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Copper and zinc interact at the intestinal mucosal level, affecting copper absorption. Amino acids, such as histidine, may affect the absorption of these two elements by chelating these cations. The two mechanisms could have additive potential. This possibility was investigated using a duodenal-jejunal single-pass perfusion procedure in anesthetized rats. Copper absorption and tissue retention from solutions containing 0.1 mM copper were determined in the presence of either no zinc or equimolar zinc, or at a zinc/copper ratio of 10/1, either without histidine or with histidine at a 10/1 or 20/1 ratio to copper. Copper removal from the intestinal lumen was decreased by zinc, and further reduced by increasing concentrations of histidine. There was a greater accumulation of copper in the small intestine, reaching a maximum with a 10-fold excess of histidine. With zinc at a 10/1 ratio to copper, the addition of a 10- or 20-fold molar excess of histidine further decreased the net uptake of copper from the perfusate while greater copper accumulation in the tissue occurred. Histidine thus enhances the inhibitory effects of zinc on copper absorp|tion, suggesting the application of convergent mechanisms for diminishing copper uptake. This could be relevant for the treatment of Wilson’s disease.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins are a class of cysteine-rich and low molecular weight, metal-binding proteins that are inducible by a wide variety of agents, including metal ions, such as cadmium and zinc, glucocorticoid hormones, interferon, and tumor promoters. In an effort to delineate the regulation of the synthesis of the recently identified brain metallothionein-like protein, a study was undertaken to compare the induction of metallothionein in human neuroblastoma IMR-32 cells by zinc, cadmium, and dexamethasone using the human Chang liver cells as a control. Both cadmium (1 microM) and zinc (100 microM) significantly enhanced the incorporation of [35S]cysteine into metallothioneins isolated from both neuroblastoma and Chang liver cells. Dexamethasone in concentrations of 10 microM stimulated the synthesis of metallothionein in the Chang cells, whereas it had no effects on the synthesis of metallothionein in the neuroblastoma cells at concentrations ranging from 2.5--100 microM. The degree of stimulation of metallothionein synthesis in the Chang cells by cadmium and zinc was significantly higher than seen in neuroblastoma cells. The neuroblastoma IMR-32 exhibited less tolerance to the toxicity of both cadmium and zinc than the Chang cells, which may correlate with the inherent ability of these ions to induce metallothioneins in these dissimilar cells. The results of these studies are interpreted to indicate that the factors regulating the synthesis of metallothioneins in the Chang and neuroblastoma cells are not identical, suggesting also of the presence of dissimilar regulatory mechanisms in the liver and brain.  相似文献   

The route of Cd uptake influences the distribution of Cd, other metals, and metallothionein (MT). Although intestinal MT levels related to the tissue mass did not show proximodistal gradients after sc administration of CdCl2, orally administered high doses of CdCl2 increased mucosal MT levels longitudinally from the duodenum to the ileum. The gradient abolished when the mucosal MT level was related to the intestinal length. To further elucidate this finding, three groups of rats were studied: a control group, a group receiving dietary CdCl2, and a group receiving sc injections of CdCl2. The small intestine was removed after a 14-d treatment. Midjejunal segments were mounted in a cryomicrotome and cut transversally into five layers along the villus-crypt axis. Mucosal enzymes were measured to control these sections. Cd was measured by AAS and MT by RIA. Alkaline phosphatase and lactase activities exhibited the typical villus-crypt gradient. Mucosal MT levels paralleled those of Cd. Although Cd and MT concentrations were high at the tip of the villi and low in the crypts after oral administration, sc treatment reversed that profile. A molar Cd-MT ratio of approx 10 or 1 was reached after po or sc treatment, respectively. This demonstrates that only oral Cd may lead to an accumulation of Cd in the mucosal tissue fairly exceeding the binding capacity of small intestinal MT. The results show that different routes of Cd intake lead to a different MT-induction pattern in the intestinal wall and that longitudinal Cd and MT concentration gradients in the small intestine observed after high oral doses are a result of their high levels at the villus tips.  相似文献   

Colostrum Zn concentrations were measured in eight randomly selected Holstein dairy cows. Overall mean Zn concentrations were highest within 12 h postpartum (257 +/- 14 microM, mean +/- SEM), fell to 141 +/- 8 microM by 24 h, and then declined at a linear rate of 30 microM/d during the following 48 h. Zn concentrations at 3 d (82 +/- 5 microM) were not different from 150-d milk samples (72 +/- microM). In a second experiment, 32 early-gestation cows were blocked by stage of lactation into four groups in a randomized block design and injected with 0, 15, 30, or 45 mg of dexamethasone. Milk and blood samples were collected at 0, 12, and 24 h after injection and analyzed for Zn, and for fat, protein, and lactose in milk. Cows administered 0 and 15 mg of dexamethasone showed no difference in milk Zn concentrations compared to pretreatment measurements; however, milk Zn concentrations in cows administered 30- and 45-mg doses increased significantly. Plasma cortisol decreased in the dexamethasone-treated cows. Plasma Zn and milk fat, protein, and lactose did not change. These data indicate that glucocorticoids can mediate Zn uptake and transport by the mammary glands of lactating cows and suggest that the high Zn concentration in colostrum could be a result of the preparturient surge of cortisol.  相似文献   

A single dose of cadmium chloride (2.2 mg/kg of body wt) increased the estrual cycle period about two times. This effect could be prevented by means of simultaneous administration of zinc at the same dose.  相似文献   

The molecular localization of maternal and fetal zinc and copper metalloproteins in diabetic and control rats was studied. Compared to controls, liver and kidneys of diabetic dams showed an increased concentration of zinc and copper that was associated with metallothionein. In contrast, fetuses of diabetic dams had lower zinc and metallothionein levels than fetuses from controls. The abnormal maternal trace element metabolism seen with diabetes resulted in alterations of zinc uptake and/or retention of their fetuses.  相似文献   

Five normal prostates from autopsies of humans aged 61-76 yr were divided into 2 x 24 topographically well-defined pairs of slices that were analyzed for cadmium (Cd) and examined histologically. The corresponding kidney cortex concentrations were also determined. The concentrations in ng Cd/g wet wt were in the range of 50-500 in the prostates and 8,000-39,000 in the kidneys with good mutual correlation. Large variations in Cd concentrations within the prostates were found. The concentrations were highest at the base (near the bladder) and lowest at the apex of the gland. Furthermore, large variations within horizontal layers were found, and this variation was not correlated to the histological amount of stroma or glands.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats of the third generation of rats drinking 200 micrograms Ni2+/mL as NiCl2 in their drinking water were studied. Basal plasma glucose and insulin levels were unchanged. Epididymal adipocytes from Ni2(+)-fed rats showed an increased insulin binding with a slight increase in apparent insulin affinity (ED50: Ni2(+)-fed rats 2.8 x 10(-9) M and controls 5 x 10(-9) M) with no change in insulin receptor numbers (Ni2(+)-fed rats 143,000 +/- 12,000 (6) receptors/cell and controls 126,000 +/- 13,000 (5]. Moreover, a decreased sensitivity to the antilipolytic response of insulin was also observed in adipocytes from Ni2(+)-fed rats. These events could represent actions of Ni2+ both at the receptor and post-receptor insulin levels. Several possible mechanisms involved in the process are suggested.  相似文献   

d-penicillamine (β,β-dimethylcysteine) promotes the incorporation of iron into isolated rat hepatocytes. The mechanism for doing this remains unknown. No differences in iron distribution between control and treated cells has been observed. Ferritin appears as the main destination of internalized iron in both cases. Therefore, increasing iron storage may appear as a side effect of the use ofd-penicillamine as a therapeutic agent for several diseases.  相似文献   

We studied in the rat the effects of the drug etretinate (Tigason), given at three doses 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg body wt for 1 mo, on the concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, S, P, Cu, and Zn in the plasma, brain, thymus, heart, liver, lung, kidney, testicle, muscle, and bone. The elements were simultaneously determined in tissues after nitric acid dissolution by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry using a JY 48 instrument. At the dose of 3 mg/kg, etretinate did not induce any statistically significant modifications of the element distribution. At the dose of 10 mg/kg, the main observed modifications were in plasma an increase of copper (+38%) and a decrease of zinc (-25%). At the highest dose of 30 mg/kg, some variations of the concentrations of elements in tissues were observed. But, on no account did retinoids induce an alteration of the mineral composition of bone, despite obvious macroscopic bone alterations.  相似文献   

To better understand the significance of hair trace-element measurements and their relationships with the trace-element levels in body organs and fluids, a series of controlled animal experiments were conducted in which several trace elements were periodically measured during a 90-day chronic exposure to selenium and cadmium. Chronic selenium exposure appeared to be reflected by elevated selenium levels in the hair, kidneys, and liver. Chronic cadmium exposure, although reflected by kidney and liver elevation, appeared not to be reflected by corresponding increases in its concentration in the hair.  相似文献   

Hair zinc concentration was measured in samples taken from 57 mothers who delivered infants with neural tube defects (NTD) (mainly anencephaly). Control groups consisted of 30 healthy mothers with normal offspring and 37 nonpregnant women from middle-income backgrounds. Zinc concentration was also measured in the hair of eight infants with NTD (four being anencephalic). The mean maternal hair zinc concentration in the NTD group (128.2 +/- 38.9 micrograms/g) was lower than that of the control women (p less than 0.001), whereas the mean hair zinc level of malformed babies (250.4 +/- 85.2 micrograms/g) was significantly higher than that of normal infants (193.4 +/- 39.2 micrograms/g) (p less than 0.05). Maternal nutritional zinc deficiency was thought to be one of the factors responsible for NTD in Turkey.  相似文献   

The effect of low copper and high zinc intakes on Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) activity and mammary tumorigenesis induced by 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene (DMBA) was investigated. Groups of 40 weanling female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a modified AIN-76 diet containing the following (/kg diet): 1 mg Cu (0.016 mmol) and 30 mg Zn (0.459 mmol); 6 mg Cu (0.094 mmol) and 30 mg Zn (0.459 mmol) (control); or 6 mg Cu (0.094 mmol) and 150 mg Zn (2.295 mmol) for 21 wk. At 5 wk, 30 rats/group were given 4 mg (15.6 mumol) DMBA in corn oil intragastrically, and controls (10/group) received corn oil alone. Erythrocyte Cu,Zn-SOD activity was measured at 3, 5 (just before DMBA), 9, 13, 17, and 21 wk. The group fed the high-Zn diet had a slightly lower weight gain and food consumption. DMBA treatment had no effect on these parameters. Plasma and liver Cu concentration decreased in the low-Cu group. Femur zinc was significantly elevated in the high-Zn group. Erythrocyte Cu,Zn-SOD activity was decreased in the low-Cu group from 3 to 21 wk and was significantly elevated in the high-Zn group at 3 and 5 wk. In the low-Cu group, there were 5 nonmalignant adenomas and 3 malignant adenocarcinomas; in the control group, there were 4 adenomas and 3 adenocarcinomas; in the high-Zn group, there were 5 adenomas and 3 adenocarcinomas. No relationship between Cu,Zn-SOD activity and the presence of tumors could be found.  相似文献   

Concentrations of copper, zinc, and iron were analyzed and compared in a number of tissues of adjuvant arthritic rats following 22 d of chronic treatment (per os) with either vehicle, aspirin or copper aspirinate, at doses of 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg, or 400 mg/kg. Such chronic treatment resulted in a negative balance in copper, zinc, and iron in many tissues. Among the tissues examined, liver and kidney exhibited the greatest changes in metal concentrations; brain and skeletal muscle exhibited the least. Arthritis-induced changes in the concentrations of all three metals in the liver were reversed upon treatment with aspirin. Treatment with copper aspirinate, on the other hand, resulted in an extremely high accumulation of copper in the liver. Arthritis-induced changes in copper, zinc, and iron concentrations in the pancreas and copper concentration in the plasma were generally not reversed upon treatment with either aspirin or copper aspirinate. Among the three metals examined, the degree of change observed as a result of drug treatments was greatest for iron and least for zinc. Finally, it appeared that the effects of aspirin and copper aspirinate on tissue metal concentrations were independent of the antiarthritic effects of these compounds.  相似文献   

Zinc homeostasis was studied during the induction, growth, and methotrexate (MTX) treatment of Dark Agouti rat mammary adenocarcinomas (DAMA). A progressive fall in plasma Zn concentration (pZn), significant at a tumor burden of less than 1% body weight (bw), was sustained during tumor enlargement to give a 54% reduction in pZn at 16.3% bw (n=6/group). The hypozincemia was attributed to the increasing Zn demand for tumor growth. Zn content of the 16.3% bw tumors equaled that of muscle (normally 60% of total body Zn). Tumor metallothionein (tMT) was sufficient to bind <3% of total tumor Zn, and hepatic MT (hMT) remained at basal concentrations during early tumor growth, doubling only in the presence of significant necrosis in large tumors. Methotrexate (MTX, 0.5 mg/Kg im x 2 d) at respective tumor burdens of 5 and 10% bw (n=9, 10/group) gave 2 therapeutic effects, dependent on tumor size: 1.5% bw tumors in 7 rats remained close to their original size until experiment end when pZn, hMT, and tMT were typical of 5% bw untreated tumors. 2. Tumors in 5 rats given MTX at 10% bw had marked subcapsular necrosis and regression to a size similar to those in group 1; pZn returned toward normal, whereas hMT was 6 times its 5% bw counterpart. Host weight loss was significantly reduced, as were tumor-associated changes in plasma glucose and calcium. In summary, neither tMT nor hMT appears to play a role in the hypozincemia that follows DAMA Zn sequestration and growth. Critically timed MTX can result in tumor regression and return of plasma Zn, Ca, and glucose toward normal. This is associated with an increase in hMT and reduction in host weight loss, suggesting a flow of Zn from the resorbing tumor to the host, enabling the synthesis of hMT and retention of host structural proteins.  相似文献   

Literature data concerning the effect of increasing dietary Ni concentrations on Fe, Cu, and Zn status in rats are sparse and, in part, controversial. Therefore, the effects of the addition of either 0, 3, 50, or 100 mg Ni/kg diet on Fe, Cu, and Zn status of rats were investigated in two separate experiments. Purified diets were used that were composed according to the established nutrient requirements of rats. Ni in kidney was increased with increasing Ni intakes. Dietary Ni did not significantly influence Fe concentrations in plasma, liver, kidney, femur, and spleen. Likewise, the addition of Ni to the diet did not alter Cu status. Zn concentrations in femur were significantly decreased after feeding the diets with 100 mg Ni/kg. However, Zn in plasma, liver, kidney, and spleen was not affected. It is concluded that variations in dietary Ni concentrations have no major impact on Fe, Cu, and Zn status in rats.  相似文献   

The concentrations of cadmium, lead, selenium, and zinc in blood and seminal plasma were determined in 76 Singapore males. Except for zinc, the concentrations were generally higher in blood than in seminal plasma (cadmium, 1.31 μg/L vs 0.61 μg/L; lead, 82.6 μg/L vs 12.4 μg/L, and selenium, 163.6 μg/L vs 71.5 μg/L). The mean concentration of zinc in seminal plasma was more than 30 times higher than in blood (202 mg/L vs 6.2 mg/L). Significant positive correlations were found between the concentrations in blood and seminal plasma for the two essential trace elements: selenium (r=0.45,p<0.001) and zinc (r=0.25,p<0.05). However, no relationships were found between the concentrations in blood and seminal plasma for two toxic metals (cadmium and lead). Significant inverse correlations were observed between Cd and Zn (r=−0.40,p<0.01), and Pb and Se (r=−0.32,p<0.05) in blood, whereas significant positive correlations were noted between Cd and Se (r=0.45,p<0.01), Cd and Zn (r=0.35,p<0.05), and Se and Zn (r=0.57,p<0.001) in seminal plasma. The physiological significance of these relationships are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Exposure of rat hepatocytes to cadmium below 50 μM for a short period (10 min) resulted in cellular acidification. Conversely, exposure to Cd more than 50 μM for a long period (60 min) caused cellular alkalinization accompanied by membrane damage as reflected by decrease in cellular K content and loss of intracellular lactic dehydrogenase. In hepatocytes exposed to 5 μM Cd, a concentration sufficient to induce acidification without cytotoxicity, the metal was preferentially associated with the crude nuclei and cell debris fractions, suggesting an interaction between Cd and cell membranes to cause acidification. Omission of bicarbonate from the incubation medium induced cellular acidification. The presence of Cd in this medium did not potentiate the medium-induced acidification. Mg-ATP (25 μM) induced cellular acidification in relation to an increase in the concentration of cytosolic free Ca. The coexistence of Mg-ATP and Cd at the concentrations which had no effect on cellular pH in the presence of either agants induced cellular acidification. These observations suggest that Cd induced cellular acidification by modulating the process connected with the rise in cytosolic free Ca via interaction with plasma membranes. This acidification had no strong immediate cytotoxic actions but led to subsequent cellular alkalinization accompanied with severe cytotoxicity and membrane breakage.  相似文献   

Feces, kidney, and small intestine were sampled from the mice bearing malignant ascites at different stages of tumor growth to investigate the kinetics of elemental distribution in the body. The contents of 14 elements in samples were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The elements Br, Cl, Cu, Na, Se, and Zn increased, whereas Mn and Rb decreased in kidney with the growth of the tumor. The elements Cl, Na, and Fe, however, appeared to have significantly different behavior in the small intestine.  相似文献   

Application of general tracer theory to the problem of estimating fluxes of tracee between the gastrointestinal tract and the body proper, from observations of the movement of tracer, shows that a number of assumptions must be fulfilled. Two specific sets of assumptions are discussed and, in both cases, measurement of tracer fluxes yields information on the integrated absorption of the tracee.  相似文献   

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