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A facile method for the formation of covalent bonds between protein molecules is zero length cross-linking. This method enables the formation of cross-links without use of any chemical reagents. Here, we report a cross-linking method for lysozyme and some structural studies as well as catalytic activity assay was performed on lysozyme dimer. The results showed that catalytic activity of lysozyme dimer was the same as monomer. Also, the GdnCl-induced equilibrium unfolding of hen egg-white lysozyme monomer and dimer at pH 2 was studied over a temperature range of 290.7-303.2 K by means of CD spectroscopy. The lack of coincidence between two unfolding curves at 222 and 289 nm in lysozyme dimer was observed, which suggested the existence of intermediate state in unfolding process, while lysozyme monomer showed a single cooperative transition. Thus, the thermodynamic parameters were estimated on the basis of two-state mechanism for lysozyme monomer and three-state one for lysozyme dimer. These results indicated that zero length cross-linking can stabilize the intermediate, so the population of intermediate increased. Our results offer a special opportunity to study the role of intermediates in protein folding mechanisms. In addition thermal unfolding of monomer and dimer in 222 nm was achieved.  相似文献   

Assignments for 1H NMR resonances of 121 of the 129 residues of hen egg white lysozyme have been obtained by sequence-specific methods. Spin systems were identified with phase-sensitive two-dimensional (2-D) correlated spectroscopy and single and double relayed coherence transfer spectroscopy. For key types of amino acid residues, particularly alanine, threonine, valine, and glycine, complete spin systems were identified. For other residues a less complete definition of the spin system was found to be adequate for the purpose of sequential assignment. Sequence-specific assignments were achieved by phase-sensitive 2-D nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY). Exploitation of the wide range of hydrogen exchange rates found in lysozyme was a useful approach to overcoming the problem of spectral overlap. The sequential assignment was built up from 21 peptide segments ranging in length from 2 to 13 residues. The NOESY spectra were also used to provide information about the secondary structure of the protein in solution. Three helical regions and two regions of beta-sheet were identified from the NOESY data; these regions are identical with those found in the X-ray structure of hen lysozyme. Slowly exchanging amides are generally correlated with hydrogen bonding identified in the X-ray structure; a number of exceptions to this general trend were, however, found. The results presented in this paper indicate that highly detailed information can be obtained from 2-D NMR spectra of a protein that is significantly larger than those studied previously.  相似文献   

The complete assignment of the aromatic proton nuclear magnetic resonances of the three tyrosine residues in hen lysozyme is reported. These assignments were made using double resonance techniques, specific chemical modifications of one residue (Tyr-23), and by interpretation of the effects of paramagnetic lanthanide ions. Some aspects of the behaviour of the tyrosine residues are reported, including pK values, reactivity towards modifying agents and conformational mobility.  相似文献   

1H and 15N NMR study of human lysozyme.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 15N signal assignment of human lysozyme was carried out by using 1H-1H and 1H-15N two dimensional experiments. To solve the severe overlap problem of the NH signals, uniform labeling of the protein with 15N was introduced. The uniformly 15N labeled protein was prepared using a high-expression system of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. From the analyses of 1H and 15N NMR spectra, all of the backbone 15N signals of the molecule were assigned to each specific residue in the amino acid sequence. Recently published proton signal assignments [Redfield & Dobson (1990) Biochemistry, 29, 7201-7214] were confirmed by these complementary data. In addition, assignments were extended to side chain 15NH2 groups of asparagine and glutamine. Elements of secondary structure were deduced from the pattern of sequential and medium-range NOE connectivities. Two beta-sheets and four alpha-helices could be identified in the protein, which were in good agreement with those determined by X-ray crystallography. The interaction between human lysozyme and its inhibitor N-acetyl-chitotriose was investigated by 15N-1H HMQC spectra. Most of the 15N-NH cross-peaks in the spectra were separated well enough to be followed during the titration experiment. Residues whose NH proton signals decrease in intensity upon complex formation, are located mainly around subsites B, C, and D. Local conformational changes were observed around the fourth helix adjacent to the cleft of human lysozyme.  相似文献   

NvAssign: protein NMR spectral assignment with NMRView   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) protein studies rely on the accurate assignment of resonances. The general procedure is to (1) pick peaks, (2) cluster data from various experiments or spectra, (3) assign peaks to the sequence and (4) verify the assignments with the spectra. Many algorithms already exist for automating the assignment process (step 3). What is lacking is a flexible interface to help a spectroscopist easily move from clustering (step 2) to assignment algorithms (step 3) and back to verification of the algorithm output with spectral analysis (step 4). RESULTS: A software module, NvAssign, was written for use with NMRView. It is a significant extension of the previous CBCA module. The module provides a flexible interface to cluster data and interact with the existing assignment algorithms. Further, the software module is able to read the results of other algorithms so that the data can be easily verified by spectral analysis. The generalized interface is demonstrated by connecting the clustered data with the assignment algorithms PACES and MONTE using previously assigned data for the lyase domain of DNA polymerase lambda. The spectral analysis program NMRView is now able to read the output of these programs for simplified analysis and verification. AVAILABILITY: NvAssign is available from http://dir.niehs.nih.gov/dirnmr/nvassign  相似文献   

Resonances of over 20 of the most slowly exchanging amide hydrogens have been identified and assigned in the 1H NMR spectrum of hen lysozyme. This was achieved by combining information about spin-spin coupling patterns with nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements. A computer-based search program was used to permit the assumptions and constraints in this procedure to be closely defined and to reveal possible ambiguities. In addition, experimental values of coupling constants were compared with values calculated on the basis of the torsion angles found in the crystal structure. The close correlation between these gave further confidence in the assignment procedures and provided information concerning the nature of fluctuations about the average solution structure. The very slowly exchanging amide hydrogens are largely buried in alpha-helical and beta-sheet regions of the protein structure.  相似文献   

Human lysozyme has a structure similar to that of hen lysozyme and differs in amino acid sequence by 51 out of 129 residues with one insertion at the position between 47 and 48 in hen lysozyme. The backbone dynamics of free or (NAG)3-bound human lysozyme has been determined by measurements of 15N nuclear relaxation. The relaxation data were analyzed using the Lipari-Szabo formalism and were compared with those of hen lysozyme, which was already reported (Mine S et al.. 1999, J Mol Biol 286:1547-1565). In this paper, it was found that the backbone dynamics of free human and hen lysozymes showed very similar behavior except for some residues, indicating that the difference in amino acid sequence did not affect the behavior of entire backbone dynamics, but the folded pattern was the major determinant of the internal motion of lysozymes. On the other hand, it was also found that the number of residues in (NAG)3-bound human and hen lysozymes showed an increase or decrease in the order parameters at or near active sites on the binding of (NAG)3, indicating the increase in picosecond to nanosecond. These results suggested that the immobilization of residues upon binding (NAG)3 resulted in an entropy penalty and that this penalty was compensated by mobilizing other residues. However, compared with the internal motions between both ligand-bound human and hen lysozymes, differences in dynamic behavior between them were found at substrate binding sites, reflecting a subtle difference in the substrate-binding mode or efficiency of activity between them.  相似文献   

The two histidines of the insulin monomer play a vital role in the organization of insulin into insulin hexamers. The B10 histidines bind to zinc to form two-zinc insulin hexamer, and both the B5 and B10 histidines are implicated in the formation of four-zinc insulin hexamer. These two histidines are both accessible to solvent in the dimeric form of insulin, the predominant species present at pH 2–3. In the present work we report the first 500-MHz1H NMR studies of insulin. At this frequency all four proton resonances from the two histidines of each equivalent monomer are resolved. The resonances are assigned to the C(2)- and C(4)-imidazole protons of B5 His and B10 His employing Carr-Purcell pulse sequences to detect singlets and to observe approximateT 2 relaxation times. Zinc-free bovine insulin at pH 2.9 was examined at temperatures up to 60°C in acetate buffer and in urea of varying concentrations. The environments of B5 His in molecule I and molecule II of the dimer must be the same, with the same being true for B10 His, since a total of only four sharp resonances are seen. Our assignments for the two C(2) protons are consistent with those determined from recent studies of human (B5 Ala) insulin.  相似文献   

A J Wand  S W Englander 《Biochemistry》1986,25(5):1100-1106
The 1H resonances of 11 sequential amino acids in the N-terminal helix of horse ferrocytochrome c were studied by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. All the main-chain protons from Lys-5 through Ala-15 and many of the side-chain protons were assigned. J-Correlated spectroscopy (COSY) was used to distinguish protons on neighboring bonds and to recognize amino acid types. Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) was used to define spatially contiguous protons and to determine amino acid sequence neighbors. The relayed coherence experiment (relay COSY) was used to resolve many ambiguities in intraresidue J-coupled connectivities and interresidue NOE connectivities. This required no explicit knowledge of the solution structure. The pattern of NOEs found is consistent with a regular alpha helix between glycine-6 and lysine-13; H bonding continues at least through alanine-15 [see Wand, A.J., Roder, H., & Englander, S. W. (1986) Biochemistry (following paper in this issue)]. Chain disorder occurs at the N-terminus. There is no indication of significant spin diffusion among the backbone amide and alpha-protons of this 12.4-kilodalton protein even at the longest NOE mixing time used (140 ms).  相似文献   

The interaction between hen lysozyme and urea has been investigated using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chemical shift changes for resonances of a number of residues in the vicinity of the active site of the protein have been observed in the presence of urea prior to denaturation. These shifts are similar to those induced in the hen lysozyme spectrum by the specific binding of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) in site C of the active site cleft, indicating that urea and GlcNAc induce a similar conformational change in the enzyme. This implies that the conformational changes experienced by the enzyme on the binding of GlcNAc oligosaccharides are the consequence of interactions, possibly hydrogen bonding, involving the N-acetyl group of the sugar residue bound in site C, rather than the result of contacts between the protein and the pyranose rings of the oligosaccharides. This suggests that hen lysozyme employs an induced fit type mechanism to discriminate for N-acetylated saccharides as substrates.  相似文献   

Assignments in the 1H NMR spectrum for more than 120 resonances arising from 38 of the 130 amino acid residues of human lysozyme are presented. Assignments have been achieved using a combination of one and two-dimensional NMR techniques. Two-dimensional double-quantum correlated spectroscopy and relayed coherence transfer spectroscopy were found to be particularly useful for the identification of spin systems in the aromatic and methyl regions of the spectrum. These spin systems were assigned to specific residues in human lysozyme with reference to the X-ray crystal structure using one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) data and a computer-based search procedure. Unique assignments were found for resonances of 27 amino acid residues even when a distance constraint on NOE effects of 0.7 nm was used in the search procedure; for the remaining residues closer constraints or additional information were required. The assignments include all but one of the resonances in the aromatic region of the spectrum and all the methyl group resonances in the region upfield of 0.6 ppm. The assignments presented here provide a basis for a comparison of the NMR spectra of human lysozyme and the more widely studied hen lysozyme.  相似文献   

Three-bond 3JHN alpha coupling constants have been determined for 106 residues and 3J alpha beta coupling constants have been measured for 57 residues of the 129-residue protein hen egg white lysozyme. These NMR data have been compared with torsion angles defined in the tetragonal and the triclinic crystal forms of the protein. For most residues the measured 3JHN alpha values were consistent with the phi torsion angles found in both crystal forms; the RMS difference between the coupling constants calculated by using the tetragonal crystal structure phi angles and the experimental 3JHN alpha values is 0.88 Hz. Thus there appears to be no significant averaging of the phi torsion angle either in the interior or at the surface of the protein. For 41 of the residues where 3J alpha beta coupling constants have been determined, the values are consistent with a single staggered conformation about the chi 1 torsion angle and there is complete agreement between the NMR data in solution and the torsion angles defined in the crystalline state. In contrast, for the other 16 residues where 3J alpha beta coupling constant values have been measured, the data indicate extensive motional averaging about the chi 1 torsion angle. These residues occur largely on the surface of the protein and examination of the crystal structures shows that many of these residues adopt a different conformation in the triclinic and tetragonal crystal forms and have high crystallographic temperature factors. It appears, however, that in solution conformational flexibility of the side chains of surface residues is significantly more pronounced than in individual crystal structures.  相似文献   

Haliloglu T  Bahar I 《Proteins》1999,37(4):654-667
An analytical approach based on Gaussian network model (GNM) is proposed for predicting the rotational dynamics of proteins. The method, previously shown to successfully reproduce X-ray crystallographic temperature factors for a series of proteins is extended here to predict bond torsional mobilities and reorientation of main chain amide groups probed by 15N-H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation. The dynamics of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) in the folded state is investigated using the proposed approach. Excellent agreement is observed between theoretical results and experimental (X-ray diffraction and NMR relaxation) data. The analysis reveals the important role of coupled rotations, or cross-correlations between dihedral angle librations, in defining the relaxation mechanism on a local scale. The crystal and solution structures exhibit some differences in their local motions, but their global motions are identical. Hinge residues mediating the cooperative movements of the alpha- and beta-domains are identified, which comprise residues in helix C, Glu35 and Ser36 on the loop succeeding helix B, Ile55 and Leu56 at the turn between strands II and III. The central part of the beta-domain long loop and the turn between strands I and II display an enhanced mobility. Finally, kinetically hot residues and key interactions are identified, which point at helix B and beta-strand III as the structural elements underlying the stability of the tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Q X Hua  M A Weiss 《Biochemistry》1990,29(46):10545-10555
2D 1H NMR studies are presented of des-pentapeptide-insulin, an analogue of human insulin lacking the C-terminal five residues of the B chain. Removal of these residues, which are not required for function, is shown to reduce conformational broadening previously described in the spectrum of intact insulin [Weiss et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 9855-9873]. This difference presumably reflects more rapid internal motions in the fragment, which lead to more complete averaging of chemical shifts on the NMR time scale. Sequential 1H NMR assignment and preliminary structural analysis demonstrate retention in solution of the three alpha-helices observed in the crystal state and the relative orientation of the receptor-binding surfaces. These studies provide a foundation for determining the solution structure of insulin.  相似文献   

The 1H NMR spectrum of human transforming growth factor alpha (hTGF-alpha) has been completely assigned, and secondary structural elements have been identified as a preliminary step in determining the structure of this protein by distance geometry methods. Many of these structural elements closely correspond to those previously found in a truncated human EGF [Cooke et al. (1987) Nature (London) 327, 339-341] and murine EGF [Montelione et al. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 5226-5230]. These include the presence of an antiparallel beta-sheet between residues G19 and C34 with a type I beta-turn at V25-D28, a type II beta-turn at H35-Y38, and another short beta-sheet between residues Y38-V39 and H45-A46.  相似文献   

Three synthetic polyamine analogs, alpha-methylspermine, and alpha,alpha'-dimethylspermine, were compared with their naturally occurring counterparts, spermidine and spermine, by two different spectral techniques. The interaction of polyamines with oligodeoxynucleotides was measured by circular dichroism in order to monitor the polyamine-induced conversion of right-handed B-DNA to the left-handed Z-form. The methylated analogs were shown to be equally effective as the natural polyamines in inducing the B --> Z transition. The pH dependence of the chemical shift of all carbon atoms in each of the five polyamines was measured by (13)C-NMR spectroscopy. With the exception of expected changes in chemical shift due to the presence of the alpha-methyl substituents, the chemical shifts and pH dependence of all carbon atoms in the three alpha-methyl polyamines were similar to the corresponding naturally occurring polyamines. The combined data indicate that alpha-methyl polyamines have physical properties that are very similar to their natural counterparts. The two metabolically stable polyamine analogs, alpha-methylspermidine and alpha,alpha'-dimethylspermine, are therefore useful surrogates for spermidine and spermine in the study of numerous polyamine-mediated effects in mammalian cell cultures and can be used in such studies without the requirement for coadministration of amine oxidase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Floridoside (2-O-alpha-D-galactopyranosylglycerol) was extracted from the red marine alga Rhodymenia palmata, and purified by ion-exchange chromatography: 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy experiments were used to unambiguously assign the complete 1H and 13C spectra.  相似文献   

D L Di Stefano  A J Wand 《Biochemistry》1987,26(23):7272-7281
The 1H resonances of human ubiquitin were studied by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. A recently introduced assignment algorithm termed the main chain directed (MCD) assignment [Englander, S. W., & Wand, A. J. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 5953-5958] was applied. This approach relies on an ordered series of searches for prescribed patterns of connectivities in two-dimensional J-correlated and nuclear Overhauser effect spectra and centers on the dipolar interactions involving main-chain amide NH, alpha-CH, and beta-CH. Unlike the sequential assignment procedure, the MCD approach does not rest upon definition of side-chain J-coupled networks and is generally not sequential with the primary sequence of the protein. The various MCD patterns and the general algorithm are reiterated and applied to the analysis of human ubiquitin. With this algorithm, the vast majority of amino acid residue amide NH-C alpha H-C beta H J-coupled subspin systems could be associated with and aligned within units of secondary structure without any knowledge of the identity of the side chains. This greatly simplified recognition of side-chain spin systems by restricting their identity. Essentially complete resonance assignments are presented. The MCD method is compared with the sequential assignment method in some detail. The MCD method is highly amenable to automation. Human ubiquitin is found, at pH 5.8 and 30 degrees C, to be composed of an extensive beta-sheet structure involving five strands. Three of these strands form an antiparallel set sharing a common strand and have a parallel orientation to two antiparallel strands. Two helical segments were also observed. The largest, spanning 13 residues, shows dipolar interactions consistent with an alpha-helix while the smaller 4-residue helical segment appears, on the basis of observed nuclear Overhauser effects, to be a 3(10) helix. Five classical tight turns could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA) spectra of the calcium-binding lysozyme from equine milk in native and nonnative states are measured and compared with those of the homologous proteins hen egg white lysozyme and bovine alpha-lactalbumin. The ROA spectrum of holo equine lysozyme at pH 4.6 and 22 degrees C closely resembles that of hen lysozyme in regions sensitive to backbone and side chain conformations, indicating similarity of the overall secondary and tertiary structures. However, the intensity of a strong positive ROA band at approximately 1340 cm(-1), which is assigned to a hydrated form of alpha helix, is more similar to that in the ROA spectrum of bovine alpha-lactalbumin than hen lysozyme and may be associated with the greater flexibility and calcium-binding ability of equine lysozyme and bovine alpha-lactalbumin compared with hen lysozyme. In place of a strong sharp positive ROA band at approximately 1300 cm(-1) in hen lysozyme that is assigned to an alpha helix in a more hydrophobic environment, equine lysozyme shows a broader band centered at approximately 1305 cm(-1), which may reflect greater heterogeneity in some alpha-helical sequences. The ROA spectrum of apo equine lysozyme at pH 4.6 and 22 degrees C is almost identical to that of the holo protein, which indicates that loss of calcium has little influence on the backbone and side chain conformations, including the calcium-binding loop. From the similarity of their ROA spectra, the A state at pH 1.9 and both 2 and 22 degrees C and the apo form at pH 4.5 and 48 degrees C, which are partially folded denatured (molten globule or state A) forms of equine lysozyme, have similar structures that the ROA suggests contain much hydrated alpha helix. The A state of equine lysozyme is shown by these results to be more highly ordered than that of bovine alpha-lactalbumin, the ROA spectrum of which has more features characteristic of disordered states. A positive tryptophan ROA band at approximately 1551 cm(-1) in the native holo protein disappears in the A state, which is probably due to the presence of nonnative conformations of the tryptophans associated with a previously identified cluster of hydrophobic residues.  相似文献   

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