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Environmental stimuli‐triggered stomatal movement is a key physiological process that regulates CO2 uptake and water loss in plants. Stomata are defined by pairs of guard cells that perceive and transduce external signals, leading to cellular volume changes and consequent stomatal aperture change. Within the visible light spectrum, red light induces stomatal opening in intact leaves. However, there has been debate regarding the extent to which red‐light‐induced stomatal opening arises from direct guard cell sensing of red light versus indirect responses as a result of red light influences on mesophyll photosynthesis. Here we identify conditions that result in red‐light‐stimulated stomatal opening in isolated epidermal peels and enlargement of protoplasts, firmly establishing a direct guard cell response to red light. We then employ metabolomics workflows utilizing gas chromatography mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for metabolite profiling and identification of Arabidopsis guard cell metabolic signatures in response to red light in the absence of the mesophyll. We quantified 223 metabolites in Arabidopsis guard cells, with 104 found to be red light responsive. These red‐light‐modulated metabolites participate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, carbon balance, phytohormone biosynthesis and redox homeostasis. We next analyzed selected Arabidopsis mutants, and discovered that stomatal opening response to red light is correlated with a decrease in guard cell abscisic acid content and an increase in jasmonic acid content. The red‐light‐modulated guard cell metabolome reported here provides fundamental information concerning autonomous red light signaling pathways in guard cells.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies corroborate a correlation between pesticide use and Parkinson's disease (PD). Thiocarbamate and dithiocarbamate pesticides are widely used and produce neurotoxicity in the peripheral nervous system. Recent evidence from rodent studies suggests that these compounds also cause dopaminergic (DAergic) dysfunction and altered protein processing, two hallmarks of PD. However, DAergic neurotoxicity has yet to be documented. We assessed DAergic dysfunction in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) to investigate the ability of thiocarbamate pesticides to induce DAergic neurodegeneration. Acute treatment with either S‐ethyl N,N‐dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC), molinate, or a common reactive intermediate of dithiocarbamate and thiocarbamate metabolism, S‐methyl‐N,N‐diethylthiocarbamate (MeDETC), to gradual loss of DAergic cell morphology and structure over the course of 6 days in worms expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under a DAergic cell specific promoter. HPLC analysis revealed decreased DA content in the worms immediately following exposure to MeDETC, EPTC, and molinate. In addition, worms treated with the three test compounds showed a drastic loss of DAergic‐dependent behavior over a time course similar to changes in DAergic cell morphology. Alterations in the DAergic system were specific, as loss of cell structure and neurotransmitter content was not observed in cholinergic, glutamatergic, or GABAergic systems. Overall, our data suggest that thiocarbamate pesticides promote neurodegeneration and DAergic cell dysfunction in C. elegans, and may be an environmental risk factor for PD.  相似文献   

In group‐living species, the degree of relatedness among group members often governs the extent of reproductive sharing, cooperation and conflict within a group. Kinship among group members can be shaped by the presence and location of neighbouring groups, as these provide dispersal or mating opportunities that can dilute kinship among current group members. Here, we assessed how within‐group relatedness varies with the density and position of neighbouring social groups in Neolamprologus pulcher, a colonial and group‐living cichlid fish. We used restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) methods to generate thousands of polymorphic SNPs. Relative to microsatellite data, RADseq data provided much tighter confidence intervals around our relatedness estimates. These data allowed us to document novel patterns of relatedness in relation to colony‐level social structure. First, the density of neighbouring groups was negatively correlated with relatedness between subordinates and dominant females within a group, but no such patterns were observed between subordinates and dominant males. Second, subordinates at the colony edge were less related to dominant males in their group than subordinates in the colony centre, suggesting a shorter breeding tenure for dominant males at the colony edge. Finally, subordinates who were closely related to their same‐sex dominant were more likely to reproduce, supporting some restraint models of reproductive skew. Collectively, these results demonstrate that within‐group relatedness is influenced by the broader social context, and variation between groups in the degree of relatedness between dominants and subordinates can be explained by both patterns of reproductive sharing and the nature of the social landscape.  相似文献   

Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) catalyses the final step of the tyrosine degradation pathway, which is essential to animals but was of unknown importance in plants until we found that mutation of Short‐day Sensitive Cell Death1 (SSCD1), encoding Arabidopsis FAH, results in cell death under short‐day conditions. The sscd1 mutant accumulates succinylacetone (SUAC), an abnormal metabolite caused by loss of FAH. Succinylacetone is an inhibitor of δ‐aminolevulinic acid (ALA) dehydratase (ALAD), which is involved in chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis. In this study, we investigated whether sscd1 cell death is mediated by Chl biosynthesis and found that ALAD activity is repressed in sscd1 and that protochlorophyllide (Pchlide), an intermediate of Chl biosynthesis, accumulates at lower levels in etiolated sscd1 seedlings. However, it was interesting that Pchlide in sscd1 might increase after transfer from light to dark and that HEMA1 and CHLH are upregulated in the light–dark transition before Pchlide levels increased. Upon re‐illumination after Pchlide levels had increased, reactive oxygen species marker genes, including singlet oxygen‐induced genes, are upregulated, and the sscd1 cell death phenotype appears. In addition, Arabidopsis WT seedlings treated with SUAC mimic sscd1 in decline of ALAD activity and accumulation of Pchlide as well as cell death. These results demonstrate that increase in Pchlide causes cell death in sscd1 upon re‐illumination and suggest that a decline in the Pchlide pool due to inhibition of ALAD activity by SUAC impairs the repression of ALA synthesis from the light–dark transition by feedback control, resulting in activation of the Chl biosynthesis pathway and accumulation of Pchlide in the dark.  相似文献   

Recent advances have highlighted the ubiquity of whole‐genome duplication (polyploidy) in angiosperms, although subsequent genome size change and diploidization (returning to a diploid‐like condition) are poorly understood. An excellent system to assess these processes is provided by Nicotiana section Repandae, which arose via allopolyploidy (approximately 5 million years ago) involving relatives of Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana obtusifolia. Subsequent speciation in Repandae has resulted in allotetraploids with divergent genome sizes, including Nicotiana repanda and Nicotiana nudicaulis studied here, which have an estimated 23.6% genome expansion and 19.2% genome contraction from the early polyploid, respectively. Graph‐based clustering of next‐generation sequence data enabled assessment of the global genome composition of these allotetraploids and their diploid progenitors. Unexpectedly, in both allotetraploids, over 85% of sequence clusters (repetitive DNA families) had a lower abundance than predicted from their diploid relatives; a trend seen particularly in low‐copy repeats. The loss of high‐copy sequences predominantly accounts for the genome downsizing in N. nudicaulis. In contrast, N. repanda shows expansion of clusters already inherited in high copy number (mostly chromovirus‐like Ty3/Gypsy retroelements and some low‐complexity sequences), leading to much of the genome upsizing predicted. We suggest that the differential dynamics of low‐ and high‐copy sequences reveal two genomic processes that occur subsequent to allopolyploidy. The loss of low‐copy sequences, common to both allopolyploids, may reflect genome diploidization, a process that also involves loss of duplicate copies of genes and upstream regulators. In contrast, genome size divergence between allopolyploids is manifested through differential accumulation and/or deletion of high‐copy‐number sequences.  相似文献   

The non‐metabolizable fluorescent glucose analogue 6‐(N‐(7‐nitrobenz‐2‐oxa‐1,3‐diazol‐4‐yl)amino)‐2‐deoxyglucose (6‐NBDG) is increasingly used to study cellular transport of glucose. Intracellular accumulation of exogenously applied 6‐NBDG is assumed to reflect concurrent gradient‐driven glucose uptake by glucose transporters (GLUTs). Here, theoretical considerations are provided that put this assumption into question. In particular, depending on the microscopic parameters of the carrier proteins, theory proves that changes in glucose transport can be accompanied by opposite changes in flow of 6‐NBDG. Simulations were carried out applying the symmetric four‐state carrier model on the GLUT1 isoform, which is the only isoform whose kinetic parameters are presently available. Results show that cellular 6‐NBDG uptake decreases with increasing rate of glucose utilization under core‐model conditions, supported by literature, namely where the transporter is assumed to work in regime of slow reorientation of the free‐carrier compared with the ligand–carrier complex. To observe an increase of 6‐NBDG uptake with increasing rate of glucose utilization, and thus interpret 6‐NBDG increase as surrogate of glucose uptake, the transporter must be assumed to operate in regime of slow ligand–carrier binding, a condition that is currently not supported by literature. Our findings suggest that the interpretation of data obtained with NBDG derivatives is presently ambiguous and should be cautious because the underlying transport kinetics are not adequately established.  相似文献   

Two biological processes regulate light‐induced skin colour change. A fast ‘physiological pigmentation change’ (i.e. circadian variations or camouflage) involves alterations in the distribution of pigment containing granules in the cytoplasm of chromatophores, while a slower ‘morphological pigmentation change’ (i.e. seasonal variations) entails changes in the number of pigment cells or pigment type. Although linked processes, the neuroendocrine coordination triggering each response remains largely obscure. By evaluating both events in Xenopus laevis embryos, we show that morphological pigmentation initiates by inhibiting the activity of the classical retinal ganglion cells. Morphological pigmentation is always accompanied by physiological pigmentation, and a melatonin receptor antagonist prevents both responses. Physiological pigmentation also initiates in the eye, but with repression of melanopsin‐expressing retinal ganglion cell activity that leads to secretion of alpha‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone (α‐MSH). Our findings suggest a model in which eye photoperception links physiological and morphological pigmentation by altering α‐MSH and melatonin production, respectively.  相似文献   

Downy mildew, caused by the oomycete pathogen Peronospora belbahrii, is a devastating foliar disease of basil in the United States and worldwide. Currently there are very few chemistries or organic choices registered to control this disease. In this study, two systemic acquired resistance (SAR) inducers, acibenzolar‐S‐methyl (ASM) and β‐aminobutyric acid (BABA), were evaluated for their in vitro effects on the pathogen, for their potential to control basil downy mildew in greenhouses, and for changes in peroxidase activity in basil plants treated with these two SAR inducers. No significant inhibition of sporangial germination was detected in water agar amended with ASM at concentrations lower than 100 mg/l or with BABA at concentrations lower than 500 mg/l. Efficacy of ASM and BABA in greenhouses varied depending on the rate, method and timing of application. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of disease severity was significantly reduced compared to the non‐treated control when ASM was sprayed (in all experiments) or drenched (in one out of two experiments) pre‐, or pre‐ + post‐inoculation at rates of 25–400 mg/l. Three weekly post‐inoculation sprays of ASM at the rate of 50 mg/l reduced AUDPC by 93.0 and 47.2% when started 3 and 7 days after inoculation (DAI), respectively. The AUDPC of disease severity was also significantly reduced when BABA was sprayed pre‐ + post‐inoculation at rates of 125–500 mg/l. According to the prediction using a log‐logistic function, 50% maximum disease protection was achieved at a concentration of 27.5 mg/l of ASM. Basil plants treated with these two SAR inducers and challenged with the pathogen showed significantly higher peroxidase activity than the non‐treated control at 8 DAI. Temporally, the highest activity of peroxidase was detected at 8 DAI, decreased at 15 DAI and waned further at 23 DAI.  相似文献   

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