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The exopolysaccharide slime produced by Klebsiella aerogenes A 3 (Sl) (type 54) is an O-acetylated polysaccharide, the components of which are glucose, glucuronic acid, fucose and acetyl in the molar proportions 4:2:2:1. A phage-induced fucosidase was obtained that hydrolyses the polysaccharide to give an octasaccharide having the same constituents in the same molar proportions. This octasaccharide (O3) is considered to be the repeating unit of the polysaccharide. It is hydrolysed by other phage-induced fucosidases described earlier to release two tetrasaccharides (O1 and O2). These differ only in that tetrasaccharide O2 is acetylated. An acetylated trisaccharide of structure beta-glucosylglucuronosylfucose was prepared from tetrasaccharide O2. A further unidentified group is present. Cell-free preparations were used to acetylate the disaccharide alpha-glucuronosylfucose. From these results the structure of the octasaccharide (O3) is postulated and its significance in the biosynthesis of the polysaccharide discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The capsular K51 antigen of E.coli was isolated from a liquid culture of E.coli 01:K51:H by Cetavlon precipitation. After purification it was obtained in a yield of about 80 mg/l. The polymer consisted of equimolar amounts of N -acetylglucosamine and phosphate and contained about 1.6 O -acetyl groups per N -acetylglucosamine residue. After de- O -acetylation it was resistant to periodate oxidation. Mild acid hydrolysis yielded N -acetylglucosamine-3-phosphate. With the aid of 13C- and 31P-NMR spectroscopy it was ascertained that the K51 antigen is a poly- α -1.3- N -acetylglucosamine phosphate, in which most of the hydroxyl groups at C4 and C6 of the N -acetylglucosamine residue are acetylated.  相似文献   

Most of the his+ hybrids from crosses between the Escherichia coli donor Hfr45(O8:K27) and different E. coli O9 recipients expressed the donor O8 antigen specificity and produced the capsular antigen K27. Therefore these hybrids must have inherited the his-linked donor rfb region determining the synthesis of O8- specific polysaccharides as well as his-linked genes involved in K27 antigen synthesis. In the living state these hybrids were inagglutinable in O8 antiserum like the donor cells. However, when E. coli K12 and O8:K42- were used as recipients most of the his+ hybrids were agglutinable in O8 and K27 antisera. The amounts of K27 antigen present in these hybrids, designated as K27i (intermediate) forms, were sufficient to evoke the production of K27 antibodies in rabbits, but insufficient to inhibit O-agglutination of the respective cells. The additional transfer of the trp region of E. coli O8:K27 into such K27i forms frequently resulted in O-inagglutinable K27+ hybrids. This is attributed to the introduction of trp-linked genes which apparently play a role in the synthesis of K27 capsular antigen. Tus it is concluded that at least two gene loci, one close to his and the other close to trp, are required for the synthesis of the complete capsular antigen K27.  相似文献   

1. A new automated micro-iodometric method is described for screening compounds for inhibitory action against beta-lactamase enzymes. 2. Over 1000 semi-synthetic penicillins were tested for inhibitory activity against the beta-lactamase of Escherichia coli B11 and 18 showed a fractional inhibition similar to or higher than that of methicillin. 3. The best inhibitors were alkoxy- and halogen-substituted phenyl-, naphthyl- or quinolyl-penicillins. 2-Isopropoxy-1-naphthylpenicillin (BRL 1437) was clearly the best and had a K(i) value about 1% of that of methicillin. 4. The inhibition of the beta-lactamase of E. coli B11 by BRL 1437 was shown to be reversible and competitive. The K(i) was 0.004mum and K(i)/K(m) with ampicillin and p-hydroxyampicillin (BRL 2333) was about 0.0001. The K(m) and V(max.) values were determined for the beta-lactamases of E. coli B11 and Klebsiella aerogenes A against a variety of penicillins. Cell-bound and solubilized enzymes gave similar K(i) and K(m) values. 5. BRL 1437 was superior to cloxacillin and methicillin for inhibition of the beta-lactamase of live, fully grown cultures of several strains of E. coli and K. aerogenes. Of a group of inhibitors BRL 1437 was the most stable to the beta-lactamase of E. coli B11.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli serotype O9:K(A)30 and Klebsiella O1:K20 produce thermostable capsular polysaccharides or K antigens, which are chemically and serologically indistinguishable. Plasmid pULB113 (RP4::mini-Mu) has been used to mediate chromosomal transfer from E. coli O9:K30 and Klebsiella O1:K20 to a multiply marked, unencapsulated, E. coli K12 recipient. Analysis of the cell surface antigens of the transconjugants confirmed previous reports that the genetic determinants for the E. coli K(A) antigens are located near the his and rfb (O antigen) loci on the E. coli linkage map. The Klebsiella K20 capsule genes were also found to be in close proximity to the his and rfb loci. Electron microscopy revealed significant differences in the structural organization of capsular polysaccharides in these two microorganisms and the morphological differences were also readily apparent in transconjugants expressing the respective K antigens. These results are consistent with the interpretation that at least some of the organizational properties of capsular polysaccharides may be genetically determined, rather than being a function of the outer membrane to which the capsular polysaccharides are ultimately attached.  相似文献   

The structure of the capsular polysaccharide from Escherichia coli O9:K28(A):H- (K28 antigen) has been determined by using the techniques of methylation, periodate oxidation, and partial hydrolysis. N.m.r. spectroscopy (1H and 13C) was used to establish the nature of the anomeric linkages. O-Acetyl groups were determined spectrophotometrically and were located using methyl vinyl ether as a protective reagent. The polysaccharide is comprised of repeating units of the tetrasaccharide shown (three-plus-one type) with 70% of the fucosyl residues carrying an O-acetyl substituent. (formula; see text) This structure resembles that of E. coli K27 and has the structural pattern of Klebsiella K54 polysaccharide.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were produced against the capsular antigen of Escherichia coli serotype K(A)30, using a mouse hybridoma system. The antibodies also recognised the chemically identical capsular polysaccharide produced by Klebsiella K20. Chemical modification of the K30 polysaccharide indicated that the glucuronic acid residues found in the E. coli K30 capsular antigen were important in the epitope recognised by these antibodies. Use of the antibodies as molecular probes revealed the presence of two discrete forms of the K30 antigen. One form was comprised of high molecular weight polysaccharide, present as a surface capsular layer. The second form of the antigen was of low molecular weight and was associated with lipopolysaccharide fractions from cell surface polysaccharide extracts. Separation of lipopolysaccharide fractions using gel chromatography in the presence of detergent showed that the low molecular weight K-antigenic fraction comigrated with a lipopolysaccharide lipid A core fraction present in encapsulated E. coli K30 bacteria but absent in acapsular mutants.  相似文献   

Summary The NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase gene of Klebsiella aerogenes was cloned in E. coli in the expression plasmid pRK9. The cloned gene shows a high level of expression in E. coli in the hybrid plasmid pKG3 and such expression is independent of the vector promoter, as shown by experiments in which the promoter was deleted. Active hybrid GDH hexamers were shown in cell-free extracts of an E. coli strain carrying cloned gdhA genes of both E. coli and K. aerogenes. The nucleotide sequence of the N-terminal coding region of the K. aerogenes gdhA gene was determined and found to be strongly homologous with that of E. coli.Abbreviations GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - PMS phenazine methosulphate - MTT 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium-bromide - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonylfluoride - SSC standard saline citrate - DTT dithiothreitol - bp base pairs - kbp kilo base pairs - dNTP deoxynucleoside triphosphate  相似文献   

The chromosomal DNA replication origins (oriC) from two members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, Enterobacter aerogenes and Klebsiella pneumoniae, have been isolated as functional replication origins in Escherichia coli. The origins in the SalI restriction fragments of 17.5 and 10.2 kilobase pairs, cloned from E. aerogenes and K. pneumoniae, respectively, were found to be between the asnA and uncB genes, as are the origins of the E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium chromosomes. Plasmids containing oriC from E aerogenes, K. pneumoniae, and S. typhimurium replicate in the E. coli cell-free enzyme system (Fuller, et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78:7370--7374, 1981), and this replication is dependent on dnaA protein activity. These SalI fragments from E. aerogenes and K. pneumoniae carry a region which is lethal to E. coli when many copies are present. We show that this region is also carried on the E. coli 9.0-kilobase-pair EcoRI restriction fragment containing oriC. The F0 genes of the atp or unc operon, when linked to the unc operon promoter, are apparently responsible for the lethality.  相似文献   

Linked multiple mutation is observed after treatment of Escherichia coli with methyl methanesulfonate, N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, ethyl methanesulfonate, and N-ethyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine but not ultraviolet light. Induction of linked multiple mutations requires the uvrE+ gene product indicating the involvement of the mismatch repair system. The observation of linked multiple mutations is not due to mutagenesis occurring in a subpopulation of cells. Growing point mutagenesis also occurs after treatment with these mutagens but not with ultraviolet light. It is likely that the excess of mutations observed with these mutagens at growing points is at least partly a relative effect, rather than one due to an absolute increase of reactivity at the DNA growing point region. This relative effect may result from the operation of an inducible repair mechanism which removes O6-alkylguanine residues from the DNA distal to the bacterial growing point. The adaptive response, first described by Robins &; Cairns (1979) prefers O6-methylguanine over O6-ethylguanine.  相似文献   

The capsular polysaccharide of the bacterium Escherichia coli O9:K32(A):H19 was analyzed using chemical methods (hydrolysis, sequential Smith degradation, methylation analysis) together with 1H- and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy. 13C-N.m.r. spectroscopy and chemical analyses indicated that the K32 polysaccharide is composed of equimolar proportions of glucose, galactose, rhamnose, and glucuronic acid, and carries O-acetyl groups. 1H-N.m.r. analysis of native K32 polysaccharide revealed five resonances in the anomeric region (delta 5.52, 5.16, 5.12, 5.02, and 4.73) and the presence of an acetyl group (delta 2.18). O-Deacetylation of the polysaccharide resulted in the loss of the resonance at delta 2.18 and one of the resonances (delta 5.52) in the anomeric region. The "extra" anomeric resonance in the 1H-n.m.r. spectrum of the native K32 polymer was assigned to H-2 of rhamnose, which experiences a large downfield shift when the 2-position is O-acetylated. This was confirmed by a 2D-COSY n.m.r. experiment and studies of model compounds. The K32 capsular polysaccharide is of the "2 + 2" type, comprised of the following repeating unit: (sequence; see text) This structure is identical to that of Klebsiella K55 capsular polysaccharide.  相似文献   

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