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Pulsations of the dorsal vessel were recorded in vivo during the whole postembryonic development of D. melanogaster, by means of a newly invented, pulse-light opto-cardiographic method. The young larvae of the 1st and 2nd instars submerged in the feeding medium exhibited extremely high rates of heartbeat, 7Hz at room temperature. These values are among the highest rates of heartbeat ever recorded in the animal kingdom. The fully grown larvae of the 3rd instar showed approximately half of the maximum heartbeat rate (3.5-4Hz), which became stabilized after pupariation to 2.5-2.7Hz.The larval heartbeat was always uni-directional, in the forward-oriented or anterograde direction and it was almost continuous. The slowly disintegrating, old larval heart used to beat at the constant frequency of 2.5-2.7Hz until complete cessation of all cardiac functions in 1-day-old puparium. In spite of the persisting constant heartbeat frequency, the transformation process of the larval heart was associated with successively decreasing amplitude of the systolic contractions and with the prolongation of the resting periods. The newly formed heart of the pupal-adult structure exhibited a qualitatively new pattern of heartbeat activity, which was manifested by periodic reversal of the heartbeat with the faster anterograde and slower retrograde phases. The frequencies of both of these reciprocal cardiac pulsations gradually increased during the advanced pharate adult period, reaching the values of 4-5Hz at the time of adult eclosion. Adult males and females also exhibited a perfect pattern of heartbeat reversal, with still very high rates of the anterograde heartbeat, in the range of 5-6Hz. In addition to the cardiac functions, we have recorded several kinds of extracardiac pulsations, which often interfered severely with the recordings of the heartbeat. There were strong, irregular extracardiac pulsations of a neurogenic nature (somatic muscles, oral armature) and relatively slow extracardiac pulsations of a myogenic nature (intestinal peristaltics, 0.2-0.3Hz). The extracardiac and cardiac pulsations were independent, their functions were not correlated. A possibility of creating new challenges in combination of molecular biology with the functional physiology of the heart have been discussed.  相似文献   

Pulsations of the dorsal vessel were investigated with new optocardiographic techniques based on the transmission and reflection of pulse-light through optic fibers. This noninvasive technique enabled simultaneous, in vivo multisensor recordings of the heartbeat without touching the pupal integument. There was a very regular heartbeat reversal with 3 distinctive phases: (a) a backward-oriented (retrograde) cardiac pulsation; (b) a forward-oriented (anterograde) pulsation with faster frequency; and (c) shorter or longer periods of temporary cardiac standstill that usually occurred after the termination of the anterograde phase. Occasionally, there were localized series of systolic cardiac contractions during the retrograde phase. Simultaneous recordings from the base and the tail of the abdomen revealed a reciprocal, "mirror image-like", quantitative relationship. The most intensive anterograde hemolymph flow occurred at the base while the most intensive retrograde flow occurred at the tail of the abdomen. The bi-directional switchovers of heartbeat (reversal) were occasionally associated with modifications during each of the unidirectional cardiac phases. Anterograde peristalsis showed a 2-fold higher frequency of pulsation in the thoracic aorta in comparison with the posterior parts of the heart. Thus, in addition to the "odd" peristaltic waves originating at the tail, there were intercallated "even" peristaltic waves originating in the middle of the abdomen. Both of them propagated hemolymph through the thoracic aorta into the head; the first waves took the hemolymph in from the distal end, while the second sucked it from the middle of the abdomen. The use of multiple optocardiographic sensors also enabled detection of cardiac pulsations on the opposite, ventral side of the body, within the ventral perineural sinus. The ventral side of the head showed only the presence of an anterograde pulse, whereas the ventral side of the tail exhibited a strong reciprocal retrograde phase and a very weak anterograde phase. These results explain why the existence of a periodic heartbeat reversal should be essential for circulatory functions at both extremities of the cylindrical insect body. In diapausing pupae, regular cycles of heartbeat reversal were substituted by prolonged periods of anterograde pulsation during the entire duration of bursts of CO2 release (average duration of the burst was 18-20 min, periodicity 5 to 18 h). The physiological nature of such feed-back correlation between heartbeat and metabolic CO2 production is not yet clear, because the anterograde heartbeat could be also induced by a number of nonspecific factors unrelated to CO2 (mechanical irritation, injury, injections, elevated temperature). During the postdiapause, developing pharate-adult stage, the correlation between CO2 and anterograde heartbeat completely disappeared. It has been concluded that regulation of insect heartbeat represents a highly coordinated, myogenic stereotype with inherent rhythmicity, which can be modified by a number of external and internal factors.  相似文献   

Recent electrocardiographic (ECG) studies of insect hearts revealed the presence of human-like, involuntary and purely myogenic hearts. Certain insects, like a small light-weight species of hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus), have evolved a very efficient cardiac system comprised of a compact heart ventricle and a narrow tube of aorta, which evolved as an adaptation to sustained hovering flights. Application of thermocardiographic and optocardiographic ECG methods revealed that adult flies of this species use the compact muscular heart chamber (heart ventricle) for intensive pumping of insect "blood" (haemolymph) into the head and thorax which is ringed all over with indirect flight musculature. The recordings of these hearts revealed extremely high, record rates of forward-directed, anterograde heartbeat (up to 10Hz), associated with extremely enhanced synchronic (not peristaltic) propagation of systolic myocardial contractions (32.2mm/s at room temperature). The relatively slow, backward-directed or retrograde cardiac contractions occurred only sporadically in the form of individual or twinned pulses replacing occasionally the resting periods. The compact heart ventricle contained bi-directional lateral apertures, whose opening and closure diverted the intracardiac anterograde "blood" streams between the abdominal haemocoelic cavity and the aortan artery, respectively. The visceral organs of this flying machine (crop, midgut) exhibited myogenic, extracardiac peristaltic pulsations similar to heartbeat, including the periodically reversed forward and backward direction of the peristaltic waves. The tubular crop contracted with a periodicity of 1Hz, both forwards and backwards, with propagation of the peristaltic waves at 4.4mm/s. The air-inflated and blindly ended midgut contracted at 0.2Hz, with a 0.9mm/s propagation of the peristaltic contraction waves. The neurogenic system of extracardiac haemocoelic pulsations, widely engaged in the regulation of circulatory and respiratory functions in other insect species, has been replaced here by a more economic, myogenic pulsation of the visceral organs as a light-weight evolutionary adaptation to prolonged hovering flight. Striking structural, functional and even genetic similarities found between the hearts of Episyrphus, Drosophila and human hearts, have been practically utilised for inexpensive testing of new cardioactive or cardioinhibitory drugs on insect heart.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects in vivo of cardioactive peptides proctolin, CCAP and leucomyosuppressin (LMS) are investigated by means of noninvasive optocardiographic or thermographic techniques in postdiapause pupae of Manduca sexta. A constant pattern of heartbeat reversal in these pupae is manifested by regular alternations of the forward orientated (anterograde) and the backward orientated (retrograde) cardiac pulsations, with a periodicity of some 5–10 min. The heartbeat pattern is monitored continuously for several hours before and 24 h after injection of the investigated peptides. Injections of Ringer solution alone cause a slight, almost immediate increase of the rate of the pupal heartbeat (0–10%), which lasts only for 20–30 min. Injection of proctolin, CCAP or LMS does not show any immediate cardiostimulating effects (beyond those of Ringer) at concentrations up to 2 × 10−6 M (calculated from µg of the injected peptide and 70% pupal water content; 5–7 g pupal body mass). By contrast, injections of proctolin and CCAP in the range of 10-9 − 10-6 M concentrations cause delayed effects on the heartbeat, which are manifested only several hours after the injections. The delayed effects involve prolonged, or even continuous periods of unidirectional, more efficient and faster anterograde pulsations. Consequently, the flow of haemolymph through the head and thoracic parts of the pupal body increases. In the case of proctolin, the prolonged anterograde cardiac activity usually starts 5 h after the injections and the effect persists for 7–12 h. Using CCAP, the stimulation of anterograde activity starts 2.5–3 h after injections and lasts usually 7–8 h. Very small doses of peptides (10-8 − 10-9 M) do not change the latency period significantly, but they decrease the duration of the response. The frequency of the systolic contractions of the heart does not increase during the prolonged anterograde phase. Injections of LMS to produce a final concentration of 10−6 M in the pupa induce pathophysiological disturbances of heartbeat reversal and peristalsis. The effects start with a delay of some 1.5–2.5 h after the injections. By contrast to the effects of proctolin and CCAP, LMS does not produce delayed anterograde cardiac pulsations. These results show that the most intensively investigated cardiostimulating peptides in vitro, proctolin and CCAP, have no direct cardiostimulating activity under physiological conditions in vivo. It is concluded therefore that the delayed pharmacological effects of these peptides observed in the pupae of M. sexta, represent a secondary effect, resulting from stimulation of nonspecific, extracardiac myotropic or other physiological functions.  相似文献   

Regulation of autonomic physiological functions has been investigated by means of multisensor electronic methods, including electrocardiographic recording of heartbeat, strain-gauge recording of extracardiac hemocoelic pulsations (EHPs), anemometric recording of air passage through spiracles and respirographic recording of O(2) consumption and CO(2) output. Pupae of Cydia exhibit continuous respiration without remarkable bursts of CO(2). The dorsal vessel of these pupae exhibited regular heartbeat reversals characterized by shorter intervals of faster (forward oriented or anterograde) pulsations and longer intervals of slower (backward oriented or retrograde) peristaltic waves. The periodically repeated EHPs were present during the whole pupal interecdysial period. The internal physiological mechanisms regulating the cardiac (heartbeat) and extracardiac (EHP) pulsations were completely independent for most of the pupal instar. Simultaneous multisensor analysis revealed that the anterograde heartbeat of the dorsal vessel had similar but not identical frequency with EHPs. During advanced pharate adult development, frequency of cardiac and extracardiac pulsation periods profoundly increased until almost uninterrupted pulsation activity towards adult eclosion. At this time, the cardiac and extracardiac pulsations occasionally performed in concert, which enhanced considerably the efficacy of hemolymph circulation in pharate adults with high metabolic rates. The fastest hemolymph flow through the main body cavity was always associated with EHPs and with anterograde heartbeat. Simple physical diffusion of O(2) and CO(2) through spiracles (diffusion theory of insect respiration) does not play a significant role in pupal respiration. Instead, several kinds of regulated, mechanical ventilations of the tracheal system, including EHPs are responsible for effective tracheal ventilation.  相似文献   

Videofilm images of the heartbeat in the living embryos of the waterstrider, Gerris paludum insularis, were analyzed to demonstrate successive changes in the width of the contractile heart at the different developmental stages. This information is graphically represented and termed structural cardiogram. Onset of the embryonic heartbeat characterized by anteriorly spreading peristaltic movement of the heart wall occurs at about 55% HL (percent heart length) as early as at about 81 h after katatrepsis (K+81 h embryo). This peristaltic wave occurs almost always following swinging movement of abdominal tip observed exclusively at this stage. Similar peristaltic wave of the heart wall may also be observed at later stages, exclusively in the anterior two-fifth of the heart. Conduction velocity of the peristaltic wave estimated from structural cardiogram of K+81 h embryo was approximately 0.57 mm/s; it was approximately 1.33 mm/s in the K+102 h embryos. In the posterior three-fifth of the heart, however, rhythmic movement was not peristaltic. Development of heartbeat generator in the specific region of the heart was discussed in relation to the onset of embryonic heartbeat.  相似文献   

Pulsations in mechanical pressure of the pupal haemocoele were investigated by means of simultaneous recording from multiple sensors. It has been determined that cardiac and extracardiac haemocoelic pulsations are each regulated by substantially different and quite independent physiological mechanisms. At the beginning and in the middle of the pupal interecdysial period the anterograde heartbeat and extracardiac pulsations occur in similar, but not identical periods. During the advanced pharate adult stage, there appear almost uninterrupted pulsations from different sources: cardiac, extracardiac, intestinal, and the ventral diaphragm.Extracardiac pulsations are associated with pressure peaks of 200-500 Pa, occurring at frequencies of 0.3-0.5 Hz. The effect of heartbeat on haemocoelic pressure is very small, 100- to 500-fold smaller, comprising only some 1 or 2 Pa during the vigorous anterograde systolic contractions. Accordingly, extracardiac pulsations are associated with relatively large abdominal movements from 30-90 μm whereas heartbeat produces movements of only 100-500 nm. This shows that extracardiac pulsations can be easily confused with the anterograde heartbeat. It does not seem realistic to assume that the relatively weak insect heart, and not the 100- to 500-fold more powerful extracardiac system of abdominal pump, could be at all responsible for selective accumulation of haemolymph in anterior parts of the body, for inflation of wings or enhancement of tracheal ventilation.It has been established that thermography from the pericardial region is not specific for the heartbeat. It records subepidermal movement of haemolymph resulting from the actions of both dorsal vessel and extracardiac pressure pulses as well. Shortly before adult eclosion the cardiac and extracardiac pulsations occasionally strike in concert, which profoundly increases the flow of haemolymph through pericardial and perineural sinuses. The relatively strong extracardiac pulsations cause passive movements of various visceral organs, tissue membranes, or tissue folds, giving thus a false impression of an authentic pulsation of tissues. In addition, extracardiac pulsations cause rhythmical movements of haemolymph between various organs, thus preventing haemolymph occlusion at the sites where the heart does not reach. It has been emphasized, finally, that the function of the autonomic nervous system (coelopulse), which integrates extracardiac pulsations, depends on homeostatic moderation of excessive or deficient conditions in insect respiration and haemolymph circulation.  相似文献   

Previously described salines for lepidoptera did not maintain a constant heart rate for a very long. We have been successful in maintaining a normal heartbeat for many hours in a newly designed saline. This saline was also suitable for maintaining normal neuromuscular junctional potentials. The cardiac reflexes studied in larvae of Bombyx and Agrius were five types of cardiac responses induced by mechanical stimuli to sensillar setae. The cardiac responses were caused by electrical stimulation of nerves in the reflex pathways. The antidromic heartbeat was triggered even in larvae before the 5th instar by stimulation of axons in the visceral nerve arising from the frontal ganglion and terminating at the aorta, while spontaneous heartbeat reversal started to occur in wandering larvae. Other axons in the visceral nerve terminate at the rear end of the heart. Electrical stimuli to the nerves caused cardiac inhibition of the orthodromic heartbeat. Nerves extending from the visceral nerve to the alary muscles of the 2nd abdominal segment contain axons to increase the tone of the muscles. Nerves extending from the 7th abdominal ganglion to the most posterior alary muscles also contain axons to increase the tone of the muscles, and were responsible for acceleration of the antidromic and orthodromic heartbeat, respectively.  相似文献   



Hemolymph circulation in mosquitoes is primarily controlled by the contractile action of a dorsal vessel that runs underneath the dorsal midline and is subdivided into a thoracic aorta and an abdominal heart. Wave-like peristaltic contractions of the heart alternate in propelling hemolymph in anterograde and retrograde directions, where it empties into the hemocoel at the terminal ends of the insect. During our analyses of hemolymph propulsion in Anopheles gambiae, we observed periodic ventral abdominal contractions and hypothesized that they promote extracardiac hemolymph circulation in the abdominal hemocoel.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We devised methods to simultaneously analyze both heart and abdominal contractions, as well as to measure hemolymph flow in the abdominal hemocoel. Qualitative and quantitative analyses revealed that ventral abdominal contractions occur as series of bursts that propagate in the retrograde direction. Periods of ventral abdominal contraction begin only during periods of anterograde heart contraction and end immediately following a heartbeat directional reversal, suggesting that ventral abdominal contractions function to propel extracardiac hemolymph in the retrograde direction. To test this functional role, fluorescent microspheres were intrathoracically injected and their trajectory tracked throughout the hemocoel. Quantitative measurements of microsphere movement in extracardiac regions of the abdominal cavity showed that during periods of abdominal contractions hemolymph flows in dorsal and retrograde directions at a higher velocity and with greater acceleration than during periods of abdominal rest. Histochemical staining of the abdominal musculature then revealed that ventral abdominal contractions result from the contraction of intrasegmental lateral muscle fibers, intersegmental ventral muscle bands, and the ventral transverse muscles that form the ventral diaphragm.


These data show that abdominal contractions potentiate extracardiac retrograde hemolymph propulsion in the abdominal hemocoel during periods of anterograde heart flow.  相似文献   

Cardiograms demonstrate that heart activity of Manduca sexta changes from larva, to pupa, to adult. The larval heart has only anterograde contractions. During metamorphosis, heart activity becomes a cyclic alternation of anterograde and retrograde contractions. Thus, the adult heart has both an anterograde and a retrograde pacemaker. External stimuli also can initiate cardiac reversal. Cardiac reversal is blocked by tetrodotoxin, indicating that reversal is under neuronal control. A branch of each dorsal nerve 8 innervates the posterior chamber of the heart, the location of the anterograde pacemaker. Only retrograde contractions occur when dorsal nerves 8 are cut. Stimulation of ml(-1) 8 initiates anterograde contractions; when stimulation ceases, the heart reverses to retrograde contractions. These experiments indicate that the anterograde pacemaker receives neural input that makes it the dominant pacemaker. In the absence of neural input this pacemaker is inactive, and the retrograde pacemaker becomes active. Application of crustacean cardioactive peptide accelerates the heart but does not eliminate cardiac reversal. The terminal chamber of the heart is also innervated by a branch of each dorsal nerve 7; stimulation of this nerve increases the strength of contraction of the terminal chamber but has no effect on contractions of the remainder of the heart or on cardiac reversal.  相似文献   

In non-diapausing pupae of the two birdwing butterfly species Troides rhadamantus and Ornithoptera priamus (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) heart activity and CO2 release rates were measured simultaneously within the initial half of pupal development. Heartbeat patterns in these pupae consist of three different types of activity: Continuous forward-pulse periods of different duration with a frequency range of about 0.25–0.52 s−1, continuous backward-pulse periods with lower frequencies (0.15–0.29 s−1) and intermittent backward-pulse periods when short series of three to 10 single heartbeats at frequencies of 0.12–0.35 s−1 alternated with heart pauses of 2–10 min. CO2 release was discontinuous (CFO-type) from about four to 12 days after pupation in Troides rhadamantus and from about four to 18 days in Ornithoptera priamus. Mean CO2 release rates were very low in both species (10–30 nmol g−1 min−1). After this period, heart pauses occurred more frequently, probably indicating the onset of metamorphosis and the beginning partial histolysis of the heart. Infrared-optical and thermometrical measurements of heartbeat indicated that haemolymph transport within the dorsal vessel in forward direction is more effective than in backward direction. This is deduced from the higher heartbeat frequency and heartbeat amplitude of the forward pulsations. Results from ultrasonic doppler velocimetry suggest that haemolymph flow velocity is highest during the relatively long diastasis of 2–3 s (30–40 mm s−1), while minimum particle speed (about 20 mm s−1) is at the end of systole and the beginning of diastole. This would mean that haemolymph velocity is highest between two consecutive peristaltic waves. In contrast to the haemolymph velocity, the speed of the peristaltic wave measured with the infrared transmission technique was lower (about 8.4–22 mm s−1 in Troides, 10–23 mm s−1 in Ornithoptera) and remained constant during forward pulse periods. During backward beating the speed was lower (8–20 mm s−1 in Troides, 9–17 mm s−1 in Ornithoptera) and decreased during backward pulse periods. During day two to seven in Troides and day three to nine in Ornithoptera, spiracular opening periods coincided with changes in heartbeat direction from backward to forward pulsations. A possible influence is the more efficient convective haemolymph mixing in the haemocoel during forward heartbeat. The mixing allows to bring the haemolymph in close contact with the tracheal system where the discharge of CO2 takes place. Heartbeat may therefore serve for shortening the diffusion pathways for a rapid transition into the tracheal system during the open period of the spiracles.  相似文献   

Rhythmical depolarization and automatic contractions of smooth musculature of the gastrointestinal tract are a consequence of pacemaker activity of c-Kit-immunoreactive cells of mesenchymal origin—interstitial Cajal cells (ICC) that have a peculiar mechanism of intercellular Ca2+ balance, which is controlled by mitochondria. Intermuscular layer cells (ICC-MY) generate pacemaker potentials. Their induced depolarization is enhanced by unitary potentials generated by intracellular population—ICC-IM. Summation of unitary potentials in the tact of the pacemaker ones leads to creation of the second potential of slow waves—plateau potentials. Due to the presence of synapse-like structures, ICC serve messenger of transmission of the enteral nervous system onto the muscle. Long processes and close intercellular contacts similar to tight junction provide conductance and coordination of excitation in the intestinal musculature. Electrical rhythmicity appears in the intestinal muscle at the prenatal development period in parallel with the structural and functional ICC maturation, but establishment of mature rhythm parameters occurs in early postnatal ontogenesis. Features of similarity and difference in organization of control by pacemakers of the heart and musculature of the gastrointestinal tract are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The periodically occurring convective inflow of air into the tracheal system, or passive suction ventilation, together with the cyclic bursts of release of CO2 and active ventilation, is recorded in diapausing pupae of Mamestra brassicae . A constant volume respirometer combined with an opto-cardiograph-actograph is used. In all pupae with a metabolic rate of 0.025–0.054 mL g−1 h−1, the bouts of almost imperceptible abdominal contractions are recorded during the bursts of carbon dioxide release and this mode of active ventilation is qualified as extracardiac haemocoelic pulsations. The pupae whose metabolic rate is 0.052–0.075 mL−1 g−1 h−1 show more vigorous abdominal contractions. The results demonstrate that, in diapausing pupae, characterized with low metabolic rates, both passive suction ventilation, referred to also as passive suction inspiration, and active ventilation occurs. In approximately 50% of the pupae, each gas exchange microcycle during the interburst periods begins with a miniature PSI followed by a microburst of CO2 release; in approximately 30% of the individuals, passive suction inspirations occur separately from CO2 microbursts; in the remaining pupae, miniature ones without microbursts of CO2 are recorded. A typical event is heartbeat reversion: in longer periods, the heart peristalses are directed forward (anterograde of heartbeat) and, in shorter periods, the heart peristalses are directed backward (retrograde of heartbeat). At 0 °C, the cyclic release of CO2 and miniature passive suction inspirations during the interburst periods are preserved at lower frequencies but active ventilation is lost.  相似文献   

Although the neurogenic nature of the heartbeat in adult Limulushas been well studied and is undisputed, we contest the reportsthat the embryonic heartbeat is myogenic. This notion, basedon histological, calorimetric, and drug studies, is challengedby evidence from transmission electron microscopy and intracellularrecording. The first, infrequent heartbeats occur at the timeof the third embryonic molt when only the anterior portion ofthe heart tube is formed and functional. Contractions extendfurther caudad concomitant with lumen formation in the rearheart segments. All lumen-containing heart sections that wehave examined, from the earliest on, have revealed neural elementsin a bundle at the dorsal midline of the heart. Axons 1/m orless in diameter are prevalent: vesicle-filled terminal-likeareas adjacent to muscle cells are often present as well, evenin the youngest beating hearts. Myocardial cells show excitatorypostsynaptic potentials as soon as heartbeat has begun, butthey often fail to summate in the earlier stages so that contractionsare few. Resting potentials remain at –65 to –70mV from the onset of heartbeat until well after the larva hashatched, but heartbeat frequency, regularity, depolarizationheight (never overshooting) and duration all increase as embryosget older, probably as innervation of muscle fibers increasesand coordination between pacemaker and follower neurons improves.We have found no evidence that embryonic Limulus heart passesthrough a myogenic phase and believe that it is neurally drivenfrom the beginning.  相似文献   

The frontal ganglion of the silkworm (Bombyx mori) gives rise to a visceral nerve, branches of which include a pair of anterior cardiac nerves and a pair of the posterior cardiac nerves. Forward-fill of the visceral nerve with dextran labeled with tetramethyl rhodamine shows the anterior cardiac nerves innervate the anterior region of the dorsal vessel. Back-fill of the anterior cardiac nerves with Co2+ and Ni2+ ions and the fluorescent dye reveals that the cell bodies of two motor neurons are located in the frontal ganglion. Injection of 5, 6-carboxyfluorescein into the cell body of an identified motor neuron shows that the neuron gives rise to an axon running to the visceral nerve. Unitary excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) were recorded from a myocardial cell at the anterior end of the heart. They responded in a one-to-one manner to electrical stimuli applied to the visceral nerve, or to impulses generated by a depolarizing current injected into the cell body. EJPs induced by stimuli at higher than 0.5 Hz showed facilitation while those induced at higher than 2 Hz showed summation. Individual EJPs without summation, or a train of EJPs with summation, caused acceleration in the phase of posterograde heartbeat and heart reversal from anterograde heartbeat to posterograde heartbeat. It is likely that the innervation of the anterior region of the dorsal vessel by the motor neurons, through the anterior cardiac nerves is responsible for the control of heartbeat in Lepidoptera, at least in part.  相似文献   

Normal heart function requires generation of a regular rhythm by sinoatrial pacemaker cells and the alteration of this spontaneous heart rate by the autonomic input to match physiological demand. However, the molecular mechanisms that ensure consistent periodicity of cardiac contractions and fine tuning of this process by autonomic system are not completely understood.Here we examined the contribution of the m2R-IKACh intracellular signaling pathway, which mediates the negative chronotropic effect of parasympathetic stimulation, to the regulation of the cardiac pacemaking rhythm. Using isolated heart preparations and single-cell recordings we show that the m2R-IKACh signaling pathway controls the excitability and firing pattern of the sinoatrial cardiomyocytes and determines variability of cardiac rhythm in a manner independent from the autonomic input. Ablation of the major regulator of this pathway, Rgs6, in mice results in irregular cardiac rhythmicity and increases susceptibility to atrial fibrillation. We further identify several human subjects with variants in the RGS6 gene and show that the loss of function in RGS6 correlates with increased heart rate variability. These findings identify the essential role of the m2R-IKACh signaling pathway in the regulation of cardiac sinus rhythm and implicate RGS6 in arrhythmia pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms and electrical action potentials of cerebral neurosecretory cells producing bombyxin (an insulin-related neuropeptide) were simultaneously recorded from male pupae of the silkmoth Bombyx mori. A pupa showed alternations in the flow of haemolymph due to a rhythmic heartbeat reversal: a train of retrograde heartbeat with a slow pulse rate followed a train of anterograde heartbeat with a higher pulse rate. Intervals of heartbeat reversals changed throughout the pupal period. At any stage of the pupal period, firing activity of a population of bombyxin-producing (BP) cells rapidly declined after the start of anterograde heartbeat and an inactive state of cells continued during an anterograde heartbeat period. Analyses of ultradian bursting rhythmicity of a single BP cell revealed that a bursting phase of the cell often delayed at a time when the anterograde cardiac activity occurred at the preceding inter-burst period of firing rhythm. The results support the postulation that firing (secretory) activity of an insect neurosecretory cell system may be co-ordinated with circulation of haemolymph for rapid and pulsatile delivery of the peptides released to target organs.  相似文献   

FlyNap (triethylamine) is commonly used to anesthetize Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. The purpose of this study was to determine whether triethylamine is a suitable anesthetic agent for research into circulatory physiology and immune competence in the mosquito, Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae). Recovery experiments showed that mosquitoes awaken from traditional cold anesthesia in less than 7 minutes, but that recovery from FlyNap anesthesia does not begin for several hours. Relative to cold anesthesia, moderate exposures to FlyNap induce an increase in the heart rate, a decrease in the percentage of the time the heart contracts in the anterograde direction, and a decrease in the frequency of heartbeat directional reversals. Experiments employing various combinations of cold and FlyNap anesthesia then showed that cold exposure does not affect basal heart physiology, and that the differences seen between the cold and the FlyNap groups are due to a FlyNap-induced alteration of heart physiology. Furthermore, exposure to FlyNap eliminated the cardioacceleratory effect of crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), and reduced a mosquito’s ability to survive a bacterial infection. Together, these data show that FlyNap is not a suitable substitute to cold anesthesia in experiments assessing mosquito heart function or immune competence. Moreover, these data also illustrate the intricate biology of the insect heart. Specifically, they confirm that the neurohormone CCAP modulates heart rhythms and that it serves as an anterograde pacemaker.  相似文献   

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