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In this paper, we explore how the results of a primate-wide higher-level phylogenetic analysis of muscle characters can improve our understanding of the evolution and homologies of the forearm and hand muscles of modern humans. Contrary to what is often suggested in the literature, none of the forearm and hand muscle structures usually present in modern humans are autapomorphic. All are found in one or more extant non-human primate taxa. What is unique is the particular combination of muscles. However, more muscles go to the thumb in modern humans than in almost all other primates, reinforcing the hypothesis that focal thumb movements probably played an important role in human evolution. What makes the modern human thumb myology special within the primate clade is not so much its intrinsic musculature but two extrinsic muscles, extensor pollicis brevis and flexor pollicis longus, that are otherwise only found in hylobatids. It is likely that these two forearm muscles play different functional roles in hylobatids and modern humans. In the former, the thumb is separated from elongated digits by a deep cleft and there is no pulp-to-pulp opposition, whereas modern humans exhibit powerful thumb flexion and greater manipulative abilities, such as those involved in the manufacture and use of tools. The functional and evolutionary significance of a third peculiar structure, the intrinsic hand structure that is often called the ‘interosseous volaris primus of Henle’ (and which we suggest is referred to as the musculus adductor pollicis accessorius) is still obscure. The presence of distinct contrahentes digitorum and intermetacarpales in adult chimpanzees is likely the result of prolonged or delayed development of the hand musculature of these apes. In relation to these structures, extant chimpanzees are more neotenic than modern humans.  相似文献   

The present study describes the flexor and extensor muscles in Cebus libidinosus' forearm and compares them with those from humans, chimpanzees and baboons. The data is presented in quantitative anatomical indices for similarity. The capuchin forearm muscles showed important similarities with chimpanzees and humans, particularly those that act on thumb motion and allow certain degree of independence from other hand structures, even though their configuration does not enable a true opposable thumb. The characteristics of Cebus' forearm muscles corroborate the evolutionary convergence towards an adaptive behavior (tool use) between Cebus genus and apes.  相似文献   

This study investigates the morphological basis of differences between humans and chimpanzees in the kinematical and dynamical parameters of the musculature of the thumb. It is partly intended to test an hypothesis that human thumb muscles can exert significantly greater torques, due to larger muscle cross-sectional areas or to longer tendon moment arms or to both. We focus on the estimation of the potentials of thumb muscles to exert torques about joint axes in a sample of eight chimpanzee cadaver hands. The potential torque of a muscle is estimated by taking the product of a muscle's physiological cross-sectional area (an estimator of force) with its dynamical moment arm (derived from the slope of tendon excursion versus joint angular displacement, obtained during passive movements of cadaver thumb joints). Comparison of our results with similar data obtained for humans at the same Mayo Clinic laboratory shows significant differences between humans and chimpanzees in potential torque of most thumb muscles, those of humans generally exhibiting larger values. The primary reason for the larger torques in humans is that their average moment arms are significantly longer, permitting greater torque for a given muscle size. An additional finding is that chimpanzees and humans differ in the direction of secondary thumb metacarpal movements elicited by contraction of some muscles, as shown by differences in moment arm signs for a given movement in the same muscle. The differences appear to be related to differences in the musculo-skeletal structures of the trapeziometacarpal joint.  相似文献   

Primate hands display a major selective compromise between locomotion and manipulation. The thumb may or may not participate in locomotion, but it plays a central role in most manipulative activities. Understanding whether or not the last common ancestor of humans and Pan displayed extant-ape-like hand proportions (i.e., relatively long fingers and a short thumb) can be clarified by the analysis of Miocene ape hand remains. Here we describe new pollical remains-a complete proximal phalanx and a partial distal phalanx-from the middle/late Miocene site of Castell de Barberà (ca., 11.2-10.5 Ma, Vallès-Penedès Basin), and provide morphometric and qualitative comparisons with other available Miocene specimens as well as extant catarrhines (including humans). Our results show that all available Miocene taxa (Proconsul, Nacholapithecus, Afropithecus, Sivapithecus, Hispanopithecus, Oreopithecus, and the hominoid from Castell de Barberà) share a similar phalangeal thumb morphology: the phalanges are relatively long, and the proximal phalanges have a high degree of curvature, marked insertions for the flexor muscles, a palmarly bent trochlea and a low basal height. All these features suggest that these Miocene apes used their thumb with an emphasis on flexion, most of them to powerfully assist the fingers during above-branch, grasping arboreal locomotion. Moreover, in terms of relative proximal phalangeal length, the thumb of Miocene taxa is intermediate between the long-thumbed humans and the short-thumbed extant apes. Together with previous evidence, this suggests that a moderate-length hand with relatively long thumb-involved in locomotion-is the original hand morphotype for the Hominidae.  相似文献   

Congenital absence or traumatic amputation of the thumb is a major disability profoundly disturbing the function of the hand, as the thumb represents an estimated 50% of total hand function. The methods for thumb reconstruction utilizing the index finger were developed some twenty years ago, and progress has been made in the last several years with emphasis on intrinsic muscle reconstruction as emphasized by Buck-Gramcko. The method, technique and anatomy of index pollicization is discussed, and representative cases presented for congenital absence of the thumb and for traumatic amputation of the thumb.  相似文献   

We compared the thumb morphology ofCebus apella to that of several other primate species in order to determine whether robust thumbs are associated with tool-use. We found that thumb robusticity was greater forCebus apella than for all other represented nonhuman species exceptGorilla gorilla. Further, thumb robusticity inCebus apella was similar to that ofAustralopithecus afarensis but lesser than that of other represented hominids, including modern humans. We propose that precision gripping similar to that which occurs in tool-using context amongCebus probably occurred among Australopithecines prior to the emergence of sophisticated tool behavior amongHomo andParanthropus.  相似文献   

Modern humans possess a highly derived thumb that is robust and long relative to the other digits, with enhanced pollical musculature compared with extant apes. Researchers have hypothesized that this anatomy was initially selected for in early Homo in part to withstand high forces acting on the thumb during hard hammer percussion when producing stone tools. However, data are lacking on loads experienced during stone tool production and the distribution of these loads across the hand.Here we report the first quantitative data on manual normal forces (N) and pressures (kPa) acting on the hand during Oldowan stone tool production, captured at 200 Hz. Data were collected from six experienced subjects replicating Oldowan bifacial choppers. Our data do not support hypotheses asserting that the thumb experiences relatively high loads when making Oldowan stone tools. Peak normal force, pressure, impulse, and the pressure/time integral are significantly lower on the thumb than on digits 2 and/or digit 3 in every subject. Our findings call into question hypotheses linking modern human thumb robusticity specifically to load resistance during stone tool production.  相似文献   

Oreopithecus bambolii, an ape from the late Miocene of Italy, is said to possess a hand capable of a precision grip like that of humans. Relative hand length, proportions of the thumb, and morphological features of the thumb and wrist were adduced to support the idea that Oreopithecus had a hand that closely matched the pattern in Australopithecus. A reappraisal of earlier arguments and comparisons of Oreopithecus with humans, apes, and Old World monkeys, reveals that Oreopithecus had an essentially ape-like hand that emphasized ape-like power grasping over human-like precision grasping.  相似文献   

Kyonka EG  Church RM 《Behavioural processes》2005,69(2):133-5; author reply 159-63
The fast and frugal heuristics of ABC and rules of thumb of behavioural biologists represent strategies that humans and other animals might use to make decisions under time constraints and with a minimum of information. If experimental psychologists could demonstrate use of simple heuristics by non-humans in experimental settings, quantitative and empirical evaluation of those heuristics would benefit from additional formal, controlled avenues of study.  相似文献   

The hands of apes and humans differ considerably with regard to proportions between several bones. Of critical significance is the long thumb relative to other fingers, which is the basis for human-like pad-to-pad precision grip capability, and has been considered by some as evidence of tool-making. The nature and timing of the evolutionary transition from ape-like to human-like manual proportions, however, have remained unclear as a result of the lack of appropriate fossil material. In this article, the manual proportions of Australopithecus afarensis from locality AL 333/333w (Hadar, Ethiopia) are investigated by means of bivariate and multivariate morphometric analyses, in order to test the hypothesis that human-like proportions, including an enhanced thumb/hand relationship, originally evolved as an adaptation to stone tool-making. Although some evidence for human-like manual proportions had been previously proposed for this taxon, conclusive evidence was lacking. Our results indicate that A. afarensis possessed overall manual proportions, including an increased thumb/hand relationship that, contrary to previous reports, is fully human and would have permitted pad-to-pad human-like precision grip capability. We show that these human-like proportions in A. afarensis mainly result from hand shortening, as in modern humans, and that these conclusions are robust enough as to be non-dependent on whether the bones belong to a single individual or not. Since A. afarensis predates the appearance of stone tools in the archeological record, the above-mentioned conclusions permit a confident refutation of the null hypothesis that human-like manual proportions are an adaptation to stone tool-making, and thus alternative explanations must be therefore sought. One hypothesis would consider manipulative behaviors (including tool-use and/or non-lithic tool-making) in early hominines exceeding those reported among extant non-human primates. Alternatively, on the basis of the many adaptations to committed bipedalism in A. afarensis, we propose the hypothesis that once arboreal behaviors became adaptively insignificant and forelimb-dominated locomotor selection pressures were relaxed with the adoption of terrestrial bipedalism, human-like manual proportions could have merely evolved as a result of the complex manipulation selection pressures already present in extant non-human primates.Both hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, and even other factors such as pleiotropy cannot be currently discarded.  相似文献   

This study asks whether there are discernable links between precision gripping, tool behaviors,
  • 1 The term “tool behavior” has been variously used in the literature, in some cases implying exclusively tool making distinctive of humans (Susman, 1991) and in others referring variably to tool using and/or tool-making abilities, some shared with us by other animals (Susman, 1988a,b, 1994). In this paper the term is used to include both tool using and tool making behaviors of humans and non-humans; the term “tool making” is used in place of “tool behavior” whenever the discussion is focused upon distinguishing a capacity for removing flakes from stone preforms from a more general capacity to manipulate stone tools.
  • and hand morphology in modern hominoids, which may guide functional interpretation of early hominid hand morphology. Findings from a three-pronged investigation answer this question in the affirmative, as follows. (1) Experimental manufacture of early prehistoric tools provides evidence of connections between distinctive human precision grips and effective tool making. (A connection is not found between the “fine” thumb/index finger pad precision grip and early tool making.) (2) Manipulative behavior studies of chimpanzees, hamadryas baboons, and humans show that human precision grips are distinguished by the greater force with which objects may be secured by the thumb and fingers of one hand (precision pinching) and the ability to adjust the orientation of gripped objects through movements at joints distal to the wrist (precision handling). (3) Morphological studies reveal eight features distinctive of modern humans which facilitate use of these grips. Among these features are substantially larger moment arms for intrinsic muscles that stabilize the proximal thumb joints. Examination of evidence for these reveals that three of the eight features occur in Australopithecus afarensis, but limited thumb mobility would have compromised tool making. Also, Olduvai hand morphology strongly suggests a capacity for stone tool making. However, functional and behavioral implications of Sterkfontein and Swartkrans hand morphology are less clear. At present, no single skeletal feature can be safely relied upon as an indicator of distinctively human capabilities for precision gripping or tool making in fossil hominids. Am J Phys Anthropol 102:91–110, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Abstract: We describe the relative prevalence and pattern of distribution of osteoarthritis (OA) in the hands of elderly (>15 years) rhesus macaques using clinical, radiographic, and skeletal examinations. In the clinical study the prevalence of nodes was 72% and 16% in the distal inter-phalangeal joints (DIPJ) and proximal inter-phalangeal joints (PIPJ), respectively, 31% of all monkeys had polyarticular nodes. Radiographic OA was present in 55%, 9.1%, and 0% of the DIPJs, PIPJs, and thumb bases, respectively. Skeletal OA as defined by joint surface eburnation for the DIPJ, PIPJ, and thumb base were 16%, 8%, and 2%, respectively. A similar pattern of hand OA with humans is described except for the thumb base OA. This may be due to the relatively rudimentary manipulative role of the macaque thumb. The finding of polyarticular nodal OA raises the possibility of a common pathogenensis for IPJ OA amongst primates.  相似文献   

    It has long been assumed that stone tool making was a major factor in the evolution of derived hominin hand morphology. However, stresses on the hand associated with food retrieval and processing also have been recognized as relevant early hominin behaviors that should be investigated. To this end, chimpanzee food manipulation was videotaped in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Grips and hand movements by 39 chimpanzees were analyzed for arboreal and terrestrial feeding involving 10 food‐types and associated vegetation. It was predicted that (1) new grips would be found that had not been observed in captivity, (2) forceful precision grips would be absent from the repertoire, as in captivity, and (3) precision handling would be observed. New grips involving the full thumb and buttressed index finger, and a new integrated pattern of grips and forceful hand movements were discovered, associated with feeding on large fruits and meat. Participation of the full thumb in these grips, rather than the distal thumb and fingers, throws light on feeding behaviors that may have become increasingly significant factors in the evolution of derived hominin thumb morphology. The proximal thumb stabilizes food with the flexed index finger against the pull of the teeth and provides leverage in breaking food into portions. Isolated qualitative observations of possibly forceful pinch by the thumb and side of the index finger highlight the need for comparative quantitative data to test whether humans are unique in forceful precision gripping capability. Precision handling was not seen. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:317–326, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Alternatives to thumb replantation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Heitmann C  Levin LS 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,110(6):1492-503; quiz 1504-5
    LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After studying this article, the participant should: 1. Have a variety of options for thumb reconstruction. 2. Know the advantages and disadvantages of the nonmicrosurgical and microsurgical techniques for thumb reconstruction. 3. Understand the decision making from the variety of thumb reconstruction techniques based on patient needs. 4. Have a basic understanding of the various thumb reconstruction techniques discussed. The traumatic amputation of the thumb is an absolute indication for attempted replantation. The profound disability of the hand resulting from absence of the thumb, with loss of pinch and grasp, obliges the surgeon to make every attempt to replant the amputated thumb and preserve hand function. However, not all attempts at replantation result in survival of the amputated portion, and unreconstructable damage to or complete loss of the amputated part may preclude attempted replantation. In such situations, the surgeon must have alternative methods of dealing with the sequelae of thumb loss. This article will discuss nonmicrosurgical and microsurgical techniques for thumb reconstruction.  相似文献   

    The Centre for Adaptive Behaviour and Cognition (ABC) has hypothesised that much human decision-making can be described by simple algorithmic process models (heuristics). This paper explains this approach and relates it to research in biology on rules of thumb, which we also review. As an example of a simple heuristic, consider the lexicographic strategy of Take The Best for choosing between two alternatives: cues are searched in turn until one discriminates, then search stops and all other cues are ignored. Heuristics consist of building blocks, and building blocks exploit evolved or learned abilities such as recognition memory; it is the complexity of these abilities that allows the heuristics to be simple. Simple heuristics have an advantage in making decisions fast and with little information, and in avoiding overfitting. Furthermore, humans are observed to use simple heuristics. Simulations show that the statistical structures of different environments affect which heuristics perform better, a relationship referred to as ecological rationality. We contrast ecological rationality with the stronger claim of adaptation. Rules of thumb from biology provide clearer examples of adaptation because animals can be studied in the environments in which they evolved. The range of examples is also much more diverse. To investigate them, biologists have sometimes used similar simulation techniques to ABC, but many examples depend on empirically driven approaches. ABC's theoretical framework can be useful in connecting some of these examples, particularly the scattered literature on how information from different cues is integrated. Optimality modelling is usually used to explain less detailed aspects of behaviour but might more often be redirected to investigate rules of thumb.  相似文献   

    Although Balamuthia mandrillaris was identified more than two decades ago as an agent of fatal granulomatous encephalitis in humans and other animals, little is known about its ecological niche, biological behavior in the environment, food preferences and predators, if any. When infecting humans or other animals, Balamuthia feeds on tissues; and in vitro culture, it feeds on mammalian cells (monkey kidney cells, human lung fibroblasts, and human microvascular endothelial cells). According to recent reports, it is believed that Balamuthia feeds on small amebae, for example, Acanthamoeba that are present in its ecological niche. To test this hypothesis, we associated Balamuthia on a one‐on‐one basis with selected protozoa and algae. We videotaped the behavior of Balamuthia in the presence of a potential prey, its ability to hunt and attack its food, and the time required to eat and cause damage to the target cell by direct contact. We found that B. mandrillaris ingested trophozoites of Naegleria fowleri, Naegleria gruberi, Acanthamoeba spp., Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes, Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites, and Giardia. However, it did not feed on Acanthamoeba cysts or algae. Balamuthia caused cytolysis of T. cruzi epimastigotes and T. gondii tachyzoites by direct contact. Balamuthia trophozoites and cysts were, however, eaten by Paramecium sp.  相似文献   

    A fresh-frozen thumb osteoarthrotendinous allograft and autogenous coverage were used to reconstruct a thumb. Immunosuppressants were not used. The components of the composite allograft are present and functioning 1 year post-operatively. Host cells have replaced and are replacing bone and tendinous structures. The "survival" of this osteoarthrotendinous allograft may have important implications in the treatment of patients with previous digital amputations, congenital absence of digits, and amputated digits that have failed replantation or are not replantable because of severely damaged vessels.  相似文献   

    We observed grips by the hand during locomotor and manipulative behavior of captive chimpanzees to improve our ability to interpret differences between chimpanzees and humans in hand morphology that are not easily explained by current behavioral data. The study generated a new classification of grips,which takes into account three elements of precision and power gripping that appear to distinguish between the chimpanzees and humans, and which have not been explored previously in relation to hand morphology. These elements are (1) the relative force of the precision grips (pinch versus hold), (2) the relative ability to translate and rotate objects by the thumb and fingers (precision handling), and (3) the relative ability to orient a cylindrical object so that it functions effectively as an extension of the forearm (power squeeze). We recommend that this classification be incorporated into protocols for field and laboratory studies of nonhuman primate manipulative behavior, in order to test our prediction that these three elements clearly distinguish humans from chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates. The results of this test will have direct bearing upon decisions as to which grips (with their associated behaviors) are most likely to guide us through kinematic and kinetic analysis to possible explanations for morphological differences between humans and other species. These explanations, in turn, are fundamental to our ability to discern evidence for potential grips and tool behaviors in the manual morphology of fossil hominids.  相似文献   

    Strongyles are commonly reported parasites in studies of primate parasite biodiversity. Among them, nodule worm species are often overlooked as a serious concern despite having been observed to cause serious disease in nonhuman primates and humans. In this study, we investigated whether strongyles found in Bornean primates are the nodule worm Oesophagostomum spp., and to what extent these parasites are shared among members of the community. To test this, we propose two hypotheses that use the parasite genetic structure to infer transmission processes within the community. In the first scenario, the absence of parasite genetic substructuring would reflect high levels of parasite transmission among primate hosts, as primates’ home ranges overlap in the study area. In the second scenario, the presence of parasite substructuring would suggest cryptic diversity within the parasite genus and the existence of phylogenetic barriers to cross‐species transmission. By using molecular markers, we identify strongyles infecting this primate community as O. aculeatum, the only species of nodule worm currently known to infect Asian nonhuman primates. Furthermore, the little to no genetic substructuring supports a scenario with no phylogenetic barriers to transmission and where host movements across the landscape would enable gene flow between host populations. This work shows that the parasite's high adaptability could act as a buffer against local parasite extinctions. Surveys targeting human populations living in close proximity to nonhuman primates could help clarify whether this species of nodule worm presents the zoonotic potential found in the other two species infecting African nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

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