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Intact and wounded shoots of in vitro cultured potato were investigated in situ to determine how their phototropic (PT) bending capacity was affected by water availability and exogenous auxin supplementation. Wounding strongly decreased PT bending but it recovered upon supplementation of water, auxin or both. Intact shoots required neither water nor auxin, while shoot segments required both. Shoot cuttings required only water, while, like shoot segments, decapitated shoots had a strong requirement for auxin. Water supplementation was beneficial in all treatments and PT bending was not affected in cultures that were submerged in water for a short period. Sucrose and inorganic salts present in the medium strongly affected PT bending capacity of cultures, favouring combinations with lower concentrations of both. Sucrose alone strongly promoted PT bending up to a concentration of 5%. Osmotic shock induced by the addition of small volumes of highly concentrated carbohydrate solutions (sucrose, glucose or sorbitol) induced a rapid but transient decline in PT bending capacity. These results indicate that water availability is a major factor that affects PT bending in potato plantlets.  相似文献   

The effect of mannitol on different genotypes of potato was studied in callus and plantlet culture. In vitro responses of five potato genotypes with well-known field behaviour to water deficit were analysed. After a 4-week-long cultivation on media containing mannitol up to 0.8 M, different morpho-physiological parameters were determined and statistically analysed. The useful concentration of mannitol for in vitro screening the osmotic tolerance of different genotypes depended on the type of culture; it was 0.4 M in plantlet-test and 0.8 M in callus-test. In callus-test the relative increase of callus mass was a useful parameter for determination of osmotic tolerance of genotypes at cellular level. In plantlet culture, stress index calculated from the rate of surviving in vitro shoots, number and length of roots per surviving explant and the rate of rooted explants were applicable to determine three groups according to the tolerant, medium tolerant and sensitive categories in agreement with the field behaviour of these genotypes. Under in vitro stress conditions we were able to distinguish the examined genotypes with different drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Plants under continuous light   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Continuous light is an essential tool for understanding the plant circadian clock. Additionally, continuous light might increase greenhouse food production. However, using continuous light in research and practice has its challenges. For instance, most of the circadian clock-oriented experiments were performed under continuous light; consequently, interactions between the circadian clock and the light signaling pathway were overlooked. Furthermore, in some plant species continuous light induces severe injury, which is only poorly understood so far. In this review paper, we aim to combine the current knowledge with a modern conceptual framework. Modern genomic tools and rediscovered continuous light-tolerant tomato species (Solanum spp.) could boost the understanding of the physiology of plants under continuous light.  相似文献   

Tzan-Chain Lee  Ban-Dar Hsu 《Protoplasma》2014,251(5):1201-1211
To find out how microalgae cope with heat stress, the small vegetative cells of a synchronous Scenedesmus vacuolatus culture were subjected to heat treatment and then cultured under continuous illumination. The heat-treated cells were found first to enter a degenerative intermediate stage with low cellular activities almost right after the start of the cultivation, which was then followed by a revival. The changes in physiological activities and morphology of the treated cells throughout the whole period of regeneration were explored. The variations in cellular DNA content and protein composition were also investigated. Stressed cells at the end of the degeneration stage were completely bleached and were also characterized by condensed but undegraded chromatin, partially disintegrated chloroplasts but with the thylakoid membrane system retained, partially operating mitochondria, intact plasma membranes, and a dramatically changed profile of cellular proteins. All of our data indicate they were still alive but in a different physiological state than the control cells. Recovery started with regeneration of mitochondrial cristae and redispersion of chromatins. These were followed by regreening and resuscitation of chloroplasts, which often started from one part of a thylakoid membrane system and then spread out. This study provided a unicellular model for studying how plant cells react to a period of stress and recover.  相似文献   

Rhodospirillum rubrum was grown continuously and photoheterotrophically under light limitation using a cylindrical photobioreactor in which the steady state biomass concentration was varied between 0.4 to 4 kg m–3 at a constant radiant incident flux of 100 W m–2. Kinetic and stoichiometric models for the growth are proposed. The biomass productivities, acetate consumption rate and the CO2 production rate can be quantitatively predicted to a high level of accuracy by the proposed model calculations. Nomenclature: C X, biomass concentration (kg m–3) D, dilution rate (h–1) Ea, mean mass absorption coefficient (m2 kg–1) I , total available radiant light energy (W m–2) K, half saturation constant for light (W m–2) R W, boundary radius defining the working illuminated volume (m) r X, local biomass volumetric rate (kg m–3 h–1) <r X>, mean volumetric growth rate (kg m–3 h–1) V W, illuminated working volume in the PBR (m–3). Greek letters: , working illuminated fraction (–) M, maximum quantum yield (–) bar, mean energetic yield (kg J–1).  相似文献   

Current trends in the application of bioindication methods are related to the use of submersible tools that perform real‐time measurements directly in the studied aquatic environment. The methods based on the registration of changes in the behavioral responses of zooplankton, in particular Crustaceans, which make up the vast majority of the biomass in water areas, seem quite promising. However, the multispecies composition of natural planktonic biocenoses poses the need to consider the potential difference in the sensitivity of organisms to pollutants.This paper describes laboratory studies of the phototropic response of plankton to attracting light. The studies were carried out on a model natural community that in equal amounts includes Daphnia magna, Daphnia pulex, and Cyclops vicinus, as well as on the monoculture groups of these species. The phototropic response was initiated by the attracting light with a wavelength of 532 nm close to the local maximum of the reflection spectrum of chlorella microalgae. Standard potassium bichromate was used as the model pollutant.The largest phototropic response value is registered in the assemblage. The concentration growth rate of crustaceans in the illuminated volume was 4.5 ± 0.3 ind (L min)−1. Of the studied species, the phototropic response was mostly expressed in Daphnia magna (3.7 ± 0.4 ind (L min)−1), while in Daphnia pulex, it was reduced to 2.4 ± 0.2 ind (L min)−1, and in Cyclops vicinus, it was very small—0.16 ± 0.02 ind (L min)−1. This is caused by peculiar trophic behavior of phyto‐ and zoophages. The addition of a pollutant, namely potassium bichromate, caused a decrease in the concentration rate of crustaceans in the attracting light zone, while a dose‐dependent change in phototropic responses was observed in a group of species and the Daphnia magna assemblage.The results of laboratory studies showed high potential of using the phototropic response of zooplankton to monitor the quality of its habitat thus ensuring the early diagnostics of water pollution. Besides, the paper shows the possibility of quantifying the phototropic response of zooplankton using submersible digital holographic cameras (DHC).  相似文献   

Under natural conditions, photosynthesis has to be adjusted to fluctuating light intensities.Leaves exposed to high light dissipate excess light energy in form of heat at photosystem II(PSII) by a process called non-photochemical quenching(NPQ). Upon fast transition from light to shade, plants lose light energy by a relatively slow relaxation from photoprotection. Combined overexpression of violaxanthin de-epoxidase(VDE), PSII subunit S(PsbS) and zeaxanthin epoxidase(ZEP) in tobacco accelerates ...  相似文献   

Larval Typhlotriton spelaeus collected from five caves in Pulaski Co., Missouri, were kept as larvae or induced to transform in darkness or continuous fluorescent illumination. Larvae maintained in darkness for 215 and 279 days had smaller eyes, smaller rod inner and outer segments, and fewer metaphase figures in the genninative zone of the neural retina than comparable larvae maintained in light (258 lux). Except for visual cell size, differences were small and for each characteristic exceptions were observed. One larva kept in light showed early retinal degeneration comparable to that in transformed adults of T. spelaeus. All larvae exhibited optomotor behavior both before and after the experiment. Among animals induced to transform by L-thyroxin and maintained in darkness 111 to 366 days, visual cell and pigment epithelium degeneration was more extensive and more frequent than in animals kept for the same length of time in light (237-298 lux). In darkness the frequency of animals with retinal degeneration increased between 111 and 366 days. In light some animals exhibited pigment epithelium reduction with normal visual cells, and others had free, pigmented cells in the subretinal space. These effects were not comparable to degeneration in darkness. Eyelids covered the eyes of only a few animals in both light and dark treatments. The extent of eyelid encroachment over the eye was greater in darkness than in light. Most animals exhibited optomotor responses after experiments, but responses of animals kept in darkness were impaired in comparison to those of animals kept in light.  相似文献   

Potato tubers ( Solanum tubersoum cvs Bintje and King Edward). never exposed to light, lack chlorophyllous pigments. Continuous irradiation results in chlorophyll (Chl) formation and induces the ability for protochlorophyll (Pchl) formation when the tubers are brought back to darkness. Pigment synthesis takes place in both blue and red light, but blue light is more effective than red in starting the greening process. The pigment formation is strongest in the layers just below the periderm with a steep gradient inwards. Small amounts of Chl formed after irradiation. slowly fade away during extended darkness. However, the Chl formed after long time of irradiation is remarkably stable. Irradiated potatoes, placed in darkness, form Pchl with a fluorescence emission peak at 633 nm. A maximal level is reached after ca 7 days. Resolution of the Pchl spectrum suggests the presence of small amounts of a pigment with an emission maximum at around 642 nm. No sign of the Pchl with emission maximum at 657 nm, which dominates in etiolated leaves, is found. A faint Chl fluorescence indicates that some Pchl, probably the 642 nm form, is phototransformed into Chl in weak light. The Chl formation in the potato tuber is discussed in relation to that of roots and leaves.  相似文献   

Continuous darkness decreases spermatogenesis as well as Leydig cell function whereas continuous illumination suppresses spermatogenesis along with increased Leydig cell activity.  相似文献   

In short-term field trials at combinations of ambient temperature (°C) and insolation (W·m−2), larval Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Say] [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae]) were observed after their release on the adaxial surface of leaflets on potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. Solanaceae). The larvae either began feeding or moved under the leaflet; mean interval from release to expression of these behaviors (2.9±0.05 min [n =358]) was independent of air temperature and insolation. Proportion of larvae moving under the leaflet increased logistically with both air temperature and insolation. A 1 W·m−2 change in insolation (P) evoked the same effect on this proportion as a 0.0838 °C change in air temperature (T a ), so the two quantities were combined as T*=T a +P·0.0838 °C/(W·m−2), which has units of °C. The proportion of larvae moving under the leaflet increased logistically with T*. In 1-day field trials we monitored air temperature, insolation and proportion of larvae under the leaflet, and compared the latter to predictions from the logistic regression derived from the short-term trials. Consistently more larvae occurred under leaflets than predicted from the logistic regression; this bias diminished as T* increased until at T*≥40 °C, observed and predicted proportions were equal. This pattern of deviation from the predictions of the logistic regression is consistent with a thermoregulatory strategy in which larvae move away from hostile conditions, rather than seek optimal conditions.  相似文献   

Rats were kept for about seven weeks in continuous light or darkness. The oxygen consumption and glucose consumption by the isolated small intestine were determined. Data were compared to those of control animals kept under a light-dark cycle. Continuous exposure to light resulted in a 21% increase in anaerobic glycolysis. Continuous exposure to darkness increased anaerobic glycolysis by 18 and 12% respectively.  相似文献   

To know the molecular systems basically flooding conditions in soybean, biophoton emission measurements and proteomic analyses were carried out for flooding-stressed roots under light and dark conditions. Photon emission was analyzed using a photon counter. Gel-free quantitative proteomics were performed to identify significant changes proteins using the nano LC–MS along with SIEVE software. Biophoton emissions were significantly increased in both light and dark conditions after flooding stress, but gradually decreased with continued flooding exposure compared to the control plants. Among the 120 significantly identified proteins in the roots of soybean plants, 73 and 19 proteins were decreased and increased in the light condition, respectively, and 4 and 24 proteins were increased and decreased, respectively, in the dark condition. The proteins were mainly functionally grouped into cell organization, protein degradation/synthesis, and glycolysis. The highly abundant lactate/malate dehydrogenase proteins were decreased in flooding-stressed roots exposed to light, whereas the lysine ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase bifunctional enzyme was increased in both light and dark conditions. Notably, however, specific enzyme assays revealed that the activities of these enzymes and biophoton emission were sharply increased after 3 days of flooding stress. This finding suggests that the source of biophoton emission in roots might involve the chemical excitation of electron or proton through enzymatic or non-enzymatic oxidation and reduction reactions. Moreover, the lysine ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase bifunctional enzyme may play important roles in responses in flooding stress of soybean under the light condition and as a contributing factor to biophoton emission.  相似文献   

The relationship between circadian rhythms in the blood plasma concentrations of melatonin and rhythms in locomotor activity was studied in adult male sheep (Soay rams) exposed to 16-week periods of short days (8 hr of light and 16 hr of darkness; LD 8:16) or long days (LD 16:8) followed by 16-week periods of constant darkness (dim red light; DD) or constant light (LL). Under both LD 8:16 and LD 16:8, there was a clearly defined 24-hr rhythm in plasma concentrations of melatonin, with high levels throughout the dark phase. Periodogram analysis revealed a 24-hr rhythm in locomotor activity under LD 8:16 and LD 16:8. The main bouts of activity occurred during the light phase. A change from LD 8:16 to LD 16:8 resulted in a decrease in the duration of elevated melatonin secretion (melatonin peak) and an increase in the duration of activity corresponding to the changes in the ratio of light to darkness. In all rams, a significant circadian rhythm of activity persisted over the first 2 weeks following transfer from an entraining photoperiod to DD, with a mean period of 23.77 hr. However, the activity rhythms subsequently became disorganized, as did the 24-hr melatonin rhythms. The introduction of a 1-hr light pulse every 24 hr (LD 1:23) for 2 weeks after 8 weeks under DD reinduced a rhythm in both melatonin secretion and activity: the end of the 1-hr light period acted as the dusk signal, producing a normal temporal association of the two rhythms. Under LL, the 24-hr melatonin rhythms were disrupted, though several rams still showed periods of elevated melatonin secretion. Significant activity rhythms were either absent or a weak component occurred with a period of 24 hr. The introduction of a 1-hr dark period every 24 hr for 2 weeks after 8 weeks under LL (LD 23:1) failed to induce or entrain rhythms in either of the parameters. The occurrence of 24-hr activity rhythm in some rams under LL may indicate nonphotoperiodic entrainment signals in our experimental facility. Reproductive responses to the changes in photoperiod were also monitored. After pretreatment with LD 8:16, the rams were sexually active; exposure to LD 16:8, DD, or LL resulted in a decline in all measures of reproductive function. The decline was slower under DD than LD 16:8 or LL.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In nature roots grow in the dark and away from light (negative phototropism). However, most current research in root biology has been carried out with the root system grown in the presence of light. Here, we have engineered a device, called Dark‐Root (D‐Root), to grow plants in vitro with the aerial part exposed to the normal light/dark photoperiod while the roots are in the dark or exposed to specific wavelengths or light intensities. D‐Root provides an efficient system for cultivating a large number of seedlings and easily characterizing root architecture in the dark. At the morphological level, root illumination shortens root length and promotes early emergence of lateral roots, therefore inducing expansion of the root system. Surprisingly, root illumination also affects shoot development, including flowering time. Our analyses also show that root illumination alters the proper response to hormones or abiotic stress (e.g. salt or osmotic stress) and nutrient starvation, enhancing inhibition of root growth. In conclusion, D‐Root provides a growing system closer to the natural one for assaying Arabidopsis plants, and therefore its use will contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in root development, hormonal signaling and stress responses.  相似文献   

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