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Summary The ability to transfer mammalian genes parasexually has opened new possibilities for gene mapping and fine structure mapping and offers great potential for contributing to several aspects of mammalian biology, including gene expression and genetic engineering. The DNA transferred has ranged from whole genomes to single genes and smaller segments of DNA. The transfer of whole genomes by cell fusion forms cell hybrids, which has promoted the extensive mapping of human and mouse genes. Transfer, by cell fusion, of rearranged chromosomes has contributed significantly to determining close linkage and the assignment of genes to specific chromosomal regions. Transfer of single chromosomes has been achieved utilizing microcells fused to recipient cells. Metaphase chromosomes have been isolated and used to transfer single-to-multigenic DNA segments. DNA-mediated gene transfer, simulating bacterial transformation, has achieved transfer of single-copy genes. By utilizing DNA cleaved with restriction endonucleases, gene transfer is being employed as a bioassay for the purification of genes. Gene mapping and the fate of transferred genes can be examined now at the molecular level using sequence-specific probes. Recently, single genes have been clones into eucaryotic and procaryotic vectors for transfer into mammalian cells. Moreover, recombinant libraries in which entire mammalian genomes are represented collectively are a rich new source of transferable genes. Methodology for transferring mammalian genetic information and applications for mapping mammalian genes is presented and prospects for the future discussed. Presented in the symposium on Gene Transfer, Differentiation and Neoplasia in Plant and Animal Cells at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Seattle, Washington, June 10–14, 1979. This symposium was supported in part by Grant CA 26748 from the National Cancer Institute, DHEW, and Grant RD-67 from the American Cancer Society. Supported by NIH grants HD 05196 and GM 20454 and by MOD grants 1-485 and 1-692.  相似文献   

A high-voltage generating machine which could generate semi-rectangular pulses in PBS solution was constructed, and the effects of field strength and duration of the pulse on electric pulse-mediated transformation of mouse mammary carcinoma FM3A cells by a linear form of plasmid pSV2neo DNAs were examined. In parallel, cell survival and growth after pulsing were analyzed. When the field strength and duration of the pulse were increased, the transformation frequency increased, although the cell survival rate decreased. Under the best conditions, the transformation frequency was 2 X 10(-4), which was 80 times higher than that obtained by the calcium phosphate coprecipitation method.  相似文献   

Retroviral-mediated gene transfer into mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retroviruses may be used as genetic vectors to transfer genes into mammalian cells with high efficiency. We have shown that the N2 vector will transfer a functional bacterial gene for neomycin resistance (NeoR) into more than 80% of mouse spleen foci. A derivative of the N2 vector was constructed to study transfer and expression of the human gene for adenosine deaminase (ADA) in mammalian lymphoid and hematopoietic stem cells. This vector, termed SAX, contains the human ADA cDNA with an SV40 promoter in addition to the NeoR gene. The SAX vector was found to efficiently transfer and express the ADA gene in an ADA-deficient human T-cell line. Gene transfer by SAX using an autologous nonhuman primate bone marrow transplant model resulted in expression of the human ADA gene in peripheral blood cells of treated animals. Human bone marrow treated with SAX produced 1%-2% of colonies in vitro that were expressing the vector genes. Transfer of genes into circulating hematopoietic stem cells of fetal sheep in utero was most efficient; vector gene expression was evident in 20%-40% of hematopoietic colonies. Therefore, retroviral vectors are capable of transferring functional genes into a wide variety of mammalian lymphoid and hematopoietic cells. Such vectors may be useful for clinical trials of gene therapy, that is, the correction of genetic diseases by insertion of a normal gene into a patient's defective cells.  相似文献   

Baculovirus-mediated gene transfer into mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Autographacalifornicanuclearpolyhedrosisvirus(AcNPV)isoneofthemostintensivelystudiedmembersofthefamilyBaculoviridae.Itiswidelyusedasavectortoexpressgenesofinterestbyinsertionofforeigngenesintothelocusofthepolyhedringenewhichisnonessentialtoreplication…  相似文献   

Gene transfer into mammalian somatic cells in vivo.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Direct gene transfer into mammalian somatic tissues in vivo is a developing technology with potential application for human gene therapy. During the past 2 years, extensive progress and numerous breakthroughs have been made in this area of research. Genetically engineered retroviral vectors have been used successfully to infect live animals, effecting foreign gene expression in liver, blood vessels, and mammary tissues. Recombinant adenovirus and herpes simplex virus vectors have been utilized effectively for in vivo gene transfer into lung and brain tissues, respectively. Direct injection or particle bombardment of DNA has been demonstrated to provide a physical means for in situ gene transfer, while carrier-mediated DNA delivery techniques have been extended to target specific organs for gene expression. These technological developments in conjunction with the initiation of the NIH human gene therapy trials have marked a milestone in developing new medical treatments for various genetic diseases and cancer. Various in vivo gene transfer techniques should also provide new tools for basic research in molecular and developmental genetics.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, we describe a simple technique to introduce DNA into cells through cracks and/or pores in cell membranes caused by intracellular ice crystal formation induced by liquid nitrogen. We mixed mouse BALB 3T3 cells and pSV2-neo DNA and froze the cell suspension under various conditions to determine those optimum for the introduction of DNA into mammalian cells. We found that brief treatment with liquid nitrogen, which showed only moderate cell killing, resulted in the induction of G-418 resistant colonies. These results suggest that this new technique is useful for transfection of genes into mammalian cells. This work was supported by a Grant-in Aid from the Ministry of Health and Welfare for the Comprehensive 10-Year Strategy for Cancer Control, Japan.  相似文献   

Presented here are the detailed methods employed in our laboratory for gene mapping and cytogenetic analyses in human beings, in the domestic cat, and in other mammalian species. Included in the procedures are: 1) establishment of primary fibroblast and lymphoid cell cultures; 2) heterologous cell fusion for production of rapidly proliferating cell hybrids; 3) cellular transformation of primary fibroblasts using an oncogenic retrovirus; 4) cell synchronization for high-resolution banding of prometaphase chromosomes; 5) chromosome-banding procedures, including G-banding, alkaline G-11, and Q-banding; and 6) in situ hybridization of radiolabeled molecular clones to metaphase chromosomes for regional gene localization.  相似文献   

Phage particle-mediated gene transfer to cultured mammalian cells   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Recombinant phage particles carrying the thymidine kinase (TK) gene of herpes simplex virus type 1, coprecipitated with calcium phosphate, efficiently transformed mouse Ltk- cells to the TK+ phenotype. The conditions necessary to achieve high efficiency of transfer of the TK gene by phage particle-mediated gene transfer were investigated. Of the parameters examined, the pH of the buffer used for coprecipitation of phage particles with calcium phosphate, the length of time of coprecipitation, and the length of the adsorption period were found to alter the transfer efficiency significantly. The optimal pH was 6.87 at 25 degrees C. The other optimal values for these parameters were as follows: coprecipitation time, 7 to 20 min; adsorption time, 18 to 30 h. Treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide, glycerol, or sucrose did not enhance gene transfer. The optimal conditions yielded about 1 transformant per 10(5) phage particles per 10(6) cells without carrier DNA. An increase in the dosage of phage particles, up to at least 5 x 10(7) phage particles per 100-mm dish, resulted in a linear increase in the number of transformants. Addition of carrier phage, up to 10(10) phage particles per dish, did not significantly affect the number of transformants.  相似文献   

In order to establish a simple and scaleable transfection system we have used the cationic polymer polyethylenimine (PEI) to study transient transfection in HEK293 and 293(EBNA) cells grown in serum-free suspension culture. The transfection complexes were made directly within the cell culture by consecutively adding plasmid and PEI (direct method). Alternatively, the DNA-PEI transfection complexes were prepared in fresh medium (1/10 culture volume) and then added to the cells (indirect method). The results of this study clearly show that the ratio of PEI nitrogen to DNA phosphate is very important for high expression levels. The precise ratio is dependent on the DNA concentration. For example, using 1 μg/ml DNA by the indirect method, the ratio of optimal PEI:DNA was about 10–13:1. However, the ratio increases to 33:1 for 0.1–0.2 μg/ml DNA. By testing several different molecular weights of the polycationic polymer we could show that the highest transfection efficiency was obtained with the PEI 25 kDa. Using PEI 25 kDa the indirect method is superior to the direct addition because significantly lower DNA concentrations are needed. The expression levels of the soluble human TNF receptor p55 are even higher at low DNA compared to 1 μg/ml plasmid. The EBV-based pREP vectors gave better transient gene expression when used in 293(EBNA) cells compared to HEK293 cells in suspension culture. No differences in expression levels in the two cell lines were observed when the pC1 (CMV)-TNFR was used. In conclusion, PEI is a low-toxic transfection agent which provides high levels of transient gene expression in 293(EBNA) cells grown in serum-free suspension culture. This system allows highly reproducible, cost-effective production of milligram amounts of recombinant proteins in 2–5 l spinner culture scale within 3–5 days. Fermentor scale experiments, however, are less efficient because the PEI-mediated transient tranfection is inhibited by conditioned medium. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary For the past 60 years, fundamental discoveries in eukaryotic biology using mammalian cell cultures have been significant but modest relative to the enormous potential. Combined with advances in technologies of cell and molecular biology, mammalian cell culture technology is becoming a major, if not essential tool, for fundamental discovery in eukaryotic biology. Reconstruction of the milieu for cells has progressed from simple salt solutions supporting brief survival of tissues outside the body to synthesis of the complete set of structurally defined nutrients, hormones and elements of the extracellular matrix needed to reconstruct complex tissues from cells. The isolation of specific cell types in completely defined environments reveals the true complexity of the mammalian cell and its environment as a dynamic interactive physiological unit. Cell cultures provide the tool for detection and dissection of the mechanism of action of cellular regulators and the genes that determine individual aspects of cell behavior. The technology underpins advances in virology, somatic cell genetics, endocrinology, carcinogenesis, toxicology, pharmacology, hematopoiesis and immunology, and is becoming a major tool in develomental biology, complex tissue physiology and production of unique mammalian cell-derived biologicals in industry. This article is the first of a series of invited reviews aimed at identifying fundamental contributions and current challenges associated with research activities in subdiscriplines of cell and developmental biology in vitro. This treatise is dedicated to Dr. Brian Kimes, Program Director at the National Cancer Institute, whose vision, encouragement and support have contributed significantly to modern developments in mammalian cell culture.  相似文献   

We have genetically modified filamentous bacteriophage to deliver genes to mammalian cells. In previous studies we showed that noncovalently attached fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) can target bacteriophage to COS-1 cells, resulting in receptor-mediated transduction with a reporter gene. Thus, bacteriophage, which normally lack tropism for mammalian cells, can be adapted for mammalian cell gene transfer. To determine the potential of using phage-mediated gene transfer as a novel display phage screening strategy, we transfected COS-1 cells with phage that were engineered to display FGF2 on their surface coat as a fusion to the minor coat protein, pIII. Immunoblot and ELISA analysis confirmed the presence of FGF2 on the phage coat. Significant transduction was obtained in COS-1 cells with the targeted FGF2-phage compared with the nontargeted parent phage. Specificity was demonstrated by successful inhibition of transduction in the presence of excess free FGF2. Having demonstrated mammalian cell transduction by phage displaying a known gene targeting ligand, it is now feasible to apply phage-mediated transduction as a screen for discovering novel ligands.  相似文献   

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