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Isaya Higa  Yoshiaki Fuyama 《Genetica》1993,88(2-3):129-136
To reveal the genetic mechanism of host selection in a monophagous fruit flyDrosophila sechellia, olfactory responses and oviposition preferences of this species were compared with those of closely related polyphagous species,D. simulans andD. melanogaster. Adult flies ofD. sechellia were strongly attracted to the ripe fruit ofMorinda citrifolia which is known to be the sole breeding site of this species. They were also attracted to the odor ofn-caproic acid which is contained in the ripe fruit ofM. citrifolia and is presumably responsible for the characteristic odor of the fruit. In contrast,D. simulans andD. melanogaster showed a strong repulsion ton-caproic acid. In parallel with the olfactory responses,D. sechellia females laid eggs preferentially on a medium containingn-caproic acid, to which the other two species showed an aversion. Genetic analyses using the hybrid progeny betweenD. sechellia andD. simulans suggested that the species differences in these behaviors are controlled by gene(s) located on the second chromosome.  相似文献   

周思艺  夏静  闫琴  芦韬  陈利荣  刘威 《昆虫学报》2022,65(2):197-207
[目的]研究果蝇对大蒜素的产卵选择,并解析果蝇产卵避性的机制和生物学意义.[方法]应用产卵双向选择装置,检测黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster雌成虫对0.01%,0.015%和0.02%大蒜素的产卵选择性;利用产卵装置,检测黑腹果蝇对大蒜素的位置效应;通过毛细管摄食法检测黑腹果蝇摄食行为;利用黑暗(...  相似文献   

凌建华  张玲  姚开泰  王文  凌发瑶 《遗传》1999,21(5):34-37
采用代表性差异分析法(RDA)研究了银额果蝇两个单雌系AKM46(含B染色体)和AGZ2(不含B染色体)两基因组间的差异。用AKM46作检测(tester)扩增子,AGZ2作驱赶(driver)扩增子,通过三轮消减杂交后,获得了6个差异片段(100bp~300bp)。亚克隆后,对11个片段测序并与GenBank数据库进行同源性比较分析,获得了9个新的序列。选择clone22及clone42进行Southern杂交分析,这两个片段仅在检测扩增子及第一、第二、第三轮差异片段中检测到杂交信号,而在驱赶扩增子检测不到杂交信号。证实了这两个片段来自含有B染色体的单雌系AKM46,而且可能是B染色体上的特异基因片段。  相似文献   

Oviposition preference for ureasupplemented food was assayed by simultaneous choice trials on five pairs of closely related laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster.Each pair of populations had been derived from a separate ancestral population about 85 generations prior to this study. One population in each pair had been subjected to selection for larval tolerance to the toxic effects of urea; the other population served as a control. Considerable variation in oviposition preference was seen both within and among populations, with four of the ten populations showing a significant mean preference for ureasupplemented food. The degree of specificity shown by individual females was surprisingly high, leading to a bimodal distribution of oviposition preference in some populations. Overall, selection for larval tolerance to urea did not significantly affect oviposition preference. However, the data indicated that pairwise comparisons between randomly selected populations from the two larval selection regimes would lead to a range of possible outcomes, suggesting, in several cases, that selection for larval urea tolerance had led to significant differentiation of adult oviposition preference for urea in one or the other direction. The results, therefore, highlight the importance of population level replication and caution against the practice, common in ecological studies, of assaying oviposition preference in two populations that utilize different hosts in nature, and then drawing broad evolutionary inferences from the results.  相似文献   

Following our recent cloning of a novel γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor subunit geneResistance to dieldrin orRdl from the cyclodiene resistance locus inDrosophila melanogaster, we were interested in defining its pattern of expression during development. Here we report the raising of an anti-Rdl polyclonal antibody that recognizes a single protein of the expected 65 kDa size in immunoblots ofDrosophila head homogenates.In situ hybridization usingRdl cDNA probes and the anti-Rdl antibody shows thatRdl message and protein are highly expressed in the developing central nervous system (CNS) of 15–17 h embryos. Interestingly, despite the use of GABA in both the peripheral and CNS of insects,Rdl GABA receptor subunits appear to be confined to the CNS. Detailed immunocytochemistry ofDrosophila brain sections showed particularly strong anti-Rdl antibody staining in the optic lobes, ellipsoid body, fan shaped body, ventrolateral protocerebrum and the glomeruli of the antennal lobes. Results are compared with the distribution of staining observed in the insect CNS with antibodies against GABA itself and synaptotagmin, a synaptic vesicle protein.  相似文献   

Drosophila vision is mediated by inputs from three types of photoreceptor neurons; R1-R6 mediate achromatic motion detection, while R7 and R8 constitute two chromatic channels. Neural circuits for processing chromatic information are not known. Here, we identified the first-order interneurons downstream of the chromatic channels. Serial EM revealed that small-field projection neurons Tm5 and Tm9 receive direct synaptic input from R7 and R8, respectively, and indirect input from R1-R6, qualifying them to function as color-opponent neurons. Wide-field Dm8 amacrine neurons receive input from 13-16 UV-sensing R7s and provide output to projection neurons. Using a combinatorial expression system to manipulate activity in different neuron subtypes, we determined that Dm8 neurons are necessary and sufficient for flies to exhibit phototaxis toward ultraviolet instead of green light. We propose that Dm8 sacrifices spatial resolution for sensitivity by relaying signals from multiple R7s to projection neurons, which then provide output to higher visual centers.  相似文献   

This work purports to analyze the influence of allochthonous nutrient input into consumer level in the ultimate dynamics of an omnivory food web, where consumption is dictated by non-switching and switching predators. Within this behavioral context, prey consumption structure is shown to have a markedly effect on food web dynamics under a gradient of allochthonous input and primary productivity. A striking feature is that in the non-switching model invasion of consumer and predator occurs sequentially in this order as density of carrying capacity increases, while in the switching model both predators and consumers are able to invade and persist irrespective of the considered carrying capacity levels.  相似文献   

Summary Treatment of the labellar chemosensory setae of the fruit fly,Drosophila melanogaster, with 0.1 % papain for 3 min induced a complete elimination of the taste nerve response to fructose (Fig. 1). Responses to other sugars examined were not affected (Table 1). Responses to 20 mM LiCl and 0.1 M NaCl also remained unchanged by the treatment. The experiment on the time-dependency of the papain treatment showed a clear difference in the proteasesensitivity between the response to fructose and to glucose and sucrose (Fig. 2). The treatment with 0.005% trypsin for 3 min produced the same results. The response to fructose which was eliminated with the papain treatment, was restored after 3 hrs. These findings reveal the presence of a specific receptor site for fructose and its protease-sensitive nature and suggest the involvement of multiple receptor proteins in the sugar receptor ofDrosophila.We thank Dr. A. Shiraishi for valuable suggestions for electrophysiological recordings. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

Summary A small proportion of ovarian chambers from females homozygous for theotu 7 (forovariantumor) mutation contain an oocyte that in its nuclear morphology resembles a nurse cell. Such transformed oocytes also appear in colchicine-poisoned wild type ovaries. Cytophotometric estimates demonstrate that these oocytes have undergone 3–4 additional DNA replications, but that they lag behind the adjacent nurse cells by an average of 1.3 replication cycles. It follows that, under certain circumstances, the definitive oocyte can switch to the nurse cell developmental pathway and therefore that a mechanism normally exists for preventing the further replication of its DNA. In the case ofotu 7, oocytes sometimes restart their endocyclic DNA replications and produce paired, polytene, homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Features of heat-labile enterotoxins of Escherichia coli which make them fit to use as novel receptors for antidiarrheals are not completely explored. Data-set of 14 different serovars of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli producing heat-labile toxins were taken from NCBI Genbank database and used in the study. Sequence analysis showed mutations in different subunits and also at their interface residues. As these toxins lack crystallography structures, homology modeling using Modeller 9.11 led to the structural approximation for the E. coli producing heat-labile toxins. Interaction of modeled toxin subunits with proanthocyanidin, an antidiarrheal showed several strong hydrogen bonding interactions at the cost of minimized energy. The hits were subsequently characterized by molecular dynamics simulation studies to monitor their binding stabilities. This study looks into novel space where the ligand can choose the receptor preference not as a whole but as an individual subunit. Mutation at interface residues and interaction among subunits along with the binding of ligand to individual subunits would help to design a non-toxic labile toxin and also to improve the therapeutics.  相似文献   

Summary Spectral sensitivity functions S() of single photoreceptor cells in 43 different hymenopteran species were measured intracellularly with the fast spectral scan method. The distribution of maximal sensitivity values (max) shows 3 major peaks at 340 nm, 430 nm and 535 nm and a small peak at 600 nm. Predictions about the colour vision systems of the different hymenopteran species are derived from the spectral sensitivities by application of a receptor model of colour vision and a model of two colour opponent channels. Most of the species have a trichromatic colour vision system. Although the S() functions are quite similar, the predicted colour discriminability curves differ in their relative height of best discriminability in the UV-blue or bluegreen area of the spectrum, indicating that relatively small differences in the S() functions may have considerable effects on colour discriminability. Four of the hymenopteran insects tested contain an additional R-receptor with maximal sensitivity around 600 nm. The R-receptor of the solitary bee Callonychium petuniae is based on a pigment (P596) with a long max, whereas in the sawfly Tenthredo campestris the G-receptor appears to act as filter to a pigment (P570), shifting its max value to a longer wavelength and narrowing its bandwidth. Evolutionary and life history constraints (e.g. phylogenetic relatedness, social or solitary life, general or specialized feeding behaviour) appear to have no effect on the S() functions. The only effect is found in UV receptors, for which max values at longer wavelengths are found in bees flying predominantly within the forest.  相似文献   

It was possible, using a synthetic progestin R5020, to identify a specific progesterone cytosol receptor in six human renal adenocarcinoma. The receptor has a low capacity but a high affinity, with a dissociation constant ranging between 0.13 and 3.72 × 10−9M. Comparison between the results of quantitative experiments obtained with d-Norgestrel and R5020 is reported.  相似文献   

In mice, male-typical preference for female olfactory cues results largely from sexually differentiated testosterone production. It is currently unclear on which cells and tissues testosterone acts to produce male-typical preference for female olfactory cues. To further address the site of androgen action on olfactory preference, we have developed a loxP-based transgenic mouse that overexpresses androgen receptors (AR) only when activated by Cre. We used this transgene to overexpress AR globally in all tissues using a CMV-Cre driver and a Nestin-Cre driver to overexpress AR selectively in neural tissue. We then examined olfactory preference in transgenic and wildtype (Wt) littermates by simultaneously exposing animals to female-soiled, male-soiled and clean bedding. Ubiquitous overexpression of AR in CMV-AR mice increased preference for male bedding, whereas neural-specific AR overexpression in Nestin-AR transgenic mice did not differ from wildtype siblings in olfactory preference. Neural activation of olfactory brain areas in response to female-soiled bedding was also evaluated in these mice by measuring FOS immunoreactivity. This revealed a decrease in neural activity along the accessory olfactory pathway that accompanied the decrease in preference for female odors in CMV-AR males, compared to both Nestin-AR and Wt male siblings. Together, results indicate that androgens act via non-neural AR to mediate olfactory preference and neural responses to olfactory stimuli, and further suggest that AR in non-neural tissues can promote androphilic odor preferences in male mice.  相似文献   

Specific receptor for endothelin in cultured rat cardiocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Specific binding sites for the endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor endothelin (ET) and its effect on cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations [( Ca2+]i) were studied in a primary culture of cardiocytes from neonatal rats. Binding studies using 125I-labeled-porcine ET as a radioligand revealed the presence of a single class of high-affinity binding sites for ET in cardiocytes with an apparent Kd of 6-9 x 10(-10) M and a Bmax of 50,000-80,000 sites/cell. Neither various vasoconstrictors nor Ca2+-channel blockers affected the binding. Pretreatment with ET substantially reduced the total number of ET receptors without changing their affinity. ET dose-dependently increased [Ca2+]i in fura-2-loaded cardiocytes. These data indicate that cardiocytes have specific ET receptors that are controlled by a down-regulation mechanism, and that ET induces a receptor-mediated increase in [Ca2+]i in cardiocytes.  相似文献   

The transpulmonary speed of sound input at the mouth has been shown to vary with lung volume. To avoid the disadvantages that exist in certain clinical situations in inputting sound at the mouth, we input sound in the supraclavicular space of 21 healthy volunteers to determine whether similar information on the relationship of sound speed to lung volume could be obtained. We measured the transit time at multiple microphones placed over the chest wall using a 16-channel lung sound analyzer (Stethographics). There was a tight distribution of transit times in this population of subjects. At functional residual capacity, it was 9 +/- 1 (SD) ms at the apical sites and 13 +/- 1 ms at the lung bases. The sound speed at total lung capacity was 24 +/- 2 m/s and was 22 +/- 2 m/s at residual volume (P < 0.001). In all subjects, the speed of sound was faster at higher lung volume. This improved method of studying the mechanism of sound transmission in the lung may help in the development of noninvasive tools for diagnosis and monitoring of lung diseases.  相似文献   

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