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We investigated the effect of culture temperature on feed intake, absorption, organismal growth, and tissue production of Lytechinus variegatus by culturing individuals at three different temperatures representing the normal range of temperature exposure in wild populations in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Large L. variegatus (ca. 42 + 0.6 mm diameter, 36 + 1.3 g wet weight, n = 97) were collected at St. Joseph Bay, Florida, in October 2001. Eight sea urchins were held individually in 1-L containers within an 80-L aquarium with recirculated synthetic seawater at 32-ppt salinity. Three aquaria with the containers were each placed in three incubators at temperatures of 16, 22, or 28 °C for 8 weeks. Sea urchins held at 22 °C had the highest rate of feed intake. Feed intake in individuals held at 16 °C decreased significantly during the first 2 weeks of exposure and then increased to values not significantly different from those held at 28 °C by week 6. The dry matter absorption efficiency of individuals held at 28 °C was significantly higher than those held at 16 °C or 22 °C. The percentage of organic matter in the feces did not vary significantly with temperature. Individuals increased significantly in diameter, wet weight, and gonad weight at all temperatures. The wet weights of individuals held at 22 °C were significantly higher than those held at 28 °C or 16 °C, which did not differ significantly. The gut weight varied inversely with temperature. The wet weight of gonads of individuals held at 22 °C was significantly higher than those held at 28 °C, but neither differed significantly from those held at 16 °C. Production efficiencies, both organismal and gonadal, were inversely proportional to temperature, indicating that the overall metabolic cost of production increased with increasing temperatures. Organism production efficiencies were lower and gonad production efficiencies were higher than those found in small sea urchins, emphasizing that patterns of nutrient allocation vary between small and large sea urchins. Physiological processes associated with feed intake, absorption, and nutrient allocations vary with temperature, but allow the sea urchins to maintain growth and gonad production at a variety of temperatures. These data suggest that temperatures near the upper limits do not promote efficient use of resources, an important consideration for future commercial culture. Since gonad (roe) production is the ultimate goal of many aquaculture operations, gonad production efficiencies will provide a valuable tool for evaluating the efficacy of various feeds and feeding conditions on gonad production.  相似文献   

The sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus and Psammechinus miliaris are submitted to the same environmental conditions in the Bay of Brest. The relationship between seasonal changes in food source quality and their gonad production was investigated in reproducing experimentally these conditions. In a first stage two macroalgae (Palmaria palmata and Laminaria digitata) were tested. P. miliaris showed a stronger preference for P. palmata and over a year-long experiment both urchins progressively preferred P. palmata. Seasonal variations in the chemical composition of P. palmaria were observed in the Bay of Brest: total carbohydrates were important and the relative maximum (about 50%) was reached between February and August; the lipid level was low and had a relative maximum of about 1% in June and August. Total protein in P. palmaria was high compared to other seaweeds: the maximum value (25%) was observed in June, which was probably due to the maintenance of nitrogen nutrient in the bay.In the second stage of the study, seasonal changes in biochemical components of ingestion and absorption of the two sea urchins were followed in the laboratory using a monospecific diet of P. palmaria. The patterns of total carbohydrates and lipid absorption were very similar for both sea urchin species. Carbohydrates were absorbed strongly and uniformly, year round. Lipid absorption mimicked the lipid nutrient pattern in the food source. Only changes in protein absorption varied slightly between the two urchin species. Protein absorption was maximal for both species in February and June, but the quantity of absorbed protein was significantly higher in P. miliaris than in P. lividus during February. This increase was concomitant with protein storage in the sea urchin gonads, which peaked in February for P. miliaris and in June for P. lividus. P. lividus had a higher gonad production efficiency, based on gonad yield. The comparison between in situ data and the experimental results suggests that an algal diet more nitrogenous than the in situ algal food source would benefit the herbivorous P. lividus, rather than the more omnivorous species P. miliaris. Although P. milaris has been described as a species with large gonad production potential, P. lividus appears to be a more suitable species for echiniculture conditions.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis, a partial nucleotide sequence of a mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and discriminant analysis of shell morphometric characters were used to study the relationships among the Sicilian marine gastropods of the Patella genus. Allozyme and mtDNA markers unequivocally distinguished the species and were very useful markers in correctly classifying the different species when morphological characters overlapped each other. Several allozyme loci and many nucleotide positions were diagnostic of species. In contrast, the discriminant analysis of simple morphometric shell characters failed to adequately discriminate the species, suggesting that environmental factors influence colouration and morphological patterns in the Patella species. Our results underline the importance of a genetic approach, as compared to a morphological approach, in discriminating the Mediterranean Patella species.  相似文献   

Gamete cryopreservation is a biotechnology that can guarantee a continuous supply of gametes, regardless of the seasonal reproductive cycle. In this study we developed a protocol for the cryopreservation of the sea urchin Paracentrotuslividus spermatozoa, with a view to the creation of cryobanks of semen to be used as a model system in laboratory research and ecotoxicological tests. All the key phases of the procedure were separately considered and the effect on sperm motility was evaluated by means of computer assisted analysis. The best results were obtained using 7% dimethylsulfoxide in 1% NaCl plus 0.04 M trehalose as the extender, at a freezing rate of −20 °C/min. On thawing, in semen samples cryopreserved in accordance with this protocol the velocity parameters of the sub-population of rapid sperm (best performing spermatozoa) did not significantly differ from semen on collection; in addition also the fertilization ability was restored, and about 50% of normal developed plutei larvae were obtained by thawed semen. The developed protocol is rapid and easy-to-perform; moreover, the use of gametes from reared urchins makes it unnecessary to continuously collect specimens from natural populations, making this procedure a promising starting point for the creation of alternative and more sustainable methodologies in laboratory research on sea urchin gametes and embryos.  相似文献   

Many factors have ken put forward to account for the development of nuisance phytoplankton blooms in coastal zones. Usually hydrological factors as temperature or salinity stratification and adequate nutrient and trace metal availability are held responsible for the phenomenon. The most frequent causative organisms for nuisance blooms are dinoflagellates, many of which have a dormant stage (resting cyst) in their life cycle. The role of the complex life-strategies of these forms in initiating bloom formation is the focus of this study. Special attention is given to 25 different dinoflagellate resting cyst types isolated from recent German North Sea and Baltic Sea sediments, and their germination frequency under different environmental conditions. Also, the role of cyst resuspension in relationship to the timing, persistence and recurrence of dinoflagellate blooms is extensive discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated seawater temperatures, such as those plaguing tropical seas during the summers of anomalously warm years, on early life stages of reef corals remains poorly studied. To redress this situation, survivorship of larvae of the brooding coral, Favia fragum, was studied in the laboratory, using both short term (48 h) and long term (156–191 h) exposures to 28, 29, and 31°C. Ability to settle when presented with induction substrates and survival after settlement, at the same exposure temperature and after reciprocal transfers to the other experimental temperatures, were also measured. No significant effect of temperature on survivorship was detected after 48 h of exposure, but larvae incubated for 156 h at the highest temperature (31°C) exhibited a 13% reduced survivorship compared to larvae at 28°C. Induction of settlement further increased mortality at the highest temperature (31°C); survivorship after settlement at 31°C was 27% lower than when larvae were simply maintained at the elevated temperature. These results indicate that elevated temperatures are more detrimental to coral larvae undergoing the developmentally complex settlement process than to the swimming planula stage. This may bode poorly for Caribbean corals with late summer reproductive seasons. Communicated by Ecology Editor Prof. Peter Mumby  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on larval development and attachment of Balanus trigonus Darwin (Cirripedia, Balanidae) was examined under controlled laboratory conditions. Whilst larval survivorship was not affected (>70%), the duration of larval development was significantly affected by temperature and salinity. The effect of temperature was comparatively stronger than that of salinity. The majority of nauplius II larvae metamorphosed into cypris stage after 4-5 and 10-11 days at 28 °C (22-34‰) and 18 °C (22-34‰), respectively. Temperature, salinity and the duration of assay had a significant effect on cypris attachment with significant interaction among these main effects. Maximum (>80% in 6 days) and minimum percent attachment (0% in 6 days) on polystyrene surfaces were observed at 24 °C (34‰) and 18 °C (22‰), respectively. At high temperature (28 °C) and low salinity (22-26‰), larvae rapidly (4 days) developed into cyprids, but less than 33% attached. These results suggest that low larval attachment rates may lead to the low recruitment of B. trigonus in Hong Kong waters during summer when the water temperature is high (about 28 °C) and salinity is low (<26‰).  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the relative roles that water column stratification intensity and possible inter-population behaviour differences play in determining depth of larval settlement of giant scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, in relation to thermoclines. Differences in timing of settlement of larvae from various populations were also examined. Two separate experiments were conducted in a 10.5-m-deep, 3.7-m-diameter, thermally stratified tank with larvae spawned from scallops collected from several adult beds located in areas with differing oceanographic regimes (Georges Bank, Mahone Bay, Passamaquoddy Bay). Previous mesocosm experiments had shown that veligers from these various populations differ in their vertical migration patterns. In the first experiment (December 1992-February 1993), larvae from all three populations were held in separate 9.5-m-deep tubes and exposed to a 1.5 °C temperature differential established over a depth interval of 1 m. The number of settled juveniles (spat) of each population collected at the end of the experiment increased with depth and showed no peak at or above the thermocline. This depth distribution of spat was most likely driven by preferential larval settlement. In the second experiment (February-May 1994), larvae spawned from Georges Bank and Passamaquoddy Bay stocks were held in 9.0-m-deep tubes and exposed to a 5 °C temperature differential established over a depth interval of 1 m. The number of settled spat of both populations was greater above this thermal boundary and increased with decreasing depth. This depth distribution was most likely driven by preferential settlement above the thermocline followed by upward post-settlement migration. The results from the two experiments indicate that larvae from various populations show similar trends in settlement patterns in response to similar thermal stratifications. Stratification intensity, however, does affect depth of larval settlement. In the second experiment, both populations of larvae settled throughout the time interval of collector deployment (larvae 32-82 days old). These results extend the range of planktonic developmental times generally reported in the literature and may be more indicative of natural planktonic development in the field. While Georges Bank larvae settled in consistent numbers through time, Passamaquoddy Bay larvae showed peaks in settlement at certain time periods, indicating that pulses of larval settlement may occur even from an individual spawning event.  相似文献   

One effect of global warming may be an increase in night-time temperatures with daytime temperatures remaining largely unchanged. We examined this potential effect of global warming on the performance of tobacco hornworm larvae, Manduca sexta (Sphingidae), by manipulating night-time temperature and dietary rutin levels simultaneously under a 12 light:12 dark photoregime. All four thermal regimes (26:14, 26:18, 26:22, and 26:26° C) had a daytime temperature of 26° C, with the night-time temperature increased from 14 to 26° C by increments of 4° C. Dietary rutin levels (0, 10 and 20 moles g–1 fresh weight of diet) reflected those occurring naturally in the leaves of tomato, a preferred host plant of M. sexta. With low night-time temperatures (14 and 18° C), rutin had a negative linear effect on developmental rate, relative growth rate and relative consumption rate of the caterpillars. However, at a night-time temperature of 22° C, rutin had a negative non-linear effect. At a night-time temperature of 26° C, rutin had a negative linear impact but less so than at the other nightime temperatures. Likewise, the negative effect of rutin on molting duration was mitigated as night-time temperature increased. Final larval weight decreased linearly with increased dietary rutin concentrations. Total amount of food ingested was not affected by either rutin or thermal regime. As expected, the caterpillars developed faster under an alternating 26:14° C regime than a constant 20° C regime (the average temperature for the alternating regime), but the effect of rutin depended on the thermal regime. Switching daytime and night-time temperatures had no statistically significant effect on caterpillar performance. Overall, the effect of rutin on rates of larval performance was greater at some levels of warmer nights but damped at another level. These results indicate that the potential effect of warmer nights on insect performance is not a simple function of temperature because there can be interactions between night-time temperature and dietary allelochemicals.  相似文献   

The prey selection of larvae of three common littoral fish species (pike, Esox lucius; roach,Rutilus rutilus; and three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus) was studied experimentally in the laboratory by using natural zooplankton assemblages. Zooplankton prey was offered at four different concentrations to study the functional responses of the planktivores. The diets of pike and sticklebacks were formed mainly of copepod juveniles and adults, which dominated the prey communities, although sticklebacks ate also cladocerans. The diet of roach larvae consisted of rotifers, cladocerans and copepods, without prey selection, in equal proportions indicating a more omnivorous diet. All fish larvae were able to feed selectively although in sticklebacks prey selection was less pronounced. Pike and roach larvae preferred large prey to smaller prey types. Patterns of prey selection are discussed in the context of size-selection theory and apparent vs. true selection.  相似文献   

Dalgliesh R. J. and Stewart N. P. 1982. Some effects of time, temperature and feeding on infection rates with Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina in Boophilus microplus larvae. International Journal for Parasitology12: 323–326. Percentages of larval ticks in which Babesia bovis and B. bigemina parasites could be detected (infection rates) were determined after the larvae had been exposed to temperatures between 9°C and 27°C for periods of 1–35 days and then either fed on calves or heated at 37°C to stimulate babesial development. Infection rates with both species increased during 2–4 weeks after the larvae hatched, regardless of the temperature of exposure. Infection rates with B. bovis were higher after exposure of larvae to 14°C than to 27°C. This effect was less pronounced with B. bigemina. Infection rates were higher in fed larvae than in unfed, ‘heat stimulated’ larvae. The findings indicate that infected larval ticks become more efficient vectors of Babesia during the first 2–4 weeks after hatching and that repeated sampling of a tick population is necessary to determine valid infection rates.  相似文献   

The effects of individual larval biomass, and salinity experienced during embryogenesis (i.e., prehatching salinity) on starvation tolerance and growth of zoea 1 of the estuarine crab (Chasmagnathus granulata) were evaluated in laboratory experiments. Freshly hatched zoeae 1 were obtained from broods maintained at three salinities (15‰, 20‰ and 32‰), and cultured at 20‰ under different initial feeding periods and subsequent food deprivation (“point of reserve saturation” experiment: PRS) or under initial periods of food deprivation and subsequent feeding (point of no return experiment: PNR). Another group of larvae were used for determination of biomass (dry weight, carbon, and nitrogen) of zoea 1.Larval survival and duration of development depended on the length of feeding period: no larvae reached the second instar under complete starvation; survival was higher and duration of development shorter as the feeding period lengthened. After different initial feeding periods (PRS experiment), zoeae 1 that hatched from eggs incubated at the prehatching salinities of 15‰ and 20‰ showed higher survival and shorter duration of development than those at 32‰. Prehatching salinity also affected the amount of reserves accumulated during the first 2 days after hatching, with larvae from 15‰ and 20‰ showing the highest percentage of total accumulation of carbon and nitrogen. Initial larval biomass did not affect survival, but it had a slight effect on duration of development, with larger larvae (in terms of biomass) developing faster. After different initial starvation periods (PNR experiment), prehatching salinity did not affect survival, but it affected duration of development: larvae from 15‰ and 20‰ reached the second instar earlier. Variability in survival and duration of development was explained in part by among-brood variability in initial larval biomass: larvae with higher biomass showed higher survival and shorter duration of development. Thus, C. granulata, survival and duration of development under food stress depend on the interaction between environmental conditions experienced before and after hatching (pre- and posthatching factors, respectively).  相似文献   

Allelopathy, the release of extracellular compounds that inhibit the growth of other microorganisms, may be one factor contributing to the formation and/or maintenance of cyanobacterial blooms. We investigated the allelopathic effects of three cyanobacterial species (Nodularia spumigena, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Anabaena lemmermannii) that frequently form mass-occurrences in the Baltic Sea. We exposed monocultures of three phytoplankton species (Thalassiosira weissflogii, Rhodomonas sp. and Prymnesium parvum) to cell-free filtrates of the three cyanobacteria, and quantified allelopathic effects with cell counts. We also investigated the role of the growth phase of cyanobacteria in their allelopathy, by comparing the effects of an exponential and a stationary phase culture of N. spumigena. All tested cyanobacteria inhibited the growth of Rhodomonas sp., but none of them affected P. parvum. The effects on T. weissflogii were more variable, and they were amplified by repeated filtrate additions compared to a single filtrate addition. N. spumigena was more allelopathic in exponential than in stationary growth phase, whereas the culture filtrate was more hepatotoxic in stationary phase. Hepatotoxins were thus probably not involved in the allelopathic effects, which is also indicated by the allelopathic properties of the non-toxic A. flos-aquae and A. lemmermannii. The results demonstrate that the common Baltic cyanobacteria affect some coexisting phytoplankton species negatively. Allelopathy may therefore play a role in interspecific competition and contribute to cyanobacterial bloom maintenance.  相似文献   

The faviid corals, Favites chinensis and Goniastrea aspera are widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific region. Both corals are hermaphroditic broadcast spawners, but G. aspera is also known to brood planula larvae in Okinawa. This study investigated the temporal settlement patterns of planula larvae of the scleractinian corals F. chinensis and G. aspera that developed from spawned gametes, and planula release and settlement of brooded larvae of G. aspera from Okinawa, Japan. Some of the broadcast-spawned larvae of F. chinensis and G. aspera had very short pre-competency periods of 1–2 and 2–3 days after spawning, and relatively long maximum settlement-competency periods of 56–63 and 63–70 days after spawning, respectively. These pre-competency periods are among the shortest reported for larvae of broadcast spawning coral species, and appear to be negatively correlated with seawater temperature. F. chinensis larvae tended to settle rapidly with 34–39% of larvae settling in the first week after spawning, while broadcast-spawned G. aspera larvae had a slower settlement pattern with 11–15% of larvae settling in the first week after spawning. Brooded larvae of G. aspera settled more rapidly, with settlement rates of 27–31% within the first 24 h and 45–65% within the first week after the start of the experiment. The production of planula larvae with rapid settlement capabilities may enable F. chinensis and G. aspera to establish and maintain populations in shallow reef sites at Okinawa. The release of the brooded planulae for up to 2 months may explain why G. aspera is locally more dominant on shallow reefs in Okinawa than F. chinensis. On a broader scale, the longer settlement competency periods of some of the broadcast-spawned larvae of these species increase their potential for longer-distance dispersal and may partly explain the wide biogeographic distribution of these species in the Indo-Pacific region.  相似文献   

Haemolymph levels of juvenile hormone esterase, 1-naphthyl acetate esterase, and juvenile hormone were measured in synchronously staged diapause and nondiapause larvae of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis. Juvenile hormone esterase levels were monitored using juvenile hormone I as a substrate while juvenile hormone titres were measured with the Galleria bioassay. Haemolymph of nondiapause larvae showed two peaks of juvenile hormone hydrolytic activity: one near the end of the feeding phase and a smaller one just prior to pupal ecdysis. These peaks of enzyme activity correlated well with the low levels of haemolymph juvenile hormone. Juvenile hormone titres were high early in the stadium then showed a second peak during the prepupal stage coinciding with low esterase activity. Diapause haemolymph had peak juvenile hormone esterase activity nearly 4 times the nondiapause level, reaching a peak near the end of the feeding phase. Diapause-destined larvae retained high juvenile hormone titres even during the rise of the high esterase levels. 1-naphthyl acetate esterase levels did not correlate with the juvenile hormone esterase levels in either the diapause or nondiapause haemolymph. High levels of 1-naphthyl acetate esterase activity were associated with moulting periods.  相似文献   

To assess the pattern of temperature influencing the effect of allelochemicals on growth of insect herbivores and to examine the potential effect of warmer nights due to global warming, we examined the simultaneous effects of allelochemicals and warmer night-time temperatures on an insect herbivore (Spodoptera exigua; Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Dietary chlorogenic acid, rutin and tomatine levels reflected those occurring naturally in the leaves of tomato, a hostplant of this herbivore. We compared the effects of four thermal regimes having a daytime temperature of 26 °C , with the night-time temperature increased from 14 to 26 °C by increments of 4 °C . The effect of a particular allelochemical on developmental rate was similar among the four thermal regimes. Chlorogenic acid and tomatine each reduced final larval weight, but there was no effect of night-time temperature. In contrast, rutin had no effect on final weight, whereas final weight declined with increasing night-time temperature. Night-time temperature did not influence amount eaten. Larvae ate less when chlorogenic acid or tomatine was in the diet. For each allelochemical, there were no allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. In addition, we compared the effects of allelochemicals and the thermal regime of 26:14 °C and constant 20 °C , which was the average temperature of the 26:14 °C regime. Developmental rate was lower at the constant 20 °C regime, chlorogenic acid and tomatine each depressed developmental rate, and there were no allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. Thus, regardless of the specific allelochemical or amount, the pattern of response at the fluctuating regime was similar to that at the constant temperature. In contrast, comparison of the thermal regime of 26:22 °C and constant 24 °C , which was the average temperature of the 26:22 °C regime, showed several allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. At the 26:22 °C regime, developmental rate was disproportionatly higher at the maximal rutin concentration compared to that at constant 24 °C . At the constant 24 °C , final larval mass was disproportionately lower at the moderate tomatine concentration compared to that at the 26:22 °C regime. Because these results differ from that of other studies examining another species, it appears that the response to incremental changes in night-time temperature will reflect the allelochemicals and insect species tested. The contrast between the constant 24 °C and 26:22 °C regimes indicates that even small fluctuations (±2 °C ) in temperature over 24 h can yield differences in the response to an allelochemical.  相似文献   

Although most invertebrate larvae are weak swimmers and act as passive particles on horizontal scales, they may be able to regulate their vertical position in response to different factors, including increased food concentration. We examined the effect of the quality of food patches on larval vertical distribution for the sea urchins Lytechinus variegatus and Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, and determined the effect of dietary conditioning on that response in the laboratory. We reared larvae on a mixed algal diet of Dunaliella tertiolecta and Isochrysis galbana under low (500 cells ml−1) and high (5000 cells ml−1) rations. Food patches were maintained in Plexiglas rectangular columns (30×10×10 cm) using a density gradient, where practical salinity in the bottom layer was 33, in the middle layer 30, and in the top layer 27. We examined the magnitude and mechanism of a behavioural response of larvae of L. variegatus in the four-arm stage, and on two developmental stages of S. droebachiensis (four- and six-arm), by manipulating patch quality. In the absence of a patch, larvae of both species and developmental stages swam through to the surface of the experimental columns. In the presence of algae, fewer larvae were present above the patch and more were at the patch than in control columns. More larvae swam through patches of “unflavoured” algal mimics than algal patches, and aggregated at the surface. Larval distribution relative to patches of algal filtrate without algal cells or of “flavoured” algal mimics in algal filtrate was not consistently different from that in either control or algal patches; thus, the magnitude of larval response to filtrate (with or without particles) was intermediate between that to control and algal patches. For L. variegatus, more larvae crossed the patches when reared on low than high rations, indicating that poorly conditioned larvae may be less responsive to environmental cues. Our results suggest that larvae can actively aggregate and maintain a vertical position in response to a food patch that depends on the quality and quantity of food. The response appears to be based mostly on a chemosensory rather than a mechanosensory mechanism.  相似文献   

峨眉冷杉林是青藏高原东缘亚高山暗针叶林的重要组成部分,其自然更新对全球变化非常敏感,是研究气候变化对陆地生态系统影响的代表性森林类型.以峨眉冷杉幼苗为研究对象,以开顶式增温小室(Open top chambers,OTCs)和电热棒联合的方式增加环境温度,人为添加不同类型凋落物(A,75%峨眉冷杉针叶+25%杜鹃荚蒾灌木叶凋落物;B,55%峨眉冷杉针叶+45%杜鹃荚蒾灌木叶凋落物),共设置4个处理:(1)凋落物A+增温T(A-T);(2)凋落物B+增温T(B-T);(3)凋落物A+环境温度TO(A-T0);(4)凋落物B+环境温度TO(B-TO).研究增温和两种类型凋落物联合作用下峨眉冷杉幼苗的生理生态响应特征.得到以下结果:(1)在环境温度下,A型凋落物情景下的冷杉幼苗的电导率、丙二醛和脯氨酸含量、超氧阴离子自由基产生率比B型情景下高;而可溶性糖和淀粉含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物氢酶(APX)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性比B型凋落物情景下低.说明在当前环境温度下,B型凋落物比A型凋落物更加适合冷杉幼苗的生长.(2)在A型凋落物情景下,增温处理显著增加了冷杉幼苗叶片的自由脯氨酸含量和过氧化氢浓度;在B型凋落物情景下,增温处理显著降低了冷杉幼苗丙二醛、自由脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖和淀粉含量,增加了超氧阴离子自由基产生速率.可见,与A型凋落物相比,增温使得B型凋落物情景下的冷杉幼苗膜伤害程度减小.(3)不同类型凋落物与增温的联合作用均降低了冷杉幼苗的可溶性糖和淀粉含量.与A-T处理相比,B-T处理下冷杉幼苗叶片的电导率、丙二醛和脯氨酸含量更低,而POD、APX、GR、CAT抗氧化酶活性却更高.研究结果表明,针叶成分相对较少的B型凋落物更有利于峨眉冷杉幼苗适应未来气候变暖情景.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Sea is subject to an ever-increasing arrival of non-indigenous marine organisms. Microcosmus squamiger is a solitary ascidian that inhabits shallow rocky littoral habitats. It probably originated in Australia and it has shown great invasive potential in other parts of the world. In the Mediterranean, M. squamiger has only been reported at a few sites in Spain and Italy. However, the closely related species Microcosmus exasperatus has been reported in several areas of the western Mediterranean. As these species can be easily confused, we re-examined most of the material from previous studies and our personal collections. In addition, sampling was done at several sites along the western Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. The results showed that the majority of the M. exasperatus reports correspond to M. squamiger, and that M. squamiger is common on the Atlantic shores. This suggests that M. squamiger has entered the Mediterranean through the Gibraltar Strait, while the restricted distribution in the eastern Mediterranean of M. exasperatus suggests that this species is probably a Lessepsian migrant. In the Mediterranean Sea, M. squamiger has the ability to occupy extensive areas of hard substrata and to outcompete native species. Further studies are necessary to assess what impacts this invasive species have on native communities.  相似文献   

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