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A major task concerning the greening of freight transportation is to influence the process of choosing an appropriate transport solution for a shipment. This paper presents the results of a detailed environmental benchmark study of freight transport chains recorded during a shipper survey administered in Switzerland in 2008.

Materials and methods

For the environmental evaluation, life cycle assessment was applied and enhanced with a new method for integrating damage to human health caused by traffic accidents based on the disability adjusted life year concept.

Results and discussion

The results show that in land-based transport, road generally has a lower environmental performance compared to intermodal and rail-only transport. Exceptions exist, e.g. for long pre- and post-haulage distances in intermodal transport or for very low train-load factors. The most relevant environmental interventions to pay attention to are, according to the methods applied, emissions of CO2, NOx and particulates as well as accident damages.


Rail transport is often, but not always, environmentally preferable than truck transport. Accident damages to human health should be included in each benchmark study. For practical application, a simplified benchmark methodology is proposed requiring a reduced level of detail for the input data.  相似文献   



Most life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) approaches in life cycle assessment (LCA) are developed for western countries. Their LCIA approaches and characterization methodologies for different impact categories may not be necessarily relevant to African environmental conditions and particularly not for the timber sector in Ghana. This study reviews the relevance of existing impact categories and LCIA approaches, and uses the most relevant for the timber sector of Ghana.  相似文献   

Background and Objective  In the OMNIITOX project 11 partners have the common objective to improve environmental management tools for the assessment of (eco)toxicological impacts. The detergent case study aims at: i) comparing three Procter &c Gamble laundry detergent forms (Regular Powder-RP, Compact Powder-CP and Compact Liquid-CL) regarding their potential impacts on aquatic ecotoxicity, ii) providing insights into the differences between various Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods with respect to data needs and results and iii) comparing the results from Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with results from an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA). Material and Methods  The LCIA has been conducted with EDIP97 (chronic aquatic ecotoxicity) [1], USES-LCA (freshwater and marine water aquatic ecotoxicity, sometimes referred to as CML2001) [2, 3] and IMPACT 2002 (covering freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity) [4]. The comparative product ERA is based on the EU Ecolabel approach for detergents [5] and EUSES [6], which is based on the Technical Guidance Document (TGD) of the EU on Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of chemicals [7]. Apart from the Eco-label approach, all calculations are based on the same set of physico-chemical and toxicological effect data to enable a better comparison of the methodological differences. For the same reason, the system boundaries were kept the same in all cases, focusing on emissions into water at the disposal stage. Results and Discussion  Significant differences between the LCIA methods with respect to data needs and results were identified. Most LCIA methods for freshwater ecotoxicity and the ERA see the compact and regular powders as similar, followed by compact liquid. IMPACT 2002 (for freshwater) suggests the liquid is equally as good as the compact powder, while the regular powder comes out worse by a factor of 2. USES-LCA for marine water shows a very different picture seeing the compact liquid as the clear winner over the powders, with the regular powder the least favourable option. Even the LCIA methods which result in die same product ranking, e.g. EDIP97 chronic aquatic ecotoxicity and USES-LCA freshwater ecotoxicity, significantly differ in terms of most contributing substances. Whereas, according to IMPACT 2002 and USES-LCA marine water, results are entirely dominated by inorganic substances, the other LCIA methods and the ERA assign a key role to surfactants. Deviating results are mainly due to differences in the fate and exposure modelling and, to a lesser extent, to differences in the toxicological effect calculations. Only IMPACT 2002 calculates the effects based on a mean value approach, whereas all other LCIA methods and the ERA tend to prefer a PNEC-based approach. In a comparative context like LCA the OMNIITOX project has taken the decision for a combined mean and PNEC-based approach, as it better represents the ‘average’ toxicity while still taking into account more sensitive species. However, the main reason for deviating results remains in the calculation of the residence time of emissions in the water compartments. Conclusion and Outlook  The situation that different LCIA methods result in different answers to the question concerning which detergent type is to be preferred regarding the impact category aquatic ecotoxicity is not satisfactory, unless explicit reasons for the differences are identifiable. This can hamper practical decision support, as LCA practitioners usually will not be in a position to choose the ’right’ LCIA method for their specific case. This puts a challenge to the entire OMNIITOX project to develop a method, which finds common ground regarding fate, exposure and effect modelling to overcome the current situa-tion of diverging results and to reflect most realistic conditions.  相似文献   

To address the issue of excess polyethylene glycol (PEG)-lipid degradation observed when PEG-modified liposomes are prepared using the pH-gradient method, a concept using a novel PEG-modification method, called the post-modification method, was proposed and evaluated. To assess the proof concept, a preservation-stability study and a pharmacokinetic study were performed that compared the conventional PEG-modification method, called the pre-modification method, with the post-modification method. The results show that PEG-lipid degradation could be markedly inhibited in the post-modification method. Furthermore, the post-modification method could be used without any manufacturing process difficulties, especially with high PEG-lipid content. In addition, a higher blood circulation capability was observed in the post-modification method. Through comparative studies, it was found that the post-modification method was advantageous compared to the pre-modification method. In conclusion, the post-modification method has the potential to be a novel PEG-modification method that can achieve a higher preservation stability of PEG-lipid, a greater ease of manufacturing, and a higher blood circulation capability, especially in the manufacturing of pH-gradient liposomal products.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background  This paper is the second part of the publication which is devoted to comparative LCA analysis of the industrial pumps. The previous paper deals with the methodological aspects concerning quality assessment and forms an independent work. This paper uses practically only the methodological suggestions made there. The main aim of the presented study is to make a comparison between the industrial pumps which are based on two different technologies. The Life Cycle Assessment method is used to check whether the differences of the manufacturing processes influence the level of the potential environmental impact during the whole life cycle of the analysed products. Methods  The Life Cycle Assessment is carried out using the Ecoindicator99 method. Additionally, an extensive quality analysis of the LCA study is made (Part I). To make the process of an identification of the data easier and faster, they are assigned to a special data documentation form. To ensure the credibility of the LCA results different methods of interpretation are used. Results and Discussion  The LCA analysis shows clear superiority of the pumps manufactured using modern technology. It seems that this superiority results not only from the differences in the emissions, but also from different characteristics of effectiveness in the usage stage. Thanks to the uncertainty analysis, each LCA result is provided with the range of uncertainty. Conclusions  The LCA results are supported by different techniques of interpretation: the sensitivity-, the contribution-, the comparative-, the discernability- and the uncertainty analysis. There is strong evidence of the superiority of the pumps based on the modern technology. Recommendations and Outlook  The main source of the environmental impact in the case of pumps is the usage stage and the consumption of energy. That is why it should be the main area to improve. The LCA results show that actions taken in the usage stage and energy consumption can lead to a considerable reduction of the environmental impacts.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - The use of bagasse and trash from sugarcane fields in ethanol production is supposed to increase the ethanol yield per hectare, to reduce the...  相似文献   

Recently, a polyethylene glycol (PEG)-modification method for liposomes prepared using pH-gradient method has been proposed. The differences in the pharmacokinetics and the impact on the antitumor effect were examined; however the impact of PEG-lipid molar weight has not been investigated yet. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of PEG-lipid molar weight against the differences in the pharmacokinetics, the drug-release profile, and the antitumor effect between the proposed PEG-modification method, called the post-modification method, and the conventional PEG-modification method, called the pre-modification method. Various comparative studies were performed using irinotecan as a general model drug. The results showed that PEG-lipid degradation could be markedly inhibited in the post-modification method. Furthermore, prolonged circulation time was observed in the post-modification method. The sustained drug-release was observed in the post-modification method by the results of the drug-releasing test in plasma. Moreover, a higher antitumor effect was observed in the post-modification method. It was also confirmed that the same behaviors were observed in all comparative studies even though the PEG molecular weight was lower. In conclusion, the post-modification method has the potential to be a valuable PEG-modification method that can achieve higher preservation stability of PEG-lipid, prolonged circulation time, and higher antitumor effect with only half the amount of PEG-lipid as compared to the pre-modification method. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that PEG(5000)-lipid would be more desirable than PEG(2000)-lipid since it requires much smaller amount of PEG-lipid to demonstrate the same performances.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to answer the following three questions: (1) What are the reference values of normalisation for Finnish production and Finnish consumption and how do they differ from the European reference values?, (2) How do these differences influence the interpretation of normalised LCIA results?, and (3) How can normalised LCIA results be made more comprehensible to non-LCA experts with the help of communication material?


Finnish reference values for normalisation were calculated on the basis of the Finnish environmentally extended input–output model and ReCiPe LCIA method. The influence of different normalised results on the interpretation of LCIA was assessed based on an LCA study of print products. LCA communication material (product-specific fact sheets) was developed by organising workshops and interviews with stakeholders in the paper and printing industry.

Results and discussion

A comparison of the production based Finnish reference values to the European reference values shows that Finland contributes roughly 1 % to the European values in all impact categories except in the fossil depletion category where the contribution is 3 %. The order of magnitude of the impact categories varies depending on the reference system used for normalisation, which influences the interpretation of LCIA results. The normalised results were made more comprehensible by developing fact sheets including background information and guidance for interpretation of the LCIA results.


The interpreter of normalised LCIA results does not usually have the information to estimate how the chosen reference system influences the results. A sensitivity analysis with different reference values may help to highlight this effect. When communicating to non-LCA-practitioners, LCIA results need to be connected to a wider context, which can be achieved by using normalisation to give an idea of the order of magnitude of the results. However, the harmfulness of the impact categories in relation to each other cannot be judged on the basis of the normalised results, which seems to be a difficult concept for non-LCA-practitioners to understand.  相似文献   

不同蚯蚓采样方法对比研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蚯蚓种类组成和丰度变化是反映农业管理措施对土壤质量影响的重要指标。为研究利用芥末悬液等方法进行蚯蚓样品采集的有效性和准确性,寻求合理有效的蚯蚓种群特征调查方法,在我国东北玉米连作黑土上分别运用手拣法、福尔马林溶液驱赶法、芥末+水悬液及芥末+乙酸悬液驱赶法,以及驱虫剂与手拣法相结合的方法进行蚯蚓样品采集,将上述7种方法测得的蚯蚓丰度、生物量及年龄组成信息进行了系统分析。结果表明,福尔马林溶液驱赶法不结合手拣法使用时测得的蚯蚓丰度及生物量远远低于其他方法,尤其幼年蚯蚓比例偏低,并不能反映真实的蚯蚓种群特征。使用芥末悬液做驱虫剂有效性明显提高,尤其芥末+乙酸悬液,测得的蚯蚓丰度比手拣法高22.3%。福尔马林溶液结合手拣法后有效性大大提高,测得的蚯蚓丰度和生物量分别是其单独使用时的19.1和9.3倍,但相对其他驱虫剂方法仍高估了成年蚯蚓的比例;芥末+水悬液和芥末+乙酸悬液方法结合手拣法后收集到蚯蚓的数量分别提高了67.8%和89.1%,平均个体重量分别是原来的1.8和1.3倍,说明芥末悬液不会杀死小个体的幼年蚯蚓,但少部分大个体蚯蚓及洞穴不与地表相接的蚯蚓可能并不能被其驱赶至地表,结合手拣法后可以弥补这个缺陷。芥末+乙酸悬液结合手拣法收集到的成年及幼年蚯蚓数量和生物量均显著高于其他方法(P<0.05),既能有效地驱赶小个体和幼年蚯蚓,又可以收集到洞穴不与地表相接的土栖型蚯蚓,因此可以作为真实有效地反映蚯蚓种群特征的采样方法之一。  相似文献   

肠道微生物群落结构和多样性与人体疾病密切相关。然而,相关群落结构分析结果可能受到DNA提取质量等实验因素影响。因此,评估不同DNA提取方法对肠道特定种属的提取效果,对于全面、准确获取人体肠道微生物谱,深入探究肠道微生物群落结构具有指导意义。本研究旨在借助实时荧光定量PCR(real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction,RT qPCR)技术,以DNA提取纯度、浓度,以及对肠道中特定种属微生物基因组DNA的提取丰度为指标,对5种DNA提取方法进行比较分析。结果表明,试剂盒Q的提取效果最佳,特别是对乳杆菌属和双歧杆菌属等革兰氏阳性菌的提取效果较好。N试剂盒的平均DNA提取浓度较Q试剂盒低,但在纯度方面,二者无显著性差异。与其他3种商用试剂盒(M、PSP、TG)相比,N方法对肠道内指定微生物基因组的提取效果仅次于Q试剂盒,位居第二。相比之下,M试剂盒提取所得DNA,质量较高,但浓度偏低,对于肠道内革兰氏阳性菌的提取效果不很理想。TG试剂盒和PSP试剂盒提取所得DNA在浓度、质量以及细菌丰度方面均不及其他验证的试剂盒。综上,Q试剂盒可作为肠道微生态研究相关实验中获取高质量基因组DNA的提取方法。本研究结果为肠道微生态研究相关实验中基因组DNA提取方法的选择提供参考依据。  相似文献   

We propose to compare avoided emissions from ethanol use in Brazil with emissions caused by the use of fossil fuel, and by land use changes, specifically Amazon deforestation. The avoided emissions of CO2 in Brazil due to ethanol use in 2008 ranged from approximately 9 to 12 Tg C yr?1. These values are an order of magnitude higher than the amount of carbon that could be potentially sequestered in soils if sugarcane cultivation in Brazil switches completely to mechanized harvesting, and two orders of magnitude higher than the carbon emissions in soils cultivated with sugarcane and that undergo harvest with burning. In relation to fossil fuel emissions, ethanol avoided emissions are equivalent to 20–30% of the carbon emissions associated with the use of gasoline and diesel in the transportation sector, and to approximately 10% of the total use of fossil fuel in the country. When compared with the carbon emissions from Amazon deforestation ethanol avoided emissions are again one order of magnitude lower. We conclude that ethanol avoided emissions are relatively important within the transport sector, but are still incipient if compared with the emissions from total fossil fuel combustion and emissions from deforestation indicating that climate mitigation efforts in Brazil needs to focus outside of biofuel production. Consequently, we suggest that Brazil develop equally strong actions towards increased energy efficiency use in the country and, more importantly to drastically reduce carbon emissions associated with Amazon deforestation.  相似文献   



In the process of selecting where effective environmental measures should be directed, the weighting step of life cycle assessment (LCA) is an optional, controversial, but nevertheless important tool. A set of criteria for evaluating weighting methods has relevance in the process of acquiring meta-knowledge, and thus competence, in assigning relative weights to environmental impact categories. This competence is helpful when choosing between presently available weighting methods, and in creating new weighting methods.


Criteria in LCA-related literature are reviewed. The authors have focused on identifying lists of criteria rather than extracting criteria from bulks of text. An important starting point has been the actual use of the term “criterion”, while at the same time disqualifying certain definitions of the term which are too far removed from the two definitions provided in this article.

Results and discussion

Criteria for evaluating weighting methods are shown to fall into two general categories. The first being general criteria for weighting methods, demanding that weighting methods have a broad scope, are practical for users and scientists, are scientific and have ethical goals. The second being criteria proposing characteristics of concrete environmental damage which should be taken into account by a weighting method. A noteworthy example is reversibility.


While the comprehensive tables of criteria speak for themselves, it can be observed that the need for transparency is particularly highlighted in literature. Furthermore, ISO 14044’s statement that the weighting step is “not scientifically based” would appear to defy a significant proportion of the other criteria reviewed; this, however, depends on its interpretation.  相似文献   

在湖北的试验表明,猕猴桃春季嫁接以切接法较好,夏秋季嫁接则以单芽枝腹接法较好;嫁接后采用遮阳网遮荫可以显著提高嫁接成活率,但对出圃率无明显影响。  相似文献   

Maintaining pure cultures using preservation methods is of high importance for biotechnological purposes. However, preservation does not necessarily guarantee the genetic stability of these cultures. Therefore, preservation methods are currently needed to assure viability as well as genetic, physiological, and morphological integrity across storage periods. In this study, preservation of five isolates from the microalgae and cyanobacteria collection of the Plant Biology Department, Federal University of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil was investigated via monthly analyses of cell viability, biomass recovery, and contaminant concentrations over a period of 120 days. Lyophilization was adequate for both heterocystous cyanobacteria and other strains that were able to differentiate hormogones or to synthesize thick layers of exopolysaccharides. Lyophilization was also able to maintain cultures with low levels of contaminants. Dimethyl sulfoxide was relatively efficient, though some of the strains were susceptible to its cytotoxic effects. Our results demonstrated that cryopreservation with glycerol was the most efficient method. The ability to routinely preserve cyanobacterial strains reduces costs associated with maintaining large culture collections and reduces the risks of losing particular strains or species through contamination and genetic drift. The results obtained in this study are therefore discussed in the context of the efficiency of the methods and the current need to develop suitable methods for maintenance of cyanobacterial collections.  相似文献   

Yeast selection for fuel ethanol production in Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brazil is one of the largest ethanol biofuel producers and exporters in the world and its production has increased steadily during the last three decades. The increasing efficiency of Brazilian ethanol plants has been evident due to the many technological contributions. As far as yeast is concerned, few publications are available regarding the industrial fermentation processes in Brazil. The present paper reports on a yeast selection program performed during the last 12 years aimed at selecting Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains suitable for fermentation of sugar cane substrates (cane juice and molasses) with cell recycle, as it is conducted in Brazilian bioethanol plants. As a result, some evidence is presented showing the positive impact of selected yeast strains in increasing ethanol yield and reducing production costs, due to their higher fermentation performance (high ethanol yield, reduced glycerol and foam formation, maintenance of high viability during recycling and very high implantation capability into industrial fermenters). Results also suggest that the great yeast biodiversity found in distillery environments could be an important source of strains. This is because during yeast cell recycling, selective pressure (an adaptive evolution) is imposed on cells, leading to strains with higher tolerance to the stressful conditions of the industrial fermentation.  相似文献   

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