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Stem cell behavior is tightly regulated by spatiotemporal signaling from the niche, which is a four-dimensional microenvironment that can instruct stem cells to remain quiescent, self-renew, proliferate, or differentiate. In this review, we discuss recent advances in understanding the signaling cues provided by the stem cell niche in two contrasting adult tissues, the rapidly cycling intestinal epithelium and the slowly renewing skeletal muscle. Drawing comparisons between these two systems, we discuss the effects of niche-derived growth factors and signaling molecules, metabolic cues, the extracellular matrix and biomechanical cues, and immune signals on stem cells. We also discuss the influence of the niche in defining stem cell identity and function in both normal and pathophysiologic states.  相似文献   

Currently, many gastrointestinal diseases are a major reason for the increased mortality rate of children and adults every year. Additionally, these patients may cope with the high cost of the parenteral nutrition (PN), which aids in the long-term survival of the patients. Other treatment options include surgical lengthening, which is not sufficient in many cases, and intestinal transplantation. However, intestinal transplantation is still accompanied by many challenges, including immune rejection and donor availability, which may limit the transplant’s success. The development of more safe and promising alternative treatments for intestinal diseases is still ongoing. Stem cell-based therapy (SCT) and tissue engineering (TE) appear to be the next promising choices for the regeneration of the damaged intestine. However, suitable stem cell source is required for the SCT and TE process. Thus, in this review we discuss how intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are a promising cell source for small intestine diseases. We will also discuss the different markers were used to identify ISCs. Moreover, we discuss the dominant Wnt signaling pathway in the ISC niche and its involvement in some intestinal diseases. Additionally, we discuss ISC culture and expansion, which are critical to providing enough cells for SCT and TE. Finally, we conclude and recommend that ISC isolation, culture and expansion should be considered when SCT is a treatment option for intestinal disorders. Therefore, we believe that ISCs should be considered a cell source for SCT for many gastrointestinal diseases and should be highlighted in future clinical applications.  相似文献   

The midgut epithelia of the millipedes Polyxenus lagurus, Archispirostreptus gigas and Julus scandinavius were analyzed under light and transmission electron microscopies. In order to detect the proliferation of regenerative cells, labeling with BrdU and antibodies against phosphohistone H3 were employed. A tube-shaped midgut of three millipedes examined spreads along the entire length of the middle region of the body. The epithelium is composed of digestive, secretory and regenerative cells. The digestive cells are responsible for the accumulation of metals and the reserve material as well as the synthesis of substances, which are then secreted into the midgut lumen. The secretions are of three types – merocrine, apocrine and microapocrine. The oval or pear-like shaped secretory cells do not come into contact with the midgut lumen and represent the closed type of secretory cells. They possess many electron-dense granules (J. scandinavius) or electron-dense granules and electron-lucent vesicles (A. gigas, P. lagurus), which are accompanied by cisterns of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The regenerative cells are distributed individually among the basal regions of the digestive cells. The proliferation and differentiation of regenerative cells into the digestive cells occurred in J. scandinavius and A. gigas, while these processes were not observed in P. lagurus. As a result of the mitotic division of regenerative cells, one of the newly formed cells fulfills the role of a regenerative cell, while the second one differentiates into a digestive cell. We concluded that regenerative cells play the role of unipotent midgut stem cells.  相似文献   

20世纪以来,干细胞与再生医学技术一直是国际生物医学领域的热点前沿之一,它为保障人类生命健康、改善人类生存质量和延长人类寿命发挥不可替代的巨大作用。因此,美国、欧洲国家、日本和中国等科技大国均将该领域纳入了国家科研与产业发展的重点战略中,并通过专项扶持、政策补贴、立法保障等方式激励该领域的创新发展。通过对近年来国际科技战略和科技研发态势的梳理分析,发现该领域的国际战略布局规律,揭示我国在该领域的领先优势与弱点,为我国未来干细胞与再生医学技术发展提出相关参考建议。  相似文献   

Adult tissue homeostasis requires a tight balance between the removal of old or damaged cells and the production of new ones. Such processes are usually driven by dedicated stem cells that reside within specific tissue locations or niches.The intestinal epithelium has a remarkable regenerative capacity, which has made it a prime paradigm for the study of stem cell-driven tissue self-renewal. The discovery of the presence of stem cells in the adult midgut of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has significantly impacted our understanding of the role of stem cells in intestinal homeostasis. Here we will review the current knowledge of the main mechanisms involved in the regulation of tissue homeostasis in the adult Drosophila midgut, with a focus on the role of stem cells in this process. We will also discuss processes involving acute or chronic disruption of normal intestinal homeostasis such as damage-induced regeneration and ageing.  相似文献   

Scolopendra cingulata has a tube-shaped digestive system that is divided into three distinct regions: fore-, mid- and hindgut. The midgut is lined with a pseudostratified columnar epithelium which is composed of digestive, secretory and regenerative cells. Hemocytes also appear between the digestive cells of the midgut epithelium. The ultrastructure of three types of epithelial cells and hemocytes of the midgut has been described with the special emphasis on the role of regenerative cells in the protection of midgut epithelium. The process of midgut epithelium regeneration proceeds due to the ability of regenerative cells to proliferate and differentiate according to a circadian rhythm. The regenerative cells serve as unipotent stem cells that divide in an asymmetric manner.Additionally, two types of hemocytes have been distinguished among midgut epithelial cells. They enter the midgut epithelium from the body cavity. Because of the fact that numerous microorganisms occur in the cytoplasm of midgut epithelial cells, we discuss the role of hemocytes in elimination of pathogens from the midgut epithelium. The studies were conducted with the use of transmission electron microscope and immunofluorescent methods.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2022,29(1):86-100.e6
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Adult stem cells are the most primitive cells of a lineage and are distinguished by the properties of self-renewal and multipotency. Coordinated control of stem cell proliferation and multilineage differentiation is essential to ensure a steady output of differentiated daughter cells necessary to maintain tissue homeostasis. However, little is known about the signals that coordinate stem cell proliferation and daughter cell differentiation. Here we investigate the role of the conserved JAK/STAT signaling pathway in the Drosophila intestinal stem cell (ISC) lineage. We show first, that JAK/STAT signaling is normally active in both ISCs and their newly formed daughters, but not in terminally differentiated enteroendocrine (ee) cells or enterocyte (EC) cells. Second, analysis of ISC lineages shows that JAK/STAT signaling is necessary but not sufficient for daughter cell differentiation, indicating that competence to undergo multilineage differentiation depends upon JAK/STAT. Finally, our analysis reveals JAK/STAT signaling to be a potent regulator of ISC proliferation, but not ISC self-renewal. On the basis of these findings, we suggest a model in which JAK/STAT signaling coordinates the processes of stem cell proliferation with the competence of daughter cells to undergo multilineage differentiation, ensuring a robust cellular output in the lineage.  相似文献   

目的 研究肠道菌群变化对体外培养的正常大鼠肠黏膜上皮细胞Myd88蛋白水平及其下游TNF-α等炎症因子的影响。方法 选取10只健康大鼠,实验室适应性喂养5 d后继续常规喂养7 d并处死,取结肠组织进行细胞培养得到原代肠黏膜上皮细胞,将所得细胞分为5组,分别用正常细胞培养液(A组)、正常大鼠肠腔菌溶液(B组)、正常大鼠黏膜菌溶液(C组)、溃疡性结肠炎大鼠肠腔菌溶液(D组)、溃疡性结肠炎大鼠黏膜菌溶液(E组)培养,通过蛋白质印迹法检测各组细胞中Myd88蛋白含量,通过酶联免疫吸附法检测TNF-α和IL-6含量。结果 D组、E组与A组比较,细胞中Myd88蛋白及TNF-α、IL-6水平显著增高(Ps<0.01),D、E组与B、C组比较Myd88蛋白及TNF-α、IL-6水平亦显著增高(Ps<0.01),而B组、C组相较于A组差异无统计学意义(Ps>0.05)。进一步比较D组与E组、B组与C组间Myd88蛋白及TNF-α、IL-6水平差异亦无统计学意义(Ps>0.0.5)。结论 (1)肠道菌群结构的改变可引起肠黏膜细胞Myd88通路的激活及炎症因子的释放。(2)肠道中细菌种类、数量、分布位置等因素的综合变化与肠黏膜炎症反应的发生关系密切。  相似文献   

Adipose tissue is a compact and well-organized tissue containing a heterogeneous cellular population of progenitor cells, including mesenchymal stromal cells. Due to its availability and accessibility, adipose tissue is considered a “stem cell depot.” Adipose tissue products possess anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, anti-apoptotic, and immunomodulatory effects. Nanofat, being a compact bundle of stem cells with regenerative and tissue remodeling potential, has potential in translational and regenerative medicine. Considering the wide range of applicability of its reconstructive and regenerative potential, the applications of nanofat can be used in various disciplines. Nanofat behaves on the line of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells. At the site of injury, these stromal cells initiate a site-specific reparative response comprised of remodeling of the extracellular matrix, enhanced and sustained angiogenesis, and immune system modulation. These properties of stromal cells provide a platform for the usage of regenerative medicine principles in curbing various diseases. Details about nanofat, including various preparation methods, characterization, delivery methods, evidence on practical applications, and ethical concerns are included in this review. However, appropriate guidelines and preparation protocols for its optimal use in a wide range of clinical applications have yet to be standardized.  相似文献   

Xu N  Wang SQ  Tan D  Gao Y  Lin G  Xi R 《Developmental biology》2011,354(1):2780-43
Tissue-specific adult stem cells are commonly associated with local niche for their maintenance and function. In the adult Drosophila midgut, the surrounding visceral muscle maintains intestinal stem cells (ISCs) by stimulating Wingless (Wg) and JAK/STAT pathway activities, whereas cytokine production in mature enterocytes also induces ISC division and epithelial regeneration, especially in response to stress. Here we show that EGFR/Ras/ERK signaling is another important participant in promoting ISC maintenance and division in healthy intestine. The EGFR ligand Vein is specifically expressed in muscle cells and is important for ISC maintenance and proliferation. Two additional EGFR ligands, Spitz and Keren, function redundantly as possible autocrine signals to promote ISC maintenance and proliferation. Notably, over-activated EGFR signaling could partially replace Wg or JAK/STAT signaling for ISC maintenance and division, and vice versa. Moreover, although disrupting any single one of the three signaling pathways shows mild and progressive ISC loss over time, simultaneous disruption of them all leads to rapid and complete ISC elimination. Taken together, our data suggest that Drosophila midgut ISCs are maintained cooperatively by multiple signaling pathway activities and reinforce the notion that visceral muscle is a critical component of the ISC niche.  相似文献   

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can self-renew and differentiate into diverse types of mature and functional cells while maintaining their original identity. This profound potential of stem cells has been thoroughly investigated for its significance in regenerative medicine and has laid the foundation for cell-based therapies. Regenerative medicine is rapidly progressing in healthcare with the prospect of repair and restoration of specific organs or tissue injuries or chronic disease conditions where the body’s regenerative process is not sufficient to heal. In this review, the recent advances in stem cell-based therapies in regenerative medicine are discussed, emphasizing mesenchymal stem cell-based therapies as these cells have been extensively studied for clinical use. Recent applications of artificial intelligence algorithms in stem cell-based therapies, their limitation, and future prospects are highlighted.  相似文献   

介绍脂肪干细胞(ADSCs)治疗心肌梗死机制及用于提高心肌梗死治疗效果的新策略。广泛查阅近年关于ADSCs用于治疗心肌梗死的基础与临床实验研究文献,并进行整理、综合与分析。ADSCs移植治疗心肌梗死的机制研究取得了一定的进展,其机制主要包括分化为心肌细胞、参与梗死区血管形成、通过旁分泌功能改善梗死区微环境等。对ADSCs进行缺氧耐受预处理、使用新型生物材料、联合细胞因子以及药物等,可以大大提高移植细胞的存活率,促进细胞的增殖与分化,改善心肌梗死治疗效果,加快心脏功能的恢复。ADSCs可能通过多种机制发挥治疗心肌梗死的作用,进一步提高移植细胞成活率和性能稳定性是增加ADSCs治疗心肌梗死效果的关键。随着研究的不断深入,ADSCs可能为未来心肌梗死的临床治疗带来新的希望。  相似文献   

The pathway for the synthesis of diacylglycerol in larval Manduca sexta midgut was studied. Fifth instar larvae were fed with [9,10–3H]–oleic acid–labeled triolein and the incorporation of the label into lipid intermediates was analyzed as a function of time. The results showed that the triacylglycerol was hydrolyzed to fatty acids and glycerol in the midgut lumen. In midgut tissue, the labeled fatty acids were rapidly incorporated into phosphatidic acid, diacylglycerol and triacylglycerol, but no significant labeling of monoacylglycerol was observed. Dual-labeling experiments were performed in order to characterize the kinetics of diacylglycerol biosynthesis in the midgut, its incorporation into hemolymph lipophorin and its clearance from hemolymph. The results were best described by a model in which the rate-limiting step in diacylglycerol biosynthesis was the uptake of fatty acid from the lumen of the midgut. Once in the cell the fatty acid was rapidly incorporated in phosphatidic acid and diacylglycerol. Diacylglycerol was converted to triacylglycerol or exported into hemolymph. The interconversion of diacylglycerol and triacylglycerol was fairly rapid, suggesting that triacylglycerol serves as a reservoir from which diacylglycerol can be produced. This mechanism permits the cell to maintain a low steady-state concentration of diacylglycerol and yet efficiently absorb fatty acids from the lumen of the midgut.  相似文献   

At the completion of metamorphosis, adult insect cells have traditionally been assumed to halt cell divisions and terminally differentiate. While this model of differentiation holds for adult ectodermal epithelia that secrete cuticular specializations of exoskeletons, adult endodermal epithelia are populated by discrete three-dimensional aggregates of stem cells that continue to divide and differentiate after adult emergence. Aggregates of these presumptive adult stem cells are scattered throughout larval and pupal midgut monolayers. At the beginning of adult development (pupal-adult apolysis), the number of cells within each aggregate begins to increase rapidly. Dividing cells form three-dimensional, coherent populations that project as regenerative pouches of stem cells into the hemocoel surrounding the midgut. Stem cell pouches are regularly spaced throughout endodermal monolayers, having adopted a spacing pattern suggesting that each incipient pouch inhibits the formation of a similar pouch within a certain radius of itself—a process referred to as lateral inhibition. At completion of adult development (pupal-adult ecdysis), a distinct basal-luminal polarity has been established within each regenerative pouch. Dividing stem cells occupying the basal region are arranged in three-dimensional aggregates. As these are displaced toward the lumen, they transform into two-dimensional monolayers of differentiated epithelial cells whose apical surfaces are covered by microvilli. This organization of stem cell pouches in insect midguts closely parallels that of regenerative crypts in mammalian intestines.  相似文献   

Wnt control of stem cells and differentiation in the intestinal epithelium   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The intestinal epithelium represents a very attractive experimental model for the study of integrated key cellular processes such as proliferation and differentiation. The tissue is subjected to a rapid and perpetual self-renewal along the crypt-villus axis. Renewal requires division of multipotent stem cells, still to be morphologically identified and isolated, followed by transit amplification, and differentiation of daughter cells into specialized absorptive and secretory cells. Our understanding of the crucial role played by the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in controlling the fine balance between cell proliferation and differentiation in the gut has been significantly enhanced in recent years. Mutations in some of its components irreversibly lead to carcinogenesis in humans and in mice. Here, we discuss recent advances related to the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in regulating intestinal stem cells, homeostasis, and cancer. We emphasize how Wnt signaling is able to maintain a stem cell/progenitor phenotype in normal intestinal crypts, and to impose a very similar phenotype onto colorectal adenomas.  相似文献   

Haematophagy, the utilization of blood as food, has evolved independently among insects such as mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas, and others. Accordingly, several distinct biological adaptations have occurred in order to facilitate the finding, ingestion and digestion of blood from vertebrate sources. Although blood meals are essential for survival and reproduction of these insects, mechanical and chemical stresses are caused by the ingestion of a sizable meal (frequently twice or more times the weight of the insect) containing large amounts of cytotoxic molecules such as haem. Here we present data showing that the stresses caused by a blood meal induce cell death in the midgut epithelium of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. The process involves apoptosis, ejection of dead cells to the midgut lumen and differentiation of basal regenerative cells to replace the lost digestive cells. The basal cell differentiation in blood-fed mosquito midguts represents an additional mechanism by which insects cope with the stresses caused by blood meals. C. quinquefasciatus adult females are unable to replace lost cells following a third or fourth blood meal, which may have a significant impact on mosquito longevity, reproduction and vectorial capacity.  相似文献   

The development of “mini-guts” organoid originates from the identification of Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and circumambient signalings within their specific niche at the crypt bottom. These in vitro self-renewing “mini-guts”, also named enteroids or colonoids, undergo perpetual proliferation and regulated differentiation, which results in a high-performance, self-assembling and physiological organoid platform in diverse areas of intestinal research and therapy. The triumphant reconstitution of ISC niche in vitro also relies on Matrigel, a heterogeneous sarcoma extract. Despite the promising prospect of organoids research, their expanding applications are hampered by the canonical culture pattern, which reveals limitations such as inaccessible lumen, confine scale, batch to batch variation and low reproducibility. The tumor-origin of Matrigel also raises biosafety concerns in clinical treatment. However, the convergence of breakthroughs in cellular biology and bioengineering contribute to multiform reconstitution of the ISC niche. Herein, we review the recent advances in the microfabrication of intestinal organoids on hydrogel systems.  相似文献   

How does body size affect the structure and gas exchange capacities of insect tracheae? Do insects become more oxygen-limited as they grow? We addressed these questions by measuring the dimensions of two transverse tracheae within the abdomen of American locusts of different ages, and evaluating the potential for diffusion or convection to provide adequate gas exchange. The grasshopper abdomen has longitudinal tracheae that run along the midgut, heart, nerve cord, and lateral body wall. Transverse tracheae run from each spiracle to the longitudinal tracheae. Dorsal air sacs attach near each spiracle. In both transverse tracheae studied, diffusive capacities increased more slowly than metabolic rates with age, and calculated oxygen gradients necessary to supply oxygen by diffusion increased exponentially with age. However, surgical studies demonstrated that transport of gas through these transverse tracheae occurred by convection, at least in adults. Convective capacities paralleled metabolic rates with age, and the calculated pressure gradients required to sustain oxygen consumption rates by convection were independent of age. Thus, in growing grasshoppers, tracheal capacities matched tissue oxygen needs. Our morphological and physiological data together suggest that use of convection allows older grasshoppers to overcome potential limitations on size imposed by diffusion through tracheal systems.  相似文献   

The use of stem cells as carriers for therapeutic agents is an appealing modality for targeting tissues or organs of interest. Combined delivery of cells together with various information molecules as therapeutic agents has the potential to enhance, modulate or even initiate local or systemic repair processes, increasing stem cell efficiency for regenerative medicine applications. Stem-cell-mediated delivery of genes, proteins or small molecules takes advantage of the innate capability of stem cells to migrate and home to injury sites. As the native migratory properties are affected by in vitro expansion, the existent methods for enhancing stem cell targeting capabilities(modified culture methods, genetic modification, cell surface engineering) are described. The role of various nanoparticles in eq-uipping stem cells with therapeutic small molecules is revised together with their class-specific advantages and shortcomings. Modalities to circumvent common challenges when designing a stem-cell-mediated targeted delivery system are described as well as future prospects in using this approach for regenerative medicine applications.  相似文献   

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