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Physical interactions of simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor (T) antigen with cellular DNA polymerase α-primase (Pol/Prim) and replication protein A (RPA) appear to be responsible for multiple functional interactions among these proteins that are required for initiation of viral DNA replication at the origin, as well as during lagging-strand synthesis. In this study, we mapped an RPA binding site in T antigen (residues 164 to 249) that is embedded within the DNA binding domain of T antigen. Two monoclonal antibodies whose epitopes map within this region specifically interfered with RPA binding to T antigen but did not affect T-antigen binding to origin DNA or Pol/Prim, ATPase, or DNA helicase activity and had only a modest effect on origin DNA unwinding, suggesting that they could be used to test the functional importance of this RPA binding site in the initiation of viral DNA replication. To rule out a possible effect of these antibodies on origin DNA unwinding, we used a two-step initiation reaction in which an underwound template was first generated in the absence of primer synthesis. In the second step, primer synthesis was monitored with or without the antibodies. Alternatively, an underwound primed template was formed in the first step, and primer elongation was tested with or without antibodies in the second step. The results show that the antibodies specifically inhibited both primer synthesis and primer elongation, demonstrating that this RPA binding site in T antigen plays an essential role in both events.  相似文献   

Viral nucleoprotein complexes were extracted from the nuclei of simian virus 40 (SV40)-infected TC7 cells by low-salt treatment in the absence of detergent, followed by sedimentation on neutral sucrose gradients. Two forms of SV40 nucleoprotein complexes, those containing SV40 replicative intermediate DNA and those containing SV40 (I) DNA, were separated from one another and were found to have sedimentation values of 125 and 93S, respectively. [(35)S]methioninelabeled proteins in the nucleoprotein complexes were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In addition to VP1, VP3, and histones, a protein with a molecular weight of 100,000 (100K) is present in the nucleoprotein complexes containing SV40 (I) DNA. The 100K protein was confirmed as SV40 100K T antigen, both by immunoprecipitation with SV40 anti-T serum and by tryptic peptide mapping. The 100K T antigen is predominantly associated with the SV40 (I) DNA-containing complexes. The 17K T antigen, however, is not associated with the SV40 (I) DNA-containing nucleoprotein complexes. The functional significance of the SV40 100K T antigen in the SV40 (I) DNA-containing nucleoprotein complexes was examined by immunoprecipitation of complexes from tsA58-infected TC7 cells. The 100K T antigen is present in nucleoprotein complexes extracted from cells grown at the permissive temperature but is clearly absent from complexes extracted from cells grown at the permissive temperature and shifted up to the nonpermissive temperature for 1 h before extraction, suggesting that the association of the 100K T antigen with the SV40 nucleoprotein complexes is involved in the initiation of SV40 DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The species of proteins associated with chromatin and ribosomes of simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed and untransformed monkey, mouse, and rat cells have been compared by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after phosphorylation of these proteins either in vivo or in vitro. In vitro phosphorylation was carried out by protein kinase associated with these organelles and [gamma-(32) P]ATP as the phosphoryl donor. The reaction products contained both phosphoserine and phosphothreonine in approximately equal amounts. The electrophoretic analysis of the phosphorylated proteins revealed that the highly phosphorylated protein with a molecular weight of approximately 90,000 (90K protein) was associated with chromatin and ribosomes from transformed cells but not from untransformed cells. The 90K protein could be extracted from chromatin and ribosomes with 0.5 to 1.0 M NaCl or KCl. The 90K protein was still associated with the runoff ribosomes prepared by the puromycin reaction of the post-mitochondrial supernatant in the protein-synthesizing system. In vitro phosphorylation of chromatin and ribosomes from SV40 tsA-transformed mouse and rat cells indicated that the amounts of 90K protein associated with these organelles decreased greatly when the cells were cultivated at the restrictive temperature. A similar temperature-dependent decrease in the amount of (32)P-labeled 90K protein was observed in nonhistone chromosomal and ribosome-associated protein fractions prepared from SV40 tsA-transformed cells labeled with [(3)H]leucine and [(32)P]orthophosphate in vivo. In vitro phosphorylated 90K protein in nonhistone chromosomal and ribosome-associated proteins extracted with high salt was not immunoprecipitated with anti-SV40 T sera.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) can be rescued from certain SV40-transformed hamster cells by fusion with susceptible African green monkey kidney (CV-1) cells, in the presence of ultraviolet-irradiated Sendai virus. We have determined the sites in which SV40 is produced during rescue in these heterokaryons. To determine the sequence, nuclei were isolated from fused cells at various times after fusion, separated on sucrose-density gradients, and assayed for infectious center formation and virus content on CV-1 monolayers. Virus was first detected in the transformed nucleus (40 hr postfusion), and later associated with both transformed and susceptible nuclei (68 to 72 hr). Viral rescue apparently does not depend upon the transfer of SV40 deoxyribonucleic acid to a susceptible CV-1 nucleus, since the transformed nucleus is the primary site of virus production. The time course of certain cytological events in the rescue process and in productive infection was found to be similar.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA was isolated from simian virus 40 (SV40)-infected and mock-infected cells by chromatography on poly(U) sepharose. When added to cell-free extracts from Chinese hamster ovary cells or rabbit reticulocytes, RNA from the infected cells, but not from mock-infected cells, stimulated synthesis of the major SV40 capsid protein. Identification of this species was done by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, peptide mapping, and immunoprecipitation. The in vitro synthesized capsid protein was slightly different from virion assembled capsid protein, as shown by separation upon chromatography on hydroxylapatite and by minor differences in the peptide map.  相似文献   

We have used immunofluorescence in parallel with transmission and scanning electron microscopy to characterize the unusual cytoplasmic and nucleolar accumulation of Simian virus 40 (SV40) virion protein (C antigen) at restrictive temperatures (39 to 41 C) in monkey cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of SV40 defective in virion assembly, tsB11. Cytoplasmic and nucleolar accumulation of C antigen did not occur in wild-type-infected cells at any temperature. Wild-type- and tsBll-infected cells were not distinguishable at 33 C by immunofluorescence or electron microscopy. Temperature-shift experiments using metabolic inhibitors of DNA (cytosine arabinonucleoside, 20 mug/ml), RNA (actinomycin D, 5 mug/ml), and protein synthesis (cycloheximide, 2 x 10(-4) to 10 x 10(-4) M) were used to investigate the requirements for ongoing DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis in the distribution of virion protein between the nucleus, nucleolus, and cytoplasm. The transport of C antigen from the nucleolus and cytoplasm into the nucleus was complete after a temperature shift-down (41 and 39 to 33 C). Limited virus particle formation occurred after the shift-down in the presence of actinomycin D and cycloheximide, indicating some of the 39 to 41 C synthesized virion protein could be used for capsid assembly at 33 C in the absence of further virion protein synthesis. Nucleolar and cytoplasmic accumulations of C antigen occurred in the absence of drugs after a shift-up (33 to 39 C and 41 C) indicating a continuous requirement for the tsB11 mutant function. Furthermore, the virion protein synthesized at 33 C remained confined to the nucleus when the cells were shifted to 39 and 41 C in the presence of actinomycin D or cycloheximide. In the presence of cytosine arabinonucleoside, however, the virion protein accumulated in large aggregates in the nucleus and nucleolus after the shift-up, but did not migrate into the cytoplasm as it did in drug-free tsB11-infected control cells. Colchicine (10(-3) M) had no effect on the abnormal accumulation of C antigen during shift-up or shift-down experiments suggesting that microtubular transport plays little if any role in the abnormal transport of tsB11 virion protein from cytoplasm to nucleus. Although virus particles were never observed by electron microscopy and V antigen was not detected by immunofluorescence at 39 or 41 C in tsB11-infected cells, dense amorphous accumulations were formed in the nucleoli and cytoplasm. We suggest that the tsB11 function is continuously required for the normal transport of SV40 virion protein between the cytoplasm, nucleolus, and nucleus and for the assembly of capsids and virions. Several possible mechanisms for the altered tsB11 function or protein are discussed. One of the virion proteins may also be involved in some presently undetermined nucleolar function during SV40 productive infection.  相似文献   

Simian Virus 40-Induced T and Tumor Antigens   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Antigen extracts from simian virus 40 (SV40) transplanted hamster tumors were studied by rate-zonal centrifugation. Three species or molecular forms of antigen were demonstrated. The major antigen component corresponded to a molecular weight of 65,000 to 75,000, and two larger species were detectable in smaller quantities. Similar studies were carried out on SV40 virus-induced T antigen from BSC-1 cells. Three antigen components were again detected. Quantitative differences in the expression of "T" and tumor antigen species were reproducibly found.  相似文献   


Short 145 base DNA fragments in complex with the helix destabilizing protein of bacteriophage T4, GP32, have been studied with boundary sedimentation. The sedimentation coefficient was determined as a function of concentration, protein-nucleic acid ratio, temperature and salt concentration. It can be concluded that the measured values reflect the properties of the saturated DNA-GP32 complex. A combination of the earlier obtained translational diffusion coefficient of the complex with the sedimentation coefficient yields its anhydrous molecular weight (Mw = 5.4 · 10s D), which corresponds to a size of the binding site of 10 nucleotides per protein. This procedure is not sensitive to the presence of non-binding protein molecules and to the assumed protein concentration, and therefore, it seems more reliable than a determination from titration experiments.

Similar sedimentation measurements were performed with tRNA-complexes containing 76 nucleotides. The translational diffusion coefficient can be calculated from the measured rotational diffusion coefficient and assuming the same hydrodynamic diameter for this complex as obtained for the 145 b DNA complex. The molecular weight derived from the data then also leads to a binding site size of about 10 nucleotides. This suggests that also the short tRNA-complex forms an open, strongly solvated structure, as was proposed for the 145 b DNA-GP32 complex.  相似文献   

Replicating simian virus 40 (SV40) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules have been isolated under conditions in which the newly synthesized DNA is uniformly labeled with (3)H-thymidine. These newly synthesized strands are released from the replicative intermediate molecules by alkaline treatment, and it has been possible to isolate single-stranded SV40 DNA which varies in size from 157,000 daltons (from molecules that are 10% replicated) to 1,360,000 daltons (85% replicated). The rates of duplex formation of newly synthesized DNA have been used to relate their genetic complexity to the extent of DNA replication. As DNA replication proceeds, the time required to effect 50% renaturation of the newly synthesized DNA increases at a proportional rate. The data establish that DNA replication is not initiated at random, but rather that there is a single specific initiation site for DNA replication.  相似文献   

为了建立中枢神经系统肿瘤小鼠模型,构建了大鼠神经元特异性烯醇化酶(ratneu-ron-specificenolase,NSE)基因启动子调控下的猿猴病毒40大T抗原基因(simianvirus40largeTantigengene,SV40TAg)转基因载体,通过受精卵雄原核显微注射的方法制备转基因小鼠。PCR鉴定转基因小鼠的基因型;RT-PCR和Northern印迹检测转基因阳性鼠中SV40TAgRNA水平的表达及其组织特异性;免疫组化检测其蛋白质水平的表达。经显微注射共获得9只首代转基因阳性鼠(首建者,Founder小鼠),其中2例出生时即发生神经干细胞来源的肿瘤,其他Founder小鼠经繁育后共建立了5个SV40TAg转基因小鼠系,其中有4个系检测到SV40TAgRNA水平的表达且特异性地表达于脑组织,但未检测到蛋白质水平的表达。研究表明NSE启动子活性具有较强的组织特异性,并起始于小鼠胚胎发育期;SV40TAg具有明显的致癌作用,且SV40TAg诱发的神经系统肿瘤易造成转基因小鼠早期死亡。  相似文献   

Evidence that the resistance of simian virus (SV40)-transformed permissive cells to superinfection with SV40 is due to lack of virus uptake is presented. When virus uptake is enhanced, the events of infection proceed as in normal permissive cells, resulting in production of infectious virus.  相似文献   

We have studied the binding of the tumor antigen (T-antigen) of simian virus 40 to simian virus 40 chromatin (minichromosomes). The minichromosomes isolated from infected cells by a modification of standard techniques were relatively free of contaminating RNA and cellular DNA and had a ratio (by weight) of protein to DNA of approximately 1; their DNA was 50 to 60% digestible to an acid-soluble form by staphylococcal nuclease. Cleavage of this chromatin with restriction endonucleases indicated that the nuclease-resistant regions were randomly distributed in the population of minichromosomes, but were not randomly distributed within minichromosomes. Only 20 to 35% of these minichromosomes adsorbed nonspecifically to nitrocellulose filters, permitting binding studies between simian virus 40 T-antigen and chromatin to be performed. Approximately two to three times as much T-antigen was required to bind chromatin as to bind an equivalent amount of free DNA. When T-antigen was present in excess, both chromatin and free DNA were quantitatively retained on the filters. On the other hand, when DNA or chromatin was present in excess, only one-third as much chromatin as DNA was retained. We suggest that T-antigen-chromatin complexes may be formed by the cooperative binding of T-antigen to chromatin, whereas T-antigen-DNA complexes may be formed by simple bimolecular interactions.  相似文献   

Location of the T4 gene 32 protein-binding site on polyoma virus DNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three easily denatured regions can be demonstrated in polyoma virus DNA. T4 gene 32 protein which binds to single stranded DNA, but not to duplex DNA, will specifically bind to any of these sites when viral DNA is in its superhelical configuration. These sites were mapped relative to a unique E. coli RI endonuclease cleavage site by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Nuclear import of the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen (T-ag) is dependent on its nuclear localization signal (NLS) within amino acids 126–132 that is recognized by the importin α/β1 heterodimer, as well as a protein kinase CK2 site at serine 112 upstream of the NLS, which enhances the interaction ∼50-fold. Here we show for the first time that T-ag nuclear import is negatively regulated by N-terminal sequences (amino acids 102–110), which represent the binding site (BS) for the retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor protein (p110Rb). Quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis of the transport properties of T-ag constructs with or without Rb binding site mutations in living transfected cells or in a reconstituted nuclear transport system indicates that the presence of the RbBS significantly reduces nuclear accumulation of T-ag. A number of approaches, including the analysis of T-ag nuclear import in an isogenic cell pair with and without functional p110Rb implicate p110Rb binding as being responsible for the reduced nuclear accumulation, with the Ser106 phosphorylation site within the RbBS appearing to enhance the inhibitory effect. Immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed association of T-ag and p110Rb and dependence thereof on negative charge at Ser106. The involvement of p110Rb in modulating T-ag nuclear transport has implications for the regulation of nuclear import of other proteins from viruses of medical significance that interact with p110Rb, and how this may relate to transformation.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) was rescued from heterokaryons of transformed mouse and transformed human cells. To determine whether the rescued SV40 was progeny of the SV40 genome resident in the transformed mouse cells, the transformed human cells, or both, rescue experiments were performed with mouse lines transformed by plaque morphology mutants of SV40. The transformed mouse lines that were used yielded fuzzy, small-clear, or large-clear plaques after fusion with CV-1 (African green monkey kidney) cells. The transformed human lines that were used did not release SV40 spontaneously or after fusion with CV-1 cells. From each mouse-human fusion mixture, only the SV40 resident in the transformed mouse cells was recovered. Fusion mixtures of CV-1 and transformed mouse cells yielded much more SV40 than those from transformed human and transformed mouse cells. The rate of SV40 formation was also greater from monkey-mouse than from human-mouse heterokaryons. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from SV40 strains which form fuzzy, largeclear, or small-clear plaques on CV-1 cells was also used to infect monkey (CV-1 and Vero), normal human, and transformed human cell lines. The rate of virion formation and the final SV40 yields were much higher from monkey than from normal or transformed human cells. Only virus with the plaque type of the infecting DNA was found in extracts from the infected cells. Two uncloned sublines of transformed human cells [W18 Va2(P363) and WI38 Va13A] released SV40 spontaneously. Virus yields were not appreciably enhanced by fusion with CV-1 cells. However, clonal lines of W18 Va2(P363) did not release SV40 spontaneously or after fusion with CV-1 cells. In contrast, several clonal lines of WI38 Va13A cells did continue to shed SV40 spontaneously.  相似文献   

Reassortment of Simian Virus 40 DNA During Serial Undiluted Passage   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Alterations occur in the supercoiled form of viral DNA after the serial undiluted passaging of simian virus (SV) 40. We have identified a portion of the viral genome which is amplified during this process. These SV40 DNA sequences represent about 30% of the viral genetic information and are present in a reiterated form in twisted circular molecules prepared from purified virions. In addition, reiterated and unique green monkey DNA sequences are incorporated into supercoiled viral DNA. The cellular DNA appears to be inserted at numerous locations in the DNA I molecules.  相似文献   

Pools of young (less than 60% replicated) and mature (60-90% replicated) replicating molecules of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA have been treated at pH 12.2 in order to dissociate growing chains from the parental strands. The molecules are neutralized so that the parental strands can reassociate and they have then been isolated. They are covalently closed structures which sediment rapidly in alkaline sucrose gradients; however, the sedimentation rates are less than the sedimentation rate of SV40 DNA I. Isopycnic banding in CsCl-ethidium bromide and sedimentation velocity studies in the presence of various amounts of ethidium bromide indicate that these structures contain negative superhelical turns and several-fold-higher superhelix densities than SV40 DNA I (the covalently closed DNA molecule). These structures are those that would be predicted if nicking, unwinding, and sealing of the parental strands occurred as replication proceeded. These experiments provide a direct demonstration that there is a progressive decrease in the topological winding number which accompanies SV40 DNA replication.  相似文献   

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