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The cochlear frequency map of the mustache bat,Pteronotus parnellii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The frequency-place map of the cochlea of mustache bats was constructed by the analysis of HRP-transport patterns in spiral ganglion cells following iontophoretic tracer injections into cochlear nucleus regions responsive to different frequencies. The cochlea consists of 5 half turns (total length 14.3 mm) and the representation of certain frequency bands can be assigned to specific cochlear regions: The broad high frequency range between 70 and 111 kHz is represented in the most basal half turn within only 3.2 mm. This region is terminated apically by a distinct narrowing of the scala vestibuli that coincides with a pronounced increase in basilar membrane (BM) thickness. The narrow intermediate frequency range between 54 and 70 kHz is expanded onto 50% of cochlear length between 4.0 and 11.1 mm distance from apex. The frequency range around 60 kHz, where the tuning characteristics of the auditory system are exceptionally sharp, is located in the center of this expanded BM-region in the second half turn within a maximum of innervation density. These data can account for the vast overrepresentation of neurons sharply tuned to about 60 kHz at central stations of the auditory pathway. In the cochlear region just basal to the innervation maximum, where label from injections at 66 and 70 kHz was found, a number of morphological specializations coincide: the BM is maximally thickened, innervation density is low, the spiral ligament is locally enlarged, and the 'thick lining', a dense covering of the scala tympani throughout the basal halfturn, suddenly disappears. Low frequencies up to 54 kHz are represented within the apical half turns over a 4 mm span of the basilar membrane. The data are compared to the cochlea of horseshoe bats and the possible functional role of the morphological discontinuities for sharp tuning and the generation of otoacoustic emissions is discussed.  相似文献   

An echolocating bat actively controls the spatial acoustic information that drives its behavior by directing its head and ears and by modulating the spectro-temporal structure of its outgoing sonar emissions. The superior colliculus may function in the coordination of these orienting components of the bat's echolocation system. To test this hypothesis, chemical and electrical microstimulation experiments were carried out in the superior colliculus of the echolocating bat, Eptesicus fuscus, a species that uses frequency modulated sonar signals. Microstimulation elicited pinna and head movements, similar to those reported in other vertebrate species, and the direction of the evoked behaviors corresponded to the site of stimulation, yielding a map of orienting movements in the superior colliculus. Microstimulation of the bat superior colliculus also elicited sonar vocalizations, a motor behavior specific to the bat's acoustic orientation by echolocation. Electrical stimulation of the adjacent periaqueductal gray, shown to be involved in vocal production in other mammalian species, elicited vocal signals resembling acoustic communication calls of E. fuscus. The control of vocal signals in the bat is an integral part of its acoustic orienting system, and our findings suggest that the superior colliculus supports diverse and species-relevant sensorimotor behaviors, including those used for echolocation.  相似文献   

Summary The long-range echo-detection capabilities of echolocating bats (Eptesicus fuscus) were studied in a two-choice psychophysical procedure.E. fuscus can detect 4.8 mm diameter spheres at a distance of 2.9 m, and 19.1 mm diameter spheres at a distance of 5.1 m. The threshold of echo-detection corresponds to the distance at which a target returns an echo amplitude in the region of 0 dB SPL. The results demonstrate that the maximum effective range of bat sonar is greater than previously indicated by obstacleavoidance and target-interception tasks.  相似文献   

This study examines the binaural and frequency representation in the primary auditory cortex (AC) of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, by using an ear-phone stimulation system. All 306 cortical neurons studied were excited by contralateral sound stimulation but they were either excited, inhibited or not affected by ipsilateral sound stimulation. These cortical neurons were columnarly organized according to their binaural and frequency-tuning properties. The excitation-excitation columns which occupy about 15% of the AC are mainly aggregated within an oval-shaped area of the central AC. The excitation-inhibition neurons and binaural neurons with mixed properties are distributed in the remaining 85% of the surrounding primary AC. Although the best frequency (BF) of these neurons shows a tendency to decrease from high to low along the anteroposterior axis of the primary AC, systematic variation in BF is not always consistent across the entire mapping area. In particular, BFs of cortical neurons isolated in the anterior AC vary quite unsystematically such that neurons with similar BFs are aggregated in isolated patches. Isofrequency and binaural columns are segregated into bands that intersect each other. Accepted: 13 August 1997  相似文献   

1. Spectral sensitivity was examined in delay-sensitive neurons in the auditory cortex of the awake FM bat, Myotis lucifugus. FM stimuli sweeping 60 kHz downward in 4 ms were used as simulated pulse-echo pairs to measure delay-dependent responses. At each neuron's best delay, the pulse and/or echo were divided into 4 FM quarters (Ist, IInd, IIIrd, and IVth), each sweeping 15 kHz in 1 ms, and quarters essential for delay sensitivity were determined for both pulse and echo. 2. For the pulse, the IVth quarter was essential for delay sensitivity in the majority of neurons. For the echo, the essential quarter for most neurons was the IInd, IIIrd, or IVth. 3. Different quarters of the pulse and echo were essential for delay sensitivity in 68% of the neurons examined. 4. This study provides neurophysiological evidence linking both spectral and temporal processing in delay-sensitive neurons of Myotis. Since spectral cues can provide target-shape information, sensitivity to both spectral and temporal parameters in single neurons may endow these neurons in FM bats with the potential for target analysis other than echo-ranging.  相似文献   

Identifying higher brain central region(s) that are responsible for the unpleasantness of pain is the focus of many recent studies. Here we show that direct stimulation of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in mice produced fear-like freezing responses and induced long-term fear memory, including contextual and auditory fear memory. Auditory fear memory required the activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the amygdala. To test the hypothesis that neuronal activity in the ACC contributes to unpleasantness, we injected a GABAA receptor agonist, muscimol bilaterally into the ACC. Both contextual and auditory memories induced by foot shock were blocked. Furthermore, activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the ACC enhanced behavioral escape responses in a noxious hot-plate as well as spinal nociceptive tail-flick reflex. Our results provide strong evidence that the excitatory activity in the ACC contribute to pain-related fear memory as well as descending facilitatory modulation of spinal nociception.  相似文献   

In this article, the characteristics of the functional activity of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a key element of the neuroanatomical error detection system of the brain in drug-resistant forms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are discussed on the basis of both original and published data. Available data indicate the presence of a functional deficit zone in the ACC during PCD. This fact suggests that the functions of the ACC in OCD patients are partially redistributed between other brain areas. Thus, in contrast to the previously accepted ideas, the target of stereotactic surgery for OCD is a pathologically altered brain region. Probably, this explains the fact that the operation does not lead to significant changes in the patient’s psyche. The pathological reorganization of the functional activity of the brain in OCD remains unclear and requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Orlov T  Makin TR  Zohary E 《Neuron》2010,68(3):586-600
Large-scale topographic representations of the body have long been established in the somatosensory and motor cortices. Using functional imaging, we identified a topographically organized body part map within the occipitotemporal cortex (OTC), with distinct clusters of voxels showing clear preference for different visually presented body parts. This representation was consistent both across hemispheres and participants. Using converging methods, the preference for specific body parts was demonstrated to be robust and did not merely reflect shape differences between the categories. Finally, execution of (unseen) movements with different body parts resulted in a limited topographic representation of the limbs and trunk, which partially overlapped with the visual body part map. This motor-driven activation in the OTC could not be explained solely by visual or motor imagery of the body parts. This suggests that visual and motor-related information converge within the OTC in a body part specific manner.  相似文献   

Glutamate is the primary excitatory transmitter of sensory transmission and perception in the central nervous system. Painful or noxious stimuli from the periphery ‘teach’ humans and animals to avoid potentially dangerous objects or environments, whereas tissue injury itself causes unnecessary chronic pain that can even last for long periods of time. Conventional pain medicines often fail to control chronic pain. Recent neurobiological studies suggest that synaptic plasticity taking place in sensory pathways, from spinal dorsal horn to cortical areas, contributes to chronic pain. Injuries trigger long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission in the spinal cord dorsal horn and anterior cingulate cortex, and such persistent potentiation does not require continuous neuronal activity from the periphery. At the synaptic level, potentiation of excitatory transmission caused by injuries may be mediated by the enhancement of glutamate release from presynaptic terminals and potentiated postsynaptic responses of AMPA receptors. Preventing, ‘erasing’ or reducing such potentiation may serve as a new mechanism to inhibit chronic pain in patients in the future.  相似文献   

Behavioral shifts and action valuation in the anterior cingulate cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quilodran R  Rothé M  Procyk E 《Neuron》2008,57(2):314-325
Rapid optimization of behavior requires decisions about when to explore and when to exploit discovered resources. The mechanisms that lead to fast adaptations and their interaction with action valuation are a central issue. We show here that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) encodes multiple feedbacks devoted to exploration and its immediate termination. In a task that alternates exploration and exploitation periods, the ACC monitored negative and positive outcomes relevant for different adaptations. In particular, it produced signals specific of the first reward, i.e., the end of exploration. Those signals disappeared in exploitation periods but immediately transferred to the initiation of trials-a transfer comparable to learning phenomena observed for dopaminergic neurons. Importantly, these were also observed for high gamma oscillations of local field potentials shown to correlate with brain imaging signal. Thus, mechanisms of action valuation and monitoring of events/actions are combined for rapid behavioral regulation.  相似文献   

Summary Cochlear microphonic (CM) and evoked neural potentials (N1) were recorded from the cochlear aqueduct of awakePteronotus parnellii. The CM audiograms obtained with continuous sounds had more or less uniform thresholds except for a sharp threshold notch at about 60 kHz (Fig. 1). When brief tone bursts were presented, the envelopes of the CM responses were always similar to the envelopes of the applied signals except when tone bursts having frequencies at or close to the frequency of the tuned sensitivity notch were presented (i.e., 59–63 kHz). The CM rise-decay times for frequencies around 60kHz were much longer than those of the presented signals (Fig. 2). The prolonged decay times are thought to be due to the ringing of the basilar membrane resulting from a mechanical resonance in the cochlea.The evoked neural potential audiograms (N1-on and N1-off responses) differed considerably from the CM audiogram. Of particular importance is the N1-off audiogram which exhibited very sharp tuning in four frequency regions: 31–33 kHz, 60–63 kHz, 71–73 kHz, and 91–92 kHz (Fig. 5). The frequencies evoking the lowest thresholds of the CM and N1-off (in the 60 kHz region) were either identical or differed by only 100–400 Hz.The sharp tuning in the 60 kHz region of both the CM and N1 audiograms could be eliminated by presenting 90–100 dB continuous sounds for one min but only if the signal frequency was equal to the tuned frequency of the CM audiogram (Figs. 8–13). Presenting intense sounds having frequencies above or below the tuned 60kHz region had no effect on the audiogram. The overstimulation procedure had remarkably specific effects on the CM and N1-off audiograms causing the greatest threshold increases at the 60 kHz tuned frequency and progressively smaller threshold changes on the slopes of the tuned notch.Assuming that the sharp changes of the N1-off thresholds reflect some important underlying mechanism, the N1-off audiograms demonstrate multiple specializations in the peripheral auditory system ofPteronotus with the bat possessing at least three and possibly four sharply tuned regions. With regard to mechanism, the tuned notch in the CM audiogram, the curious CM rise-decay times evoked by tone bursts, and the ease with which the 60 kHz sensitivity notch can be eliminated all argue strongly in favor of a mechanical resonance in the cochlea which is responsible for the sharp tuning around 60 kHz. On the other hand, the absence of tuned notches in the 30 kHz and 90 kHz regions of the CM audiogram together with the absence of any discernable ringing of the CM potentials evoked by 30 kHz and 90 kHz tone bursts both argue against a resonance mechanism for the tuning at these harmonically related frequency regions. Finally, the fact that overstimulating the 60 kHz region had no discernable effect on the N1-off tuning at 30 kHz and 90 kHz demonstrates that the mechanism responsible for the tuned regions at 30 kHz and 90 kHz are independent of the resonance feature of the cochlea at 60 kHz.Abbreviations BF best frequency - CF constant frequency - CM cochlear microphonics - CM-aft after-response of the CM - FM frequency modulated - N 1 evoked neural potentials We thank Professor Alvin Novick for the generous support provided during the conduct of these experiments. We also thank Professor Gerhard Neuweiler and Dr. Gerd Schuller for their helpful comments and suggestions. Supported by PHS Grant NB7616 11.  相似文献   

Summary The tonotopic organization of the cochlear nucleus (CN) of the mustache bat, Pteronotus parnellii was studied by injecting horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in physiologically characterized CN-sites known to respond to a certain frequency. The tracer was transported by the branched fibers of the auditory nerve and bands of labeled terminals were found in each of the CN-subdivisions. Low to high frequencies are orderly represented in rostrocaudal direction in the anteroventral CN (AV) and in ventrodorsal direction in the posteroventral (PV) and dorsal CN (DCN). In all 3 subnuclei a vast overpresentation of the frequency band between 54–66 kHz, which includes the dominant second harmonic of the echolocation calls, is superimposed on this basic mammalian pattern of frequency representation. A deviation from the standard mammalian scheme of tonotopic arrangement is found in the cytoarchitecturally distinct marginal cell group (MA). This cell group extends in rostrocaudal direction along the medial margin of the AV, and the frequency representation in its most rostral 2 thirds is biased towards the low frequency range of the faint first harmonic of the echolocation call (24–32 kHz). Consequently the low frequencies lie adjacent to the regular slab organization of the range of higher frequencies represented in the AV. The temporal response patterns of MA neurons to tone stimuli are predominantly phasic or onset-types, in contrast to the primary like response type which prevails in the AV. The frequency representation and the physiological characteristics of the MA group can be relevant in the context of target range determination by echolocation.Abbreviations AV anteroventral cochlear nucleus - AV a anterior part of AV - AV p posterior part of AV - BF best frequency - CF constant frequency component of echolocation calls - CN cochlear nucleus - DAB diaminobenzidine - DCN dorsal cochlear nucleus - EP evoked potential - FM frequency modulated component of echolocation calls - HRP horseradish peroxidase - LSO lateral superior olive - IC inferior colliculus - MA marginal cell group - MAl lateral part of MA - MAm medial part of MA - OAE otoacoustic emission - PV posteroventral cochlear nucleus - PVl lateral part of PV - PV m medial part of PV - PV c caudal part of PV (octopus cell region) - RF resting frequency - SEOAE synchronous evoked OAE - TMB tetramethylbenzidine - VIII eight nerve  相似文献   

LY Zhao  J Tian  W Wang  W Qin  J Shi  Q Li  K Yuan  MH Dong  WC Yang  YR Wang  LL Sun  L Lu 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43598

Rationale and Objective

Drug cues can induce craving for drugs of abuse. Dysfunctional regulation of emotion and motivation regarding rewarding objects appears to be an integral part of addiction. It has been found that cognitive strategies decreased the intensity of craving in addicts. Reappraisal strategy is a type of cognitive strategy that requires participants to reinterpret the meaning of an emotional situation. In addition, studies have found that activation of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) is associated with the selection and application of cognitive reappraisal. In present study, we sought to determine whether such cognitive regulation engages the dACC and improves inhibition of craving in smokers.


Sixteen smokers underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during performance of a cigarette reward-conditioning procedure with cognitive reappraisal. We focused our analyses on the dACC as a key structure of cognitive control of craving. Cue induced craving under different conditions was obtained. Correlational analysis between the functional response in the dACC and the subjective craving was performed.


We found that using a cognitive reappraisal was successful in decreasing the conditioned craving. Right dACC (BA 24/32) engaged in the cognitive reappraisal. In addition, the individual’s subjective craving was negatively correlated with the right dACC activation.


These findings suggest that the dACC are important substrates of Inhibition of cue induced craving in smokers. Cognitive regulation by cognitive reappraisal may help addicted individuals avoid the anticipated situations where they are exposed to conditioned cues.  相似文献   

In the present study we characterized the field potentials in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) evoked by electrical stimulation of the medial thalamus (MT), and elucidated the synaptic organization of the ACC. Male Sprague Dawley rats were maintained in general anesthesia by alpha-chloralose (50 mg/kg, i.v.). Tungsten micro-electrodes were used for electric stimulation and recordings. The field potentials and multiple unit activities in the ACC were evoked by electric stimulation of the MT where the nociceptive responses were identified. A MT-evoked positive-negative potential was recorded on the medial frontal surface. The polarity of the surface negative potential was reversed between 0.5 to 1.0 mm in the deep layer of the ACC. Maximum evoked negative potential appeared at about 4 mm anterior to the bregma and 1 mm lateral to the midline. The maximum evoked positive potential occurred at about 3 mm anterior to the bregma and 1 mm lateral to the midline. The evoked multiple unit activities coincided with the deep negative field potential at a latency between 16 ms and 24 ms at a depth between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm in the ACC. These electrophysiological findings confirmed that nociceptive information in the MT is transmitted to the ACC and trans-synaptically activates deeper and more superficial layers of cortical neurons.  相似文献   

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