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At the primary structure level, the 90-kDa heat shock protein (HSP90) is composed of three regions: the N-terminal (Met(1)-Arg(400)), middle (Glu(401)-Lys(615)), and C-terminal (Asp(621)-Asp(732)) regions. In the present study, we investigated potential subregion structures of these three regions and their roles. Limited proteolysis revealed that the N-terminal region could be split into two fragments carrying residues Met(1) to Lys(281) (or Lys(283)) and Glu(282) (or Tyr(284)) to Arg(400). The former is known to carry the ATP-binding domain. The fragments carrying the N-terminal two-thirds (Glu(401)-Lys(546)) and C-terminal one-third of the middle region were sufficient for the interactions with the N- and C-terminal regions, respectively. Yeast HSC82 that carried point mutations in the middle region causing deficient binding to the N-terminal region could not support the growth of HSP82-depleted cells at an elevated temperature. Taken together, our data show that the N-terminal and middle regions of the HSP90 family protein are structurally divided into two respective subregions. Moreover, the interaction between the N-terminal and middle regions is essential for the in vivo function of HSP90 in yeast.  相似文献   

CcmE is a heme chaperone active in the cytochrome c maturation pathway of Escherichia coli. It first binds heme covalently to strictly conserved histidine H130 and subsequently delivers it to apo-cytochrome c. The recently solved structure of soluble CcmE revealed a compact core consisting of a beta-barrel and a flexible C-terminal domain with a short alpha-helical turn. In order to elucidate the function of this poorly conserved domain, CcmE was truncated stepwise from the C terminus. Removal of all 29 amino acids up to crucial histidine 130 did not abolish heme binding completely. For detectable transfer of heme to type c cytochromes, only one additional residue, D131, was required, and for efficient cytochrome c maturation, the seven-residue sequence (131)DENYTPP(137) was required. When soluble forms of CcmE were expressed in the periplasm, the C-terminal domain had to be slightly longer to allow detection of holo-CcmE. Soluble full-length CcmE had low activity in cytochrome c maturation, indicating the importance of the N-terminal membrane anchor for the in vivo function of CcmE.  相似文献   

We here investigated the mechanism of self-oligomerization of the 90-kDa heat shock protein (HSP90) molecular chaperone, because it is known that this oligomerization reflects the client-binding activity. The transition temperatures for the self-oligomerization of the full-length forms of human HSP90alpha and HtpG (bacterial HSP90), i.e., 45 and 60 degrees C, respectively, were identical to those for the dissociation of the recombinant N domain (residues 1-400 of human HSP90alpha and residues 1-336 of HtpG in our definition) from the remainder of the molecule. The N domain of human HSP90alpha expressed in Escherichia coli was oligomeric, and the oligomerization activity was localized within residues 311-350, i.e., C-terminally adjacent to the highly immunogenic site (residues 291-304). Particularly, residues 341-350 were critical on oligomerization. On the other hand, residues 289-389 were indispensable for the interaction with the M domain (residues 401-618) of the molecule. Oligomer formation of the N domain was efficiently suppressed by its extension until Lys546, i.e., residues 401-546, which is required for the interaction with the N domain. Among highly conserved amino acids at residues 289-400, Trp297, Pro379, and Phe384 were essential for the interaction with the M domain. With these observations taken together, we propose as the activation mechanism of HSP90 molecular chaperone that heat stress induces the liberation of the oligomerization/client-binding site of residues 311-350 by disrupting the intramolecular interaction between residues 289-389 and 401-546.  相似文献   

The structural basis for molecular chaperones to discern misfolded proteins has long been an enigma. As the endoplasmic reticulum paralogue of the cytosolic HSP90, gp96 (GRP94, HSP90b1) is an essential molecular chaperone for Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and integrins. However, little is known about its client-binding domain (CBD). Herein, we provide genetic and biochemical evidence to definitively demonstrate that a C-terminal loop structure, formed by residues 652-678, is the critical region of CBD for both TLRs and integrins. Deletion of this region affects neither the intrinsic ATPase activity nor the overall conformation of gp96. However, without it, the chaperoning function of gp96 collapses. We also find a critical Met pair (Met(658)-Met(662)) for the folding of integrins but not TLRs. Moreover, we find that the TLR binding to gp96 is also dependent on the C-terminal dimerization domain but not the N-terminal ATP-binding pocket of gp96. Our study has unveiled surprisingly the exquisite specificity of gp96 in substrate binding and suggests a manipulation of its CBD as an alternative strategy for targeted therapy of a variety of diseases.  相似文献   



The ribonucleotide reductase M1 (RRM1) gene encodes the regulatory subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, the molecular target of gemcitabine. The overexpression of RRM1 mRNA in tumor tissues is reported to be associated with gemcitabine resistance. Thus, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the RRM1 gene are potential biomarkers of the response to gemcitabine chemotherapy. We investigated whether RRM1 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) or SNPs were associated with clinical outcome after gemcitabine-based chemotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients.


PBMC samples were obtained from 62 stage IIIB and IV patients treated with gemcitabine-based chemotherapy. RRM1 mRNA expression levels were assessed by real-time PCR. Three RRM1 SNPs, -37C→A, 2455A→G and 2464G→A, were assessed by direct sequencing.


RRM1 expression was detectable in 57 PBMC samples, and SNPs were sequenced in 56 samples. The overall response rate to gemcitabine was 18%; there was no significant association between RRM1 mRNA expression and response rate (P = 0.560). The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 23.3 weeks in the lower expression group and 26.9 weeks in the higher expression group (P = 0.659). For the -37C→A polymorphism, the median PFS was 30.7 weeks in the C(-)37A group, 24.7 weeks in the A(-)37A group, and 23.3 weeks in the C(-)37C group (P = 0.043). No significant difference in PFS was observed for the SNP 2455A→G or 2464G→A.


The RRM1 polymorphism -37C→A correlated with PFS in NSCLC patients treated with gemcitabine-based chemotherapy. No significant correlation was found between PBMC RRM1 mRNA expression and the efficacy of gemcitabine.  相似文献   

Proteins of the GW182 family are essential for miRNA-mediated gene silencing in animal cells; they interact with Argonaute proteins (AGOs) and are required for both the translational repression and mRNA degradation mediated by miRNAs. To gain insight into the role of the GW182–AGO1 interaction in silencing, we generated protein mutants that do not interact and tested them in complementation assays. We show that silencing of miRNA targets requires the N-terminal domain of GW182, which interacts with AGO1 through multiple glycine–tryptophan (GW)-repeats. Indeed, a GW182 mutant that does not interact with AGO1 cannot rescue silencing in cells depleted of endogenous GW182. Conversely, silencing is impaired by mutations in AGO1 that strongly reduce the interaction with GW182 but not with miRNAs. We further show that a GW182 mutant that does not localize to P-bodies but interacts with AGO1 rescues silencing in GW182-depleted cells, even though in these cells, AGO1 also fails to localize to P-bodies. Finally, we show that in addition to the N-terminal AGO1-binding domain, the middle and C-terminal regions of GW182 (referred to as the bipartite silencing domain) are essential for silencing. Together our results indicate that miRNA silencing in animal cells is mediated by AGO1 in complex with GW182, and that P-body localization is not required for silencing.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone function of HSP90 is activated under heat-stress conditions. In the present study, we investigated the role of the interactions in the heat-induced activation of HSP90 molecular chaperone. The preceding paper demonstrated two domain-domain interactions of HtpG, an Escherichia coli homologue of mammalian HSP90, i.e. an intra-molecular interaction between the N-terminal and middle domains and an intermolecular one between the middle and C-terminal domains. A bacterial two-hybrid system revealed that the two interactions also existed in human HSP90alpha. Partners of the interaction between the N-terminal and middle domains of human HSP90alpha could, but those between the middle and C-terminal domains could not, be replaced by the domains of HtpG. Thus, the interface between the N-terminal and middle domains is essentially unvaried from bacterial to human members of the HSP90-family proteins. The citrate synthase-binding activity of HtpG at an elevated temperature was solely localized in the N-terminal domain, but HSP90alpha possessed two sites in the N-terminal and other domains. The citrate-synthase-binding activity of the N-terminal domain was suppressed by the association of the middle domain. The complex between the N-terminal and middle domains is labile at elevated temperatures, but the other is stable even at 70 degrees C. Taken together, we propose the liberation of the N-terminal client-binding domain from the middle suppressor domain is involved in the temperature-dependent activation mechanism of HSP90 molecular chaperone.  相似文献   

Retroviral assembly is driven by multiple interactions mediated by the Gag polyprotein, the main structural component of the forming viral shell. Critical determinants of Gag oligomerization are contained within the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the capsid protein, which also harbors a conserved sequence motif, the major homology region (MHR), in the otherwise highly variable Gag. An unexpected clue about the MHR function in retroviral assembly emerges from the structure of the zinc finger-associated SCAN domain we describe here. The SCAN dimer adopts a fold almost identical to that of the retroviral capsid CTD but uses an entirely different dimerization interface caused by swapping the MHR-like element between the monomers. Mutations in retroviral capsid proteins and functional data suggest that a SCAN-like MHR-swapped CTD dimer forms during immature particle assembly. In the SCAN-like dimer, the MHR contributes the major part of the large intertwined dimer interface explaining its functional significance.  相似文献   

The Yku heterodimer from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, comprising Yku70p and Yku80p, is involved in the maintenance of a normal telomeric DNA end structure and is an essential component of nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). To investigate the role of the Yku70p subunit in these two different pathways, we generated C-terminal deletions of the Yku70 protein and examined their ability to complement the phenotypes of a yku70(-) strain. Deleting only the 30 C-terminal amino acids of Yku70p abolishes Yku DNA binding activity and causes a yku(-) phenotype; telomeres are shortened, and NHEJ is impaired. Using conditions in which at least as much mutant protein as full-length protein is normally detectable in cell extracts, deleting only 25 C-terminal amino acids of Yku70p results in no measurable effect on DNA binding of the Yku protein, and the cells are fully proficient for NHEJ. Nevertheless, these cells display considerably shortened telomeres, and significant amounts of single-stranded overhangs of the telomeric guanosine-rich strands are observed. Co-overexpression of this protein with Yku80p could rescue some but not all of the telomere-related phenotypes. Therefore, the C-terminal domain in Yku70p defines at least one domain that is especially involved in telomere maintenance but not in NHEJ.  相似文献   

The propagation of yeast prion phenotypes is highly dependent on molecular chaperones. We previously demonstrated that the molecular chaperone Ssa1p sequesters Ure2p in high molecular weight, assembly incompetent oligomeric species. We also determined the affinity of Ssa1p for Ure2p, and its globular domain. To map the Ure2p-Ssa1p interface, we have used chemical cross-linkers and MS. We demonstrate that Ure2p and Ssa1p form a 1 : 1 complex. An analytical strategy combining in-gel digestion of cross-linked protein complexes, and both MS and MS/MS analysis of proteolytic peptides, allowed us to identify a number of peptides that were modified because they are exposed to the solvent. A difference in the exposure to the solvent of a single lysine residue, lysine 339 of Ure2p, was detected upon Ure2p-Ssa1p complex formation. These observations strongly suggest that lysine 339 and its flanking amino acid stretches are involved in the interaction between Ure2p and Ssa1p. They also reveal that the Ure2p amino-acid stretch spanning residues 327-339 plays a central role in the assembly into fibrils.  相似文献   

Small heat-shock proteins (Hsps) are ubiquitous molecular chaperones which prevent the unspecific aggregation of non-native proteins. For Hsp26, a cytosolic sHsp from of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it has been shown that, at elevated temperatures, the 24 subunit complex dissociates into dimers. This dissociation is required for the efficient interaction with non-native proteins. Deletion analysis of the protein showed that the N-terminal half of Hsp26 (amino acid residues 1-95) is required for the assembly of the oligomer. Limited proteolysis in combination with mass spectrometry suggested that this region can be divided in two parts, an N-terminal segment including amino acid residues 1-30 and a second part ranging from residues 31-95. To analyze the structure and function of the N-terminal part of Hsp26 we created a deletion mutant lacking amino acid residues 1-30. We show that the oligomeric state and the structure, as determined by size exclusion chromatography and electron microscopy, corresponds to that of the Hsp26 wild-type protein. Furthermore, this truncated version of Hsp26 is active as a chaperone. However, in contrast to full length Hsp26, the truncated version dissociates at lower temperatures and complexes with non-native proteins are less stable than those found with wild-type Hsp26. Our results suggest that the N-terminal segment of Hsp26 is involved in both, oligomerization and chaperone function and that the second part of the N-terminal region (amino acid residues 31-95) is essential for both functions.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the domain structure and domain-domain interactions of HtpG, an Escherichia coli homologue of eukaryotic HSP90. Limited proteolysis of recombinant HtpG, revealed three major tryptic sites, i.e. Arg7-Gly8, Arg336-Glu337 and Lys552-Leu553, of which the latter two were located at the positions equivalent to the major cleavage sites of human HSP90alpha. A similar pattern was obtained by papain treatment under nondenaturing conditions but not under denaturing conditions. Thus, HtpG consists of three domains, i.e. Domain A, Met1-Arg336; domain B, Glu337-Lys552; and domain C, Leu553-Ser624, as does HSP90. The domains of HtpG were expressed and their interactions were estimated on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions. As a result, two kinds of domain-domain interactions were revealed: domain B interaction with domain A of the same polypeptide and domain C of one partner with domain B of the other in the dimer. Domain B could be structurally and functionally divided into two subdomains, the N-terminal two-thirds (subdomain BI) that interacted with domain A and the C-terminal one-third (subdomain BII) that interacted with domain C. The C-terminal two-thirds of domain A, i.e. Asp116-Arg336, were sufficient for the binding to domain B. We finally propose the domain organization of an HtpG dimer.  相似文献   

p23 is a co-chaperone of the heat shock protein Hsp90. p23 binds to Hsp90 in its ATP-bound state and, on its own, interacts specifically with non-native proteins. In our attempt to correlate these functions to specific regions of p23 we have identified an unstructured region in p23 that maps to the C-terminal part of the protein sequence. This unstructured region is dispensible for interaction of p23 with Hsp90, since truncated p23 can still form complexes with Hsp90. In contrast, however, truncation of the C-terminal 30 amino acid residues of p23 affects the ability of p23 to bind non-native proteins and to prevent their non-specific aggregation. The isolated C-terminal region itself is not able to act as a chaperone nor is it possible to complement truncated p23 by addition of this peptide. These results imply that the binding site for Hsp90 is contained in the folded domain of p23 and that for efficient interaction of p23 with non-native proteins both the folded domain and the C-terminal unstructured region are required.  相似文献   

The transmembrane and anchor region of pseudorabies virus gIII is postulated to be in the 35 hydrophobic amino acids (residues 436 to 470) found near the carboxy terminus of the 479-amino-acid envelope protein. In this study, we used a genetic approach to localize the functional gIII membrane anchor between amino acids 443 and 466. Mutant gIII proteins lacking the membrane anchor were not associated with virus particles, indicating that membrane retention is a prerequisite for virion localization. Unexpectedly, the specific hydrophobic gIII sequence defined by these deletions was not required for membrane anchor function since the entire region could be replaced with leucine residues without affecting gIII membrane retention, export, or virion localization. The hydrophobic region appears to encode more than the membrane anchor domain since both efficiency of posttranslational processing and localization to virions are affected by mutations in this region. We speculate that the composition of the hydrophobic domain influences the overall conformation of gIII, which in turn effects the efficiency of gIII export and processing. The virion localization phenotype is probably indirect and reflects the efficiency of protein processing. This conclusion provides insight into the mechanism of glycoprotein incorporation into virions.  相似文献   

Multiple co-crystal structures of an adenine-based series of inhibitors bound to the molecular chaperone Hsp90 have been determined. These structures explain the observed SAR for previously described compounds and new compounds, which possess up to 8-fold improved potency against the isolated enzyme. Anti-tumour cell potency and mechanism of action data is also described for the most potent compounds. These data should enable the design of more potent Hsp90 inhibitors.  相似文献   

ClpB from Escherichia coli is a member of a protein-disaggregating multi-chaperone system that also includes DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE. The sequence of ClpB contains two ATP-binding domains that are enclosed between the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal regions. The N-terminal sequence region does not contain known functional sequence motifs. Here, we performed site-directed mutagenesis of four polar residues within the N-terminal domain of ClpB (Thr7, Ser84, Asp103 and Glu109). These residues are conserved in several ClpB homologs. We found that the mutations, T7A, S84A, D103A, and E109A did not significantly affect the secondary structure and thermal stability of ClpB, nor did they inhibit the self-association of ClpB, its basal ATPase activity, or the enhanced rate of the ATP hydrolysis by ClpB in the presence of poly-L-lysine. We observed, however, that three mutations, T7A, D103A, and E109A, reduced the casein-induced activation of the ClpB ATPase. The same three mutant ClpB variants also showed low chaperone activity in the luciferase reactivation assay. We found, however, that the four ClpB mutants, as well as the wild-type, bound similar amounts of inactivated luciferase. In summary, we have identified three essential amino acid residues within the N-terminal region of ClpB that participate in the coupling between a protein-binding signal and the ATP hydrolysis, and also support the chaperone activity of ClpB.  相似文献   

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