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DNA sequence data from the chloroplast gene ndhF were analyzed to estimate the phylogeny of the subfamily Panicoideae, with emphasis on the tribe Paniceae. Our data suggest that the subfamily is divided into three strongly supported clades, corresponding to groups with largely identical base chromosome numbers. Relationships among the three clades are unclear. In unweighted parsimony analyses, the two major clades with x = 10 (Andropogoneae and x = 10 Paniceae) are weakly supported as sister taxa. The third large clade corresponds to x = 9 Paniceae. In analyses under implied weight, the two clades of Paniceae are sisters, making the tribe monophyletic. Neither resolution is strongly supported.Our molecular phylogenies are not congruent with previous classifications of tribes or subtribes. Based on this sample of species, we infer that C(4) photosynthesis has evolved independently several times, although a single origin with multiple reversals and several reacquisitions is only slightly less parsimonious. The phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase (PCK) subtype of C(4) photosynthesis has evolved only once, as has the NAD-malic enzyme (ME) subtype; all other origins are NADP-ME. Inflorescence bristles are apparently homologous in the genera Setaria and Pennisetum, contrary to opinions of most previous authors. Some genera, such as Digitaria, Echinochloa, and Homolepis are supported as monophyletic. The large genus Paspalum is shown to be paraphyletic, with Thrasya derived from within it. As expected, Panicum is polyphyletic, with lineages derived from multiple ancestors across the tree. Panicum subg. Panicum is monophyletic. Panicum subg. Dichanthelium, subg. Agrostoides, and subg. Phanopyrum are unrelated to each other, and none is monophyletic. Only Panicum subg. Dichanthelium sect. Dichanthelium, represented by P. sabulorum and P. koolauense, is monophyletic. Panicum subg. Megathyrsus, a monotypic subgenus including only the species P. maximum, is better placed in Urochloa, as suggested by other authors.  相似文献   

To further validate previous observations in the taxonomy of Cryptosporidium parasites, the phylogenetic relationship was analyzed among various Cryptosporidium parasites at the actin locus. Nucleotide sequences of the actin gene were obtained from 9 putative Cryptosporidium species (C. parvum, C. andersoni, C. baileyi, C. felis, C. meleagridis, C. muris, C. saurophilum, C. serpentis, and C. wrairi) and various C. parvum genotypes. After multiple alignment of the obtained actin sequences, genetic distances were measured, and phylogenetic trees were constructed. Results of the analysis confirmed the presence of genetically distinct species within Cryptosporidium and various distinct genotypes within C. parvum. The phylogenetic tree constructed on the basis of the actin sequences was largely in agreement with previous results based on small subunit rRNA, 70-kDa heat shock protein, and Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein genes. The Cryptosporidium species formed 2 major clades; isolates of C. andersoni, C. muris, and C. serpentis formed the first major group, whereas isolates of all other species, as well as various C. parvum genotypes, formed the second major group. Intragenotype variations were low or absent at this locus.  相似文献   

Striated muscle contraction is initiated when, following membrane depolarization, Ca(2+) binds to the low-affinity Ca(2+) binding sites of troponin C (TnC). The Ca(2+) activation of this protein results in a rearrangement of the components (troponin I, troponin T, and tropomyosin) of the thin filament, resulting in increased interaction between actin and myosin and the formation of cross bridges. The functional properties of this protein are therefore critical in determining the active properties of striated muscle. To date there are 61 known TnCs that have been cloned from 41 vertebrate and invertebrate species. In vertebrate species there are also distinct fast skeletal muscle and cardiac TnC proteins. While there is relatively high conservation of the amino acid sequence of TnC homologs between species and tissue types, there is wide variation in the functional properties of these proteins. To date there has been extensive study of the structure and function of this protein and how differences in these translate into the functional properties of muscles. The purpose of this work is to integrate these studies of TnC with phylogenetic analysis to investigate how changes in the sequence and function of this protein, integrate with the evolution of striated muscle.  相似文献   

The traditional knowledge in textbooks indicated that cephalochordates were the closest relatives to vertebrates among all extant organisms. However, this opinion was challenged by several recent phylogenetic studies using hundreds of nuclear genes. The researchers suggested that urochordates, but not cephalochordates, should be the closest living relatives to vertebrates. In the present study, by using data generated from hundreds of mtDNA sequences, we revalue the deuterostome phylogeny in terms of whole mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes). Our results firmly demonstrate that each of extant deuterostome phyla and chordate subphyla is monophyletic. But the results present several alternative phylogenetic trees depending on different sequence datasets used in the analysis. Although no clear phylogenetic relationships are obtained, those trees indicate that the ancient common ancestor diversified rapidly soon after their appearance in the early Cambrian and generated all major deuterostome lineages during a short historical period, which is consistent with "Cambrian explosion" revealed by paleontologists. It was the 520-million-year's evolution that obscured the phylogenetic relationships of extant deuterostomes. Thus, we conclude that an integrative analysis approach rather than simply using more DNA sequences should be employed to address the distant evolutionary relationship.  相似文献   

The sequence of all presently known trypsin-related serine proteases and their zymogens of animal and bacterial origin were optimally aligned on the basis of three different scoring schemes for amino acid comparisons. Sequence homology was found to extend into the activation peptides. The gaps resulting from the alignment of the sequences of the active enzymes formed the basis for a new procedure based on position and number of gaps, which allowed the correct topology of the evolutionary relationship of thrombin and the pancreatic enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase to be determined. The procedure was applied in an analogous manner to changes in disulfide bridges as well as to a selected set of amino acid positions.Evolutionary distances between proteins were estimated by minimum, base differences as well as according to the stochastic model of evolution. These distances were used successfully to find the best topology of evolutionary relationships. The fact that the branch lengths in evolutionary trees were less affected by the number of sequences considered when evolutionary distances between contemporary sequences were measured in minimum base differences than when measured according to the stochastic model of evolution, suggested in our specific case, that minimum base differences yielded estimates of evolutionary distance closer to reality than the stochastic model of evolution.All these techniques combined yielded the following picture for the evolution of the four protease families. Prothrombin and the zymogens of the pancreatic serine proteases had a common ancestor with tryptic specificity. After the initial divergence, the gene for trypsinogen duplicated. Evidence was found that the duplicated gene underwent drastic changes for a short period of time to become eventually the common ancestor of chymotrypsin and elastase. The phylogenetic tree elaborated for these enzyme families and the methods introduced to determine its topology, should readily allow determination of the attachment site of branches leading to newly sequenced serine proteases, provided their amino acid sequence can be aligned fairly unambiguously. In addition, the consequences of the alignment of the different serine proteases for the relationship of zymogen to enzyme are discussed.  相似文献   

Sequence variation in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) as measured by DNA reassociation was examined in 12 grass species to address systematic problems in thePoaceae at the subfamilial and tribal levels. Two species,Petunia (Solanaceae) andGlycine (Leguminosae), were included to determine degrees of sequence divergence in cpDNA between monocots and dicots. The data were analyzed phenetically and phylogenetically. Species were segregated into four major groups that corresponded to the subfamiliesPooideae, Oryzoideae, Chloridoideae, andPanicoideae. Representatives of thePooideae andOryzoideae grouped together as did members of theChloridoideae andPanicoideae. ThePooideae split into two major groups corresponding to the recently recognized supertribesTriticanae andPoanae. Internodes between subfamily branches were short which might indicate a burst of divergence in the family early in its evolution. Sequence similarity values between the monocot grass species and the two dicot taxa ranged from 0.15 to 0.27, representing the highly conserved sequences of the chloroplast genome.  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable types of migration found in animals is diadromy, a life-history behaviour in which individuals move between oceans and freshwater habitats for feeding and reproduction. Diadromous fishes include iconic species such as salmon, eels and shad, and have long fascinated biologists because they undergo extraordinary physiological and behavioural modifications to survive in very different habitats. However, the evolutionary origins of diadromy remain poorly understood. Here, we examine the widely accepted productivity hypothesis, which states that differences in productivity between marine and freshwater biomes determine the origins of the different modes of diadromy. Specifically, the productivity hypothesis predicts that anadromous lineages should evolve in temperate areas from freshwater ancestors and catadromous lineages should evolve in tropical areas from marine ancestors. To test this, we generated a time-calibrated phylogeny for Clupeiformes (herrings, anchovies, sardines and allies), an ecologically and economically important group that includes high diversity of diadromous species. Our results do not support the productivity hypothesis. Instead we find that the different modes of diadromy do not have predictable ancestry based on latitude, and that predation, competition and geological history may be at least as important as productivity in determining the origins of diadromy.  相似文献   

Until recently, it had appeared that the septin family of proteins was restricted to the opisthokont eukaryotes (the fungi and animals and their close relatives the microsporidia and choanoflagellates). It has now become apparent that septins are also present in several other widely divergent eukaryotic lineages (chlorophyte algae, brown algae, and ciliates). This distribution and the details of the non-opisthokont septin sequences appear to require major revisions to hypotheses about the origins and early evolution of the septins.  相似文献   

To rationalize the confusing relationships among the cyrtophorian ciliates, we expanded the taxon sampling by sequencing the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene of representatives of 12 genera (20 species, 23 new sequences). The SSU rRNA sequences of Spirodysteria, Agnathodysteria, Brooklynella and Odontochlamys are reported for the first time. Phylogenetic trees were constructed, and secondary structures of variable region 4 (V4) of all genera for which SSU rRNA gene sequence data are available were predicted. The results indicate that (i) Brooklynella is likely an intermediate taxon between Dysteriidae and Hartmannulidae; (ii) the genus Dysteria is paraphyletic with Spirodysteria and Mirodysteria nested within it; (iii) the genus Agnathodysteria is well separated from Dysteria based on both molecular and morphological data; and (iv) Trithigmostoma is a basal genus of Chilodonellidae, based on both the morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   

Summary A tree was constructed from a structurally conserved area in an alignment of 83 small ribosomal subunit sequences of eukaryotic, archaebacterial, eubacterial, plastidial, and mitochondrial origin. The algorithm involved computation and optimization of a dissimilarity matrix. According to the tree, only plant mitochondria belong to the eubacterial primary kingdom, whereas animal, fungal, algal, and ciliate mitochondria branch off from an internal node situated between the three primary kingdoms. This result is at variance with a parsimony tree of similar size published by Cedergren et al. (J Mol Evol 2898–112, 1988), which postulates the mitochondria to be monophyletic and to belong to the eubacterial primary kingdom. The discrepancy does not follow from the use of conflicting sequence alignments, hence it must be due to the use of different treeing algorithms. We tested our algorithm on a set of sequences resulting from a simulated evolution and found it capable of faith-fully reconstructing a branching topology that involved very unequal evolutionary rates. The use of more limited or more extended areas of the complete sequence alignment, comprising only very conserved or also more variable portions of the small ribosomal subunit structure, does have some influence on the tree topology. In all cases, however, the nonplant mitochondria seem to branch off before the emergence of eubacteria, and the differences are limited to the branching pattern among different types of mitochondria.  相似文献   

DnaA protein (a trans-acting element) and its binding sequence, DnaA-box: (a cis-acting element) are two elements essential for the initiation of chromosomal replication in Escherichia coli and other enteric bacteria. Recently these two elements have been found to be conserved in three Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus and Mycoplasma capricolum) as well as in Gram-negative pseudomonads. DnaA protein was also found to be essential in the initiation of the replication of the B. subtilis chromosome, and regions containing multiple repeats of DnaA-box (DnaA-box region) are found to be active as autonomously replicating elements both in B. subtilis and pseudomonads. In this MicroReview we compare first the structures of these DnaA-box regions and their locations on the chromosome and then functional aspects of DnaA protein and DnaA-box regions in the initiation and regulation of chromosomal replication. From these observations we propose evolutionary relationships between replication origins of eubacteria.  相似文献   

H Yoshikawa  K J Garvey  J Ito 《Gene》1985,37(1-3):125-130
The ends of the small Bacillus phage genomes serve as origins and termini of their DNA replication. We have determined nucleotide sequences at the termini of four different phage DNAs and compared them with those of phi 29 DNA which has been described previously. A high degree of homology was found at the extreme ends of DNAs from phi 29, phi 15 (group A), M2Y and Nf (group B). 17 bp at the far left of the DNAs are identical. A highly conserved dodecanucleotide sequence, CCATTTCCCCAT, was also found in the righthand terminus of all these phage DNAs, at positions 27-38 from the end. Nucleotide sequences of phage GA-1 are not very similar to those of the other phages. Examination of the 5'-terminal and 3'-terminal sequences of all the phages suggests that stable 'panhandle' structures are unlikely to be formed via base pairing of both ends. However, thermodynamically more stable panhandle structures might be formed by displaced single-stranded DNA, although this requires rather large loops.  相似文献   

Retroids in archaea: phylogeny and lateral origins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

New Caledonian (NC) crows Corvus moneduloides are the most prolific avian tool users. In the wild, they use at least three distinct tool types to extract invertebrate prey from deadwood and vegetation, with some of their tools requiring complex manufacture, modification and/or deployment. Experiments with captive-bred, hand-raised NC crows have demonstrated that the species has a strong genetic predisposition for basic tool use and manufacture, suggesting that this behaviour is an evolved adaptation. This view is supported by recent stable-isotope analyses of the diets of wild crows, which revealed that tool use provides access to highly profitable hidden prey, with preliminary data indicating that parents preferentially feed their offspring with tool-derived food. Building on this work, our review examines the possible evolutionary origins of these birds’ remarkable tool-use behaviour. Whilst robust comparative analyses are impossible, given the phylogenetic rarity of animal tool use, our examination of a wide range of circumstantial evidence enables a first attempt at reconstructing a plausible evolutionary scenario. We suggest that a common ancestor of NC crows, originating from a (probably) non-tool-using South-East Asian or Australasian crow population, colonised New Caledonia after its last emersion several million years ago. The presence of profitable but out-of-reach food, in combination with a lack of direct competition for these resources, resulted in a vacant woodpecker-like niche. Crows may have possessed certain behavioural and/or morphological features upon their arrival that predisposed them to express tool-use rather than specialised prey-excavation behaviour, although it is possible that woodpecker-like foraging preceded tool use. Low levels of predation risk may have further facilitated tool-use behaviour, by allowing greater expenditure of time and energy on object interaction and exploration, as well as the evolution of a ‘slow’ life-history, in which prolonged juvenile development enables acquisition of complex behaviours. Intriguingly, humans may well have influenced the evolution of at least some of the species’ tool-oriented behaviours, via their possible introduction of candlenut trees together with the beetle larvae that infest them. Research on NC crows’ tool-use behaviour in its full ecological context is still in its infancy, and we expect that, as more evidence accumulates, some of our assumptions and predictions will be proved wrong. However, it is clear from our analysis of existing work, and the development of some original ideas, that the unusual evolutionary trajectory of NC crows is probably the consequence of an intricate constellation of interplaying factors.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: The grass Alloteropsis semialata is the only plant species withboth C3 and C4 subspecies. It therefore offers excellent potentialas a model system for investigating the genetics, physiologyand ecological significance of the C4 photosynthetic pathway.Here, a molecular phylogeny of the genus Alloteropsis is constructedto: (a) confirm the close relationship between the C3 and C4subspecies of A. semialata; and (b) infer evolutionary relationshipsbetween species within the Alloteropsis genus. Methods: The chloroplast gene ndhF was sequenced from 12 individuals,representing both subspecies of A. semialata and all four ofthe other species in the genus. ndhF sequences were added tothose previously sequenced from the Panicoideae, and used toconstruct a phylogenetic tree. Key Results: The phylogeny confirms that the two subspecies of A. semialataare among the most recently diverging lineages of C3 and C4taxa currently recognized within the Panicoideae. Furthermore,the position of the C3 subspecies of A. semialata within theAlloteropsis genus is consistent with the hypothesis that itsphysiology represents a reversion from C4 photosynthesis. Thedata point to a similar evolutionary event in the Panicum stenodesP.caricoidesP. mertensii clade. The Alloteropsis genusis monophyletic and occurs in a clade with remarkable diversityof photosynthetic biochemistry and leaf anatomy. Conclusions: These results confirm the utility of A. semialata as a modelsystem for investigating C3 and C4 physiology, and provide moleculardata that are consistent with reversions from C4 to C3 photosynthesisin two separate clades. It is suggested that further phylogeneticand functional investigations of the Alloteropsis genus andclosely related taxa are likely to shed new light on the mechanismsand intermediate stages underlying photosynthetic pathway evolution.  相似文献   

C4 photosynthesis is thought to be an adaptation to warm environments, involving complex changes in the expression of genes governing photosynthesis, intermediary metabolism, and leaf anatomy and histology. Such complexity should be difficult to evolve, yet the pathway has arisen multiple times in the history of the flowering plants and at least four times in the grass family alone. We have used immunolocalization techniques to compare photosynthetic gene expression across all four origins, to determine which genetic changes occur in parallel and which are unique to a particular lineage. The only gene expression patterns common to all origins of the pathway are up-regulation of PEP carboxylase and down-regulation of RuBisCO in mesophyll cells. Both NAD-malic enzyme and NADP-malic enzyme are expressed in bundle sheaths. Expression patterns of light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding proteins and pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase appear to be lineage specific, and may be localized to bundle sheaths or to mesophyll or expressed throughout the photosynthetic tissue of the leaf. We suggest that future studies of parallel origin of the C4 pathway concentrate on regulation of the two carboxylases, as well as the increased density of vascular tissue, which is the only histological characteristic common to all origins of the pathway.  相似文献   

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