Populus x canescens) poplar populations in the Iberian Peninsula using plastid DNA microsatellites and sequences. We also assessed fine-scale spatial genetic structure and the extent of clonality in four white and one grey poplar populations using nuclear microsatellites and we determined quantitative genetic differentiation (Q(ST) ) for growth traits in white poplar. Black poplar displayed higher regional diversity and lower differentiation than white poplar, reflecting its higher cold-tolerance. The dependence of white poplar on phreatic water was evidenced by strong differentiation between the Atlantic and Mediterranean drainage basins and among river basins, and by weaker isolation by distance within than among river basins. Our results suggest confinement to the lower river courses during glacial periods and moderate interglacial gene exchange along coastlines. In northern Iberian river basins, white poplar had lower diversity, fewer private haplotypes and larger clonal assemblies than in southern basins, indicating a stronger effect of glaciations in the north. Despite strong genetic structure and frequent asexual propagation in white poplar, some growth traits displayed adaptive divergence between drainage and river basins (Q(ST) >F(ST)), highlighting the remarkable capacity of riparian tree populations to adapt to regional environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We compared the levels and distribution of genetic diversity in Eurasian and North American populations of Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) Beauv. (false brome), a newly invasive perennial bunchgrass in western North America. Our goals were to identify source regions for invasive populations, determine the number of independent invasion events, and assess the possibility that postinvasion bottlenecks and hybridization have affected patterns of genetic diversity in the invaded range. We tested the hypothesis that this Eurasian grass was accidentally introduced into two areas in Oregon and one site in California by examining nuclear microsatellites and chloroplast haplotype variation in 23 introduced and 25 native populations. In the invaded range, there was significantly lower allelic richness (R(S)), observed heterozygosity (H(O)) and within-population gene diversity (H(S)), although a formal test failed to detect a significant genetic bottleneck. Most of the genetic variation existed among populations in the native range but within populations in the invaded range. All of the allelic variation in the invaded range could be explained based on alleles found in western European populations. The distribution of identified genetic clusters in the North American populations and the unique alleles associated with them is consistent with two historical introductions in Oregon and a separate introduction to California. Further analyses of population structure indicate that intraspecific hybridization among genotypes from geographically distinct regions of western Europe occurred following colonization in Oregon. The California populations, however, are more likely to be derived from one or perhaps several genetically similar regions in the native range. The emergence and spread of novel recombinant genotypes may be facilitating the rapid spread of this invasive species in Oregon.  相似文献   

Bonin A  Ehrich D  Manel S 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(18):3737-3758
Recently, the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique has gained a lot of popularity, and is now frequently applied to a wide variety of organisms. Technical specificities of the AFLP procedure have been well documented over the years, but there is on the contrary little or scattered information about the statistical analysis of AFLPs. In this review, we describe the various methods available to handle AFLP data, focusing on four research topics at the population or individual level of analysis: (i) assessment of genetic diversity; (ii) identification of population structure; (iii) identification of hybrid individuals; and (iv) detection of markers associated with phenotypes. Two kinds of analysis methods can be distinguished, depending on whether they are based on the direct study of band presences or absences in AFLP profiles ('band-based' methods), or on allelic frequencies estimated at each locus from these profiles ('allele frequency-based' methods). We investigate the characteristics and limitations of these statistical tools; finally, we appeal for a wider adoption of methodologies borrowed from other research fields, like for example those especially designed to deal with binary data.  相似文献   

Abstract The nymphal biology of a population of Torleya major (Klapálek) in southern Iberian Peninsula was studied. An atypical life cycle pattern is described, with eggs hatching in August producing a fast‐developing cohort with adults emerging in autumn and a second slow‐developing cohort with adults emerging in spring of the following year. Nymphal growth occurred primarily in summer–autumn (in the first cohort) and in spring (in the second). The origin of such a life history is discussed. Nymphs were collector‐gatherers, consuming mainly detritus. Although ontogenetic shifts on the use of trophic resources were detected, similar food was utilized during the months when both cohorts cohabited, eliminating the possibility that the rapid growth of the first cohort could be related to the utilization of different food resources.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors responsible for the structuring of genetic diversity is of fundamental importance for biodiversity conservation. However, arriving at such understanding is difficult owing to the many factors involved and the potential interactions between them. Here, we present an example of how such interactions can preclude us from arriving at a complete characterization of the demographic history and genetic structure of a species. Ctenomys rionegrensis is a species with restricted dispersal abilities and, as such, should exhibit an isolation by distance (IBD) pattern, which previous studies were unable to uncover. It was therefore concluded that this species underwent a recent population expansion. Using a novel hierarchical Bayesian method, we show that the inability to detect the IBD pattern is due to the interaction between elevation and geographical distance. We posit that populations in low areas suffer periodic floods that may reduce local population sizes, increasing genetic drift, a process that masks the effect of distance on genetic differentiation. Our results do not refute the possibility that the populations of C. rionegrensis underwent a recent population expansion but they indicate that an alternative scenario described by a metapopulation model at or near migration-drift equilibrium cannot be excluded either.  相似文献   

Parapiptadenia rigida is a tropical early secondary succession tree characteristic of the Tropical Atlantic Rainforest. This species is of great ecological importance in the recovery of degraded areas. In this study we investigated the variability and population genetic structure of eight populations of P. rigida. Five AFLP primer combinations were used in a sample of 159 individuals representing these eight populations, rendering a total of 126 polymorphic fragments. The averages of percentage of polymorphic loci, gene diversity, and Shannon index were 60.45%, 0.217, and 0.322, respectively. A significant correlation between the population genetic variability and the population sizes was observed. The genetic variability within populations (72.20%) was higher than between these (22.80%). No perfect correlation was observed between geographic and genetic distances, which might be explained by differences in deforestation intensities that occurred in these areas. A dendrogram constructed by the UPGMA method revealed the formation of two clusters, these also confirmed by Bayesian analysis for the number of K cluster. These results show that it is necessary to develop urgent management strategies for the conservation of certain populations of P. rigida, while other populations still preserve reasonably high levels of genetic variability.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial (mt) DNA variation in Japanese beech, Fagus crenata (Fagaceae), was studied in 17 populations distributed throughout the species' range. Total genomic DNA of samples from single trees representing each of 12 populations were digested with 18 restriction enzymes and hybridized with three probes containing coxI, coxIII, and atpA gene sequences. Thirty-four of the 54 enzyme/probe combinations showed polymorphisms and all the individuals were subsequently analyzed with six combinations of three probes and two enzymes. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms were evident around all three genes, allowing the identification of eight distinct haplotypes. Haplotype diversity within the populations was found to be very low (HS = 0.031), but population differentiation to be much higher (GST = 0.963). The mtDNA variation was strikingly different from allozyme variation (HS = 0.209; GST = 0.039). Gene flow for maternally inherited mtDNA should be restricted to seed dispersal while nuclear gene flow occurs by both seed and pollen dispersal. Therefore, the difference in the variation between mtDNA and allozymes may be largely a result of the much higher rate of gene flow associated with pollen dispersal than with seed dispersal. The mtDNA variation displayed strong geographic structure, which may reflect the species' distribution in the last glacial maximum and subsequent colonization, and probably also reflects intraspecific phylogeography of the species.  相似文献   

谢立峰  李宁 《植物学报》2019,54(1):58-63
采用SRAP标记法对183份茄子(Solanum melongena)种质资源的遗传关系和群体结构进行分析。结果表明, 33对多态性SRAP引物组合共扩增出215条清晰稳定的多态性条带, 平均每对引物组合产生7条多态性条带。183份茄子种质的遗传相似系数介于0.276-0.813之间, 平均值为0.623, 表明茄子种质资源间遗传背景存在一定的差异。在遗传距离为0.345 6处可将183份茄子种质分为4组。通过群体结构分析可将种质划分为4个群体, 不同群体间的界限十分明显, 且群体间的基因渗透较高。  相似文献   

The levels and partitioning of genetic diversity and inbreeding depression were investigated in Tupistra pingbianensis, a narrow endemic of southeast Yunnan, China, characterized by a naturally fragmented distribution due to extreme specialization on a rare habitat type. Here genetic diversity and patterns of genetic variation within and among 11 populations were analyzed using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers with 97 individuals across its whole geographical range. High levels of genetic variation were revealed both at the species level (P_(99)=96.012%; H_t=0.302) and at the population level (P_(99)=51.41%; H_8= 0.224). Strong genetic differentiation among populations was also detected (F_(ST)= 0.2961; θ~Ⅱ= 0.281), which corresponded to results reported for typical animal-pollinated, mixed selfing, and outcrossing plant species. This result was consistent with mating patterns detected by our pollination experiments. The indirect estimate of gene flow based on θ~Ⅱwas low (N_m=0.64). Special habitat and its life history traits might play an important role in shaping the genetic diversity and the genetic structure of this species. A pollination experiment also failed to detect significant inbreeding depression upon F_1 fruit set, seed weight, and germinate rate fitness-traits. As a naturally rare species, T. pingbianensis is not seriously genetically impoverished and likely to have adapted to tolerating a high level of inbreeding early in its history, we propose this species need only periodic monitoring to ensure their continued persistence, but not intervention to remain viable.  相似文献   

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